#and luz is trying to inform her ahead of time that hunter will NOT be looking for a fight
lollytea · 2 years
Thinking about "Don't scare him away."
Luz doesn't have a scroll so the only person she's able to contact is Amity. Why is she assuming Amity of all people is going to stumble upon Hunter? It might be like "In the off-chance you happen to see him, be nice."
Luz knows Amity has been consistently hanging out with Willow lately.
She knows Hunter and Willow have been in contact.
SO she figures that if Hunter is gonna reappear at all, there's a high chance he's gonna seek out Willow.
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azureroses1 · 1 year
Scene analysis incoming
So in the scene where Hunter tells Luz about the notion of Belos being back, I noticed a few things that will make sense later.
The Ruined house
First off, we are presented with a shot of the abandoned house which has been decorated and furnished to be a sort of safe haven to the Hexsquad during their stay in the human realm. Which includes pictures of their loved ones (Willow’s dads’, Gus’s father, Amity’s family - the Twins and Alador) Note Hunter hasn’t got a picture or anything that resembles his concept of a home.
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For right now in this current point in time he’s still trying to figure out himself, what that means and who his family is. Remember the only family he’d ever known as well as everything he was told turned out to be a lie. (That his family disappeared because of wild magic etc) But he does have Flapjack. The house is becoming a sort of refuge for the squad yet Hunter Is still dealing even now, he seems almost out of place in this regard. It’s not the say the others don’t have things going on but Hunter he has this internal battle of feelings and fears that Is keeping him stuck and wondering what next. He’s left thinking about what he has left to come back to after this and it most likely scares him. Anyway, the house is a refuge for the Hexsquad but I think he's more at ease in Luz's basement because the house is unfamiliar and becoming a found home of sorts yet Hunter doesn't know this. he's still scared. He has no way of knowing what’s next.
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He’s still trying to find himself his identity. No-one knows the truth except for Luz, and he puts a lot of trust in her with this information as evident in s2b and their beginning conversation, which highlights fear as it shifts from their conversation to a shot of them looking at the others. He hasn’t divulged that vulnerability to them or even the truth.
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I mean sure he told Gus a little bit but never enough to delve into the extent of it. So here we have Hunter isolated with this notion that the others will not except the truth. It’s even hinted at in the moment where he stays behind with Flap to be vulnerable and speak his thoughts aloud. Saying "There’s a transport worm every half an hour" as a incentive to be alone so that the others can go ahead. Whether this is intentional or not he is emotionally pushing them away.
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Anyhoo this is the scene where we see a shift and it starts with Luz. It always began with Luz. Even in his official debut when he meets her, something changed back then and now it only continues to do so.
Ok I just wanted to get my thoughts down. The next part will be when I will begin to get into the actual scene. I just wanted to cover Hunter and his mindset, his separate journey right now and the opening shot of this scene.
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Episode twelve! Now… I have been warned about this episode. I don’t know yet what it’s about, but I know it’s gonna be big. I’ve even been lucky and managed to avoid seeing the title so as of this writing I have practically no spoilers. A comment left by a certain theorist cat makes me think it might be about Hunter and/or Belos though.
Regardless of what it’s actually going to be, I know it will be big. So let’s not waste any more time and get into it.
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We open with a shot of Luz own version of my conspiracy corner. Except hers is cooler because it’s cork board and not just a wall, she is better at drawing than me, she has a glove soaked in an ancient Titan’s life blood powerful enough to pierce dimensions, AND she has red string! I wish I had red string.
She is trying to figure out how to make a new portal door that will actually work and won’t collapse. We see her theorizing about whether there is more Titan’s Blood to be found and asking why Belos needs the portal. We can also see the photo of her, Eda & King from the Grom episode, as well as a helpful reminder from King to hydrate. She also made a note to buy a new glove for Amity, which, while sweet, is probably unnecessary. Amity’s rich, I think she can buy a new glove on her own. Heck, she probably owns more than one pair of gloves to begin with.
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Lilith spotted! Gwendolyn spotted! And… is that… what’s his name, the potions guy… Morten? Morten spotted!
That bowl Hooty is holding with the eyes made me think of a joke. I was going to tell you it… but then I realized it only works in swedish. Whoops.
Anyways, this looks like a birthday. Is it Lilith’s birthday?
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Judging by how uncomfortable Lilith looks as opposed to everyone else looking happy, I’m guessing it really is her birthday.
So in addition to Gwendolyn, Morten (whom she might’ve befriended now that she need elixirs from him), Eda and King, there is also Tiny Nose (who I guess is friends with Lilith?), and, uh… whoever that is on the left. I think I’ll call you call you… Blueish Purple. A very self-explanatory name, please don’t ask me why I went with that.
Lastly, there is the Emperor’s Coven scout. Not gonna lie, I saw him and started laughing, he looks so out of place. But hey, Lilith was in the Coven for what, thirty years? She’s bound to have (had) at least some friends. Most of them probably don’t wanna associate with her now that she’s a traitor, but I guess this guy stuck around.
I’m gonna go ahead and guess that’s Steve? He was with Lilith in one scene in an episode in season one. And to be honest, I probably wouldn’t have remembered that if it wasn’t for my sister. She’s a big fan of The Owl House (thanks to me, I’m the one who gets her into all the good shows) and she mentioned Steve once.
(oh, and Lilith is wearing glasses. I quickly went back and checked, and she wasn’t wearing them in episode four, but she was during her short appearance last episode and I didn’t notice)
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If I had just waited a few more seconds, I would have not only seen Steve’s shirt that helpfully informs us of his name (I actually have a shirt like that; our grandparents gave me and my siblings shirts with our names on them for Christmas last year), but I would’ve also known that is, in fact, not Lilith’s birthday, Instead, she has become the assistant curator of the Supernatural Museum of History.
…wait, where did Tiny Nose go? And why is King’s glass knocked over? The shot-reverse-shot was literally less than ten seconds, what happened? Did we accidentally stumble into another timeline again?
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The character I dubbed Blueish Purple turns out to actually be names Floar DeSplora.
A quick google search tells me her actual name is Flora D’splora. She is Lilith’s former mentor and a ”bad girl historian.” I don’t know what that is, but what I do know is that she is extra as can be. She used a whip to grab one of Hooty’s delectable appetizers, only to throw it to the side. She then used her whip to pull a griffin out of the sky to fly off on. Oh, and I guess she also said something about the Emperor wanting Lilith to stay out of trouble.
I say I don’t know what a bad girl historian, but between the historian, the whip and the adventurer part, I’m thinking this character might’ve taken a few cues from Indiana Jones.
(Edit: Future Lampman here. I realize Flora’s namesake later on)
So history is being brought up. There is a lot of interesting history that I would love to learn. The history of King’s family is one thing that comes to mind. Another is the history of Philip Wittebane, his brother, and Belos. We did see Luz working on the second portal door as well as the Echo Mouse Musse. Maybe this episode will be about Lilith going on an adventure (to show that she can be a bad girl historian too) and we end up learning something important.
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jerbric · 3 years
mom said it's my turn on the swap au. under the cut. if anything seems rude or wrong feel free to correct me, i'm trying my best to be respectful.
So (human) Eda tends to hears things and see things that aren't really there, which eventually leads to her outburst and incident with Dell. This causes a rift between them, and while Dell knows his daughter didn't mean to hurt him, he still can't help but push her away because of it. After his eye is treated and such, he leaves for that trip, leaving Gwendolyn alone with her daughters. Eda is having a hard time because of what happened, and Gwen, fully believing that she's doing what's best for Eda, decides to send her away to her grandparents' place for the summer. Lilith finds this to be the chance to prove herself to her mother, but Gwen still brushes her off.
So Eda is away, and during the first week, she finds a strange briefcase looking thing in the backyard. She's intrigued by it and opens it to find herself in a different world. There, she meets Luz the Bat Dame and the king of demons, King. After Luz explains where Eda is, she enlists an eager Eda to help on a mission to get back King's crown. (Essentially the same idea as episode one, but swapped.)
After the adventure, Eda begs Luz to teach her magic. Luz agrees more easily than canon-Eda had, and with the promise that once a week, Eda would come back to the Boiling Isles and Luz would teach her spells, Eda goes back to the human realm. Unlike canon, Eda can't wait to share her discovery with Lilith. So, upon the second week, she asks Lilith to come visit her at their grandparents' house, and Lilith reluctantly agrees. (Lilith loves Eda but she still feels overshadowed by her.) Blah blah blah, anyway, Lilith comes over and Eda gives her the whole story about what had happened. Of course, Lilith doesn't believe her, so Eda opens the portal and takes Lilith with her to her first ever Magic Lesson. Of course, Lilith is shocked and quickly tries to get Eda to go back home because this is too confusing and dangerous and they shouldn't get involved. But Eda persuades her to give the Boiling Isles a try, and so, Lilith stays.
They visit Luz, who is more than happy to take on two students. While Luz doesn't sell human artifacts (she sells potions), she is very much interested in the human realm and spends a lot of time questioning the Clawthornes about it. They get no magic lessons that day, Luz far more interested in whatever they have to say about the human realm to teach them magic. Eventually comes the wild idea that Eda has: her and Lilith should spend the summer in the demon realm ("it's not like anyone's going to notice we're gone! mom barely notices you anyway and grandma and grandpa don't pay attention to me!"). At first, Lilith doesn't want to, but then she comes to the realization that if she could learn magic faster than Eda, she could finally be better than Eda in something, so she ends up agreeing to stay. With that, they close the portal and bunk in a room together at the Bat Treehouse. (Side note: Luz's palisman is a bat, she's the Bat Dame, infamous for refusing to join a coven, and her house is just a really elaborate treehouse with multiple buildings on a very big tree, name might change though lol.)
Anyway, after a while of going on adventures and barely learning any magic, just hand to hand combat and playing with King, Lilith realizes that Eda's still getting more attention than her. So she sets out to find another way to learn magic, to get ahead of Eda and become the better witch. She gets involved in a crime in town, where the Emperor's Coven scouts capture her and the other criminals to take them to the conformatorium. But Hunter, the Head Witch of the coven sees Lilith, and takes her from the scouts, opting to present her to the Emperor instead because she's human. Lilith complies only because she doesn't want to be thrown into prison for who knows how long. Maybe the Emperor will have mercy and let her go.
So, Hunter takes Lilith to Belos, who immediately takes an interest in her. He asks her about the human realm and all that, to which Lilith gives him whatever answer he wants. Then, he asks how she got to the Boiling Isles, to which she answers that she came with her sister whom found a mysterious portal. Belos keeps asking her questions, interrogating her as much as possible. (there's two humans in the demon realm? there's a portal? where is it?) Lilith doesn't tell him that they still have the portal, instead opting to say they lost in somewhere in the isles, and that she had gotten separated and lost from her sister, and she didn't know how to get back to her. Disappointed but deciding to use this as an advantage, Belos makes Lilith an offer.
"You want to learn magic, hm? Well, how about you stay here and join the coven, and I'll personally teach you all about magic. In return, all I ask is for information on the human realm. If we happen to run into your sister again, it would be nice to take a look at that portal."
"I don't know..." Lilith says, uncertain. She's getting an odd feeling from the Emperor, but his offer is tempting. He's willing to teach her magic and all he's asking for is information on the human realm. The deal is a steal.
"You said you felt overshadowed by your sister, didn't you? Well, her mentor doesn't seem to be teaching her anything, and here with me, I'll teach you everything starting tomorrow morning, I'll give you books and lessons on magic history. I'll even provide you with a staff embedded with artificial magic. It'll boost you and your knowledge above your sister. You could prove yourself worthy of everything that she's getting handed to her."
It's the only thing she has to hear before she agrees. Emperor Belos definitely has ulterior intentions, but Lilith figures she'll be in and out of the palace in no time, above Eda in magical experience.
In Lilith's absence, Eda vows to find her and bring her home. She loves Lilith and really hopes she doesn't get hurt or permanently lost on the Isles. But she doesn't start her magic training yet, which then leads her to finding Raine in the woods. (Cue episode 3 with I Was a Human Abomination.)
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