#and the merm is from
bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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awww look at the newly weds!! Aren’t they just so cute! And the husbands are so flustered it’s like their first time being called that <3 <3
(Credit for prompt goes to one ‘superstardum’ from the space aces 🥺🥺🥺 I’m sorry I can’t remember ur tumblr url ;;)
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rockabillywonder · 1 year
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seal snarts.....sneals.....anyway here's something for mermay
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huffle-dork · 1 month
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 4: Merms
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | Read MerMay Stories
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
Bro lands somewhere completely unexpected, but also, beautiful. He's landed on a beach, looking out over a wide expanse of blue-green water. A bay? A lagoon? Something like that. Behind him are tall trees with vibrant green leaves. A forest. To the left and the right, at the far ends of the beach, are tall dark rocks--tide pools and little alcoves full of water. There are no people around. Or... even any signs of people. Where is he?
Bro blinks and pushes himself up, looking over the landscape with widening eyes. “…what the fuck? This-this isn’t home??” He has to admit it is beautiful but, “Where the fuck is this?!”
Everything is quiet and still, or as quiet and still as a beach and forest can be... until there's a splash over to the left, near the rocks. Bro can see someone grab onto one of the rocks and hoist themself out of the water. They're sort of far away, but it looks like a man with brown hair. He leans down close to the water, like he's looking at something still underneath the surface.
Bro is freaked out, frantically pulling out his phone to see if he can call Alt or Jackie. Something definitely wasn’t right here! He jumps slightly and almost drops his phone but manages to grab it before it slips into the water. He looks at the sound of the splash and sees the man. Not wanting to miss his chance- Bro flies over and lands a bit away so hopefully he can approach without startling them. 
“H-Hey! Can I ask ya something?” He shouts out, trying to sound friendly.
The man looks over at him, startled. And now that Bro is close, he realizes that something is off. There are... are those... fins? Poking out from behind his ears? That's definitely a long yellow dorsal fin going down his back. And his forearms are covered in blue and green scales. 
Bro skids to stop and stares with wide eyes, his jaw falling open. “W-What the fuuuuckkk….??” 
Before the man can respond, something shoots out of the water, grabs him, and pulls him back into the water. It happens too fast for Bro to really see what grabs the guy other than that it's green.
Bro shouts as he sees the man get dragged under water. He skids to the edge of the rocks and looks around frantically. Then, against his better judgment, he kneels down and then shoves his head under the water- trying to find any proof of what he just saw.
Underwater is blurry, of course, but Bro can make out what looks like two creatures fighting, both of them different shades of green. The darker-green one notices him and lunges forward, but the other pushes that one away. This whole time, there's a sound like... dolphin chatter? 
Bro blinks past the harsh burning of the water and tries to focus on what he can see-they’re- fighting? Why can’t he understand them??
Suddenly, Bro finds himself pushed back out of the water. While he recovers from this, the man--man?--from before stares at him, head and shoulders out of the water, looking worried.
Bro gasps as he’s pushed out and then blinks comically at the man- merman? That pushed him out. He waves, “uh…. Hi?”
The man waves--showing that there are more fins on his wrists. "H-hiii," he says. And then... then he makes some strange sounds. Random vowels interspersed with clicks, whistles, and chirps--in other words, the dolphin-like noises. 
Bro blinks in surprise at the new sounds and then holds up his hands. “Ahhh fuck- I can’t understand you… but- holy shit… you’re a merman…!” He laughs and pushes his bangs out of his face, blinking in disbelief. “I… I don’t know why I can’t believe this- I’ve seen weird shit before but- this!” 
Another head pops out of the water behind him. Someone else, with green hair, green-tinted skin, and glowing green eyes. There are fins behind his ears like this first... guy. The new one scowls and glares at Chase.
Chase tilts his head at the other figure. Huh… that green in his eyes almost looks familiar. “Um… you might not be able to understand me but um- I’m Chase! …and I’m so fucking lost.” 
"You're not Chase." Now that--perfect English--comes from the green-tinted one in the back. 
Chase blinks and then points at himself, "... Yes I am! I'm Chase- Chase Brody! Who the fuck are you-" Then he pauses and looks surprised, "Wait- you spoke English! Oh okay brilliant maybe you can-" 
"I don't know what sort of--of ssshhhit you're trying to pull--" The one in front turns around and splashes the other one, chattering in a harsh tone. The green one splutters and responds snappily in the same chatter. 
And the two of them have a quick back and forth. Then the green one sinks in the water. "...How did you get here?" he mutters, grudgingly civil. 
"Uh... well.. that's... complicated. But um... I came from another.. universe...?" Bro says. ...Why does the grumpy green one kinda remind him of Alt?
"Universe...?" the green one repeats, understanding the word but not the concept. 
The other one smiles at him. He points at himself "Dak." And then back at the green one. "Antee." 
Chase's eyes widen as he whispers. "...no way-" He stares straight at Antee- now clearly seeing the resemblance in the face- despite the green tint and scales. 
The green one protests in the chattery language, but the other one splashes him again and says something that asks like a question. 
The green one sighs. "Jack wants to know if that's somewhere far away, and how you got here if that's the case."
Bro slightly shakes out of his surprise and then nods, "Uh... yeah. R-Really far away. And uh- we got here by... magic mostly. A bit of tech- but mostly magic. My brother's a magician."
Jack's eyes light up. He chirps and chatters something, grabbing Anti and shaking him slightly. Anti rolls his eyes. "We know magicians," he mutters. "Didn't know humans could use magic, too." 
"Y-Yeah he's really good at magic! Best magician I know at least," Bro grins. 
Jack asks something. "He wants to know if your brother came with you." Anti interprets.
Bro quickly nods, "Yeah! He's... probably somewhere around here... we tend to get separated when we come to new places."
Jack and Anti look around. The lagoon is clearly empty of people. "Well. Good luck looking for him," Anti says, and starts to sink underwater. 
Jack makes an offended whistling sound--like putting voice behind a gasp--and grabs him, pulling him back up. "Look, if he's human then his brother is human, and probably on land! We can't help!" 
Jack slumps, then perks up again, asking something. Anti rolls his eyes. "Alright, Chase Brody. Why don't you use your metal slab to call your brother, then?" 
"Fon," Jack adds. 
"Your phone."
"Oh! Well... I could try? Wasn't sure it'd work here but- Guess they do exist here! That's handy-" Chase laughs as he pulls out his phone, trying to see if he can reach Alt.
It looks like cell reception doesn't translate between universes, but there is a tiny, tiny bit of WiFi that he can use to send a text. 
Anti swims a bit closer as Bro messes with the phone, trying and failing to hide his curiosity.
Chase curses as he takes the phone away from his ear and studies it- trying to send a message: Alt! I'm at a beach near a forest- where are you? Did the TRVLR glitch? Are you okay??? ...probably overkill but- just in case.
The text takes longer than usual to go through, but it does eventually. And now, they wait. 
Alt lands on a solid surface, and Jackie lands right next to him. They've arrived on a... boat? Yes, a boat floating out on the water, with a distant, pier-lined coast in sight. They sky overhead is a bright blue, contrasting against the endless dark blue water all around them. A table (and two chairs) sits on the deck, pushed up against the metal railing, its surface covered in burgers, fried chicken, French fries, ice cream--basically any fast food you can think of. 
Alt groans and curls up as he lands on something solid, finding it hard to breathe momentarily. 
"Alt!" Jackie cries out and goes to help him up. 
Alt blinks at him in confusion. "J-Jackie? Wait... no.. what??" He looks out at their surroundings, his stomach dropping. "T-This isn't-!" 
"What the hell?!" a young man, leaning over the boat's railing, jerks backwards. "Where did you two come from?!"
Jackie and Alt both jump as they hear the young man. Jackie scrambles to say something and just blurts out, "Uhhh... from the sky??" 
Alt gives him a confused 'are you serious' look.
The young man laughs. "Yeah, right. Okay, where were you guys hiding? There aren't many spots on here. You know that trespassing is still illegal if it's on a boat, right? Cause this is my boat, and I didn't say you could be here." He frowns. "Why are you guys here, anyway?" 
“O-Oh fuck uh- sorry sir, we didn’t know!” Jackie tries to say, holding up his hands. “I was trying to make a joke- we uh… god this is gonna sound crazy but we couldn’t actually control where we landed? It’s uh- magic and shit. We uh… came from another universe…?” Jackie grins a wide nervous smile, looking very uncomfortable. 
But as they talk, Alt notices something. Some of the fries from the table have fallen onto the ground. And a hand reaches up from the side of the boat and grabs some of them.
Alt gets distracted from trying to diffuse the situation as he sees the hand reach up. His eyes widen and he glances at the man before hurrying over to the side of the boat to look.
"Another universe? Yeah, sure. You can at least try to--hey!" The man tries to grab Alt as he hurries over but barely misses. 
Down in the water beneath the boat are three--people? They're clearly not normal. One wearing a cap has orange fins behind his ears and white and black stripes across his chest and arms. One with a bag has blue-green tentacles poking out of the water around him. And one in a sleeveless woven hoodie has a dorsal fin sticking out of his back. That one chokes on the fries he hurriedly shoved in his mouth while the one with the tentacles shoves the other two underwater. 
"Uh--don't mind that!" the young man rushes over, pulling Alt back. 
Alt’s eyes widen and he wants to shout but he gets dragged away. 
"Those are, uh, my friends! We're--practicing for a--a stunt show! R-really real costumes, huh?" The man laughs nervously. 
Alt looks back up at the young man and gapes at him. “…mermaids- those were mermaids!” 
“What??? Lemme see lemme see!” Jackie says excitedly, running to the railing to look over.
"No! No no no, those weren't mermaids!" the man protests. "They were just--dressed like mermaids!" 
As Jackie peers over the side of the railing, some of the spray from the water hits his face, as it's splashing a lot. But there definitely seem to be both human-like limbs and fish-like tails under all that splashing. Briefly, the one in the hoodie breaks away from the struggle and waves at Jackie, allowing him a closer look at him. Long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, sharp teeth bared in a grin, and scars across his eyes. Yet, somehow, he looks familiar. And then a tentacle wraps around his chest and pulls him underwater again.
Jackie stares at the water and then the hoodied man before he pushes away from the railing. “H-Holy shit…!” 
Alt whips around at the young man, “Don’t try to trick me! I know what I saw! No costumes are that realistic! And an illusion wouldn’t hold up with all them moving like that-“
"I--uh--uh--" The young man pauses, clearly mentally scrambling for an explanation. Then he suddenly switches tactics. "Did you know this all along?! I-is that why you snuck aboard?! W-well, I'll have you know you have no way of proving it! E-everyone's gonna call the pictures photoshopped if you post them!" 
“Hah?!?” Alt says. He glitches slightly in anger and presses up against the young man, “You got sea water in your ears, kid?! We just told you we didn’t mean to come here! I don’t even know where the hell we are! I couldn’t care less about proving anything!” 
The young man's eyes widen as Alt glitches. His mouth falls open and he's at a loss for words. 
Again, the hoodied mermaid pulls away from the struggle. He grabs the edge of the boat and smiles. "H-h-hayy," he says to Jackie. "Yoo.. luck... layk mmme."
Jackie startles as the hoodied merman pulls himself up towards him. He bends down and cocks his head at him, looking confused for a second. But then it clicks and he gasps, pointing at the merman. “OH MY GOD!! Alt! ALTTT!! ITS ME AS A MERMAN!! I FOUND A MERMAN JACKIE!!!” 
Alt glitches again and glares at the man before glitching over by Jackie. His eyes widen. “Yo- what the fuck…?”
The man stands there, stunned, while Alt and Jackie move to talk to the merpeople. 
The mer-Jackie makes a startled sound when Alt suddenly glitches next to Jackie, jerking backwards and into the water. Then he looks excited, turning back to the still-splashing part of the water. And he makes some strange sounds, like dolphin speech interspersed with human-made vowels. Whatever he says, it gets the other two to stop fighting. The one with the cap swims over next to Jackie, looking back up at the two guys curiously. The other one stays where he is, just his eyes poking out of the water, darting back and forth between the guys on the boat and the merms in the water.
Jackie shakes Alt’s shoulder excitedly. “Look dude look!! A merman me!!” 
“I am looking dude- I still don’t believe it-“ Alt breathes. He kneels down by the edge again, tilting his head at the merms curiously. When he notices their strange way of speaking he knits his eyebrows together and then tries to see if he can cast a translation spell.
The mer-Jackie and the cap merman make an "oooo"ing sound at Alt's magic. They turn to each other and chatter. 
"I--humans--not--use magic?" 
"--don't know that. Maybe they--know magic--forgot?" 
"Maybe we should ask Marvin later." 
The spell really struggles with this language, even more so than Glasish when they visited that fantasy world before. But it gets there eventually. 
"Well go on, Chase!" mer-Jackie says, shoving the other one. "Talk to them in human! Ask them about their magic!" 
"It's called 'English,' Jackie. They have a lot of languages." 
Alt honestly was afraid it wouldn’t work at all- but he seems to relax as it starts to make sense. He blinks then laughs and waves at them both, “Actually- it’s okay. I can understand you both now.” He grins. 
“What??? Alttt why’d you leave me out??? I wanna hear! Your doppelgänger isn’t even here!” Jackie whines. 
“Oh yeah- right… sorry Jackie-“ Alt says, quickly casting the spell on Jackie too. Then, Alt studies the capped merman. Is this one really Chase?
"Oh, you can?" mer-Jackie blinks. "Alright, how many fingers am I holding up, then?" He holds up three fingers. 
“3!” Jackieboy says excitedly, pointing down. Alt gives him another done look. 
The one in the back swims over and smacks the other Jackie in the back of the head. "That makes no sense! Idiot." 
"Owww! Don't be mean, Schneep!" 
Chase laughs. "Well, um... hi?" He waves. "We don't... usually see humans using magic like that. O-or looking like a broken computer."
Alt blinks back down at Chase and smiles, “Well- 1) cool that you know about computers! Didn’t think a merman would know that- 2) I’m a special case~ not many magicians like me exist! Anddd 3) we’ve never seen real life mermen before!” 
“Much less mermen that are us!!” Jackie grins, bouncing on the railing. “This is insane! It’s me and our friends as fucking mermaids, dude!!!” 
“Man Jackie you are bringing so much energy into these trips-“ Alt mumbles, rubbing at his ear.
Chase laughs, a sound that's sharper and more chittering than a human laugh. "Most merms don't know about computers, but I'm special. Oh, that's what the general term is, by the way, 'merm.' I-I know you guys tend to default to just mermaids but that's only for women." 
“Oh! That’s helpful to know!” Jackie says, “Mermmmm- heh- that’s fun to say! Merm merm merm merm-“ 
The one in the back--a mer-Schneep, it seems--eyes the two guys suspiciously. "Are you sure they can be trusted, Chase?" he mutters. 
"Schneep, they can hear you," Jackie points out. 
"It's fine, Schneep, I-I think they're different," Chase says. 
Alt hums, trying to ignore Jackie still saying merm over and over, “I know we look strange but- we know other people who look like you, and they’re our friends.” 
"Ollie?!" Chase calls. 
The young man walks over, looking over the railing. "These guys... are cool?" he asks hesitantly. 
"They're cool," Chase agrees in English. 
"O-okay." Ollie nods.
At the name, Alt’s eyes widen and he whips around, finally taking in all the features of the young man- he feels his breath get taken away ,a flush coming to his cheeks. “O-Oliver…?” He breathes.
"Uh... yeah? That's what Ollie is usually short for." Ollie laughs a bit. 
Alt is just staring at Ollie like he’s looking at a ghost. This is the first time they’ve seen someone else outside their friend group in another universe. He never thought he’d see a copy of his boyfriend?? This was super duper weird- and Alt can’t stop his cheeks from turning red. “U-Uh yeah… right… s-sorry… you just.. l-look like someone I… know.” 
"I do, huh?" Ollie smiles a bit. "I-I hope it's someone you like. It, uh, probably is." He doesn't want to comment on the obvious blush.
Alt makes a squeak at this. 
"Um... so... h-how'd you get on the boat? I didn't even notice you guys." Ollie asks.
"I think they just appeared," Chase says. 
"Appeared?" Ollie glances at Alt, confused. "Uh... sorry, I-I'm still getting used to the merm thing, people appearing and, uh, glitching around... is a bit much." 
Alt eventually shakes himself out enough to answer. “Uh yeah we.. just kinda do that… cuz of m-magic! Which I do- and used to get here- w-with this device.” He pulls out the TRVLR to show them. “But uh… we weren’t supposed to be here. I was sure I plugged in the coordinates for home.” 
As Alt looks over the TRVLR, he notices something. After tinkering with the settings between adventures, he'd found one that makes the current universe code show up in the top left corner. This... isn't the code for their world. Instead, it reads UA-0501019MM. 
He blinks and then narrows his eyes at the universe code. What the heck?? This isn’t even close to their code!
Meanwhile, mer-Jackie is joining in with his human counterpart repeating "merm merm merm merm." 
Schneep rolls his eyes at that and looks at Alt. "Who are you, then?" he asks. "Your names?"
Alt looks down and then lightly smacks Jackie to get him to stop. He gestures at Schneep then at Jackie. Jackie blinks then looks back at Schneep and grins, “I’m Jackie! Jackie Mann!”
"Jackie! Like me!" Jackie says. 
Jackie beams, “Yeah! Just like you! We’re like- the same person but from different worlds!” 
Alt raises his hand, looking timid. “‘M Alt… Alt Brody. But um… I-Im also known as Anti.”
The three merms glance at each other when Alt mentions his name. "We know an Anti," Schneep says. "That is funny. Names are funny." 
“Yeah… figured you would,” Alt mutters.
"Different... worlds?" Jackie repeats, uncertain. 
"Oh, like another dimension?" Chase asks. 
“Uhh yeah! I think that’s the same thing!” Jackieboy says, grinning. 
"What the fuck do you mean, 'dee-men-shun'?" Schneep asks. 
"Uhhh... it's hard to explain. It took me a while to get it." 
"Wait, you mean you guys weren't kidding about being from other universes?!" Ollie gasps. 
Alt laughs, “Nope- weren’t kidding at all. Where we’re from- mermaids don’t exist.” 
“As far as you know!” Jackie points out, “What if they’re just like- lurking so low we never see them? Like a giant squid! We’ve barely explored the ocean bro!” 
“Your wife is rubbing off on you,” Alt chuckles. 
“Hey! I have a fascination with the ocean outside of my wife too you know!!!” 
And shortly after, Alt's text tone goes off. The glitch then jumps slightly as his phone buzzes. He switches out the TRVLR for his phone, checking the message. Alt! I'm at a beach near a forest- where are you? Did the TRVLR glitch? Are you okay??? 
“Oh well- texting works here at least… that’s nice.” Alt comments. 
"Oh, your phone messages." Schneep nods. 
Alt looks back at Jackieboy. “Chase is on a beach somewhere-“
"I'm not on a beach, I'm right here," Chase says. "Or--do you know a Chase like we know a Jackie and Anti?" 
Alt blinks at Chase and then laughs shaking his head, “Yeah, we have a Chase too. He’s my older brother.” 
"Brother?" Chase repeats. "I have a couple siblings, but we don't really keep in contact. Maybe I should reach out to them. I think they all still live in the school we grew up in." 
Alt blinks, “huh- you might be one of the first Chases I met that actually has siblings too.” 
"A lot of merms have siblings," Chase says. "But you kind of drift away from them. In the ocean, at least. Everything's so big. It might be different for freshwater merms." 
“That’s so interesting…” Alt replies. 
"If your friend is on a beach, I can try to take you guys there," Ollie says, still barely grasping the idea of these visitors being from another world. "I mean, I can't really take you anywhere, but if it's nearby."
Alt can’t help but smile at Ollie- even if it feels weird to look at him for too long. Stop trying to heat up cheeks! “Uh- t-that’d be awesome if you could. He’s said he’s one the beach near a forest- does that sound familiar?”
"Oh!" Jackie's eyes light up. "A beach near land with trees? Is it the beach of a lagoon? With big brown rocks at the entrance and some deep tide pools?" 
Schneep looks at Jackie and frowns. "Do you think he found where Jack and Anti are?" 
"Yeah, I do!"
Jackie and Alt exchange looks. Alt seems uneasy for a second but- it’s not like they’re saying anything bad about this other Anti. He sighs. “If your friends live over there… then that’s probably where he is. We get drawn towards people we know when we drop into these worlds.”
Jackie blinks. "I don't think I'm really understanding this thing about worlds and 'oo-nee-versus' but we can take you there! Ah-lee can follow us in the boat!" 
"We are sure about this?" Schneep mutters. 
"I'm curious, at least," Chase says. 
"Come on, come on!" Jackie dives back underwater, swimming over to the prow of the ship. His dorsal fin sticks out of the water as he goes, highlighting that yes, he is indeed a sharklike merm, as opposed to Schneep's tentacles and Chase's more traditional fishy shape. 
Jackie laughs in surprise and delight as he sees mer-Jackie swim. “Oh my god!! He’s a shark!! That’s so cool!!!” 
Schneep grins at Jackie's enthusiasm. "Yes, Jackie is a yellow shark. Chase is an anemonefish and I am a great ocean octo." 
"Lemon shark, clownfish, great Pacific octopus," Chase says. "You guys have different words for us. Oh, and we're going to Jack and Anti, who are a discus and an electric eel." 
“That’s so sick!! You’re all so different!” Jackie says excitedly, “In cartoons and shit- all mermaids look the same!!” 
Chase laughs. "Oh yeah, we've seen some of your cartoons. We know. But it's fine, don't worry. I think it's great, actually!" 
"Well, if we are going, you should message your brother," Schneep says to Alt. "So he is not waiting and not knowing."
Alt blinks and then nods and texts Bro back: Hang tight bro- we landed on a ship and found help. Coming to find you. All safe 
Then Schneep looks at Ollie. "Can you follow us?" 
"No problem." Ollie gives him a thumbs up. "Try to stay slow, though. You guys are really fast." 
Alt hums in thought, shrugging his backpack off and starting to skim through the pages. He wonders if he has any spells that can help… Because… These guys know about magic- and there’s one other person from their world who’s left unaccounted for.
And with that, he and Schneep go join Jackie at the prow, and the boat heads off across the ocean. 
 Magnificent does not appear anywhere familiar. Or even anywhere he would want to be. He lands on a small beach. This is on the edge of a large body of water, surrounded by thin trees. Judging by the lack of salt smell, it's not the ocean, but an especially large lake. And one that people know about, since there's a small area with a picnic table and trash can nearby.
Magnificent rolls onto his stomach, growling against his binds and hoping he can get away from those pesky-! Wait- this… isn’t their universe. As Mag thinks this, Alt’s magic breaks apart, freeing him. He quickly teleports to his feet and dusts himself off. Then he hisses and scrambles back as he sees his close he is to the water. Fucking water- as much as he doesn’t want to lean too heavily into cat stereotypes… he can’t stand large bodies of water. And getting wet. But… new universe… what magic could lie around here..?
Well... there are pros and cons to him reaching out with his magic. Pro, there is a great deal of magic nearby, strong and deep and rippling with power. Con, it's clearly under the lake.
Magnificent starts to brighten as he senses the magic- then his face quickly falls as he sees it’s under the lake. He curses up a storm, kicking at the sand and basically throwing a fit. Once he lets out his rage he breathes and then braces himself before jumping into the water. He casts a quick spell to make sure he can breathe and see, while cursing whoever left this magic down here. He’s not a great swimmer but he pushes forward, aiming to follow the pull of the magic.
As Magnificent sinks through the lake, the light becomes dimmer, but fish become more plentiful--though they all scatter whenever he gets near. And as he starts to reach the floor of the lake, he notices something strange. Some of the plants are glowing. They give off faint magical signatures, but aren't really worth his time. There are also... glowing starfish? But those live in the sea, not lakes. And yet here they are, scattered about, getting closer together as the pull of magic becomes stronger. He comes to a spot clear of any plants, and finds something strange. A structure made of pillars and slabs of stone, most of it having no walls except for a single attached room. What is this? Some sort of ruin?
Magnificent swims past most distractions, eager to get a boost and then get out of this lake. But… the starfish are odd. And so is this… structure. Curiously, Mag swims towards it and tries to peek inside.
But then he runs into something coming out of the structure. It’s not immediately clear what it is, but as it makes some sort of chirping whistling sounds, the details sink in. It’s… a merman. That’s the only word for it. The bottom half is a silver tail with glints of yellow and blue, the upper half is mostly human (wearing a dark green cape) but has silvery fins trailing from the upper arms, and the face… is startlingly familiar. The merman trails off, fully taking in Mag’s appearance as he takes in his. Then his eyes widen in fear and he swims backwards, making a loud whistling noise.
Magnificent’s eyes widen and his jaw falls in disbelief. A merman… he thought those only existed in fairytales! And well, unfortunately, he knew this thing’s face all too well. But, the mad magician tries to put on his most charming smile and tries to back up, looking apologetic. “My apologizes, noble merfolk! I was just… searching the area. Did not mean to intrude~!”
But it doesn't matter how kind or apologetic he seems, the merm turns and darts into the structure, whistling and chattering loudly. Once inside, he grabs something from a shelf carved from rock and puts it on his face--a mask with four bits of orange sea glass embedded in the forehead--and starts rummaging through round stones on the shelves.
Mag’s face goes from cordial to dangerous in an instant. He growls and then darts to follow the merm into the structure. Once he sees him he lashes out to try to grab him by his wrist.
But the merman's wrist slips out of his grasp, the skin less grippy than Mag expected. He looks at the magician with wide eyes and grabs tight to one of the stones. Strange symbols carved on the surface light up with seafoam green light. And that's when Magnificent realizes. The power he'd felt--it wasn't one big source, it was a lot of sources gathered together. One of them being this merman. And many others being the little round rocks he was looking through.
Magnificent growls, his own eyes lighting up with magic. Then, he pauses as he reads the room. Oh… okay. He grins, then tries to grab one of the stones for himself.
The merman notices what he's doing and tries to stop him, going to smack his hand away. 
Mag is stopped and he yells out in frustration as he slapped away- but he manages to lash out again and grabs the merm’s hand. He laughs sinisterly, digging claws into his flesh. “Don’t worry, little fish… this won’t hurt a bit~!” And he tries to drain the merm of his magic.
The merm shrieks and manages to backpedal his way out of Mag's grip, tail pumping hard to push him through the water. But not without Mag's claws scraping down his skin--and not without some of his power being stolen. It flows into Magnificent like the water that surrounds them, bubbly as the seafoam its green color is named after. It's only a fraction of what the merm had, but it's something. The merm looks at him in horror, then turns and swims out of the structure.
Magnificent laughs, studying the magic as it flows through his veins. He laughs as the merm runs, going to scoop some of the power stones up for himself. Curious little things… worth studying he thinks. Hmm… should be off that little anomaly of him? Or capture it to see what it could explain about the magic here? …or- he could do both. He grins and then rockets after the merm, quickly trying to see if he can teleport to cut it off.
He’s surprised to see he can but grins menacingly as he appears in front of the merm, reaching out to try to catch him.
The mern shrieks again, ducking down to swim under him. And as it chatters, something happens. 
"--the--trying--me!--my magic! Where--you?!" Huh? The sounds are starting to make sense. 
Mag yells in rage and tries again, trying this time to throw out strings to catch it.
But the strings alone get pushed away by the currents of the merm moving. He circles around the structure to the more solid part--and something pops up from the other side of it. A person, just their head poking above the ceiling of the structure. He has brown hair and a thick mustache. His eyes widen as he sees Mag, then he looks at the other merm and makes weird gestures. The merm hurries towards him.
Magnificent is getting tired of this chase- he rockets back down and then conjures up a net with his magic, whipping it out towards his look-a-like.
The merm is too focused on reaching his friend to notice the net. It wraps around his body, pulling him to a stop. He shrieks. "No! You--! Let me go!--help!" 
Whatever magic Mag absorbed must be translating the chatter. 
Magnificent laughs and starts to pull the magic back towards him. “Well! That was a fun chase, Marvin.” He spits out his name. “But I’m afraid playtime is over, little fish~” 
The other merm dives forward, hurriedly trying to pull his friend out. This one is very different than the other, with strange wings attached to his arms and sides. A ray of some kind, maybe.
Magnificent finally takes notice of the other merm and he laughs, floating above him. “Now now little one- you can run along~! I’m sure I have no need for you~” He sends out a wave of magic, trying to push the Ray merm away.
The ray clings to the net but the magic pushes him away and he goes flying over the structure. "No! No! Jameson!" Marvin shouts, struggling. He looks back at Magnificent. "Wh-who are you?! How do you know my name?! Can you--can you even understand me?!"
Magnificent laughs, “Yes I can~ and since we can now hold a conversation… I think you will be such a good source of knowledge for me. So- why don’t we get to know each other, Marvin? You can call me Magnificent.”
"Magnificent? S-stupid name for a h-human." Marvin tries to smile smugly, but there is clear fear under the mask."I don't--I don't know what you could want. I just live here, I don't know anything a-about your human stuff."
“Oh my dear child, I am no human~” Magnificent laughs, showing off his fangs, “I am something so much greater.” 
 "Not human, huh? Th-that would explain how you're down this far and still breathing." He tries for a smile again but doesn't even manage a smirk this time. 
Magnificent tightens the net and brings Marvin close to his face, going to use his claws to turn his back and forth by his chin. He chuckles, tilting his head like a curious predator. “Why that’s okay, little fish. I think I will find what you know sooo much more interesting. Like- how these stones work- for instance? Or how you got your magic?”
Marvin swallows a lump in his throat. Tiny slits on either side of his neck open and close in miniscule motions."I--My magic, it--it's something I was born with, a-a lot of merms are, though most don't do anything with it. A-and the stones, they store power. You pour some of yours in and pull it out at later times."
Magnificent tsks, “It’s that trivial? Hm…” He twirls some of the strings of his magic with a thoughtful expression. “You said a lot of …merms- have magic? Where could one find a bigger source of that?”
Marvin opens his mouth to answer--and then realizes that it's probably not a good idea to give this guy what he wants. So he shuts his mouth. "I don't know."
Magnificent’s expression darkens. He grabs Marvin harder by the chin and forces him to look up at him as he whispers, “Are you lying to me, kitten?” His eyes start to spiral with magic as he chuckles, “I don’t think you should lie to me, Marvin. Because- I believe I can actually make use of you~ don’t you want to be useful to me, Marvinnn~?” He tries to pump the mark full of his influence.
Marvin blinks, confusion momentarily snapping him out of fear. "What d'you mean, 'chishin'?" he mutters, terribly mispronouncing 'kitten.' But then the spirals appear, and he gasps, closing his eyes immediately-- And before Mag can do much more, something slams into him from behind.
Magnificent growls, “that doesn’t mat-!” He gets cut off as he’s slammed into, dropping the net with Marvin in it. He growls and whips around to blast magic at whatever hit him. 
The magic hits his attacker point-blank--the same ray merm from before, who now gets flung into the ground. A cloud of sand flies into the air from the impact. "Jameson!" Marvin gasps, struggling to break free of the net.
Magnificent is quick to scoop Marvin back up and magic builds up behind him- making an even stronger spiral. “Enough games! You will help me find stronger magic or I’ll find bigger fish to fry after making you dinner! You will obey me!”
Marvin glances from Jameson to Magnificent--and freezes upon seeing the spiral. It flickers in his eyes. "I-I-I... n-no, I-I can't..." he says quietly, his struggles growing weaker and weaker. "I-I... Don't... hurt Jameson... please. I-I'll do... whatever you want, just... don't..."
“Is that all? Then of course, little fish… I won’t harm, Jameson. All you have to do is help me~” Magnificent giggles quietly.
"O... kay..." Marvin slumps entirely. "I'll... help." 
Jameson watches this happen in horror, frozen in plaze.
“Very good~” Magnificent grins. He snaps and the net disappears from around Marvin. “Grab whatever you need for the journey, Marvin. Then, you can lead me towards where this power is, hm?” 
"Okay." Marvin turns and swims into the structure. "We're going... to the ocean. Magic is stronger in deeper waters." He's grabbing a woven bag and filling it with things: a couple power stones and some kelp packages. 
Mag glances at Jameson, his eyes glowing unnaturally in the water.
Jameson tenses, and then abruptly turns and dashes away, keeping close to the sand. With the speckled pattern on his back he quickly blends into the ground.
Magnificent snorts with a smirk. Good. This Jameson was a coward. He wouldn’t get in the way then. Looking over himself he hums in thought. If he’s going to be down here… he needed a better way to swim and also not attract too much attention. He snaps and a burst of magic swirls around his legs and transforms them into a sleek black tail- resembling the tail of a pacific black dragon. He flicked the long eel-like tail and grinned as it lit up slightly green. Perfect. He abandoned his normal attire to have a material like his cape drape over his chest. Now- hopefully he wouldn’t draw too much unwanted attention…
Marvin stops, staring at Magnificent transform with shock. "S-so easy...?" he mutters, sounding in awe. "That tail... like a deep dweller." He shivers at the thought of them, then the hypnotism takes hold again. "Are you ready to go?"
Magnificent grins, “Yes. Lead the way, little fish~” He makes a sweeping motion like a showman, gesturing out towards the rest of the water.
Marvin nods. "Yes. The river to the ocean is this way." And he starts swimming, leading Magnificent there.
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bittybattybunny · 1 year
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Oh you know what time of year it is for me~!!!
Happy Mermay! here’s to seeing if I finish this year!
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ofmermaidstories · 3 months
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some recent purchases. 📚🧴
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 5 months
Hi, I love your original character Ahti II very much he has such a cool design. Does he live in fresh or salt water?
Thank you very much!! Ahti II is very special to me :D
Funny story, he is a brackish water dweller! His home is the Baltic Sea, which on average has a salinity of about 7‰ or 0,7%. By contrast, oceans on average have 35‰ or 3,5%! The salt content of the water is even lower the further you go from the ocean, and Ahtola, Ahti II's home city (and the capital of his country) is located pretty deep in the Baltic, it's somewhere between Sweden and Finland and south of Åland. There isn't very much salt ^^'
As he is away from home a lot as a teen (learning to be like the average person and whatnot) he enjoys the joys of swimming in pure freshwater too, in Finnish Lakeland in the summer!
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nerosdayinanime · 7 months
so many versions of Fish...
original: sabito lionfish(xcatsharkxcoelecanth) & human giyuu met as kids, sabito goes to bother him(affectionate) @ his job at the aquarium(/merm rehabilitation/ocean research center usually. theyr Good)
1.5: sabito starts a mermaid theater group
2nd: vauge thought of traditional half-fish half-human mermaids, sabito as a white tipped reef shark. i forgot everything else :/
3rd: sabito & giyuu mermaids, giyuu gets seriously injured and a panicky sabito brings him to the aquarium, tries to follow them taking giyuu inside (shinobu & mitsuri trying to stop ~200lbs of Land Fish from going where he wants to go)
4th: all hashira mermaids, massive destructive hurricane/storm ripped through and they were some of the unlucky merms caught in it; local aquariums & water centers pitched in to help out the influx of injured merms & thats how they all meet
5th: mermaid giyuu & marine biologist sabito, sab finds fish out in the sea and it follows him home
6th: all humans mermaids, hashira + all the siblings/kids are a pod & get captured by illegal mermaid fishers which gets captured by authorities who find the fish in the brig(?) and take it to ppl who know what to do with them (aquarium) said ppl are the demons (humans now)
7th: some time pre-industrial era (all those^^ r modern) sabito as some worker on a ship that gets caught and capsizes in a nasty storm, gets rescued by giyuufish last minute [Castaways(barns courtny)]
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sanchoyoscribbles · 2 years
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Quick chibis for @zexalweek ...if I was gonna do any of the prompts, of course it would be the mermaid ones 👉👈 I thought these two would make really fun merms just bc of the embellishments already in their designs. astral is a merm who stays close to the water/near reefs and helps the good people in the nearby seaside town (yuuma & co) and vector is a deep sea merm up to no good, probably a sea witch like ursula :3c
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moopermoment · 1 year
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you know what that means, fish! @weegee32235
agent is created by tofudemaru
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brightlydust · 2 years
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haha what if i did a huge lineup of various ocs in one universe.... unless?
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seventhea · 11 months
so. main verse on this blog is probably gonna be after the events of the movie when she's voyaging around with eric trying to discover uncharted waters, but i want her to be able to keep the option of becoming a mermaid bc i think like. she belongs in both worlds and so does he in some way?? also i'm assuming that her being able to return for coral moon like she tells her family means she has the option to become a mermaid so <3
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year
What’s Jenna in the Merm world?
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She's the security guard at 54 (hundred) Below of course
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spacecatdet · 1 year
Now that I've shared a few tidbits from fics. I want to work on them again but no idea which one...
I need to start a few others so I don't forget them too
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stellamancer · 2 years
i’m writing a big outline/summary for this isekai idea and i hate hate HATE that the more i write the more my brain is trying to be like: bitch you know this should probably be a cyoa
and i’m just like ‘no brain, no, i am not that insane.’
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vinca-majors · 6 months
If it's alright to ask, I'm dying to know: what's this about Christopher Nolan's Little Mermaid?
oh i didn't mean to mislead! it's not a real production (everyone manifest this NOW) - literally just me seeing that photo of a man looking like he is not only capable of but would welcome the opportunity to fight the entire ocean and thinking 'like if christopher nolan adapted the little mermaid' (MANIFEST IT)
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
the way deku can never tie his tie properly drives me BONKERS.
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