#and if you truly saw Loki as genderfluid Sylvie’s gender shouldn’t even matter should it?
lokittystuckinatree · 3 years
I would just like to remind some people that there is more to bi representation than same gender relationships and there are plenty of ways to make a bi m/f (passing) relationship not feel inherently heteronormative. It can be argued that Loki didn’t do the best job with this, having a throwaway cop out line be the only ‘evidence’ of Loki’s bisexuality, but it cannot be argued that his relationship with Sylvie is heteronormative. It is possible to explore a character’s multi sexuality in or around a m/f passing relationship outside of an endgame same gender love interest.
I’m not even getting started on genderfluid rep, which was so terrible and difficult to fix I would need a separate post for, but theres a lot that could still be done for bi rep! For example, going foreward we could have:
- a few more references to Loki and Sylvie’s sexuality, ex. Sylvie flirting with a woman at a bar or during a fight, Sylvie and Loki ogling the same guy (same taste lol), correcting some person who assumes their sexualities, talking about what they like in people to see if they have the same type...
- Loki or Sylvie being attracted to, or having a rebound fling with someone of another gender before getting back together (which isn’t even guaranteed).
- flashback scenes of Loki and Sylvie’s love lives including hooking up with Sif and an on again off again relationship with...idk Fandral for Loki and whatever Sylvie’s been up to, losing potential soulmates over and over again and learning to never get close in the first place
- literally just Loki buying a pair of socks with the bi flag on them good god it’s not that difficult you guys
And guess what? HE CAN STILL DATE SYLVIE!!!
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