#and many others like Gaul / Iberia / Britannia / etc.
nordic-italian-german · 7 months
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We need more chapters dedicated to the Ancients + all of them interacting with modern day nations
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ancient-rome-au · 6 years
I have an essential question for you: if Rome was furries, what would the predominant species be? Got into an argument with someone about this once.
Well, the Roman Empire was multi-ethnic, so in a furry au I’d expect lots of different species. But I imagine certain provinces / regions would probably have a predominant indigenous species or two as follows:
Italy - predominantly wolves, but a high proportion of eagles among certain patrician families
If by your question you meant the city of Rome and its earliest inhabitants: I vote wolves. I think the part of the founding myth involving the suckling of Romulus and Remus by a she-wolf makes this clear. I can see why one might argue for eagles, but if Romulus were not a mammal, sucking wolf tiddy doesn’t make sense.
Gaul - boars and horses
Britannia - red scalies
Iberia - bovines, Iberian lynx
Egypt - predominantly felines, but many other minority groups: crocodiles, hippos, jackals, vultures, ibises, falcons, et alii
North Africa - North African elephants, with a Barbary Macaque minority, among the indigenous furries. See the Levant for Carthaginians.
Levant - dromedary camel, oryx, ibex
Asia Minor - wild goats, Asiatic lions
Greece - … really not sure about this one. Given the myth about Dionysus turning pirates into dolphins and dolphins as the “national animal” of modern Greece, it seems like dolphins might be a good candidate but idk. I would expect a lot of owls in Athens, for example. I feel like there’s a more appropriate candidate for the national fursona of Greece but I can’t think of it.
Thrace - horses, unequivocally 
Illyricum - mustelids (weasels, badgers, otters, martens, minks, polecats etc.)
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