#and maybe even love bbg u knew know
sk3tch404 · 1 year
Now let's get to the OC I've been waiting to introduce for while now, Tiger! 😏
So funfact: She's actually the first OC we made together, so she'd probably also be the first LI you'd encounter ingame and yeah she a gurlllllll cuz the LIs are mixed genders <33
Here's her essay excerpt:
She seems to be a more 'in the Moment' type of Girl, doesn't rlly strike me as a type that would settle down, also strikes me as s low maintenance girl that prioritises freedom in a relationship, wouldn't really get jealous that quick, and especially not that kind of intensely jealous, to me at least. Tbh she's just a really "u do u bro" type of girl I think
And my friends list:
tiger girl
- party girl
- alcoholic
- fun, energetic
- pretty much no money, asks/begs Betta Fish for money to go out N party, once again
- pretty much a homie
- loud
- no sugar coating
bad end: runs off w ya money
Her relationship with hyena is more like "ayyyy i know you :D", cause they tend to frequent the same parties, she's not a drug addict though, or at least not as much as Hyena is. Fr i think if she actually got to know him on a deeper level, she'd probably dislike him oof-
Also you'll definitely see a pattern going on between our female LIs compared to the male LIs LMAOO
Us when writing male LIs: aight, so what kinda 🥺 is he this time?
Us when writing most female LIs: women 😍<333333
-Ren'py anon
Mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry... Mommy?
Omg she sounds so fun to hang with, but if i pursued her in game and she was hanging with other goons i def get jelly. Like girlie this is a dating sim and ur my LI WTF ARE YOU DOING??? But that's just me lol
But I'm glad Tiger is superrrr chill and would let me live life 🙌
Party girl? Alcoholic? Fun and energetic? A homie? No money? Loud? Honest? Runs off with money? Wow sounds a lot like my cousins /hj
Gosh I love people who are super friendly and don't know what awkward stages are. "Ayyy ik you." LIKE HI BE MY FRIEND 4EVER PLZ I WILL NEVER LEAVE UR SIDE.
And yeah, if she really knew Hyena she wouldn't know how to handle all of that misery. Whether it be lack of emotional knowledge or she just don't rock with people like that too much.
My poor bby Hyena... I'll be your friend 💔
THE DIFF FOR MALE AND FEMALE OCS IS SO TRUEEEEE. ALl of my male ocs are like, "Okay what issues and fucked up actions are we getting you today?" and my female ocs are just like, "Omg girl you are so beautiful and independent even with your hardships!11!!1! Slay girlboss!"
Like sorry I like to write my fem ocs as if they were real women bc women in fictional media are only used as either a LI or for plot relavence most of the time.
But for my male ocs... Yeah y'all are getting thrown into the thirst bin for my mentally ill bitches.
Btw who is this Betta Fish fellow 🧐sounds a lot like the OC you were talking abt last time... Or not idk. I SHALL KNOW THEM SOON ENOUGH.
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starryylies · 4 months
maybe this sounds a lil weird but could you pls write abt how all of the cod boys (including graves and köing) dating a female!reader WHO SUPER famous like taylor swift level famous.
thank youuuuu💝💝💝
TF141 + graves and könig with a super famous s/o
Hii ong thank u for the ask and sorry for responding late, i was busy :((
I hope it’s to your liking and your ask is awesome not weird dw I love it!
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he definitely did not know you were famous when you both met.
Plans dates at home since it’s pretty much impossible for you both to go out
But when you do go out He is crazy protective of you and doesn’t let anyone approach you.
He once told gaz to take care of you when you had to go to the airport for your tour since he wasn’t around.
Proudly boasts about you to tf141.
Gets jealous when he sees younger actors and singers get close to you :(
Asked you to sign papers for the rest of tf141 esp soap.
Takes pictures of you when you’re at your concerts.
He’s definitely the type who puts away your phone when your mood gets sad after looking at some hurtful comment.
Rents an empty restaurant to have a date with you.
He bought all of your albums.
Okay so he’s a total fanboy, he totally knew about you before you guys met.
He fell in love with you the minute he saw you up close
You both met through price when you needed someone to escort you to a stadium safely since there were high risks of you getting hurt
Asked you to sign his album the day you met.
Totally knows all the lyrics to all your songs
Tells everyone his girlfriend is THE BEST SINGER in the entire world
Biggest cheerleader in your concerts.
Defends you on the internet whenever anyone says shit about you.
when you’re in an interview or meeting a fan he’d make sure they don’t make you uncomfortable.
Makes sure you’re safe whenever you guys go out.
He’s a very proud boyfriend :)
Knew who you were when you guys met because of soap but didn’t give a shit. :(
He had to be your bodyguard during your interview and whenever you went out.
Initially thought you’d be a brat but was proven wrong.
Slowly fell for you as he noticed you’re a very warm and genuine person
Is very protective of you
He takes his role of being a bodyguard very seriously and won’t let anyone near you
avoids paparazzi with his huge frame guarding you.
Asked you to sign 4 albums that soap had given him to make you sign.
Doesn’t like other men flirting with you.
Whenever he sees a man flirting with you he’d come behind you to scare them off. :3
Hates it when your back-dancers get too touchy with you.
He is very cautious with you and is lowkey hyper vigilant.
Would never let anything happen to you.
Okay just like gaz he’s a totallll fanboy
He used to have posters of you in his room
Had many pre existing fan pages of you and even blogs where he would post his thoughts on your songs.
Knows all of your tracks and has his own interpretations on your songs.
Will come with you to the backstage and give you a kiss before you go.
Is the type who will fight strangers on the internet if they dare say anything wrong about you.
Would have an Instagram dedicated to you and post your pics together
Will show you off whenever he gets a chance.
Would have candlelit dates with you at an empty park so you nobody can find you.
I s the type who gets jealous of other fanboys.
Takes you out to amusement park dates while you both wear ridiculous disguises. :D
This Hulk of a man is so bbg, he loves your songs and sings to them when he’s showering.
He loves hearing you sing for him
Had been a fan of yours since you had started out with your musical journey.
Doesn’t let any fanboy get near you
Gets insecure when he sees you with all your celebrity friends :(
Thinks he’s inadequate for you :((
Definitely walks behind you to scare everyone away.
Will not let any fan even get a picture with you.
Is your make believe bodyguard
He is surprised by why you chose him but he won’t want it any other way.
Okay this man is so cocky when it comes to you
Definitely boasts about you to the shadow company
Takes you out to expensive restaurants and places just so others can see him with you
Purposely goes through the paparazzi with you so everyone knows you’re his.
Takes you with him to the shadow company just to show you off.
Has allotted men from the company to guard you.
Because of him you have an army of bodyguard’s surrounding you.
Comes with you backstage to see your perform.
Clicks candid pictures of you whenever you’re performing.
Makes you his profile picture everywhere.
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rayofmisfortune · 5 months
I'm bored and have nothing better to do
So here's a list of everything the TSAMS equivalent of William Afton (aka Eclipse) seems to know/remember
"Got yourselves another Eclipse to deal with I see?" Does he mean the Eclipse back up that got the star? Is he purely talking about Solar, only due to probably seeing him off the balcony? Maybe Ruin Eclipse? Or could this be him comparing himself to the Stitchwraith, as in a sense, they have taken the bad guy of the momth throne from Eclipse
"I did die." That doesn't help with determining which Eclipse this is *dies* bbg we know u died, TWICE
He does know about Solar, which would either mean he's been observing the others for a while now, as Solar hasn't changed his name til November, or that he overheard the others' conversation and is being a dramatic lil shot abt it. (Ik there's a possibility that this Eclipse was made by Ruin but I'm choosing to believe my boy is a pure and innocent baby trying their best, for my own sanity)
"So, you deal with me on a daily basis now. And not only that, you get to deal with Bloodmoon too. My, he wasn't even my best design and you're still struggling with him. What happened to the once powerful Sun and Moon, huh? Now you replaced it with blast canons from your hands?" He knows about BM. Again, this doesn't really help with determining which or what Eclipse this is. Of course Eclipse would know of Bloodmoon, he coded them, he made them. "Blast canons from your hands" this probably aludes to the star energy Sun learnt how to harness and channel. (Yep, yep it is)
He knows the star is gone. That would point to the Eclipse back-up that knew of something bad coming for the celestial family and tried to warn them.. BUT his whole attitude does NOT match the last moments of that Eclipse, that Eclipse has given up, he was even willing to give up the star to get the others to just believe him, just this once. No, the attitude and mannerisms are all wrong.
What this Eclipse did not mention?
Lunar, anything concerning Lunar, WHY pray tell would he not take the chance to bring up the person he hurt and used the most as a bribing ticket? What comes to mind is guilt, maybe, but idk how likely that is.
Saw people mentioning that when someone comes back from the dead, their memories are fragmented and missing in some places even. Could this be what's up?
I'd love for this to be the original Eclipse that Sun teleported into the woods coming back after piecing himself back together over the course of a year. Coming back with an elaborate scheme of petty revenge. Idk how well that'd work out for him considering literally everyone in the celestial family knows how he tics and thinks jdndnfn
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writer-komaru · 1 year
Hi bbg I commented a while ago asking(begging actually) if u would consider writing more fics of gorou scara and our lovely kazuha as subs. I am here today asking if u have taken my questions(my begging) into consideration and thought of making some more, if u have but not on this account i will be needing that other account name to view the fics as a volunteer to see if they are any good(they most likely will be and I’ll be drooling) if u wanted to make them but on this account I will still be checking every 2 mins to see if one is out I do recommend u make an acc for subs since by far most of what I’ve seen u have just sub!reader so it will be amazing if u do make one if u feel like u need more motivation I recommend going to my post(you know who I am) to get inspiration by all my thirsty begging. PLEASE DO MAKE SOME FICS FOR THEM THO U SEEM TO HAVE THE TALENT
I’m so sorry I just saw this! Tumblr was hiding this from me. Damn you tumblr *shakes fist angrily*
I did manage to start this, tho it’s unfinished
(I may or may have not hit the delete button and gave myself a heart attack while copy and pasting this here- 👀)
Kinks I think these perverts would have lol
~. ——————————-.~
Kaveh, Tartaglia, Kaeya
~. ——————————-.~
Kaveh -
MAJOR panty stealer! I mean, all of these guys would but he is on ANOTHER LEVEL
Constantly you will be losing panties you literally JUST wore. Like you just took them off before taking a shower and BOOM! They vanish into thin air
After a while of this magic act, you confront your roommate about it. Just as you would suspect, he pleads innocence. Who would ever admit to doing something weird anyways?
But to Kaveh, he just can’t help it. As soon as he walks by your room and catches a glimpse of your dainty panties loosely thrown on the floor, he feels something wash over him.
A need.
He quickly swipes it and returns to his room.
He examines the material, unable to help from biting his lip as he sees the slight dampness in the center.
God, he already feels hot all over.
Before he knew it, he was huffing your panties like a drug, desperately his fist.
You would certainly think he was disgusting for doing something like this, wouldn’t you?
But, the thought of you punishing him only eggs him on.
That’s why whenever he does something like this, he always leaves the door unlocked, in the hopes you will walk in on him being the pathetic pervert he is.
And maybe his fantasy will come true by how many fucking times he does this. It truly is a problem.
you can’t tell me he wouldn’t like knife play.
He lives for the adrenaline rush of battle, but the strangely addictive feeling of you towering over him, glaring down at him as you press a knife ever so close to his jugular.
The power dynamic alone is enough to send him over the edge, but when you actively try to make him submit has his face twisting into the most lewd expression you can think of.
Whether it be knives, whips, tasers, or even guns, he’s into it all.
The more his life is actually in danger, the stronger the rush he feels.
And when you tie him up, too.
God, you will have the man pleading. Not for his life, but for you to absolutely RUIN HIM.
Do anything to him. He wouldn’t mind.
Kaeya -
This flirt LOVES to tease you. And what makes it worse is how he will leave you hanging. The bastard-
He will do the most scandalous things out of nowhere, I swear.
You could be on your way to a meet up with some of your friends and he will just pull you into an alley and tease the everliving FUCK out of you and just.
Let you go.
He’s an absolute brat.
One of the reasons he’s a brat is in hope that when you get home you’ll take all that anger out on him.
He is obsessed with hate sex
He wants you to, just like Tartaglia, RUIN HIM.
Yes, some say this relationship is unhealthy.
He’s so fucking good in bed you can’t help but just stick around for the sex.
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evansbby · 2 days
Bestie, girlypop, pookie, Darling-
I- I'm in fucking shock at the latest chapter...oh.my.GOD I have no words, genuinley..oh, who am I kidding I'm GUSHING IT WAS SO CRAZY!!! anyway my thoughts:
At this point I was like "oh god if this isn't a plot twist I just need Sharon and Y/N to kiss already" cuz it was hinting that she liked reader and I was dying!!!! Like yes bbg! But also why are you so dense!?! Block these morons and confess to your now bestie!!!
Speaking of besties: Wanda. I- look I didn't really like Wanda at all from the begging she was just not a good friend and not at all a girls girl. But the shit she pulled? Ugh! Wanted to smack her and not to mention how obnoxious Curtis was and how obvious it was he was cheating!!! But I digress.
Now Ari? I wanted to get a restraining order at this point like bruh leave miss girl alone! She don't want you!! And Y/N you fucking airhead grow a backbone don't let him into your fricking dorm room!!!! I'm still Team Steve, downright, my bbg did not deserve that shit! Well...maybe a bitch slap but he still should be a better pick than Ari cuz omg. And the scream I SCRUMT- I KNEW HE FUCKED KIRA! I WAS SO RIGHT! ugh poor baby she and Sharon seriously deserve better😭😭
And Stevie overdoasing?? The dialog??? The scene description?? Someone give my girl over here a fucking academy award we got our next Jane Austen!!! (Also this was a journey to read cuz I got a super bad migrain half way and I swear I woke up in a cold sweat and just started reading again😭)
Anyway I hope Y/N picks neither, makes up with Sharon they stay besties or smooch and they all live happily ever after U>U also I Need someone to kick drop Curtis and slap Wanda. That's all, that's my take.
Hope your having the most lovley day dear!!! Already screaming over what next chapter insues!
OMGGG LOVE LETTER ANON!!! bestie thank you so much for this long amazing delicious feedback ily girlyyy (and excuse my lack of emojis, i'm on my laptop!!)
AHAHAHAHA firstly... guess what, bestie??? in the original first draft of this fic before i made cuts and edits, SHARON DID ACTUALLY KISS READER!!! so you are totally not alone with your "kiss already!!" thoughts bc i think a lot of people were right there with you!!! i had always planned for sharon to have a crush on reader, all the way back from wicked games 2 actually!! but i had to cut the kissing scene out bc it made more sense to me to have sharon secretly pining for her! and also, it would've been weird if sharon kissed reader while she was so clearly looking all hurt and vulnerable - sharon is a lot more intuitive and sensitive to those type of emotions and the last thing she would've done is kiss reader the very day after she'd been hurt so badly by steve!! so i cut it hehe BUT THAT KISS DID ORIGINALLY HAPPEN.
okay now moving on... GIRLY IT'S SO OBVIOUS YOU'RE TEAM STEVE ALL THE WAY AND DON'T LIKE ARI MWAHAHAHAHA. but i don't think reader wanted Ari to leave her alone even though that's what she kept saying. but deep down... IDK hehehe. Ari WAS very persistent this chapter, but i think he was just desperate to show reader that he'd changed. As for Steve, i know he's everyone's bbg at the moment AND HE WAS SO FUN AND INTERESTING TO WRITE in this chapter!!! also not you calling me the next jane austen AHHHHH bestie i am not worthy of that!!! but thank you! i'm lowkey very proud of the steve scenes and the descriptions and dialogue towards the end of chapter 4! so thank you for recognising that!!
also not you waking up in a cold sweat with a migraine and just... CONTINUING TO READ?!?! THAT'S A SOLID MOOD RIGHT THERE BESTIE WE ALL BEEN THERE AKFSNDALGNAK HAHAHAH ily thank you fr for being so so supportive of me. you are truly a queen and icon of the evansbby anon roster!!! ily
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ma-lark-ey · 8 months
Lark Liveblogs Lit episode 4(?): The Mortal Instruments
Here’s what I know going into it;
Magnus & Alec are endgame, Alec walks away from his marriage???? Very dramatically to kiss Magnus. I, originally, thought these two were reversed but my mate corrected me.
It’s (roughly???) inspired by her old Draco Trilogy (which I did track down and download, will read eventually) and shares the name with a Ron/Ginny fic (which I read. Mortal Instrument was a very fitting title)
And that’s literally all I know before hand;
Unlike the Harry Potter post, I’ll add my thoughts whilst reading and not just completely after finishing. I will still do the entire series post-mortum on each book, though.
City of Bones; (3/11/23)
Alec is EASILY my favorite. I figured it’d be Simon or Magnus because my blorbo history favors Simons and Magnuses, but Alec has CAPTURED my heart and when he almost died to Abbadon I literally cried even though I KNEW he survived.
Clary, on the contrary, is only slightly less boring than Isabelle. I think Isabelle is badass because she’s got a whip but both of these women is like. Go girl! Give us NOTHING! Especially weird because Clary is primarily our perspective character??
Jace & Simon’s weird little dynamic is interesting. I’m not. Its whatever. I don’t hate it, I’m not intrigued. I DO think Alec/Jace is a far superior romance to Jace/Clary. But also maybe my opinion will change. The little kiss in the garden WAS very cute. Jace thinks he’s so cool and he’s literally not. He’s literally so cringe. His snarky sass is so fun as well, obsessed with whatevers going on there.
The cup being IN the Tarot cards was SO cool. I’m obsessed with THAT.
How old is Magnus. Can I be condoning Malec. Is it like, a Calypso situation. Emotionally he act around 19-20, we’re going with that. He feels like a shitty frat boy. How did this man name Magnus Chase he’s so cool and Magnus Chase is the most pathetic meow meow I’ve ever seen.
Pov you’re my actually mildly hyperventilating at the end of chapter 22.
JACE IS VALENTINES SON??? THEY’RE SIBLINGS??? Really living up to stealing that name from Ron/Ginny fic huh 😭😭 oh god. Cassie… cassie clare… bbg….
So. The Johnathon reveal fr had me set the book down and walk away because I was in HYSTERICS. congrats, Simon! New chance with your girl because the other part of your love triangle was her BROTHER. so—
Newly finished City of Bones. There’s so much going on here. I’ve thoroughly exhausted my thoughts already. Uhm.
All I have left to say is I adore Luke. He’s perfect. And Magnus Bane RUSHING to Alec like that??? OKAY. HOMOSEXUAL MUCH??? Yes sir go get your man. I see you.
2.) City of Ashes (02/05/23-8/17/23)
Simon and Clary are a MESS i love them. Theyre IDIOTS.
Luke is still my beloved
The complex ass dynamic of Jace and Valentine,,, EAT. love it.
Im gonna be so fr i have updated this in six months and dont remember 90% of book teo anymore actually but Vampire Simon was a slay
Wait that didnt happen in this book.
this book took me forever to read because second installments are always weak af (Son of Neptune is an exception) and i struggle so bad
Dont remember if it was this book or book three but him almost dying and Jace giving him blood was the GAYEST thing I’ve ever seen and they should make out. Like that was so horny and for what.
YES THAT WAS TEO IM CORRECT because two was the boar fight and three was the city where sebastian whatever the fuck killed max
Moving on.
3.) City of Glass (8/19/23-8/23/23)
Magnus & Alec appeared like twice but im obsessed with Magnus every time he appears im flirting with him hey bb howzit going.
Maya is my FAVORITE ever i love a wolf girl. Also love a fear demon.
The Max death was UNNECESSARY and UNCALLED FOR he was a BABY BOY. what did he ever do to deserve this. He died HOLDING JACE’S SOLDIER. devastating. Awful.
The mark of Kane for Simon was real as shit im obsessed with that.
The Angel reviving Jace was literally so funny silly goofy. He went “god. What the fuck. At least give this kid a chance at being normal” and thats so funny.
I want to study Jace like a bug. Hes so babygirl.
(I’ll reblog with updates as I read the last half of the series 🙏 it’s taking longer bc ~ school ~)
My best mate & I watched the first season of the show & the City of Bones movie and;
Okay we only watched the first like. 45 minutes of City of Bones because we wanted to watch something genuinely bad and it was doing too well. Obsessed with the cast on that, though. We didnt even get to Magnus or Alec because every casting on the movie was good until Isabelle and it was so bad I made my mate turn it off because I Could Not.
I’m on episode ten of season one of Shadowhunters and its not good but it is fun so I’m thriving. Like this show is bad but also its a fun time so we’re thriving.
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k-rumiko · 1 year
i used to be such a scaramouche hater.. but then i then saw him for the second time.. and as i fell in love with him deeply, almost immediately. maybe this is what they call love at second sight..? i then became obsessed at him. yet keeping it a secret. because my love was him was even too much to explain that i cant even explain why and how i love him.. i love him so much i cant believe myself. i wanna marry him so badly. he can change me all he wants and id thank him for it. i love him so so much. the things i wanna do with him is unexplainable.. hes just my type. my type. my one and only. i can never and will never ever love somebody more than him. or like how i love him. hes the one. i believe it. i knew i have went from my enemy to lover arc with him.. it started off as me hating him, yet it ended of me loving him so so much. i love him forever and ever. - no one can make me hate him. ever. he maybe a redflag but that's exactly what i love him for. i love hom forever and ever. i could talk about him to death. i would do anything for him. id beg for him to do things to me. id even die for him. id even die at his hands if i could. i just want to love him forever and ever. id fight anyone who loves him more than how i love him. he is mine and only mine. he belongs with me. i just know it. he would marry me. id make him mine. i love him so so much. i wanna marry him. he is my first and true love.. ive never loved anyoneore than him. i wanna be with him forever. he can ask me to do anything. and id do it for him. he can ask me to marry him and id do it right away. how could someone not love him? hes so beautiful. hes cute, beautiful, hes so my type. i just wanna hold him forver. I'll be suddenly immortal only to accompany him forver. i love him from the second time i saw him. his voice. his face. his height. he is perfect. i love every inch of him. even his non existence heart. i cant explain how much i love him. i wanna kiss him and cherish him. hes such a fail abortion. scarabortion. but that doesn't makes me hate him. ill love him forver and ever. and not to forget cyno.. and kazuha.. they helped me through my hardest moment. when nobody believed i could made it. they supported me. they helped me. they may not be real.. but their my 2nd and 3rd love. i love them so much. i wanna marry them. i cant ever forget them... im confused.. im stuck in such a tricky triangle.. between my first, second, and third love.. kazuha, scaramouche, and cyno.. i love them so much. i cant ever pick any of them.. i just wanna spend my whole life with them.. is it that wrong??.. is it that wrong to love all of them.. cant i really be with all of them at the same time..?? why.. why must fate do me so cruel? i finally found the reason to continue living.. but yet.. im now stuck in such a hard situation between them.. i hate this. i just wanna be with them forever and ever. how could i ever choose any of the m? (resending just because. also why does this sounds like those dramatic af wattpad stories bro)
@elysvaille i warned u about drugs.. see, this is what happened. WAKE UP BBG,, they r 2d characters created by humans
they're hot as hell tho /giggles 🤭
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niniluvsainz · 6 months
labyrinth ☽ ln4
in which... he has one friendship bracelet and a dream.
pairings... lando norris x fem!singer!reader
face claim: sabrina carpenter (but you can imagine reader however you'd like!)
warnings... simp lando, cursing, reader is insinuated to be american in one comment but you can just skip past that, use of y/n, oscar is trying so hard to not be noticed as a y/n fan, reader is basically taylor swift, you probably don't know when reader and lando get together bcs even i dont know but i added dates so maybe that helps?, oh and labyrinth the version that tay sang at the eras tour on the piano bcs that is superior.
author's note... yea we're burning tf out of the whole taylor / travis situation, but i'm adding my twist to it hehe
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lando: it's today people.
max: WE KNOW
george: someone is moody.
max: lando, if by some chance you get to interact with her, don't say anything stupid. you've waited too long to fuck it up.
pierre: oscar, how much does lando bombard you with anything related to y/n?
oscar: i've listened to her entire discography without my consent. and i know her entire lore.
carlos: mate just have fun tonight
alex: lily said if you by some miracle get to speak to y/n to tell her that her biggest fan, lily, is her biggest fan
lando: great. oscar i'm picking you up at four.
logan: wait OSCAR'S GOING?
oscar: again, against my will.
nando: if you get to say anything to y/n tell her im a big fan
charles: NANDO TOO?
17 august 2024.
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername uk i loved you too much! 🩵 thank you so much for an amazing tour. the past year has been absolutely magical, and i' so happy i got to spend it with you all. i don't know, maybe add a few more shows for next year? 🩶
view all comments.
user1 mother
user4 how does a 24 year old sell out stadiums internationally. i've been with homegirl since she was in her country yeehaw era 🥲
↳ user5 she is the moment. she is the music industry.
↳ user6 so real
gracieabrams loved opening for u bbg 💞
↳ yourusername I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💖
milomanheim great work out there lil sis 🖤
↳ yourusername thank u for being there every step of the way bsf 🥹
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liked by charles_leclerc and others
vanityfair formula one driver, lando norris, has been spotted at y/n l/n's headline tour! the british mclaren driver has been associated with l/n after publicly announcing he's a major fan. oscar piastri (not pictured), the other mclaren f1 driver, also attended the concert with his teammate. link in bio for more updates of celebrities spotted at this world-revolting concert.
comments have been limited.
landonorris added to their story!
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caption: i'm deceased.
↳ carlossainz55 amazing, mate! show me videos when we see each other again!
↳ maxverstappen1 i sure hope after tonight you'll stop talking about her.
↳ charles_leclerc lowkey...jealous
↳ pierregasly i already miss the lando before he went to this concert.
↳ logansargeant american talent rahhh 🦅
↳ georgerussell63 haha she didn't talk to u.
↳ oscarpiastri don't tell me you caught my screaming during dont blame me.
↳ alex_albon so did you talk to her?
↳ fernandoalo_oficial i liked her song 'nonsense'.
"Lando, great qualifying for you today." The interviewer spoke whilst Lando adjusted the microphone in front of him. "It seems you had a great summer break, and it helped you recharge for the rest of the season, we hope. The internet was crazy when they saw pictures of you," Lando laughed nervously, as he knew what was about to be said.
"Tell us, how was summer break. We of course know what happened, but what did you feel was good about the break?"
"Er, yeah." Lando adjusted his cap. "I had an amazing break, got to see the family. And my idol." The blush was recognizable on the Papaya driver. "Y/N L/N. I went to her concert in the UK, and it was an enjoyable moment." Lando knew if he went further, he would just ramble on and on about Y/N.
"But, did you get to interact with her?" This was the question that made the British's smile falter.
"No, I did not, unfortunately." If one dream (other than being in Formula One and winning a WDC) would to come true, it would be to even interact with you. You were his idol, the person he grew up listening to. From when you were thirteen and releasing country songs, changing to pop, and to this day he was forever your number one supporter. No other person would be able to change his love for you.
"I actually made a friendship bracelet with my phone number on it, and another one with the letters L, N and my racing number. Just to keep to myself. The one with my number was for me to trade with her." Lando chuckled. "I know she probably doesn't speak to people before or after the concert. I mean, singing for three hours-you have to save every ounce of your voice for that. At the time, I took it personally. But now, I got to understand."
"And if you were to say something to her right now, what would you say?" The interviewer asked again.
"Um..." Lando thought about his words carefully. "That she's my absolute daylight. And I hope one day she comes to a race."
"Thank you, Lando." The interviewer said, before Lando was off the camera and another driver took over.
25 august 2024.
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liked by milomanheim and others
etentertainment after mclaren's f1 driver, lando norris, expressed he went to y/n l/n's "the eras tour" but didn't have the opportunity to speak with her before or after the concert, the singer-songwriter has now been spotted at the zandvoort grand prix.
📷 : gettyimages
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↳ user10 omg y/n in her f1 wag era 🫢
user11 she clearly is losing spotlight in the entertainment world so she has to seek help elsewhwere
↳ user12 i dont know maybe being the youngest artist to cover the top fifteen spots in the charts, sell out stadiums for her tour, is constantly being heard everywhere because of her songwriting or her songs in general all while still finishing her studies at university seems pretty successful to me but i mean, why would a thirty-year old man think that's more successful than sitting on a couch all day having something shitty to say about a woman who is thriving in life.
↳ user11 i work from the office.
↳ user13 dad, why are you fighting on the internet again.
oscarpiastri added to their story!
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caption: lando's live reaction to seeing yourusername in the paddock
↳ maxverstappen1 no he fell to his knees mid-paddock when we were walking back to start the race
↳ user15 lando is seeing stars rn
↳ user16 he literally said in the interview yesterday after quali he wanted y/n to come to a race, AND HIS MF WISH COMES TRUE THE VERY NEXT DAY?
↳ yourusername awee where is he i wanna meet him 🫶
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liked by yourusername and others
maxverstappen1 lando fell to his knees seconds after this picture was taken. checo tripped over him. y/n helped them up, and lando threw checo out so he could be the only one to hold y/n.
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landonorris no that was all you.
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername oh look at that
tagged: mclaren, landonorris
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maxverstappen1 he actually made dinner good. it wasnt poisonous this time.
↳ landonorris i always cook well. you just don't like my impeccable classy taste.
carlossainz55 thank you for coming to zandvoort y/n i dont think i could've handled any more of lando's horrible cooking skills
↳ yourusername you all had yukitsunoda0511 ? isn't he the chef around here
↳ yukitsunoda0511 every one of them don't understand food. i'm unappreciated here.
↳ yourusername i appreciate you yuki 🥺
user17 i hope she gets close to the grid
user18 why do i lowk want her to date lando 🤭
↳ user19 girl we all do
charles_leclerc it was so nice meeting you, y/n!
↳ yourusername likewise, charles! but i think i liked your girlfriend better ;)
↳ alexandrasaintmleux im all yours babe
oscarpiastri it was fun meeting u or wtv
↳ yourusername lando sent me the videos and i will release them.
↳ oscarpiastri YOU WOULDN'T DARE.
7 september 2024.
kellypiquet added to their story!
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caption: good day with good people
tagged: maxverstappen1, yourusername, landonorris
1 october 2024.
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Another interview with Teen Vogue you were currently attending. It was a video for "Answering Fan Questions". The interview was going smoothly, until you got to a question that almost made you giggle.
How did you end up attending the Dutch Grand Prix this year? You laughed lightly, unable to hide the small blush appearing over your nose and cheeks.
"Yeah, I had the opportunity to attend a Formula One Race this year. It was very fun."
Did you know one of the drivers attended one of your concerts? One of the team members from the magazine asked behind the camera.
"Two drivers," you corrected before trying to divert the answer back to the initial question. "And yes I did know of their attendance. I didn't at the time of the concert, but when I did, I got a message from another driver. Max Verstappen." You hid your face in between your hands because you knew you were about to look like a bloated tomato.
"Um, yeah--and he messages me on Instagram. He's like 'Y/N' and 'please answer me', and sent about ten messages before I noticed the messages. So I text back and I say 'oh hi'," you mimicked a high pitch voice. "And he ends up telling me how devastated Lando was that he didn't get to talk to me. So because he, and the rest of the grid, were absolutely annoyed about Lando talking about me, he invited me to the Dutch Grand Prix, because it was also his home race." The smile couldn't be stopped from spreading on your face. "And of course I'm sure the world of F1 saw how Max and Lando reacted. One fell and the other was crying," you laughed.
"But yeah, it started as a favor to his mate. And now we're all a tight circle. I think I have discovered my found family."
10 october 2024.
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liked by mclaren and others
landonorris oh my god! she's insane! she wrote a song about me... on the piano!
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maxverstappen1 stop saying it. we get it.
↳ landonorris UH OH, OH NO, OH LOOK! i dont care
yourusername my number one supporter 😍
↳ landonorris since ‘09 baby 😘
charles_leclerc i helped her too
↳ landonorris um, am i supposed to thank you?
↳ user20 IM CRYUING
oscarpiastri can you both get off my timeline
↳ user21 remember oscuh, they both have blackmail material
↳ mclaren you're actually all about to traumatize him for life with these blackmail videos (we're gonna blast them at the next race)
georgerussell63 ew.
↳ yourusername shut up you literally are always all lovey-dovey-cuddly with carmie
↳ landonorris oh we also have blackmail of you and carmen
↳ georgerussell63 you are speaking with the blackmail ceo of f1, you know?
↳ user24 OMG SAME 😭
20 october 2024.
yourusername added to their story!
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caption: austin time 🇺🇸 🏈, hacked bitches landonorris
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12 november 2024.
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername oh, i'm falling in love. thank u for being my muse, little lando. labyrinth out tonight @ midnight in honor of your birthday, noodles <3
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pierregasly i cried.
↳ yourusername you screamed actually
↳ francisca.cgomes sent the video, babe 😘
lewishamilton so happy for you both
↳ yourusername i love you father
↳ lewishamilton go tell fernando that, i'm not that old
↳ fernandoalo_oficial yourusername hi lando didn't tell you but i'm a big fan
↳ yourusername i love you father <33
carlossainz55 lando was bold. he took a string with beads and was determined. i'll give him creds for that
↳ yourusername right like i had no faith in the man
↳ landonorris i can read the comments, you know
landonorris still starstruck but i love you so much
↳ yourusername i love you 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
↳ landonorris i dont like that emoji
alex_albon lily when are u writing a song about me
↳ lilymhe are the playlists i make with half of them including all of y/n's discography not enough for me to show you my love?
↳ user25 you're so real for that lily
logansargeant now that we're basically related, can you add more shows so i can go to a concert
↳ logansargeant oscar stop hacking my account
↳ oscarpiastri i didnt do that!!!
↳ yourusername staring at you like a damn hawk when you were typing and i got the notification. just admit u like my music is it that hard?
↳ landonorris i will catch him singing one of your songs. one day.
↳ oscarpiastri good luck.
↳ logansargeant soo are you adding any more shows?
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idk maybe thinking of doing a small drabble of how oscar and lando were at y/n's concert? i feel like i built up that suspense lmao but hope u enjoy 🫶
tags: @ultraviolencesam , @topguncultleader , @peachiicherries , @towkstiles
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