#and pls know i consider timmy one of those puzzle pieces that clicks well into place with chiyo <3
tvrningout-a · 1 year
Who is your favorite OC?
How would you describe your favorite OC?
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN | @ninjassin asks about oc's!
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who is your favorite oc and how would you describe them?
my favorite oc is probably easy to guess :' ) it's chiyo! and i'd describe her as big ol' nerd who has a shell like a macadamia nut. she's hard to crack, but once you do, you've got one loyal friend who would literally go to the ends of the earth for you. and who will bombard you with memes and scrunkly-looking drawings that she captions as " it's you. " jokes aside, her story very much revolves around developing love for herself ( which i need to focus on more actually ) and trusting in others -- and in doing that, creating connections with others and taking a chance on them. if she's not taking chances, is she living or is she just settling, surviving? that kinda thing uvu which is all very fun to develop and write bc she's too good at pretending she's a-okay and has it together and figured out.
do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
so as far as my own oc's go, i've been writing most of them for so long that my idea of them/portrayal of them doesn't change when i write them with other people. chiyo's a great example bc i've had her since?? 2015, and while she's changed a bit over the years, the essence of her character is pretty solid as well as the major details of her storyline. that isn't to say i don't love all the dynamics i create with other people's oc's!! bc i love them to absolute pieces and will yell about it from the rooftops ( like timmy and chiyo, the babies!! i give 'em a lil kiss!! )!!! but it's kinda like finding puzzle pieces that click into place when writing with an old, established oc vs. exploring and discovering new territory with a writing partner and a newer oc/canon portrayal. that being said, my kaigaku, zenitsu, and tengen portrayals have definitely been influenced by @violetueur's nicolette ( who i highly recommend following <3 ). i developed those three a good bit on my own and with some canon interactions, too, but there are aspects of each character that i wouldn't have thought about or explored if not for sarah. she's got a way of inspiring and hyping you up, helping you create exciting plot ideas, and when it comes to characters i've got low-muse for/i haven't written much/etc., that makes a world of difference. even satsuki, i would say, wouldn't be quite as developed if not for what i've written with sarah.
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