#and reread nlh
rainiiis · 5 months
anyways I ordered it I'll update
it better break me as hard as No Longer Human did ifstg
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
Where's my post ab thinking stuff like "x books in x days" is insane bc i genuinely get upset when i read a book too quickly because it doesn't feel like i ENJOYED it anyway yesterday i got ab halfway thru no longer human and got so upset with myself bc i "wasn't pacing myself" and wanted to enjoy it for longer akwnwjdjfnfdn
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lnkedmyheart · 11 months
Rereading a part in sb and Dazai canonically nullifies Chuuya's og ability. So they wouldn't trigger any reaction or singularity in most cases. NLH specifically nullifies the self contradicting ability (og ability) that creates the intense power output that is corruption (and at a stable level Tainted).
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azamonvoid · 10 months
Bsd chapter 109 spoilers???? Idk, trying to not go insane rn 🤩
Mk so, Sigma.
Starting w Sigma.
He's not dead!! There's no blood in the panels ‼️
Plus, any other time Fyodor has used his ability on others they died instantly!
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Sigma asked for
"Every single one of your (Fyodor's) secrets"
and after learning it all thanks to his own ability, he got his answers, but passed out after receiving such amount of information.
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Though I'm worried about what kind of information Fyodor received in exchange..
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Now. Soukoku...
My biggest delulu moment so far, I'm almost not joking iagdjdh
Kk so, we know now that Chuuya can hear Dazai since he reacted to his taunting/getting provoked and that if he touches him the vampirism would get nullified.
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And I might be wrong in this one, cause im no expert nor have experience w guns/getting shot or similar but I think Chuuya was using his ability on the gun/bullets, because I dont think normal bullets would leave a crater that big in a place like Mersmault. (I will never know how to write it-)
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"But Dazai's ability would nullify it!"
I think it goes by way too fast for his ability to activate.
Like, we've seen for example in s1 when Akutagawa uses Rashomon on Dazai during the Dungeon scene, Rashomon actually touches him but then gets nullified.
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But it's because the ability was still touching him, the bullet, instead, went through him and hit the wall.
But then, what about the bullet that went through his forehead?
Again, no expert lol, but from what I know, a bullet through the forehead is instant death, but Dazai can still talk just a few panels after.
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What I think is that he isn't dead yet, but could soon die if not treated soon, afterall, not only he has multiple gunshots, but also has multiple broken bones from his fall in the elevator.
I think Chuuya had some kind of self control and when he pointed at Dazai at point blank range, instead of shifting the gravity of the bullet for it to go faster/stronger (?) , since he was close to Dazai already, I think he made it go at a speed that wouldn't be deadly but still look like he didn't use his ability. (?)
Something similar to what happened in the first light novel.
I haven't actually finished reading Dazai's entrance exam (still at pg 87 ;_;) , but I decided to check a part of it I haven't read yet.
The part were Kunikida shoots Dazai.
I think the context was that Dazai made it look like he was the Azure King and it led to Kunikida shooting him at point blank range, but with the gun he created with his ability.
Kunikida had 2 guns. The one given by the agency and the one he made with his ability.
And he used the later.
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After a few moments, when Kunikida learns Dazai was just faking being dead, he asks about the situation and a bit I'm interested on was this
I take the pistol I shot earlier and toss it at Dazai. He catches it, and almost instantly, it transforms back into a piece of notebook paper in his hand. (Pg. 129)
"Almost instantly".
The bullet did hit Dazai, but since this one goes at a normal speed/force, No Longer Human can act on it and nullify the bullet while at the same time having time to make it look real.
Something similar happens in chapter 109. Except Chuuya can alter the speed/force.
If Chuuya had shot the same way he did to Dazai's shoulder, the bullet would've perfored right through his skull and hit the wall like the others. But instead Dazai has the bullet on his forehead.
It wasn't fast enough like the others to not let time NLH to activate.
I don't actually know if Im explaining my thought process well or if I'm missing out on stuff, but I'm leaving it like this for now and if I remember smth I'll add it later, cause I've been trying for a while to put all my thoughts together for this but there's always smth that I miss out and by the time I remember it, I have to reread my post to find where to fit it and then, boom, forgot again or dk how to word it :/
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags (except it's one tag bc I hate mass tagging, makes it feel less special lol)
Thanks for tagging me @chouchinobake ! Part of the reason I stay on Tumblr is how different and I suppose intimate (?) it feels to be on here. The whump community in general is such a home to me, but the oddity of this platform gives me a chance to do different things that I'd never be able to do on my Twitter/Instagram.
In any case, it just looks like I'm supposed to list ten characters from different fandoms and why I like them, so here goes. I'm going to limit it to anime, since there are way too many in manga/live action, and, as an organized person, I must restrain myself:
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Ash Lynx [Banana Fish]: I've seen basically every BL anime that exists, and yet out of all the boys I've loved from those (Mafuyu didn't make it to the list but he is ONE OF THEM), no one quite stands out to me the way that Ash does. He was such a fresh personality to get into, and I found myself fascinated by the complexities of his character. One thing about Banana Fish in general that I enjoyed was the lack of "need" for it to go through as a BL, if that makes sense. It was an action/gang drama first and a love story second. I am always most attached to characters that I feel like I could never accurately write if I tried, since it gives me great respect for the author. Ash being violent but not uncaring, angry at the world and yet still a victim to it, plagued by recurring trauma (the amount of predatory gay men in BF is absolutely insane btw LMAO I love that Dino has just stocked his gang with gay rapists 😂) and yet still a very dangerous character. It's a tragedy that it ended the way it did, but I guess that's part of why he sticks with me so much. Definitely #1 saddest of the stories I've loved.
The way he has such fondness for Eiji without the author feeling like they needed to actually put them in a confirmed relationship was just so natural to me. Of course, I needed fanfics to help my crumbling heart after the ending, way back when I first watched it, but I always valued that about Banana Fish. I just fucking wish Ash made it back to Eiji for a hug, dammit. The one thing I hated in the show was the lack of hurt/comfort balance. There was so little comfort that it felt like sometimes the emotional aspect was ignored in favor of the action, and that drove me batty. Regardless, one of the favorites for sure.
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Xie Lian [Heaven's Official Blessing]: MY SWEET BABU. Holy fuck, I didn't know whether to list Mafuyu here or Xie, because they're both somewhat the same breed of SOFT, MUST PROTECT to me, but Xie won out, since I have to have at least one bandaged boy on the list in the absence of Dazai. Words cannot express the amount of sheer devotion I have to this CREATURE. This is one of those stand-out shows that became a comfort anime for me. The soft-voiced Chinese VAs for Xie and Hua Cheng cause physical reactions lmao. It's a rare softie romance for my favorites.
There are some characters that are so fucking precious to me that somehow my sadist nature drains away, and I actually do not want to see them hurt. This is one of the very, very few. Nobody touch Xie Lian. I will murder you.
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Yozo Oba [No Longer Human]: Written by the one and only Dazai Osamu, there is no character I've ever read about that I relate to more than Yozo Oba. There was a fantastic anime adaptation that I recently stumbled across, which is where the above gif came from. It's called Blue Literature Series, and its biggest feature is NLH, but it features other famous Japanese writers' (from Bungo) stories as well. The anime adaptation gave me such a visceral perspective on Yozo after reading the novel, and I loved everything about the anime (besides the way they changed Yozo's "best friend" to a far better person than he was). In reference specifically to the character, though, Yozo is the ultimate depiction of the extreme fear of human beings and masked depression. I cried at so many moments from the book that hit right where I struggled in life, and I hardly ever reread things, but NLH was a major exception.
No lie, that shit had me saying "he's just like me fr!" 😀 lol... sorry
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Kaneki Ken [Tokyo Ghoul]: Yeah yeah, I know. Everyone has talked about Kaneki. But he really is amazing. No matter how memed this poor man is, he remains among the top favorites, both in the depiction of his warring personalities as well as the monster vs. human. The entirety of TG is just GORGEOUS in its world building, character design, and fresh perspectives on the old cliche of half human, half devil. His character arc always gets me going. But he's been talked about enough; everyone knows about him. I don't need to say much except that MAN he truly WAS wayyyy better in the manga. I was stunned at the extreme difference, and I get it now - all those fans who were pissed at the show. That's why I always watch the anime before the manga. It just gets better that way.
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Johan Liebert [Monster]: Besides the other antagonist you'll find a little further down in the list, this is my favorite anime villain of all time, I think. He's been hailed by many as one of the best, so I'm sure the subject is already worn out, but everything about this man had me crazy for him. His vicious backstory, his psychopathy, his incredible manipulation, and his treacherously low screen time. This is one of those characters where the lack of appearances in the show actually fueled my devotion, because the times when he did show up were absolutely BANGER, and his fucking presence is so intoxicating. He was fabulously animated too, and the whole show was such a good watch. The VA always has something to do with it for me, and Johan was no exception. (I watch everything in sub, just because the VAs are usually that gorgeous whispery-ear-fuck for mysterious characters like this 😂)
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Sebastian Michaelis [Black Butler]: I mean come on, who wouldn't like Sebastian. Honestly, nothing much needs to be said. Ciel makes him that much better. Their tension and dynamics, and the way that their relationship was set up is just incredible. Can't be beat, really. I wish I could go back to the first time I saw BB and watch it all again, cuz fucking hell it was so good. I love the contradiction of Sebastian's devil hunger for human souls being conflicted - not by the fact that he has a human half, but by the fact that he's signed a deal with a human, and has grown some semblance of attachment to that human, and that's what keeps him unpredictable. Will he care for Ciel in the end and choose not to follow through or not? Idk, that was my favorite perspective of his character and the whole show.
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Akihito Narihisago [ID: Invaded]: If you haven't seen this anime, you're missing out, firstly on one of my favorite VAs of all time 🥹 Kenjiro Tsuda, and secondly on a very emotional plot and story arc that I didn't expect for the genre of show that it was. Akihito is a detective in a virtual reality, trying to solve a murder. What I didn't expect was the constant appearances of a girl in this world that is Akihito's daughter, and how her face being on every victim made the case so incredibly personal that it was tear-jerking for me. Honestly, Tsuda's performance is probably the main reason why it hits so hard, but this poor man has to go through seeing his daughter's face on every mangled victim, watching her die over and over, and never being able to save her. And that's all he wants. He just wants to save her. I won't spoil any more, but good grief this one was a very unexpected favorite of mine.
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Zero Kiryuu [Vampire Knight]: ☺️☺️☺️☺️ Whaaaaaaaaaat? He was my first whumpy boy *pinches cheeks*, my first anime love, *squish squish* baby's first anime! Back then when I was a lazy first-timer, I was watching in dub. By now I've gone back and re-watched in sub after realizing the great and powerful Miyano Mamoru was the voice of my vampire crush, but I am not complaining over the English VA, because Vic Mignogna is the only comparable voice to do any of Miyano's characters. Loved that man. Wish he was still around. In any case, Zero is the ultimate angsty vampire and nobody will ever replace him for me.
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Yashiro [Saezuru wa Tori Habatakanai]: I...where do I even begin? T_T The sheer complexity of this man's personality makes him such an obsession to me. I would consume any and all media relating to him, no matter what it is. He's one of those characters that can endlessly be studied and picked apart. He has so much conflict, so many walls, so much pain. It's the ones who pretend they love self-destruction that really get to me. I love seeing Yashiro crumble because of Doumeki's insistent care, and words cannot express how many times I've watched the BLCD paired with the manga for the climactic first sex scene with Doumeki, and how emotional it was. It offered a whole new perspective in my opinion of how deep something as dismissed as erotica could go, and I strive for that same emotional and character depth in my own works because of it. The dynamics of this show in general provoked and inspired the story I'm writing of Ellum and Callyx, even if it existed long before I got into Saezuru. It helped me form it around what I learned from experiencing the manga and then the anime, and then the BLCD, and I can't fucking wait for the rest of this trilogy to come out so I can weep ffs.
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Iason Mink [Ai no Kusabi]: Ah, the man who created Taushin. Lol, way back when Sadist was a baby whumper, this was one of the first yaoi I ever set eyes on. Though set in the weirdest and most repulsive world for erotica imo, the dynamics of Iason the Blondie and Riki his little brat Pet will remain one of my favorite power plays, and remains the standard for what I keep looking for in other stories. The anime remake was so unabashedly uncensored that it remains hard to find something that matches it, as far as non-con and punishment/pleasure based relationships go, and I wish it hadn't been cancelled cuz that was a fucking shame. Despite the plot being rather boring, the tension between these two makes up for it, and the constant rivalry of enemies who basically remain enemies and are only reluctant lovers when it comes to it makes it so intriguing. Iason is THE Master of all Masters in my opinion, and was voiced so perfectly in both anime versions - that velvety, stern voice omg - and Taushin was heavily influenced by him, as well as the classism of Gailda, coming from Ai no Kusabi's rankings of Blondies and Pets, which I thought made for an interesting world. If not for Ai no Kusabi, I don't think I'd ever have come up with the story of Dancing with Death, even though Taushin and Angel have a much different dynamic, since Angel is obedient and nothing like the hard-headed Riki. I still owe it to that anime.
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Griffith [Berserk]: It's insane to me how long it took for me to finally watch Berserk, but for years all I saw was that ugly bastard with the name Guts in reference to the acclaimed manga and its disgustingly animated show. I never had an interest in reading the manga, so when I discovered the existence of Griffith through one of my friends who was urging me to read it, I realized that the story wasn't what I'd thought. Then, seeing the movies that existed with far better animation, I instantly got into it and was hooked. My gods, the character arc of this man. It remains one of my favorite tragedies, only outdone by Kaneki's. AND THE BEAUTY OF THIS BOY GOOD GRIEF LMAO it's so hilarious to me how pretty he is in a male-driven male-gaze manga, if you know what I mean. 😂 Like this story in general just stands out, and Griffith is the shining star. I got so attached to him, and to see him imprisoned and betrayed and just...JEEEEz. It hurt so much. And it felt so good to see him turn, no matter how horrifying. Still can't really put up with the infamous Casca/Griffith scene as it felt a little misplaced 😂
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The Red King [K-Project series]: I feel like this anime is very under the radar, so allow me to introduce you to yet another badass man voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda. Everything about him is just...MUAH. He is a little elusive in the movies (there are several of them), so his screen time is criminally low for how obsessed I am with him, but when he's there he's THERE and is GLORIOUS. As the leader of a gang, in a world where each king rules a color and that color means their gangs have a certain ability - so for crimson there is fire, of course - he is the ultimate stern leader. They contrast this in the movies SO FANTASTICALLY by having this man taking care of a young girl, an adopted daughter of sorts, and showing off his soft spot for her and her alone. Oh my gods, I can't even begin. I just...I live for it. He is a kind leader, but the stoic and cold type, you know? One of my favorite personality types. He is easy to anger, but this girl that he protects adores him and he treats her like a little princess. I need to stop lol, I can't ramble too much, but I'll just say his rivalry with the Blue King, who used to be a good friend (enemies to lovers ship here I come) is heart-wrenching, and his eventual fate which I will not spoil absolutely destroyed me. The end.
I did 12, and I'm not sorry. I couldn't leave out The Red King or Griffith okay. I couldn't. I tried to not list the purely obvious ones, such as Bungo characters, Vanitas no Carte characters, or fandoms where I've made it quite clear how much I like certain people lmao. But they'd nevertheless be part of the list if it weren't limited to ten (COUGH 12), and I wanted to list characters that I had something particular to say about. A lot of them are made better by their counterpart or romantic interests in the show, such as Yashiro being perfectly matched with Doumeki, Zero being put to so much tension with Kaname, Johan being an incredible antagonist to Tenma, Iason showing off his power because of Riki's constant defiance, and The Red King having his soft spot with the little girl. And I mean, who would Griffith be without Guts?
I would list Gojo, but there's nothing to say about him that hasn't already been said, and that's just BARKBARKWOOFWOOFGGRRRR
Hope you enjoyed reading. And I hope you might've found some new anime because of it! K-Project seems lesser known, but my gods it's gorgeous, it's ship-city, and it's a fascinating plot heavily featuring on one of my favorite things: COLORS.
Thanks again for the tag 🖤 it's nice to be able to obsess over my favorites for a reason 😤
Tagging @lustfulcat ☺️☺️ if you feel like it, my sweet!
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middlemistgrey · 3 years
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"I shall be nothing, the wind, the sky." — Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
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pompompurin1028 · 2 years
One day I'd love to analyze and compare The Catcher in the Rye with No Longer Human... They're so similar but again different.
I mean I've written an 'academic journal' for high school briefly connecting and comparing the two for the theme of self deception, but yeah... It's still on the back of my mind sometimes...
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
No Longer Human, a spoiler-free review
I’ll be honest, this book was a lot harder to get through than The Setting Sun. It’s less of a story with a coherent plot and more the ramblings and digressions of a diary. I’ll say this right off the bat--it’s sad, terribly so, but not in the way where you’ll be left sobbing after. It’s sad in a quiet, resigned way, where you’ll be left feeling a little bereft and empty after finishing it. No Longer Human is the story of a man who hates himself, and who has nobody to blame for his tragedy but his own poor choices and poorer circumstances. 
The framing device is an unnamed narrator, who was given three photos of a man named Yozo, and three notebooks written by him. He describes his early childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, with dry contempt for both himself and the people around him. 
Yozo feels disconnected from the people around him because he doesn’t understand them. He feels alienated and different, and says from the very start that he doesn’t consider himself human. To cope, he develops the persona of a clown, who makes jokes and messes up on purpose so people are amused by his antics--and never look too hard at who he is behind the mask.
Yozo’s characterized by a few things; namely, great fear and self-hatred. He clowns around because he’s scared that people will realize he’s not a human like the rest of them. Everything he does throughout the novel is because he is so fundamentally terrified of discovery, as being outed as different. This fear manifests itself as social anxiety, the inability to say no or argue with others, and a general lack of agency when it comes to making good choices. 
Honestly? I could relate to a lot of it. The feeling that I’m deceiving everyone into thinking I’m a good person is one I’ve struggled with, and it defines Yozo’s own character. 
It’s Yozo’s self-hatred that brings his reliability as a narrator into question. A prominent theme in NLH is the difference between how Yozo sees himself and the way people see him. Because, of course, Yozo thinks he’s a fraud. An accomplished actor, who has managed to fool almost everyone into thinking he’s a human like the rest of them. He fails to realize that he’s just as human, just as deeply flawed and full of pain, as the people around him--and it’s this singular problem from which his suffering emerges. 
NLH isn’t a story with typical character arcs where people grow past their flaws and become better people by the end. It’s a record of a man’s trauma, and his spiral downwards. What makes it tragic is that if someone had stepped in at any point to give him a hand, to tell this man that he was seen, that he wasn’t alone, his life wouldn’t have ended up being so damn terrible. 
(NLH is apparently semi-autobiographical, which makes me feel really, really bad for IRL Dazai.)
My final thoughts: yeah, you should read this book, as long as you’re in the right headspace to read about some really dark mental-health themes. It’s definitely sad, and the language can get dense sometimes, but it’s worth the read. And reread, probably, because the first time through felt like a bit of a fever dream. 
Why? It’s the kind of book that inspires empathy. 
Yozo, despite thinking he’s not human at all, is a surprisingly relatable protagonist. His introspection always proves thought provoking, and the book leaves you wondering about your own life. Is your image of yourself the same image other people see? Are you happy with the decisions you’ve made in your life? Who around you is struggling?
More importantly, have you noticed? 
Anyway, non-spoiler-free book review incoming. It’ll probably be split up into several parts, because, as usual, I have entirely too much to say. 
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pompompurin1028 · 2 years
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Alternative translation I've seen: Humans are sinfully stupid, but what's wrong with that?
Is... isn't this inverse to what Yozo had thought?
All that can happen now is that one foul, humiliating sin will be piled on another, and my sufferings will become only the more acute. I want to die. I must die. Living itself is the source of sin.
- Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
Also note to self, reexamine NLH's narration when rereading
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pompompurin1028 · 2 years
I've been saying I wanted to reread NLH but hadn't for the longest time, but when I do, the narrative structure would be quite fascinating to examine.
Although it is always on my mind the NLH is narrated by an unreliable narrator (Yozo) but I often forget that the main story is framed. It is framed by an unnamed narrator who found the notebooks, which is also written in first person. And then sometimes I forget Yozo's story is also framed in notebooks. How is this framing significant? Are our perspectives biased towards the unnamed narrator's view of Yozo? Is it also used to convey the sense of alienation? But you get attached to the character (or at least I did), with the use of 1st person perspective there's a sense you will identify with the narrator. And yet even Yozo himself seems to be creating this sense of distance from humanity even though the book showcases otherwise. I feel like this makes the fact that another person is in the narrative in the epilogue have an even stronger impact.
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pompompurin1028 · 2 years
hi kat! what about jasmine or ivy for the ask game? <3
Hi Flair thanks for the ask!!
ask game: get to know me!
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
No Longer Human definitely. While I still enjoy analyzing it, and I have wanted to reread it, I don't think I could especially now. And knowing more about Dazai-sensei I just feel even more sad about it. Because though there's definitely a sense of melachony in Dazai's other works, there is so much more you can sense from them imo. Yet his image is clouded by his later works like NLH and The Setting Sun which I think is a bit unfortunate though I understand that they are much more literarily renouned.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
I think one of the main tells for me being tired or upset is that I would get a lot more quiet than normal, especially in social settings I'm less likely to interact with others even my friends. But I tend to keep more negative emotions more to myself...
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