#and if we haven't plotted plS HMU
wonryllis · 4 months
、ㅤ🪷 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MY LOVES (MOOTiEs) ᵎᵎ ✶ 𝐒𝐅𝐖 so srry for the tag.
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@jaesvelvet ( cha ) my soft corner, love her so much and miss her so damn much all the time talking to her is healing
@seungstarss ( sei ) my first ever fan turned bestie :( miss you babes,, i literally survived half my time of tumblr becuz of her
@maiverie ( mai ) the humour goddess, fics are top tier plots filled with crack you never gonna find another like her, my second bestie <3
@luvhyun3 ( kana ) my love who is almost never on here anymore but i still love her, we're in long distance atm pls understand.
@hoes4hoseok ( piper ) her brain, brains so hard, the creativity is off the charts and so underrated like people are blind if you don't know her.
@ctrlemis ( art ) bestie who's perhaps as crazy as me if not more, we had a super talking stage but our situationship is kinda off rn :( miss you
@jangwonie ( fae ) she's my baby don't touch her. a pretty little sweetie angel, so caring, mwah :3
@nyukyujs ( kya ) the sweetest purest person ever like the most beautiful angel inside out! taught me so much about spreading love and positivity
@heecyon ( bee ) she's my wife, i love her a lot but we haven't been talking for a long while now, if you see this beebee i miss you a lot let's catch up wyf.
@koishua ( vienna ) didn't talk a lot but i love loved her works, it was everything, sad she left but it's a part of life.
@boyfhee ( caelin ) the reincarnate of shakespeare? hello? and so sweet and humble too a literal babe. period.
@www-jungwon ( elena ) another one i haven't gotten dirt on yet,, soon though. she's my high achiever mate who writes cute masterpieces
@okwonyo ( jiah/bambi ) always sending suspicious anon asks +_+ and making it so obvious omg she's an amateur baby
@eeunoia ( psyche ) the prettiest sunghoon girlie of all time, the most talented, and lastly my idol that's i'll never roast or dig up dirt on ☆‿⁠☆
@leaderwon ( luna ) another baby of mine that i absolutely need to protect. she be so me can't let her end up like me damn.
@tyunni ( may ) we not that close but i love her account and i love her works and i love her vibes so bingo! riki to my won.
@jjunae ( kae ) hold on for a little im busy finding pick up lines for this gorgeous right here,, let my rizz not fail
@stariekis ( uri ) an angel who showed up one day and took me to her hometown where i found out i was the lost angel from their village. oh.
@lheebra ( dani ) my dear little love who will always have VIP passes to my blog. a sweetpie with limitless talents!
@isoobie ( ri ) she's a student of how to do it like yeonie school and lemme tell you, she's an ace already aimming for the top spot, beware.
@fakeuwus ( nic ) uwu uwu uwuuuu uwuu uwu uwuwu uwu uwu uwuwuu (she's my uwu who understands my uwu language, my uwu soulmate)
@lilyuwon ( yev ) one of the first persons i talked to on this blog, and im so glad we still do, love interacting with her and absolute lovely being!
@ms-no1kpopstan ( mickie ) cutiepie who's such a sweetpea, haven't been talking for long but she's really nice and supportive, adore her :3
@theyluvvaubery ( ? ) haven't been able to interact or talk much but she's a sweetie!!
@sainns ( anna ) my fellow sunghoon hoe keeper, we are protecting him from the locals who always ask for him. we gatekeep and share!
@stwrjvke ( ash ) she boops as much as she loves and guess what she booped me infinite so.. i bewitched her at my annual royal ball.
hmu if you wanna be mutuals/frnds im always up for it!
୨ৎ . . 𝓂o𝐨𝐭 𝓰a𝗺𝗲s ᵎᵎ
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moots in prompt generator with bias and i rate them.
moots as tropes assigned with any idol.
moots as kpop idols they'd be.
moots as songs, webtoons and who'd be travel buddy + sibling vibes
moots as favorite drinks.
moots as kpop songs.
moots on the level of delulu-ness.
moots in winx club.
moots as tropes they suit. (2)
moots as kpop idols i see them as. (2)
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goldnhalos · 8 months
hello everyone ! my name's fox, (she/they, 25, brt.) and i'm so excited to be here ! i haven't joined a group in... i want to say like a year and a half ? maybe two ? so pls be patient with me while i get my grind back lmao. this is santi, he's a mix and match of some old characters i have, i hope u all enjoy him ! i'll be posting a plotting call on the discord server soon but if you wanna hmu there and start plotting already, my handle is aslutforpainandsuffering
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* ◟ : 〔 pedro pascal, cis man + he/him 〕 santiago flores , some say you’re a forty-five year old lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both gentle and guarded, one can’t help but think of riders on the storm by the doors when you walk by. are you still an active assassin for red eye, even with your reputation as the arcane? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and bruised knuckles. a pile of unread letters thrown across the floor. a broken whiskey bottle, although we can’t help but think of oliver marks ( if we were villains ) + matthew prior ( gallant ) + jackson healy ( the nice guys ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
tw: violence ; torture ; suicide ; drug / alcohol abuse ;
. * basics !
full name: santiago flores.
known as: santi ; mr. flores.
age + birthday: forty-five ; july 10th.
birthplace: unknown.
gender + pronouns: cis male ; he/him.
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: assassin.
fc: pedro pascal.
spoken languages: english ; spanish.
tropes: bad liar, trauma conga line, unconscientious objector, butt-monkey.
phisical atributes: 5 ft 11" (1.80m); lean built ; no tattos ; several scars ; scraggily beard.
. * early days !
the only memory santiago has of his family is os his siblings running through a green pasture; he can remember the soft feeling of his mother's lap underneath his cheek, and the way her fingers ran through his hair. the sound of little children laughing haunts his dreams, but there's not a single face in sight. the people in his memory are nothing but blurred sillouettes, ghosts of people he once knew, of the child he once was. the orphanage, though, of that his memories are crystal clear: the beating, the fear, the hope that somebody would come and rescue him, and then the subsequently disapointment once he grew old enough to understand that nobody would. and then, nanuvut. the cold was somehow worse than the beatings, worse than the physical training that took and took and took from him until santi was nothing but a shell of the smiley kid he'd once been. killing is all that he knows, but santiago has never been at peace with it. he's familiar with death, has given it his entire life and soul, but it has never been something he enjoyed, something he got used to it. despite all the training, his handlers have never been able to supress his kind soul and gentle ways— nature vs. nurture, santiago being the living proof that there are some things nothing can ever truly change. all he wants is some peace and quiet, a life away from all of the decay and violence; a herb garden far away from the city, a sunlit kitchen and a big library to ruffle through. his dreams of tranquility have yet to come: when all you know is the underbelly of chaos, the rotten people and monsters, no other place feels like home.
. * recent years !
santiago tried leaving; at twenty-three, he tried to hang up his guns and become a regular, law-abiding citizen. and he didsurprisingly well. santiago went as far as graduating college, a major in psychology, and those were the best four years of his life. he partied, and he fell in love, and for the first time since he could remember, santi felt truly free. like he could finally be himself, like the blood on his hands had finally washed away. he settled down, and married a nice girl. his dreams of a suburbia life iwth white picket fences and a big slobbering dog were so close to become a reality he could barely believe it. a month after his marriage, another operative showed up. the operative -- probably a mercenary, santiago figured -- destroyed his home, tied his doe-eyed wife to a chair and ripped every single one of her nail before he got home from work. the message was clear: he was to return willingly to the red eye and fufill his purpose, or they would force his hand and the punishments for it would be devastating. his wife survived, but the trauma was too much. it ruined their marriage faster than anything else ever could, and santiago saw no other option but to return to his handlers with his tail between his legs. the corporeal punishments and risky missions were nothing compared to the feeling of falure, and santiago found solace in drowning himself in liquor, white lines and all sorts of chemicals that he could get his hands on. it started to affect his job, and santiago got slippery. more than once, the organization had to step in to prevent him from going to jail. considering his large death toll, santiago was giving a single chance: if he didn't get his act cleaned up, he could be terminated. as it turned out, santiago's destructive behavior was meant as self-sabotage, not as suicidal tendencies, and his self-preservation instincts took over. after a hellish period of going in and out of rehab, santiago has been somewhat clean; he hasn't exactly dropped the alcohol, though his black outs have stopped getting in the way of his work, and he's gone cold turkey on any narcotics. a functioning alcoholic, a friend called him once. it was good enough for the red eye, in the end.
. * wanted connections !
a best friend ; the only person in the world that santi trusts. he's not one to give himself lighty, but this person has proven time and time again that they're his ride or die. ( 0 / 1 )
an old friend ; someone that was in the orphanage with him. maybe they get along, maybe they hate each other, this dynamic can be played in any sort of way. ( 0 / ?? )
friends of all kinds ; santiago can be kind of closed off, but as it turns out he can be quite friendly once you push through that, so he probably gets along with this person pretty well. ( 0 / ?? )
an ex ; ever since his marriage, santi has big issues with commitment. in his life of work, he knows having a partner is a weaklink, something people can use against you. they cared for each other deeply, but once things got started to get serious, santiago jumped ship, probably in the worst way possible. ( 0 / 1 )
a protegé ; there's something about this person that just makes santiago's instincts bubble up. it's someone he'd kill and die to protect, and has been working on teaching them as many of his own skills as he possibly can. bonus points if this is someone that can handle their own better than he ever could, but he insists that they need help anyways. ( 0 / 1 )
the enemy ; santiago has made many enemies along the way ; he's quite blunt, and despite not enjoying violence, he does resort to it whenever needed. they've probably come blow to blow at some point before, and it doesn't get better. ( 0 / 1 )
the bad influence ; santiago's a very strict, logical person. he doesn't do things on whims, and certainly doesn't partake in reckless behavior very often. this is someone with whom santi's first instinct is to be “well, what the hell!” and he’ll do things he normally wouldn’t, be that go to a rave late at night, do the hard drugs he's supposedly given up years ago or just eat that greasy bacon cheeseburger that might give him a heart attack. ( 0 / 1 )
the protective friend ; there’s nothing santiago doest best than taking care of people. in return, no one really takes care of him. except for this person, who’s there for him when he breaks down, who would go head first into a bar fight to watch his six and just doesn’t fuck around when it comes to calling santiago out on his bullshit. ( 0 / 1 )
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musingmixtape · 11 months
under the cut there's a small wishlist of plots i’d love to write, so ♡ this post or hmu if you'd like to plot any of them:
a boxer & his gf/nurse/assistant idea. okay so listen to me 'cause i watched rocky recently and i would love love love this (bonus points if u let me write a jon b.ernthal or a mason g.ooding fc bc i have it SO clear in my mind idk). like i can picture the heated moments of taking the anger of losing a fight out on her but also the angst of "you could've died" and the softness of cleaning his wounds, please gimme this. some vibes here.
a couple recording p*rn together? maybe they are best friends or maybe they just met! maybe they are doing like a professional production on a set or maybe it's just really pretty lighting in their living room! maybe they're both famous in the business or maybe one of them is doing it for the first time! idk let's plot.
a threesome thread please? vibes here. i’m thinking academic rivals, i’m thinking roommates, i’m thinking maybe a couple and their best friend, or a couple of best friends and someone new to their circle who caught their eye? so many options tbh
restaurant plot but let's make it enemies to lovers, like the yelling and the stress and the absolute frustration of not having things go your way to they take it out on each other, pls and thank u. the bear season 2 spoilers ahead (so maybe don't click if u haven't watched it) but some vibes here (yep this one was for the laughs) and here and here. (alt: exes who work together at the same restaurant and are trying to hide their anger over the breakup amongst the kitchen chaos).
thinking of something angsty like a couple who should not be getting involved but they still are, a confessed i love you during sex and then things getting messy and terrible? idk i just feel very into smutty and tragic things rn.
some scream/horror type idea, i want them to be obsessed w each other, okay? i’m thinking they could be ghostface k*llers and plan everything together but we can think of something different!
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nulltune · 2 years
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NAME:  lynn (derogatory)
PRONOUNS:  she / her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  discord! you can message me thru tumblr im's too but ngl it is.... Da Worst for me. i usually miss out messages all the time and end up replying pretty late, so do hmu on discord if you'd like! but actually i'm kinda super slow in general 👉👈 so pls be patient with mee 😳💖
NAME OF MUSE(S):  hakuno kishinami my beloved ♡​
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  oh mann, time eludes me but i used to rp on instagram 🗿 for a couple of years before i migrated to tumblr around 2016 i think. rping was always a pretty on and off hobby for me tho ngl and i blog-hopped on tumblr a lot for maybe a couple years or so? tho i like to think i'm kinda dedicated now that've settled down with a moon wife- i mean 😳 a muse i really like !
BEST EXPERIENCE: ‎can't say if there's a best experience tbh! talking abt our muses is super funn, i love screaming about dynamics and interactions and i get super giddy when i get an ask or receive an ask reply or a reply in general hhhmmmgh idk idk! i have a lot of really great friends and fantastic writers on da dash which just makes the tunglr experience rlly rlly great 🥺 and i'm very grateful for that! ❤️💖💞
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  oooh my rules should be pretty clear on that! other than the stuff i mentioned there tho, hmmm vague posting is very 😬 to me and if i see it then-- 👋👋
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  fluff and angst come very easily for this moon lady! she is soft and sad <3 i honestly like everything as long as it has Substance to it and is meaningful because like, fluff for the sake of fluff or angst for the sake of angst just gets tiringgg. i've never written smut (i feel like i'd write it so bad so- SGAGDJS) but i can't imagine writing it on main anyway because hakuno's veeery exclusive when it comes to sexy times. you need 2 romance her for that and well, she is a hard 2 romance being! i mean nothing's impossible so an fwb situation isn't entirely out of the question but yea, veeeeery unlikely
PLOTS OR MEMES: ‎ ‎i like both! though i think i like plotting first before jumping to memes 🤔 if that makes sense! just cuz it's easier for me to have a general outline of what we'd want for our muses and lil details of how they'd interact before figuring it out from there thru memes or threads or more plotting ✨️
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  i don't really pay attention to reply length tbh, but i think most of the stuff i write are probably around two or three paragraphs? sooooo- middle replies! (unfunny joke is unfunny)
BEST TIME TO WRITE:  hmmmm i don't really have one? writing muse hits super randomly and where i write matters more to me tbh! like, i Cannot write even in the 10 minute break between classes bc idk why but it just does not hit the same </3 but as long as i'm all comfy and in the writing mood then it's all gooood
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  if i am then i'd be Concerned! ^_^ sffjshfb ok i joke but nauurrrrr. we only have the basic surface level kinda stuff in common, like liking sweets or cats. maybe being shy, but even then hakuno can be hella bold and assertive whereas i'd rather eat my hands 🤷‍♀️ hmmm i guess we're both binches that want affection and validation deep down GSJCHSJF OK AND WELL i guess having a simp side maybe counts bUT HAKUNO'S CUTE WHEN SHE HAS THOSE MOMENTSS she is simply a very adoring lover. sure does make me look like a hoe in comparison tho 💃 FSJCSGKFDH /J /J
taggdd: a super long time ago! by sophie and ren iirc (if any of u see this, thank uuu and ily! 🥺💖
tagging: if you haven't do it! but ya gotta tag me bc i wanna seeee 👀✨️
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celaka · 2 years
i'm well aware i still owe some replies and they're coming!! but i kinda want new interactions too ^.^ i'd love some replies for my opens but i can try to whip up some closed starters if we've plotted something before, just lmk! if we haven't plotted anything pls hmu let's plot<3 🥰
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prxncemax · 5 years
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“Now, before you say ‘no’, hear me out!” Max cast a sideways glance at his companion for the moment, then looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was eavesdropping. “I’m sure someone will figure out a way to get us...untrapped. That isn’t our job. Let’s just have some fun while it gets sorted out - and yes, I already have something in mind.”
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camillaward · 5 years
The game was far more exciting than anything she’d ever seen in high school, of that Cami was certain. She had watched avidly, wedged between Wyatt and Lydia, face painted with the number twenty-one and lips lined and filled carefully in her signature ruby shade. The night had brought her back to when she had been young, when cheerleading and the boys on the field had been her life-- but now as she leaned against the wall at the after-party, she was beginning to sober in the stark realization that those days were gone, only to be revisited when they indulged in nostalgia as they did tonight. She took a sip from her cup, gesturing at a familiar face to wave them over. “Come keep an’ old lady company,” she called out, “What’d you think of the game?” An impish smile played at her lips, “If it wasn’t for the fact that I blew my knee out back in the day, you’d of seen me out on that field too, probably coulda gone pro and everythin’.” ( @frostfordstart )
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ctrlnataliacruz · 5 years
“I don’t know if this is me or the weed talking but you are the prettiest person I’ve ever seen. Like ever.” Natalia paused before taking a bite of her BLT sandwich that had been sitting on a plate in front of her. “Mmm... no. Actually, this sandwich is the prettiest person I’ve ever seen. You make a pretty good second though.”
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ofphcenixes · 5 years
tw: mentions of death, kgfjdf something sorta gross lmao
blue hawthorne spent a lot of time on his phone. this wasn’t particularly surprising, as the blonde was prone to have a wandering mind that needed constant stimulation. not to mention he was merely a product of the era he’d (miraculously) grown up in. with a slew of outdated apps and games he frequented, a browser history that certainly said... something, it wasn’t the app the football player was prone to staring idly on. with his taller than average legs tucked underneath him, blue sat on a hallowed quad of the st etienne campus. having retreated from class with mostly everything racing by the top of his head, it seemed blue made it to the grassy hearth to the campus and seemingly gave up, inching no further and accepted his fate as the grass slowly rose and accepted him as one of their own. 
with that in mind, the usually gregarious, charming blond had found his face drawn with the empathy he shed not only for those around him, but the growing tension amounting inside his chest as he neglected the pressure that was rapidly succeeding itself. death was a common thought at st etienne - with the fate of daisey rutherford a visceral reminder around nearly every damn corner of campus, alongside the taunting of a killer that made blue’s heart lurch every time he looked to his phone. but that’s not what he thought about as he stared at his phone, looking solemnly at a picture of a young him and his mother - another woman swept away with a scythe well before their time. it was a rarity - blue was immersed in a heartfelt moment, the usually jovial and slightly immature boy taking his time to let his mind wander off to a place he didn’t venture to often. he missed his mother, and although he not so secretly hated daisey rutherford... he couldn’t help but sympathise with the people that loved her. that was, until a....’projectile’ from a passing seagull fell atop the blond boy’s head. 
“you pasty fucker, go steal a fucking fry you feathered fuck !” the boy screamed in an indignantly high voice as the bird coasted through. the tirade of exclamations earned piqued interest by someone who was passing by, as the bashful blond felt his cheeks redden.“i swear to god if you tell me this is good luck i’m going to.... i don’t know what i’d do, dab in despair or something, but i just. why did this happen to me ?? may as well kill me now.” blue rushed out in an exasperated heap, sighing dramatically... before he paused a moment, staring to the person with whom he spoke with palpable guilt as his words sunk in. his lips parted as he tried to impart some semblance of an apology, but blue looked to his feet for a moment before a new resolve overtook him. “shit, i... i’m so sorry, i obviously didn’t mean to say... well, a bird just took a fucking shit on me, so can i really be blamed here ?”
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sahiras · 5 years
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ophclics · 6 years
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‘ the best and worst decision of my life was to get an extremely little weenie dog. like, can someone explain to me how in the world the smallest dog i’ve ever seen was able to ruin a pair of my valentino pumps when i was only gone for thirty minutes ? i was going to wear them for our next post on girl crush, too. anyway --- how have you been ? lovely weather we’re having, don’t you think ? ’ 
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isaxahprescott · 6 years
so as i head off to work, y’all should like this if you’d like a starter from either zaya, tessa, arlo, or paqi and you can message me or comment below if there’s a specific muse you’d like or if it’s cool that i just surprised you
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elijahward-blog1 · 6 years
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hqleon · 7 years
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“ hey !! if you're going to order something, don't fucking wait until you're at the FRONT to decide what you want. “ leon’s voice cut through the lowlevel buzz of his local starbucks, drawing the attention of everyone standing in line. his app wasn’t working this morning so now he had to wait in line too, like some commoner.
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mono-kookieficrecs · 4 years
Hey! I haven't sent you an ask in a while. I've had the worst day ever! If your highness would shine some mercy on me 😂😳💜💜💜, please recommend a fic that gets me out of the shitty day I've been through. Something that helps you relax. Anything. You are always a queen to me with your power to share the best fics on this website. 💜💜💜 Baby anon 💜
Hey baby anon I’m sorry you had a rough day crumby mental health is kinda going around these day so please take care of yourself ;-; thank you so much for your patience I hope these recs help you feel better ^-^ 
As always I don’t rec anything unless I’ve read it therefore these fics can all be found on my fic rec mlist so I’m sorry if you’ve already read some of these 😣
Relaxing/self-indulgent fics:
check out my ot7 x reader fic rec mlist
okay honestly I love reading ot7 x reader series so I would seriously check it out & see what you like I usually read to take my mind off things so most of these should be long-ish series but most of my self-indulgent reading is in this area
KOC by @luxekook​ (ot7 x reader, series)
The Seven by ^ (ot7 x reader, series)
these two series are ongoing but I’m really really liking them the smuttttttt 👌👌👌👌 but yeah they’re very very self-indulgent but I like what I like sue me
Tainting Purity by @sevenincubistolemyheart​ (ot7 x reader, series)
I love vampire bts & I love ot7 x reader need I say more 
Edit: forgive me I am a tired dumbass they’re incubi not vampires but my sentiments remain the same: I love incubi bts & I love ot7 x reader need I say more (honestly tho demon aus are up there for me 👌)
Veins of Moonlight by @lunaandhertrashheap​ (ot7 x reader, series)
I love werewolf bts & I love ot7 need I say more 
Too Sweet by @justoneday-namjoonii (low key ot7 x reader but mostly yg & jk x reader centric, series)
I’ve been reading this series for a long time it was probs one of the first fics I read on tumblr but it’s hecka good dude like I’ve been reading it for like a year & no regrets I’m always ready & waiting for more
Ethereal Orbit by @interludemoonchild (ot7 x reader, series)
although I love all of the fics on this list this one definitely fits your ask more bc this series is so good & although I love a good porn with very little plot this series has a well thought out plot with plenty of good smut to accompany it the story is so trnnjagibhntrh & it definitely takes my mind of off things bc all I can focus on is the story (& the smut hehe)
STS by @gimmesumsuga​ (ot7 x reader)
where do I beginnnnnn I read this series for almost 2yrs & it’s finally complete there are like 90 ch it’s a fucking beast but it’s soooo gooood plus um hello vampires & smut fuck yeah this fic is so popular & iconic so I’d honestly be surprised if you haven’t read this one yet it might’ve been the first series I read on Tumblr but that was so long ago but yeah read this bad boy
A Drop of Heaven by @curly-bangtan​ (ot7 x reader)
Moth to Flame by @bang-to-the-tan (ot7 x reader)
okay I think it’s been well established I love vampire bts fics but like they’re all so good & just kjsnjinaergibathijthsrt please just read vampire ot7 fics I just can’t & the writers on here do such a good job of making them diverse & not all the same bc no vampire ot7 fic is the same on here I’m telling ya
Dig Deep by @johobi (yg x reader, series)
listen LISTEN tentacle porn is one of the superior porns on here & no one can change my mind DD is one of the few tentacle smut series I can find on here (tentacle fic in general wtf man ya’ll cowards bc this shit is great & we need more so if anybody know where to find more pls hmu) but this series ignaibrgsiejhtst so goooooood
Pink Glow & Pink Glow pt. 2 by @jungkookiebus (jk x reader, one shot)
okay this is INCREDIBLY self-indulgent bc PG is actually a request I made to @jungkookiebus to write jk tentacle smut & it was a motherfucking delight & people loved it so they made a pt 2 which was also motherfucking delight so people learn the lesson: tentacle smut always wins
When the Planets Align by @mintedmango (yg x reader, jm x reader, jk x reader, series)
I loooooved this series this is another series that I read not only for the smut but also the plot you won’t be disappointed with this one it was gjnaerjngebaeribaeh like just oof you won’t be thinking about anything but this while reading
Any of @mintedmango​’s hybrid fics
they’re one of my fav writers on here & I LOVE their hybrid fics bc they’re so good & I know I can always find something sinfully amazing on here to feed my obsession with hybrid bts
Concentric by @gingerpeachtae (jk x reader, series)
this is another plot filled series that I can’t get enough of 🖤🖤🖤 it’s ongoing & I can’t wait to see how it ends (but I’ll be sad at the same time bc this story & world & THIS JK fucking infrbgrehth) it gives major lord of the ring vibes but it’s okay if you’re not familiar with LOTR bc it’s amazing & it’s bts 
Flower by @readyplayerhobi​ (hs x reader, series)
this is honestly my fav hobi series on here it’s so well-written & the hobi in this is  *sobs* I want one 😍 it might be a tad sad at times bc y/n has depression & poor mental health but it’s very real & accurate & hobi is there to support her so it’s very sweet & it’s definitely not sad all the time it’s incredibly fluffy (& smutty hehe)
Falling Skies by @fortunexkookie (jk x reader, series)
idk if you’re the type to want some sadness & angst with some fluff/comfort & a happy ending to help make you feel better but this fic really helped me grieve when I lost my dog exactly a year ago on the 22nd of this month I still think about this series often bc it’s so accurate in how grief feels & it hits so close to home but it really did help me get through sad times & jk comforting y/n comforted me too this is probs the saddest & angstiest thing I've read but it really did make me feel better 
Clair de Lune by @gukslut (th x reader, one shot)
I remember reading this one-shot & just feeling so warm & uwu & fluffy inside bc this hit right in the feels like I can’t explain it I read this a while ago but I still think about this one bc I remember it made me feel really ^-^ & happy when I was done reading it idk does that even make sense?? 
I hope this list helps & you find something you like ik it’s a lot (oops) but I read a ton for the exact purpose of finding an escape & to feel better when I’m feeling down so I really do hope this was helpful baby anon ^-^
as always if you have your own recs please leave a comment
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rosalieselwyn-blog · 7 years
Rosalie had been in search of an empty seat within the library which seemed to be very crowded in all her usual areas. Even her usual alcove hidden behind the back shelves had been taken up by a various amount of younger years which had been extremely disappointing, especially when she had a massive amount of homework to do, and no area to do it in.
However as she continued her exploration for some spare space on any tables, she noticed a more sparse area that had a scattered amount of older years from Hogwarts. A small smile appearing upon her features, she decided to walk towards said table, hoping that there was some extra space for herself. As Rosalie neared the table, she decided to clear her throat, hoping the other individual wouldn’t mind her asking to share the table.
“You wouldn’t mind extremely if you shared this table would you? Its just that I can’t seem to find any other extra space on the other tables.”
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