#and now they are emmet's brother
wis121178 · 7 months
I have a mini submas au in my head where after ingo's disappearance, they hired a new guy to essentially fill ingo's spot so the battle subway can keep running. Everyone low-key hates their guts for what they represent but they know they need them there.
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mipmoth · 29 days
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Cain instinct strong enough to traverse time and space
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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I know Gligar is supposed to be a vampire bat but uhm. What if it was a sugarglider
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achjira · 3 months
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WiP c: I gotta have Darcy comfort them for me ngl
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peachy-doodles · 11 hours
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 2024 FROM THE GENDER BROTHERS !!! I hope this month is so very fun and joyous for you all ^_^ 💖
unless ur a freak. uhmmm you can all esplode 💥💥💥💥 ^_^
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
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A stowaway passenger!!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
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lazymonth · 3 months
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Welcome to another episode of “ I’m redesigned my old oc and randomly put them in my spider-sona universe like a crossover or something ”
So, remember Billie? Ya, probably no. Many days ago I redesign her for like a funny idea about put my old Ocs together or something you guys can go check it here [ X ] Anyway, this time I redesign her again to put into spider-sona universe and make her fit by changing her into Roxxon security guard. But other than that she’s also had her own lore too that link to HLVRAI and technically she’s Benrey’s fan-sister Oc kinda thing
( Please, the Oc that relates to canon like a fan-sibling it’s not cringe. I just wanna have fun making characters that make me happy. It’s same as Oc x canon things people make it just for having fun. So, it’s not cringe )
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A little lore ; She was originally living in the HLVRAI universe.. at least it's like an AU of it where she's excited in that universe. But in the Black mesa incident the portal sent her to another universe by accident and she can't go back. Now she's stuck in the Win/Pi universe. She’s still has those power but can't teleport herself to that realm in the Final act
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bugbusphase · 9 months
Woo! Another sketch is coming!
Thank you all who LOVED and gave me advice from the last post!!THANK YOU THANK YOU 😭
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For now, have this!
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feroluce · 1 year
Extremely in love with the idea of a time loop scenario for submas, because PLA made it just so PERFECT for them. ♡♡♡
I love thinking of it from Ingo's POV because that would be so confusing. Like he goes to bed with Emmet totally normal and fine one night, and the next morning, the change is just so. STARK.
Emmet looks exhausted, in a way that Ingo has no idea how to deal with, because it doesn't look as simple as Emmet not having slept well. He's tired in a way that sleep won't fix, he's listless, he's quiet, all of his energy and chipper attitude that Emmet usually displays even in the early hours of the morning has been completely sucked away and left him looking hollow and empty.
Emmet seems resigned to something, and Ingo has no idea what it is or what to do about it.
Ingo himself has had a strange anxiety lately, something he's left unspoken so as not to worry his darling brother, an odd ominous sensation that haunts him constantly, but all of it goes on the back burner immediately. It's probably nothing. It's certainly not his main concern anymore.
His day only gets weirder as it goes. Not only does Emmet evade Ingo's questions trying to figure out what's wrong with him, he also refuses to explain odd things that he shouldn't have or know. Ingo finds a pokeball that doesn't match any of their team, it's one he's never seen or even heard of before, gold on one side and silver on the other-
Emmet lays his hand over Ingo's, carefully takes the pokeball from him, quietly tells him not to worry about it. Everything will be ok. Emmet will explain everything, he promises. But later...ok?
Ingo doesn't push. Emmet goes back to cooking breakfast. He somehow manages to make exactly what Ingo's craving.
When they get to Gear Station, Emmet asks to do the multi train instead of running their own separate lines, and Ingo is so distressed about Emmet's behavior so far that he doesn't have it in him to refuse. Ingo would do just about anything right then to see Emmet actually smile, not the crestfallen, stitched-on expression that's been fooling everyone else all day.
Emmet goes on to correctly predict every single pair of trainers they face that day, to the point that it becomes uncanny. He's always been an extremely able battler, Emmet has excellent intuition and he can quickly adapt to almost anything thrown his way. Ingo has always admired and been so, so proud of him.
But that's a little different from Emmet adjusting to a trainer's attack pattern before they even toss out their pokeball.
Over their lunchbreak, Emmet doesn't leave Ingo's side for even a moment, much as he's done for the entire day. They normally stick pretty close together, they prefer to function as a pair after all, but there's a strange desperation to it today. Emmet pulls out the lunches he'd made that morning; it's all of their favorites.
Ingo watches Emmet savor it like a last meal.
And then, that night, at the end of their shift, well after dark when the hour is closing in on midnight. Ingo gets a message that a bright light was seen down in one of the abandoned subway tunnels. Must be a flashlight; a trespasser, probably. Ingo turns to tell Emmet to go home without him; Ingo is the night owl between them and Emmet has had an off day. He deserves to go home and rest, Ingo will be home as soon as he's done with some more work.
Ingo has no more opened his mouth when he realizes Emmet already has all his things gathered and is taking his hand. "I'm going down with you."
Ingo hadn't told him about the message yet. He shouldn't have known.
The whole way down the tunnels, Emmet has a vice grip on Ingo's hand, fingers laced tight together. He barely even seems to investigate, he just kind of walks with Ingo, pace slower than usual, always watching their steps.
Ingo sticks his head around a corner to check for intruders, and hears a quiet intake of breath behind him before the hand in his suddenly redoubles its grip.
Ingo turns around. Emmet is looking down. Ingo follows his gaze.
There is light. Bright, searing, white light, that is not Emmet's flashlight, not Ingo's flashlight, but is wrapped around Ingo himself, coming up from the bottoms of his shoes.
Ingo tries to jump back but finds that he can't move, he's rooted to the spot, there is light pouring out of him and flooding the ground, spreading outwards, lapping at Emmet's ankles who is suddenly right up against Ingo and holding onto him like he might disappear.
"I am sorry. Ingo, I am so, so sorry." Ingo pushes at Emmet's arms, but he won't budge, he won't get out of the way- "I tried. I really did!" the light wants Ingo, just him, he can feel it, Emmet needs to get away from him- "Many, maaaaany times!" he has no idea what he's talking about but he can't let Emmet be collateral, he can't, he can't, Ingo shoves at him again, harder, Emmet stubbornly clings on, Ingo's panic is rising like the tide, like bile in his throat, only growing more desperate in the face of Emmet's disarming calm, the light is obscuring everything, warping it, twisting it- "But I could not keep you here with me."
Everything, all of it, his entire world turns violently on its head, and when the light finally lets him go, Ingo sees bright blue sky all around him. Emmet looks up at him, the force of the shift having put them at arm's length, but unable to break their grip on each other. He can see the entire expanse of the landscape sprawled behind his brother, far far below. Pinpricks of tears bubble up from Emmet's eyes and spatter against Ingo's cheeks as they hurtle like a comet towards the ground.
"So let's Fall together."
#blankshipping#submas#pokemon ingo#pokemon emmet#subway master ingo#JUST. OUGH#that gap between Ingo having no idea what's going on while Emmet knows exactly what's happening#the implied horror of Emmet going through loop after loop after loop trying so so hard to keep Ingo with him Unova and never succeeding#and realizing that. he's never going to succeed. he wasn't meant to. he won't be allowed to.#and now he has a decision to make. Emmet can either let Ingo go- make his peace with the loss of his brother and try to live without him-#-or he can go with him. Emmet can give up everything and everyone he's ever known and throw himself into the rift with Ingo to follow him#and maybe it's an easy decision. but it is not one he makes happily or without agonizing. but he still makes it.#Emmet knows exactly what he's doing and that it will be the most horrible thing he will ever experience in his entire life#and still he does it because Ingo is worth it. Ingo is worth EVERYTHING to him- even the loss of their home.#so all that's left is to try to get in one last good day before they lose everything#Emmet makes Ingo his favorite foods and savors his own last meal because he doesn’t know when he'll ever be able to eat it again#Emmet gets them to do one last run on the multi line because that was always his favorite- getting to battle as a team with Ingo at his side#and he sticks by Ingo's side all day so that he'll be ready#because whatever wants Ingo is going to have to take him too#ingo#emmet#time loops#my fics
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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Whumptober day 22: Alt prompt, Carried to Safety
Emmet couldn't let himself think about the identity of the man he carried on his back -- not that horribly familiar coat, the hat he desperately clung to, not even the endlessly recongizable face. He couldn't be distracted, not right now, not while there was a strange phenomenon tearing apart the subway tunnels, making them structurally unsound. Besides. The man had looked at him without recognition. It couldn't, despite the countless similarities and the ache in his heart, be the man Emmet thought he was. (But he had a head injury. He was barely even cautious when Emmet found him. And even then, despite his lack of recognition and barely aware state, he trusted Emmet wholeheartedly and without hesitation.) So. He refused to dwell on the identity of the definitely-mystery-man. He had to focus wholeheartedly on the disaster at hand, to make sure everyone was evacuated safely and proper safety precautions were being taken.
aka funky little What If where a spacetime distortion opens up in the subway, messes with the structural integrity of the tunnels, and drops off one (1) amnesiac train man
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krikidilly · 1 year
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Have yet to actually draw them both with their designs but I have this lil man! Demon slayer au Ingo :-]
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madd-nix · 1 year
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portaldraws · 2 years
Brother Giratina
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Drew it a while ago, but a fun design for a friend's au
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
What if the Gliscor transformation wasn’t just for Husui. Imagine after everything is said and done the trio decide to pay a visit to Sinnoh and the moment they land Emmet is suddenly a Gliscor again. Everyone proceeds to freak out.
Thanks, this is the funniest mental image I've had all day, anon.
Just... as soon as Emmet steps off the ramp into the airport proper... poof, he's a Gliscor now. Literally everyone who happened to be in that terminal of the Sinnoh Airport that morning saw it. Everyone just stares for a long moment and then Ingo just pulls out an ancient looking pokeball, puts Gliscor!Emmet in it, and he and Elesa just hustle through customs and out of the airport. Only when they are somewhere alone do they release Emmet... who is still a Gliscor.
Elesa: Emmet what the fuck.
(Emmet rapidly chitters. He doesn't know!! He didn't expect this!!!)
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kelpiemomma · 9 months
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The screaming had lasted for hours.
Not screaming like someone was dying; Ingo would have intervened if that were the case.
In some ways, the argument he could almost hear was worse.
The twins had come round with Cori and Razz, picking up Akari and Rei and taking them out for ice cream when it had started. Ingo had asked Davis about it who had, reasonably, looked uncomfortable.
"Dizzy loves our brother, she really, really does. But she... takes his lifestyle personally. They're very similar like that." Davis had responded quietly. "It's an old argument with no end. This happens- not normally in front of the kids, so Khan had us take them out of the house when she started winding up, and Cor asked if we could grab Akari for ice cream and..."
Ingo had let them go, sitting at home and listening. He couldn't hear the words but he could hear the tone. How angry Dizzy was, how it would go quiet and then there would be another outburst. Only a handful of times did Khan raise his voice in return at his sister, but never for very long. Ingo couldn't remember having any arguments like that with Emmet. He didn't remember their childhood, but the memories he had recovered of their teenage years and before his accident... he didn't think he and his twin had ever been quite so volatile.
Then again, there had been no signs of this sort of conflict between the oldest siblings either. If he wasn't hearing it, he'd never have thought they'd fight like this. Given the lack of interference from the rest of the neighborhood he wagered Davis was right, and that the best way to deal with this storm was simply to ride it out.
When the argument finally ended he was standing by his window that looked into his neighbor's front yard, worried. Dizzy stormed out with Khan following quickly behind. Ingo had never seen him look so... small. It was hardly a word one would associate with the young man, given his height and stature, and yet it was the only word Ingo could think of to describe him.
He watched as Khan reached for his sister, only for her to turn and slap his hand away.
“Why can’t you even try, you self-sacrificing bastard? You never even try!”
She stomped down the sidewalk, slamming the door to her car shut before turning it on and pulling out at a decidedly unsafe speed. Ingo watched as Khan stared after her, shoulders still slumped, before he put a hand up to his face and turned to walk back into his home.
Maybe it would be better to leave well enough alone, to pretend he hadn’t overheard… _that,_ but Khan was… well. Khan was his friend. Things may have been shaky to start with between them, but they had smoothed out. Khan knew about Ingo’s amnesia and never once judged him for it. Now, Ingo knew about… this.
Still. He hesitated before walking out of his own home and down the sidewalk to his neighbor’s, glancing around at the rest of the homes on the street. Blinds were slowly opening, curious eyes peeking through to see what still stood in the wake of the hurricane argument. The door to Khan’s home was unlocked when he tried the handle and Ingo slowly opened the door.
“Khan?” He called out.
There was a sniffling sound, a familiar hitch of breath.
“Yeah?” Khan’s voice was thick and low when he replied. “What’s up, need something fixed?”
“No, I…” Ingo shut the door behind him. The house was in one piece. For all the screaming and noise it appeared that nothing had been broken. The argument may have sounded violent but nobody had gotten physical. “I heard what happened and I was wondering if you were… alright.”
“Oh, you… you heard that?” Khan hadn’t come out to find him and so Ingo continued towards his voice instead. “Well,  yeah. They could probably hear that on the moon.”
“Possibly. I was unaware that Dizzy’s volume could rival my own.”
Khan was sat in the kitchen, slouched down in one of the chairs he’d built by hand. A byproduct of one of the many jobs he’d taken to keep his siblings fed, homed, and safe. He still looked, to Ingo’s dismay, small. Defeated. Deflated of all life.
“Yeah, she’s got some pipes on her. Always has. About burst my eardrums when she was a toddler, the way she’d howl when she threw a fit.”
One hand was rubbing at his face and his shoulders were still shaking intermittently. Ingo paused, uncertain, before he rested a hand on Khan’s shoulder.
“I don’t know what happened, but if you’d like to talk about it… or if you’d prefer, I can leave?”
Khan was silent long enough that Ingo prepared to straighten up, head out the door, and pretend this had never happened.
Khan leaned forward, rubbed his eyes again, and shook his head.
“You can stay,” he said quietly, and Ingo pretended he didn’t see the tears falling onto the floor, “it’s fine. You can stay.”
#khan a.#neighbor au#dizzy loves her brother but even though it's been over a decade she takes the decisions he made as a teenager personally#she feels guilt for not being able to help him more nevermind that she was a couple years younger than him#with all of them older and better able to take care of themselves she wants him to start branching out and DOING things#and doesn't understand that khan doesn't feel like a failure (bc she does) and that he's actually quite... comfortable and happy.#and that it's taken him a while to feel this way because he always felt like he wasn't doing ENOUGH#she's the well meaning younger sibling who feels like she held him back and now she's trying to 'encourage' him into doing something MORE#when khan can finally do LESS#eventually there will be a compromise where ingo does not wander over afterwards and find khan pretending he's not crying (again)#(ingo will help be that catalyst bc he understands why dizzy feels as though she's failed because he's gone through it with emmet feeling#the same way about ingo's own injury that caused his amnesia. they'll sit her down and have a talk with her and then she'll go#talk to her brother and they'll cry into each other's arms because they're actually very melodramatic)#but for now. for a little while yet. they will argue and khan will send the littles away and ingo will help him recover.#dizzy will come back in a week and they won't speak about It until the feelings bottle up and build up enough pressure to explode again.#ingo#SKETCHY SKETCHY IT LOOKS BAD OH WELL
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fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
For the fusion au. How does elesa react to Ei after Lightning? Presuming they ever see her again
"Presuming they ever see her again" 🥺😭
*Sniff* y-yeah. Of course they do. *Sob* why would you. Suggest otherwise. /j
Akari gets Arceus to return Ei to his proper time after he says goodbye to everyone in Hisui. After Arceus healed him and reversed the forced fusion, it also got rid of the amnesia that was caused by Ingo and Emmet's unfortunate jaunt through the distortion world, so Ei remembers everything by the time he leaves Hisui.
The first thing he does as he steps foot in Nimbasa City again is head straight for Elesa's gym. The trains can wait, Ei hasn't seen his sister in years. He bursts through the entrance and his voice carries through the whole gym as he calls for her.
At first, Elesa thinks it's Ingo's voice. A little higher than she remembers, but only Ingo can be so loud and so expressive with his voice. But then she arrives at the entrance, and not only is this guy massive but he's also smiling. She calls him Emmet and. Poor Ei. He's like "Yes? No? Sort of."
Ei apologizes for the confusion, and asks Elesa to call him Ei. He explains how he's both Ingo and Emmet, and how they can't bear to be apart just yet.
Elesa is going to have to take some time to adjust to Ei, but for now, she's just happy that her brothers are back. She's gonna do everything she can to make Ei's transition back into his old life as smooth as possible, starting with making new clothes for him.
Oh man, just wait until she finds out about the stickbug form. Look, Elesa, four hands!
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