#and jimin is heartbroken bc he loves cats
vminsfever · 2 years
STREETS ARE SAYING YOONGI GOT A BLACK CAT,,,,,,,,,,,,, JIMIN IS ALLERGIC TO CATS,,,,,,,,,,,, walk with me here .
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crystaljins · 5 years
Ani! ohmygosh the drabble was adorable 🥺 poor jimin having all those bad roommates HAHAH Even with a writers block you still never fail to deliver & amaze me 💕 that line about the cat poo-nugget really gets me bc sometimes my cat unintentionally does the same too.. I love that you were able to take this idea & create something new with it 😊 all the different roommate scenarios were just comedy gold & something I would never have thought of & seokjins cameo at the end had me dying 😂
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Hi queenie!!! I’m glad you enjoyed the Drabble 😊😊 this is a long ask but here goes nothing.
1. Ahaha cat poo nugget problems are too real. I’m glad you found all the scenarios comical because that’s what I was aiming for!! Situations so ridiculous and hilarious that you can’t help but feel sorry for poor Jimin.
2. I wish that people would operate on a one-fire and you’re out of the kitchen basis but based off personal experience they do not do that. Sometimes no matter how many fires a person sets they still like fire at the end of it.
And I chose Monster’s inc cause I was like “whats a movie that Taehyung would get sick of if he had to watch it repeatedly but also good enough that people would watch it repeatedlt” and so I was thinking of some sort of silly kids movie cause he seems like he’d love every other kind of movie. Initially it was Hotel Transylvania but I’ve actually never seen that so I didn’t know if it was believable that YN would like it that much and I know Monsters inc is a great movie in moderation so I went with that.
3. Tae almost definitely just wanted Jin to himself. He probably walked in there like “good riddance to YN she was so annoying WAIT I WANT JIMINS NEW ROOMMATE” but I guess he was also looking out for his bro who was clearly miserable and heartbroken.
4. You are so SWEET! Thank you for thinking of me!! But my rule is that writing is fun and enjoyable and if it stops being that I stop writing. So I will not let these requests reach the point that I am no longer enjoying myself writing them. Thank you for looking out for me though ❤️ I’m so relieved you liked the Drabble
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tbzmari · 6 years
abc tag
I was tagged by @hazzalotoffeelings ,, thank you ^^
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better.
Age: 16
Birthplace: Barreiro, Portugal
Current time: 6:51 pm
Drink you had last: water
Easiest person to talk to: chen (shes a close riend from back home)
Favourite song:  Spring Day
Grossest memory: i think my brain blocks out those lol probs when i first got my period, felt like i peed myself, went to the bathroom, called for my mom but it was my dad who came.. he literally looked at me, yelled for my mom and said “shes a woman now” and left... i think its more of an embarassing story but ah well
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff (triple h ayy)
In love: with my cat? yes.
Jealous of people:i try not to but sometimes it happens, you know its more of a ”why not me, i work hard too” thing than a “they dont deserve it, i do” thing
Killed someone: only from my good looks jk jk im innocent
Love at first sight: with jimin, who doesnt experience that i mean lol
Middle name: Ana
Number of siblings: 3 older brothers
One wish: Being able to see my friends as much id like to
Reasons to smile: my friends, my cats, jimin saying “excuse me”
Song you sang last: so far away
Time you woke up: 11 am
Underwear colour: blue
Vacation destination: id love to go to anywhere in asia oh and london
Worst habit: i invest myself too hard in situations, which usualy leaves me being heartbroken bc i trust people way too much
X-rays: ive lost count idk
Your favourite food: currently anything that i can think about is chicken noodles
Zodiac sign: Leo
i dont have friends here :,), so whoever wants be my guest in doing this
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