#and in cases where MC is romancing Tyril and/or Mal i think it *is* a friendship – because they seem too exclusively devoted
choices-and-voices · 7 months
Look, I didn’t use to buy into the theory that Tyril & Mal have some kind of relationship happening, even in playthroughs where MC isn’t romancing either of them. But after this chapter…
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… all I’m saying is, I can see the potential 🫢
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inlocusmads · 6 months
I'm sure this opinion might be unpopular but I just think PB is trying to Lord of the Rings-ify Blades a lot, by introducing so many characters and relying on standard character archetypes to drive the story forth.
Of course, yes, you can only do so much with 18 chapters, but Blades is, like most Choices stories, memorable because of the characters and how they interact with their surroundings more than the larger overarching plot (though it comes a close second.)
Rant follows below, spoiler alert if you haven't read the latest chapters:
I'd love to have Willow, Cherta and the Shadow Court members again for a chapter or two and maybe, y'know Kade?? Since he's our literal brother?? And he's constantly sidelined even though he is the reason why MC bothered with the whole Shadow realm thing in the first place??
I feel like a lot of times we could have had the characters react to certain things that aligned with their beliefs more. I loved the arc of Tyril questioning how convoluted magic can be and it isn't the one-dimensional thing he is used to or Nia standing up and taking risks against her sheltered upbringing. I feel like a lot of times all of the LIs had some really choppy writing given to them, besides the paywalled scenes because I personally believe if you have to paywall scenes to drive the characterisation forward, it lowkey sucks and very money-grabby. It comes with the writing! Paywalled options shouldn't gatekeep them!
Mal's apathy is never really addressed, even though the fandom lost their minds over it. Tyril has some golden moments here and there but it is glossed over completely and sometimes inconsistent at parts (where did the battle-mage Tyril go??). The only thing driving Nia's personality now is just her Shadow alter-ego being this wowie contrasty thing to her 'golden retriever' personality. Imtura's just the muscles and they gave her a semi-character arc-ish to take over from her mother, which completely skids through her complicated relationship with her (at least they could have given her some time to think if she wants to rule over or at least figure out the semantics of a ruling council until after the battle).
And Aerin and Valax have the forbidden-romance route to them. Let's not even like, talk about how Aerin's been missing for a chunk of chapters for reasons beyond why and Valax's route is also weirdly written where in she had no time to acknowledge MC's feelings?? Even when she's so new to romance, relationships and so on? Or like, even a friendship. For someone who doesn't trust easily, I can't really bank on the probability MC is just so alluring enough to rope them into a friendship within days to spare in Ironbreach.
Which comes to the problem, Blades stuffs a lot of characters in.
In Book 1, it felt a little balanced considering the overarching plot was for them to just get to the Shadow Realm to rescue Kade and the friends made along the way were instrumental in that success. Even if we don't know a lot about Adrina or Scholar Vash or Kaya or any of the side-characters, it made it very clear that this was the Party and we'll only be focusing on these people. And even then, taking an example, Adrina got a full story on her own. She helped Tyril with House Starfury's doings, taking over his shoes in the wake of his departure and ensuring things ran smoothly, Adrina helped the Party recoup and recover, even giving them drakes to get to Whitetower and she ended up being the next head(?) heir(?) of the House. Her efforts weren't wasted and it still felt like we got a promising story for her.
In the case of Cherta and Willow, they were "added" to our Party roster -a mechanic that previously wasn't used for the likes of other people, say Aerin, even (even though he did travel with us for a brief chapter and a half in Book 1) and we sort of expected they'd get a side-LI treatment or at least, a character arc like Adrina's, but their stories kind of fell.. flat in my opinion. We leave before Cherta is able to process her grandmother's passing. Willow and her story is just a one-off problem and she's now living her life in the Light Realm.
I don't know exactly why PB added the "__ added to party" game mechanic because it wasn't really necessary in my opinion because it is unlikely we'll see these characters again at least until the final battle (if the final battle involves literally everyone - light versus shadow cagefight and becomes a TC&TF Book 2 scenario) but it does feel weird to have bought their loyalty by doing them favours instead of actually getting to know them. I don't know, it's just my personal opinion.
I do know that 18 chapters is very little to work with, but it can be improved with pacing. PB has a bit of pacing issues going on with Book 2. The woods chapter and Zaradun didn't need to take like, 6 CHAPTERS to make a point! And that's covering the two rifts! If Cherta and Willow were supposed to be one-off characters, why not have one 15 or 17-minute chapter for each one of them and one for the journey from the woods to Zaradun?
I also think that PB doesn't really follow up with how the characters interact to the lore. A lot of times the lore is just wasted upon extra dialogue material or social quests, but if it had some impact on the Final Puzzle we solve to unlock Shadow secrets or whatever or at least a lore callback, it would have been so much fun. Like dwarven culture is so important they dedicated like ONE FULL CHAPTER to it (or at least half a chapter) and they never revisit it, besides Cherta's storyline.
And the lore tablets - ughhh my problem with the lore tablets being, they don't offer any ammunition to the storyline. They're just.. there as "additional info" to spare characters from doing infodumps. Apart from their collectible mechanism, they're just no fun from actually doing the exploration part. The Party's quest to look for Zaradun is a million times more interesting than slapping it on a lore tablet! Like why can't we have bonding sessions like that more often? Or the pit-stop at Riverbend (we'll ignore Kade wasn't even mentioned there).
I also think PB has a problem with the Chekhov's gun rule in writing. They set up these brilliant character arcs for characters and let them down later. I'd say Tyril's whole beef with magic could have gone to Nia, who has dedicated her life to magic and is under the whole 'Light heals, Shadow ruins' impression. Mal's apathy clashes with his whole motive for opening up an orphanage. If he cared so much about MC to open up something so thoughtful with his money in their favour, why does he act like MC's dead or something? Apathy could have gone to Imtura - the person who is the only one who actually expresses her emotions and it would be interesting to see her go all quiet and numb throughout the story, only for her to feel like herself and take on a new responsibility after her mother's passing.
And Aerin and Valax, godddd, way to half-ass romance routes PB. If it weren't for fandom digging into all the subtext and making up subtext, the story would be far less interesting. (this is just my opinion once again) Aerin had so much potential as the cat-on-the-wall character and him journeying with MC and the Party could have actually made him more perceptive and understanding. He could have even bonded with Tyril and Imtura even - them being 'heirs' to houses/kingdoms and coming from a different lifestyles and life obligations.
Valax's storyline felt so last-minute. I definitely feel like we could have added her to the Party long before Chapter 13 when she joins us in the flash flood. It could have made the Watcher character more fulfilling considering how MC would have to make a choice between being on the Light or Shadow side in the debate. Valax could have had her own reasons for closing rifts (or opening rifts) to get to the other side (maybe put in a collectible mechanic there) and not closing rifts/closing rifts could have had some long-term consequences.
I know, it is hard to program it, but this is the same company that brought you old books where your choices did matter and take you down different routes. I just wish they were more adventurous in their programming or at least, fixed their pacing issue because while I still enjoy Blades 2 for what it is, it is kind of a.. mild let down after waiting this to be 3 years in the making.
okay that's it lol.
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Resources for Day Two: Mal Volari
From his start in the slums of White Tower, to his contessa conquests and endless pursuit of gold, Mal’s journey is alive with inspiration for content at every turn.
Assembled Transparents | Character Biography
Family: Maria Volari (Mother) Unnamed Younger Sister and Sister-in-Law
Alias: The Reaper Tattoo: A pair of crossed daggers in a crimson diamond, framed by six blood drops
"Ever pried a jewel from the hands of a cursed skeleton? Ever stabbed a snarling croctopus through the eye on the deck of a burning ship?”
“No. No! You cannot flirt with the horrific bug monster! This is where I draw the line! This cannot work!”
signal boosts appreciated
On His Childhood & Life
“Look here. Real life’s not some fairy tale. It’s a lot meaner and nastier.”
“When you grow up like I did, “home” isn’t a luxury you can afford.” 
“This is what the wealthy do. They hoard things and breathe fire at anyone who comes close, even though they can’t use it all themselves.”
“Let’s just say, when the people take to the streets, I’ll be right there with them.”
“Everything’s a trophy to the wealthy. There’s nothing beautiful they won’t cut open and stuff, just to hold onto it a little longer.”
“Look, the way I figure, I’m in danger all the time. This way, at least that danger means something. I mean, if I’m willing to die for a bit of gold, I can’t really complain about dying to protect the whole world, right?”
On, Well, Himself
“Look at me. Look at this face. Is this not the face of an honest, forthright man?”
“Honor isn’t really my thing, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“I’m like 90% sure I could’ve taken that guy. Okay, 80%. Okay, 40%, but I would have gotten a good punch in” 
“And you have the most ravishingly handsome treasure hunter in the realms on your side...”
“Oh, so I can’t be poetic for once in my life? I’m in elftown! Let me enjoy myself!”
“Yeah well, that’s why I’m always smiling. It’s because I’m always a little afraid.”
“Yes. It’s me. Kit Gillibooti. Gosh do I hope to be an adventurer someday.”
On Romance
“Been a while since I’ve seen someone so sincerely impressed with an ocean view. It’s kind of nice.”
“Hey, I’m trying to be charming here!”
“You’re a lot of trouble, Kit. But you’re my kind of trouble.”
“Since I met you, I’ve been accused of murder, hunted by legendary denizens of the Realm of Shadow, forced to escape one of the biggest cities in the kingdom, and now I’m sailing into the infamous pirate city of Flotilla where I’m almost certainly going to have my head mounted on a pike. All in all, it’s been one of the better weeks of my life.” “I was starting to think you were immune to my charms...”
“Well, you see, [MC]. I’ve got this list. My list of things that matter to me. And you and wine? Kinda battling for the top spot.”
“Without you, I don’t think I ever would have taken responsibility. I wouldn’t be trying to stop the evil I helped bring into the world.”
“You’re the only one who could have made me a better man.”
“Let’s see the world together, kit. Let’s run together and never look back.”
On The Party
“Ooo look at me, I’m a fancy elf boy, I’m so tall...” about Tyril
“Well, look at that. We’ll make a rebel out of you yet, elf boy.” about Tyril
“Let me get this straight... The big, scary pirate had to sneak out of her own city to avoid Mother Dearest?” about Imtura
“[MC]’s a fighter. Just like you were. And they always stand up for what’s right... Figured you’d like to know I’ve got someone keeping me in line on your behalf.” to his mother about MC
“Not even 100 gold would make it worth putting up with his arrogant ass. Can we just feed him to the drakna?” about Prince Balder
On Everything Else 
“Besides, nothing here can be as scary as the Countess of Umber after she found out I’d seduced her sister, the Countess of Ghly”
“Kilvali, Dinvali, leave it to the elves to make sex complicated.”
“Would this be a bad time to mention that I may not be on, shall we say, the best of footing with the Whitetower law enforcement?”
Quotes About Mal
“You’re a shameless flirt, Mal Volari, that’s what you are.” MC
“He may be a scoundrel, but at least he’s a clever one.” Gerhard
“How many of your stories are about seducing a contessa? Because this is at least the third one...” Tyril
“I’m sure your routine of running away at the first sign of danger will certainly inspire fear in the shadowy hellions of the deep.” Threep
“I cannot decide whether it’s you I want to throw overboard, or myself.” Tyril
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agonydearest · 4 years
Coffee Shops and Candid Shots - Tyril Starfury x M!MC
Ok, I’m low-key blaming @lxdy-starfury for this one because I was scrolling through my newsfeed minding my own business when I saw this and started having thoughts.  I romanced Mal in my playthrough, but I really liked Tyril and her Modern!AU was so damn cute that I had to write a little something!  Her work and especially the art 😉 is amazing, and I hope I do her version of the character justice.  
Also, here’s my BOLAS MC, Marcellus, just to give you guys a visual.  He’s flirty, cocky, reckless, and a bit of a dumbass, but he’s got a good heart and is fiercely protective of the people he cares about (especially Nia, who’s like a little sister to him).  In this fic, he’s wearing this.  
Marcellus Raine considered himself the luckiest guy in the world to somehow land a man like Tyril Starfury.  Some days he couldn’t wrap his mind around it.  The guy could have anybody he wanted, but he chose to go out with a scruffy troublemaker from tiny old Riverbend.  
He kept musing on it for just a few seconds as he watched his boyfriend through the glass window of the coffee shop where they met.  Tyril sat with Marcellus’ best friend Nia, who was taking Instagram shots if he had to guess (she was always taking pictures of everyone) but he couldn’t take his eyes off Tyril.  He was totally oblivious to his arrival, head propped up on his hand and elbow as he read another of his books.  Somehow he looked delectable completely covered in a turtleneck and dress pants, his beloved Burberry coat hanging over one shoulder and his long luscious hair falling in a curtain to shield him from prying eyes.  
After taking a deep breath, Marcellus opened the door, trying to remember to breathe.  With his heart going what felt like a million miles an hour, he pressed a finger to his lips to quiet Nia, but it was impossible to hide her excitement as her best friend walked into the cafe.  Tyril unfortunately noticed her change in expression, but it didn't matter because as soon as he turned and saw Marcellus, his face broke out into a radiant smile.  “What are you doing here?  I thought you wanted to meet for dinner?”
“Wanted to surprise you.” Marcellus said as he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
They met a few months ago through Nia when she dragged Tyril out one night to see some live music at the same cafe where they were sitting.  Marcellus was Nia’s best friend.  He was a musician and played in a rock band with Mal Volari and Imtura Tal Kaelen.  Nia introduced them after one of their shows, but it wasn’t until she set them both up on a blind date several weeks later that they really clicked.  They say opposites attract, and in their case, it was definitely true.
“So what are you drinking?” Tyril asked as Marcellus sat down at their table.  He was putting his book in the bag he carried and taking out his credit card as Marcellus shook his head.
“Babe, I told you - I’m not letting you buy me coffee every time we come here!”
The beautiful man pouted, though if anyone pointed it out, he would deny it wholeheartedly.  “And I told you that might be considered insulting.”
“I know you better than that.  And I can pay for my own coffee once in a while, you know.”
“Will you please just let me spoil you?”
Marcellus sighed, knowing that arguing was pointless.  Tyril loved taking care of him, even if it was buying him stuff.  Marcellus grew up poor and struggled to make ends meet before he moved to Whitetower.  Tyril knew this and insisted on treating him a lot of the time.  He had to get used to the fact that it was part of Tyril’s love language.  “Alright fine!  One plain black coffee with sugar and cinnamon, please.”
The corners of Tyril’s mouth curled into a sweet smile. “Anything you want.”  
As he walked to the counter and left Marcellus alone with Nia, Tyril had no idea that his boyfriend’s hands were shaking slightly, one just sitting in the pocket of his favorite leather jacket and running his fingers over the box inside.  The other hand pinched the bridge of his nose.  “If I have a heart attack from the caffeine, I swear to God, I’m going to be pissed.” he said.
Nia looked at him in sympathy.  She was the only one he had told - in fact she helped him pick the gift out in the first place.  “Are you really that nervous?”
“I haven’t had any coffee all day.  What do you think?”
“Marcellus, you know he’s going to love it!”  She kept her voice low, despite her obvious excitement, and took a sip of her iced latte.  Marcellus just kept his eyes on Tyril, not that he could ever look away.
Marcellus grinned as Tyril came back to the table with his order.  For some reason, he seemed uncharacteristically nervous when he took the cup and thanked him, but Tyril didn’t have long to question it.
Nia slung her purse over her shoulder and smiled so brightly that it could eclipse the sun.  “I’ll leave you boys alone.” As she picked up her half finished cup, she said, “Are we still going shopping tomorrow, Tyril?”
He nodded.  “Of course.  I’ll pick you up at noon.”
A nod, and then she spun on her cork wedge heels and addressed the man across from Tyril, “And Marcellus!  I’ll expect details later.”  Confusion set in and he tried to ask what she was talking about, but Nia was already out the door in a swish of skirt in her lavender sundress.  
With a shrug of his shoulders, Tyril sat down and got a good look at his boyfriend for the first time.  He was simply staring at the steaming mug in front of him as though it had offended him.  It was a strange sight to see; normally Marcellus was confident in everything he did, but not today.  Something was wrong and he knew it as sure as the knot forming in his stomach.  “Aren’t you going to drink it?” Tyril asked.
Marcellus shook his head.  “Not right now.” He sighed and leaned forward, one hand still in his jacket pocket.  There was a sheen of sweat on his forehead.  “Look,” he said, “I have something for you.  That’s why I’m here.  I couldn’t wait.”
When he placed the small white box on the table in front of him, Tyril was sure he was dreaming.  There was no way on earth!  His eyes grew so wide he was surprised that they didn’t fall out of their sockets.  “I...what?  Marcellus, I’m not...!”
Marcellus grinned and laughed, “Relax!  I'm not asking you to marry me.  That’s not what this is.”
After a moment of silence, his heartbeat pounding in his ears and his cheeks burning, Tyril opened the box and gasped at the contents.  “You got me a...”
“A promise ring.” Marcellus confirmed, “I wanted a way to show you just how committed I am to this relationship and to you.”
“Are you sure?” Tyril did not mean for his voice to rise so high.  Thankfully everyone around them seemed to be going about their day without even noticing the two men.  He whispered discreetly, “We haven’t even slept together yet.”
“And we won’t until you’re ready, babe.  That’s why I did this.  You told me you were insecure, do you remember that?  This is me telling you that you don’t have to be.”
He did remember telling Marcellus after a few glasses of wine on their third date that he had never been with anyone intimately, never trusted anyone enough to take that step.  After Kaya’s death, he wasn’t sure if he could deal with the thought of letting someone in that close for fear of losing them; he knew he couldn’t go through that pain again.  And Marcellus had already had several partners by the time Tyril met him.  What if he got tired of waiting for Tyril, or he got bored with him and left?  Not only did he dread the heartbreak of it all, but he didn’t need the media to be plastering it all over the place as a haunting reminder for him to relive everywhere he looked.  
“Ty, will you please look at me?”  He did, meeting the gaze of those dark eyes that he had grown so fond of in the last few months.  “I love you, Tyril, and I know you love me, too.  I get it - we haven’t been dating long and you’re scared.  That’s ok.  I only got this as a reminder that you don’t need to be scared with me.  I’m in this for the long haul.”  
Tyril was speechless.  Tears threatened to spill over, but he did his best to blink them back as he stared at the stunning ring in front of him.  He heard his boyfriend chuckle nervously, “Please say something.”
“I don’t know what to say.” he replied, “I’m just shocked.  I wasn’t expecting...”
“For a guy like me to have a sentimental side?” Marcellus said with his usual crooked smirk.
“I suppose, yes.” he said, “I can’t believe you did this!  Nobody has ever done something like this for me.”
Marcellus reached across the table and placed his hand on top of Tyril’s to lace their fingers together.  Looking deep into his eyes as though they were part of one of Nia’s romance novels, he asked, “So do I have permission to officially take you off the market?”
Tyril snorted, but he couldn’t hide his happiness.  “I’m not a prized painting at an auction, Marcellus.  But yes.”
Marcellus leaned back in his seat and combed his fingers through his hair, laughing in relief.  “Oh thank God!  You have no idea how much I was sweating that one.  I wanna kiss you.  Can I kiss you?  Is that alright?”
“If you stop talking.”  With a pearly white grin that reminded him of a cat, Marcellus leaned forward to cup his cheek, which Tyril leaned into as their lips met.  Tyril couldn’t imagine being any happier in the moment.  It just wasn’t possible.
And then Marcellus stopped kissing him and said teasingly, “You know you’re cute when you're flustered.”  Tyril kissed him again to shut him up.
This is the ring Marcellus gives him, just to give you guys a visual.  I really had a good time writing this and hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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