#and then expected me to basically just be his mother. cuz he had fuckin mommy issues that he wouldnt acknowledge
waitinqroom · 11 months
thinking about when i had a boyfriend but before he was my boyfriend and we were just talking i tried to tell him about how this one girl led me on really badly (i still have a buncha posts on here from fall 2021 about liking her, lol) as friends confiding in friends . but then after i told the story he tried to convince me that she didnt actually lead me on and i was just delusional
#like. what.#she literally led me on. like. she fuckin kissed me and shit#and i was so into her. and she knew it and she used it until she got what she wanted from someone else and then she dropped me into oblivio#she also used me again near the end of summer 2022 when i was getting over aforementioned ex bf but. i dont talk about that one with Anyon#anyways back to the ex. he literally just made me feel so. unwanted. all the damn time#and then expected me to basically just be his mother. cuz he had fuckin mommy issues that he wouldnt acknowledge#when . that wasnt what i fucking wanted at all. i just wanted to Be wanted and that was the one thing from a literal boyfriend he never gav#he never even complimented me or any of that shit. and he was So bad at kissing and touching me lmfao#he was. such an unbelievably Bad partner . like i still get hives thinking about it lmao#and i still dated him. for. a whole summer#and a couple months before that summer#and then i drunk called him several times in the months after that breakup#i was just convinced that no one else would ever even be interested in me. lol. so i just held on to him for a hot minute#but. then i pulled the hottest guy in my town (not exaggerating. he literally Is. like its a known fact. everyone agrees on it)#and he's a much better kisser.#and he's so much more fun to hang out with . like every moment with him feels like an a24 film or a lana del rey song#and now me and my friends always just talk about the ex as a meme bc. hes such a fucking loser#so. fuck him#(fuck him as in fuck my ex and fuck him as in literally fuck the hot guy)#hi ellie if youre seeing this.#r
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