#and love witnessing the process
Buncha Monkey Wrench
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Ah, sweet internet, we meet again.
I have stocked up on my do dahs for you.
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birchlogz · 2 years
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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incidentale · 2 months
Neat little interview with Ivan Fedotov from the April 4th Flyers Daily with Jason Myrtetus, they talked about the transition to the NHL, how and why he became a goalie, what's it like to start with all new gear that haven't been broken in yet.
Nice tidbit, Denis Gurianov was hanging out of camera to help in case there were parts he didn't understand and as support in general. Him and Egor Zamula have been his cultural mediatiors so to speak.
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noelashe · 21 days
Both 27 year olds in wh go crazy age regressing Charlie in a more physical manner (literal 10yr old body and for example her penchant for plushie-collecting) Ashe it just happens to him tragically mostly when talking to Noel it's not his fault he happens to trigger the most vulnerable emotions in Ashe on accident every single time (sorry i mentioned them once but then i went off about them in tags.) Charlie and Ashe parallels are so intriguing for real. Something is wrong with you guys
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argent-sz · 2 months
what if i justvstarted reblogging and poating my own art on main.....
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artsycooky13 · 1 year
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just gotta say as a fan of horror i love your bull’s eye fusion a lot, the design and the concept is immaculate, i found them fun to draw but its actually really hard 😭 so here’s a sketch as an offering
OMGGGG THEY ARE SO GOOOD!!! Its terrifying I love it! You did an amazing job!! (the eyes are lovely and teeth are *chef kiss*, which is hilarious to say but its true!) im a fan of subtle horror myself (i blame analog horror) So seeing an oppertunity with Bull, I sprinted lolol
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astonmartingf · 17 days
what race? there's a race? for me it was a research defended and edited win!!! our defense took approx 30 minutes and the edit was like 6 hours, brighter news we're getting that wchagt update and all the wips in the world because i'm free (hopefully) i'm still waiting on my grades but honestly i could care less, i'm so freaking tired idksjfksbdksn
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may-grant · 2 years
i just think somehow madney is going to end up setting up a parallel for buddie in regards to couples therapy because the way buck and eddie have not processed their shared trauma of the shooting or what eddie’s will means to both of them like madney need to process what maddie being gone for so long meant… they both clearly need it
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twpsyn-who · 5 months
Soulmates AU in which when your soulmate is in a situation that can result in their death you get to see through their eyes. Like, I don't know how to explain this- it kind of flashes between what you see and what your soulmate sees. You know those edits where there's a scene going on and there's another one faded in the background happening at the same time? Similar to that. The idea is that you get to see what your soulmate sees too, on top of what you're seeing.
Now, this AU but JeanMarco. With Marco asking the others where's Jean, just for him to start seeing a corpse right in front of his eyes not even a second after asking. Seeing through Jean's eyes as he's trying to get hold of that gear and stuff. And once Jean's safe, once it clicks that you know his best friend is his soulmate Marco can't wait for them to graduate so he can you know tell him that.
Then, you know. That happens. And Jean is so fucking confused because he keeps seeing Annie crying, looking down on him. Only when Annie starts getting off the gear, when his soulmate starts moving around trying to get away he starts panicking, starts moving around faster than before. And maybe he's too late. Or maybe he shows up in time and kills the titan. I don't know. That's not where I'm trying to get, but to the second option AKA Marco pulling an UNO reverse on Annie because he's a smart sneaky bastard like that and being like 'Hey you can't kill me, my soulmate will know it was you' which makes her stop trying to take off his gear. Reiner keeps telling her to do it, Bertholdt keeps yelling about that titan coming closer, but Annie... she has seen things, at some point. Flashes of moments that weren't hers, happening right in Trost- right in that moment. And she didn't give them too much thought until that moment, until it got confirmed that it has nothing to do with her titan powers.
'What do you mean by that?' she asks, because she needs to know more. Because she wants to know more. And Marco starts explaining how it works. Tells them that he has found his soulmate, that they will put all the blame on them for his death. Reiner doesn't believe him, keeps insisting that he's playing them around - he, and anyone born and raised on Marley, has never heard of something like that before, it doesn't exist - but Annie tells him to shut up and to let Marco go. Cue to the plot of any fic in which Marco doesn't straight up die after finding up their secret.
Anyway I don't know man, just,,, We need more soulmate aus for JeanMarco. That's an order.
#When I wrote this my mind was to Mina x Annie like straight up I was like 'Yeah Mina's Annie's soulmate and she saw her dying' but my brain#liked to remind me that you know Armin has a nerd death experience too. So it can go either way guys the idea is that Annie's soulmate l#either died in Trost or was close to dying#Some little things I daydreamed about while waiting to get home to finish this post (more like little details for the au than anything#else) : Only Eldians can have a soulmate aka only subjects of Ymir. Marley being the racist motherfucker they are aren't aware of the whole#soulmate thing. That's why Reiner Berthold and Annie has no clue something like that exists they didn't get taught about that. Meanwhile#everyone on Paradis knows about soulmates kind of hard not to when many SC die on a basic lol. Is something normalized for them#Also another little detail would be that a Titan Shifter can't see during their shift. Aka Eren didn't see through Mikasa's eyes during#Trost despite her being near death at some point(s) (I'm thinking about when Titan Eren punched that Titan coming for Mikasa but honestly?#She was in danger when Eren lost control too). So yeah that's all I have for now#I think it also make sense a little for some soulmate thing to occur on top of the titan powers given the whole 'love story' between Ymir#and King Friz (or whatever his name fuck that guy- in a nonsexual way). So yeah we should totally play around with the concept of soulmates#more#This post is a mess but I started it at like 11 pm and finished it at 6 pm let me be man. My sleep deprived mind came out with this one#I make no promises to actually write something with this - I'll have to re-watch the first two season and kind of update as I watch the#other seasons so yk. Low chances. But feel free to use this as you please haha. Go wild guys. It doesn't even need to be JeanMarco yk#Like Annie seeing Mina die with her own eyes??? And her thoughts process for the whole time once she finds out she was her soulmate#Or ykyk Historia Witnessing Ymir's death??? Nicolo losing his shit over seeing that little girl shoot his soulmate??? LEVI SEEING FLASHES#OF BIG ASS STONES THROWN AROUND#Man actually you can play around with Levi so much like we have Petra too and Hange and-#Regardless#aot jean#aot marco#aot#jeanmarco#Aot JeanMarco#jean kirstein#jean kirschstein#marco bodt#marco bott
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
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secrosss · 2 months
dunmeshi is awesome bc of the lil tidbits we get w the characters outside of the main manga and some of them are genuinely heartbreaking to think about but then u also have 'marcille saved laois from losing the party's trust bc she wanted the full gossip about their previous caster leaving the group'
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working in mental healthcare sucks sometimes
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excaive · 2 years
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self explanatory
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purplelurkinghini · 1 year
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Every Sunday, my parents would take me to church, and the priest would put a wafer on my tongue and I would eat the Body of Christ and be saved. (x)
Christ in Gethsemane (1886) by Heinrich Hoffmann || Batman Unburied (2022) Season 1, Episode 7 || The Harvester (2022) by ilovedust || Acts 5:30, KJV || Detective Comics (1988) #592
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
love mine for how much he loves daigo because frankly he’s undoubtedly seen this man be a walking disaster and despite it all he still decided he’s the only reason life’s worth living for. that’s true love right there idk what else to say
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