#and staying hydrated and eating good foods ☹️☹️
jeonjcngkook · 1 year
im romancing
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134340am · 2 years
no feelings simply bc were just not interested in commitment? we tutored each other yesterday and today but i just didnt feel a spark??? mayhaps were just meant to be friends after all ((but i hope this can last bc im moving away next year))
also,,, have you eaten??? what did you eat??? drink your water and stay healthy!!! ive been feeling under the weather these days and have been drinking meds... not cool 👎👎
ah i see!!! honestly, starting off w friendship either way is a pretty good way to go 😋 no harm being friends (especially if he’s smart and can help you with class lmao) but also… keep me updated! i hope he treats you well :O (is capricorn guy a uni friend, btw?)
sorry for the late reply to this ask evwjdbjwje but since you sent this yesterday i’ll tell you what i ate yesterday — i had a burrito bowl and it was DELICIOUS!!! and i also got boba after because it was crazy hot yesterday ☹️ honestly i think the hot weather has been making many people tired / sick and i’m sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather T^T make sure to hydrate and eat light foods… i hope you feel better real soon!!! ♥️
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rottiens · 1 month
right 😫 i get so grumpy and my whole mood just drops, it’s horrible 😪 LITERALLY, can’t escape the heat no matter what, like pls just leave me alone 😭
oh nooo, rest as much as you can and stay hydrated. hoping you feel better soon 🤍 i agree tho, it really is. it’s such a downer when you’re having a nice time out and it starts to chuckle it down 😭
ooh, now i really wanna try ‘em! being able to cook and clean while listening to a book would be amazing! on my to do list 🤝
OH? YUMMY, that sounds absolutely delicious 😋 and exactly! it’s all about practice! i wish you luck with your next dishes<3 and omg yummmmmm, i would absolutely gobble that up, my type of food FR. garlic has gotta be one of my favourite things to add to good, it just brings out sooooo much flavour 😋
ofc ofc! 🤍 aww, enjoy enjoy! i hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend too! and happy birthday to your brother! i hope he has a lovely birthday and you all have a wonderful day together<3
and hopefully monday isn’t too busy or stressful for you<3 mondays are something else fr 😭
OOH ALSO, you’re new sukuna fic 👀 on my reading list, you best believe imma eat it up 😼 very much looking forward to reading it!
GARLIC >> same ! it's my choice always when it comes to add to meals + onion, i know some people may not like it but cut in small cubes it's so delicious, trust me ☹️
and ow ! thank you so much for being so kind ^^ we really had a lot of fun, we went out and ate something and just spent time as a family. i got home in the afternoon and i'm really tired, i should be sleeping because tomorrow i have to work early sighs but i wanted to read a bit of the fics i have in my bookmarks before i do.
And I'll be happy to hear your comments <3 take your time because I know it's a bit long lol but I hope you like it and I'll be here to listen if you have any comments you want to share.
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vxperorchist · 2 years
Hello hello, it's been a week and I srs don't know what to talk about, so I'll just ask you if you are doing alright, which I hope so ☹️☹️. Like I hope you have the wunchiest, cruspiest, shrekiest (ik none of these words make sense but i hope you get what I mean), amazing, cool, perfect days ever as you deserve them 😍😍. Remember to always eat well, even if you aren't hungry, drink at least 5 cups of water every single day to stay hydrated, LOVE YOURSELF because you are the most amazing person ever and to always think positively. Also like since Idk what to do and what to ask or what topic to start with you. I will like write maybe a fanfiction with a kaisu reader au 😘 which is the creature I talked to you about made if you remember welll (I'm sure you remembered tho) and I will include your fav characters. Don't like get excited because like me and my pea brain barely know anything about some characters (will watch videos to understand them more) and my writing sucks ass 😍, so not only will I have to reread everything I wrote at least 8 times, but I'll have to recheck my vocabulary and ask for help from some people Ik because English ain't my first language (totally not me saying that even if I speak more English than my own language but I still suck at it). So that's it, hope you have the more amazing days ever and that you will be happy everyday.
-heizou anon
I hope you're doing AMAZING!
I've been so inactive, my phone broke 💀
I hope to be posting more (I've said this like 5 times but you get the point!)
I do remember the kaisu! I would love to read what you wrote about it, keep me updated ‼️
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