#and periodically i just. express some pus. unclear whether this accomplishes anything besides like. spreading the pus around
aeide-thea · 2 years
[internalized cissexism probably]
probablymaybe there is a maybemeaningful difference between people whose primary relationship to transness is ‘knowing for sure they want(ed) to change their bodies’ vs people (like me) whose primary relationship to transness is ‘knowing for sure they want to destabilize the idea that a certain kind of body automatically means a certain kind of gender’
(though like. that’s not a binary with no overlap! probably many/most of us in the second category also have at least some alienated/wistful bodyfeelings, that they might even ever take action about! god knows i really extremely definitely do! i just also have. a lot of barriers between me and even identifying what i want, let alone taking any action about it. [see also: lunch.])
but also i kind of think the weird self-deprecating urge to be like ‘😔 yes i promise i am aware of my cis-passing privilege and know it makes me Less Trans Than Thou really’ or whatever (which like. said so-called cis-passing privilege is situational and also upsets me even as it lends me certain types of safety [and removes others tbh! like. when i get read as a queer woman it’s. really not always a positive vs being read as a maybeiguess boy/man!]) is. not really in fact all that helpful and actually kind of strengthens pretty cis ideas abt how gender even works and abt how natural and dominant the cis framing is, such that like, if it’s at all conceivable to round someone down to basically-cis it’s appropriate to do it—that it’s got such strong gravity you gotta achieve escape velocity or else be stuck in orbit around it forever. whereas i’m really quite deeply invested in the idea that like. essentially the same gender experience is potentially viewable thru a variety of lenses, and we ask the person involved which one(s) feel(s) best to them, and what they say is what we go with, not what we decide we think about their body or their trajectory or their peer group or whatever else.
(anyway. nothing new here really i just like. have no bolstering so i gotta keep shoring myself up.)
#like part of me definitely is like#'the people who have experience of medical/surgical transition or at least Know they want it r the Real Trans Ppl'#and i just think like. this is truly SO deeply unhelpful to me#like if i am/become one of those people—in order to realize it i'm now gonna have to jump over this weird deferential mental barrier#that i've erected for myself that says i'm Not one of them#when like. again. whether you Are/Aren't? not i think in fact a binary#and also like. ultimately the people who have experience of medical/surgical transition are... the people who have experience of that#that's all. which is not nothing! but is also not‚ like‚ the entirety or even essence of What Transness Is. i don't think#blegh. idk. feels like i've got an eternal festering wound like the fisher king or philoctetes or whoever you like#and periodically i just. express some pus. unclear whether this accomplishes anything besides like. spreading the pus around#(probs a whole conversation here abt like. the way i've reached for physical metaphor to make my feelings sound real)#(when my feelings are *about* whether i have to express my feelings physically for them to be real)#god. okay. enough for now.#what is gender we just don't know#feelingsblogging#the psyche#(okay no one last unoriginal thing which is that it doesn't in fact help that the gender i want to pass as doesn't exist)#(or anyway doesn't in fact exist as a single coherent concept)#(like arguably i'm already passing as it‚ only what 'passing as it' looks like is 'getting violently fractured into disparate shards')#('and then having ppl pick whatever shard best fits the cis binary paradigm for that situation')#(which uh. is not actually super heartening. somehow.)
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