#and the texts between // are supposed to be khaenri'ahian
skialue · 3 years
It's been days and im still thinking about teen kaeya talking out loud to himself in Khaenri'ahian as he starting to feel like he's losing his identity and origins during his stay in Mondstadt-
Khaenri'ah being nearly forgotten and him being Diluc's shadow everytime they're together helped him get away from any inquiries. Although he never were able to escape Diluc's curiosity.
"How come you remember your mother language perfectly but not the name of your homeland?"
But Kaeya is used to lying and deceiving now, "Haha. Ironic, isn't it~?"
Neither Diluc nor the Dawn Winery's staff mind Kaeya's new habit.
No one dares to interrupt him or even look at his direction when he start talking afraid they might embarrass him
They smile to themselves as warmness spreads in their chests whenever they hear soft humming of some foreign song they assume or a quiet giggle.
Every sound and giggles sound as if he shared a secret with them despite them not understanding anything he's saying,
But that's the closest they felt to the teen that never speak unless spoken to, and hearing kaeya's smooth voice was a pleasant change to the usual quiet of the manor.
But that quiet soon returned intensified after Kaeya's first mission as a knight of Favonius.
And no canary or budgie can replace kaeya's melodical voice.
No one knew what happened that night, not even Diluc, his sworn brother, the one who founds him in one of Mondstadt's caves.
His first mission was a simple hilichurls camp clearing, any team of newbies could clear it with ease.
Kaeya was nothing close to a newbie, he was a kid from a royal family who has opened his eyes to what it seemed an endless war.
He learnt how to hold a sword before he could read or write. He was one of the few who passed the knight of Favonius exam almost instantly.
He wasn't worried about a thing, not even about the possibility that he have to kill who used to be his people,
He made his peace long time ago, he knows that even though they all grew from the same ground they're no longer humans.
They're no longer look human, they aren't even able to communicate or think. They follow their instincts in order to survive only.
"/They're closer to animals than humans../" he bitterly whispered to himself after him and his team finished clearing the camp.
But before he can sheath his sword, two abyss mages surrounded the area with a hilichurls horde three times bigger than the camp they just cleared.
The ambush frightened the horses of the knights sending them away. The only way out now was to face on the horde of the hilichurls and defeat them.
Kaeya already managed to kill a bunch of them and was able to call for his horse back and sent one of the injured knights back to Mondstadt so they can ask for reinforcements.
The fight was short after the reinforcement came, but kaeya didn't noticed he wandered too far chasing one of the cryo abyss mages that tried to escape.
"/You can't run away now, you shameful pig./"
The stillness of the mage when hearing kaeya's words after he cornered him in a cave alarmed Kaeya, especially after its shield suddenly went down throwing the mage on its kneels.
Kaeya takes a step back panicking as the mage is crawling towards him, extending its hand, "/... Prince?/"
Kaeya jerks his hand back dropping his sword when the mage hand reached his.
"/Prince! Where were you? What's happening?! Where are we-/"
The young knight unable to form a single coherent thought kicked the mage in panic before it can reach his feet.
' it..? '
The quietness that followed did nothing to ease his racing heart or shallow breathing.
Kaeya didn't noticed he broke the abyss mage's mask when he kicked them until the mage started to scream in agony holding their face looking at it through the small water puddle.
The whole ordeal already made his body wobble forcing him to lean on one of the cave's walls, but the mage's shriek was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Kaeya pulled his knee close to his chest, hands on his ears, unable to tear his crying eye away from the mage.
Kaeya's sobs must've reached the mage's ears and they fully turned to him.
"/What happened to me Prince?! Why do I look like a monster?? Where's my wife and son?!!! Prince, please-/"
The mage was silenced once and for all by kaeya's agonized scream and dagger.
That night, the only thing the cave echoed was the muffled crys of a landless prince.
Kaeya, still worn out after hours of crying, mourning, not sure what is he mourning exactly, but it was the only thing he was can do at that moment, couldn't push away the strong arms that was wrapped around him,
"Where have you been?? You were missing for hours after the abyss order ambush!! I was told you went after an abyss mage. I was worried sick.."
Diluc's wavering voice took what air left in Kaeya's lungs out. He wants to throw up.
Kaeya clenched the white fur in his hand and helplessly held on Diluc.
"Kae.. is that.. the mage's.."
But Kaeya couldn't hear anything anymore, he wants to crawl out of his skin, he wants to scream the emptiness out, he wants to throw up everything inside him.
But instead he held on to the only comforting warmness instead of the flesh-dusted fur that only managed to suffucate and weigh him down more.
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