#and my moms blood relatives most likely also have two genetic disorders floating around in there oooooooof OOF))
roseband ยท 2 years
me on a reddit thread: hey it might not be a good idea to make estrogen combo pills OTC (even though progesterone would probably be fine) cause clotting disorder based strokes aren't in the numbers of side effects stats cuz america is dumb about things that are "preexisting"....and also my mom's stroke at 27 definitely isn't counted in the numbers (nor would hailey beibers btw....cuz she had the perfect storm of combo pill hormonal bc, covid, plane ride, and an undiagnosed heart issue so they can't pin it on the estrogen in a suit to a pharma company)
some twat: wellllllll if you donated blood twice monthly you'd neeeeeever have a clot
Like source please....cuz the lieden v thrombophillia foundation (which is my family's mutation I was lucky enough not to get (even though my rheum thinks that's the side my likely CTD comes from....great.....)) has NOTHING about it. I am SURE my aunt and mom would have preferred extra blood draws done to 3x daily self injectable heparin shots when having my cousins and i......when pregnant you can't take the pills, it's gotta be the shots (and this is with them both as single gene carriers lololol)
don't talk out of your ass about health conditions wtf....But only 1/300 women a year will develop a blood clot on OTC estrogen menopause meds.... ONLY 1/300.....ONLY.
#personal#to the tune of happy and you know it: *external factors dont change your genes* ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘*external factors dont change your genes* ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘#*unless its in cancer and you raised the chancer* *external factors dont change your genes* ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘#HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL BIOLOGY JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KILL ME#i cant live on a planet in a country with people this WILLINGLY stupid#your entire body genetic makeup isnt changed by a little NEEDLE pulling a few pints of blood out..............#(nor did a medication change your whole body's genetics...nor did a mRNA vax......nor did covid.......)#even fucking cancer is localized gene mutations in specific areas which is how they can tell where metastisized cancer starts#my moms on anastrozole as preventive care and like thats the one also used for metastisized BREAST cancer but its not for brain cancer or#blood cancer or bone marrow cancer or gallbladder cancer or.... or..... or...........#cause even CANCER isnt changing all your genes........which is why my aunt works on *gasp* gene therapy#where they isolate the genetic makeup of the tumor and use mRNA injections to have your immune system target the mutant parts of you#so it has YOU kill the tumor....so cool!!! isnt that cool!!! (her family is brca+ so she went into boobie cancer research)#((looks at my moms family like.....my aunt by marriage has two genetic disorders floating around in there...#and my moms blood relatives most likely also have two genetic disorders floating around in there oooooooof OOF))
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