#and then favor mediums which lend better to those ideals. and then when you look at art from other cultural traditions
ive said this before but so much of what Retvrn Freaks glorify in early modern european art are just components inherent to the mediums being used at the time as opposed to like. an example of heightened skill that has been supposedly Lost in these degenerate times.... oil paint just looks like that. its very tonal and rich and even an artist with mediocre rendering skills will have their rendering skills improved by painting in oil. old oil paintings took years to complete not because the artists doing them were very skilled but because oil takes months to dry and they built up subtle washes over dried paint. tracing was also commonly utilized during that time period, and artists also often had small armies of apprentices who would do the hard work for them with no credit. these huge highly tonal oil paintings become significantly less impressive when you actually learn about their context.
#this isnt to like. diss or hate on oil painters or even all art made in europe during that time period#there are lots of great artists from that time period#but i also dont think that sort of art is more valuable than any other artistic movement#and i think posing these two very culturally european mediums as like the Pinnacle of art is stupid#another issue which isnt really to do with what im talking about here is like cultural ideals surrounding art...#if youre educated in a western tradition youre sort of encouraged to idolize realism and its associated artistic skills#eg: (anatomical accuracy - rendering skills - perspective)#and then favor mediums which lend better to those ideals. and then when you look at art from other cultural traditions#where the focus may have been on something different like color or symbol or narrative over realism you sort of see them as “lesser”#or theres the assumption that the artists who made those pieces were worse at art or unable to make highly realistic pieces#which is of course nonsense and also often racist (eg. colonizers in west africa assuming there must have been a greek colony#there because they found realistic statues and couldnt understand how people who currently made more stylized art could have made them)#but you even see this in popular assumption about european art pre-enlightenment too#like all those memes making fun of medieval manuscript faces. they drew like that because the narrative was more important than the realism#because the artists drawing them were basically illustrating bible stories#medium at hand also has a big hand to play here. art made for woodcut is gonna look different to art made for fabric#and oil paints arent uniquely european but they arent as widespread as clay or textile
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dailyrothko · 6 years
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Bonus:  Mark Rothko, The Black Form Paintings, 1964- Alternate Scans
No 4
No 6
No 7
No 8
(I’m presenting this tonight with our collection of dark form paintings to give you a little perspective on the thought process that goes into selecting scans. It’s pretty dull stuff and for completists only!)
The black form paintings like their dark counterparts from1969, are part of the endless internet mystery that concerns how Rothko’s colors translate to the web. It’s notoriously hard to photograph Rothko paintings. Established museum catalogs will present a painting as blue instead of green or purple instead of black leaving us wondering what the true colors really are. For some very well-known Rothkos, multiple modern shots at exhibitions guide us, however, the majority of Rothkos reside in private collections and we usually only get one photo every 10 or 20 years of the rarer pieces, and even then we’re never sure how it would look to the naked eye. Compound this problem with the fact that Rothkos are, for the most part, very large. It’s impossible to distill the layers of color in an 8 by 10 foot painting when you’re viewing it at 4x5 inches.
Considering all this, the dark paintings Rothko favored mostly at the end of his life are very difficult to sort online. Rothko layered many colors to create these seemingly black and grey paintings. Purple and brown are the main undertones we see, but shades of blue, green and red also can appear in different photographs. The variation can be very entertaining for the art lover but when you’re trying to make a definitive collection,you have to choose what you can trust and basically make your best guess.
The late dark paintings of 1968-69 make some sense to us intuitively. Rothko was working more often in different mediums and his depression had grown and health was failing.  In addition, he had a long career of color experimentation. We can’t know why he chose to concentrate on these dark tonal works at the end of his life, but for me, if feels appropriate and conclusive.
This doesn’t apply to the 1964 set, however. This planned set of paintings was a big change following his earlier work and even a far cry from the loose purple and green calligraphy of the Harvard Murals.
In presenting the Black Form paintings over the years I’ve run this blog, I have updated and added scans as they became available. Besides the usual intuition , I have leaned on the Tate Gallery’s article (now incomplete) for guidance. A good deal of mystery remains, but we have a better idea than we used to.
The first scan here of  No 4, was popular in the early days of Daily Rothko. It’s a startling contrast to the painting we have currently and the casual observer would never know it was the same work. This more detailed look of the “ribs” is something I have seen in another scan. In addition, it’s very purple where our current scan is brown. It was difficult decision to replace it, but my thinking was that it was more accurate. First of all, I have become familiar with this look for Rothko photography where the paintings are photographed either with a flash or in a lot of direct light. This tends to bring form detail out, but when you see the paintings in person you get a much subtler sense of that exoskeleton. In addition, the new scan fit better with the other scans, one of which is also quite brown. This is not a matter of trying to create a harmonious tumblr post bit rather trying to look at these pictures in what would appear to be similar lighting. The brown hue has also been confirmed by a different scan, so I did not feel I was out of line.
The No 6 scan, is newer to me, and comes from a museum catalog. I will probably post is solo sometimes as I’m rather enchanted by the subtle purple and green overtones, lending a little bit of liquidity to the dark affair. It’s anyone’s guess if this is a more accurate version than the chosen scan, but the Tate article presented the green/grey version I am using. I felt their scholarship was a better default and certainly we’ve seen this green overtone in these paintings before. In fact, i have always thought this green-grey Rothko must be the missing Black Form painting, but I have no way of knowing so far if it was intended that way even though it’s the right look and year. At first I thought it was an alternate scan but the forms don’t seem to match our existing models.
The No 7 scan is intriguing in its detail and for the fact that there is a pronounced blue and more brush detail. I have been tempted at times to use this in the 7 slot but feel, again, that it’s like the no 4 scan above and looks lit differently and perhaps unrealistically. It’s a tough call with this one, though.
The No 8 scan here is interesting in the more pronounced red overtones, but again, I feel this is flash photography or to much direct light close on the painting.If you look at our No 8 in the working post, those reds are there but more naturally blended. I feel pretty good about this choice.
This year I will be getting newer scans that will perhaps again change our sense of some well known Rothko paintings and maybe offer us a few we’ve not yet seen online. I hope my followers a enjoy taking a moment here and there to glance at what I’ve shared as well as all the great art on the internet. Our preferred viewing methods may not be ideal, but we’re lucky to have the staggering amount of art that’s available to enrich our lives if we merely give it the time.
original set here
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palliddata · 7 years
The Wizard of Grog: The Scourge of Caster Supremacy
(This is by Elizabeth Lavenza and not by me)
Elizabeth “Linguafoeda Acheronsis” Lavenza Chances are, one of the first images that pops into your head when you think about Dungeons and Dragons is the classic lineup of a fighter, a wizard, and a thief exploring a dungeon and valiantly overcoming obstacles together (that is, if you aren’t a mid-90s fundamentalist christian who associates D&D with pagan orgies and human sacrifice). It’s a decent enough setup, and that combined with nostalgia and inertia have allowed it to persist as one of fantasy gaming’s most common templates. But if you ask an experienced D&D player to tell you how that setup has worked out for them, a lot of times their version will have the wizard (or cleric, or druid, both of which have been even more unbalancing) effortlessly blasting every obstacle out of the way while the fighter and the thief sigh and wonder if it’s too late to reroll. Their disappointment is understandable, not just because being useless isn’t much fun. None of the sources of inspiration- Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride, Conan the Barbarian, Berserk, and so on- that they’ve brought to the table would have prepared them for this problem. Most fantasy literature doesn’t have scenes where the knight and the rogue sit around playing cards while the wizard solves everything (then again, most good fantasy literature doesn’t have perfectly delineated archetyped parties). You’ve heard the horror stories. Order of the Stick wasn’t lying when it had a Druid tell a Rogue that he had special features more powerful than her entire class. I won’t spend that much time on 3e caster stories (google “codzilla” or “caster supremacy” if you’re curious), but I’ll provide a short explanation of why the problem persists, particularly in D&D and related systems, for those who haven’t encountered it before. Basically, when fighters level up they hit things for more damage and can take more damage, along with some other things. When casters level up they can pretty much control reality at will. Even beyond overpowered combos and obscure feats and munchkin builds, the simple fact remains that the class that lets you fly, turn invisible, teleport, shoot fire really well, and pretty much anything else is going to overshadow the one that hits things hard. To zero in on one particular example, there’s the legendary Druid Bear Singularity. Basically, a bear is often stat-for-stat a bit better than most Fighters of equivalent level. A Druid can have a bear companion, and also turn into a bear, meaning that a Druid with just those two basic features is equal to about 2.5 Fighters. And as the Druid levels up? They get more bears and stronger bears. They can also cast spells as a bear, and cast spells on their bears. This is when the math breaks down and the Druid becomes a Borg-like swarm of invincible magical bears. Before I go into the general types of solutions, I should note that things are getting better. While the problem persists within D&D, Pathfinder, and other D&D-3.5-derived systems (OSR games have a fair amount of variance, “meat-grinder” early addition-likes tend to have less of a problem with druidgods and wizardgods), due to fanbase stubbornness, it’s much less present outside of those systems, and that is due in no small part to the rise of storygaming and rules-light or rules-medium games. While the overarching reason comes down to these games being willing to do things differently, if we zero in we find that one of the most powerful tools for combatting caster supremacy is one that rules-light gaming uses frequently: focus. There is no one solution for the superwizard’s trap, and to avert it you have to start with the thing you should always start with: asking yourself what kind of stories you want to tell. Each of the potential approaches lends itself to certain types of stories and foci, and resistance to them comes from the enemy of focus: grognards wanting their preferred game to have everything they’re used to in it simultaneously. So, let’s go over the scenarios in which caster-induced redundancy isn’t a problem, and their relation to the central idea of focus. These solutions break down into two main groups: tone down the magic, or share the magic. The first of those is one that resonates most with what the classicists among the grognard host want. After all, how many times were battles in Middle-Earth won by an itinerant sorcerer blasting orcs away with magic missiles? Magic was restricted to a few individuals, or inherent powers of magical creatures, and even when they showed it off it was often rather subtle. The Game of Thrones setting, another grog favorite, also gives us a setting where magic is rare, scattered, and rarely as overt as flying bears or teleportation. It’s a completely valid approach: set up your system and story for a group of characters with no magical powers, or immensely limited and narrow magic, and things fall into place nicely. The knight, the archer, and the assassin will all have niches to fill, and they won’t have to worry about overshadowed by the druid if all the druid can do is perform long and complex rituals that allow them to see through the eyes of animals (as opposed to summoning invincible armies of them). Of course, sometimes magic has quite a lot of punch behind it, but there are still clear advantages to those who prefer more mundane methods. The idea that magic is dangerous and costly is bandied about quite a lot, but what consequences does the average D&D wizard face from throwing around spells all day, other than potential GM ire? And sure, the Vancian system can be a drag, but once those levels climb up Wizards build up more than enough contingencies, not to mention those with ways around it all together. If all magic required costly materials and/or long rituals, then being able to swing a sword, sneak, or shoot arrows or bullets well becomes a lot more useful, even if the magic has amazing capabilities. And, if you keep the principles of story and focus in mind, you can use that setup to generate plenty of potential plots and conflicts. Imagine how warfare looks- rival sorcerers preparing their rituals in the keeps of the patrons who supply them with their materials, while both sides send their companies of sellswords and assassins across the line to try to interrupt the other side’s big ritual. Again, it’s a more fun scenario than bear-summoning munchkinry solving everything. And what about the other kind of cost, genuine danger? Like most of these solutions for the caster problem, it’s shown up in plenty of stories. This approach has been explored in plenty of tabletop role playing games, too. Both versions of the Warhammer RPGs have magic wielders who can do some pretty amazing things…but actually doing those things is truly, actually dangerous, enough so that they aren’t things that can be relied upon to regularly solve problems. Unknown Armies, another great example, even explicitly states that magic is almost always much less useful than a gun in a combat situation, and that’s not even mentioning the massive costs it leverages on its practitioners. But the grog barrier keeps these approaches from working their way into D&D, as caster players are loathe to give up their cool powers, even if they insist they don’t want to render the nonmagical classes useless. The grog problem brings us to the opposing approach, where the system addresses the issue of godlike mages eclipsing warriors and thieves by giving the warriors and thieves godlike powers of their own. Dungeons and Dragons, in fact, has even made its own attempts to go down this path via the Tome of Battle, which provided several new martial classes with quasimystical powers. It wasn’t really the best supplement, especially since the new classes were essentially just better versions of existing classes, but the writers were in sort of an awkward situation since actually doing what they had set out to do would require rewriting quite a bit of the rules and core classes. But the negative feedback the book generated (the feedback that specifically bemoaned fighters having these abilities, not the way in which the book implemented them) was what made me realize the role of grog in keeping caster supremacy alive. Attempting to give martial classes their own ways to, for example, attack large groups or alter local terrain or fly will always provoke the “it’s too anime!” grog-whine, which is stupid on a number of levels. Even if one tries to see eye to eye with what people mean when they describe something as “too anime”, the fact remains that the idealized game as it exists in their heads can’t really existed without restricting casters far beyond what D&D does (see the previous paragraphs for information on this approach). They’ll often bring up that Conan or Drizzzzzzt (no, I’m not going to look up how many z’s he has) or so on and so never shot air blades out of their swords or flexed so hard things exploded, ignoring that these characters either existed in worlds with vastly different magic from their preferred game systems or had massive amounts of authorial fiat on their sides. Generally, the best way to get grognards to accept the “make fighters magic” approach is to bring up comparisons to mythology, where sorcerers were generally pushed out of focus in favor of demigods or magically enhanced warriors with enough musclepower to lift and throw mountains or fistfight storms. But even if you use this approach, you’ll still get complaints that it isn’t gritty enough, or that it makes it hard to run standard dungeon crawls, and so on. But caster supremacy is a problem that can only be fixed with genuine change. You can’t have that specific kind of team-based gritty dungeon delving if one party member has nearly unrestricted godlike powers, and if you want to have party members with that level of power, the other players should be able to reach it to, even if that means basing your world around a unified system of supernatural power that can harnessed by warriors as well as sorcerers, or putting the whole thing in terms of mythical dream-logic where being good enough at something like weaving or lying means you can apply it to abstract concepts (as an aside, Exalted does do the “mythic” approach fairly well, and there are plenty of games like Don’t Rest Your Head or most permutations of World of Darkness where it’s assumed that each member of the party has their own formidable reserve of supernatural power). Narrative-based powers provide a more subtle way to balancing, by giving characters an in-game ability to invoke the narrative tropes that help fighters and rogues equal casters in fantasy literature. PBTA systems are particularly good at this, but it’s something that’s been worked into an increasing number of systems.
Of course, there are countless permutations of these approaches. For example, you could run D&D 3e without many changes, as long as you gave up on pretending it was balanced and only allowed parties of equally-powerful classes, and constructed a setting in which magic-wielding demigods rule over mere mortals with their puny swords and bows. And, of course, you need to have a group of players who want to explore the ramifications of a setting where politics are dominated by human superweapons, rather than players who want to be Conan or Aragorn. Ironically, even the kind of dungeon-crawling stories associated with D&D acquire focus and planning to establish, and aren’t particularly well-served by God-Wizards and require a willingness to accept system refinement and storygaming to bring to their full potential. But fear of change and idealization of the past gets in the way, as always. In conclusion, fucking grognards. In a more serious conclusion, you can’t fix a problem if you keep doing the same things and expect them to work, and you can’t do everything at once. The start point for tabletop gaming should almost always be “what kind of story do we want to tell together”. Even if the kind of story you want to tell is based on your ideal of classic D&D or an amalgam of various fantasy literature you’ve absorbed, you still need to set things up to focus the story on that. If you want to use teamwork to crawl dungeons or fight evil hordes, you need a game that’s built for teamwork, and not endless swarms of magic bears making all the other players redundant. About the author: Elizabeth Lavenza is a lizard who can type. More information possibly to come.
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Beauty Basics - Blush
Blush, also known as rouge, or blusher, has been a long-favored part of makeup that has existed for a lot of years. Like, twelve years at least. This article by Lauren Maas via Into the Gloss gives a fascinating glimpse of the origins and evolution of blush through the ages starting in ancient Egypt and continuing through Europe. Sadly I haven’t been able to find a piece on blush throughout Asia and other cultures. If you’re reading this and know of a good link, share below!
Simply put, blush is used to mimic a natural flush in the cheeks, which has long been attributed to youth and health. There are many schools of thought on how to use blush, which inevitably varies between different subcultures and styles, but for the novice makeup user just looking for a place to start, there are a few basic guidelines and goof-proof methods of applying blush to achieve that fresh, flattering glow.
Pick Your Color
While there are really no rules on what color you choose for your blush, certain skin tones may find they like certain shades better than others. According to Allure, the most flattering blush shades for each skin tone are as follows:
Fair skin - baby pink, peach, sheer plum
Medium skin - apricot, mauve, berry
Olive skin - orangey peach, rose, bronze
Deep skin - raisin, brick, tangerine
Is this helpful? Yes? Maybe? Not at all? Another method of finding the ideal blush shade is considering your skin’s undertone. Makeup Geek’s Marlena Stell did an in depth video last year on how you can determine what your skin’s undertone is, meaning whether you’re warm-toned or cool-toned, and she even talks about what shades of blushes would work best for each (warm colors for cool-toned, cool colors for warm-toned).
There are also finishes to consider. Many prefer a matte finish if they’re using shimmery makeup elsewhere on the face, and they don’t want to overdo it. That said, if you’re going for a fresh, natural look, having a bit of shimmer can give you that “glow from within” that is very flattering. So basically, if you’re going over the top elsewhere, choose a matte, if you’re not doing all that much, a shimmery blush is fine.
If this still doesn’t help you with your pursuit of a good blush, my own trick is called the Nars’s Orgasm method. It goes like this: just go with the Nars blush in the shade Orgasm, or any shade like it (which there are many, many dupes out there). Pretty simple, yes? This shade is among the most popular in existence due to its ability to flatter any and every skin tone. The description on Sephora is a peachy-pink with shimmer. I use Milani’s Dolce Pink baked blush, which some consider a decent dupe, and I like it a lot. Then as you experiment with other colors to find which ones you like, you have a trusty backup if all goes wrong.
Pick a Formula
Your first perusal through the blushes sold at places like Sephora and Ulta can be a little scary. There are basically as many different types of blushes as there are foundations, making it seem nearly impossible to find the right one for you. One thing to remember is that ultimately, almost every formula, if used correct, will achieve the same goal.
As far as application goes, there are only two or three methods you should need to know about, depending on whether you’re using a dry formula like pressed powder or loose mineral powder, or a wet formula like cream, liquid or stain.
The basic rule of thumb is this, dry products blend better on top of dry products, whereas wet products blend better on top of wet products. A dry, pressed powder blush will apply better AFTER you’ve applied setting powder to your face. On the other hand, a wet, creamy blush would apply better on freshly applied foundation and concealer, BEFORE you apply setting powder. You don’t want to apply foundation, set it with powder, then apply a cream blush on top of a layer of powder, as it can cause the setting powder to clump up where you’ve applied it, leaving a patchy, uneven finish.
Likewise, foundation before you set it with powder is sticky, so applying a dry blush to a sticky surface can result in some areas being far more pigmented than intended, because the blush sticks to a concentrated area and will fight you trying to blend it out.
To really see what I mean, dust your hands with flour and then spritz a little water on it. If you rub your fingers together you’ll see clumps of dough begin to form. This is kinda sorta the risk you take when you try to blend a wet product on top of a dry product or vise versa. Setting powder itself is the exception to the rule since it’s usually milled extremely fine and dusted over a much larger area, and you don’t need to fuss as much with blending or worry about the colors getting muddied, especially if you use translucent powder.
Some super concentrated blush formulas, like a stain, may be best applied before you put on any foundation at all. While you might look crazy at first having super bright stained cheeks, once you apply foundation and concealer it will tone down the intensity and blend everything out.
Generally, pressed powder is a little easier to work with than a liquid or cream blush formula, so if you’re new to makeup you can’t really go wrong with this old standard.
Pick a Spot on Your Cheek
This concept has a bit of a more unanimous opinion, at least in western society. In general, you can’t go wrong applying blush along the cheekbones (not above or below, but along), starting two finger-widths away from either side of your nose and going back towards the top of the ear. This video by Howcast demonstrates what I’m talking about.
The general consensus is that putting blush too low on your cheeks visually drags down your face, essentially making you look older, whereas keeping it higher lifts the face which is usually more flattering. I’ve even learned that Korean and Japanese fads can take it a step further and use blush even higher up on the cheeks, usually to achieve that more “sweet, innocent” look.
It’s a mixed bag on whether to put blush on the apples of the cheeks. Many beauty experts swear against it, but then you’ve got Charlotte Tilbury and her ‘swish and pop‘ technique, where you use a more muted tone along the cheekbone and put a “pop” of bright color right on the apples. Play! Experiment! If you start out with a light hand and build up color you can stop well before you get into Ziggy Stardust territory, unless of course that’s the look you’re going for.
Pick a Tool
In my previous post about Tools of the Beauty Trade, I described a myriad of tools you can use to apply base face makeup like foundation and concealer. Many of those tips and tricks are perfectly transferable to other makeup like blush.
In order to make an educated decision on what tool to use, you should know what kind of look you’re going for. We’ve already gone over where blush can be applied to the cheeks, but how that should look is another story.
For blush in particular, most people subscribe to the less is more philosophy. Think of it like a gradient, you want the color to softly transition from your skin to blush and back to skin without there being any visible line of demarcation (Big word! It just means dividing line). Blush should be a soft accent to your makeup, not the star of the show (leave that for lips and eyes). Use a tool that allows you dispense color just where you want it and be able to softly blend it outward. A brush that is too large, for instance, might dispense blush over too large an area, overpowering your cheeks. Too small a brush might make it more difficult to blend seamlessly.
Though you can make blush work with almost any medium sized brush, the popular choice is either an angled blush brush or a fluffy dome or tapered brush. Either of these would work fine for powder blush, but I think it might be tricky for a wet formula.
A kabuki-style flat topped or a stippling brush can also be used to apply blush, and may work well with most cream or liquid formulas. Likewise, a dampened blender sponge will also do a great job blending out cream blush in the same way it does concealer and foundation. In fact, if you ever go too heavy on the blush, you can dab at it a bunch with a blender sponge to tone it down. Bear in mind, it’s always easier to add blush if you need more than it is taking it away if you’ve gone too strong.
Your fingers are another option for blush application, and a viable one for a low maintenance, slap-on-some-color-and-go look. Generally, it’s easier to blend cream blush with your fingers than a dry, pressed powder.
Bonus Tip: Many wet blushes double as a lip color, and even if it doesn’t say so you can probably get away with it. By the same token, many lip colors can double as a blush, but only if it’s a blendable formula. Liquid lipsticks, for example, dry quickly and don’t lend themselves to be very blendable.
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brianobrienny · 4 years
Where Should I Post My Video Content Marketing?
A picture speaks a thousand words – but video content marketing attracts and engages users even better. One study found that visitors spend 88% more time on a website with video.
If you’re a switched-on marketer, that’s one statistic you cannot afford to ignore.
Video has long been touted as one of the biggest things in marketing. It enables businesses and brands to project their personality, to showcase the very human team behind the logo, and to build a genuine connection.
It’s an opportunity to highlight the features of a product, to explain how something works in a quick, visual, easily-digestible chunk of marketing gold.
Critically, video content marketing blurs the line between entertainment and outright advertising. In short, video is convenient, video is valuable, and video is fun.
You already know all this. Perhaps you’ve already dabbled in video creation. Now, it’s about bridging the gap between the videos saved on your hard drive, or stored on your YouTube channel, and the lead-generating strategy you are attempting to execute.
Many brands have loads of videos. They just don’t know how to maximize them for impact on search and social. So the questions I want to answer today:
Where should we post our video content marketing?
How to promote my Youtube videos?
How to promote videos on LinkedIn?
Before we jump into it, here are a couple of quick takeaways:
Video content marketing involves creating and distributing branded video with the goal of converting users.
Businesses have access to many video hosting platforms beyond YouTube, many with unique offerings.
Web pages with video are favored in search engine results, so you want to add more video to your site.
Your video content marketing efforts will be amplified if you follow these best practices for publishing and promoting them.
What Is Video Content Marketing?
Video content marketing involves the creation and distribution of valuable, branded video content to a target audience, with the goal of raising awareness and engaging and converting leads.
Much the same as typical content marketing, video content marketing is a marketing approach that aims to fulfill buyer needs, answer their questions, and, ultimately, drive more business.
It’s about figuring out how video can be integrated into each stage of the buying process and that every channel you brand is active on. The content must be useful, valuable, and entertaining – you want your audience to engage with you again, to take the next step.
Video content marketing is strategic. It’s more than sporadically producing and publishing disconnected videos across random channels on an inconsistent schedule. Successful video marketing involves research, planning, and optimization.
But Why Video?
Video is a unique medium that lends itself fantastically to established content marketing strategies. Here are some of the stand-out features of video that make it relevant to today’s consumer:
Video is easy to digest. Most of us scroll through our phones for, on average, 3.3 hours a day. Video stands out because it’s quick and requires no effort to consume.
Video is entertaining. Watching someone demonstrate how a manual coffee grinder works, for example, provides greater entertainment value than, say, a text-based step-by-step guide or manual.
Video is engaging. There’s a reason why more than half of people watch video online on a daily basis – it’s valuable and fun, two traits that lead to impressive engagement levels.
Video is highly accessible. It can be published across all social media platforms, as well as embedded into web pages.
How to Create Videos that Convert
There’s no one-size-fits-all formula that’ll ensure your video content attracts, engages, and converts an audience. It all depends on the nature of your business and the unique aspirations, needs, and pain points of your customers.
Before you begin the creation process, you’ll want to set a specific goal. This goal will influence the types of videos you create and where those videos are shared. Keep the following in mind when goal setting:
Be specific. Determine whether you want to generate awareness, gather new leads, or convert qualified leads into customers, as examples.
Define the measurables. How will you determine the success of your campaign? Identify key metrics, such as views, engagements, or conversion rate.
Consider the timing. Establishing a realistic deadline is critical to your marketing efforts. Keep possible obstacles and risks in mind and be sure to pivot your expectations accordingly.
Identify your audience. Use demographic, behavioral, and customer journey metrics to identify the target audience of your campaign.
Complementary assets. Will you need blog posts and social media updates to go alongside your video? Be sure to include these in your plan of action.
With goals established, you can determine the types of videos that’ll best assist you in achieving those goals. Video types include:
Product videos that showcase features and functionalities
Animations that are short, engaging, and playful
Educational videos that highlight your industry expertise and authority
Video emails that add a new dimension to your eDMs
Testimonial videos that provide all-important social proof
Slideshow-style videos that are quick to put together, cost-effective, and ideal for educational content
Goals are set. Video type is identified. Now, it’s time to create. Here are a few tips to guide you toward excellent video content:
Prioritize quality. Poor-quality video doesn’t send the right message. Instead, invest in proper camera equipment and editing software (or hire someone).
Show your personality (if it matches your brand). If you or a team member is getting in front of the camera, let your quirks show. People want to connect with people – not businesses.
Speak slowly and add captions. If you talk too fast, it’s likely that your message will get lost. Also, keep in mind that many people watch video with the sound off – captions are essential.
Brand your videos. Be sure the look and feel of your video content aligns with your brand.
Add a call to action. If a viewer wants to learn more or take the next step, make it easy for them with a clear, visual CTA.
The Top Video Content Marketing Platforms
The videos you create and the strategy behind them are important, but so, too, is where those videos are published.
When comparing video hosting sites, keep an eye out for the following features:
An intuitive interface
Compatibility with mobile devices
Compatibility with all types of players and browsers
Analytics tools to measure the performance of your videos
The ability to embed your videos on websites
Search engine optimization tools
9 Video Content Marketing Platforms You Should Know
Where should you publish your video content? Most of us little folks just use YouTube. But if you are looking for a more elegant solution, here are nine video platforms to explore:
1. YouTube
YouTube is well-known, popular, and has significant existing viewership. YouTube is free and allows creators to earn money via its ad-supported monetization program. YouTube is usually the default choice for businesses, and this isn’t such a bad thing – videos hosted on YouTube are given priority in Google search results.
Which may be part of the problem. You don’t want to send all your traffic to YouTube so THEY can advertise to YOUR audience. You want to bring those people to your website. Which is why we wrote this article in the first place. (Don’t worry, you can jump to how to promote your YouTube video.)
2. Vimeo
Vimeo began just like YouTube – as a basic video-sharing platform. Today, its functionalities enable businesses to collaborate with team members, customize video players, and access marketing features like analytics. If collaboration is a top priority, Vimeo might be the right choice.
3. Wistia
Wistia focuses on delivering marketing features that assist businesses in tracking their video’s performance, enabling them to optimize their campaigns to generate the highest possible return on investment. One of the platform’s flagship features is the Turnstile email collector, which allows you to collect viewers’ email addresses right from your video.
Wistia also has great resources about videos on their platform. Their article on how to use video content marketing to increase SEO traffic is golden! And I love this video about shooting video from your iPhone.
4. Vidyard
Vidyard’s selling points are its ease-of-use and excellent customer service. The Vidyard team is happy to work with you to help you create and publish high-quality content.
5. Brightcove
Brightcove offers basic customization that enables you to brand your videos consistently. You can add your business’s name, logo, colors, and more. These details can be saved and used again and again, ensuring all of your content across a campaign has the same look and feel.
6. Hippo Video
Hippo Video is unique in that it allows you to send personalized videos to your audience in bulk. You can add an individual’s name, email, and more – and then send out to as many customers or prospects as you like in one swoop.
7. vooPlayer
For highly detailed analytics that shed light on your video’s progress and your viewers’ demographics and behaviors, vooPlayer is an excellent choice. The platform offers reports based on a whole host of variables, including play rate, completion, viewer location, engagement, and more.
8. SproutVideo
SproutVideo helps you create basic websites – or landing pages – around your hosted video content. These websites can then be used to showcase a portfolio, share tutorials, or even provide video instructions to your team members.
9. Uscreen
Uscreen has a system in place that allows you to make money off of your videos without exposing your audience to ads. You do have to pay a flat monthly fee, however.
Video Content Marketing Best Practices
Getting the most out of your video content marketing involves following current best practices. Here are several to keep front-of-mind when embarking on your next campaign.
Add Video to More Web Pages
Videos make it easy for pages to stand out from other search results, as Google often displays a thumbnail beside pages that contain video. So, add more video to your website, including your home page, blog posts, product pages, and so on.
Self-Hosted vs. YouTube Embedding
When publishing video on your website or blog, should you host it yourself or upload it to YouTube and then embed it? Two factors are clear:
Having a relevant video on your page is better for SEO than not having one.
But YouTube embeds give viewers an opportunity to move away from your site to YouTube.
Video Should Be Published to YouTube And Your Website
Google favors pages with lots of text, images, and videos over a single YouTube post. That being said, YouTube is the second-largest search engine with a massive audience. It’s not a matter of publishing your video on your website or YouTube but a matter of posting it to both.
How To Promote Youtube Videos To Take Advantage of Search and Social
The video below is an intro to this article on how to promote youtube videos on your website and on LinkedIn in order to maximize organic search traffic and social engagement on Linkedin with your video content.
You don’t want to send all your traffic to Youtube! What you want is to unlist your youtube videos, create SEO-optimized blog posts for each video, and embed the unlisted youtube video in your blog post.
So your schedule goes something like this:
You film the video and edit it
Create a transcript and blog post while you final edit the video
Upload the video to youtube as “unlisted” and embed it into the blog post
Publish the blog article with the video embed
Upload the video directly to Linkedin with your text
Add a link to blog post with video embedded in a LinkedIn comment, maybe tag some people and hasthags
Voila: maximized video for search and social.
Link YouTube Videos to Your Website
If you click on that video and go to YouTube, you’ll see a brief description and a link back to this article.
So add a link to your site in the YouTube (or other video-sharing platform’s) description box.
Use Inline Embed
Google indexes popover embeds less often than it indexes inline embeds, so inline should always be the default. Popover may have a place, but it should be the exception. It’s also worth noting that on pages with more than one video, Google will usually only index the first video.
Never Direct a Social Post to an Off-Site Video
Do not add a link to a YouTube video or any other video hosting platform on social media, as this only complicates the customer journey. Instead, upload the video natively to the social network and link back to a relevant page on your brand’s website.
LinkedIn is especially favoring native video these days. That’s why you want to create another loop. Just as we linked from the YouTube video to the blog post, we want to link from the LinkedIn video post to the blog post.
So in order to maximize social engagement with video content marketing on LinkedIn, upload the same video you uploaded to YouTube natively to LinkedIn. Type in some of the blog post text.
Then, add a link to the blog post in a comment.
Add Captions to Videos
Captions and transcriptions can help with SEO across major video hosting platforms. It’s essential to ensure these captions are accurate, as auto-generated text often misses industry-specific jargon and key terms that your target audience could be searching for.
I’m bad at doing this. So I didn’t caption my video for this post. But I have a guy who is really good at this for clients!
Use Keywords in Video Descriptions
While the primary CTA link should sit above the fold in a YouTube description, the description should continue for about 250 words. Be sure to include as many relevant keywords as possible throughout the description and in the video’s title.
I used “promote YouTube video” in the title of the video, and “video content marketing” and “SEO-optimized blog posts”  in the description.
Ready For Content Marketing?
If you are ready to get more traffic to your site with quality content published consistently, check out our Content Builder Service.
Set up a quick consultation, and I’ll send you a free PDF version of my books. Get started today – and generate more traffic and leads for your business.
The post Where Should I Post My Video Content Marketing? appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.
Where Should I Post My Video Content Marketing? published first on http://rssmix.com/u/11592782/rss.xml
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shopofast · 4 years
T-Shirt The Yard Stick to Measure the Fashion Trends
T-blouse: The yardstick to degree the style traits
T-blouse: the building block of style
As season changes from summer season to monsoon and monsoon to wintry weather, fashion developments also alternate for that reason. But after every 3 or four months most of the people of us do not have the time or the need to buy new clothes. Then the query comes: What form of casual clothes or clothes will trade you in step with your variety of styles, hues and temper? - Obviously the T-shirts.
T-shirts have continually been believed as the mere essentials - those primary necessities that form the bottom of style - the building block of fashion. If you need to understand how much style fashion in T-shirts have changed within the remaining couple of years, take your degree tape.
Fashion, which had commenced inside the 50's, became inspired with its sociological and business advances. It become a noble time to be young, and fashion became a rip alongside the location of age. In the 60's humans commenced to wear the tie dye and display screen-printed cotton T-shirts. Improvement in printing and dyeing stood out for extra range and got here in to style and it bloomed inside the 60's. Tight fashion of the seventies In the 1970s the disco scene was sizable, live performance dancing was famous with dance events and tight pants with T-shirts have been a trend. The whole '70s fashion became form-fitting - 'very tight', in which the extra-large, loose-fitting, urban-influenced tees moved out and tight T-shirts with tight polyester, generally with bell-bottomed guys's pants escorted by standy shoes had been used to draw the younger ladies seeming for romance, have been very famous.
Chemin de fer pants, Elephant Ear Pants, embroidery on pant legs, flag pants, Gabardine Pants, HASH Jeans with Bonds T-shirt (raglan cut T-shirt with ribbing round neck and sleeves), Rock Concert T-shirts (with a brand photo of a rock big name or a rock band or trademark of rock band) and tie-dye T-shirts (homemade T-shirts with stripes and curved in one of a kind colors of dye) were commonly popular in 70s and ladies generally have been short mini skirt, maxi get dressed, midi skirt or warm pants with T-shirts.
The eighties: Iron-on T-shirts with stonewashed jeans pant trend
In 80s Iron-on, the good kind of T-shirts turned into popular. Tight Stonewashed Jeans, Parachute Pants, Corduroy Pants, Tight Leather Pants, Super Tight Minis with Fido Dido, Ocean Pacific T-shirts, Long T-shirts, and Hard Rock Café and so on T-shirts have been famous amongst them.
The nineties - Baggy and vibrant denim trend
Levi brand T-shirt that had "Button Your Fly" written in very huge letters have been very famous in 90s. Flare Jeans, Baggy & Bright denim, the schoolgirl look of baby doll dresses with puffed sleeves and thigh-excessive stockings, slip clothes worn over T-shirts became famous and became a trend of 90s.
Fashion of 2000
T-shirts with "Boys Are Great", "I Make Boys Cry", and many others slogan T-shirts with zip off at or round knee pants had been popular in 2000. Duller shades had been more famous at the beginning of that decade and V-neck sweater and feature accents woven in around the neck, waist changed into very famous.
T-shirts have passed thru each social, cultural and economic stage of human existence and got a amazing acceptance in daily lifestyles from large towns to small cities everywhere in the globe.
Age alternative: Feel young forever with T-blouse
T-shirts are not handiest a first-rate object, but have end up elegant and best career apparel. Fashion has always been impelled by using more youthful people, of course, and not something says young like the T-blouse. As ordinary, the young are looking for some thing out of the regular. Wearing T-shirts in vintage age presents a lifestyle option as opposed to an age alternative and offers feeling of more youthful.
Women T-blouse: A separate recognized marketplace
During the final -three decades, girls's participation stages in the corporate houses, commercial enterprise, fashion, jobs, sports, sporting activities or yoga and so forth have reached an all-time high all around the international. The antique unisex T-shirts became a element of the history; today women require T-shirts that suit them that wash and feel secure at paintings region or at the same time as transporting and adopting a greater female method to styling, have made a large difference in the type of designs and merchandise. Women also are thinking about T-shirts as a multi-motive garment and by way of both ways the ladies's T-shirt market is growing. Today, girls have such a lot of alternatives in the marketplace as many T-shirt manufacturers have seen the brilliant prospectus and are producing better ladies's T-shirts in brief converting state of affairs of demand, which covers higher fabrics, state-of-the-art designs, appropriate color combinations, exceptional patterns etc. And the ladies's T-blouse is going to acquire a separate identification from guys's T-shirt.
Co-relation of T-blouse and ink call for
Fashion or choice of colours also vary, when season or tendencies adjustments. Color is taken into consideration as a serious enterprise whilst it comes up to T-shirts, as a key differentiation in wearable apparels.
T-blouse printing is in truth silk-screening or, more properly, display screen printing. The 70s introduced massive development in T-shirt printing started out with making display screen-printing machines in the basements and garages and those revealed T-shirt enterprise referred as Imprinted Sportswear Industry in general. In the Nineteen Eighties the development in ink enterprise greater and T-shirts became a part of every thing of our way of life, promoting groups, government, and non-profit corporations. Retailers determined the importance and eminence of T-shirts and have sold tons of merchandise in numerous issues, logo-call and patterns.
The most important advancement throughout the 80s changed into the growth created by means of the automated T-blouse printing system, allowing display screen printers to print a many T-blouse printing in a unmarried day. Automation modified everything and with the approaching of the 90s, the pc turned into fetched into the mixture of designs and styles in T-shirts. In the give up of 2000 the over all fabric display-printing enterprise had passed through a totally hard stage, but as improvement of printing era correctly finished the want of ink and screen printing era, sustained nevertheless and received higher role. And now with the development and development of latest printing generation, you could have a number of options like two-size and 3-size; virtual published, animated or printed T-shirts. Today the ink or printing is exclusively depends on T-shirt industry/productions whilst considering fabric printing industry.
T - Shirt used as a vast advertising and marketing or publicity tool
Would you like to make a assertion? Then you'll want a T-shirt: A T-shirt is a cheap idea of apparel or a portable ad with its garb to declare political, musical or social connection for anybody to look at, like The Tennis Women's T-blouse with the statement on the court docket. "I am going to make you run!", or as Indian tennis participant Sania Mirza had statements "Well-behaved girls hardly ever make history", "Attitude Unlimited". It affords a cheaper advertising or exposure weapon. Events, campaigns or programmes like women's rights, civil rights and more located their manner to the face and rear of T-shirts. People began to kingdom who they're/have been and what they positioned for without ever pronouncing a phrase without a doubt with emblem or slogan. Today, further to appearing as a medium for declaring non-public ideals, group affiliations, pursuits and more, T-shirts are favored, because in a word they are relaxed - no insignificant trouble in modern place of business, an ecosystem wherein T-shirts are going up in greater figures via the day.
More choice than ever before
The T-shirt by no means going out of fashion, it's far the base or foundation of the over all textile and garment marketplace and drives the whole business. It is a very giant a part of the enigma for what humans require and select and lots marketplace studies have a look at confirmed that one can not forget about the commodity in addition to new modern day marketplace. There are many alternatives or picks that you didn't have only some years earlier than.
Today, there are numerous sorts of cotton T-shirts to be had in market. Open-stop cottons give a softer experience for an exquisite charge. Ring-spun cotton has an exceedingly tender hand and organic T-shirts to guard from chemical substances. Though, more realistic, overall performance-driven fabrics which include dry-fiber are growing in recognition which is lousy because of plenty of segregation in which a fashion that the consumer is famous and relaxed with. T-shirts crafted from a 60/forty cotton/poly mixture in unisex sizes XS-4XL, ANSI-licensed polyester and non-licensed 50/50 are very famous. High-performance polyester micro fibers T-shirts are usually desired via working people because of their feature of reducing the moisture hastily from body. On plain material setting of lace and crochet also are being used, to create female appears. Recently DuPont's Sorona fiber (polymers that lend higher stretch, recovery and stain resistance to fabrics) is likewise used in T-blouse as a cloth.
The T-shirts are completed with jazzier for party put on with gold inside the prints and trimmings also are a strong fashion in recent times. To create prints greater charming, sequins, beads, buttons and embroidery and to craft a sparkle look on the tees cotton laces lose out to metallic laces and glitter, texture weaves at the side of layered contrasting fabric of tulle, chiffons, bubble fabrics, crinkle printed semi sheer crepes, also are used. Ethnic, jungle, picture or graffiti-inspired, prints with brilliant or muted, more than one shades are extremely used now a days. Styles of tees encompass rose, forest and blue, layering, retro men, graffiti and pix, khaki and blues and striped patterns are a robust fashion in T-shirts for guys.
More and more alternatives are available with lots texture desire, together with ribs, hemp, pique, ottoman, and so on. And greater fits for guys, ladies and junior are available. T-shirts are supplied in variety from the exceptionally mild of three.8 oz. To the regular 5.5 oz and be able to as excessive as 7.1 oz.. Heavier weights have the benefit of lifestyles of durability and ultimate their define beneath common carrying and washing. Lighter-weight tees are more relaxed, specially in hotter climates, and offer a great in shape. Higher-stop T-shirts will provide the extra energy of double-needle sewing and shoulder to shoulder string. In 2004 stretch T-shirts introduced excessive call for in girls's jersey merchandise both made of 95 percentage combed ring-spun cotton and five percent Lycra and heavyweight T-shirts in 50/50 combination, a hundred percent cotton, extremely heavyweight in a hundred percent cotton and top class extremely heavyweight T-blouse in 100 percentage combed ring-spun cotton.
Worldwide style designers cited that common consumers had been only worried about denims and T-shirts in 2004-05 for sunlight hours and nevertheless the trend is continuing. Sportswear, sports styling will continue to possess clients who wish comfort in normal put on and could maintain to call for for ever. In current instances wearing the company T-shirts in workplaces became a trend, and the call for is increasing, even it's miles more demanding for the motive of corporate gifting with particular emblem or company statements.
Today, a common shift towards sporty and comfortable put on in style existence seen, and T-shirts have become popular and "lively put on" with many manufacturers, designers and turn out to be a fundamental a part of each person's casual cloth cabinet and favored in athletic teams, faculties, gyms, athletic occasions, golfing events, outdoor active corporations, firefighters, the university bookshop market, emergency service workers, police offices, camps and outside workers and even in company homes. In a nut shell, humans with energetic jobs or pursuits are motivating to apply extra for a tee that stay them cool, dry and greater relaxed.
The coming out of standard fashion trends is a social manner however as appearance of new competitor inside the textiles industry T-shirts are transforming into more elegant and are changed with tailor garment shirts and other wears and the T-shirts are considered as a multi-reason garment by using majority consumer.
Whether color aggregate, cloth used, publicity tool, new or old traits of men's or women's fashion, new printing technology, and so on adjustments style traits or whether or not fashion developments arrive and pass on, clothing ought to usually be amusing with T-shirt because of a robust motive of more availability of alternatives. Hence, T-shirts will no way get out of style, over all be take into account as a constructing block of fashion.
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yanobam · 5 years
Best Golf Balls for High Handicappers
How frequently have you heard this?
'Purchase second hand balls' and 'Utilize the cash for balls to get exercises'. Definitely, genuine accommodating when all you're requesting is what ball you should utilize, isn't that so?
In any case, I thoroughly get you, there comes when all you need to do is air out another sleeve of balls and take care of business that new ball smell. Hold the ball up to your nose and inhale it in. The little delights throughout everyday life.
A great deal of golfers neglect the significance of a conventional golf ball yet not us. Congrats on looking for more data on the one bit of gear that is basic on each shot. How about we examine the best golf balls for high handicappers. Be that as it may, before we do, I have one inquiry for you...
What are you searching for?
I would rather not place you into a crate yet generally we golfers can be arranged into these classes of what we're searching for:
Greatest Distance: If you simply need to get a couple of more yards off the tee, those lake balls are not helping you. With another sleeve of balls intended for more separation, you'll right away notice the distinction.
Straighter shots: The balls you're searching for are lower pressure which make significantly less turn on the ball on the long shots. You'll see on the Bridgestones, the dimples are shallow and practically level. I don't have a clue about the science behind it, yet I'm certain that has something to do with their stunning capacity to give you straighter shots.
Turn and Feel: Perhaps you have the separation, you have the bearing however those separation balls simply aren't holding the greens. We as a whole achieve a moment that we need to really chip it close or remain on the green when the ball really arrives on the standard 3. These balls are normally multi layered with urethane covers and feel so delicate which lends them to getting scraped.
The Best Golf Balls for High Handicappers
Here are my picks separated into 3 classifications to lessen the disarray a bit. When you comprehend what you requirement for your amusement, it's very simple to locate the best golf balls:
For separation
Titleist Velocity (ideal pressure for 80 to 95 mph swings)
Srixon Soft Feel (wallet well disposed top esteem)
Volvik Crystal (for slower swing rates and terrible eyes)
For course
Callaway Superhot 55 (best to improve low ball flight)
Bridgestone E6 (best to diminish cuts and hooks)​
Volvik Vivid (most brilliant golf ball practically difficult to lose)
For additional turn
Titleist DT Trusoft (delicate spread for milder feel)
Bridgestone B330 RXs (Tour quality ball for swings under 105 mph)
Srixon Z-Star XV (Best option in contrast to Pro V1)
Separation Golf Balls
At the point when your need is additional separation, you'll discover the balls are firmer and when you hit them they roll A LOT more than the costly premium balls. They'll bound down the fairway frequently giving you a couple of yards more run.
Titleist Velocity
The Velocity is a firm ball that truly booms off the tee and with long irons. It creates a high ball flight so you can stop the ball on the greens effectively enough.
Likewise with most separation golf balls, the Velocity is a two-piece and is intended to help a slower swinger get this show on the road the ball sometime later. One of the longest golf balls out there with the Titleist name on it and with that title comes the way that the ball is HARD. So be set up for some high pitched strikes and looong rollout on your shots for additional separation.
Visit level separation execution to help slower swingers at an extraordinary cost
Insignificant turn on driver shots for straight drives
Fairway and green discoverer
Entirely sturdy spread
Srixon Soft Feel
Presently in it's tenth emphasis, the Srixon Soft Feel remains a grapple in Srixon's ball gathering. It's a two-piece golf ball so it's made for separation and solidness however the dainty spread gives this ball a delicate vibe so it doesn't feel like you're playing a stone. Expect lengthy drives and irons that take off with a delicate vibe on the club face.
At whatever point somebody requests a suggestion for a golf ball as high or mid handicapper, I quickly, decisively state Srixon Soft Feel. I've cherished these balls since I utilized them dropping from a mid/high handicapper down to a 5 handicapper. Delicate inclination off the face and huge separation off the tee. You'll cherish them.
All around evaluated, tough ball
Long separation with a low pressure and moderate look about greens
Milder inclination off the putter face than most separation balls
Volvik Crystal
Simple to see separate ball for moderate to direct swings
This is a hard ball. How about we get that out the way. It won't feel like a bit of cleanser on your club face however the Crystal goes far. On the off chance that you incline toward separation ball that is simpler to find noticeable all around and find in the grass, at that point these balls are ideal for you.
I would state this ball feels directly amidst a Pinnacle Gold and a Titleist DT Trusoft. This is a pleasant 3 piece ball for slower swings to truly get an additional kick in the jeans. Volvik have been and keep on being the golf ball of decision for the World Long Drive Association so you realize this thing is a flier.
Anticipate that the ball should go a lot more remote than others and take a couple of yards to stop on the green. On the off chance that you lean toward the knock and run kind of chipping, this ball is flawless and you need to make it keep running at the earliest opportunity since it truly is reliable.
Numerous hues to browse
Three-piece development for slower to medium swings
Upscale plan stops people in their tracks with the splendid hues
Hard ball that will deliver remove gains and won't scrape effectively
Straight and Long Golf Balls
In the event that you are somewhat of a slicer or puller of the golf ball, these balls will get you back in the fairway and bombarding them down the center.
Callaway Super Hot 55
Callaway convey perfection ball after ball. The low pressure Super Hot 55 is efficiently intended to get high up for a long solid convey. The delicate mantle and spread framework work couple to diminish turn. Decreasing twist likewise implies lessening side turn, so on your more extended shots you can diminish those cuts and snares.
I'm not the greatest enthusiast of these balls when I utilize the supplement putter. When I utilize my steel confronted putter, I like them a ton as the input is obvious. In the event that you utilize an addition putter, I'd recommend something firmer like the E6 or the Vivid underneath.
Callaway reliability​
Less cut and snare turn in light of lower turn rates off the tee
3-piece golf ball so it feels actually delicate as it packs big time off your club face
Bridgestone E6
Golfers favor this more established model to stop snares and cuts
Truly, the 2015 model is favored by a ton of golfers. The presentation and feel by and large is by all accounts better in the more seasoned model, and what's more, the cost is inconceivably low!
Cutting your impediment originates from hitting fairways and greens. The Bridgestone E6 gets you in the fairway simpler and supports long and mid iron execution to get you closer to the green all the more regularly. You may need to change your pointing - no all the more pointing way left. The ball goes where you point.
Like with other Bridgestone balls, it's anything but difficult to see the shallow dimples. They've accomplished something directly with their golf balls in light of the fact that most folks I play with cherishes these balls. I discover the spread is very hard so don't expect a bar of cleanser when you fix the bundling. This is for you if your need is straight hitting and lessening cuts and snares.
Explicitly intended to fundamentally diminish cuts and snares
Longer separation from less side turn and more rollout
Straight shooting golf ball to hit more fairways and greens
​Volvik Vivid
My preferred ball right now. I prescribe these to everybody. The spread isn't actually delicate yet it isn't generally hard so at first you're befuddled. Be that as it may, in the wake of bobbing it on a tiled floor and gnawing it, you give it a shot the course and understand this isn't just an amazing ball to follow in flight, however it goes like a bat out of heck, straight down the fairway.
I like the matte completion however it takes some an opportunity to become accustomed to (perhaps 2 or 3 openings). I began utilizing these and love the looks I jump on the course with my orange and shockingly most effortless to see glowing green ball. Keep away from the blue shading balls - something about them makes them hard to see.
On my tee shots I saw the Vivid appeared to fly with a lower entering flight however didn't boil sensible when I expected and voyaged an additional couple of yards further before bending to the cold earth. It was very amazing. I contribute a ton with these ball on the grounds that their move to the gap is so predictable on green side chips.
Difficult to lose mid flight
Straight and long yet feels great on the club face
Simple to discover in the harsh, bushes and leaves
Matte completion makes scrapes hard to see
Turn Golf Balls
For the most part I wouldn't suggest additional turn balls for high handicappers however once in a while they're fundamental for you to hold more greens a give yourself a shot at making more putts. These three balls are the best golf balls for high handicappers searching for some green holding turn.
Titleist DT Trusoft
When looking at the DT Trusoft against the Velocity, it's reasonable the distinction comes in the short amusement. With short irons, the Trusoft turns significantly more and on all shots gives a milder inclination. Speed may have a slight edge in simply remove yet all-round the Trusoft is a high-esteem golf ball for golfers who need some vibe and turn.
When you first opening the DT Trusoft, you see the sopay surface of the spread and the 'chomp test' discloses to you straight away the ball is gentler than others. Feel off the club face is charming and off wedges feels shockingly delicate.
Delicate feel and better control around the greens on account of a delicate spread
Long and genuine entering ball flight
Feels smooth and sounds charming off the putter face
Bridgestone B300 RX-S
This is a lavish ball. It's a urethane secured three-piece magnificence. In spite of the urethane spread, it's tough alongside giving astounding execution. The ball flies long and plunks down on the
0 notes
timclymer · 5 years
Are You Trying Far Too Hard For Safe Weight Loss Results Yet No Success?
STOP if you are if you are overthinking and overdoing it and just torturing yourself to lose weight!
Funny thing to say coming from someone who wants to help you with a healthy diet chart and to lose all the weight you want for good?
Actually, there’s an excellent factor.
You see, you can not attempt to have success. Don’t believe me?
OK, let’s look at an example:
Look around where you are sitting right now and find a few little things.
Now, attempt to pick one of the objects up with your fingers. Go ahead!
Is it in your hand?
If it is, well, then you didn’t attempt at all to pick it up, you just did without any effort.
That means you just decided NOT to pick it up if the object is not in your hand and you did not pick it up.
Isn’t that kind of simple?
There’s no happy medium in doing anything. You can’t “try” to do anything, it’s a misconception.
You either do it, or don’t do it.
When you set out on a daily diet plan (or anything else for that matter), the very same applies to success in that area.
Saying that you’ll “give it a good old college try” lends your mind some fuzzy directions, and it will return fuzzy results, and will be results that aren’t what you really want.
It also provides you an “escape” if you do not achieve the objectives you set out to reach with your daily diet plan.
You see, your subconscious mind does not translate your directions, but rather it simply goes to work following them as complete fact.
When you say you’ll “attempt to shed pounds or flatten the belly, and so forth”, it will “try” to follow your guidelines, which we now know is impossible.
What in fact you want, or, ‘WILL”, (if you really do) is to actually find success at effective weight loss.
– To feel better.
– To have more energy.
– To get rid of health challenges.
– To look terrific.
Now, if you say you want to exercise to lose weight and are not effective, or continue to use language that includes words like “try” or “we’ll see” or “possibly”, perhaps you’re wired in reverse.
Exactly what does that imply?
Previously I discussed free information available on the web about solid mindful approaches with fat flushing fruits to burn metabolism, while mentally seeing yourself reaching your goals.
Somewhere along the way you offered your mind directions that it’s too hard, or impossible.
Perhaps you’re more comfy where you are at now, however, understand that it’s the ideal thing to say that you want success with your new plan.
If this is the case, ask yourself exactly what beliefs you hold that are at odds with exactly what you desire.
“It’s too difficult to lose weight”, or, “It’s impossible it seems”, “I can’t since I ‘d have to exercise all the time,” or, “I can’t because it doesn’t work for me.”
If in fact they hold true, ask yourself.
– Are they making your life easier, or harder?
– Do these beliefs serve you or damage you?
Replace the old beliefs with brand-new ones, and with positive statements about how you want to look.
The best way to lose weight is to prevent saying you’ll “try”, and state you “I am ready and I will” succeed.
Use favorable language and offer your mind specific guidelines like, “I’m now happily content at my perfect weight of (number of pounds) weight” or “I am now deciding to wear a size (your perfect size)”.
In your daily plan consider your language and inner chatter carefully and prevent saying, “I’m going to try”.
It might take consistent attention at the start, however after a short time, you’ll get used to keeping your language favorable, confident and upbeat always included in your daily diet plan.
Your safe outcomes will follow right away, depending upon how positive, dedicated and relentless you remain in applying these mindfulness workouts.
The more confident, dedicated and relentless, the much faster your results will appear.
You CAN do it!
Try to be conscious in your daily diet plan that when you state that you desire to do it, your ego-based mind– that doubting and fearful aspect in we humans, states it does not.
The Course in Miracles states, “Do not underestimate the ego’s demonstrations to those who would listen.”
Somewhere along the way you offered the ego in you control over you and that’s why the ego says, well I’ll “TRY” to do it, but.
Because it wants to stay balanced in fear and self-doubt along with judgement and excuses, the ego is always too afraid for success.
Maybe you’re more comfortable where you are now, but know that it’s the ideal thing to state that you want to lose weight.
The best plan is commitment and being a DOER rather than a ‘Tryer”, so therefore begin now preventing from saying you’ll “attempt”, and state you “WILL” get results.
( Please note I also suggest searching the net for further helpful content on weight loss progress since it means burning metabolism, and here’s best choices as a mindfulness approach.)
To success art reaching your goals for a healthier you!
Source by James Nussbaumer
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/are-you-trying-far-too-hard-for-safe-weight-loss-results-yet-no-success/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/184053371140 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
0 notes
brendalawrence1978 · 5 years
Are You Trying Far Too Hard For Safe Weight Loss Results Yet No Success?
STOP if you are if you are overthinking and overdoing it and just torturing yourself to lose weight!
Funny thing to say coming from someone who wants to help you with a healthy diet chart and to lose all the weight you want for good?
Actually, there’s an excellent factor.
You see, you can not attempt to have success. Don’t believe me?
OK, let’s look at an example:
Look around where you are sitting right now and find a few little things.
Now, attempt to pick one of the objects up with your fingers. Go ahead!
Is it in your hand?
If it is, well, then you didn’t attempt at all to pick it up, you just did without any effort.
That means you just decided NOT to pick it up if the object is not in your hand and you did not pick it up.
Isn’t that kind of simple?
There’s no happy medium in doing anything. You can’t “try” to do anything, it’s a misconception.
You either do it, or don’t do it.
When you set out on a daily diet plan (or anything else for that matter), the very same applies to success in that area.
Saying that you’ll “give it a good old college try” lends your mind some fuzzy directions, and it will return fuzzy results, and will be results that aren’t what you really want.
It also provides you an “escape” if you do not achieve the objectives you set out to reach with your daily diet plan.
You see, your subconscious mind does not translate your directions, but rather it simply goes to work following them as complete fact.
When you say you’ll “attempt to shed pounds or flatten the belly, and so forth”, it will “try” to follow your guidelines, which we now know is impossible.
What in fact you want, or, ‘WILL”, (if you really do) is to actually find success at effective weight loss.
– To feel better.
– To have more energy.
– To get rid of health challenges.
– To look terrific.
Now, if you say you want to exercise to lose weight and are not effective, or continue to use language that includes words like “try” or “we’ll see” or “possibly”, perhaps you’re wired in reverse.
Exactly what does that imply?
Previously I discussed free information available on the web about solid mindful approaches with fat flushing fruits to burn metabolism, while mentally seeing yourself reaching your goals.
Somewhere along the way you offered your mind directions that it’s too hard, or impossible.
Perhaps you’re more comfy where you are at now, however, understand that it’s the ideal thing to say that you want success with your new plan.
If this is the case, ask yourself exactly what beliefs you hold that are at odds with exactly what you desire.
“It’s too difficult to lose weight”, or, “It’s impossible it seems”, “I can’t since I ‘d have to exercise all the time,” or, “I can’t because it doesn’t work for me.”
If in fact they hold true, ask yourself.
– Are they making your life easier, or harder?
– Do these beliefs serve you or damage you?
Replace the old beliefs with brand-new ones, and with positive statements about how you want to look.
The best way to lose weight is to prevent saying you’ll “try”, and state you “I am ready and I will” succeed.
Use favorable language and offer your mind specific guidelines like, “I’m now happily content at my perfect weight of (number of pounds) weight” or “I am now deciding to wear a size (your perfect size)”.
In your daily plan consider your language and inner chatter carefully and prevent saying, “I’m going to try”.
It might take consistent attention at the start, however after a short time, you’ll get used to keeping your language favorable, confident and upbeat always included in your daily diet plan.
Your safe outcomes will follow right away, depending upon how positive, dedicated and relentless you remain in applying these mindfulness workouts.
The more confident, dedicated and relentless, the much faster your results will appear.
You CAN do it!
Try to be conscious in your daily diet plan that when you state that you desire to do it, your ego-based mind– that doubting and fearful aspect in we humans, states it does not.
The Course in Miracles states, “Do not underestimate the ego’s demonstrations to those who would listen.”
Somewhere along the way you offered the ego in you control over you and that’s why the ego says, well I’ll “TRY” to do it, but.
Because it wants to stay balanced in fear and self-doubt along with judgement and excuses, the ego is always too afraid for success.
Maybe you’re more comfortable where you are now, but know that it’s the ideal thing to state that you want to lose weight.
The best plan is commitment and being a DOER rather than a ‘Tryer”, so therefore begin now preventing from saying you’ll “attempt”, and state you “WILL” get results.
( Please note I also suggest searching the net for further helpful content on weight loss progress since it means burning metabolism, and here’s best choices as a mindfulness approach.)
To success art reaching your goals for a healthier you!
Source by James Nussbaumer
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/are-you-trying-far-too-hard-for-safe-weight-loss-results-yet-no-success/ via Home Solutions Forev on Tumblr
from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.wordpress.com/2019/04/09/are-you-trying-far-too-hard-for-safe-weight-loss-results-yet-no-success/ via Brenda Lawrence on WordPress
0 notes
homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Are You Trying Far Too Hard For Safe Weight Loss Results Yet No Success?
STOP if you are if you are overthinking and overdoing it and just torturing yourself to lose weight!
Funny thing to say coming from someone who wants to help you with a healthy diet chart and to lose all the weight you want for good?
Actually, there’s an excellent factor.
You see, you can not attempt to have success. Don’t believe me?
OK, let’s look at an example:
Look around where you are sitting right now and find a few little things.
Now, attempt to pick one of the objects up with your fingers. Go ahead!
Is it in your hand?
If it is, well, then you didn’t attempt at all to pick it up, you just did without any effort.
That means you just decided NOT to pick it up if the object is not in your hand and you did not pick it up.
Isn’t that kind of simple?
There’s no happy medium in doing anything. You can’t “try” to do anything, it’s a misconception.
You either do it, or don’t do it.
When you set out on a daily diet plan (or anything else for that matter), the very same applies to success in that area.
Saying that you’ll “give it a good old college try” lends your mind some fuzzy directions, and it will return fuzzy results, and will be results that aren’t what you really want.
It also provides you an “escape” if you do not achieve the objectives you set out to reach with your daily diet plan.
You see, your subconscious mind does not translate your directions, but rather it simply goes to work following them as complete fact.
When you say you’ll “attempt to shed pounds or flatten the belly, and so forth”, it will “try” to follow your guidelines, which we now know is impossible.
What in fact you want, or, ‘WILL”, (if you really do) is to actually find success at effective weight loss.
– To feel better.
– To have more energy.
– To get rid of health challenges.
– To look terrific.
Now, if you say you want to exercise to lose weight and are not effective, or continue to use language that includes words like “try” or “we’ll see” or “possibly”, perhaps you’re wired in reverse.
Exactly what does that imply?
Previously I discussed free information available on the web about solid mindful approaches with fat flushing fruits to burn metabolism, while mentally seeing yourself reaching your goals.
Somewhere along the way you offered your mind directions that it’s too hard, or impossible.
Perhaps you’re more comfy where you are at now, however, understand that it’s the ideal thing to say that you want success with your new plan.
If this is the case, ask yourself exactly what beliefs you hold that are at odds with exactly what you desire.
“It’s too difficult to lose weight”, or, “It’s impossible it seems”, “I can’t since I ‘d have to exercise all the time,” or, “I can’t because it doesn’t work for me.”
If in fact they hold true, ask yourself.
– Are they making your life easier, or harder?
– Do these beliefs serve you or damage you?
Replace the old beliefs with brand-new ones, and with positive statements about how you want to look.
The best way to lose weight is to prevent saying you’ll “try”, and state you “I am ready and I will” succeed.
Use favorable language and offer your mind specific guidelines like, “I’m now happily content at my perfect weight of (number of pounds) weight” or “I am now deciding to wear a size (your perfect size)”.
In your daily plan consider your language and inner chatter carefully and prevent saying, “I’m going to try”.
It might take consistent attention at the start, however after a short time, you’ll get used to keeping your language favorable, confident and upbeat always included in your daily diet plan.
Your safe outcomes will follow right away, depending upon how positive, dedicated and relentless you remain in applying these mindfulness workouts.
The more confident, dedicated and relentless, the much faster your results will appear.
You CAN do it!
Try to be conscious in your daily diet plan that when you state that you desire to do it, your ego-based mind– that doubting and fearful aspect in we humans, states it does not.
The Course in Miracles states, “Do not underestimate the ego’s demonstrations to those who would listen.”
Somewhere along the way you offered the ego in you control over you and that’s why the ego says, well I’ll “TRY” to do it, but.
Because it wants to stay balanced in fear and self-doubt along with judgement and excuses, the ego is always too afraid for success.
Maybe you’re more comfortable where you are now, but know that it’s the ideal thing to state that you want to lose weight.
The best plan is commitment and being a DOER rather than a ‘Tryer”, so therefore begin now preventing from saying you’ll “attempt”, and state you “WILL” get results.
( Please note I also suggest searching the net for further helpful content on weight loss progress since it means burning metabolism, and here’s best choices as a mindfulness approach.)
To success art reaching your goals for a healthier you!
Source by James Nussbaumer
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/are-you-trying-far-too-hard-for-safe-weight-loss-results-yet-no-success/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
0 notes
crazyd4esq · 6 years
Sorry if this is a little uncomfortable, but given your opinions on fanservice and hentai with underage characters, I'd like to know your opinion on cosplayers/burlesque performers who dress as sexy versions of such characters. Being that it's more a costume and less a portrayal, would that be problematic?
Nah, it’s cool. c:Anyhoo, this is a tightrope well worth walking.  I guess one of my immediate thoughts is that a person choosing to dress a certain way is inherently waaay less problematic than a character designed to be sexy because the person has agency and the fictitious character by definition doesn’t have: anything and everything about a fictitious was a choice by the writer/artist/designer/etc.  I also think that portrayal is an integral (if not indispensable) part of cos(tume)play, but unless the person is out for age play (ew, fucking no) then their real age still governs.  To be honest, aside from that cringy possibility, the main focus shouldn’t be (and usually isn’t) age anyway (Edward Elric would have a Napoleonic complex whether he was 15 or 50, Dilandau Albatou would be a giggling cheek-obsessed maniac at 15 or 50, Katsuki Bakugo would still shriek about wanting to kill his friends and loved ones at 15 or 50, etc.).  So right there I tend to think it’s less problematic, but I feel like I’m dancing around the issue.So here’s the real issue as I see it.  The overwhelming majority of female characters (regardless of age) in anime, video games, comics/graphic novels/manga/etc. are designed primarily to be sexy (or at least designed with being sexy as a major goal), to the point that there are some really fucking idiotic plot contrivances that are just expected at this point.  Flying superheroes wear miniskirts, armor has boob plate and boob window, veteran dragon knights ride their mounts in bikini bottoms, combat miniskirts and stiletto heels exist, etc. etc. etc.  I could probably max out the word count just listing that shit, but instead I respectfully refer you to bikini armor battle damage’s tumblr (they do a much better job explaining and eviscerating this shit than I could).  Here’s the thing, though:IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO RIGHT THE WRONGS OF PERVERTED IDIOT WRITERS AND ARTISTS.Off the top of my head, I like Momo Yaoyorozu because it would’ve been so easy to make her into a stereotypical rich bitch or waifu character, and instead she actually comes off more like a 3-dimensional character … unfortunately she’s also the second-string fanservice character (after Midnight).  Meaning, well, have you seen her superhero outfit?  Have you?  Have you seen the fucking modified sling bikini she wears into battle (along with heels, because of fucking course high heels are the best possible footwear for running on uneven terrain)?  If somebody wanted to faithfully cosplay her superhero outfit (and not do an AU version, I mean), then they’d have to let it all hang out.  (The same thing would go for Eijiro Kirishima, incidentally, but that’s far closer to idealization than objectification, so instead a better example off the top of my head is basically every female character in the entire Soul Caliber franchise.)  In this case, the person is under no obligation to tone down the sexiness that the creator forced upon the character.So here’s the spin-off issue.  Obviously sometimes the character design becomes more sexy if the cosplayer is older.  Speaking from personal experience, I didn’t realize that Misty’s original outfit is basically a half shirt and short shorts until this woman I had a crush on in college cosplayed as her.  This issue is, of course … not an issue.  Really, the only thing I can think of is: DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF YOUR BODY OR SEXUALITY.  PLEASE DO NOT.  YOUR BODY EXISTS FOR YOUR OWN PURPOSES, NOT TO CONFORM TO OTHERS’ STANDARDS.Imma be blunt: shitting on someone for how their faithful cosplay looks because of how their body alters it (based on height, weight, curves, skin color, physical disability, etc.) is bodyshaming.  It is bullying a person based on their body’s unique characteristics.  Not much else to say on that, other than there’s just no need for that.  Ever.And then, of course, is the other spin-off issue.  Obviously there are some cosplayers that add extra sexy.  As to that … I’m more ambiguous.  I can immediately think of some pokemon cosplays (and I mean cosplayers cosplaying pokemon) that have far more visible tiddie than I recall from the tcg, video games, anime, or (to a lesser extent) manga.  Any time someone starts introducing that stuff to a franchise aimed at kids, they need to be careful lest they turn into their fandom’s equivalent of My Little Pony: FiM’s cloppers.  By the same token, I guess the “injected sexy” cosplay can depend heavily on the source and the fandom.  Going back to Soul Caliber, it doesn’t seem that out of place for someone to do a “day at the beach” style (read: bikini) Ivy … as opposed to, say, a dominatrix Nurse Joy.  (And before anyone brings up that pedotastic pokemon manga, I’m not touching cultural dissonance here, just western cosplay.)  Of course, it’s not so ironclad; Steven Universe arguably lends itself far more readily to overtly sexual fanworks (not an insult) than MLP:FiM, but a kid can still google it without being bombarded with images of Pearl going down on … well, you know.  At the same time, it’s kind of demeaning and can send a very unfortunate message (that a character’s identity, personality, and uniqueness aren’t as important as their looks), and that’s not even getting into the frankly repulsive issues surrounding re-enacting “accident groping” and the like (cosplay obviously isn’t consent, but that really blurs things and can, you know, fucking trigger a sexual assault survivor like me because “hur hur that happens to the character all the time uwu). Injected sexy can push things down an unfortunate path, and sexualizing a child is bad enough when it’s the creator doing it.And so, in conclusion, I see 3 types of sexy in cosplaying.Sexy by Creator Fiat … is not problematic.Sexy by Cosplayer’s Body … is probably the least problematic.Sexy by Injection … can be problematic but isn’t necessarily an issue depending on stuff like the medium and the target demographic.At its core, 99% of cosplay just isn’t problematic, or at least doesn’t gain any new problematic elements beyond those already present in the anime or whatever (though there can be more than enough problematic shit being inherited from the medium).  A lot of times, though, it says more about the people who are raging at someone’s creativity, passion, and (admittedly) body and sexuality than it does about the cosplayer. (Just please don’t fucking do gag molestation or sexual assault, I’d rather not have to worry about getting a panic attack when I’m trying to look up cosplay.)And here’s a final thought for you: I *have* done “sexy cosplay“ and am looking to do it again.  It’s just that my sexy cosplay focuses on confident and visually striking characters (Reigen Arataka, All for One, Young Joseph Joestar) which in turn makes me feel confident and sexy.  (That’s not a dig on cosplayers that favor characters with more revealing outfits, just personal preference.  Hopefully this makes sense!!!)  However, you might have noticed that, with one possible exception, all of those characters are “covered up” (hell, they all wear fucking suits or the like most of the time) … so is it possible that at least some of the complaints about cosplay being problematic are just the latest version of the old misogynistic “cover up” body policing? ;)Hopefully that makes sense.  This was kind of a rush job.EDIT: Fleshed it out, talked about my own cosplay experiences.EDIT2: Looked up some cosplay, nearly had a panic attack because two "enthusiastically consenting” cosplayers were reenacting nonconsensual groping scenes, got salty and has to comment.
0 notes
terrydalecapital · 3 years
Multi-Tenant Industrial Real Estate - Terrydale Capital
The rise of multi-tenant industrial real estate has been a long time coming. The writing has been on the wall since the rise of online shopping in the late 90s. All the forecasts and predictions are proving true.
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Present-day, there’s now a steady demand for an asset class of real-estate that caters to the business needs of both SMBs and small local divisions of large national and international businesses.
These needs include space for warehouses, retail shops, logistics, showrooms, flex office spaces, and SMB manufacturing operations coming up around the country.
This is where multi-tenant real estate comes in.
What Is Multi-tenant Industrial Real EstateMulti-tenant real estate is an asset class that offers commercial space for small and medium enterprises on a lease. Moreover, it provides small and local real estate solutions for large established national and international businesses.
It’s a break from the traditional single-tenant real estate that involved a single large company on a single property for a long-term lease.
Multi-tenant real estate is usually smaller-with most of the rooms sized at 15000-20000 sq. ft and shared among several small and medium manufacturing and service industries.
Who Invests In Multi-tenant Industrial Investment The rise of multi-tenant industrial real estate is being fueled by investors looking for a low-priced real estate asset class that they can lease for the short term. These are:Investors Looking For A Varied Tenant BaseUnlike single-tenant CRE, the investors in multi-tenant real estate are also looking for a diverse and resilient tenant base.
Having a single industrial tenant comes with many problems of its own. That’s why many invest in multi-tenant industrial real estate.
Investors Looking For A Low-Maintenance Investment The investors in multi-tenant industrial real estate are also looking for a less-flashy investment. They and are not in the market for an asset with high CAPEX and maintenance costs.
Multi-tenant IRE is less flashy in that it doesn’t require the character and design it takes to bring something like residential real estate to life.
Investors Looking For A Stress-Free Investment Last but not least, industrial real estate is for investors that want a hassle-free investment. Investing in multi-tenant real estate is one way to avoid all the management issues, rent control legislations, scrutiny, and discrimination laws that comes with residential real estate. Why Multi-tenant Industrial Investment Assets Small and medium businesses are still the backbone of the global economy. That said, they were responsible for 61.8% of job growth from 1994 to 2016.
Multi-tenant IRE is that often overlooked asset class of real estate that houses the operations of these small and medium enterprises; that’s why industries should consider investing in it.
What’s the best thing about leasing to small and medium businesses? Well, there are millions of them in America for a start. Every day a small or medium business collapses, there’s probably another small and medium business forming a few blocks over.
Low-Risk Of High Vacancy One should invest in multi-tenant industrial real estate because there’s a low risk of vacancy, unlike single-tenant and residential real estate. This is because in multi-tenant real estate, you house commercial tenants from a diverse range of industries.
Hence if one industry takes a hit or is struggling (like tourism during the pandemic), the other industries can still be stable (think of online shopping warehousing during the pandemic).
The diversity of your tenants plays a pivotal role in reducing the chances of high vacancy rates in multi-tenant commercial real estate.
In addition, multi-tenant IRE has a relatively low rollover. Replacing a tenant for a warehouse or a showroom is easier and cheaper than replacing someone who moved out of a residential apartment complex.
Low-Risk Of Debt Service Default The diversity of the tenant and the certainty of cash flow under multi-tenant industrial real estate also enables this asset class to have a relatively low risk of debt service default.
This certainty of cash flow is unlike in residential real estate where the tenant is most likely employed, disposable during economic downturns, and subsequently hard to replace during those same economic downturns.
Similarly, its cashflow is better than single-tenant IRE, where the tenant has a steady cash flow but could easily be run out of business during a recession or a bear market and be hard to replace during that same time.
Furthermore, you can assess your tenants’ credit and year-over-year performance before signing a lease, which increases the certainty of cash flow and reduces the chances of debt service default.Upsides Of Multi-Tenant ManiaAny asset class that offers the flexibility, diversity, and simplicity multi-tenant IRE offers is bound to come with many upsides.
Some of the benefits that multi-tenant IRE has over single-tenant IRE and residential real estate include:
1. Competitive Lending Structures The lending structures for multi-tenant IRE are relatively favorable compared to single-tenant IRE and residential real estate.
2. Max leverage in major markets The high yields and the relatively low cost of multi-tenant IRE in major markets create a scenario where an investor can get maximum leverage.
In this case, and with the right advice and market, an investor can build equity in the long term, amortization in the short term, and generate cash flow, all with borrowed money.
3. 10 year fixed terms typical Investing in multi-tenant IRE often means that investors get to benefit from all the advantages that come with 10-year fixed terms.
A ten-year fixed term protects your portfolio from an increase in the interest rate and is cheaper in the long run.
Since the lending terms are fixed, you have the certainty that your refinancing costs will remain constant throughout the lending period.
4. Non-recourse available at lower rates At lower financing rates, lending for most multi-tenant IRE is non-recourse-based. This clause means that the lender can only recoup or action assets limited to the project which the loan was funding in case of a default.
This makes investing in multi-tenant IRE at lower rates a low-risk investment since the investor is shielded from the loss of other assets in the unlikely scenario he/she defaults on the loan.
5. Stable Income Producing Asset The basic principle of modern-day investment is never to put all your eggs in a single basket. It’s the foundation behind principles like mutual funds, diversification, and multi-tenant commercial real estate.
6. NNN leases are ideal for minimal landlord responsibility It is easier to lease a multi-tenant IRE on an absolute-triple net lease. This agreement is also known as an NNN lease, where the tenant takes responsibility for most of the maintenance of the property.
In this case, the tenant will be responsible for the taxation, insurance, and common area maintenance, unlike in residential real estate, where the investor has to offer janitorial and other managerial expenses.
Even in cases where tenants don’t accept an absolute NNN lease, they still pay for a portion of maintenance costs on most multi-tenant IRE leases.
The flexibility of NNN leases helps to reduce CAPEX expenditures significantly and reduce the responsibilities of a landlord to a bare minimum.
7. Renting to income-producing Businesses The most significant edge multi-tenant IRE has over residential real estate is that it leases to businesses and not individuals or families.
Industrial businesses such as manufacturing and warehouse generate cash flow and are less likely to default on a lease.
Apart from their cash flow, businesses also have better contingency plans for economic downturns and can access emergency credit to wither a storm easier than a family.
Moreover, it’s easier and more socially acceptable to evict a small business that defaults or goes against the lease agreement than a struggling family—ever heard of a homeless business?Downsides Of Multi-Tenant ManiaEvery real-estate asset class comes with its fair share of cons. Despite its rise in popularity, multi-tenant real-estate still suffers from some management and cash flow problems.
Higher Management Costs
The nature of multi-tenant IRE leases comes with the advantage of lower CAPEX due to the cost-sharing of NNN leases.
However, this comes at a cost. The variety and diversity of most multi-tenant IRE leases can lead to relatively higher OPEX .
Managing a lease and payment options for different companies, operating on different payment options can lead to high management costs.
Incubator-Style Is Typically Gross-Lease
In most incubator-style multi-tenant industrial real estate, where small businesses and start-ups are nurtured, the lease is usually gross lease.
In a gross-lease agreement, the property owner pays for all the secondary expenses such as taxes, insurance, and maintenance. This makes incubator-style industrial real estate both OPEX and CAPEX intensive for the property owner.
When To Invest In Multi-tenant IRE When you’re ready to invest in the most competitive financing structure in the market for your multi-tenant industrial deal, contact Cody Baker at Terrydale Capital.
Why Wait When You Can Start Today Many investors across the world see an opportunity with multi-tenant IRE. However, opportunities only work once they meet preparation. There are many good days to start your multi-tenant IRE investment journey, and today is one of the best. We offer
5-10 Year Fixed Terms
Up to 30 Years Amortization
Rates as low as 2.70% (3.45% average)
TI&LC’s Included in Loan
Flexible Prepays
Get a code today and mention code “MANIA” and get a free appraisal cost waiver with Terrydale Capital Financing.Sign up for our commercial real estate news letter Today!
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robertlong12 · 6 years
Switch To Organic Gardening By Using These Tips
Poor organic gardening can negatively affect you, both physically and emotionally. You need to do a lot of your research, so that you don’t waste money, time, and resources on improperly growing your garden. There are some tips listed below to help you start properly growing the ideal organic garden.
If you have an organic garden and children, plant some everbearing strawberries for them. Children enjoy picking fresh fruit, especially if they can eat it right away.
If you live in the city, you can still reap the benefits of organic gardening through container gardening. Herbs especially will thrive in indoor pots, as long as they are large enough. Container gardening can be easier than outdoor gardening when going organic, as there is less risk of exposure to insect pests or weeds.
When you buy seeds for your garden, be sure to purchase seeds that are labeled “certified organic.” This ensures that your plants will be organic throughout their lifespan and that the seeds you are buying aren’t contaminated with chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Watch out for labels, such as “genetically engineered” or any mention of “natural” that does not include the phrase “certified organic.”
A great first step to having a successful organic garden is to test the acidity of the soil in your garden. The ideal number is 6.5, if your soil is on the low end, it’s too acidic and if it’s on the high end it’s too alkaline. Neither of those situations lends itself to a successful garden. So by purchasing a soil testing kit before planting, you will assure yourself a beautiful organic garden in the summer.
When starting your own organic garden, you should make sure you choose the right medium for growing your plants. Different plants need different mediums. Many of your seedlings should be replotted into a larger container before you put them in your garden. However, some plants, such as melons and cucumbers, must go from their original containers directly into your garden.
Learn to water your garden efficiently. A soaker hose can be laid in the garden and left on with low water pressure. This frees you up from having to hand-water the plants, so you can do other gardening work. Take care with seedlings, though — they are still delicate and need to be watered by hand.
You can save time by using soaker hoses. Instead of standing with a hose for a long time or having to refill a container, set your water pressure on low and let your hose sit next to the plant that needs to be watered. Do not forget to turn the water off later.
Add coffee grounds to your garden’s soil. They contain nitrogenous nutrients which are essential to plant growth. It is best for your plants to use coffee grounds that are part of a blend of ingredients in the compost or soil you are using for your plants, rather than directly adding coffee grounds to your garden plants.
Poor organic gardening can be very troublesome, but with some work and some patience, you can grow a better garden. It just takes research, hard work and patience to start seeing the “fruits” of your labor. Do yourself a favor and try using the above tips to help grow a beautfiful organic garden.
The post Switch To Organic Gardening By Using These Tips appeared first on Grow! 420.
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from Grow! 420 https://ift.tt/2Mtkv4N via IFTTT Switch To Organic Gardening By Using These Tips Long Robert https://ift.tt/eA8V8J June 27, 2018 at 10:03AM
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itsjaybullme · 6 years
Everything Fit Women Need to Know About the Keto Diet
Carlo A / Getty
The ketogenic diet is on fire right now, in case you haven’t heard, and it’s because of people’s reliable weight loss while on it. As a Google search term, “keto” is now double the popularity of “Paleo,” which has leveled off and even decreased in the past year. Keto diets require most of your calories to come from fat (with low protein intake and even fewer carbs), which trains the body to utilize fat for energy rather than carbohydrates. Yet not everyone is on board, with some experts saying that it’s more trouble than it’s worth. There is so much emerging research and buzz about keto that we wanted to cut the fat to find out what it is and isn’t, and why this diet may or may not be effective for women who train.
The origins of the keto diet date back to the 1920s, when a faith healer developed the diet to effectively treat children with epilepsy. But when anti-seizure medications became available, the diet fell out of favor. High-fat diets gained new traction in the ’90s when Robert Atkins published Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution (which, although high-fat and low-carb, is not ketogenic). Fast-forward to present day, and the ketogenic diet has been legitimized as an effective therapy not only for epilepsy but also for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, glaucoma, and even cancer. But the real appeal for most people is the ability to achieve significant weight loss—a claim backed by several studies, including a review of research in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
It’s also become, debatably, healthier: We know a lot more now about fats than we did back in the 20th century. Early keto dieters didn’t distinguish between saturated fats or processed fats like canola oil and “healthier” fats like polyunsaturated-rich olive oil or saturated fats like medium-chain-triglycerides (MCT) oil that can curb appetite, increase satiety (feeling full), and improve triglyceride levels. Some modern keto diets are also heavier on whole foods and vegetables rather than packaged, processed foods, so the body benefits reach further. And now there are an array of keto diets, from the standard keto diet to MCT keto. (See “4 Keto Diets Defined,” below, for more.)
For a 140-pound woman who is 5'6" and moderately active with 20% body fat, her keto macronutrient ratios would be 76% fat, 19% protein, and 5% carbs. If monitored closely, this diet would eventually put her into a state of ketosis, in which the body produces ketones for energy from fat cells in the liver rather than using the typical energy source of stored carbs in the muscles. But compliance is hard—you have to measure your ketones daily so as not to have too many carbs or too much protein.
Another downside is that ketosis is often confused with ketoacidosis, in which blood levels of ketones get so high that the blood turns acidic. It can lead to potentially deadly symptoms in short order. Yet, under normal circumstances, with monitoring by a nutritionist and by checking your daily ketone levels, it can be done safely. So could the ketogenic diet be right for you? Here’s what some of the experts have to say.
4 Keto Diets Defined
1. Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD): Beginner
Low carbs, moderate protein, high fat; fat types can include saturated fat or poly- or monounsaturated. Max is 25 to 50 net carbs daily depending on the person. (Three cups of kale has approximately 28 grams of carbs.)
2. Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD): Advanced
Carb limit is higher around workout times. Max is 25 to 50 grams of high-glycemic, glucose-based (not fructose-based) carbs 30 to 60 minutes before training.
3. Cyclic Ketogenic Diet (CKD): Advanced
Alternate keto days with carb-loading days, such as five keto days and one to two “refeed” days. On keto days, max is about 50g of carbs; on carb-loading days, it’s about 450 to 600g.
4. MCT Ketogenic Diet (MKD): Intermediate
The type of fat emphasized is medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) rather than other fats (mostly long-chain triglycerides, or LCTs, like animal fat) because MCTs produce ketones more easily; 30% fat from MCTs, 30% from LCTs.
See the next page for the potential benefits a keto diet could have on your body.
StockFood / Getty
Body Benefits of Ketosis
Experts agree that there are actually a few benefits to possibly going into ketosis, whether it’s to change your body composition, get control of cravings, or more.
1. Blood Sugar Control
Going keto may be useful for “helping to improve insulin resistance, as does exercise,” says Megan Roberts, the scientific director of Nourish, Balance, Thrive, an online health-coaching company. “It may also help improve conditions associated with insulin resistance like PCOS [polycystic ovarian syndrome].”
By cutting carbohydrate and protein intake, ketosis can also help with other diseases of high insulin, including type-2 diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s disease, adds Jason Fung, M.D., author of The Complete Guide to Fasting. And for those who grew up in the era of “low-fat everything,” adding in healthy fats can help hormonal balance and brain health, Roberts explains.
2. Weight Loss
A growing body of evidence points to at least short-and medium-term weight-loss effects. A British Journal of Nutrition review of 13 studies (totaling more than 1,400 people) showed that those on a very low-carb keto diet (with less than 50g carbs daily) had a decreased body weight and blood pressure at studies’ end compared with those on low-fat diets. You can also see rapid weight loss on a keto diet because insulin causes salt and water retention in the kidneys, and lowering insulin on a keto diet can often produce fast water loss, says Fung.
3. Appetite Suppression
“There’s no better diet than a ketogenic-style diet if you have always had trouble controlling cravings and body composition, aka once a fat kid, always a fat kid,” says Mark Bell, a champion powerlifter, owner of Super Training Gym, and author of The War on Carbs. An analysis of appetite studies in Obesity Reviews reveals that appetite does seem to be suppressed on low-energy, low-carb ketogenic diets, despite calorie restriction, which usually makes people ravenous. Surprisingly, even butter contains a fat-loss dynamo called butyrate, which has been shown to affect the gut-brain neural circuit by boosting metabolism, suppressing calorie intake, and raising fat burning, according to the journal Gut.
4. Endurance
“Keto diets train the body to burn fatty acids directly, which is often beneficial during prolonged training sessions and endurance athletics. Training muscles to use fat for fuel means the body is able to carry large amounts of fuel. Also, because keto diets are more satiating, they often lend themselves well to restricted time eating or intermittent fasting,” says Fung.
5. Longevity
A keto diet may add more years to your life, according to a study in the journal IUBMB Life. Researchers say that by reducing glucose, you may limit free-radical damage and decrease insulin/insulin- growth-factor-receptor signaling, which in turn boosts the FOXO (forkhead box O transcription factor) proteins, which raise antioxidant enzymes.
See the next page to figure out whether a keto diet suits your goals.
Joseph Clark / Getty
Keep It Short (and Unsweetened)
Yet, if weight loss is your ultimate goal, some experts say keto is best kept for its original use. “It might help decrease the severity and incidence of seizures in epileptics resistant to medication, but for fat loss there are better options,” says Marie Spano, M.S., R.D., C.S.C.S., C.S.S.D., a sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Hawks, and Atlanta Falcons. Burning fat may produce more ATP (the molecule that powers you during activity), but during high-intensity exercise the body cannot produce ATP fast enough from fat to meet its energy demands, and your intensity will slow down, she explains. And some experts say there’s nothing magical about the ketogenic diet for weight loss. “Just because you’re burning ketones does not mean you’ll lose weight,” Spano adds.
Roberts agrees that keto is not a diet she recommends for the long term. “Women, especially those who exercise regularly, tend to do better with more carbs from both a health and performance standpoint. Our hormones are more sensitive than men’s, and when you top off exercise and life stressors, with a very low-carb, ketogenic diet, it’s often a recipe for burnout,” she explains.
In fact, many of us simply can’t stay on a keto diet for too long. “The ketogenic diet is not sustainable for the majority of people, and it can be difficult to go on and off the diet easily,” says Spano. That could be partially due to the time it takes for the body to become fat adapted and start utilizing ketones, which for some can take several weeks. This stage is sometimes referred to as the “keto flu” (or carb flu) and simply is a sort of sugar/carbohydrate withdrawal phase that can be marked by fatigue, nausea, dizziness, brain fog, trouble sleeping, and stomach irritability. “It’s also not ideal for muscle gain, as the carb cutting interferes with the muscle-growth-signaling processes,” Spano says.
And to restrict something—carbs, calories, etc.—for too long and abstain from eating it forever is not realistic, Bell says. Instead, he says, “you should go through different time periods where you’re on different diets. If you’re looking for performance, and fat loss isn’t the most important thing, then a low-carb diet [as opposed to a ketogenic, which is very low-carb in comparison] is the way to go. But if your aim is to control body-fat levels and lose body fat, then a ketogenic diet is the way to go. Once your desired amount of weight has been lost, switch from a ketogenic to a low-carb diet.”
See the next page for tips on going keto the right way.
Thanakorn Phanthura / EyeEm / Getty
How to Go Keto Correctly
Everyone’s ketosis-inducing carb levels will be different. But there are common ways to prepare for a keto diet, including setting realistic expectations. First, be aware that you may take a while to become fat adapted, which means possibly seven days to several weeks in a transitional state or possibly in keto flu. During that time, your performance in the gym will take a hit, Spano says.
Second, be prepared for the mental challenge of the cravings you may experience, Bell says: “Specifically with trying to train yourself to not eat carbohydrates, the single most important thing is to get the foods correct. And this process can take you almost an entire month, sometimes two months, just to get the rhythm and timing down, knowing when to eat and how much to eat; and knowing what to do when a sugar craving pops up.” You’ll need to be able to get past this adjustment phase to see benefits. (To help you get there, check out some recipes from Carolyn Ketchum’s The Everyday Ketogenic Kitchen)
To approach the diet more healthily than its 1920s origins, start with a macronutrient-agnostic, nutrient-dense, unprocessed-foods template, Roberts recommends. “This will make a huge difference for people coming from a standard American diet (SAD). From there, you can dial down carbs and increase fat to get into nutritional ketosis.” Note: Environmental factors can also impact how you respond to a ketogenic diet, Roberts says, especially if a SAD is accompanied by its partner in crime, the SAL (the standard American lifestyle)—lack of sleep, too much stress, and lack of social connection.
Also keep in mind that active people can get away with eating a bit more carbs timed strategically around their workouts and still stay in ketosis, Roberts says, like in a targeted keto diet (TKD) or cyclic keto diet (CKD). “But ultimately, make sure to get in enough calories, regardless of your macronutrient breakdown of choice,” she explains.
Focus on Healthy Fats
The MCT keto diet (MKD) is one that uses a higher amount of MCTs than a standard keto diet (SKD). These are converted to ketones more quickly and are easier for the body to break down.
Also make sure to increase your intake of polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in walnuts and sunflower seeds. Research in the journal Obesity shows that when compared with subjects eating saturated or monounsaturated fat, those who ate polyunsaturated fats had decreased levels of ghrelin (the hormone that signals you to eat) and higher levels of peptide YY (a gut hormone that helps limit appetite).
Plus, “if your ketogenic diet is composed of [saturated fats such as] bacon, butter, cheese, and coconut oil, then your gut—and overall health—is going to be a lot worse than if you construct a ketogenic diet that is composed of plenty of colorful low-carb, nonstarchy vegetables, unprocessed fats, and quality protein,” says Roberts. That doesn’t mean all saturated fats are bad—it’s all about keeping things in balance with other fats in order for the gut to stay happy on a keto diet. “It’s also worth mentioning that genetics can impact how someone responds to a given type of fat,” Roberts adds.
See the next page for some important points to keep in mind if you embark on a keto diet and for Ketchum's Keto No-nos.
StockFood / Getty
It can be helpful to see a nutritionist throughout the duration of your diet to make sure your macronutrient (protein, carbs, fat) ratios are dialed in. You can also use a keto calculator like the one on ketodietapp.com to keep tabs on your intake. And make sure to monitor your ketones daily via urine stick, finger prick, or breath tests.
Maybe you’ll initially have great success going keto and then find down the road that you need more carbohydrates. Look for warning signs like poor exercise recovery, fatigue, low female hormones, low thyroid and/or missing/irregular menstrual cycles. These symptoms shouldn’t be ignored, says Roberts, since they may mean it’s time to rethink your keto diet strategy.
In fact, experts caution that evidence can be misleading. “If the keto diet is compared with poor nutrition, then absolutely it’s better, but if it’s compared with a well-thought-out, balanced diet, then, no, it’s not,” says Bell. “Most people would live longer if they ate fewer carbohydrates and followed some form of a low-carb diet. But given the amount of research on the subject in 2017, we know that carbohydrates are a superior energy source, even to ketones,” he adds.
Ketchum's Keto No-nos
1. Don’t assume how many carbs are in a food—look it up. Many people are surprised to find out how many carbs an onion has, whereas most berries are surprisingly low-carb. And strangely, mollusks like oysters, mussels, and scallops actually have carbs, although they seem like they should be all protein. For packaged foods, always read the labels.
2. Avoid all grains, starchy foods, and sugars. (And yes, maple syrup and honey are sugars.)
Q&A With Ketchum
Q: What can put you back into ketosis quickly?
A: Bacon or anything that’s a fatty protein—eggs cooked in butter with a side of bacon really help. I feel full and less likely to go back to indulging. A day of eating that way, and I will be back in ketosis.
Q: Favorite keto food for athletes post-workout?
A: Chicken thighs or leftover steak; I love eating dinner leftovers the next day. When I come home from a tough CrossFit workout and am ravenous, I just grab these. Sometimes I am too impatient to even heat them up—I just caveman them right into my mouth. Good thing no one is watching!
from Bodybuilding Feed https://www.muscleandfitness.com/muscle-fitness-hers/hers-nutrition/everything-fit-women-need-know-about-keto-diet via http://www.rssmix.com/
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terrydalecapital · 3 years
The rise of multi-tenant industrial real estate has been a long time coming. The writing has been on the wall since the rise of online shopping in the late 90s. All the forecasts and predictions are proving true.
Present-day, there’s now a steady demand for an asset class of real-estate that caters to the business needs of both SMBs and small local divisions of large national and international businesses.
These needs include space for warehouses, retail shops, logistics, showrooms, flex office spaces, and SMB manufacturing operations coming up around the country.
This is where multi-tenant real estate comes in.What Is Multi-tenant Industrial Real Estate
Multi-tenant real estate is an asset class that offers commercial space for small and medium enterprises on a lease. Moreover, it provides small and local real estate solutions for large established national and international businesses.
It’s a break from the traditional single-tenant real estate that involved a single large company on a single property for a long-term lease.
Multi-tenant real estate is usually smaller-with most of the rooms sized at 15000-20000 sq. ft and shared among several small and medium manufacturing and service industries.
Who Invests In Multi-tenant Industrial Investment
The rise of multi-tenant industrial real estate is being fueled by investors looking for a low-priced real estate asset class that they can lease for the short term. These are:
Investors Looking For A Varied Tenant Base
Unlike single-tenant CRE, the investors in multi-tenant real estate are also looking for a diverse and resilient tenant base.
Having a single industrial tenant comes with many problems of its own. That’s why many invest in multi-tenant industrial real estate.
Investors Looking For A Low-Maintenance Investment
The investors in multi-tenant industrial real estate are also looking for a less-flashy investment. They and are not in the market for an asset with high CAPEX and maintenance costs.
Multi-tenant IRE is less flashy in that it doesn’t require the character and design it takes to bring something like residential real estate to life.
Investors Looking For A Stress-Free Investment
Last but not least, industrial real estate is for investors that want a hassle-free investment. Investing in multi-tenant real estate is one way to avoid all the management issues, rent control legislations, scrutiny, and discrimination laws that comes with residential real estate.
Why Multi-tenant Industrial Investment Assets
Small and medium businesses are still the backbone of the global economy. That said, they were responsible for 61.8% of job growth from 1994 to 2016.
Multi-tenant IRE is that often overlooked asset class of real estate that houses the operations of these small and medium enterprises; that’s why industries should consider investing in it.
What’s the best thing about leasing to small and medium businesses? Well, there are millions of them in America for a start. Every day a small or medium business collapses, there’s probably another small and medium business forming a few blocks over.
Low-Risk Of High Vacancy
One should invest in multi-tenant industrial real estate because there’s a low risk of vacancy, unlike single-tenant and residential real estate. This is because in multi-tenant real estate, you house commercial tenants from a diverse range of industries.
Hence if one industry takes a hit or is struggling (like tourism during the pandemic), the other industries can still be stable (think of online shopping warehousing during the pandemic).
The diversity of your tenants plays a pivotal role in reducing the chances of high vacancy rates in multi-tenant commercial real estate.
In addition, multi-tenant IRE has a relatively low rollover. Replacing a tenant for a warehouse or a showroom is easier and cheaper than replacing someone who moved out of a residential apartment complex.
Low-Risk Of Debt Service Default
The diversity of the tenant and the certainty of cash flow under multi-tenant industrial real estate also enables this asset class to have a relatively low risk of debt service default.
This certainty of cash flow is unlike in residential real estate where the tenant is most likely employed, disposable during economic downturns, and subsequently hard to replace during those same economic downturns.
Similarly, its cashflow is better than single-tenant IRE, where the tenant has a steady cash flow but could easily be run out of business during a recession or a bear market and be hard to replace during that same time.
Furthermore, you can assess your tenants’ credit and year-over-year performance before signing a lease, which increases the certainty of cash flow and reduces the chances of debt service default.
Upsides Of Multi-Tenant Mania
Any asset class that offers the flexibility, diversity, and simplicity multi-tenant IRE offers is bound to come with many upsides.
Some of the benefits that multi-tenant IRE has over single-tenant IRE and residential real estate include:
1. Competitive Lending Structures
The lending structures for multi-tenant IRE are relatively favorable compared to single-tenant IRE and residential real estate.
2. Max leverage in major markets
The high yields and the relatively low cost of multi-tenant IRE in major markets create a scenario where an investor can get maximum leverage.
In this case, and with the right advice and market, an investor can build equity in the long term, amortization in the short term, and generate cash flow, all with borrowed money.
3. 10 year fixed terms typical
Investing in multi-tenant IRE often means that investors get to benefit from all the advantages that come with 10-year fixed terms.
A ten-year fixed term protects your portfolio from an increase in the interest rate and is cheaper in the long run.
Since the lending terms are fixed, you have the certainty that your refinancing costs will remain constant throughout the lending period.
4. Non-recourse available at lower rates
At lower financing rates, lending for most multi-tenant IRE is non-recourse-based. This clause means that the lender can only recoup or action assets limited to the project which the loan was funding in case of a default.
This makes investing in multi-tenant IRE at lower rates a low-risk investment since the investor is shielded from the loss of other assets in the unlikely scenario he/she defaults on the loan.
5. Stable Income Producing Asset
The basic principle of modern-day investment is never to put all your eggs in a single basket. It’s the foundation behind principles like mutual funds, diversification, and multi-tenant commercial real estate.
6. NNN leases are ideal for minimal landlord responsibility
It is easier to lease a multi-tenant IRE on an absolute-triple net lease. This agreement is also known as an NNN lease, where the tenant takes responsibility for most of the maintenance of the property.
In this case, the tenant will be responsible for the taxation, insurance, and common area maintenance, unlike in residential real estate, where the investor has to offer janitorial and other managerial expenses.
Even in cases where tenants don’t accept an absolute NNN lease, they still pay for a portion of maintenance costs on most multi-tenant IRE leases.
The flexibility of NNN leases helps to reduce CAPEX expenditures significantly and reduce the responsibilities of a landlord to a bare minimum.
7. Renting to income-producing Businesses
The most significant edge multi-tenant IRE has over residential real estate is that it leases to businesses and not individuals or families.
Industrial businesses such as manufacturing and warehouse generate cash flow and are less likely to default on a lease.
Apart from their cash flow, businesses also have better contingency plans for economic downturns and can access emergency credit to wither a storm easier than a family.
Moreover, it’s easier and more socially acceptable to evict a small business that defaults or goes against the lease agreement than a struggling family—ever heard of a homeless business?
Downsides Of Multi-Tenant Mania
Every real-estate asset class comes with its fair share of cons. Despite its rise in popularity, multi-tenant real-estate still suffers from some management and cash flow problems.
Higher Management Costs
The nature of multi-tenant IRE leases comes with the advantage of lower CAPEX due to the cost-sharing of NNN leases.
However, this comes at a cost. The variety and diversity of most multi-tenant IRE leases can lead to relatively higher OPEX .
Managing a lease and payment options for different companies, operating on different payment options can lead to high management costs.
Incubator-Style Is Typically Gross-Lease
In most incubator-style multi-tenant industrial real estate, where small businesses and start-ups are nurtured, the lease is usually gross lease.
In a gross-lease agreement, the property owner pays for all the secondary expenses such as taxes, insurance, and maintenance. This makes incubator-style industrial real estate both OPEX and CAPEX intensive for the property owner.
When To Invest In Multi-tenant IRE
When you’re ready to invest in the most competitive financing structure in the market for your multi-tenant industrial deal, contact Cody Baker at Terrydale Capital.
Why Wait When You Can Start Today
Many investors across the world see an opportunity with multi-tenant IRE. However, opportunities only work once they meet preparation. There are many good days to start your multi-tenant IRE investment journey, and today is one of the best. We offer
5-10 Year Fixed Terms
Up to 30 Years Amortization
Rates as low as 2.70% (3.45% average)
TI&LC’s Included in Loan
Flexible Prepays
The team at Terrydale Capital consistently goes above and beyond to secure the best Commercial Real Estate Financing in Kansas city for our clients. Get a code today and mention code “MANIA” and get a free appraisal cost waiver with Terrydale Capital Financing .
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