#and they refused. like if i'm that fantastic of a fucking employee why on earth arent you letting me fix this
deadtower · 10 months
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hey y'all! so apparently you can be "otherwise a perfect employee" and "a literal blessing" (their words, not mine) but if one of the servers at your new job doesn't like you and tells management so, you get fired on the spot! LOL!
obviously, this is not sustainable for me. sooo until i get a new job (which should be soon — i already have some interviews scheduled), i'm going to need to open up commissions. the above are some examples of the art i do. they're $10 each + optional tip. i also do writing and resumes, the details of which can be found here, and i have a guide to getting hired at working class jobs for the low low price of $3 + optional tip here. to commission me, please just send an email to [email protected] and we can set something up!
i can also do beta reading + sensitivity reading (agender, bisexual, jewish) which is typically the same rates as my writing ($1 per 100 words).
as for my payment apps, if you'd like to be very, very kind and send me something, the green app is $deadtower, the blue app is @deadtower, and p*yp*l is here.
if y'all wouldn't mind spreading this around, i'd really appreciate it. not only am i trying to replace my stolen shoes and make utilities for this month, now i have to worry about rent for next month, so reblogging for signal boosting is much appreciated! thank you so much <3
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