#and she brings it over anyway and then gets all pissy when i wont sit in it
on the list of things i DONT need today but am receiving anyway: guilt tripping
#dont rbbbb yet again im fucking awful#my roommate is responding to the fact that we will be leaving each other soon in a very momlike way#by which i mean nitpicking literally everything and being VERY guilt trippy about it#like#we bought each other christmas presents right#and i 1 am not good at wrapping things in the first place and 2 did not have the time or energy to do so#so i just kept them in the bags they came from right#and she was like#'i wnet through all the trouble to beautifully wrap these things for you and this is what i get back?? really??'#and im just#like. bruh.. u still get a fucking present and the wrapping papr gets rippe off anyway who fucking cares i have bigger things to worry abt#and last night when i was nonverbal n shit she was like 'why dont you go sit in the comfy beanbag'#and i just kinda shook my head and kept working#and she was liek 'ok im bringing it to you'#and i told her i was like youre wasting your time i dont want to sit there i want to do my work im fine here#and she brings it over anyway and then gets all pissy when i wont sit in it#like 'will SOMEONE please use the bean bag i moved it alll the way over here'#LIKE I TOLD YOU U DIDNT HAVE TO BRUH#uhghhghghghh idk its just. too muhc#and she wants us all to hang out so much which i understand bc we're friends and im gonna miss them too but if i dont get these finals done#i will actually just fucking kill myself so#she also does this thing where she cooks food and then makes you a bowl without asking if you actually want it right#and then when she brings it to you and basically forces it on you and you say you dont want it shes like "ugh youre so ungrateful i MADE#this for you' and im like?????? maybe ask if i fucking want it in the first pllace????#like she just forces things on people and then gets upset when they dont actually want it#i dont. get it#i dont believe in zodiac signs n shit but like. i dont get along with leos lmao. [redacted] was also a leo and she acted exactly like this#new red flag unlocked!#bfdfnjd jk im sure theyre fine and i actually do rlly like my roommate shes just VERY frustrating sometimes#like i feel guilty enough about everything all the time i dont need you to make it worse please
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