#and then MASS HYSTERIA election news SPN gays
santaresistencia · 7 months
i'm going back rn and backtagging all of my spn posts (for like archival posterity reasons, shut up) and i've finally reached the date of nov 5th 2020 and holy cow we really did collectively lose our minds huh
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teamfreebees · 3 years
Happy new year to people watching supernatural before nov 5. To dean on his knees praying for cas. To why are you crying memes during the covid hiatus. To handprint speculation. To cas being the only thing that chuck can’t control. To Eileen and cas parallels. To I.love.you. To the king bobo berens, the historic confession + cope. to Putin resignation. To trending during an election. To mass experienced victorian-woman hysteria and bucklemming writing curing it. To Lucifer calling michael a cuck? To queer-baiting Dean Winchester with a phone call. To those defending spn over the bury your gays trope for two weeks because we had hope that misha would come back. To exploring destiel in act 2 meta. To tree, lamp and moth gate. To the finale was in the French mistake universe theory. To Richard Siken quotes and uQuizzes determining what plot line you are. To the blurry wife and party city wig. To imdb reviews. To PowerPoints and ice age parallels. To finale deniers. To the jackles long con. To you’re not crazy tweet. To rancid nuts and sexy silence. To Samantha ferris ruining the network’s covid excuse. To universes being born but in a no homo way. To old spn writers liking destiel fan art. To the castiel project. To the Spanish dub. To the C/W erasing all spn content. To misha lore. To reclaiming the insult Heller (affectionate). To cockles resurgence and the gag-reel. To dean gender discussions on Tumblr dot com. To religious imagery and hbo spn. To he/they sam. To old scripts being shared. To deanbenny hype. To deleted scenes and being shattered at the alter of Winchester. To OC colette. To the destiel hive mind. To mutual agreement that John Winchester should be dragged to hell by cas himself. To a specific part of the spn fandom that has the only valid interpretation of the show. To bi Dean Winchester and Cas the gay angel. And most importantly, happy new year to the rebel for kicks amv.
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