#and idk how it would react to the printing or whatever is on the plate
tonyglowheart · 1 year
I ended up deciding on this cute planets license plate frame for the front:
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for like a pop of color and also a nod to the space prince Tony aesthetic courtesy of kayvsworld
and bc my car is already white, so another black and white frame would just be too much tone on tone (the back plate is gonna be b&w too)
so it'll be planets in front, and Stark Industries in back :3
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6 notes · View notes
ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x15 Reaction / Commentary
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........who died and made her queen? Literally no one finds it weird that the newby from a day ago holds announcements and motivational speeches? And I thought vampires don't like swift changes. Guess that was racist of me.
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..................?? Literally who has ever denied the vampires entry? Except maybe the shadowhunters to their Institute and the werewolves to their home-restaurant? So she's basically saying “If anyone doesn't want us in their private homes we'll break and enter!” How is no one calling her out on how stupid that is??
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hahaha how long did she work on that line?
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........? Why? Because up until this point I was under the impression that the Accords where strictly restricted to governing the border between shadow world and mundanes, keeping them separate and protecting mundanes from demon and downworlder attacks alike.
If you care to remember, the whole mess with helping-save-Luke / not-helping-save-Luke in season 1 happens because Alec says shadowhunters aren't allowed to interfere in downworlder affairs, hence saving Luke would be seen as shadowhunters meddling in downworlder business which isn't a thing shadowhunters are allowed to do. It's why him going to lend Magnus his magic to save Luke was a Big Deal for him, because it was basically breaking the rules. It's why he was so against Jace and Clary helping Luke in the first place, because interfering is – at least the way I understood that! – a breach of the Accords, which grant downworlders the right to govern themselves.
In basically all other situations where there are conflicts between downworlders we don't see shadowhunters interfere: Luke beating Taito-or-however-he-was-called into submission, Camille being put into a coffin in the DuMort's cellar indefinitely for reasons. I'd even let myself be convinced that these might be exceptions, since those are ritualized thingies where downworlders decide who gets to rule, and so the shadowhunters aren't allowed to interfere even if their respective election systems consist of battle to the death / whoever wants to revolt revolts.
But how do you then explain all the other instances: Simon getting that Glen werewolf guy into a wheelchair and never facing any consequences except Luke scolding him a little, Simon fighting to the death with Quinn which never gets investigated, and don't even get me started on the seelie queen because she does shit however she wants to whoever she wants, kidnapping random werewolves and holding them hostage, putting marks of cains on unsuspecting daylighters, openly siding with Valentine, etc. and no shadowhunter ever cares about any of this! Not to mention that when Jace first encounters Jordan, he clearly recognizes his authority as Praetor and withdraws, indicating that the Praetor are an established and known organisation who deal with downworder affairs, and shadowhunters have to steer clear of them. Even Kaelie who murdered shadowhunters wasn't sentenced by shadowhunters! She was transfered back to the seelie court after she was captured and the seelie queen dealt with her as she saw fit. To me that simply fortifies that shadowhunters don't govern downworlder-downworlder-relations. If they don't even govern downworlder-shadowhunter-relations.
Besides, if shadowhunters really were supposed to police downworlder-downworlder-relations then please explain to me why the hell it's always treated like an invasion and an insolence if a downworlder dares to come close to the Institute? I mean, shouldn't there be a contact point for them to get in touch with their executive forces? Wtf??
So I guess this is just a random curveball the show throws my way to make this episode's plot work. And really, this is bullshit. I can't accept this. It's one thing to bend and twist portal travel and magic because, whatever, it's magic. But to just 100% turn around their entire frikkin legal system is not something you can just do! No!!
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He 100% nicked that horse statue thingy from Magnus's loft to make him feel more at home in his room.
Also, I get that this is a cute parallel with the orange juice, but I also get that this is the show again depriving me of seeing Magnus and Alec actually waking up in bed together and it's NOT OKAY. I just want to finally see Alec “Little Spoon” Lightwood in action, is that too much to ask? Apparently -.-
Also, I have questions. If Alec is just putting on his day clothes.... did he go fetch Magnus's orange juice bare-chested? In his pyjama??? Does he have one with little bows and arrows? I need answers!!!
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Rude hahaha, as if living with Magnus was a strenuous, orange-juice-less experience. Kidding, I know he's trying to make living at the Institute palatable to Magnus, quite literally.
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I know I wasn't the only one who had severe Pirates of the Caribbean flashbacks at that because after the sneak peek aired I saw a gifset pointing out the parallel XD
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MAGNUS'S FACE Btw I think it's sweet that Alec spouts reassurances none of them buys just to make Magnus feel comfortable. Just like it's sweet that he brings Magnus a glass of orange juice that they both proceed to ignore, and to add insult to injury, Magnus gets himself a new one later. Rude.
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Okay, so the runes we see here are the nourishment rune (blue), the sharing rune (green) and of course the stamina rune (yellow).... so shadowhunters know to eat real hard. And also... those two tiny tables are supposed to be enough to sustain all those people? With only drinks? Is this some perfidious game where shadowhunters just get drinks and need to feed themselves with nourishment runes? Barbaric.
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Yeah I'm in the mood for pancakes now, too, thanks.
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I'd like to repeat my question from last episode: If Sentry Guy wasn't planning for his untimely demise, how the hell did he want to hand over that data chip?
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Okay but do you realize how amazing and hilarious that is? Because Izzy just came from the serving counter. If she wanted bacon she could have gotten some. But she didn't. To me this looks like routinely stolen food, maybe even just because it's on Jace's plate. This is something that happens regularly and I love it. Need more sibling-y Jace&Izzy interactions honestly!
Also? Izzy missing the piece of bacon on the first try hahaha <3<3<3
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate Magnus's absolutely disgusted face and the fact that he carrys that tray with minimal finger contact? Hilarious.
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1) I too was wondering why they didn't just go out for breakfast to avoid this situation, so I'm glad they mention that this option has crossed the protagonists' minds as well. 2) Why do they already have beverages on their trays when the refreshment tables with the glasses are off to the side? Possibly so they don't have to run around stupidly?
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!!!!!!!!!What other food events are there??????? I need to know okay!!! Also, I think we can all agree that Alec isn't in it for the pancakes but to Prove A Point.
Also, quick question: Who the hell mans the serving counter, who cooks, who cleans the dishes, who buys groceries, who--- etc.
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You know what I was just wondering? This is a new outfit, right? Has he moved all of his clothes to Alec's room? Or are they still in this apartment? What's Lorenzo gonna do with all that stuff? And also, do they really expect me to believe Magnus only had this one apartment and literally no other home anywhere? He couldn't have rune!portaled literally anywhere else? He couldn't have stayed with the ever elusive Catarina? Or crashed on Luke's couch since he's not currently using his apartment, being in jail and all? (Though to be fair, we never actually see Luke's apartment so who knows if it even exists? Since they kind of pretend that all werewolves live at the Jade Wolf.) Magnus couldn't have gotten a hotel? I mean he has cash, right? But sure. I'm totally buying that this was the absolutely only option he had.
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Izzy is the best and I love her.
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So is he supposed to step in as racist, now that Raj is gone? Cuz that'd be unrealistic. I'd buy it if he's miffed that Alec didn't tell him about this, since he's Head of Security and all and could have helped but istg if he reacts badly to Magnus being there I'm gonna flip my shit because Underhill totally ships Malec, okay, why would he react badly?? I'm anxious okay.
“They don't see a lot of warlocks in here.”
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I noticed this in the sneak peek already and honestly, I think the shadowhunters are just angry Magnus is there because he gets to eat fancier stuff than they. I mean, look at him! He even changed the shape of the glass because he's so extra. Love him.
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Hahahaha who doesn't want to get a call from jail over breakfast from their father figure. Also I feel like those roles should be reversed XD
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I mean, I get it. But thanks, Luke, for not relaying the crucial detail that this was Heidi or at least that Maia is still alive and to contact her for further info since he's in jail, and thus enabling everything that follows. It's not like he told Simon and Maia to drive off with Jordan because he'd handle filling in the Institute on all that happened. Honestly. He's like that one guy in group projects who says he'd do something and then just.. doesn't.
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..............................................why Look I don't have the energy to rage about this but wtf Luke. If you think anyone would buy all those fang marks being caused by one person alone, then why not try to get the actual culprit to be imprisoned? Or at least, idk, investigated after to gain some time? Honestly. It's like he wants to go to jail.
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Hahahaha okay this is too good an opportunity to pass up, so please go read the dumb drabble I wrote about this exact situation shortly after 3A aired. It's here.
Btw I wanna see that verdict. Because Luke's prints sure as hell aren't on the corpses, and keep in mind any forensic worth a damn should be able to notice that those people died half a day before Luke was found on the site of the crime. Not to mention that since Luke frequented the Jade Wolf it's not exactly surprising he'd want to check up on all his homies there. Not to mention he has zero motive (since his fallout with the pack is so recent nobody not involved would have noticed). And not to mention that he wouldn't even have had time to kill all those people in the 3 minutes after he arrived at the Jade Wolf and before his surveillance team caught up to him. Just, sigh.
Edit: Wow actually they're gonna find his prints all over the corpses because Luke, in his unending wisdom, touched them all to close their eyes. It's like he learned nothing in How To Not Get Imprisoned For Crimes You Didn't Commit 101.
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Great Scene. Very relatable.
Though I gotta say I never got the feeling Maia particularly liked any of her packmates since we always only saw them hating on her for dating a vampire and being general idiots, but I'm gonna ignore that right now. It's easily arguable that their happy pack life together wasn't shown because it wasn't relevant to the plot.
And also.... how did they find the Praetor? Isn't their location top secret? How should I imagine that? Was Jordan lying in the backseat half dead, shouting instructions “Turn left now!! No, not your left, my left! Turn right dammit!!” Wtf.
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RIGHT BACK AT YOU IZZY FFS. *sigh* Okayyyyy technically Clary killed him, but Izzy didn't react with all the indignated outrage she displays now and I vividly remember this and I already ranted about this at length after 3x04 aired. I'm so done with her attitude on this.
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Since when does Alec accept the “I wasn't in control” excuse? Either you were in control, then you go to jail. Or you weren't, then you go in a holding cell because you're an unpredictable danger. In no scenario do you get a free pass. Wtf.
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??????????? You get talked into crossing against a red light, not into a frikkin sadistic hostage-taking, what the actual hell???? Why does Alec buy that???? Is he stupid????
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...................................wtf Alec I hoped you'd do better this episode, but apparently not?? I mean, not investigating anything, just taking random person at her word, not even taking the time to talk with Izzy – even worse, showing in front of a third party that he didn't know about the Raphael* thing – and finally, basically him making that offer half-felt like he was trying to get back at Izzy for her keeping secrets from him? Wtf Alec? Wtf? And also, since the only werewolves left are Luke (currently in jail), Maia (currently missing in action) and Bat (currently at home like the neat little werewolf armcandy that he is) it's really not like Alec is under time pressure to get the vampires who killed all the werewolves behind bars. What's gonna happen if he takes a few hours to investigate properly? There is literally no risk of a war breaking out between werewolves and vampires since there are basically no werewolves left. Wtf Alec, I just robbed you of your already super flimsy excuse for your behavior, so please. Explain yourself. It's as if he wants to make up for last week's inaction by making super swift decisions. Wtf. If this is not Plot Convenience then I don't know what is.
*I guess Alec stopped holding those weekly downworld cabinet meetings or otherwise he would have noticed that Raphael is missing...... LOL or else maybe they want to tell us less than a week passed since 3x04 which, honestly, I WOULDN'T EVEN BE SURPRISED OKAY
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Luke and Clary and Jace are so frikkin stupid. I mean, it's not like they were in this exact same situation in this exact same precinct in season 1 and remembered to turn of the frikkin security cams are you kidding me wtf
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Self-fulfilling prophecy, Luke. Well frikkin done. I don't even feel sorry for you.
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Actually they kicked you out because they new you didn't prioritize them, but sure. Survivor's guilt. I get it.
Anyway now that Luke is caught on tape talking to non-existent people about werewolves and vampires I guess he'll go to the psych ward instead of the jail, so yay for improvement?
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Quick question.... after the cut, to they just awkwardly stand around until someone opens the door again so Jace and Clary can slip out?
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WTF Underhill don't make me hate you.
Izzy: “Raphael is not a bad person. He just made a horrible mistake.” Alec: “He commited a gross violation of the Accords.” Izzy: “He's trying to turn his life around.” Alec: “It doesn't change what he did.”
And yet.............. Alec pardoned Heidi....................... and yet..................................... Izzy hates on Jordan........................................... It's like no one on this show is able to assess situations consistently while disregarding personal relations to the people involved. Really. I don't even really expect it from Izzy because she's too passionate for that. But I sure as hell expected better from Alec. Smh.
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................................................................. What. What even. Because doing things by herself worked out so well last time. Because Alec totally acts like his trust in her judgement wasn't shaken by this revelation. Wtf Alec, why do you agree to this. It makes no sense.
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?????????? this is not the Aline from 2x15
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and that bothers me because 1) why recast her wtf and 2) I think 2x15 Aline looked more approachable and warm and yeah wtf why recast her. So from now on I'm calling this imposter “Aline”. I'm serious. Watch me.
Plot Twist: In German they are dubbed by the same dubbing actress.
Edit: Apparently they recast here because 2x15 Aline wasn't available due to scheduling conflicts which, okay, valid. But I'm still calling the imposter “Aline”. I've commited to it already, okay??
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Alec, your arguemnt is still invalid because the only werewolf ready to wage war is standing right in front of you and you said yourself you thought she was dead. Wtf man.
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YEAH ALEC AND FOR THAT REASON YOU WAIT BEFORE YOU STRIKE A DEAL WITH SUSPECTS WTF MAN YOU OVERTHINK EVERYTHING BUT IN THIS YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT THREE FRIKKIN MINUTES ARE YOU ACTUALLY KIDDING ME-- I'm exasperated, in case you can't tell. Mainly because Alec assuming Maia is dead makes no sense whatsoever. She wasn't among the dead, so why would he assume she's dead instead of escaped? Why didn't he try to track her? Why didn't he try to call her himself? Why didn't they call ahead?!* So many questions, all answered with two words: Plot Convenience.
*Oh right, because they trusted Luke to tell the Institute everything. But my point still stands. This miscommunication is ridiculous.
Also, can we talk about the pacing? In the time Simon needs to drive his and Maia's ass over to the Institute, Heidi walks in, Alec draws up an amnesty and organizes a mission, they go to the DuMort, secure all the vamps, and bring them back into the Institute. Just how slow was Simon driving? Makes no sense. Wtf.
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Uh-huh. Sure, Head of Security, why would you need to know that. Also, who made those keys? Are they lying around somewhere in a spare drawer? So many questions.
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Good save, man. I can accept that. Seems he's trying to do his job. But still. The way he half-whispered insolently during that mission briefing strikes me as really not fitting his character. He calls Alec “Sir” dammit. As if he'd stoop to such cheap bitchy behavior, especially when it stands to reason that the shadowhunter he was whispering to doesn't respect Alec like Underhill does because, y'know, gay and dating a downworlder and the general tendency of shadowhunters to be biased and racist.
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LOL I guess the first thing I can really appreciate about this episode is that they make an effort to bring back stuff from the past season???
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Aha. Looks like someone felt the need to change.
Clary: “He somehow got it in that twisted head of his that I'm gonna help him find it.”
........did I miss that part? Because I sure don't recall it.
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Well, Simon, then I hope you have a degree in psychology and don't ask any leading questions that make her useless as a witness. Also, be sure to carry your plan out while Alec isn't present so your story will be more credible and Alec won't think you encanto-ed her so she says what you need her to say to get Heidi behind bars. Since, you know, you and Maia are totally neutral when it comes to this investigation. It's always a great idea to conduct investigations yourself when you're completely unbiased and absolutely not involved in any way, with no personal stakes in the matter. SIGH.
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This.... was actually unexpected. See, this is why I like Heidi as a villain. She is smart and she knows how to cover her tracks. And that whole plan to stir up werewolves and vampires against each other was expertedly executed (even if her defense in front of Izzy and Alec was a little weak and Griffin could have acted a little less stupid).
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Hahahahaha Magnus. Tbh though, Alec knew Underhill would be in charge of setting Magnus up with a key, and the long amount he thought about what the hell Magnus meant makes me think he doesn't really think handsome = Underhill. Surely not after that haircut amiright ok sorry sorry I'm shutting up. Underhill is a handsome guy.
Ugh. Okay, honestly I don't want to do this. I want to say this was a cute scene and move on. But I just can't move past Alec's apology. Why the hell does he apologise? He did nothing wrong? It's his typical my-opinion-doesn't-count,-whatever-the-person-I-love-says-must-be-right-and-I-am-wrong spiel and I hate it. It would have been something else entirely if he'd said “I didn't know this bothered you so much, I won't do that again in the future if it's a problem to you.” Finding a compromise while recognizing that talking about his issues is his right, since Magnus didn't ask him to keep quiet about it. No matter how good he knows Underhill – and I agree with Magnus on that one, it was strange for Alec to talk about his problems with someone he barely knows, but at the time it was, oh surprise, Plot Convienience to bait some cheating angst – it was his right and with his apology
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he basically asserts that it wasn't. Because of some misguided jealousy from Magnus. Magnus should protest this immediately but he doesn’t, he just lets it sit there and just..... argh!
Also another thing, since I saw some people getting worked up over it: Yes, I read the scene earlier in the way that Alec didn't realize Magnus was talking about Underhill because he finds him so super hot, but because context reasons. Still, even if he did find Underhill attractive... that's not a problem? It's part of interacting with someone and looking at their face while talking to them and by the way realizing “Wow, this person isn't fugly.” If he spent all his days oogling Underhill that would be something else entirely, but he obviously doesn't. So, even if his conclusion was “Handsome? Must be Underhill!” that wouldn't make him a bad person. We all know he only has eyes for Magnus.
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*sigh* I'm a weak woman, okay, this placates me a little.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I  C A N ' T The fact that he thinks he needs to clarify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing.
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I have so many questions. If she wakes up, will she hold her breath again? I honestly expected her to be dead after Heidi's order, but apparently encanto only takes hold of the person's actions while they are conscious. So this leads me to the question why the f Nora is in a coma instead of simply unconscious, since if your brain doesn't get oxygen you slip into unconsciousness, not coma wtf.
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...............by? The shadowhunters on washing machine handling duty?? So many questions.
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.........or just do it right away. Why wait?
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!!!!!!!!!YES at least someone has common sense left this episode. It physically pains me that this person is Jonathan. Wtf, show.
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1) Soooooo why is his magic suddenly blue again? Though it's slightly tinted so I guess one could argue that this is Magnus trying to cover up the ugly Lorenzo-color. 2) Did the nurse really let them all in? Are they using glamors? I need answers. 3) Won't this place be swarming with doctors as soon as she wakes up?
“This is Maia. If you're hearing this, it's because my phone's battery sucks.”
Hahaha, I approve.
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Lol this is the other reason I like Heidi as a villain, she's cheeky.
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That.......... WAS UNEXPECTED OH MY GOD WOOOW I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!!! Color me impressed!!! And from Maia no less, who's always throw fists first, think straight later!!!
But..... while we saw where she got that syringe from I can't help but wonder where the hell she got that Holy Water from? Also how the hell did Simon, Magnus and Alec know in which back alley exactly she was hiding?? Guess we'll never know.
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Soooooo whenever she stares into the flames she gets a Jonathan-possession-episode???? Okay??????? Why?????????????????? But anyway, the solution to their predicament seems clear: Just keep her away from fire. Then again they're shadowhunters, so compulsively lighting candles is a thing, so I see where this might get difficult.
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You know, this scene would probabley even touch me emotionally if I wasn't busy muttering wtf under my breath because I'm still not over how they completely screwed over the Accords. With the way things were back in 3x04 what Izzy did in banishing Raphael was nothing more than an exceedance of competence. (Yes, Raphael deserves punishment for what he did, but not. from. Izzy.) And now suddenly it's a law-breaking act of compassion? Wtf, no, doesn't compute.
Also, as Bohemian pointed out: why the hell is Raphael's Dramatic Pre Jail Scene with Izzy instead of, idk, Magnus who's like a father to him and also at the Institute in this very moment?? Why do those two don't get any screen-time together when their relationship is more profound than, sorry, anything between Izzy and Raphael?? Tbh reducing Raphael to a pining mess who's only thinking about Izzy makes him feel real two-dimensional to me and he deserves wayyy better than that.
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...................you know what? No!! Too late!! I've mentioned it in a past reaction post (from 3A I think) that I would have loved for this to be the reason they break up: Maia's okay-ness with ending a conflict through violence and Simon's relative patriotism. And even though this scene was everything I hoped for in this regard it still leaves a stale taste in my mouth because it's come too frakkin late. They are already broken up and their break up scene wasn't up to par. And why wasn't this their break up scene? Because if they'd been together up until now we couldn't have gotten the Jordan/Maia cuddling. Ugh.
Also this
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would have certainly packed more of a punch if it came from someone who was consistently opinionated that way and wasn't randomly stricken by “I don't give a damn who gets injured, I have a gig to get to” moods (and yeah, I'm still not forgiving that, Simon).
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Ohhhh no Magnus, stay away from that carpet, bad things will happen here, didn't you see the sneak peek????
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WOW I am impressed, this is more than I expected so I'm really happy about this, especially since we all know how Magnus “It's all in the past” Bane normally deals with conflicts. You can see how much it costs him to get over himself and say this, and I love it. (What I don’t love is that Alec immediately glosses over this and barely even registers it but, whatever, that’s not Magnus's fault. He did what he should have done, and I’m happy about it.)
“Having an outsider live at the Institute, that is against protocol. And how can I expect everyone else to follow the rules if I don't follow them myself?”
I mean, I don't really think Maia would have refrained from her little murder plot if Magnus had spend the night at a hotel instead of in Alec's bed, but I recognize Alec at least attempting to be true to his rule-abiding, authority-acknowledging character for five seconds. So I'm somewhat semi-..... uh, quarter-proud of him.
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Awwwww and Underhill just worked the whole day to get him settled in, the poor guy.
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AGAIN WOW you can see how much courage it costs him to ask this after last half-season's moving-in-talk went so smoothly!!! I love it!!!
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I HATE IT!!! Yeah wow, I really hate it. Why can't they be happy for two seconds istg!!!!!
Btw I'm ordering you to read Matt's live tweets because they are therapeutic, okay.
(Bacon Gif Source)
20 notes · View notes
quaxorascal · 6 years
All questions for Taber and co!
actuallyaltaria said: (co being Belasco, Aracelli, and any NPCS you think are relevant here)
Sure thing! Though I’ll only do odd-numbered questions I think! (from here)
1) What’s their favorite types of art? Do any of them make any art themselves?Taber appreciates all forms of visual art but doesn’t make any herself, and idk about the rest of the party. As far as NPC, Zuzanna is a jeweller, and Helia is pretty damn artful at killing people to death
3) Who will buy the others candy and treats if they’re feeling down, and who will comfort them emotionally?Esovera once gave Taber a bottle of whiskey as a “sorry you got crushed by a dragon and nearly died” gift, so I think she counts for the first category. As for the second, Aracelli is good at voicing her emotions and comforting others when their emotions are out of whack, though she doesn’t let others do the same for her, whoops
The rest goes under a cut!
5) What does everyone do in their downtime?Belasco’s most likely to sell shit, solve puzzles, and design new weapons; Aracelli does target practice for hours on end and pets her bird; Taber spends time with her girlfriend and reads; Esovera and Nate fuck behind Esovera’s bar
7) What superpowers would they pick?I’ll just answer for Taber for this one, but I think she’d choose either invisibility or the ability to take wounds from others. She could, you know, heal those wounds instead of taking them for herself, but uh
9) Can one of them bake well?Nobody in the party has tried while in-game, but I imagine Esovera and Zuzanna can both bake decently well
Gonna skip 11 actually
13) Who enjoys parties? Who would rather stay at home?Lmao the gang is neutral leaning negative toward parties in practice, but Taber does like the idea of being at a party. Zuzanna seems to enjoy parties though, and Esovera likes throwing them! Nate would rather be at home I’m sure, and Helia is more of a rave sorta girl I think
15) Who wears cheesy, cliche, embarrassing underwear?Please please please @theraveninhisstudy​ tell me that Nate would wear heart-print boxers
17) How would they react to a call or text from a wrong number?Belasco would probably fuck with whoever called him and keep them on the phone to know what it is they’re calling about, unless he doesn’t know who they are and they aren’t important. Aracelli would probably just hang up immediately, as would Taber
19) Who has the worst puns? How do the others react?God I hope this is Helia
21) Who would dye their hair/dye it again? What color would they go for?The closest I can think of would be Belasco donning the Disguise Cloak to actually give him hair, otherwise I’m not sure anyone would?
23) Who is the biggest nerd of all? What makes them a massive nerd?Your fave is a nerd: Belasco [last name confidential]. Receipts:
Mama’s boy
Loves puzzle books
Thought sending a dragon tooth home to his mom was a great idea
It was not a great idea
Once won a spicy food eating contest by cheating bc crows can’t taste spicy food
Avoids swimming lessons by cheating bc he’d rather invest in a pair of Shoes Shin Guards of Water Walking
Once came down from a dissociative episode by remembering that his tiny kitten loves him
Hates shoes
Runner-up is Esovera, who gets immensely excited for holidays and decorates her bar appropriately a month in advance
25) Who is the most likely to be called an edgelord? -Yml switches campaigns just for this question-
27) What did they get made fun of for when they were younger?Aracelli got made fun of by her clan because she comes from a clan of druids but isn’t a druid herself despite all best efforts; Taber was made fun of by her cousins for her height and heritage; Belasco was probably also got made fun of by his asshole cousin for his height but he was made fun of because he was short lmao
29) Who is the most ticklish?My gut tells me either Helia or Zuzanna and either way I need it
31) One of them buys one of those custom T-shirts where you can choose what words are written on it. What does it say? What do others think?Helia would totally have a shirt that reads “I flexed and the sleeves fell off” and Mason, you can’t argue with me about this because I won’t believe you
33) Who eats tons of plates at an all-you-can-eat buffet? Who gets one small plate, and not much more?Depends on what’s being offered! Aracelli will eat lots if it’s not fancy food, meanwhile Taber will do the same if it Is fancy. Honestly I think Belasco would eat a medium-sized plate of whatever
EDIT:Shay: aracelli is absolutely a five dollar all you can eat buffet kind of girlShay: she’d eat a plate of ten slices of pizza at cicis no problem
35) How would one of them react to another getting them flowers?Taber has already given her gf flowers, specifically silk flowers because Zuzanna is allergic to the real deal. Zuzanna was delighted when she learned who her secret admirer was ;0
37) Who would eat ghost peppers without breaking (too much of) a sweat?Belasco, see point 23
39) Who’s that one person who loves candy corn?Taber probably likes it, and I can see Esovera liking it too if only during Halloween Nightmare’s Eve season
41) Who gets hassled the most to fix computers/technology?I feel like that’s probably Aracelli in a modern AU, since she’s so good at fixing things
EDIT:Shay: also aracelli Isn’t a tech person so: she could fix your car, not your computer ;0
I will thus edit my statement to say probably Belasco ;0
43) Who would be the crazy cat person?Belasco
45) How do they tell their crushes they like them, if at all?Taber gave Zuzanna a flower through Zuzanna’s best friend, disappeared for like two weeks, then came back and honest to god meant to tell Zuzanna herself that she sent the flower, but she’s a bi disaster and wasn’t able to get the words out, leaving Zuzanna to spot the flower on her own. That went pretty well though all things considered
Helia meanwhile is a pan disaster who made a bit of a show of stammering out that she liked Aracelli, and could they go out together sometime? Aracelli thought it was cute though
47) Who stims? What’s their favorite method of stimming?Aracelli stims with archery practice, petting her bird, sitting upside down and occasionally by lying facedown on her bed
49) Who is the sassiest of all?Belasco “Are you just going to tell me to go fuck myself? Because if so, you’re derivative and boring” Belasco
51) What is that one interest they could spend hours talking about? Who listens?Aracelli’s special interest is bows/ archery!! Honestly if she wants to talk about it Taber would be happy to listen as a fellow admirer of weapons, but the problem is it hasn’t come up yet. God damn that would be cute
53) Who makes lunch for who?The gang buys food at Esovera’s bar on the regular, which I say should count toward our rent
55) Who’s not strong enough to open tight jars? Who has to open it for them?
Belasco: 9 STR
Aracelli: 11 STR
Taber: 18 STR
Take a guess
57) What’s their ideal first date? What was/will their actual first date be like?I’ll just answer she second question of these! 
Aracelli and Helia’s first date was an attempt to eat at a fancy restaurant, both of them bailing because it was too uppity for both of them, then going to Helia’s favourite bar and kicking ass in the fighting pit because why not. Aracelli kicked the most ass and I’m so sad I wasn’t actually present for that
Taber’s and Zuzanna’s was also an outing to a fancy restaurant, less fancy than the one the other two picked but still a good choice for these two rich kids. They chatted over wine and Taber walked Zuzanna home and got a kiss on the cheek before Zuzanna left. It was very cute
59) Who would study for days for a test? Who doesn’t do a lick of studying?Honestly I feel like all of our kids would be pretty good as far as studying!
61) Does anyone have an unusually loud or quiet voice? Does anyone never speak sometimes/at all?Aracelli has gone nonverbal a couple of times, and in general her voice is pretty quiet. Taber keeps hers quiet too, as well as pitching it up. Belasco kinda just talks normally, not loud or quiet
63) Who comes to an event super late? Who comes to it super early?Just gonna answer for Taber for this one too! She’d rather be early to an event than late, she’d definitely be super early if given the chance. Also if Nate is late for an event it’s because he didn’t want to come
65) What’s the most annoying thing about living with these characters/people?Aracelli sometimes just doesn’t wear a shirt, and Belasco is cool with joining in on the naked party, too. That’s just how it is sometimes. Taber is always flustered when this happens. Also Belasco will be subtle and pull personal info out of you/ eavesdrop on all sorts of stuff he shouldn’t. Taber sometimes chills in her full suit of paladin armour for no gd reason other than that she likes wearing it, and it baffles the other two so much
67) Who sees an empty playground and can’t resist playing around for awhile?Probably Aracelli and Helia tbh, and that would also be a really cute date
69) Who’s the one that “you can’t take anywhere”?You can’t take Taber to anyplace where you wanna be stealthy, you can’t take Belasco anywhere if you want him to mind his own business, and you can’t take Aracelli anywhere where there’s no trees
71) What’s the dumbest thing they own, and the story behind it?Taber has a bottle of cheap and shitty perfume that she won at a carnival by playing one of those strength games with the mallet, Aracelli has arrows with heads full of peppercorns meant to be fired in people’s faces (and she made them all by herself!!), and when I asked Nidoran what the dumbest thing Belasco owns is they said “a cat” and that’s fair (and then they later added “6 stolen lemons”, which Belasco stole because Ulrich wouldn’t tell him where he got the lemons in the first place)
73) Who wears/would wear the most colorful or extravagant clothing?Out of everyone in the party, Taber and Belasco both, and Belasco might be a little more extravagant. As far as extravagantly fancy, that would be Zuzanna; for just plain extravagant, Esovera, see point 23
75) What’s a secret one of them have been hiding from the rest?For the longest time Aracelli had been hiding the fact that she was spellscarred, and Taber had been hiding the fact that Deniel is her brother and not her cousin. She’s also hiding the details of what she had to do under the Broker’s servitude, and Belasco is not only hiding as much personal information as he fucking can, but he’s hiding it by lying about it
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