#and it’s disney and also has KMT in it so it’s at least semi-related. Also maybe this will be helpful for ppl who are unaware of these issu
kartakyber · 3 years
thinking about disney's raya and the last dragon... a bunch of people have talked about this already but it just pisses me off how that film was originally gonna be directed by 2 white men and the script was written by 1 white woman.... and it wasnt until a few months later that they hired adele lim and qui nguyen to "retouch" the script
... why the hell were asian people Not the first people you contacted to write the script? why were they the after thought?
the current directors arent even asian
none of Disney's animated films that feature a non-white lead were headed by people who are part of the culture that those films are supposed to represent. i mean, taika waititi wrote the original script for moana, and then they didnt even go with that one. the final script was written by white people
then you have awkwafina voicing the secondary lead and she's not even southeast asian. i know whether or not it's ok for asian people to play characters of different asian ethnicities is a debate... but if you're gonna do a movie that's based on ~*The Entirety of SouthEast Asia Lumped Together*~, and you're also not gonna be accurate to the aesthetics of traditional southeast asian dress, the very least you can do is give opportunities to southeast asian voice actors by having the entire voice cast be southeast asian. like awkwafina is doing well for herself does she actually Need this role
and ok on the topic of asian people playing other asian ethnicities. im not gonna hold it against asian actors for taking those roles because roles for asian people are limited and they gotta do what they gotta do, i get it. but the thing is "white people can play american, british, australian, etc., etc." isnt the same thing because the homogenization of white people and "white culture" is the fault of white people. they fucking did that to themselves. if they think it's a problem then they go ahead and fix that
whereas the view that asian people are the same and interchangeable is a result of white people not bothering to learn the differences. like i dont think the solution here is "because white people do it, i think asian people should take the roles that couldve gone to other asian people who could more accurately portray the role", it should be "write more asian characters/stories so that we dont feel like we have to fight and clamber over each other for them"
it's just really weird for like, for instance, a japanese actor being frustrated that they cant play a korean character because that limits their roles.... as if getting that role wouldnt be taking away a job that a korean actor, whose options are just as limited, couldve gotten? it's a messed up way of thinking.
this got long but im just so frustrated! like i cant say im surprised. it's disney. but this film was in development in 2018 and why are we still here, why is this still a thing thats happening
like im sure the film itself will be entertaining, pretty much every disney animated feature film is at the very least a fun little kids' romp, im not saying the movie is gonna unwatchable garbage. i am happy for Kelly Marie Tran because disney owes her after the mess that was star wars. and I'm happy for the SEA kids who will get to see people who look like them in a disney film.
but disney is rich. they can afford to do better and we deserve better
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