#and she said ”you're doing incredible. i trust you'll achieve great things”
shootingmorningstar · 3 months
Hi!! I saw you also accepted matchups and I would love to request one! I’d love a romantic matchup for Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel (do only one of them if I can o my request one fandom obv)!
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic (I’d prefer a male character, but if you think one of the girls fits me best any gender is fine!). I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also, if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
Have a good day!! <3
Your sense of fashion sounds so great, anon .ᐟ As a fellow lover of horror, this matchup was a lot of fun for me.
Anon, I'm matching you with . . .
⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Verosika Mayday .ᐟ
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Lucky you, anon, my absolute favorite Helluva Boss character .ᐟ And the best one.
I know you said male preference, but I just can't help but think you and Verosika would pair amazingly. The best out of the entire Hellaverse. The whole time I was reading your request she just screamed at me as the answer. Seriously, detail by detail I was just convinced more and more. Who would love your dyed hair more than her .ᐣ Not only that, she'd be incredible at helping you re-dye it .ᐟ Verosika is the diva of Hell, she knows everything there is to know about beauty and haircare. She always has to look flawless, after all.
I think the appeal would be the same in regards to your creative fashion sense and makeup abilities .ᐟ She's intrigued on how a style so different from her usual one can look so cute. Please dress her up and do her makeup, she'd love it.
I also think she'd really admire your ambitious attitude. In her line of work, you have to be ambitious or you'll fail, badly. She could use someone optimistic around her, too. Blitzo left her burned and probably with some trust issues, so you'd be wonderful help with that. Verosika's love language is also physical touch, and that's practically canon. Loving horror almost always means a love for the dramatics, which she definitely appreciates. You mentioned having trouble saying no .ᐣ She is definitely the best influence for that. And your adoration of music .ᐣ It writes itself. The two of you may be in Hell, but you're definitely a match made in Heaven.
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apocalypticavolition · 4 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 40: Damane
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Look dear reader, if you don't know what you're getting into this chapter, you really shouldn't keep reading. You shouldn't do it anyway unless you like spoilers for the whole series, but this chapter is better to avoid anyway than most. It's a lot. Don't keep going.
Behold the a'dam icon! Simple, geometrically pleasing, and utterly filled with menace. It's perfect and it's evil.
When she did notice them she stared uncertainly; they were as odd a group as she had ever seen, and she had heard too many rumors of the war on Toman Head.
One of the problems of being trusting of authority figures is that when they're leading you astray you become unable to properly respond to dangerous situations. Liandrin's actions here are probably why Egwene ends up so power hungry later on; she can't let herself be subordinate to someone who might abuse her again.
Oddest of all was the last woman, reclining on a palanquin borne by eight muscular, bare-chested men in baggy black trousers. The sides of her scalp were shaved so that only a wide crest of black hair remained to fall down her back. A long, cream-colored robe worked in flowers and birds on blue ovals was carefully arranged to show her skirts of pleated white, and her fingernails were a good inch long, the first two on each hand lacquered blue.
Meet Suroth. She's fucking evil and has a terrible fashion sense.
“What are you talking about?” Nynaeve demanded. “What is she talking about, Liandrin?” Liandrin laid a hand on Nynaeve’s shoulder and one on Egwene’s.
1. Note that Nynaeve again omits the title "Sedai".
2. Note that Liandrin doesn't even acknowledge these girls as people any more than the Seanchan do.
“Liandrin Sedai,” she said urgently, “who are these people? Are they here to help Rand and the others, too?”
Poor, sweet Egwene. It's rather sad that the EF5 member most eager to see the world is the one who is by far the most naive.
Balling her fist tightly, Egwene hit the woman as hard as she could, right in her eye—and staggered and fell to her knees herself, head ringing. It felt as if a large man had struck her in the face.
The forced linking aspect of the a'dam is already an incredible achievement by Deain Sedai, but really that's at least something the One Power is meant to connect. Carrying pain like that means that Deain came very close to creating the Warder Bond too (in some ways more so), something no one in Seanchan would know (the Hawkwing descendants wouldn't have carried that knowledge over) so she was possibly the greatest Aes Sedai in the world at the time. What a waste.
“I will not punish you further this time, since I should have been on guard with a newly caught damane. Know this. You are a damane, a Leashed One, and I am a sul’dam, a Holder of the Leash. When damane and sul’dam are joined, whatever hurt the sul’dam feels, the damane feels twice over. Even to death.
It's nice that the Seanchan Empire does instill this sense of responsibility in superiors regarding their inferiors, but also JESUS FUCKING AL'THOR EVEN TO DEATH???? Fuck them Seanchan.
“The very first thing you must learn,” Renna said, “is to do exactly as you are told, and without delay.”
You'll note I didn't give Seanchan points for their opinions of how superiors should take responsibility when they fuck up and that's because of shit like this.
That, she realized, was what she had detected in the woman’s voice—a certain good will for a dog in training, not quite the friendliness one might have toward another human being.
This is one of the many reasons there's no such thing as a good slave owner, by the way. Especially not when it comes to chattel slavery.
She wanted to go to Min, but the amount of leash Renna had let out would not reach that far. She called softly, “Min, are you all right?”
The haters never mention how Egwene is more worried about Min than herself in this situation, even though Egwene's situation is way, way, way worse.
“I brought you three,” Liandrin said calmly. “If you cannot manage to hold them, perhaps our master should find another among you to serve him. You take fright at trifles. If patrols come, kill them.”
Oh yeah, and here's another problem with the sheer vertical cliff that is the Seanchan hierarchy: in any sane society, the lessers would be able to report Suroth as a Darkfriend and Aes Sedai sympathizer and something would happen, but they don't and I don't think it's because they don't care.
“Elayne is of no importance, but both the woman and this girl here must be taken with you on your ships when you sail.”
How utterly wrong the Dark is. They clearly weren't expecting anyone other than the DR to be relevant last book and were frustrated with the three for one trick, and now they've added the girls to the roster but not all of them. They're utterly oblivious to how much of a team effort things are.
Should you survive the encounter, the leash and collar will teach you a new life, and I do not believe our master will trouble to deliver one foolish enough to let herself be taken.
Suroth's got that much right, but of course is much too short-sighted and self-interested to think things through.
She had to save Min. If it means groveling. . . . She parted her lips and hoped her gritted teeth would pass for a smile. “Yes, High Lady.” “And if I spare her, if I allow her to visit you occasionally, you will work hard and learn as you are taught?” “I will, High Lady.” She would have promised much more to keep that sword from splitting Min’s skull. I’ll even keep it, she thought sourly, as long as I have to.
This exchange (and everything a'dam related, obviously) is another thing that clearly leads from Egwene being a dedicated teacher's pet, mostly follow the rules type to the ambitious semi-fiend we'll know later on. She's glad to help Min but she's subconsciously being taught that authority only exists to be subverted to your own ends.
“You were honored,” Renna said after a time, “having the High Lady speak to you. Another time, I would let you wear a ribbon to mark the honor. But since you brought her attention on yourself. . . .”
And this is why Suroth can proudly conspire as a Darkfriend in front of Renna even though Renna isn't a Darkfriend, why she can let an Aes Sedai run free around a sul'dam. This absurd standard that applies to Egwene applies to Renna too and everyone else. Never draw the attention of your betters, even if it's for their own good.
Min raised a fist, then let it fall. “I won’t interfere. Only, please, stop it. Egwene, I’m sorry.” The unseen blows went on for a few moments more, as if to show Min her intervention had done nothing, then ceased, but Egwene could not stop shuddering.
This is a reason why it's so upsetting to see Min shanghaied by the Seanchan in the Last Battle, because she knows them at their worst. She's gonna have to do a lot of truth speaking to Tuon, even when Tuon fucking hates it, if she's going to make much difference overseas.
“Liandrin”—Egwene would not give her the honorific, not ever again—“and the High Lady spoke of a master they both serve.” The thought came into her head of a man with almost healed burns marring his face, and eyes and mouth that sometimes turned to fire, but even if he was only a figure in her dreams that seemed too horrible to contemplate.
No Egwene, you've basically got it exactly correct.
She knew it was silly to avoid naming Nynaeve—she did not think any of these people would forget her just because her name was not mentioned, especially the blue-eyed sul’dam stroking her empty leash—but it was the only way she could think of fighting back at the moment.
Rand and Egwene have very parallel arcs, and this seems to be her inverted equivalent of an earlier moment of his: he shouted the Aiel oath of defiance involuntarily against nothing in particular, drawn into power. She's being pulled against her will too, but her defiance is both very real and yet tragically more inconsequential than the oath he swore.
One such, a woman named Deain, who thought she could do better serving the Emperor—he was not Emperor then, of course—since he had no Aes Sedai in his armies, came to him with a device she had made, the first a’dam, fastened to the neck of one of her sisters. Though that woman did not want to serve Luthair, the a’dam required her to serve. Deain made more a’dam, the first sul’dam were found, and women captured who called themselves Aes Sedai discovered that they were in fact only marath’damane, Those Who Must Be Leashed. It is said that when she herself was leashed, Deain’s screams shook the Towers of Midnight, but of course she, too, was a marath’damane, and marath’damane cannot be allowed to run free.
Firstly: the first sul'dam were found after the first a'dam was made and the first collar attached. This very infodump all but gives away the twist! Deain herself must have been wearing the bracelet then.
Secondly: How much like the Shadow the Empire is, that it was strengthened so hideously by a woman who thought that she might benefit herself from service, and that her only reward was suffering from her actions.
“From time to time the Empress plays with lords by linking them to a damane. It makes the lords sweat and entertains the Court of the Nine Moons. The lord never knows until it is done whether he will live or die, and neither does the damane.”
These dudes are mostly the male equivalent of sul'dam and so their deaths (let alone the deaths of the damane, who don't deserve anything that happens to them) aren't even productive for removing male channelers who have the spark from threatening the populace. It's just murder for fun.
Egwene was shocked to discover an urge to do as Renna commanded. She had not channeled, or even touched saidar, in two days; the desire to fill herself with the One Power made her shiver.
Here's the closest thing to a downside that power addiction has for Egwene.
Frantically she reached for saidar, meaning to hurt Renna enough to make her stop, just the kind of hurt she herself had been given. The sul’dam shook her head wryly; Egwene howled as her own skin was suddenly scalded. Not until she fled from saidar completely did the burn begin to fade, and the unseen blows never ceased or slowed.
If I have to read such horrible things, you do too.
“It is good that you have spirit,” Renna said calmly. “The best damane are those who have spirit to be shaped and molded.”
The best damane are those who have to be beaten a hundred times as much as any other just to be good? This empire really does run on BDSM.
Her contact with saidar was gone, and she could not bring it back. In that first fury of knowing that Liandrin had betrayed them, saidar had been there almost before she knew it, the One Power flooding her. It had seemed she could do anything.
The circumstances they're in probably made Nynaeve's power level grow two sizes just from the sheer terror. Plus all the training at the Tower probably kicked in a bit too.
I don’t think they got away, Nynaeve. I should have done something. Min cut the hand that was holding me, and Egwene. . . . I just ran, Nynaeve. I realized I was free, and I ran. Mother had better marry Gareth Bryne and have another daughter as soon as she can. I am not fit to take the throne.
Survivor's guilt is a terrible thing, and Jordan likely heard or even experienced stories of people abandoning each other in the chaos of Vietnam. He's also quite right (through Nynaeve's words) that Elayne is a silly goose for hating herself for breaking under the pressure.
Why are they interested in Egwene and me? Why us in particular? Why did Liandrin do this? Why?
I'm a bit surprised Nynaeve doesn't remember that Liandrin knows they're connected to Rand, but I suppose her source of knowledge about Rand's relative specialness being Moiraine means she's inclined to just toss it aside and ignore it.
I have no intention of buying us dresses, and they won’t be new in any case. My gray silk dress will do us some good, with all those pearls and that gold thread. If I can’t find a woman who will trade us each two or three sturdy changes for that, I will give you this ring, and I will be the novice.
Really the difficulty might be finding a woman in these parts who feels like she can keep a silk dress with pearls and gold in any state of repair. Eventually finery gets so rich that poverty would ruin it on contact. But Nynaeve keeps her accepted ring so I guess things work out!
To speak no word that is not true. That was one, but everyone knew that the truth an Aes Sedai said might not be the truth you thought you heard.
Like I said last chapter, Nynaeve really should have been a lot more suspicious. I suppose she cares of Rand too much to stand by while he's under any kind of threat, even if it's a very tenuous one.
Speaking of, next time: Rand vs. Ba'alzamon again!
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 7
You did not, in fact, spend the night in the lovely room Zemo had made up for you. No, you had spent it with him. You woke up with his arm around you. He greeted you with a smile as you turned over to look at him. Then he kisses your forehead before pulling you into his chest.
Last night was amazing. Eventually you stopped making out outside his locker room and he got changed. You went out on your date, as he promised he would do. He took you to a reply nice bar. You both stayed there for hours, drinking and chatting.
You had to get a cab back to his house, neither of you fit to drive. It was good fun though.
You smiled softly. He was so warm.
"Good morning," he whispers, kissing the top of your head. His voice is all deep and thick from sleep. It makes his accent all the more pronounced... and sexy.
"Good morning."
He chuckles, the sound vibrating through his chest. Right now, in this very moment, he felt like the luckiest man alive.
"My handsome pro racer," you mutter, fingers caressing his jaw softly. He leans into your touch ever so slightly, the softest smile tugging at his lips.
"Your handsome pro racer?" He asks, still whispering.
"I think we're at that stage, no?"
He chuckles again, pulling you in to kiss you properly. You fit against him perfectly. Everything in this moment perfect, serene, and as it should be.
"Do I get breakfast?" You asks, cheeky grin on your face.
"Yes. I'll cook for you."
You kiss him once more before he slides out of bed and puts some clothes on. You laugh as he dresses. You had quite the night last night.
You stay in bed a little longer before you get up. You feel so at home here. Eventually you just miss him and get up. You grab some clothes, go into the bathroom, and get ready.
Zemo cooks up a delicious breakfast for you both. He serves it with some tea. He smiles as you enter the room, looking just as amazing as always.
"Breakfast is served."
You sit down with a smile and tuck in. It just feels so domestic and homey having breakfast with Helmut. As you sat there eating what he had made for you, a thought comes to mind.
Is this the start of something incredible?
You had hope that was the case. You didn't think you could go back to your lifestyle after being a part of his. This was where you wanted to be, you were sure of it.
"I'm going to hand in my notice soon," you say, glancing up at him.
The smile on his face was one of the most wonderful sights you has ever seen.
"I'll have things organised for you when you're ready to take over as my manager."
You grin.
"I have a lot to learn, but I won't let you down. We're a team now."
"Yes, we are."
After breakfast, you help clean up, you jump in the shower, and then you grab your phone. You give your boss a ring and alert him of what you wanted to do. When he asked why you were leaving, you told him about the offer you had received, trying to sound as casual about it as possible.
He freaked out when he heard you were going into the racing industry. After all, he was a fan of Zemo.
Everything felt like it was working out and coming together.
You hung up and turned to Zemo who had been waiting for you. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around him. He hugged you back, grinning.
"Well?" Though he didn't really have to ask.
"It's a done deal. He wants me to do one more shift, so he can give me a proper farewell, but then I'm all yours!"
He kisses you.
He had never felt this happy before. He held you to him, burying his nose into the crook of your neck. It was here as he hugged you that he felt like he could do anything. He just needed to win these next two races.
Your phone rang.
You sighed as you pulled away from Zemo, giving him a sad smile as you went to pick it up. Zemo leaves so you can have some privacy, already missing you.
It was 'your friend.'
"What can I do for you?" You ask, keeping your guard up. After her little tantrum, you didn't exactly trust her any more.
"We need to talk."
"Do we?" You keep your voice curt and clipped.
"Yes. There is something you need to know. I could tell you over the phone, but I think it's best we talk in person. You may not believe me if we don't, and I have evidence."
"What are you going on about?"
"Your boyfriend isn't being honest with you."
"My boyfriend? What about yours?" You ask, sharply. "What was all that shit you pulled at the race?"
"What? Jealous because he loves me?"
"No. What have I got to be jealous of?"
"I don't have to explain myself to you. Meet me at The Alpine bar tonight. Come alone."
She hangs up.
You stare at your phone, glaring at it.
No longer hearing your voice, Zemo returns. He sees you looking at your phone.
"Something the matter?"
You look up at him quickly.
"Uh, a certain someone wants to meet with me."
Zemo comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you. You lean back into his chest and sigh.
"What does she want?"
"I don't know. She wants to meet me at The Alpine bar."
"That's in town. I'll drop you off if you would like."
"Alright. She wants to meet tonight."
He turns you around so he can look at you. Softly, he caresses your cheek with the back of his long fingers. You lean into his touch the same way he did to you this morning.
"Something is troubling you."
"She troubles me."
He kisses your forehead lightly. A great sense of pride and achievement washes over him. He can do this whenever he wants. You have given him the permission he needed. His lips longer there.
"Whatever it is, we can deal with it."
You nod subtly.
He steps back and look at you, smiling handsomely at you.
"I have an idea."
"I want to show you something. Grab some shoes and your jacket, we are going out," he says, leaving your side in favour of finding his coat.
You do as he said and wait for him by the door.
Zemo returns to your side wearing a long dark coat, fur embedded at the collar. So extra, yet so him.
He grabs your hand as you leave the house.
Zemo keeps a hold of your hand as he leads you away from the house. You walk together toward a huge garage sitting up ahead from his house. You hadn't noticed it yesterday as you were blown away by the house itself.
You had a pretty good idea on what was in there. You smile at him as you approach the building.
Zemo has you stop stop at the large double doors. You grin excitedly at him as he unlocks the doors. He winks at you before pulling the door open.
The lights turn on as he flicks a switch off to the side and before you is a beautiful sight. Dozens and dozens of cars. All kinds of makes and models. Lots of different colours. Many of them were in perfect condition. There were a few really old ones that had early seen better days, but still looked amazing. They were all lined up in rows.
Zemo watches as you approach the first set of cars in front of you. You look at them in awe. Glancing behind you, he nods at you. You walk along the line.
"They're all yours?"
"Every single one. Passed down through generations of my family," he says, looking at them with nostalgia.
"Helmut, this is so cool!" You touch one carefully. This feels like such a special and important moment. This is a peek at another part of his life. Looking around, you spot a few familiar cars, ones he has picked you up in before.
"That reminds me, you'll need to get your car from the bar."
"Ah yes, we took a cab home, didn't we? I'll sort that out tonight while you meet with... you know."
You nod and walk along some more.
You took secret glanced at the man following you around his collection. You trusted him. You did! Yet, there was something settling in the back of your mind. A nagging feeling that whatever it was she was going to tell you, was bad.
She spoke about him as if he had some dark secret to hide. You worried that this wasn't some little misdeed just because she was upset with you.
You couldn't ask him, could you?
Maybe it was best to see what she had to say before bringing anything up.
Zemo came to stand beside you, arm snaking around you. You were standing in front of the first car he had picked you up in, the convertible.
"It was in this car fate decided to bring us together," he says, trying to make it sound as cheesy as he could.
"How sappy." You roll you eyes.
He kisses your cheek.
"It's true, no?"
You turn your head to smile and kiss him properly.
"Yeah, it's true."
Negative thoughts melt into nothing when he has you like this. He's safe and warm. He's home. Your home. He could be.
"Shall we drive?"
You nod.
"Pick a car. Your choice," he whispers.
You smile as you turn around and look at the collection. One if the back catches your eye. It's purple. His colour.
"That one."
He says nothing as he walks over to the back, opens a cabinet on the back wall, plucks a key from within, and then beckons you over.
"Let's go."
You're grinning as you climb in the car. You'll worry about the meet up later. For now, you wanted to feel free again with Zemo.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb @latenightartist-author @hb8301 @goddessofmischief03 @xxidontwikeitxx @themeanestlittlewitch @scuttle-buttle @fillechatoyante @lucky-luck-lucky @zemosimp420
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rreader · 7 years
Heyyy! Could I do a neville x reader where you're rlly loud and outgoing and he's rlly quiet and to himself and nobody believes you'll get together but then u do. Thanks ❤️😘
Pairing: Neville x Reader ; Draco x Reader ; Harry x ChoFandom: Harry PotterWarnings: /
A/N: oh boy, what did you do, lol. I literally just wrote five pages in two hours. I haven’t written anything this long in a while, so thank you for this fantastic request and I hope you like it just as much as I do (because I really do this time) (added Neville to my fandoms page)
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“(Y/N)!Wait up!” you and the group of people surrounding you, turned around, akind smile on your face, when a girl from Ravenclaw, Perrie, a bit younger than you, ran up to you, completely out of breath by the time she was standing next to you, “Can I join you guys?”
“Sure!You don’t have to ask, Perrie, you know that you don’t,” you hooked your armwith hers and your group of friends continued to walk towards theGreat Lake.
Somehow,from all the people that attended Hogwarts, the pupils had decided tomake you the most popular one and you still had no idea how that hadhappened. One day, you were a normal student like every other, thenext, everyone wanted to be your best friend. And not to mention allthe people, who suddenly wanted to date you.
Yourfriends and you had a bit of time on hand and since the weather wasso nice today, you had decided that the lake would be the perfectplace to relax a little.
Onceyou were there, you put down the picnic blankets and took off yourrobes and shoes. Some of the girls even took off their socks and raninto the water. Not to far in, though.
Everyoneknew, that the lake wasn’t exactly safe.
“Isthat.. Harry over there?” Cho already started blushing.
Gosh,she was head over heels for this boy.
Youand the others turned around and indeed, Harry and his two bestfriends, Luna, Ginny and Neville walked towards them. Seemed likethey had decided to make good use of this weather as well.
“Itis.. want me to get him?” a wicked grin already forming on yourface. “Actually, don’t answer that. Hey guys!” you had turnedyour head towards the group and winked them over. “Want to have apicnic with us?”
“(Y/N),stop it,” Cho turned her head, the blush now going all the way down her neck.
“Trustme, you’ll thank me later,” you whispered and winked at her once,before standing up and hugging all of them.
Youhad a few classes with some of them, but as mentioned before,somehow, people just really liked you. You got along with basicallyeveryone in Hogwarts.
Evenwith Malfoy.
Especially with Malfoy.
Except when it came to talking. So your relationship was.. more physical, than anything else.
“Didn’tknow you were back, (Y/N). How was Romania?” Ron asked, secretlyhoping for some information about his brother Charlie, that he didn’ttalk to often enough and probably missed dearly.
“Romania?”Harry and Hermione both asked simultaneously.
“Ronmanaged to convince his brother to let me help him for a few weeks,since I want to become a Draconologist as well. And it wasincredible, honestly. I really think I found what I want to do forthe rest of my life. Oh and Charlie says ‘Hello’, by the way. Andhe’s thinking about coming back home next month.”
Ronand Ginny turned to face each other, huge grins spreading on theirfaces.
Yousat back down, this time with Harry and friends and started chattingabout all sorts of stuff. Harry sat next to Cho and tried his hardestnot to embarrass himself, while Ginny sat next to him, trying herhardest not to look too jealous. You were deep in conversationwith Ron, still talking to him about his brother and all the detailsof your trip to Romania.
Perrienudged your arm and leaned over to you, “Neville seems to be quitefascinated by you,” she giggled.
Youonly glanced at him and, indeed, he had been staring at you, butquickly turned away when you caught him doing so.
Outof all the people sitting here, you had probably only exchanged aboutten words with Neville so far.
Andthat wasn’t because you didn’t like hi. You did. You thought he wasinteresting and intelligent and despite of what others might’ve said,you thought him quite the handsome man.
Butjust when you were about to break the ice with him, Draco and hisgroup gifted you with their presence.
“You’llbe ruining your reputation, if you continue to surround yourself withthese idiots, (Y/N),” he laughed, obviously thinking very highly ofhimself, especially when his ‘friends’ all started laughing with him.
You had never met bigger morons than those guys behind him.
Pathetic, they were.
“Why,Draco, are you jealous already?”
“Idon’t have to be, after last night,” he winked at you, his groupbehind him already letting out ‘Ooohs’ and 'Go Draco!’, others clapped on his shoulder, like they were proud of him. 
Butall you did was smirk and turn around again. You weren’t ashamed of your sexual relationship with him. Why should you be? It was a normal thing and he seemed to enjoy himself a lot more than he led on. So, instead of a witty comeback, you decided to simply end this conversation, before he’d be any meaner to your friends.
“Runalong, Malfoy.”
“I’llsee you later, then.”
Heglanced at Harry, Ron and Hermione and raised his brows, like healways did with them, then he turned around and walked away with hisgroup of friends like he owned these lands. 
Perrieleaned over to Cho and grinned.
“Iknew she would end up with Draco!”
Acouple of days later, you were back at the lake, but this time, youwere on your own.
Itwas extremely early. Sunrise early, to be exact. But these hours inthe mornings were the ones you cherished the most.
Sometimes, all the attention you got was a bit.. much. They got to your head and you needed thesehours for yourself, to take a step back and just remember that you were not some celebrity, but a normal student, who wanted to be a Dracologist some day and who’d work hard to achieve that goal.
Soyou had grabbed some books about dragons, that you had wanted tostudy extensively and had made your way down to the lake.
Toyour surprise, you weren’t alone.
Therewas someone standing in the water, with a lot of.. plants in hishands.
“Neville?”you cocked your head to the side and scared him so much, that hedropped all of them back in the water. “Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’tmean to startle you!”
Hestared at you for a few seconds, then he blinked rapidly and shookhis head.
“No..it’s fine, uhm.. hi.”
Yousmiled and approached him, but stopping right before your shoes hit the water.
“You’reup early.”
“Iwas looking for more Gillyweed..”
“Thisearly?” you chuckled. You were in no way making fun of him, youwere actually rather amazed that he’d be so interested in Herbology,that he’d get up this early in the morning to find his Gillyweed, “Doyou want me to help you find some?”
Hegulped and scratched the back of his head, but you were alreadytaking off your shoes and socks. Before coming here, you had decided to put on your robes, instead of any casual clothing, so you didn’t have to go back to your room to change before class,so you didn’t have to worry about pants getting wet. Your skirt certainly wouldn’t see any water.
Thesurprise on his face was big, but you simply put your fingers underhis chin and pressed it upwards, so he’d close his mouth again.
“So..walk me through it. What should I do? Just.. stick my arms into the water and pull on something that feels like Gillyweed? Does that sound about right?”
Another moment that he just looked into your eyes, then he smiled and showed you what to do.
Andsomehow, you ended up searching for Gillyweed for about two hours,properly talking for the first time.
Hewas quite shy at the beginning and it was hard for him to open up and say more than just ‘Yes’ and ‘No’, but aftera while, it seemed like he was getting a lot more comfortable aroundyou.
Andyou were actually quite sad, when your moment stopped, due to both ofyou having to go to class.
Nevertheless,you kissed him on the cheek and left a perplexed Neville behind, who had to take a few more moments to calm himself down. Then he followed you back to the castle.
Andthe next morning, you returned, in hopes of finding him at the lakeonce more.
Thesmile that spread on your face was evidence, that you found him right where you left him the day before.
Weekspassed, in which you and Neville had spent more and more time together, thanyou and Draco ever had.
ButNeville was so.. unlike Draco. And that was good! Really, really good.
God,you could actually have intellectual conversations with him, without him wanting to shove you against a wall. (Even if you couldn’t help but wonder what that would feel like..)
Itwas refreshing, honestly.
Andat this point, he wasn’t awkward around you anymore. Well, he stillwas, but that was his usual awkwardness. The endearing kind. The kind you could giggle about and the kind that made you like him more and more.
Dayafter day, you met up at the lake, the library, the astronomy tower.. anywhere and everywhere, basically.
Youtalked, laughed.. and rather sooner than later, you realized that youwere developing feelings for him and he for you. And while you andDraco never had anything serious, you wanted to end things with him,before anything serious would happen between you and Neville. That wouldn’t have been fair for either of them.
Dracomight not have been happy, but he downplayed it, like you hadexpected him to. It’s not like either of were thinking of marrying the other. This had always been strictly sexual, nothing more. And if he just wanted sex, he wouldn’t have problems finding somebody who was willing enough to do it with him. There were.. a ton of them around.
One evening, you and your group of friends all sat in the Great Hall.They were discussing the upcoming Yule Ball and gossiping about who was goingwith who.
“Guesswe know who’ll you be going with, huh?” Ginny wiggled her eyebrows.
Youlooked up from your plate and smiled.
“Doyou, now?”
“Imean, he might not be the nicest, but he’s certainly hot,” Perriestated, like he wasn’t just hot, but like, he was the hottest.
“Oh,I’m not sure. I think he’s both nice and hot.”
“Areyou joking? When has Draco ever been nice?” Hermione asked,crossing her arms over her chest, thinking back to all those times hehad called her a mudblood.
Butall you did was grin.
Andwhen Neville finally entered the hall, you got up and walked, no, rantowards him, jumped into his arms and pressing your lips onto his.
Hewas as happy to see you, it seemed, his arms immediately going around your waist and twisting you once.
Andgosh, the looks on your friends’ faces.
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