#and start smashing the maternal kitty…
toxic-mothers-tourney · 11 months
Toxic Lightning Round 1: Warriors
Rainflower vs. Millie vs. Lizardstripe vs. Mapleshade
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Why they're the Worst (TM)
Basically disowned her son after he was permanently disabled due to falling in the river and smashing his jaw on a rock. Had him RENAMED after his injury (Stormkit -> Crookedkit) and said she couldn't love him because he was "ugly". Spent the rest of her life ignoring him and heavily favoring her other son and Crooked's brother. AND YET. SHE STILL GOT TO GO TO HEAVEN???
She didn’t allow him as a small child to sleep in the same nest as her and his brother, basically the cat version of throwing him out on the streets. Rainflower also forced their leader to change his name to something that reflected his disability, and once he was old enough to provide for himself effectively disowned him. This extreme emotional abuse had a huge effect on both of her sons, and caused her disabled son to literally start training in cat hell because he didn’t feel appreciated anywhere else.
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Treated her daughter's disability as a tragedy and used it as an excuse to neglect her other children. Briarlight deserved better 🔪🔪🔪
tw: cat murder)))) let the kitteh win the tournament, she pretty much just hated her kits including a foster kitten she was forced to adopt, and that foster kitten was bullied by her kits and he was blamed for it. pretty toxic mom ngl also she's a kitty look at the lil hissy girl look at her /affectionate (this also goes for rainflower too I just hate her)
Oh boy, strap in bc this one’s crazy. So, Mapleshade was a cat who died several generations before the main series began. She had kids through an illegal relationship with the man who killed her leader’s son, and she and her very young children were ultimately exiled from their Clan when the truth of their parentage was revealed. Mapleshade tried to take them across the river to their father, and all three kittens were swept away and drowned. Mapleshade then went on a grief-fueled killing spree, driven by hallucinations of her dead children urging her to kill the cats she perceived to be responsible for their deaths. Eventually, she confronted her ex and his pregnant mate (bc oh yeah, it turns out Mapleshade was the Other Woman), and the ex was killed protecting his pregnant mate. Mapleshade also died in this fight, but her hatred was so strong that she basically became a demon in cat hell and declared eternal suffering on her ex’s entire bloodline. Two generations later, the ex’s grandson breaks his jaw as a kitten and is rejected by his mother. Mapleshade swoops in as a maternal figure and promises to make the poor kid into the best warrior he can be, despite his broken jaw being a significant disability. She grooms and manipulates him throughout his entire life, and every person he loves dies horribly, one by one. Whether or not Mapleshade actually caused these deaths is unclear, but she does make Crookedstar (the cat she’s been manipulating) believe that she’s caused them. This is because when Crookedstar was a small, rejected child, she made him promise her that he would always put his Clan first. Being a kid, Crookedstar made the promise without a second thought, not realizing that Mapleshade meant that he could never be close with anyone (since that would mean putting his loved ones before his Clan). Therefore, Crookedstar thinks that every death of his loved ones is a punishment from Mapleshade, his maternal figure, for breaking the promise he made as a kitten.
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by unofficial
somewhere in a chic salle d’attente with 3 Eames chairs and a Rothko.
Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and they will come forth, later, in uglier ways.
Sigmund Freud
Freud was a…
fuk’n wanker…
a perpetrator of blah blah blah…
a drug addicted shit-hustler…
perfecting behavioral health farming…
to keep the cash rolling in…
by guiding miserable sheep…
to genuflect…hail mary…& suck cock…
whilst imparting erudite stuff…
and brain sequencing obtuse mysteries…
that you can’t possibly cram into one session…
goddess grant me serenity…
before I go way Oedipal…
and start smashing the maternal kitty…
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Out of The Hive, Into The Cocoon
[Wing AU]
Wing Reference
Word count: 2284
Prompt: “Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.”
  “I don’t feel that well…”
  “Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.”
Jane rolled her eyes at Joan’s wounded expression. She canted her harpy eagle wings away, as if she were afraid the Flightless’s presence may dirty the pristine, shiny feathers. Joan noticed that, too, and looked even more hurt.
  “What’s going on this time?” Kitty asked loudly. Her glass butterfly wings are blindingly iridescent in the overhead fluorescent lights and make Joan feel even more dizzy and nauseous than she already was.
  “None of your business.” Joan snapped. She rubbed her wrists, which haven’t stopped burning since the night before. Her stomach was all cramped up, too, like something was trying to claw its way out of her.
  “Must not be important then,” Kitty said with a shrug.
  “Kitty’s right,” Jane said. “Don’t waste our time, Joan. We’re going to perform in an hour and don’t need you distracting us.”
  “If you felt bad, then you should have called in sick or left sooner.” Jane cut her off coldly.
She whisked away after that, leaving Joan alone in the hall to stew in embarrassment and increasing discomfort. Joan sighed and trudged to her dressing room to get ready, but was stopped by a sharp twinge in her wingbuds. She winced and reached back, but a pain in her wrists halted the movement. She yanked her arms forward again.
And her wrists burst open and silver came exploding out.
Joan let out a cry of pain and jumped back, but the stuff pouring from her followed like starved snakes. It began to wrap around her arms and legs and chest, and she desperately tried to tear the silk off of her, but not only was it sticky, but it was also really strong and refined. She scratched and pulled, but it either stuck to her hands or just didn't come off. She frantically covered the slit in one of her wrists, trying to stop the flow, and the strands merely wove around her fingers and consumed them.
She tottered backwards and sunk to her knees, overcome by an intense feeling of nausea like she hadn’t eaten in years, every energy source in her body--fats, carbs, calories, sugars--were being burned away by this hellish process. She opened her mouth to scream or cry for help, but found that she couldn’t even muster up a mere squeak of noise. Cramps seized her stomach in a vice grip, like all her organs were being shredded inside of her. Her vision was starting to fade out as the silk wrapped around her neck and face and she wondered if this was how she died. She suffocates because of some mutation she doesn’t even understand.
Joan doesn’t want to die, not like this, not again, not without flying at least once, not without a single person who cares about her…
Then, blackness. The silk wrapped around her entire body until she looked mummified, and then spun itself larger and larger and larger.
The last thing she heard was someone stepping into her dressing room, telling her she was needed by someone on tech, and then nothing.
She prayed they would help her.
Everyone stared in shock at the silvery-gold cocoon sitting in the corner of the dressing room. It was the shape of an egg lying on its side and was so thick with silk that none of them could see the music director inside. It just sat there, glowing faintly, not showing any signs of breaking open anytime soon.
  “She did not…” Maggie said, trailing off, flabbergasted.
  “She did too.” Maria affirmed.
  “What the fuck?” Jane said. “I thought she was Flightless. She is Flightless. What happened?”
  “You sound disappointed.” Bessie commented. Her big bat ears were swiveling around, as if she were trying to listen for any signs of life inside the cocoon.
Jane ruffled. “I’m--” Her tail feathers bristle, wings twitching in agitation. “I’m just confused.”
  “Uh huh.” Bessie nodded, deftly dodging the glare Jane shot her by wing her ears to block out the corners of her vision.
  “It’s definitely an insect avian cocoon,” Cathy said. She stepped forward and tapped the cocoon. “Maybe she was just a really late insect and not actually Flightless.”
  “There’s no way!” Kitty barked. She almost looked jealous at not being the only butterfly anymore.
  “Well, whatever it is,” Cathy went on, “it’s going to make performing difficult for the next week until she comes out.”
  “IF she even comes out,” Anne said, and Jane looked slightly wistful at that concept.
  “We could always cut it open,” Kitty suggested breezily. “Get her out early.”
Aragon shot Kitty a disgusted look. “Don’t your insides melt during metamorphosis?” She asked. “If we cut her out, she’ll probably die. And not entirely be a solid person anymore.”
  “Oh.” Kitty said, then shrugged nonchalantly. “Meh. Oh well.”
  “Well,” Cleves said, “we got a lot of waiting to do.”
Aragon resisted the urge to smash her wings into Maggie’s head when the magpie poked the fragile structure of Joan’s cocoon, and she wasn’t sure why.
  “How long will this take?” Maggie asked, already impatient even though it’s only been a day since Joan started metamorphosis.
  “A week, I think.” Cathy answered.
  “A week?!” Both Maggie and Anne yelped.
  “We’re never going to get our MD back!” Anne groaned dramatically, flopping out her wings.
  “What a shame,” Jane mused.
  “Yes we will?” Cathy tilted her head at Anne. “She’s coming out eventually.”
  “Yes,” Aragon agreed. “A week is fine. She can take all the time she needs.”
The others glanced at her strangely, but she ignored them. Just like how she was trying to ignore the weird maternal instincts welling up inside of her.
  “Is it now? It is happening? Is that a sign? What does that mean?”
  “I will throttle you if you don’t shut up.”
Anne snickered at Aragon’s annoyance, then fixed her eyes back on Joan’s cocoon. It was as plain and still and boring as the day before. And the day before that.
  “Nothing is happening,” Aragon added. “It looks exactly the same.”
  “Are you sure?” Anne said. She waved a parrot green wing at one side of the cocoon. “Doesn’t that side look a little crinkled? Hey, Kit!” She turned to her cousin passing by in the hallway. “Is this a sign she’s going to come out?”
  “Sure,” Kitty said, not caring.
  “This is so boring.” Anne said to Aragon. “I’m gonna go find something else to do. You were right.”
Aragon rolled her eyes in amusement at the bird, then fixed her eyes on the cocoon.
  “Come out when you’re ready, Joan,” She said. “I’ll be waiting.”
By the fourth day, most people stopped gawking at the cocoon. Only a few workers would stop by to look at it, but quickly went on with their work, not really caring anymore. The lump of silk was sort of just there now, almost forgotten. Just like Joan had been.
On the fifth day, Aragon found Kitty alone in the dressing room, staring intently at the cocoon with a look in her eye that Aragon did not like. When she was noticed, Kitty flicked her wings dismissively and walked out without a word. That night, Aragon dreamed of the cocoon being ripped open and Joan coming out in agony, horribly disfigured and screaming.
For the eleventh time on the sixth day, Aragon counted the food she had bought. Fruits and vegetables, cookies and chips, cheese strings and slices of sandwich meat-- She worried her talons in her feathers and hoped it would be enough for when Joan woke up. Cathy had said Joan was going to be extremely hungry when she woke up, so she was just preparing, that’s all. Nobody else was going to, so she just decided to do it herself. That’s all. There were no maternal implications going on at all. Nope. None.
Aragon stole a glance back at the faintly glowing cocoon in the corner. It looked exactly the same as it did six days ago. 
Or did it?
Aragon walked over to the cocoon, circling around it for a moment before kneeling beside it. She carefully placed both hands on the surface, folding her wings away, and pressed her head against the woven material.
  “Joan? Can you hear me?” She whispered softly, so softly, like she was afraid she might disturb the girl inside. “It’s Catalina, Joan. I’m here. I’m right here. You’re doing great, sweetheart. You’ll look so beautiful once you get out of there, baby girl.”
Aragon found that she was missing the girl. Like, really badly. She missed Joan’s shy smile and her gentleness and how she was always so passionate about music, even if it took everything out of her. She missed everything about the timid little music director, and she hadn’t realized how much she enjoyed seeing her everyday, even if they didn’t talk that often, until right now.
And then the silk moved against her skin, a slight push and give, as though the avian inside was nudging her back or saying that she missed her, too.
It was late afternoon of the seventh day when the cocoon moved. Aragon and Cathy, who were both in the dressing room waiting, snapped their heads up in sync, watching closely as if they thought that if they looked away for even a second the week would start all over again.
Right when they started to believe it had been their imagination, the cocoon moved again. And, this time, it wasn’t spotted in the corner of their peripheral vision.
Joan was coming out.
  “It’s happening.” Aragon said after everyone was gathered in the dressing room, as if they didn’t already know that. She grabbed and squeezed Cleves’s arm tightly, not realizing that her talons were digging in. “Do you remember your metamorphosis?” She snapped her head around to Kitty. “Is there anything we should do when she comes out? What if she needs help getting out of the cocoon? Can she get out on her own?”
  “Oh my god,” Kitty groaned in annoyance. “I don’t know!”
  “How can you not know?!” Aragon squawked, beating her wings. “You literally went through this!!”
  “I forgot.” Kitty shrugged.
  “No you didn’t.” Aragon growled. “You’re just not saying anything because you want to be a selfish--”
A crack split down the front of the cocoon. Aragon shut her mouth instantly before she could finish her scolding and whipped her gaze forward again. Fingers with new, tiny curved claws grabbed the edges of the slice and began pulling open, then clawing when that didn’t work. 
  “Is she okay?” Aragon asked. “She looks like she’s struggling. Is she struggling? Cathy, is she okay?” She looked at her goddaughter, sinking her talons deeper into Cleves’s arm. She didn’t even hear Cleves’s hiss of pain.
  “She’s fine, Catalina.” Cathy assured her. “From what I’ve read, this is normal. Just give her a moment.”
Aragon swallowed thickly, but nodded and looked forward again.
Hand prints could be seen pressing against the inside of the cocoon as the silk bindings were slowly scratched away. After a moment of fighting with the structure (and Kitty muttering, “I got out a lot faster than this” underneath her breath), an arm poked out, then another...and then another. 
Right. Insect avians have four arms. That’s probably going to be daunting to Joan after having only two for so long. 
The three visible arms, which were all covered in a thick, dripping shag of pink-yellow fluff from the elbow down, dug their claws into the surface of the cocoon, tearing and crinkling the silk, and then a familiar head popped out.
  “Joan,” Aragon breathed. “Joan, we’re here. I’m here. You’re doing so good!”
  “When did you start caring so much?” Jane asked, but shut up when Cathy nudged her.
Elegant golden antenna that looked like feathers unfurled from the crown of Joan’s head and waved in the air. Tufts of pink and yellow, like the fuzz on her arms, were matted by wetness on her ears. When she shoved more of her upper body out of the shredded cocoon, they all could see that 1) she was completely naked from her clothing being eroded by the cocoon’s fluids, and 2) there was more of that pink and yellow fluff on her chest and belly. It completely covered up her breasts until it looked like she didn’t even have any anymore (maybe she didn’t), and her ribs could just barely be seen under the blanket of fur, which was so long it reached down her torso. Her flat stomach had patches, too, making it soft and fuzzy, much different from the chitin on Kitty, Cathy, and Maria. 
With a splash and a cascade of cocoon fluids, Joan collapsed forward on her stomach. A few of the spectators looked away from her nakedness and stepped back from the liquids now spilled across the floor, but Aragon couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight. Her heart was beating rapidly inside of her chest. She had the unresisting urge to run over and swaddle Joan in her wings.
Joan twitched on the ground, then took a deep breath. Fishhook-like claws scraped down against the tile as she tried to regain mobility. Cocoon fluid dripped off her wet hair and pale skin that was now bristled with fuzz. She unfolded her wings to let them dry, and everyone in the room gasped.
They were beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Aragon had thought that Kitty’s glass-like wings were the prettiest wings to ever exist in the entire world, but not even their iridescence could live up to the beauty of Joan’s rosy maple moth wings.
Pastel pink and banana yellow swirled together in beautiful shades across fuzzy chitin, as if the sunset itself had bled itself upon Joan’s wings. They were gigantic and curved into the most precious shapes Aragon had ever seen before.
Joan looked up, and her eyes were rings of moon silver blinking from an abyss of solid black.
  “Ta-dah!” She squeaked hoarsely.
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jennycalendar · 6 years
many kinds of magic
You can find magic anywhere if you look hard enough, but Tara doesn’t think she’ll ever find another Willow. Not anywhere.
yeah so i was trying to write soft fluffy giles/jenny and somehow it turned into a soft fluffy jenny-helps-pining-tara-with-her-crush-on-willow fic? not even i could have predicted this plot twist and i was writing it.
anyway i’m happy with this...i’ve missed writing for the buffyverse...please read
Jenny Calendar falls in love on a Sunday.
It’s straight out of a rom-com, because she and Rupert were out getting supplies to make a cake for the staff party and he tripped on the sidewalk and everything broke. There were a bunch of eggs in there (Rupert had promised he’d teach her how to bake a proper cake, and he said it in that adorable British way) and they end up smashed to bits in between the milk carton and the sugar and everything’s a soggy mess on the ground.
Jenny’s expecting Rupert to dissolve into an apologetic mess, and she’s already preparing herself to comfort him when he looks at her, looks at the groceries, and steps straight on the bag.
“There,” he says. “If I’m going to make a mess, I’m going to damn well do it properly.”
And shit but the wind gets knocked out of her when he looks up at her, because he’s got this proud, self-satisfied smile like he knows he’s just said something really funny (even though it really wasn’t that funny) and it’s the sweetest thing she’s seen (even though they’re out thirty-seven dollars and they’re going to have to buy more eggs) so Jenny stands on tiptoe and she kisses him on the sidewalk, feeling a wonderful rush as she winds her arms around his neck.
Like she said. Straight out of a rom-com. The worst kind of mushy romance you could find.
Tara Maclay falls in love next to a dumpster.
“Oh no,” Willow’s saying, her voice a pained whine. “Oh no oh no oh no we’re going to be in so much trouble what time is it? Is it midnight? Because I bet someone’s going to start looking for us at midnight because Buffy gets worried if I don’t get back to my dorm on time and no one knows I’m out here and Giles will be so upset if he finds out I stayed out late looking for Miss Kitty when it’s my fault that—”
Tara isn’t all that good with words, usually. But she knows what touch can do. So she slips her hand into Willow’s, soft and quiet, lacing their fingers together. A reminder.
Willow breathes out, almost a sob, and presses her cheek into Tara’s shoulder. “She’s such a tiny little kitty,” she mumbles, sounding thoroughly exhausted, “and I didn’t mean to leave the window open, and I thought—maybe she’d go to the trash, because cats like trash—is that dogs? Tara, I’m so tired.”
Tara still doesn’t really know what to say. Willow’s the composed one, the brave one, the one Tara’s always been so in awe of. But then she sees Miss Kitty, sitting on a nearby windowsill and washing a tiny white paw. “Willow,” she says with soft relief. “Willow, I-I found her.”
Willow’s head snaps up. “Oh—oh, Tara, thank you!”
Tara’s eyes are on Miss Kitty, so she doesn’t see Willow move forward and kiss her on the cheek. But she feels it, long after Willow pulls away, and she finds herself thinking oh no.
“No it’s a mess it’s a mess it’s a mess—” Tara’s sobbing very hard over the phone, and Jenny casts a worried eye toward Rupert to make sure he’s still asleep. “A-and I’m sorry I’m so sorry I just I didn’t know who to call and Willow she always says you listen and I’m s-o sorry—”
Jenny feels very out of her element. But the trick Rupert taught her back during the kids’ senior year (when she was so convinced that she wasn’t enough of a mentor for Willow) is that sometimes it’s best to be honest about not knowing what to do. “What do you need?” she asks, trying to sound gentle and maternal. She hopes she pulls it off; Tara deserves nothing less.
“She’s just—” Tara hiccups. “I don’t—I—Ms. Calendar—how d-do you stop loving someone? Like—if you know it’s never going to work out—”
Oh, thinks Jenny. She winds the phone cord around her hand, knowing that what she says isn’t really going to be what Tara wants to hear. “I don’t know,” she says. “I don’t think I was ever able to.”
Willow kisses Tara for the first time (on the mouth, not just a cheek kiss; those happen in frustrating abundance) outside a small café near campus, this tiny little place that barely anyone from UC Sunnydale goes to because everyone’s always at the Espresso Pump. Willow held Tara’s hand all through the dinner, and even though it’s never once happened before, it felt to Tara like an inevitability that they would kiss at the end of the meal, enough so that she’s not surprised when they do.
It’s not electric, like it is when they’re doing spells together. It doesn’t feel like there’s the same kind of magical energy, not to Tara, but that’s what makes it so wonderful. Everything about Willow is magical and sparkly from a distance, but holding her this close, all she is is Willow. You can find magic anywhere if you look hard enough, but Tara doesn’t think she’ll ever find another Willow. Not anywhere.
Willow’s eyes are half-closed when Tara breaks the kiss. She doesn’t say anything, just traces Tara’s cheek with a fingertip. Tara’s afraid that she’ll breathe wrong and break the spell.
“What is this?” she says, even though she doesn’t want to.
“I don’t know,” says Willow, which is strangely comforting to Tara. I don’t know means there’s something of a chance.
Jenny enters the room, hesitating by the door, not sure if Tara wants to be left alone. Tara’s sitting on the couch, holding a cup of tea that’s almost certainly gone cold by now, staring down at it without really looking at it at all. “Sorry I called you a few nights ago,” she says, and she sounds too tired for a girl that young. “That was probably—out of line. Or something.”
Jenny is reminded of the way it felt to kiss Rupert on a sunny sidewalk, the dizzy elation that comes with knowing you can hold the person you love. A well-guarded secret with no danger to it. “No,” she says. “It’s okay. Are you going to tell her?”
Tara half-shrugs.
“That’s okay too.” Jenny crosses the room and sits down next to Tara, staring straight ahead.
There’s a photo hanging on the wall opposite them, one of Jenny’s favorites. It’s one of the candid shots from the yearbook; Willow and Jenny are standing at the front of Jenny’s classroom, teaching a lesson together. The picture’s snapped in the middle of one of Willow’s contagious laughs, and Jenny’s got a proud smile on her face.
“I think she’s the closest I have to a daughter,” says Jenny. “Weird how things happen. You show up in Sunnydale thinking you’re here for one reason, and you end up staying for another.” Her eyes drift to a photo of Rupert, soft-eyed and smiling. “Two others.”
“What are you saying?” Tara asks softly.
“I’m saying—” Jenny isn’t sure if she’s ready to look at Tara. There’s so much pain and hurt in that girl, so much she wants to fix and can’t. “Willow thinks she knows her reasons,” she says, “and you think she does too. I don’t think she’s really found herself out yet, even if you do.”
“You’re being kinda cryptic.” Tara sniffles, then laughs a little. “I guess I get why Willow says you’re a good listener. It’s, um, it’s hard to tell what you think about things.”
Jenny hesitates. “I think this is something you should figure out on your own,” she says finally. “I don’t want my perspective to color the decisions you make.”
“That makes sense.” Tara settles back into the couch, taking a sip of tea. “It tastes nice cold,” she says thoughtfully.
“Don’t tell Rupert that,” says Jenny, smirking, “he’s still not okay with the whole concept of iced tea.”
Willow kisses Tara and kisses her and kisses her in her dorm room, fairy lights illuminating them both and adding a golden glow to Willow’s hair. Willow’s sweater is thrown to the floor and Tara stops kissing her for a second so that she can gently place Willow’s sweater on a nearby chair.
“What—” Willow kisses Tara, smiling against her mouth, and pulls away to continue, “—do you need my sweater on a chair for?”
“I don’t want it getting wrinkled,” says Tara with serious concern, and that’s when Willow knows.
And she almost stops kissing Tara, then, almost turns and runs out of the dorm, leaving her sweater behind. Because Tara’s so beautiful and so kind and Willow’s just this big mess who’s never thought to think beyond kissing Tara, holding Tara, being with Tara, never thought to think hey, maybe I’m in love with this girl.
Willow’s cried to Tara about Oz, too, before they started kissing and holding hands all the time (that sounds so obviously romantic, now, but Willow kept on trying to label it as confusion and experimenting because that seems like the kind of thing her mom would call it), so, so has Tara just thought all along that experimenting is all they’ve been doing? What does Tara think? Why hasn’t Willow once tried to think about what Tara thinks?
Suddenly, Willow’s hesitant.
“It’s okay,” says Tara softly. Tara always seems to know when Willow’s upset, even though in this case it doesn’t really seem like she knows why. “You’re—you’re with me, and—it’s okay.”
Willow unbuttons Tara’s shirt, a familiar action. She wonders how and why she hadn’t known she was falling in love with this girl, wonders if she’s brave enough to love someone when it feels as big and scary as this.
Willow slips out of Tara’s room, after. Pulls on the sweater, notices too late that it’s backwards, leaves anyway. She knows where she has to go.
The part that Jenny always leaves out of her beautifully romantic story is that after she finished kissing Rupert, when she pulled away from him and his hair was a mess and his eyes were so soft and adoring, she realized she was in love and she ran. She ran back to her car and drove back to her house and locked herself in her room and hugged her leather jacket to her chest and tried to make herself stop loving him, because there was no way anything between them would end in anything but disaster. She hadn’t come to this town for love. She wasn’t supposed to find it here, or now, or this much of it.
And then Rupert showed up at her door with the completely destroyed bag of groceries and thirty-seven dollars and said he wouldn’t destroy any more of her eggs and sugar if it upset her that much, and Jenny was still so afraid, but something about the way he was looking at her made her feel like they’d figure things out together.
Willow, small and forlorn in her backwards sweater, says, “I don’t know how to be in love. How does anyone just—just love someone without being scared?”
Jenny thinks about Rupert, cracking their only unbroken egg against a bowl. “Maybe you’re always a little bit scared,” she says. “That’s not necessarily a bad thing.”
At first, Tara’s afraid when she wakes up and Willow’s not there, because Willow always stays. But then she remembers that Willow always studies in the library every Saturday, and so Tara brings her a coffee at noon. They sit together and hold hands while Willow writes and makes flash cards and Tara listens to music on an IPod Jenny gave her a few weeks back. It’s full of techno-music sung by girls with loud voices, which isn’t really Tara’s kind of music, but she doesn’t mind. She likes thinking about Jenny sitting and listening to this. She likes knowing that this is a small part of someone who cares about her.
Today, Willow spills her coffee. It gets all over the flash cards and her skirt and even a nearby book Willow had borrowed from the very library they’re sitting in. And Tara’s expecting Willow to make her sad-puppy noise, but Willow looks at the coffee with a funny expression and says, “Tara, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”
“Okay,” says Tara, not sure where Willow’s going with this. They’re still holding hands. Tara wonders if Willow will pull away to clean up the coffee.
Willow doesn’t. She says, “I—I don’t know how I’m supposed to say this. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
Tara feels a spike of panic. “Is this—do you not want to see me anymore?”
“No,” says Willow in a high, panicky voice, “no, oh my god I’m really messing this up, okay, here goes,” and kisses her. Full on the mouth, in the library, and this is very different from a café that no one goes to or a walk at night or in Tara’s dorm room where no one will see. Tara’s pretty sure that the guy studying at the table near them is in her chemistry class, and there’s a group of people from Willow’s dorm studying two tables away.
Tara kisses her back. She wants to say that she feels giddy, that she recognizes this as some kind of big step, but kissing Willow is always a world within itself. She breaks the kiss and says “What is this?” only now she thinks that, if she’s really lucky, she might know the answer.
“See, that’s the thing,” says Willow. There’s a brightness in her eyes, and her smile wobbles in that way that says I’m-so-happy-I-might-cry. “This is me in love.”
“You owe me twenty dollars,” says Jenny to Giles when Tara and Willow tell them both. “Pay up.” Then she makes them sit through this mostly-pointless story about the first computer she got while Giles makes everyone tea. Tara isn’t listening to most of the story; there's something much more wonderful about watching Willow’s reactions and the way Jenny moves her hands.
Jenny catches Willow at the door. “Take good care of her,” she says, loud enough for Tara to hear. “This one’s a keeper.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
calm before the storm...
Fitzgerald: *glances at a sealed envelope on his desk* "...This looks important." louisa: sir? *The envelope has a government seal on it* louisa: oh, i think that's from city council. Fitzgerald: *removes a letter opener...* mary: what do you think it is? bram: we're probably being arrested for tax evasion. louisa: i doubt that. Fitzgerald: *opens it, starts reading* "..." *smiles* mary: *peeeeek* OH! louisa: *examining* Fitzgerald: *slams his hand down onto the table* "LOUISA!" louisa: EEP! s-s-sir? Fitzgerald: "We have work to do! Get going on a plan with this new piece added to the gestalt." *hands her the letter* louisa: ?? *reading* Fitzgerald: "Anticipate a plan that involves some...new players." -elsewhere- Ponera: *looking over a map* milia: when are we gonna hit land? *CRASH* milia: OOF! shaula:....iim gonna go with 'now'. neian: *crying* Medusa: "Shh...It's okay..." *looking around* "!!!" -they have arrived at an abandoned shipyard near new orleans...- Ponera: "We're here..." *folds up the map* "Get your coats and luggage." -morning- ochako: a girl's sleepover? Mina: "Heck yeah! Who's up for it!" jirou: sounds awesome. we could host at my place. momo: that sounds wonderful! tsuyu: sounds good. Hagakure: "Woot! Food! Scary stories! Pranks!" ochako: yeah! -elsewhere- Izuku: "Oh! Shinso!" shinsou: ....yo. yuuji: hey. Izuku: "H-Hey, Yuuji." ^^; "You two hanging out?" yuuji: yeah. you? Izuku: "Just passing by." *holds up a manga* "Was getting this at the bookstore." yuuji: oh, cool. that's one of the new editions of 'my hero, my salaryman' right? Izuku: "Y-Yeah. It speaks to me." ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding his coat* Q: ?? Akutagawa: "It's getting colder..." naoya: yeah... Akutagawa: "I will need a second coat...and a sweater..." -elsewhere- yana: <oi boss. you got a plan B, right?> FD: *holds up a folder: "Plan X"* yana: *glances*....hmm. FD: <I am always ahead.> -elsewhere- Dazai: "Howdy!" *takes a stapler off Ango's desk* ango: D.8< Dazai: "Pretty red! Oh, by the way, I got something for you..." *puts the stapler in his pocket, and pulls out a folder* ango: ?? Dazai: "A little birdy got some info for me...before the cat ate him." ango: um.... *examines the folder* *Inside is a map of subway tunnels, burn marks along the walls...and a Rat symbol* ango: !! Dazai: ^^ "Happy with this info? And take a look at this--" *pulls back the map to reveal--a picture of Dazai in kitty underwear* o\\\w\\\o "Whoops! How did that get there..." ango: ....... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." *staring at a smashed engine* Vulcan: "I fixed it!" Takehisa: "..." Vulcan: "Proud of me?" miwa:....sure? Takehisa: "..." *puts a hand on Vulcan's shoulder* Vulcan: ^^ Takehisa: *slides his hand down to Vulcan's neck--and starts strangling* Vulcan: O____O Takehisa: "DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH THAT COST?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *closes a book* sonia: *yawn* Chuuya: "Still tired?" sonia: just woke up... Chuuya: "Well, I'm still working on breakfast. Maybe a shower will wake you up?" sonia: i guess. -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *rubbing her hands together* "It's colder..." fang-hua: mmhmm. Tsukiyo: "I just want hot ramen, a dip in the water, and a cozy blanket..." *shivers* fang-hua: let's see what we got. Tsukiyo: "S-sounds good..." *rubs her arms* "Freaking cold..." -elsewhere- katya: <you guys are all babies, complaining about the cold.> Ivan: >__< <I just want to be held in Master's warm arms...> pushkin: <and you stole my parka...> katya: <where's your damn pride?!> >3< <WE'RE RUSSIAN! WE'RE BORN IN THE COLD WE DIE IN THE COLD!> *ACHOO* .... Ivan: <My pride is in Master's heart...> =////= leo: ...... -the intercom turns on...........playing darude sandstorm- katya: <OH GOD DAMMIT YANA!> yana: *snickers* <hey, gotta deal with the bordom somehow, right?> Ivan: T\\\T leo: ........ Ivan: <Maybe some hot soup...> leo: .... <perhaps> Ivan: <I'll cook some up...add spices...> *walks to the kitchen* leo: ......... Ivan: *opens the cupboards, pulls out the can of soup and a bowl* leo: *getting the water out* Ivan: <Thank you.> *sets up a pan and some spices* <...I miss cooking big meals.> leo: ....<i'm not very good at this. usually, our maid staff handled this...> Ivan: <...Were they good cooks?> leo: *she nods* <father always went all out for us. he wanted only the best for his family...........> Ivan: "..." <What was your favorite dish?> leo: ....<stuffed bread> Ivan: <Oh! I know a recipe for that...> leo: ....*faint smile* -elsewhere- Joker: *making coffee* scarlet: .... Joker: *sets down four mugs* "Coming right up...You look exhausted." scarlet:...long night. Joker: "You run into anyone?" *pours a mug* scarlet: nah. Joker: "...You feel any better?" scarlet:...i slept fine, if that's what you're asking. Joker: *pours coffee into the other three mugs* "...That's good." *sits down, sips his mug* "...Wonder when the others will get here." -elsewhere- Anya: "Thank you for your patronage." *smiles* mio: mweeeh, so tired. miranda: it's only first shift. *sweatdrop* Meme: ^^; "Maybe just look forward to tea later?" mio:... 7////7 maybe. Meme: ^^ *pats her hand* "Keep going--you're doing great." mio:... ./////////. r-right. -elsewhere- Poe: *wearing a mask and apron, dusting* lana: *polishing furniture* it was nice meeting your brother and his family. rowena: *scrubbing the floor* Poe: "It-It was surprising..." ^^; rowena: hard to believe emilia is 7 already...last i saw her, she was still in a crib. Poe: "..." *nods, shaking slightly* lana:...edgar? Poe: "Y-Yes...I'm surprised she has aged so much..." *wipes his eyes* lana: ... Poe: "I missed a lot..." rowena: well, i guess you can start making up for lost time now. Poe: "...Where do I begin? They went home..." rowena: im sure they'll visit again someday. Poe: *nod nod* "...Maybe I should go out more..." lana: *smiles* and if you feel uncomfortable, we're right here, ok? Poe: *nods* "R-Right..." *weak smile* -elsewhere- Lucy: "Ready to go?" atsushi: *nods* yep. Lucy: *offers her hand* atsushi:....*kiss on the cheek* Lucy: >\\\< "Th-That's really sweet..." atsushi: *holding her hand, smiling* Lucy: "...I hope the play is good." *small squeeze of his hand* -elsewhere- Relan: *walking nervously down the street* ryuuko: hello, relan. mikami: glad to see you. ^^ Relan: "H-Hi..." *smiles* "How are you?" mikami: doing good. ^^ Relan: "You're both looking well...The Commander treating you well?" mikami: *she nods* commander hibana's actually really nice once you get to know her. ryuuko: you'd be surprised at her....maternal instincts. 7-7; Relan: "???" Hibana: "Sweeties! I got your crepes!" mikami: thank you! Relan: ._. Hibana: "Oh, Relan! Hey there! Want a crepe?" *hands one to him* Relan: "..." TTWTT gabriella: ^^ ryuuko:...oh, hello rino. Rino: *struggling to hold a stack of boxes* "H-Hell..." ryuuko: here, let me. *carrying a few* Rino: "Th-Thanks..." *sighs* "My arms is going to fall off..." Relan: *takes a few* "Can't have that happen." ^^; mikami: you're getting a lot better at this, miss tamiya. ^^ Rino: -\\\- "...Thanks. I just wish I had more muscle mass..." gabriella: there's always the gym. Rino: "If I only had the time...and wasn't worked to the bone." *glares at Hibana* Hibana: "..." *nom into her crepe* -elsewhere- Gin: *wiping blood from her mouth, pants* grunt: dat all ya got? Gin: "..." *holds her switchblade* grunt: *charging* Gin: "..." *stands still* -BANG- grunt: AGH!! higuchi: ... Gin: "..." *walks to the Grunt* "I had backup..." *stabs her blade into the Grunt's hand* grunt: AHHHHHH!!!! Gin: "Now, name." grunt: vincent...van go-fuck-yourself. Gin: *stamps her heel on his other hand* grunt: FRK- Gin: "Now, 'Vincent,' about that money..." grunt: i payed up! really! Gin: "The check bounced." *digs her heel in deeper* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Tickets, please." Lucy: *holds them up* atsushi:....*blinks* wait, werent you at the festival? Hyde: "Yeah, probably? I have a lot of jobs." atsushi:...oook? Hyde: "Your seats are center section, Row 10, seats 8 and 9." atsushi: thanks sir. Hyde: "The usher in the whale suit will take you to your seat." atsushi:...whale? Lucy: o_o; "...If Herman got a load of this..." atsushi:....only in death city, i guess. Lucy: *holds his hand, walking to the whale-suited usher* "Um...Seats 108 and 109?" whale: *leading them over* licht:... Lucy: "??? Wait...Isn't that...Doesn't that guy play the violin or something?" licht: *glaaaaare* atsushi: O_O;; Lucy: "..." *meets the glare* "And he looks rude, too." atsushi: OuO;;;;; Lucy: *leads Atsushi past Licht* "Excuse us--we're going to our seats." licht: im not stopping you. Lucy: *turns up her nose, pulls Atsushi along and sits down* -elsewhere- Victor: "I'm here!" *sets the muffins and napkins down* nozomi: *smiles* shinra: heck yeah! *nom*...so rel, heard you hung out with the 5th for a bit today, how was it? *smiles* Relan: "S-Surprising...Commander Hibana was...nicer." *looks at Iris* iris:....*smiles* shinra: i...guess. ^^;;; Relan: ^\\\^ "M-Maybe...the 5th and 8th should do something..." shinra: we did have a barbeque a while back after....an incident... *cough* iris:.....*touches her scar* Relan: "..." *looks down* "Oh." iris: it's in the past now, right? all we can do now is move forward. shinra:....*holds her hand* Relan: "Th-That's a mature way to look at it..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets down her child in her crib* neian: muguu Medusa: "..." *passes a hand over her head* ("...I see him...") neian: ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* ("Her smile is kinder...") shaula: *slams the door open* GET UP LOSER WE'RE GOING SHOPPING! neian: *crying* Medusa: *picks up Neian, holding her* "Shh! You just woke her up..." shaula: yeah, cool, now come on! new orleans awaits! Medusa: -_-; "I have a baby...Can't someone else go with you?" shaula: =3= laaaame. Mad!Kid: "I caN Go wiTH yoU..." shaula:....you're gonna need a disguise. *hands him a mask* Mad!Kid: "..." *puts on mask* "...Does it obscure my identity sufficiently?" shaula:...*thumbs up* and now.... *snaps fingers, and magically undoes her braid into two ponytails* ta-ta-ta-ta-twintails mode! Medusa: -_-;;;;; "You're an adult--have some self-respect." -elsewhere- Anya: *walking home* bailey: hiya! mizuki: 7-7; Anya: "EEP!" *leaps up* mizuki: hey, relax, we're not mugging you. Anya: "I-I know that...Hmph...Why are you out so late?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Have a good day?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *smiles* "You were behaved today. Ready for dinner?" sonia: *nod* mmhmm. Chuuya: "...Something on your mind?" *scoops up mashed potatoes* sonia: ....*staring at the empty chair* ..... Chuuya: "..." *looks* "...Oh." sonia: ...... Chuuya: "...I miss her, too." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...Should we set a plate at her chair?" sonia:....*nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "Right away..." *sets a plate and utensils at Rain's chair* -elsewhere- Joker: "Zzz..." *passed out next to two full coffee mugs...they're freezing* scarlet:....*holding the mugs, heating them up* *The window is pulled open* scarlet:...*sigh* fuckin... *closes it and looks out* *A small whimper is heard...as she closed it onto someone's fingers* scarlet: ?!?!? what the fuck?! Victor: QWQ scarlet: oh....it's you. Victor: "Hello, Daddy. Can I have some ice?" scarlet:................ -and so- Victor: *a slap mark is on his cheek, too* "I almost lost my digits...I need them for work..." *looks at Joker* "...How's he doin'?" scarlet: asleep for one thing. Victor: "..." *pokes Joker's nose with a pen* Joker: "Zzz..." Victor: "...You put something in his coffee?" scarlet: no, i just reheated these. Victor: "Thanks..." *tries to pick his up* "...You two okay without me around?" scarlet: 7_7; define 'okay'. Victor: "??? ...Did he do something wrong?" scarlet: well, i guess things are kind of the usual.....i dunno, im tired. Victor: "...Well, I'll head out soon so you can rest. Just waned to pass along this." *pulls out a file* scarlet: ?? *examines it* Victor: "He asked for a dossier on the brigade members I met." -elsewhere- Poe: *humming a lullaby* rowena: *asleep* lenore: .... karl: zzzz Poe: "..." *puts a blanket down over Rowena* rowena: =w= Poe: *smiles...* *picks up Karl, sets him in his bed* karl: =w= Poe: *smiles...closes his door, locks it...unbuttons his shirt* *changes out of his clothes into his pajamas* -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: =w= mocha: *mrew* Kid: "???" *looks* mocha: ^^ Kid: *pet pet* mocha: =w= Kid: *picks her up, sets her in bed* -morning- kenji: happy birthday, kyouka! Kyoka: .\\\. "...Thanks?" aya: ^^ atsushi: so how did you want to celebrate today? Kyoka: "Food." atsushi: sounds like a plan then. Kyoka: ^^ *hug* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." tamaki:....*looks over at the window* .... *A bird has been making a nest for her eggs* tamaki:.....*remembering how she climbed through that window long ago*......*leans against arthur* Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki:....u////u i love you, dork. Arthur: =w= "I...*yawn* love you...my kitten princess..." -elsewhere- chie: morning, yohei. *smooch* Yohei: =\\\w\\\= *yawn* "Good morning, love." *smooch* chie: sleep ok? Yohei: "Hmm..." *wavers his hand* "More or less. You?" chie: *nods* -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzzz..." miura: ....sir? Mori: "Nnnn..." *opens his eyes* =_= miura: it's morning, sir. Mori: "...Help me up." *sits up* miura: -.-; *lifts him up bridal style* you're getting old, sir. Mori: =\\\\\= "Not that old...My, you're strong..." miura: ... Mori: "What's your max?" *rests his head against her chest* miura: a truck at least.....sir? Mori: "That is a lot of weight...You can set me down at the breakfast table." miura:.... -_-; Mori: =w= -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "..." pandora: is something the matter, child? Mad!Kid: "I did not have 'fun' last night with the witch." pandora: unfortunate....i see the voodoo arts have advanced in the past few hundred years... Mad!Kid: "...I saw enough of it that I can share it with you..." pandora: hmm, hmm.... Mad!Kid: *starts writing and drawing items-- Medusa: "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" pandora: hmm? something the matter, snake witch? Medusa: "Shaula! What did she do last night?!" *drags Shaula in* shaula: the fuck are you yelling at me for?! Medusa: "Money is gone, your room is a mess--and what did you paint on the walls?!" -elsewhere- barkova: oWo FD: "..." *pet pet* barkova: =u= FD: <You want food?> barkova: *bark* 8D FD: <Very well...> *slices some meat and cheese* barkova: *pant pant* 8D FD: *sets down the plate* <Enjoy.> barkova: *nom nom nom* FD: "..." ("What a mutt.") {barkova: <am i in trouble, fedya?>} {FD: <You are...getting what you deserve.>} {barkova: <im sorry, i-i wont mess up again, promise!>} {FD: <...No. You won't.> *grabs her by the neck, holding a screwdriver to her eye* } {barkova: <ah->} {FD: <...I am sorry you made a mistake.> *STAB* } {barkova: *screaming*} {FD: "..." *stands still*} FD: "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *washing dishes* sonia: *watching TV* Chuuya: "Sonia, not so close." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "After this, I'll drop you off with Grandma." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Maybe go to the park, or play games..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...I'm sure she'd be up for whatever you want." sonia: i guess. Chuuya: "...Okay." *dries his hands* "Well...please put on your coat and shoes." sonia: ok papa. -elsewhere- ango: *examining files* Taneda: "Progress, Sakaguchi?" ango: well, herman has made contact with a security company to assist us. Taneda: " 'Security company'? Have you vetted them?" ango: *nods* it seems they have a rather high tec system known as 'the eyes of god'. it may come in handy. Taneda: "Hmm...Wasn't there a case involving the creator of that system?" ango: i think there was..... o_.o; oh goodness. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *giggles* daisy: you seem to be in a good mood, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: "I am...for good reasons..." *holds up a coupon sheet* "There's a sale on mini figurines!" daisy:... -_-; -elsewhere- Poe: "...Do you want to go out for lunch?" ranpo: sure. Poe: OWO *squee* ranpo: if you're payin, im buyin. Poe: "O-Of course!" OWO; ("Please let me have enough money...") -elsewhere- Joker: *groans...sits up, a blanket falling off his shoulders* "Wha...?" scarlet: *watching tv* Joker: "...What time is it?" scarlet: noon Joker: "Well, woke up early enough then..." *stretches* "Anything in the news?" -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* liz: you ok? Kid: "Just feel...uninspired." liz: maybe a short vacation is needed? Kid: "Maybe...Where to?" -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage. Jeje: "Ssss..." metsu:... *smiles and small strokes under his chin with her finger* Jeje: ^\\\\^ *happy snake noise* metsu: ^///^ Jeje: *slides up her arm to her shoulder* -elsewhere- Hyde: *holding 30 paychecks* "Time to deposit!" kyouko: ._.; Hyde: "You work as many jobs as I do, you get a lot of these--in small amounts." *waves a check* "Want me to buy dinner?" kyouko: -_-; licht: -___-; Hyde: "We can do it at that place with the pizza and the video games!" kyouko: meowkies? Hyde: "And I'll win cat ears!" -elsewhere- Anya: "Dah-dah-dah-dah..." rowena: hello. ^^ Anya: "???" *takes off headphones* "Oh, hello. I haven't seen you around as often." rowena: i do apologize. i've been helping my brother out with a few things. Anya: "Oh? Is he okay?" rowena: *she nods* our other brother and his family visited for a while. Anya: "Was it an okay family visit?" rowena: *she nods* Anya: "Well, it's good to meet...some family." rowena:...?? miss anya? Anya: "...Just...I don't see my family." rowena:....*hug* Anya: .\\\\\. "...Thank you?" rowena: you looked like you needed it. Anya: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Tuhl: ._. io: uh-oh...hehe.... *she's covered in flour* saki: what happened, sweetie? *recording* io: i mayda mess, hehe! Tuhl: "At least you're honest. And what did you make a mess with?" io: flowers! Tuhl: ^^; "Yep. Flour! Good thing you didn't get to the eggs, or you'd be a cake..." io: cake? OuO Tuhl: "Flour, eggs, and icing would make an Io cake." io: yummy! ^o^ Tuhl: "Hee...Say 'bye bye' to the camera before you get your bath." io: babai! -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Got them!" hina: oh? saku: ?? PlushFix: "You'll be in for some surprises...Heh heh heh..." saku: ......*glances out the window* PlushFix: "I got the beer, the mags, the videos, and some fun toys..." saku: *exits* PlushFix: -3- "Spoil sport." -elsewhere- Ponera: *looking at the skyline* *sighs* grimoire: a beautiful sight... Ponera: .\\\. "Y-Yes..." grimoire:...*hug* Ponera: o\\\\\o "G-Grimmy?" grimoire: yes? Ponera: "...What are you doing?" grimoire: im hugging you. it's called a 'hug', remember? Ponera: "...I'm just...surprised, I guess." >\\\\> -elsewhere- Spirit: "Dinner's ready!" izumi: thanks dad! Spirit: ^^ "You're welcome. Let me know how the vegetable dish turned out...Mom still napping?" izumi: yeah. sachiko: *passed out on the couch* Spirit: "I'll put her meal in the fridge...Must've been a long day." izumi: seems like it. Spirit: "At least you survive your day." *smiles* "Looking forward to the weekend?" izumi: *nods* Spirit: "How about we do something nice for your mom? Maybe breakfast in bed?" izumi: *nods* Spirit: "Okay. I can even show you some recipes I used to make..." -elsewhere- ochako: ok, truth or dare? Mina: "Hmm...Truth!" ochako: ok. what's the dumbest thing you've ever seen someone do in public? jirou: this outta be good. Mina: "Hmm...Okay. I saw someone at a restaurant order bay leaf soup--then spend 10 minutes yelling that there was a big-ass leaf in his soup!" jirou: wow. some people. momo: ^^; Mina: "Okay, my turn! Momo, truth or dare." momo: um...truth? ouo; Mina: "What's your weirdest habit?" momo: hmmm... im not sure. Hagakure: "Pfft. Boring! What do you think of Iida?" momo: O//////////O um...well..... .////////////////.;;; tsuyu: you seem pretty flustered about it. momo:...i-i have my reasons! they're...kind of awkward to talk about... Mina: "Ah ah ah! Truth or dare! You need to tell the truth, girl!" momo:....ok. but this NEVER. leaves this room, got it? Hagakure: "My fingers are not crossed!" momo:.....*sigh* well...both our parents know this, and i know this, but i dont think he know's it.....*inhales* iida and i have an arranged marriage. ochako: HOLY PLOT TWIST! jirou: *SPITTAKE* Hagakure: "...I-I can't even--Just--What?!" Mina: "...Dude." tsuyu: you seem pretty happy with him though. momo: i really want to make it seem natural. is that selfish? tsuyu: you like him, dont you? momo:... .///. y-yes- tsuyu: then there's no need to worry, right? momo:...r-right... jirou:.....so hagakure, truth or dare? -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *huddled in the corner* milia:....mr clone? Mad!Kid: "...I am not a clone..." shaula: well, you kind of are?....ish? Mad!Kid: *glares at her* "I am the perfected form...unlike you, witch, hiding in the shadows of your sisters..." shaula:.........i dont fucking like you. Mad!Kid: "Watch your tongue, if you don't want to be left a crying, quivering mass of tears and broken bones, you flat-chested ugly hag." shaula: *twitch* pandora: now, now, child. you need your rest. Mad!Kid: *removes a coin from his pocket, flips it at her* "Take that, pay some rat to gnaw that sneer off your face." shaula:...... ok? Mad!Kid: "Good. Now, if you have nothing good to say, go away." *turns, falls into the fetal position* -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: easy, kiddo, we’re here, ok? lord death: what's wrong, kiddo? Kid: "J-Just...feel nauseated...and itchy..." lord death: do you need to lay down? Kid: "Y-Yes--" *stumbles* stocking: !!!! lord death: easy now. liz: that's it, im calling a doctor. Kid: *curled in the fetal position, breathing heavily* "Gn-Gn..." stocking: *worried* kid, you're going to be ok, just breathe. lord death: *hugs him* you're alright kid. just hold onto my arm. Kid: *sniff* "I-I..." *holds onto his arm* lord death: *rubs his back* you're here kid. you're here and you're alive. Kid: *crying, bites his lip* lord death: *humming* Kid: *closes his eyes, holding onto his father* stocking:... Kid: "...Zzz..." lord death: *carries him back to bed* Kid: "Zzz...M...Ma..." lord death: ....... *tucks him in* Kid: "Mama..." *turning in bed* lord death:...........*hug and kiss on the forehead* Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: u///u Kid: *shivering, but sleeping* stocking:.... Yumi: "...What could have brought this on?" lord death: im not sure... Yumi: "...The doctor should be here..." lord death:... !! hello nygus. he's in his room. Naigus: *nods* "What has happened?" *sets down medical kit* -he explains the situation- Naigus: "This could be a seizure...His heart rate is elevated..." *looking at her medicines* lord death: !! stocking: no.... Naigus: "This is...rather strong, Lord Death--but it would have to be for a Shinigami, to let him sleep..." lord death: ...... Naigus: *takes the syringe, prepares the shot* -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *strangling Shaula* shaula: GRK- WHAT THE FUGHK- Ponera: "Let go of her--!" Mad!Kid: *knocks Ponera back with black blood* shaula: ?!?! Ponera: "AH!" *hits the wall* milia: !!! Mad!Kid: "IT HURTS! WHY DOES IT HURT?! MAKE IT STOP!" *grips harder* grimoire: !!!! *going over to her* you monster... Mad!Kid: "THAT'S ALL I'LL EVER BE!" *raises a black blood spire at Grimoire* *VECTOR STAB* Mad!Kid: "..." *coughs up blood* Medusa: "..." *approaches* Ponera: *unconscious* shaula: *cough* oh thank fuck. Medusa: "You woke my child..." *twists the Vector more* "I should--" Mad!Kid: *whimpering* Medusa: "...???" Mad!Kid: "Ma..." pandora: i think the child has had enough... Mad!Kid: "Mama..." Medusa: "..." *pulls back the blade* {Crona: *crying*} Medusa: "..." shaula: what do we do with this thing? Medusa: "..." *picks up Mad!Kid* "We get him to bed." -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." *looking in on Toru* toru: zzzz Yohei: "..." *strokes his head* toru: =w= Yohei: *smiles* ("Stay safe...Please...") -morning- mina: this match is gonna be HYPE! ochako: *antsy* Iida: "??? Uraraka? Are you okay?" ochako: just excited for the match, ^^ momo: ... Iida: "Yes, this is going to be a surprising battle...Midoriya continues to surprise, but Todoroki is so powerful." *Mineta's seat is empty* jirou: looks like grape juice is sick at home. tsuyu: that's nice. Bakugo: "Small victories..." *staring at the field* Izuku: *looking out at the field...starts walking* announcer: the second round of matches has begun! first round, IZUKU MIDORIYA VS SHOUTO TODOROKI! Todoroki: *approaching the stage* Endeavor: *watching from the audience--standing in the back* All Might: *gulps* ochako: ...*nervous*....*glances over at endevour*......*glares at him* Endeavor: *his eyes are on Todoroki* ("Shouto...We will see whether you have what it takes to be a worthy successor. Surpass Midoriya. Surpass All Might. Surpass me.") midnight: alright. BEGIN! Todoroki: *ice wall immediately appears* Izuku: ("As expected--gotta make it!") *aims two finger--* *SMAAAAAASH* *FOOM!* announcer: WOAH! HE SMASHED RIGHT THROUGH IT! Iida: "!!!" *hair blown back* Monoma: *rubs his arms* "F-Freezing..." hitoshi:...c-cold....*twitch* Todoroki: *knocked back to the edge--until an ice slide appears, allowing him to slide back and avoid the ring's edge* Izuku: *holding his arm...his middle finger is broken* ("It's okay...") All Might: "!!!" ("That was...100 percent!") Todoroki: *glares--summons another ice wall--* *SMAAAAAASH!* *Drip...drip...* eijiro: woah! it's already starting? sorry im late guys, my alarm clock broke, haha. Bakugo: "Shut the hell up." eijiro: hey bakugou, we're gonna be in the next match, cool right?! itsuka: *chop* that was terrible. Monoma: *looking over the barrier* "No, the match is cool! Eh? Eh?" Bakugo: "I'm going to leave you beaten and crying." eijiro: i'd like to see you try! ^^ Monoma: x3x Bakugo: "Hmph. Idiot. Sit down and shut up--I'm watching..." mina: you and todoroki could fire off as many of those attacks as you want, right? Bakugo: "Wrong, stupid. Quirks are like physical abilities--you can hit a limit and over-exert yourself." Iida: "...Oh, my--he does know the science behind Quirks--impressive!" eijiro: i guess that makes sense... tsuyu: so then that means... Bakugo: >_<# "SHUT UP, YOU LANKY, FOUR-EYED RUNNING JERK!" Iida: "...I'm not lanky." Izuku: *staring at his fingers* ("I only have six shots left...Got to plan...Make it count...") Todoroki: "You are going to stretch this out? Try to expend all my ice abilities? Not happening. I will put you out of your misery quickly..." *ice floor* Izuku: *SMAAAAAAAASH* *crack* "AH!" *his right hand is completely broken* ochako: !!!! Todoroki: *sliding along the ice floor, then stamps down, kicking up a sheet of ice that he rides at Izuku* Izuku: "!!!" *leaps back* Todoroki: *slams the ice sled onto the ground--then turns it into a spire of ice that consumes Izuku's leg* Izuku: "!!!" ("I was too slow...") Todoroki: *summons more--and the spire increases--* *FOOM* *Ice explodes--the cold air hits the audience* Arthur: *in the stands--now covered in snow* ._. tsuyu: Q~Q t-too cold.... Iida: *teeth chattering* "Am-Amphibians do have a harder t-t-t-time adjusting to cold..." Bakugo: "Wimps." *shakes the snow off his hair* Todoroki: *knocked to the floor* "...Stronger than before. Were you holding back, Midori--!!!" Izuku: *standing, panting...his entire left arm is broken* inko: IZUUUUUUKUUUUUUUU!!!! Q_Q All Might: "!!!" ("What the hell are you doing, kid?! This isn't...This isn't worth it. Not like this.") Izuku: *coughs up blood* Todoroki: *frozen...* ochako: !!!!!..... (thinking: this is bad....) ?? Izuku: "You...are amazing, Todoroki. Brilliant...fast..." Todoroki: "...This dodging and defending is taking its toll on you. S-Surrender..." Izuku: "...!!!" ("He's...cold? He's shaking...Why are...") ochako:.....(thinking: todoroki.....) Audience Member #1: "He's so good at this! Better than pro heroes! I guess it pays to be the Number 2 hero's son!" Todoroki: "..." ("That's not it...Not it at all...") audience member 2: i bet endevour's proud. Audience Member #3: "Lucky kid. He just inherited his dad's Quirk." Audience Member #4: "He doesn't use it, though." Audience Member #1: "Well, maybe the training?" ochako:.....*gripping her fist* *remembering what todoroki had told her* ... Endeavor: "..." ("Pathetic. Are you just going to be a one-trick pony, Shoto, or are you going to unleash the fire?") Todoroki: "...You tried, Midoriya." *looks at Endeavor* "But he's not happy." announcer: TODOROKI IS GOING ALL OUT, WILL IT END HERE? OR WILL MIDORIYA KEEP ENDURING IT?! Todoroki: "Your hands are destroyed. Please, let's end this, with honor--" Izuku: "What honor is there...if you are only using half of what you have?" Todoroki: "?!" Izuku: "WHO SAYS I'M DONE?!" All Might: "!!!" ochako: !!! *SMAAAAAAAAAASH!* Bakugo: "?!!!!" announcer: HE'S STILL GOING FOR IT!? Todoroki: *knocked across the floor, tearing his shirt--until an ice wall stops him, crashing into his back* "AH!" hitoshi: !!! Izuku: *panting...his broken hand is steaming...* Todoroki: *sits up, shivering* Izuku: "Y-You're shivering...Todoroki..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...You did that, with broken fingers...Why?" Izuku: "Q-Quirks have limits...We have to find them...You have a limit, how much you can go with that ice before it freezes you...kills you...But you can always pull back, by thawing yourself...So tell me, Todoroki...If you really don't use your father's ability, THEN WHY DO YOU THAW YOURSELF OUT EACH TIME?!" Endeavor: "!!!" ochako: !!!! Izuku: "Are classmates...our friends...were at full power. You saw them..." momo:.... ochako:..... hitoshi: .... {Todoroki: *watching Ochacho* "..." ("Why are you still going?")} Izuku: "H-How can you say you have given it your all, if you're just going to win here with half your power? ..." *looks up* All Might: "!!!" *Izuku is smiling* Izuku: "You haven't...put a scratch on me." ochako: .... All Might: QWQ Izuku: "COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT, TODOROKI!" Endeavor: ("This kid...") Todoroki: "..." *shivers* {????: it's alright...} {Shoto: "I don't want to be a hero! I don't want to be like him!"} Todoroki: *holds his head* ("What happened next...What happened...") Todoroki: "Did...he pay you off? That's beneath you, Midoriya--" Izuku: *smiling* Todoroki: "..." *clenches his teeth* "You're pissing me off!" Bakugo: "?!!!" ochako: !!! Izuku: *clenches his teeth, preparing for impact* ochako: (thinking: he's slowing down....is it because of the frost?) Superhero Security Guard: *not even watching the match, just playing a 3DS* guard: D8< dude! Guard #1: "Huh? What? I got my magic points depleted, and I needed this potion..." ochako: (thinking: so it's like that? ....) Hanta: "Hang on...Todoroki was able to make way-bigger ice prisons when he fought me? Why is he slowing down?" momo: he must have over exerted himself.... Bakugo: "I WAS ALREADY THINKING THAT!" Monoma: "No, you weren't." Izuku: *running at Todoroki* ("Be the microwave, be the microwave, don't explode, don't explode, don't--" Todoroki: *ice melting off of him as he summons frost along his arm, grabbing Izuku's--* Izuku: *his right arm glows--and jabs Todoroki in the chest, ripping at his shirt* *BOOM* Todoroki: *knocked through the air, landing just in front of the ring's border* announcer: A DIRECT HIT! THINGS ARE REALLY HEATING UP NOW! Izuku: *holds up his hand...it's covered in blood* All Might: "!!!" ("He can't...If he keeps going, he'll never survive the next match!") *holding a towel, wringing it in his hands* ochako: !!!!! Izuku: *stumbling* Todoroki: *holding his side...he has put ice along the injury* "Gah..." *coughs* "...Offensive..." Todoroki: *slams his left foot down--ice blasts along the floor at Izuku, who just barely dodges* Izuku: "You're too slow. Your ice is weaker, too." midnight: how does it look, cementoss? Cementoss: "Midoriya thinks he can be healed...but even Recovery Girl can't heal this much damage at this rate. He's just pure adrenaline, not realizing how much pain he is in...What do we do, Midnight?" midnight: ... Aizawa: "...That crazy kid." yuuji: they’re gonna get killed this way... Aizawa: "...What is he thinking? What's the point?" Izuku: *shaking his hand* ("I can't make a fist...It hurts...") Todoroki: *running, summoning more ice on the floor* Izuku: ("I wanna be like him...I have to be strong...") *bites his thumb--with a loud crack* *SMASH!* Todoroki: *knocked back, but on his feet* "Why are you doing this?!" Izuku: "A smiling...hero...is who I want to be!" All Might: "!!!" Todoroki: "!!!" {???: shouto...} {Shoto: *smiling, a light glowing along his face* "So cool..."} -....- Izuku: "I do this for more than me! I do this for everyone! For everything!" *rushes at Todoroki, flinging both arms, broken, throwing Todoroki back* Todoroki: *wobbles, but still stands...* Izuku: "Who can be...the Number 1 hero...when someone like you will not give it your all?" Todoroki: ………………………. {Endeavor: "You can't even give it your all! Get up!"} {Shoto: *vomiting, sobbing*} {mrs todoroki: please, stop it! he's only five years old!} {Endeavor: "He's _already_ five! Get out of my way!"} {*slap* *thud*} {mrs todoroki: *screams in pain*} {Shoto: "!!!" *crying*} Todoroki: *the ice is melting off of him* "Shut up...Shut up..." {mrs todoroki:....} {Shoto: "I don't want to be a hero! I don't want to be someone like him! He's a bully!"} {mrs todoroki:....*pets his head* but you want to be _a_ hero, right? it's alright, you arent....} Izuku: "For them...I have to win!" All Might: "Kid..." ("This isn't some after school special...You don't have to do this...You could win...But you want to save him..."} Izuku: "I have to surpass you!" {-three kids are playing in the yard and one of the boys falls-} {boy: hehe, careful #####} {Endeavor: "If you're going to surpass your siblings, you've got no time for this childishness." *pulls Shoto along*} Shoto: *pulling back*} {Endeavor: "I said come on!" *pushes Shoto ahead, in front of him*} {Shoto: *sobbing*} Todoroki: *knocked down to the floor again* {Shoto: *alone in the hall, wiping his eyes, passing the kitchen*} {mrs todoroki: i dont know what to do mom....i dont want to abandon them, but they look more like him every day....and shouto....his left side....i hate looking at it...} {Shoto: *his eyes widen...he looks horrified* "M-Mommy?"} {-the kettle is boiling-} {mrs todoroki:......*looks at him, horrified*} {-CRASH-} Todoroki: ("I'll...") {Shoto: *his face is bandaged* "Where is--?"} {Endeavor: "She hurt you, so I had to put her away. That stupid...at this time in your development--"} {Shoto: *shaking* "...It's your fault."} {Endeavor: "???"} {Shoto: "It's all your fault! I hate you! I hate you!" *sobbing, punching Endeavor's shins*} {Endeavor: "Ow! Shoto, stop this at once!"} Todoroki: *on the floor* "I'll...show my father--" Izuku: "That this power is yours!" Endeavor: "?!" Todoroki: !!!!! {???: "Yes, quirks are passed down from parent to child. But..." *nervous laugh* "That's not the only thing that matters."} {mrs todoroki: *smiles*} {Shoto: *shiny eyes*} {???: "It's not just blood--it's the ability to look at oneself, be all you can be--appreciate yourself! And what you can do, your full potential. What's what I mean when I say, 'I am here!'"} Izuku: "It's not just blood...You decide...who you want to become." {mrs todoroki: it's alright. you're not bound by his blood. you decide who you want to be, shouto.} *FOOOOM* Izuku: *stands still--as the heat hits him* Iida: "!!!" ochako: !!!! All Might: ("You were saving him, Midoriya...") Endeavor: *twisted smile* Todoroki: *his left side is covered in flames* momo: h-his left is- Todoroki: "I...want to be a hero, too." *tearful smile* ochako: .... !!! GIVE IT YOUR ALL YOU GUYS!!!! Todoroki: *wipes his tears* "It-It's so hot..." Endeavor: "SHOOOOOOOOOOOTOOOOOOOOOO! You have accepted my power! Excellent! With my blood pumping through your veins, you--" guard: sir, you're going to have to back up, we dont let people this close to the field, too dangerous. Endeavor: *DEATH GLARE* "Do you know, who I am...and the monologue you just interrupted?" guard: aaand tazer. Endeavor: "Taz-what?" -ka-tazer for endevour- Endeavor: O_____X *movements before collapsing and twitching* -elsewhere- Hibana: *watching TV* Announcer: "And it looks like a pro-hero has been tazered--* gabriella: oh...my god. this is amazing. Hibana: "!!!" *flips the table, screaming* "YYYYYEEEEEESSSS!!!!" -elsewhere- Izuku: *smiling* Todoroki: "...Why are you smiling?" Izuku: "???" Todoroki: "Crazy...You're insane, fighting with those wounds...Don't blame me for what happens next." Cementoss: "!!! Midnight!" midnight: on it! Cementoss: *lifting the pavement* Izuku: *running* ("Give it your all...Give me everything you got!") "Come at me!" Todoroki: "...Thank you..." *FOOOM* -BWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- ochako: !! midnight: GAH! Monoma: "!!! EVERYONE! DUCK!" pony: WHAT'S GOING OOOON Q~Q itsuka: *BIG OL HAND SHIELD* Bakugo: "Shit!" *throws up a blast ahead of the cement-rainstorm* *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* ???: "...Are we dead?" yuuji:....aizawa....what the fuck is with these guys... .___.; hitoshi: ?!?! Aizawa: "The cold air, followed by hot air, caused the rapid air to produce an explosion..." *he has a bit of fire at the top of his head* *Izuku's shoe is seen on the floor* hitoshi: !!!!! midnight: ow...im ok......eh? *looks* All Might: "!!!" tsuyu: !!! Izuku: *slammed against...no..._into_ the wall* Izuku: "..." Todoroki: *stares...stunned* midnight: m-midoriya's out of bounds......the round goes to shouto todoroki! All Might: "Get a doctor!" Todoroki: *he is now shirtless* Bakugo: "..." -later- Todoroki: *walking to the locker room--* Medic: "Sir, please lie down. Your are--" *shoved* "Rude!" Endeavor: "Hee heh...Shoto..." Todoroki: "..." Endeavor: "...Not going to tell me to get out of your way? Good. Because you can't have that power if you don't know how to use it. I didn't give it to you to abuse. But now you have set aside that childish rebellion and can surpass--" Todoroki: "I have put nothing aside." Endeavor: "..." Todoroki: *stares at his hand* "It's just that, in that moment, when I used _my_ power...I forgot about you." *looks up...smiles* "And that's something I have to think about." *turns and walks away* Endeavor: "..." -in the medical room- All Might: "..." recovery girl: his right arm's shattered, this wont be easy to set back to normal. Izuku: "Ugh..." All Might: "Kid..." recovery girl: i'll have to remove the bone splinters from his joints, then the healing comes after. *looking at all might* this boy admires you so much, he's willing to get himself nearly killed. _you_ are the one who drove him to this. All Might: "...I--" recovery girl: you're overdoing it, so you better not praise him for it... All Might: "I'm not. I'm just--" -knocks on the door- recovery girl: it's open. All Might: "!!!" *looking around* ochako: deku! tsuyu: izuku! hitoshi: ... Iida: "Midoriya!" Izuku: "Guys...the next matches..." tsuyu: they've been delayed because the arena got destroyed.....again. Mineta: *panting, following* "I...Missed it...Darn it..." *looks* "HOLY CRAP! YOU LOOK TERRIBLE!" Iida: "??? Oh, Mineta, hello." *looks* "Oh, hello. I am Tenya Iida. Are you a friend of Izuku's?" All Might: ._.;;;; "Um...family friend." ^^; Mineta: "...You look familiar. You used to be a superhero or something?" All Might: .___________.;;;;;;; "...Nope! Just a...grocery store manager!" ^^;;;;;; ("HIDE ME.") hitoshi: ......*writing something on the white board* Izuku: "??? Shinso?" -midoriya, you almost died out there- Izuku: "Ha ha...Yeah. D-Don't make me laugh--it hurts..." recovery girl: shoo shoo! he's about to have surgery! ochako + tsuyu + hitoshi: !!! Iida: "Surgery!" Mineta: "We'll get you a care package! It'll be--" *pushed into a wall* "OUCHIE!" Izuku: "A-All Might..." All Might: "!!!" recovery girl: SHOO SHOO! *tosses them out* hitoshi: ... tsuyu: huh... Izuku: "I had to say it for Todoroki...I'm sorry I could not tell the world I arrived..." All Might: "..." ("Kid...You already showed the world: you have arrived...") Izuku: "I lost myself...I should've minded my own business...but I had to make my point..." *passes out* recovery girl: ...calling you a fool wont change what happened...however, giving help that wasnt asked for....that's what makes a true hero... All Might: "..." *nods* -outside- hitoshi: .... Mineta: *smushed against the hallway wall* Iida: "Midoriya...Why did he do that?" ochako: .....i got to go somewhere, brb! *runs off* hitoshi: ?? Iida: "??? That was fast." tsuyu: what's got her all frizzed up? Mineta: "Maybe she's got a date?" tsuyu: hmm... hitoshi: ...? Iida: "...I guess we can start planning a get-well gift for Midoriya..." tsuyu: sounds like a plan. -elsewhere- ochako: *looking around* (thinking: where is he?) *The door to the locker room is open* ochako: *looks inside* Todoroki: *taking off his ripped shirt, putting on a new one* ochako: OuO;;; um....oops. i'll wait out here... Todoroki: "??? Ochaco? What are you doing here?" *pulls on his shirt* ochako: IMJUSTGONNAWAITOUTHERE OuO;;;;;;; Todoroki: *finishes buttoning up his shirt, steps outside* "...Hi." ochako: um... g-great job on the match! ^^;;; (thinking: ididntseeanythingididntseeanythingididntseeanything) Todoroki: "Thank you...Have you seen Midoriya?" ochako: yeah...he's in medical right now... Todoroki: "...I..." ochako: ....you really went all out today. Todoroki: "...So did he..." *shudders* ochako:.... Todoroki: *tries to smile--and just covers his left side* ochako:...... *hug* Todoroki: "..." *hug, sobs* ochako:....do you want to go home now? Todoroki: *nods* ochako: ok. i'll go with you. *small smile* Todoroki: "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "That idiot..." eijiro: well, looks like we get more time to train for our match buddy! *pats his back* Bakugo: "Stop touching me." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: ....... Kid: *yawns* *opens his eyes* "..." stocking: how are you feeling? Kid: *sudden realization* "I had a nightmare." stocking:.....*holding his hand* Kid: "..." *small squeeze* "I think...I was hurting someone...but it wasn't me..." *holds his head with his other hand* "What happened?" stocking:.........they told me you had a seizure.....but....*crying* i-i dont know what it was.....i was so scared for you... Kid: "...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." stocking: *holding him* Kid: "..." *hug* "I'm here..." stocking:....*crying into his chest* Kid: "..." *cries silently, stroking her hair* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *folds clothes* naho: *under the kotatsu* =w= Black Star: *peels an orange* lavender: that time of the year again. *wearing a window cleavage sweater* Higan: *thumbs up* Belkia: *writing a letter* "--and a new magician's wand--" otogiri: -.-; shameless as always. lavender: yes i am. Higan: "How things are..." Sakuya: *puts shirt into hamper* "..." -elsewhere- yumikage:....*grooooans* so booooored. Touma: *sigh* "Go...play a board game." yumikage: -_-# tsurugi: oh, so yumi-chan has his time of the mon- yumikage: *GLARE* Touma: -_-# "Some of us are busy. I could give you paperwork or an errand--" mafura: *staring at the fishtank* .... o.o Touma: *lightbulb* "Go to the pet store, get fish food." -slamming on the door- gil: OOOOOI! LET US OUT! WE KNOW OUR RIGHTS! tsurugi: no one cares, jill! gil: IT'S G-I-L!!! ray: yeah, get the spelling right. Touma: *hands Tsurugi a taser* -SHOOOOOCK- gil: FNKJJFKJSIFLNDJLK ray: D8 Touma: "The next person who speaks loses a limb." gil + ray: OxO;;;; gil: TTxTT (thinking: this place is a nightmare! una honey, boss lady, please be ok) una: *asleep in another cell...........laying on her dresser* Touma: *smirks, turns his back* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Thank you..." ochako: *smiles* fuyumi: shouto! i saw the whole match! Todoroki: "!!! O-Oh?" fuyumi: *hugs* are you ok? Todoroki: "..." *sniff* "Y-Yes..." ochako:...well, im just gonna....mosey on home then. Todoroki: "Th-Thank you for walking home with me, Ochako." ochako: ^^ no problem. take it easy tonight, ok? Todoroki: "You too. Good night." fuyumi: ....so there's this clip of endevour getting tazered by security. it's already trending. Todoroki: "...Wait, what? When did that happen?" fuyumi: *pulls up the clip on her phone* Todoroki: "..." *snort laugh* -elsewhere- fang: gubu? twice: you seem....pretty happy to see this, dabster. Dabi: "..." *sneer* twice: not every day a pro hero gets tazed. LOL! XD Dabi: "Yes...Play it again." -elsewhere- Mori: "Quite impressive abilities..." miura: indeed. Mori: "Now, if those could be duplicated..." *stares at Miura* miura: that could be quite the force to be reckoned with. Mori: "...You ever play Mega Man?" miura: -_-; sir the robot jokes are getting old. elise: just like you. Mori: -_-;; "Ability duplication..." miura: are you going somewhere with this? Mori: "I think you're due for an upgrade, courtesy of Motojiro..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at battle footage* "Holy-..." naoya: daaaang. Gin: "Hmm. Destructive." -underground- katya: now that match....was lit. pushkin: oooh! good one! *high five* Shousaku: "..." katya: oh come on, discount sasuke. you got to admit that was good. yana: oooh. -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "Zzz..." pandora: .... Ponera: "..." *shifts* "Ow..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *signs a contract* "We will have your security improved upon rebuilding the stadium..." nedzu: excellent! we greatly appreciate this, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: "The pleasure is all mine." ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *staring at Nedzu* ._. -morning- Kid: "..." liz: come on kid, eat up. Kid: "..." *nom* "...It's good. Thank you." liz: ...... Kid: "...May I have more milk?" stocking: of course.... Kid: "..." *stares down at his toast* "..." *nom* kirika: ....shit... Kid: "???" kirika: we need to find out what the hell's gotten into you, dammit. i know, you have some stuff going on in your head...but this doesnt feel like that. Kid: Q_____Q liz: what the fuck kure?! kirika: call it instinct or whatever, but this isnt like his normal breakdowns... lord death: .... Kid: "Sh-She's right...That nightmare I had...Usually, I would be traumatized. But...it wasn't me. It was...not me." lord death: .....what all do you remember from the nightmare? Kid: "...A face. Her hair was tied to each side...Her eyes were...swirls? Maybe curves? I can't remember...Not symmetrical, though." lord death:.... Kid: "..." *takes out a sheet of paper, starts drawing* "Does she look familiar?" lord death: !!!!!!!! Kid: "???" lord death: isnt that...shaula gorgon? Kid: "..." *shaking* "I-I didn't..." lord death: *hugs him* breathe kid, breathe. Kid: *holds on* "I...don't know where it was..." -elsewhere- Ponera: *holding ice to her head* grimoire: how long will it be until we arrive? Ponera: "...Four, five days?" grimoire: hmmm... Ponera: "...We need to do something, to keep...him...preoccupied." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...How is the kid?" recovery girl: he'll need some time to heal. Aizawa: "Well, we wanted to drop off the gift when he wakes up. He'll get the cookies I baked when he gets out of the hospital." -elsewhere- Relan: O_O;;;; "...Commander Hibana seems...happy?" shinra: it's almost terrifying. iris: ^^; Hibana: ^_^ "More sweets, everyone? I'm very charitable today..." ("So happy that stupid bastard got what he deserved...sort of.") nozomi: that sounds wonderful. ^^ Hibana: "Glad to hear it! Gorilla?" Akitaru: -_-# "I'm fine." hanako: *nom nom* Hibana: "Now, onto serious business." *lays out the subway map* shinra: .... Hibana: *circles* "These are the spots surveyed. And these are the ones Licht found for you...So you can see that the only spot without an escape path is here." shinra: ..... Hibana: "...Will you need back up?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *looking over schematics* "...'Eyes of God'?" nea: looks like a pretty sound system....but then again, this is you and kepuri's deal. saki: oho, seems you have technical competition. mono: *rolls eyes* Yohei: "Hmph. Just got to get better then." *looks at the plans* "Photo-recognition, clouds, ID photo tracking--Man, this is a privacy advocate's nightmare." *rolls up plans* "Mono, we got work to do." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Be good today." sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *hug* sonia: *huuuug* Chuuya: TTWTT *pat pat* "I'll be home this evening." sonia: ok. be safe, papa. Chuuya: *pat* "I will." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *adjusting his jacket* fuyumi: heading out? Todoroki: *nods* "Want me to pick up groceries?" fuyumi: sure. *hands him a list* Todoroki: *looks over it, nods* "Are you cooking something?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "Zzz..." {Izuku: "...Hello?"} {*eyes appear*} {Izuku: Q___Q } {-something is on the roof-} {Izuku: *looks up* "Wh-What..."} {-the figure grins at him-} {Izuku: "Who are you?} {-the figure lunges at him-} {Izuku: *screams, runs*} -THUD- Izuku: "...Ow." nurse: mr midoriya! are you alright?! Izuku: "...I fell." nurse: well do be careful... Izuku: "O-Okay..." *sits back on his bed* ("Who was that...?") -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring at Eijiro* "...That is the worst 'get well' worst flower arrangement I have ever seen." eijiro: .w.; Bakugo: "Seriously, these daisies are wilted, you got no hydrangeas...Where's thorn girl?" eijiro: i dont think she can produce flowers, though. Bakugo: "Well, shit. At least water them before you give them to Deku." -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." *strokes her child's hair* neian: zzzz Medusa: ("At least your less of a handful than that insane boy...") *looks out the vehicle's window at the passing trees* neian: zzzzz Medusa: "...Can we stop at a rest station soon?" grimoire: soon. keep the replica contained. Medusa: -_-; "Fine..." shaula: dont you mean _reap_lica? *Something hits Shaula in the back of the head* shaula: OW! >3< Mad!Kid: *smirk* Medusa: "...You said 'contain' him. Is striking Shaula still acceptable?" grimoire: as long as he doesnt get loose, it's fine. shaula: you prick! Mad!Kid: "It is not long before I tear the flesh from your body to form a new floor rug, and grind your bones for my soup--" Medusa: *ties an arrow around his mouth* "Quiet." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stretches* yu: zzzz Vulcan: "..." *puts a blanket over Yu's shoulders* yu: -u- Vulcan: *walks to the kitchen* "Oh, hey, Maki." maki: mornin' karin: or afternoon, rather. Vulcan: "Jeez, late night..." *pulls out a can of cola* "So, doc, got those blueprints..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *stroking his back* Kid: "...Thank you." stocking: im right here, ok? Kid: "R-Right..." *curls up* stocking:.....*still holding him* Kid: "...I don't understand..." stocking: ?? Kid: "Lucid dreams...of that witch." stocking:....im not sure either....but you're here, and you're ok... Kid: *nods* "I'm sorry..." stocking: *hums* Kid: *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Candy striper!" Izuku: ._. mana: not so loud, showtaro. Shotaro: "Right, sorry..." *holds up vase of flowers* "For..." *reads the card* " 'You damn nerd.'" Izuku: ^^; "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Poe: "Oh, look, Karl--another raccoon!" Jacqueline: ._.; kim: *in tanuki form* OwO;;; Poe: "I didn't know you had a pet raccoon too, Jacqueline!" Jacqueline: "It's...a tanuki, actually." ^^; Poe: "Oh! Those are rare." *pets the tanuki* "What’s his name?" kim: OwO;;;;;;;; Jacqueline: "Um...She's a she...named...um...Kim!" Poe: "...Isn't your meister's name Kim?" kim: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *INTERNAL SCREAMING* Jacqueline: owo;;; "I-I wasn't very creative! And she kind of looks like Kim, doesn't she?" Poe: *nods* "Yes. Kim does have tanuki-esque features." *scratches under the tanuki's chin* kim: >~w~< *trying not to freak out* Jacqueline: ^w^;;;;;; Poe: "Say 'hi,' Karl!" karl: *chitter* Poe: "Aw, he's friendly!" Jacqueline: ^^;;; "Well, we have to be going." *picks up Kim's paw* "Say 'bye-bye,' Kim..." kim: =n= *wave* Poe: *waves Karl's paw* "Bye-bye!" -w- Jacqueline: *fast walking away* *whispers* "I am going to owe you so big, aren't I?" kim: yes. yes you are. =n= Jacqueline: >_< "Sorry...Let's get home..." *pets her head* -elsewhere- Shousaku: "..." *curled up* keek: ...... Shousaku: "..." *shivers* "Stupid cold..." keek:..... Shousaku: "...Need actual blankets. Not these hole-y things..." keek:...... Shousaku: "...You cold?" keek:......*small nod* Shousaku: "..." *takes the blanket off, puts it onto her* keek:......thanks... Shousaku: "..." *nods* "You're welcome." *rubs his arms* keek:.....*drags herself over to him* Shousaku: "??? H-Hey..." keek: *leans against him* ............ Shousaku: "...Warmer?" keek:....*nod* Shousaku: "...Good..." *awkward arm around her shoulder* keek:.....zzzz Shousaku: "..." *stares at the wall* -silence- Shousaku: *sniffs...closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." *wipes her eyes* kenji: ?? what's wrong? Kyoka: "Just...thinking about how long I've been here." kenji: it feels like you've been here a long time. ^^ Kyoka: "...I suppose. ...This doesn't feel right." kenji: hmm? how so? Kyoka: "...I have done awful things." kenji: i guess, but that doesnt make you a bad person. ^^ Kyoka: "...I don't know that I believe that all the time." kenji: *huuuug* Kyoka: "...You're hugging me." kenji: you looked like you needed it. Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* "Thank you………You can let go now." -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding a tissue to his bleeding nose* "Ow..." yosano: -_-; Dazai: "How did she kick that hard..." ranpo: you musta really made her mad, dude. Dazai: "Well, how do I apologize?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "..." *staring at the photo frame on his desk* eckleburg: sir? Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Eckleburg, you say something?" *sets the photo down* eckleburg: ... ^^; nothing, sir. *exits* Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form--bumps into Eckleburg as he exits* "???" eckleburg: hmm? oh, hello toby. *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: =_= *sniffs his face* eckleburg: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *lick* eckleburg: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *spots Louisa, leaps down towards her* louisa: oh! Mr. Tsubaki: *wags his tail, sits down* owo louisa: are you hungry, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: *stomach growl* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *carrying groceries--and gets a reporter flashing a light with a photograph in his face* "Gah!" anne terveau: yes, hello, mr todoroki, care for an interview? Todoroki: "No." *keeps walking* anne terveau: D8 Todoroki: "...Why do you _want_ to interview me?" anne terveau: after your astounding match the other day, are you looking forwards to the next round? Todoroki: "..." *sighs* ("What a hero has to do...") "I look forward to showing my abilities, including how I measure up against my classmates." anne terveau: we also noticed you used your fire abilities the other day. is that part of a quirk, or is it a flame being genetic? Todoroki: "...It is my Quirk." anne terveau: hmm, i see. your father was tazered by security after getting to close to the arena during the match, how do you feel about that? Todoroki: "...I am sure security and my father will ascertain whether such action was warranted." anne terveau: hmm. -elsewhere- Yumi: "??? May I help you?" aya: delivery to city council, ma'am! ^^ Yumi: *looks at the return address* " 'Armed Detective Agency'?" aya: *salutes* yes, ma'am! ^^ Yumi: "...The one with a certain individual who asks women to commit suicide pacts with him?" aya: mr dazai? Yumi: *eyeglasses glint* "That's the one...Can you send a message to him?" aya: sure thing! Yumi: *writes out a note, folds it, hands it to her* "Thank you." *smiles gently* aya: you got it! *walks off* Yumi: *smiles as she walks off* "...He's going to shit bricks when he reads that." -elsewhere- FD: "..." *taps the table* -the thieving magpie plays over the radio- FD: *closes his eyes, listens* -outside the door- zoey: *leaning against the door* ahh...i bet that stringy bitch is getting all up close and personal with master fyodor...ahhh it pisses me off so muuuuch... Ivan: owo <I have finished dusting.> FD: *yawns* "Hmm?" <Oh, good.> Ivan: <Anything else, my master?> FD: "..." *tracing his finger along the table* <I should be coding...> zoey: ahhhh..i wish i knew what they were saying right now.....*mutter mutter* pushkin: ._.; <that nurse freaks me out.> katya: <no kidding.> Ivan: owo;;; <I-I could help you--> FD: <Alphabetize my...> *yawn* <...books. By author.> Ivan: <Yes, master!> zoey: haaa...i want to be next to him....i want to be at his feet....i want him to step all over my back <3 pushkin: ._____.;;;;; *backing away* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at the corpse* "...Horrible." hirotsu: well, we did manage to get information out of them. Chuuya: "Oh? About whom?" hirotsu: *handing him notes* Chuuya: "...Anything on the Rats?" hirotsu: sadly, no. just recent drug and weapon deals scheduled for the next months. Chuuya: "Anything we can sell?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Aya? Any reply from the office?" aya: yep. the lady there had something for mr dazai. Dazai: owo "Oh? Maybe it's an offer..." *takes the note, opens it...and all color fades out of his face...and body...* o______________o Kunikida: "..." *small smile* atsushi: ??? *looooks* *There seem to be very graphic descriptions of bodily harm* Dazai: Q_____Q "...I don't want to die just yet." atsushi: .______________________________________.;;;;;;;;;;; meep Kunikida: *takes the letter from Dazai's hands, folds it* "I think I'll frame this." Dazai: "Don't give it to Yosano...It'll give her ideas." *passes out* -elsewhere- Wes: "Feeling okay?" liz: i guess... Wes: "...Worried about Kid?" liz: hard not to be... Wes: "...You had been talking with him about a vacation. I think now may be a good time for it." liz: where to? Wes: "Well, maybe somewhere new? Ever try India? Or Egypt?" liz:....*excalibur face* Wes: "..." *realization* "Oh. Right. Sorry." ^^; "Um...Australia?" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Yo, doc--your package arrived." yosano: nice! Tanizaki: "More clothes? Instruments of destruction? Medicine?" yosano: you'll see~ Tanizaki: ._____. *backs away slowly* -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum* Commander Arg: "Doing well?" juria: yeah yeah. selim:....hehehe.... Arg: "??? Is there something amusing?" -elsewhere- vivian: *humming* Kishiri: "Guess who?" vivian: torry~!<3 *huuuug* Kishiri: ^\\\^ "How's it going, babe?" *pat pat* vivian: better now~<3 Kishiri: "Glad to hear...What you been working on?" *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "Momo? Hello." momo: hmm? oh, hey tokoyami, what's up? Tokoyami: *waves* "I was on my way to the hospital." momo: i see... Tokoyami: "Are you running errands?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *staring at his dinner* nurse: how are you feeling? Izuku: "As best as can be expected." ^^; "My arm still hurts..." nurse: well, do try to eat up, rebuild your strength. Izuku: "I will. Thanks!" *takes up the fork, takes a bite of food* nurse: *exits* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *staring into her empty wallet* TT_TT "I think we're even now..." kim: ^^ ~<3 Jacqueline: TT\\\\TT *sigh* "Well, that takes care of dinner." *gets out of her chair* -the phone rings- Jacqueline: "???" *answers* "Hello?" EF: hey jackie, a letter came for you at the dorms. Jacqueline: "Oh! Sorry about that--I guess change of address didn't work. Was it junk mail or something I should pick up?" EF: it's addressed from France. Jacqueline: "...Oh." *quieter* "Okay...I can come over tomorrow." kim: ?? jackie? Jacqueline: *hangs up* "...I think I'll...lie down or..." *rubs her hands, shaking* kim: jackie? what's wrong?! Jacqueline: *shakes her head, covers her face* kim: .....? Jacqueline: M-My parents..." kim: .........*holding her* Jacqueline: *shaking, crying* "I-I don't want to see..." kim: it's ok....im right here... Jacqueline: *holds onto her, shivering* "L-Letter to pick up..." *shakes her head* kim: we can throw it out. Jacqueline: "...I can't...What if it had bad news or..." kim:..... Jacqueline: *shakes her head* "Tomorrow. Not today. Can't..." *hyperventilating* kim: breathe jackie, breathe. Jacqueline: *trying to steady her breath...falling limp* kim:....*carrying her to bed* Jacqueline: "Zzz..." *still breathing heavily* kim:.....*making a phone call* Free: "Yo." kim: hey, could you come over and look after jackie for a while? Free: "Sure thing. Something wrong?" -she explains what happened- Free: "Oh, dude...On my way..." kim: thanks. Free: "No prob. Should I bring anyone?" -later- Jacqueline: "Zzzz..." Free: "...She looks exhausted." kim: im back. *she has the letter* Free: "??? ..." *sniffs* kim: ?? Free: "The envelop smells...flowery?" kim: .........*opens it* Free: "!!!" *whispers* "The heck you doing?! You want to go to jail?!!" kim: i dont think you can go to prison for opening someone's mail. -_-; Free: "Oooooh, I've seen things...And what's so important about that letter?" kim: .....it's from jackie's parents......from what she's told me...they're not exactly...the nicest people. Free: "...Is it bad news?" kim:.......... -they want her to come home asap- Free: "Like, something that she has to respond to now?" kim:....i dont know...i have a bad feeling.... Free: *not looking at the letter* "...You going to tell her?" kim: .... -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *holding him* Kid: *rests his head against hers* "..." stocking: im here, kid.... (thinking: i want to get you out of this funk...but i dont know how to make it go away.....all i can do for you right now is be here...) Kid: *nods* "Thank you...I appreciate it..." *holding onto her* stocking: ...... Kid: "...Just..." *yawn* "Let me..." stocking: get some sleep, hun. Kid: "Okay...Love you..." stocking: i love you too, dont ever doubt that, ok? Kid: "...I won't. Thank you..." stocking:.....please....get better soon.... Kid: "Zzz..." -morning- rowena: =~=;;; *sick in bed* Anya: "I have your soup ready..." rowena: t-thank you. lenore: ... Anya: "...Your doctor said to get rest and water, yes?" *sets out a bowl of water and a cloth* rowena: *she nods* Anya: "...Do you want the soup now?" *spoons out some of it* rowena: yes. Anya: *holds a hand under the spoon, bringing it to Rowena's lips* rowena *sip* thank you. Anya: ^^ "I made it myself...It's full of broth to help your throat and fill you up." rowena: i appreciate that. Anya: "You're welcome. Would you like the cloth?" rowena: *nod* Anya: *soaks the cloth, wrings it to remove water, and sets it on Rowena's forehead* "Is this okay?" rowena: yes, thank you. Anya: *smiles* "More soup? Or maybe some rest?" rowena: good idea. Anya: *tucks her in* "...Feel better." ef: *from downstairs* sir! please calm down- ???: "ROWEEEEEEENA!!!" Anya: "?!!!" *walks to the door--* *The door slams open--smashing Anya into the wall* rowena: ._.; um...brother...you squished my friend. Poe: "Rowena!" *fidgeting, looking at her* "I-I came as soon as I could! I brought you books! And medicine! And--And--" ._. "...What squish who when?" Anya: "...Yngling..." Poe: "???" Anya: "CHOP!" *BOOM* rowena: D8 lenore:...ouch. karl: O.O;;; Poe: *Josephine the Tanuki has now crushed his spine* @_____@ "...Ouchie." -one yosano visit later- Poe: "Is-Is she okay?" *shivering, wrapping a blanket around himself...* tsugumi: i think so. Poe: "G-Good...Thank you for taking care of my sister." Anya: *turns up her nose* ao: it's not a problem at all, sir. if it were my sister, i'd want to make sure she's alright as well. Poe: *nod nod* "I-I just want her to be safe..." Meme: *pokes Anya* "Don't you owe him an apology?" Anya: *glares* "My face hurts, you rude lanky man." Poe: D8> tsugumi: anya! >3< Anya: >\\\\< "I-I'm so-so-sorry..." Poe: Q_____Q "A-Apology accepted...Sorry." *covers his head in the blanket* ao: now that wasnt too hard, was...it? tsugumi:....sir? are you ok? Anya: "It was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had." >3< Poe: "I-I'm not used to being stared at..." *gets on his hands and knees* "THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF MY SISTER!" Meme: ._. karl:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...I'm back." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *hug* "How are you, Sonia?" sonia: good. Chuuya: "I'm glad." *looks up* "Thanks for watching her." mafioso: any time, boss. i have a few siblings back home i look after, so im pretty good with kids. Chuuya: "..." *looks at Sonia* "Is he telling the truth about that?" sonia: *nod* he was really nice. *small smile* Chuuya: *smiles* "Well, say thank you to him." sonia: thank you. mafioso: *smiles and exits* Chuuya: "So, hungry?" sonia: *nods* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Aya, your milk." aya: awesome! *siiiip* ah. Kunikida: *nods* "Drink up, and you'll have strong bones." *sips his chocolate milk--leaving a milk mustache* aya: hehe. Kunikida: "???" aya: milk-stashe Kunikida: "?!" *wipes with a napkin* "D-Darn it..." -elsewhere- Ivan: *collapsed* leo: D8> *helping him up* zoey: *laughing* Ivan: "M-My head..." leo: <it's alright, vanya, im getting you to bed...> Ivan: <And medicine...> leo: <of course.> Ivan: Q_Q <It hurts...> leo: ..... Ivan: <My head...heart...Need rest...> leo:....<of course> (thinking: vanya.....) Ivan: "...Zzz..." leo:.....*softly strokes his face* Ivan: =w= <Master...> leo: *heart cracks*.................. Ivan: *cuddles* leo: o////////////////////////////////////////////o Ivan: <Your chest is so comfy...> leo:...........*FAINTS* Ivan: "Zzz..." leo: X///////////////////X Ivan: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *brewing tea* Mr. Tsubaki: *resting in bed* bram: *shivering* c-cold... Fitzgerald: "??? Maybe a warm cookie?" bram: i suppose- *coughing up blood* Fitzgerald: "...And a blanket. And orange juice." Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *grabs a napkin, holds it up to Bram* bram: *accepts it* thank you, toby. Mr. Tsubaki: ^W^ Fitzgerald: "How did he get that as a name?" -elsewhere- Victor: *drops marshmallows into hot chocolate* "Here you go!" nozomi: thank you. ^^ Victor: "You're welcome. Sorry I've been behind on work--whole lot going on before the trip..." *moves some dirt samples off his work station* nozomi: mm Victor: "How are you feeling?" nozomi: nervous. Victor: "...You ever scared of the dark when you were a kid?" nozomi: sometimes, but my father always let me have a nightlight so i wouldnt feel scared Victor: *nods* "I guess...that'll be useful for those with fire abilities." ^^; "Wish I had that..." karin: oh~? ^^# Victor: owo;;;; "N-Not like wh-what those weirdos have done with the bugs--I just meant, you know, light up or something? May-Maybe like a Quirk or something? Ha ha ha ha--" *inching away* karin: is that right~? ^^# nozomi: o.o ??? Victor: *now on the other side of the room* "Uh-huh." *nods* owo; -elsewhere- Yohei: *shirt is burnt, hair blown back, soot in his face* ._. Shotaro: "..." *hands him a towel* *GOOD DEED* Yohei: "Thanks...Stupid program blew up my computer..." mono: yeah, i can see that. Emine: "This bad luck usually happens to you, tiny girl." mono: >3< i didnt ask you, m'n'm's! Emine: "I don't wait to be called to speak, flat-chest. And M&M's are delicious. I am bitter." mono: shut up! >n< Emine: *staaaaaaaare* mono:.....what?! Shotaro: ^^; "Okay, let's get you out of here, buddy--for ice cream!" *pushes Emine out of the room* mono: 7n7 *grumble grumble* Yohei: "...Why don't you get ice cream, too, Mono. After Emine is back in his room..." nea: i'm driving~ <3 Shotaro: "Woot!" Emine: "...Shotgun." mono: =_= -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Sister?" fuyumi: hmm? what's up? Todoroki: "...There are only a few rounds of the competition...I'm...trying to think...How do you apologize to the person you put in a hospital?" ._.; fuyumi: i dont know. maybe just be up front about it? Todoroki: *nods* "It's worth a try. I know Midoriya likes goofy superhero memorabilia..." *holds up an All Might Pez dispenser* fuyumi: !!... *small chuckle* Todoroki: *small smile* "Thank you." *picks up the plates* "I'll wash." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *shivering* "Why's it so cold in here?" *he's not wearing a shirt* maki:.... >->;;;; shinra: *COUGHING* Takehisa: -_-; Relan: .\\\. Akitaru: "...Vulcan, it's fall. Put on a shirt." Vulcan: "??? I work better without--" Akitaru: "Put on. A shirt." tamaki: it's distracting. Arthur: -_____-# Vulcan: "..." >_> "Fine..." *grabs one from his chair, puts it on* "Damn body-shaming..." iris: im sure the commander just doesnt want you to freez-.... .................................. ._.; tamaki: D8 !!!! Vulcan: "???" Arthur: .___. "..." *offers a sweater to Tamaki* tamaki:.......thanks...... Arthur: ^^; Akitaru: "...Maybe we can have more hot chocolate--" Victor: *in the hallway, away from everyone, shouting* "Good idea!" -elsewhere- Medusa: -_-# "...We couldn't afford a hotel room for each of us?" shaula: would ya rather room with hairless? Medusa: "...This is preferable." *shudders* -elsewhere- Dazai: *sipping his tea* -w- "This is better...Away from...that." kirako: ^^ Dazai: *shudders* "...New haircut? Looks good." kirako: ^^; i just put my hair up, that's all. Dazai: ^^ "Good look." *adjusts the blanket* "Chilly." kirako: yeah.... *gets the wine out* well, here's to the weekend. Dazai: "Cheers." ^^ *sips* -elsewhere- Lucy: "How was your day?" atsushi: it went pretty well. you? Lucy: *shrugs* "Could use better tips at work. Oh, and a customer tried to touch me--" atsushi: !!! did you beat him up? Lucy: -_-;;; "...I didn't hurt him _that_ badly..." -elsewhere- zoey: *giving fyodor his anemia medication* FD: "Thank you..." zoey: of course, master...<3 FD: "..." *lies down* zoey: *crawling into bed next to him* FD: "..." *puts an arm around her* zoey: ah~<3 FD: "Have you finished all I assigned you?" zoey: *she nods* FD: *leans to her ear* "You sure..." zoey: *shudders* FD: *smiles, kisses behind her ear* zoey: *soft moan* FD: *kisses down to her neck...his hand rests on her hip* zoey: ah~n FD: "What do you want..." *crawls on top of her* zoey: i-ah....i want to be at your mercy <3 FD: "..." *slams his mouth against hers* zoey: mmn~<3 FD: *pins her wrists down, licking down from her lips to her chin* -elsewhere- Poe: "R-Rowena is recovering..." Q__Q lana: that's good to hear. ranpo: dude, it's just a cold, it's not like she's got something bad- *CHOP* lana: behave. ranpo: >3< Poe: Q_______Q "...I just want her to be safe..." *rubs his head* "Ow..." lana: *hug* i know. Poe: -\\\- *hug* ranpo: do you two need a moment? Poe: o\\\\\o lana: o/////o; ranpo:....what? if you two want to like, make out or something, i can go. it's called common courtesy, jeez. Poe: "...Well, that's too much for me. Good night." *lets go of Lana--and falls back onto the fainting couch* lana: .... ^^;; Poe: "Zzz..." lana:... *small kiss on his forehead* Poe: =w= -elsewhere- Anya: *lying in bed...staring up at the ceiling* "..." tsugumi: you in, anya? Anya: "Hmm? Yes. Come in..." tsugumi: *enters* how you doing? Anya: "Oh, you know...Just thinking. How is Rowena?" tsugumi: she's napping. Anya: "...That's good." -\\\- "Will you be getting some sleep?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki:.... *puts blanket over him* Black Star: =w= -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." {Chuuya: >_< "Stupid pain in the ass..." *mutter mutter* } {kouyou: is something bothering you?} {Chuuya: "...Dazai made fun of my height. Again."} {kouyou: *pats his head* you're still a growing boy, chuuya.} {Chuuya: TT_TT *sniff* "What if I don't get any taller than this?"} {kouyou: well, you'll just have to keep drinking milk, i guess. ^^} {Chuuya: Q___Q "..." *opens the fridge, grabs the entire carton of milk*} Chuuya: *wakes up with a start* ._. "..." *gets out of bed, opens the fridge door* mito: *mew* Chuuya: "???" *pours himself a glass of milk, pours some into Mito's bowl* mito: *mlem mlem mlem* Chuuya: *smiles...sips his milk* -elsewhere- {???: "Shinra..."} shinra: ??? Relan: *yawns, shifts in bed* "Zzz..." shinra:.... *tucks him in and goes to the bathroom to wash his face* Relan: =w= *Something...appears in the corner of Shinra's eye* shinra: ??!! *turns* *Nothing is there...but is that...ash on the floor?* shinra: ??? *examines* *The 'ash' blows around his face* shinra: ack! *falls back* *The ash is gone...everything is quiet* shinra:... ._.;;;; *Knock knock* shinra: yes? Arthur: "You done in there?" shinra: um. yeah. *exits* ._.; Arthur: *sniffs* "...You smoking in here?" shinra: -_-; i dont smoke....i thought i saw something but......ugh, maybe im just tired... Arthur: "Mm...Well, get more sleep. Maybe that'll clear things up." *scratches under his arm* shinra:...right....good night.... Arthur: "Night..." *shuts the door, turns on the sink faucet* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "That was some good ice cream!" Emine: "..." -\\\- "It was fine." mono: =n=; Assi: "??? Mono?" mono: gyu-! O-O !! Assi: "Eeep!" *steps back* mono: did you follow me here?! Assi: "N-No! I-I was...um...Looking for Zuno. He gets lost easily." Zuno: *waves* "Hello! I'm Zuno." mono: yeah, i know that. -_-; Zuno: "???" Assi: "So, um...Which ice cream did you get?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Zzz..." sachiko: zzzz Spirit: *hug* sachiko:....*small smile* {sachiko: *on a plane with a younger izumi} {izumi: mom.....is dad gonna find us?} {sachiko:...it's ok sweetie. we're going to a safe place} sachiko: ....*hug* -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: mmn...kid? Kid: "..." *small smile* "Hi." stocking: how're you feeling? Kid: "Better...thanks to you." stocking: *smiles* Kid: *sits up* "...Want breakfast?" stocking: sure. Kid: *gets out of bed--and his knees wobble* stocking: easy...*holding him up* Kid: ^\\\^ "S-Sorry..." stocking:.....kid.. Kid: "I'm fine. Really." *smiling...with tears in his eyes* stocking:....*holding him* Kid: "..." *cries* stocking:...come on, lets get you back to bed. you're obviously not ok... Kid: *shudders, lies down* stocking: .... Kid: *shaking* stocking: im here kid.... Kid: *nods, hugs her* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...That's what the letter said?" kim:...*she nods* Jacqueline: "...Damn it." kim: if you dont want to go, you dont have to. Jacqueline: "...I have to..." kim:...then im going with you. Jacqueline: "But your job--" kim: right now, you need me with you. Jacqueline: "...I-I don't know how to explain that to my parents." kim: hey. *puts a hand on her shoulder* you're gonna be ok... Jacqueline: "..." *sniff* TT_TT -elsewhere- Giriko: "Hey, little one..." anna: hehe! ^o^ Giriko: *smiles, picks her up carefully* "Happy to see me?" anna: ^u^ Giriko: *hugs her* "Daddy's happy to see you, everyday." arachne: ^^ Giriko: *sits in the rocking chair, rocks with Anna* anna: =w= Giriko: *hums lightly...* anna: zzzz Giriko: "...Zzzz..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." *hug* kirako: oh? Kyoka: "...I think your face looked like someone needing a hug. At least, that's what I'm trying to figure out." kirako: oh, well thanks. ^^; Kyoka: *pat pat, steps back* "...How long have you had glasses?" -the next day- Jacqueline: *staring at airplane web site* "..." eruka: are you sure about this? Jacqueline: *nods* "I can't put it off...It'll get harder." eruka: ....scared they wont accept you? Jacqueline: *gulps* "Y-Yes..." eruka:....did you want to ask a teacher to go with you? Jacqueline: *groans* "Like any would..." eruka: im sure there's someone right? Jacqueline: *shrugs* "Kim? Anyone you can recommend?" kim: how about spirit? Jacqueline: "...That could work...Could you ask him?" kim: *nods* he helped me with my family trouble, im sure he could help you with yours. Jacqueline: "Okay...If he's willing, I'll get him a ticket..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *sips ginger ale* lord death: nygus said she'd be here at noon to do an evaluation. Kid: *nods* "I'll be ready. Thank you." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Any better sleep?" shinra: i dunno... Relan: "..." *pats his back* shinra:....*smiles* thanks, rel. Relan: *small smile* "Go take a shower. I'll make you some breakfast." shinra: *nods* iris: *smiles and hugs them both* Relan: ^\\\^ "I-Iris? What do you like in pancakes?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *caressing an apple* "Who's a cutie? You are! Yes, you are..." nea: *trying not to laugh* Motojiro: -_-;;; "Some people at the grocery are just awful." *looks at a lemon* "Isn't that right, sweetie?" miura:.... -___-; -elsewhere- Spirit: "...And Jackie's that worried?" kim: *she nods* Spirit: "...Let me talk to Sachiko, but I think I'll be able to go." kim: ok. Spirit: "...Has Jackie ever reacted this way before about her parents?" kim:....yeah. Spirit: *sighs* "Yeah, I think you had the right idea." kim: so you'll help us out? Spirit: "I don't see Sachiko saying no--but you know how it is with her job and a kid..." kim: well, she's handled well for as long as she has, right? Spirit: "True...Heh. Too bad a trip to France isn't in the cards for her right now." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking around* "..." *crosses the street--* -a car stops just in front of him- yumikage: DUDE! WATCH IT!! D8< Dazai: "?!!! I had the right of way!" yumikage: on green light?! Dazai: "I'm walking here! You should've paid attention!" *wiggles* "My fragile bones could've been broken by your giant motor vehicle, crushing me to death...How would that look for your car insurance rates?" yumikage: i was! you could have died, idiot! D8< Dazai: "You are the idiot! And I am walking away from this before I have my lawyer sue you!" *rubs his neck* "Oh, dear--I think I feel pain in my shoulder..." yumikage: *vein pop* grk- you're almost as bad as tsurugi! tsurugi: *pokes his head out from the back* myyeeeeeeess~? <3 Dazai: owo;;; "...Weirdos." -elsewhere- sonia: ?? papa, who's that cowboy man? Chuuya: "??? What cowboy man? The one with--...Is he playing with a doll?" sonia: *she nods* jeje: *in snake form*.... ?? Mikuni: "Abel, look at the tiny little girl!" *waves Abel's hand at Sonia* Chuuya: ._.;; "...Stay behind me, Sonia...We got weirdos here." sonia: *clinging to chuuya's leg* >~< Mikuni: owo; "...Why are they weirded out by me? I'm just a grown man with dolls and a snake--" sonia: o.o Chuuya: "You're not helping your case, creeper. And if you get any closer, I'm going to stick you to the ceiling." Mikuni: -_-; "...Really, shorty--" Chuuya: >_<# sonia: *staaaare* Chuuya: "...Sonia...Stay behind me..." *removes his glove* Mikuni: "...Jeje, get ready..." sonia: *clinging to him, scared* Chuuya: "It'll be okay. I'll--" kouyou: is something wrong~? ^^ Chuuya: owo;;; "F-Fine." ^^;;; Mikuni: "??? Who's the older lady?" kouyou: im his mama ^^ Chuuya: ._. Mikuni: "...Huh. You look good for your age." kouyou: hmhm, why thank you, young man~ ^^ sonia: hiya gramma. kouyou: *smiles* hi, sweetie~ Mikuni: ^^ "You're son's a bit rude, though. I had this doll, and he started making fun of me for it and my snake." kouyou: oh? Chuuya: ._.; "Look at the guy! He's a creeper!" Mikuni: *gasp* "Sir! I am offended." kouyou: i do apologize, my little chuuya can get a bit rowdy. ^^ Chuuya: -_-;;; Mikuni: "Well, apology accepted. And hey, if you ever need some antiques, feel free to stop by my shop." sonia: .... *still hiding under chuuya's coat* Chuuya: *pats her* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looking at the leaves in the park* ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "Oh. Hey, Ochako." ochako: how's it going? ^^ i got some baked potatoes! Todoroki: "...I...was looking at the trees...Baked potato?" ochako: *she nods* there's a stand selling them by the north entrance to the park. Todoroki: "Oh. ...Looks delicious." ochako: want one? *she hands him a second one* Todoroki: "...Thank you." *takes it* "...Want to sit down?" ochako: sure. Todoroki: *sits* "..." *nom* "...Maybe some butter..." ochako: im sure they have them at the stand. Todoroki: "I'll get some. Want anything?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets a photo on his work desk* -it's of him, chie, and toru- Yohei: *smiles, opens his email* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Ranpo, open a window..." ranpo: *watching funny videos on the computer* uuuugh. *rolls his chair over and opens it* Kunikida: "Thank you." *waves a fan* "Wonder why it's so stuffy in here..." naomi: and in november too... Kunikida: "..." *sniffs* "...Is that something...burning?!" ranpo: oh sweet! the popcorn's done! Kunikida: "IT'S PROBABLY OVERDONE!" *throws open the door* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *lying in the backyard, looking up at the clouds* nayumi: arent ya cold out here? Vulcan: "Dad always said I was hot-blooded..." nayumi: ^^; Vulcan: "Was just looking at how the clouds look like animals...That one's an Alopochen mauritianus." nayumi: o....k? ^^; Vulcan: "...It's a goose. Extinct." nayumi: oh. Vulcan: *points* "What does that one look like?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "--and that's the problem." sachiko: i see. well, if it's your duty as a teacher, you should go. Spirit: ^^; "To a former student...Will you be okay?" sachiko: of course. we managed this long, right? Spirit: "Right...I'll be back, as soon as I can." sachiko: i know you will. Spirit: "..." *hug* sachiko: *hug* Spirit: "I'll call every day...I mean, the time zones will be confusing..." -elsewhere Kuro: *pawing at a laser light* "...I can't stop myself." mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *leaps at the laser beam* "...This is humiliating." *bats at a catnip toy* -elsewhere- Izuku: *shifts in bed--and groans* "Ow..." nurse: mr midoriya? Izuku: "Ow...My arm still hurts..." nurse: do be careful Izuku: "R-Right..." *looks at his arm...and out the window* -looks cloudy out- Izuku: *sighs* ("Not a lot of sun...") nurse: i'll go bring you lunch now. Izuku: ^^ "Thanks." -elsewhere- Chuuya: -\\\\- kouyou: well, that was quite eventful. sonia: *eating her crepe* Chuuya: "No kidding...What is with this town?" kouyou: even after living here for so long, it's still full of surprises, ufufu~ Chuuya: "One way of putting it..." *angry nom* sonia:...he reminded me of the mackerel...how gross...*nom nom* Chuuya: *crying tears of joy as he pats Sonia's head* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: *wipes his tears* "Now, Kouyou...Um...Any business to discuss?" -elsewhere- Anya: "How are you feeling?" rowena: a little better now. Anya: "That's good...You had us worried." rowena: ^^; i can see Anya: "???" *she looks a bit exhausted* rowena:...are you alright? Anya: "Fine..." *yawn* "Just tired, I guess..." rowena: i see. Anya: *sits back in the chair* "...I could get you more water..." rowena: thank you. Anya: "Zzz..." rowena: ?? Anya: "Zzz..." *small mutter* -elsewhere- Ivan: =____= *yawn* leo: *folding laundry* Ivan: <Oh, hey there. Finishing laundry?> leo: <yes.> Ivan: <Want some help?> *looks in the basket* leo: .///. <i-if you wish...> Ivan: <Maybe I can fold Master's unmentionables...> =\\\w\\\= leo: <vanya!> o///////o;;; Ivan: <???? What? Is it wrong to tend to his every need?> leo: !!... 7////7; <w-well...not necessarily, but...> Ivan: *reaches into the basket--grabs some items* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Just got to aim...and it's inevitable." mina: what is? denki: i think he's talkin' to himself again Bakugo: *his hands are sparking as he faces the targets* "The blast...does not stop despite whatever is in ITS PATH!" *he sends a blast at the targets* mina: .... ._.; eijiro: woot! you baku-go! Bakugo: "...Um...Okay. That pun was corny..." -elsewhere- Poe: *groans* karl: o^o~? Poe: "I feel like I ran a marathon..." karl: *pap pap* Poe: TT_TT "Maybe a bath will help..." karl: *nod* Poe: *opens the bathroom door, turns on the hot water* lana: *humming* Poe: *unbuttoning his shirt* lana: ...... .///////////////.;;; Poe: .\\\\\\\\. "...H-How long w-were you--" lana: just passing by! ^///^; Poe: .\\\\. "I-I'll just close this, then..." lana:.... .//////. Poe: *shuts the door between him and Lana, alone in the bathroom with Karl* "...Oh!" *turns off the water in the tub* -elsewhere- Patty: "Is he feeling any better?" stocking:....*sigh* i think so. Kid: *eating his cereal* "..." lord death:....how ya feelin, kiddo? Kid: *nods* "I'm...eating?" lord death: ... Kid: "...I guess I'm getting better..." lord death: that's great! Kid: *small smile* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *monitoring cameras* "All these angles?" eckleburg: *nods* mmhmm. Fitzgerald: "How many people have you _not_ recognized with this software?" eckleburg: very few. -elsewhere- yana: *checking cameras* FD: *looking over her* yana: ....hmm? <ya need somethin'?> FD: <Status report on your surveillance?> yana: <same as usual.> *sigh* <aaah, i hope something interesting happens soon> FD: <How about you make something interesting happen?> *holds up a spray paint can* yana:....*smirk* <where to tag, though....> FD: <Maybe somewhere a little close to home...> yana:...*grin* FD: <Let them ponder just where we are...and how close we can get.> -elsewhere- Gopher: *stare* kotone:....? Gopher: *picks up the fallen tree branch* "...I wonder what made this fall down." kotone: ??? Gopher: *looks up at the tree* "...It is pretty old, but it looked sturdy--" kotone:.... Gopher: "..." *pulls some of the leaves off, hands it to Kotone* kotone: oh? Gopher: Pretend it's like your own sword." ^w^ kotone: .....*swinging it* Gopher: "Yay! Just like that..." kotone:....brother, you're unarmed...you could....get hurt.... Gopher: "Um..." *holds out his hand, summoning some feathers into a shield* kotone: ah. kirika: oh, i see ya got yourself a new trick there. Gopher: owo; "I-I was keeping it a secret..." kotone: *looks up* kirika: *in the tree* yo. *jumps down* -nice landing!- Gopher: "..." *claps his hands--sending the feathers flying everywhere* kirika:...*ptooie*....thanks for that. -_-; Gopher: Q^Q "I-I'm so sorry..." *passes a hand over her hair to get a feather out* kirika: hey, no skin of my nose, right? Gopher: ^^ "I suppose not...What brings you here? Did you want to...see me?" kirika: just thought i'd get out of the house. kid's still pretty fucked up...maybe your teacher knows something? Gopher: "!!! R-Right this way..." kirika:.. ?? you alright? Gopher: "O-Of course! Jus-Just bringing you to him pretty you--PRETTY QUICKLY!" .\\\. kirika: dude, its obvious you have a crush on me. -3-; it's been obvious for, like, years now. Gopher: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. "..." *covers his face* "I-I should've known...You're so observant..." *keeps walking--into a tree* kotone: D8 kirika:...there's a tree there. Gopher: *muffled voice* "Thank...you..." *falls back, his face having left a Q^Q imprint on its bark* kirika: ....*soft chuckle and helps him up* come on. you're the tour guide here. (thinking: feels like so long since then....) {kirika: *parkouring roofs*.... ?? the fuck?} {???: *whimpering* "I-I'm sorry..."} {kirika: *looks over the edge* ?!} {*There is a small boy, his face bloody*} {???: "N-No more, s-sir--"} {*PUNCH to the gut*} {kirika: !!!!!} {Gopher: *coughs up blood*} {Noah: "Pathetic...You were never worthy..."} {kirika: HEY! what the fuck are you doing?!} {Noah: *looks up* "None of your concern, girl."} {Gopher: *can't see, his eye swollen shut*} {kirika: *jumps off onto a dumpster, then onto the ground* looks like your just beating up on some kid! tell ya what, why dont you fuck right off, and i wont have to break your fuckin kneecaps, sound good?} {Noah: "..." *throws Gopher over his shoulder--into the wall*} {Gopher: "UMPH!"} {kirika: !!! *takes a broken bottle and stabs at noah*} {Noah: *dodges--barely...there's something...tattered coming off of him...Did she hit his shirt?} {kirika: tch- that was a warning shot. you better just walk right off now before you regret it!} {Noah: "..." *smirks* "Child, you have no idea what you're going to get yourself into..." *picks up Gopher by his neck--and tosses him at her*} {kirika: grk-! why you-} {*He has already escaped*} {kirika:...fuckin...*getting up, looking at gopher* oi. he's gone. you can get up now, kid.} {Gopher: *whimpering, getting up...and vomits*} {kirika: !!! shit... he really fucked you up, huh?....anything broken? can you walk?} {Gopher: *holding a hand against the wall...nods*} {kirika:...beating up on some kid, honestly...this world's too fucked up sometimes...} {Gopher: "I deserved it."} {kirika: nyeh?} {Gopher: "I-I displeased my master..."} {kirika: .......i guess this isnt the first time you've had the ever loving fuck beaten right outta you, huh?} {Gopher: *shakes his head no*} {kirika:.... alright kid, im gonna need you to listen the fuck up here for a sec. if you keep hanging around people that treat you like dirt, you're gonna be miserable. but i dont think he's coming back for you.} {Gopher: "...He left me."} {kirika: big deal, you know what this means? it means you're free to go where you fucking please. you're still breathing right?} {Gopher: "..." *whimpers* "I have nowhere to go..."} {kirika: do you wanna die, kid?} {Gopher: *shakes his head no* "B-But I have no life..."} {kirika: *grabs him by the shirt* if you wanna die, then drop dead! but if you're too scared to die, THEN GO OUT THERE AND LIVE WITH EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING HAVE, GOT IT?!} {Gopher: Q^Q *nod nod nod nod* "O-Okay, ma'am--"} kirika:....heh. Gopher: "??? I-I did something amusing?" kirika: nyeh? nothin', just remembering something. kotone: we're here... Eibon: "Welcome back. And hello to our guest--!!! Child, are you okay?" Gopher: "Y-Yeah..." ^W^ *has leaves sticking out of his hair* eibon: *brushing them out* there you go, good as new. ^^ kirika: yo. you know what kid's deal is? eibon:....pardon? Gopher: "H-Her brother?" eibon: oh, i know who he is. i've spoken with him a few times before. kirika: yeah, he's been really fucked up the past few days... -she explains what has been going on- Gopher: "Oh dear..." eibon: my my, this is quite troubling. inori: ... Gopher: "...Maybe there is something else going on?" eibon: perhaps..... -a small mechanical bird flies in- eibon: ah, our scout has returned. kirika: ?? Gopher: "G-Good news?" eibon: perhaps. bird: *saying something in lunarian* eibon:...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gopher: "Wh-What?" eibon: no... no no no that cant be right.... kirika: seriously, what the fuck is going on? Gopher: "S-Sir?" eibon: i need to contact lord death right now. Gopher: *shudders* eibon: there's a caravan coming this way. the rogue witches, Ponera, Medusa Gorgon, Shaula Gorgon, and Milia Papillion....the sorcerer Grimoire.....and something that had escaped the book of enoch. kirika: what the fuck is it? Gopher: *covering his mouth* "Oh no..." eibon: a manifestation of madness that was born inside the book......which has taken the form of death's son..... kirika: what the fuck?! eibon:....and with it......pandora. -and so- lord death: have we contacted the sages? marie: we've only gotten to contact felisia and zubaidah. lord death: and we have eibon. im sure three will be able to handle it. Spirit: "Maybe not the best time for heading out of town..." nedzu: seems we will have to postpone the festival until this blows over. lord death: we'll need all possible hands on deck for this. Spirit: "Maybe call in some heroes, too." DWMA member: we're already making contact. Yumi: "Fire users...Other forces..." DWMA member 2: special ability users department is online! DWMA member 3: true cross has been contacted! Yumi: "...That won't be enough without coordination." lord death: eibon said they'd be here within a few days... Yumi: "Then we get our forces organized." *opens up a playbook* -elsewhere- Ponera: "..." grimoire: we should be there within two days. milia: i cant wait! that death scythe who killed mommy.....i wanna make him hurt. Ponera: "Good...It's getting monotonous in here..." Medusa: "Calm yourself, child..." shaula: you know, you could die in there. what's gonna happen to your brat? Medusa: "...Not leaving my _child_ with you, brat..." shaula: then what _is_ gonna happen to the kid? Medusa: "...I have plans." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *sneers* scarlet: a citywide lockdown... Joker: "A new player on the field...I don't think that's going to stop me from getting around town to see what's up." ivy: and risk getting arrested? Joker: "Like they'll find me..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: so we're fighting witches now? hyakuya: seems it. Touma: "Witches have varied abilities, and their powerful souls can get in the way..." tsurugi: .... yumikage: .... Touma: "You'll be meeting some weapons who have had some experiences with witches." -elsewhere- sonia: papa, im scared. Chuuya: *hugs her* "It'll be okay..." sonia: are you gonna fight those bad people? Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "I have to protect people I love." sonia: promise you wont die? Chuuya: "..." *holds up his pinky* "Promise." sonia: *smiles and links her pinky with his* Chuuya: "And you'll be safe..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "...They paying?" ranpo: seems like it. yosano: it's all hands on deck. Kyoka: "..." *holds up her taser* aya: time to put my martial arts to the test! *fighting stance* Kunikida: -_-# "You are staying home, Aya." aya: but kunikiiiidaaaa =3= Kunikida: "You are a child, and these are threats that have killed adults with 10 times as much experience as you. You. Are. Staying. Home." aya:.....fiiine. 737 Dazai: "Jeez, a bit rough, huh?" Lucy: "..." atsushi: *fast breathing* odasaku: breathe in, kiddo. you got this. -elsewhere- twain: ooooh this is gonna be the hypest of shiiiit! oscar: oh dear. he's certainly excited. ebie: what's the plan, boss man? Steinbeck: "I'll be mission control with the plants. Twain will be air support." twain: YES! ebie: what do you want me and oscar to do? Steinbeck: "Surveillance. Get in close..." oscar: and me? Steinbeck: "Same--only you'll be in disguise." oscar: ohoho, sounds like fun <3 Steinbeck: "That's one way to put it...Just can't have causalities right now." oscar: pehaps once this blows over, we'll have to recruit more. Steinbeck: "Yes..." *sighs* "I miss Lovecraft." oscar: *pats his shoulder* i'm sure he's somewhere, hun. Steinbeck: "Yeah..." oscar: ^^.... ah! phone call. brb~<3 Steinbeck: "???" oscar: it's family~ *exits* steinbeck: right.....family..... *pulls out stationery* oscar: *walking to a secluded area*...............*answers phone* i take it you've seen the news then? ????: indeed. death city under lockdown. sounds quite serious. oscar: shall we proceed? ????: give it more time, dear. let us first allow the rats to take the cheese. ????? 2: ah~ im sure the city has a handsome gentleman for me there, aaaah~ i cant wait` ????? 3: yes. sister anne.... ???? 4: ....is becoming restless. ?????: in due time, ladies. in due time~ -elsewhere- Gin: *counting her blades* naoya: first that incident with Q, now this... Tachihara: *picking out his weapons* Motojiro: *setting down his bombs* Gin: "It never stops." hirotsu: *takes a long drag* war never changes. Tachihara: "...Are we the heroes now?" naoya: ..........we're just following orders, remember? higuchi:.... *loading her gun* Gin: "...If we're the heroes, then this city is in bigger trouble than we thought." -elsewhere-
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