#and i just realized i forgot to click the boots of in that one translucent dress but i kinda like it like this???
chiptrillino · 2 years
By any chance do you have a larger photo of those Yue designs? I'm absolutely digging them
uhm... sadly i didn't at the time you asked me. but i do have now! so sorry for the longer wait;;;
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the one i posted were really tiny and i was working anyway on these. it just took me a bit to get it done :D uhm... so here me playing dressup... with yue... again... sorry yue...
if i have to explain mayself... my thought process is basically... yue is the moon. so her dress is either the moon or the enviorment around or below her. and.... you know... fish... -tries not to feel my ex profs glaring at me like "elaborate more dang it"-
also! all these option but if someone tells me to draw yue again i would still give her... a new outfit or just idk... because i can't pick!!!!
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The silence is a great friend
Chapter 1:Despair Upon One's Heart
His thigh burned with every step, drenched and tired. He was out of his mind his only goal was to reach the station, from the extraordinary golden gilded homes of the noble district to the run-down mills and houses of the lower class plebeians, townsfolk dressed in shabby outfits, rags and cloth nothing more over the top than sheep wool. The mundane colours of the plebaien’s homestead are uncomparable to the aristocrats’ distinguished estates. 
Going through a crowd, the Central Market. All the townsfolk sell their goods here but some sell more valuable merchandise in the darker corners of the Central Market. Today had more hustle and bustle than the others, a coming festival, an event? Miller could have not given a single hint of interest as he pushed through the hoards of people trading and haggling. An even larger crowd stood in his way. Stumbling while dragging his body through the crowd into the centre while he kept running pushing something aside as it crossed his path and he struggled through the other end, one more turn and he’ll reach the station. Adrenaline filled his veins and he made one last dash for it, a loud hiss could be heard yards away from the hunkering orange bricked building.The last locomotive, he could not afford to miss it, no he can’t miss it. The sound of the whistle made a nerve racking hiss, it stung Miller’s ear every single time. His hand instinctively went up to his ear, trying to block the irritating sound. Someone could be heard shouting at him, multiple steps of boots stomped against the stone brick floor.
 A few more seconds from the edge of the entrance, bursting through the brass coloured gate onto the locomotive platform, he searched frantically, the locomotive just started moving. Hope filled him as he was so close, forcing the last of his strength into his bare bone legs he jumped grabbing the pole on the back of the locomotive, his shoes skimming on the edge of the railroad, a troupe of guards could be seen at the corner of his eyes, edging near the end platform. They seemed confused but one of the guards pointed towards Miller as the locomotive sped off into the cold evening.
Using both of his hands he grabbed the metal pole and climbed on to the end of the locomotive, a small platform with red railings surrounding the edges with a small metal roof covering the top. He laid wasted against the backdoor, his chest heaving, breathing in mouths full of air. His body began to tremble but the sense of dread that hung onto the back of his mind was washed over by a wave of relief, the air seemed calm with a breeze that danced around Miller, while droplets of rain tapped the top of the roof, pitter pattering. The earthly scent filled his nose, his eye blinking wanting to be close, but that moment made him feel everything around him. The sweat that soaked his clothes, the wretched smell of raw fish and pig, his thick brown hair was a mess, strands splattered against his forehead and the grinding of each metal wheel when the train stopped. Today’s unlucky streak would come to an end when he reached the small cottage on the edge of a clearing, his cozy little home.
A ruined warehouse, half of its roof coming in on itself but the other still stayed intact, signs of cracking traced the building. Even some parts of it were covered by green ivy, an old dark oak tree looming above the warehouse, its leaves rustling against the soft wind while the branches sway lazily. 
The serene atmosphere’s melodious tune of nature is as though being orchestrated by a masterful conductor each wave of the baton creates another symphony interrupted only by a low hum coming from the warehouse, gradually becoming louder and louder. The inside of the warehouse was lit only by the translucent light bulbs that hung idly with a thin silver metal cord, each hung at different lengths giving the room its on esthetic, the middle, sat a monstrous machine. The hull made out of translucent Ceilium glass, its engine bare, showing the conductor booth that sat behind the hull, a grey box, enough to fit only one man, its was shape after a locomotive but its design’s stand out, with exhaust pipe lining the sides of the machine, its cool thin frame that curve down when it meets the hull and a large mechanical orb that was hung loosely from where the furnace would be, it was only a hole that fits the orb. 
The orb had an intricate design, lines and shape that was engraved into, a man walk into the booth, he took out a flask containing blue liquid, and poured it into one of the holes, closing the lid he grabbed the orb jamming it back, it clicked into place, the circular metal spun and stop on a dial. 
“That's the last of my supply, hope this baby works.” his hoarse voice echoed through the room. He patted the top of the machine and got to work, like clockwork he started pulling levers and pushing buttons on the frame.Each cathartic click,  deafen by the sound of the engine finally roaring to life,” Yeah!” He yelled in triumph. Jumping down with a clunk when his steel toe boots touched the grey concrete floor. “After decades of wor-” he stopped mid sentence as something felt wrong, he realized he forgot to turn on the stabilizer, the engine’s roar turned into a high pitch whistle, while the entire frame started to shake uncontrollably. He stared helplessly as the machine exploded into pieces, each individual part shot out in flames around the workshop.
He fell to his knees, with his mouth gaping wide. His head hung low and he let out a deep sigh. He rose slowly walking outside the ruin of a workshop and leaned against its brick wall, his palm rested on his greasy face, how could he be so careless. A vital instrument missing from a machine is as though one loses their own organs, a huge setback.The setting sun told the conductor it was about time to head on his way home, staring vacantly at the lavender field that range over the hills, “It never gets old doesn’t it Hannah” The conductor found his hand caressing the golden locket that hung around his neck, he gripped it tightly reminiscing how it all used to be… different. “Ahem.” someone cleared their throat ruining the moment the conductor had.” Was I interrupting something Agner?`` The high pitched voice imitated the whistle from before, giving Agner a headache. Agner recognised that distinct voice,” Leong, hasn’t it been too long since your last visit?” Leong pounder, then spoke “ Wasn’t it yesterday?” Agner rubbed his temples, clearly too exhausted. “Oh, i am just cracking a joke, Agner, did it really get on your nerves.”
“As a matter of fact your very existence gives me a fit every time you’re near me” still leaning against the wall Agner gestured to the Bishop asking him what he wanted this time? “ Oh c'mon Agner we’ve been going at it for weeks and the Pope isn’t at all happy”  The urgency in his voice caught Agner off guard for a bit,” How so, Leong?”  He was cautious now, eyeing around his surroundings. 
“He’ll send Hunters if you cease to cooperate with us.” Leong said smugly, he walked around Agner trying to intimidate him like a tiger circling its prey.” Death threats aren’t uncommon, when coming from you Leong,” Agner’s arms are crossed, his chin held high.”The two clergy you sent didn’t seem too threatening for me.” the air between them was tense, both of their composure remained unwavering, not willing to bend to one’s own accord. “FIne by me then.” Leong stopped dead in his tracks, he shrugged. A blurry image headed straight for Agner, he rolled to his side barely dodging the attack, red dust swirled around them, the lights on its headpiece pierce the dust, pouncing once again at Agner. He was too slow as the massive hunk of metal crashed straight into him, the metal beast now on top of Agner, tried clawing at his neck but Agner held it at bay with his burly arms, swiftly he unsheathe a knife tucked underneath his thigh and struck it’s exposed neck.
The beast struggled while gurgling blood, Agner tossed him aside as the beast stopped moving.” I built those exosuits, Leong, I know where their-” Agner was cut short as he was completely surrounded by different kinds of mechanical animals, each eye glowed bright.” I did say Hunter’s’ Agner, not one but a whole squadron.”. Leong stood there with one of his arms on his hips the other showing the Hunters, one of them attached to the wall, four of its claws digged into the red brick. Another hovering over them, its wingspan large and wide with razor sharp ends, another with tusk the size of an elephant.
“Ironic isn’t it, its creator being forced to face against the machines he made.” Leong stroded towards him, Agner who was still holding his blade backed away into the warehouse. 
:”Oh Agner this isn’t the last of your troubles, I sent someone to deal with the unruly wench you have for a wife.” Leong knew he struck home because he never saw a man with such fury in his eyes,”Come at me you bastards!” He roared charging at Leong but the Bishop flicked his wrist and Agner was tossed aside into a pile of coal,”Don’t ruin our plaything,We need him alive.” Leong walked away. Hunters jumped onto Agnar. The only sound that still remained was the shouting and clanking of metal suits.
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altheathewriter · 5 years
😚 something sexy
👶the beginning @yetmorestories
Oh look, one and the same. 
And there he was.
  Prince Caelius was as promised by the portrait that hung in the parlor of Lord Marcius’s manor, but even moreso than what mere paint could imply. He sat there, in an armed chair at a large round table sat directly in the middle of his bedroom, between his bed and a large, roaring fireplace. He neither me nor the attendant who stood at my side any attention, and I did not know if he even knew we were there. This gave me a moment to study him.
Even sitting I could tell he was tall of stature, and while lean, he was broad of shoulder and strongly muscled. His features were sharp but fine, with the gleaming pale blue eyes and paler blond hair of any Adryean. His fingers, elegantly long, alternated between writing hastily on the many opened books and unfurled parchments before him, and moving across lines of text that he read. Lips of coral, slim yet pleasantly shaped, moved in time with his readings.
I eyed the finery of his plain shirt, of a fiber and weave I could never afford. A blue velvet jacket, appliquéd with gold intricacies, hung on his chair back. His boots held polish up to his thigh. Even his trousers gleamed with too fine a weave for proper utility. Anyone else wearing them would have found them snagged or worse at the beginning of a day’s chores.
It made me all too conscious of my own self, all of it. The shawl I wore was loaned to me by His Lordship, and covered my hair and shoulders with its delicate translucence. The attendant, Tullia was her name, had had me washed and primped hastily, just enough to rid the dirt from His Lordship’s garden from my nails and face. She’d shoved clean, lightly dyed clothing at me, and it was understood that I was to return it after the night was through.
“Your Highness,” Tullia started. She, too, was Adryean, as was everyone who lived in the capitol and worked in the palace, as per the law. She kept her jaw parallel to the floor, and made no mistake in her distaste of me by keeping herself arm’s width from me as we waited. “I believe we have found someone fit to your specifications.”
For a moment, the prince didn’t answer. He dropped his quill in an inkpot precariously close to his elbow. He rolled up a parchment and set it aside, and looked down at the one beneath it. A map. “Is that so?”
“I-I know that this may be…unorthodox, but…Lord Marcius’s attendant recommended his own servant, a Nishiian…”
The prince scoffed. His eyes darted to a book at his other elbow. “Tullia, I know that my mother appointed you to me, perhaps to either offend me or to offend you, but if you think I would be at all accepting of a Nishiian…” He looked up briefly, his eyes landing on mine but for a moment before moving back to his reading. His gaze never made it, however, and he returned to stare upon me, his thought forgotten.
Those blue eyes raked me over, and I knew what he saw, as his eyes saw it. I had been told by the ones who had sent me here that he would find me pleasing, from the dusky hue of my skin to the soft roundness of my features. Your eyes, which are so warm and inviting, set under bold brows and long lashes, will entice him, they had said. The plump of my lips, and how they parted to show a bit of my teeth, even when at rest will be alluring to him. Even the curl of my hair, which poked out from under my shawl to hide its unnatural color to the Adryeans, purple in the light and black in the shade, will intrigue him. They had said all this, and from the way the prince looked upon me, his hands coming to rest on the arms of his chair and his legs uncrossing, I could see that they were not wrong.
I ducked my eyes dutifully, bringing my lashes soft against my cheek, and bowed as a Nishiian should bow. “Your Highness.”
The seam of his lips parted at the sound of my voice. His throat worked, and a finger tapped on the arm of his chair as he thought of what to say. “Where did you find this one, again?”
“Lord Marcius’s own servant, Your Highness,” Tullia said. “This one meets all of your requirements.”
“Except he is Nishiian,” the prince said. His voice was soft, and held no malice, as if he was contemplating the possibility that a Nishiian could slake his lust for the first time in his life. The fact that he talked of me as if I were not there did not bother me. Such was the way of most Adryeans in the presence of a Nishiian.
The prince contemplated me a moment further, then rose to his feet. I schooled my face to remain as demurely neutral as possible, even though my instinct told me to take a step back as he neared. He was nearly a whole head taller than myself. He strode right up to me, covering spanse between us in a few steps, and cupped my chin in his hand so that I was forced to meet his eyes.
“Some Lord’s servant,” the prince frowned down at me. His hand moved my chin to one side, then another. I let him. His hand trailed down my jaw, and then a thumb pressed to my lower lip, against the gloss that Tullia’s servants had applied there. Fingers trailed down my neck, to the hollow below my throat, before pulling the shawl away. He made a click of disappointment at the earrings Tullia had hastily applied. Cheap brass and designed to make noise when I moved. His hand came to rest against my now bare shoulder. “Is he experienced?”
“His Lordship did not know,” Tullia replied. “He…”
“I am,” I replied. My gaze held the prince’s, effectively turning Tullia out of the exchange. I dropped my gaze to the prince’s lips and took a step forward. I could see the effect of my boldness in his face. He stared down at me for a moment, not regarding me as the Nishiian in the Adryean palace, but the man before him. A glimmer of recognition that I was a person, as brief as it was.
“You are dismissed,” the prince said, but not to me. I heard the rustle of Tullia’s dress as she bowed and left, exiting through the servant’s door she had led me through not moments before. The prince let his hand fall from me, and he began to pace about me. “Take off that jewelry.”
I did as I was bid, glad to be free of the earrings. They weren’t Nishiian, but like the clothing, were created by Adryeans to reflect what they thought was beautiful of Nishiian design. I let them fall to the ground by my sandaled feet.
“How many men have you been with?”
The prince gave one last tug to the shawl, and it slipped down my shoulders and back to pool around my feet. I realized he was ridding me of anything that was a costumed version of Nishiian garments. The shawl was too fine, too sheer, and embroidered around the edges with gold thread. But of course he would know the difference. He had been stationed at ##, a Nishiian border town that sat alongside the kingdom of Ecrea, for six years. That I knew for myself.
I stood there in a simple wrap tunic and trousers. Adryean garments. These seemed not to offend him, and he circled back before me, a small smile playing at his lips. “And how many women?”
“Did she explain to you the rules?”
I knew he referred to Tullia, and I knew of the rules. She’d explained them to me as one would explain a lesson to an irritating pupil. They’d come from her as she made a point to not look upon me as I sat across from her in the carriage ride over, as if we were not both servants to people with greater titles than our own.
Do not engage in idle talk. Do not sleep in the prince’s bed. Do not ask for food or drink from the prince. Take every piece of evidence of your being with you when you leave. Do not offer any personal information, and do not ask any of the prince.
“Good,” the prince said, his tone absent. His fingers trailed down my shoulder, tracing the muscle line there to the center of my back. His hands settled on my hips, his fingers sliding against the protruding bone to the waistband of my trousers before dipping under. He drew close, close enough so that I could feel the swell of him against my buttocks, and then one hand sank down and splayed over me before taking hold.
A small sound escaped me, and I vacillated between wanting to press into his hand and wanting to push back against him. I almost reached back to grab onto him as he touched me, but he hadn’t given me permission to do so yet. My hands hovered, useless, as his fingers kneaded me, making me hard under a careful and expert touch. 
“Yes,” he murmured, his lips against the nape of my neck. The points of his collar brushed against my back once and again, and his breath was soft and light against my hair. His hand abandoned me, and I breathed out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, only to draw it right back in when the same hand was at my entrance, pressing lightly against the oil already there. His attendants had been thorough.
He circled back before me and was rubbing his oiled finger against a handkerchief before idly tossing it away. It hit the table edge before falling to the ground, as forgotten as his mess of work. His eyes, icicle blue, settled upon my groin, then the rise and fall of my chest, before he pulled me close and kissed me.
It wasn’t a kiss meant to create a kiss in kind. It was dominant, a first strike to remind me of what I couldn’t forget. I was there, under his bidding, and every moment I was to stay came at his permission. Hungry lips and teeth were against my own unprepared ones, but he wanted that. But he did not invade me with his tongue, did not bite. He’d kissed many times before. He knew what he was doing, and just when I’d learned the slide of his lips on mine, and touched my tongue to his, he was gone, leaving me wavering, eyelids fluttering, and almost off balance.
##=I forgot the city name and I have it written somewhere and I forgot where that was...
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the-tendo-blog · 6 years
Curse of the enchanted arrow - henry danger mythology au
So this right here is a nice little oneshot for this au, and I’m REALLY proud of the results! I’m sorry it’s so long, though.
H*nray shippers don’t interact I don’t have a banner for that shit
Word count: 4420
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: towards the end there’s pretty violent fight scene and some super light gore, and a quick scene with body horror right before it
"You see our enemies on that crystal screen, my friends?" Ray asked, slamming his cup down. "I pity them. They were brought here with more combat expertise than anyone here could hope to have. They outnumber us six to one. They're fast and they're mean. Every single one of them will be dead by sunset. They think we're demons with swellview wrapped around our finger. They think they can wipe us out. However, they couldn't be more wrong. You see, my friends. They are no soldiers. They live a sheltered life in Their leader's hideout. While they sit sunning their wretched hides in calm meadows, we fight unspeakable horrors in the harshest conditions, protecting the land of swellview with our lives! Our suffering is our strength, let's show them the unbreakable fighting spirit of captain man and kid danger! Shred their bodies with a storm of lead! Rip out their organs with your swords! Crush their pathetic skulls with your iron boots! SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!"
"Calm down, Ray. It's just dr. Minyak with an army of weird magic rats." Henry brought his friend back to reality, all nine of his orange tinted fox tails curled around himself as he sat on the ground.
"Oh, so I can't give a pep talk?" Ray replied, crossing his arms and curling his scorpion tail. 
"No, just maybe you should save your big dramatic speeches for murderous shapeshifters and pissed off dragons." Henry said, Grinning a little. "We could definitely use it more then."
"Whatever." Ray said as he got to his feet, two massive scorpion claws on the front of his body helping him up. "Let's go stop minyak and his army of 'magic rats', as kitsune boy here calls them." He said as he made air quotes. 
"Sorry, scorpion man. I have a big test tomorrow, I need to get home early to study." 
"Hey! So you're just going to leave me to fight those things on my own? Then it'll be, like, 100 to 1!"
"Ask Charlotte to go with you, she's an amazon! You're not the only one here who belongs to some fancy warrior race."
Ray crossed his arms. "I guess it'll be nice to have a real warrior around for this one." He teased.
Henry's ears flattened. "Hey! Just because Charlotte is an amazon and always wears armor doesn't mean she's any kid danger! I have hypermotility!" 
"Don't you have to study?"
"Yes! It's important." 
Ray nodded. "Alright then. Charlotte, I'll go grab your hero armor. Looks like we'll have to show them the unbreakable fighting spirit of captain man and red Valkyrie." 
Charlotte stood up and saluted him. "Can I use that scythe?" 
Ray nodded and Charlotte  jumped on the back of Ray's scorpion body, and they headed off to another room while Henry walked over to a magic doorway, leading to junk-n-stuff.
He walked out and took a look at the potions, amulets and spellbooks littering the walls, locating Jasper behind the counter, helping an elf check out a few potions. Once they left, Jasper walked out from behind the counter and closed up shop. 
"Hey, jasp. Where are you going after work?" Henry asked, his tails fanning out. 
"Oh, I'm just heading home." He replied, his intricate and beautiful antlers bumping into a shelf, causing him to flinch a little from surprise. 
"Can you give me a ride to crystalline lake?"
Jasper's hooves clicked against the ground as he turned around, as if he were surprised he'd ask. 
"Of course! Hop on!" The cervitaur replied, grinning. 
Henry thanked him and switched to his kitsune form, jumping on Jasper's back and laying his head on his paws as Jasper walked out the door. 
It was sunset, and the town of swellview looked even more enchanting and beautiful than it typically did. Several small wyverns flew right past Henry, a bird stopping to rest on Jasper's antlers. The buildings around them stood tall, nearby trees glowing faintly in the slight darkness. Beings and beasts alike littering the paths beside the road, a time where the adventures of the day began to calm down. Henry watched as a mother gryphon carried her young on her back to a nest high in the sky, his currently foxlike face curling into a drowsy smile. 
In what felt like no time at all, Jasper stopped at their destination. 
"Here we are, crystalline lake," He said, watching Henry jump off his back and to the ground before switching to his Humanoid form. "Do you have your water amulet?" 
Henry rifled through his pockets and took out a small circle that looked as if it had small scales with an ocean wave painted on it, and put it around his neck alongside his kid danger talisman. "Yep."
"Good, see you tomorrow!" Jasper said and scampered off.
Henry turned to look at the lake, it seemed to go on for miles, a bridge right in the middle, the other side of the lake reaching all the way to downtown swellview. 
The kumiho looked down at the lake, and took a deep breath and clutched the water talisman, and dived in. He had friends in that lake, the magical kind.
Henry felt the water hit his face, as he went deeper, a flurry of bubbles unveiled him as a satisfying chill ran through his body. Slowly, he tested himself and let a little air out, no bubbles rose up.
With the help of the amulet, he could breathe underwater. Slowly Henry became more accustomed to it, short breaths, then deeper ones. 
Slowly he opened his eyes, before him stood a wonder he completely forgot about.
An underwater city, lights of bioluminescent kelp illuminated the streets. Buildings covered in aquatic plants as far as the eye could see, and beautiful sea creatures to match. A school of fur-bearing trout sped past Henry as he began to swim down towards the bottom. 
The blond wasn't sure if he knew where he was going, he hadn't been in the underwater district of swellview in a while. There were a few levels, after all. He had only come down recently to stop a threat, and even then he spent a lot of it practically carrying ray, whose species didn't swim well due to their heavy scorpion bodies. 
He paddled further towards the city, then stopped to rest on top of a second level building.
I'm here, but I've completely forgotten where to find what I'm looking for. He thought, deciding to take some time to look around. 
"Hi Henry!" A familiar voice called to him.
He turned to see a satyr with short black hair, beige skin, and glasses.
"Oliver?" He replied, his ears perking up.
"What are you doing down here?" The satyr replied, sitting down on the roof of the building with him. 
"I'm looking for Sidney's place," Henry was distracted by a kelpie swimming by. "Although I've completely forgotten where it is, I don't come down here often after all."
"That's fine, I'll help." Oliver replied as his own water amulet glowed and translucent, ghostly batlike wings appeared.
"Woah!" Henry was amazed by the newfound magic appendages. "How did you do that?"
"water amulets can recognize it's wearers swimming abilities and help them accordingly." Oliver explained as he got ready to lead Henry to their destination. 
"How come mine doesn't do that then?" 
"I don't know, maybe because your tails can work like fins?"
Henry shrugged and followed Oliver as they began to swim again. They weaved through buildings of all kinds; coffee shops, clothing stores, and they even passed a huge dome Oliver said was like a botanical garden, but for plants and creatures found in the ocean.
He missed his trips down here, he didn't know why he stopped. It was like an entirely different world, everything felt silky and ethereal, high speed races through the clouds high above swellview were nothing compared to the odd peacefulness found here. Not many on the surface really seemed to bother with it, some even considered the thought of what could possibly be contained in that lake unnerving. As for henry, he considered it an almost safe place, where the waves would gently caress you and let you feel peace, drifting alongside creatures you'd never see on land. 
"Hey, we're here." Henry's admiring of his surroundings were stopped once he realized where he was.
He was in front of what appeared to be a typical house if it were built at the bottom of the ocean, carvings of seashells and Celtic symbols decorating the exterior. Henry recognized the place immediately. 
Oliver knocked on the door, and not much later a merperson answered who had short black hair that caused the large fins protruding from their ears and arms to stand out, and wore a gray shirt to compliment the blue and white hues of their tail. Henry recognized this creature as Sidney. 
"Henry? I haven't seen you in forever." They said, pleasantly surprised by his presence. 
"Decided I'd come down with Oliver to visit." Henry replied, his ears twitching a little. 
Sidney invited them both in, and the two land-dwelling creatures sat down in relief, the underwater district of swellview was nice and all, but it was definitely tiring to navigate. The three took some time to catch up, it had been a long time after all. They told each other about all things that had happened above the water, and Sidney told them the events of the lake, as the two districts were a bit detached from each other. Suddenly, the merfolk asked Oliver to leave. He said he'd meet Sidney by a certain pub henry never caught the name of, and headed off.  
"Sidney? Why did you want me alone?" Henry asked, a few of his tail tips facing up but curling, the others twitched a little. 
"Because I can tell something's bothering you." Sidney said, crossing his arms. "I could tell before you even showed up today."
"How?" Henry asked, one of his tail tips twitching. 
"I know a little plant magic, remember?" Sidney reminded him, showing Henry a line of aquatic plants near a windowsill. "Each one is named after a friend of mine, if a plant starts to droop or look unhealthy, it's a magic indicator that something is bothering the friend they're named after."
Henry nodded. Sidney was right, something was bothering him, he just hoped to hang out and forget. That plan had failed. 
"Look." Sidney pointed out a small pondweed plant with curly leaves, and it seemed to be turning brown near the ends. "That's yours. So, what's bothering you?"
"It's nothing, really."
"Plant magic doesn't lie, Henry." 
Henry's ears flattened in reluctance, how was he supposed to say this without revealing he was kid danger?
"There's been a lot of mysterious appearances up on land, and it's getting a little creepy." Henry admitted. "My boss up at junk-n-stuff says it's happened before a few times, like some pattern."
Sidney tilted his head. "Are you sure it's not some dragon with an unusual hoard?" 
"No, no." Henry continued, shifting from side to side ever so slightly. "If it was, captain man and kid danger would probably return with the creatures that disappeared, and my boss said that every time this has happened, they don't come back. Apparently captain man and kid danger don't find a dragon or anything." 
Sidney suddenly froze as he remembered something. "Henry, I think I might know what's going on. You have every right to be scared." 
Henry's ears flattened again and his tails curled back. "What do you mean?" 
"I saw something on the surface last night. I know it'll be safe here in the water, so you're welcome at my place in the face of something happening." 
"What are you talking about?"
"I don't want to worry anyone else. Just take this and address it to the man cave, make sure it's submitted anonymously." Sidney gave him a waterproof scroll. 
"A scroll? Sidney, people just use paper and envelopes."
"Not when it's important."
"Anyways, I'd suggest keeping your mind off the disappearances. I'll make sure your plant gets extra sunlight."
Henry thanked him and swam off, heading to the surface and switching to his kitsune form, scampering all the way home with the scroll in his jaws.
*     *     *
The next day, Henry managed to get Sidney's cryptic message off his mind. He was sitting in the man cave with a video game controller in his hand, much more relaxed now. Despite this, he couldn't help but wonder exactly what was written on that scroll. Scrolls were only reserved for messages of utmost importance, so what would they know that captain man and kid danger didn't?
His thoughts were interrupted by ray bursting into the room, wide-eyed and holding something. 
"HENRY! Get ready for the biggest mission we've ever gone on!"
Henry' ears perked up as ray headed over. He was holding Sidney's scroll. "This was just mailed to us with no return address or anything, and it has everything in it to finally put an end to an ongoing crime!"
"What kind of ongoing crime?" Henry asked. 
"There's been random periods of time when a bunch on swellview citizens suddenly disappeared, without returning. I've been chasing whatever's responsible for it for nine years!" 
Henry nodded, only half listening.
"I couldn't figure anything out about it to save my life! But this scroll, this has everything I need to know! Whoever wrote it has all the missing information!" Ray went on before rolling it open. 
"Those mysterious disappearances, they were murders! Victims of some kind of hunt! The scroll says a marrashi was planning it!"
"What's a marrashi again? Aren't they usually peaceful?"
"They're beings that look like jackals with bird's feet and wings that stand on two legs, they can't reproduce normally, so they craft enchanted arrows and shoot them at a living thing and that technically kills them and turns the body into a new, sentient marrashi. But here's the thing, that doesn't happen anymore. Marrashis are civilized, they create magic statues and shoot those so nothing has to die! They just shoot animals if anything at all!"
"Sounds cool, dude."
"But this specific one, he calls himself mizain the bold, has been building an army! And he doesn't use statues, he's been killing innocent swellview citizens! For nine years! And he's going to attack tonight!" 
"Mizain the bold? That's a cool name."
"Not when it's the name of a brutal murderer!" Ray shouted back. "Tonight we're going into the woods next to crystalline lake, I'm guessing that's their training ground. Bring your most powerful weapons, we'll take the part facing swellview. wait a second, have you even been listening?"
"I have. Now go away, I'm training my mind for battle."
"Henry, you're playing video games."
"Exactly, training. Now leave me alone, you're distracting me."
*     *     *
And so, night fell. Ray, Henry, and Charlotte stood outside the woods, each one clad in their respective armor, their best weapons with them. 
"Okay, here's the plan." Ray began, snipping his claw a few times in thought. "Charlotte, you stand guard here. Make sure to take down any marrashis that make it past us. only the hostile ones in some kind of armor, don't go attacking any innocent citizens."
"Tell me something I don't know already." Charlotte said, crossing her arms.
"That's a dangerous statement. There are many things you don't know, and there's even more things that should be kept secret."
Charlotte was clearly surprised by his response. "You're annoyingly cryptic, captain man."
Ray smirked and shrugged. "I try." 
"alright, general. Let's go." Henry said, jumping on Ray's back so he'd have some time to get his weapons ready.
As they walked around looking for their enemies, Henry has brought a large rucksack and continually took weapons and their holsters out and strapped them to his armor. Henry had brought weapons ranging from shurikens to gauntlets, and needed everything to be accessed easily. As he was doing this, he took out what appeared to be a dull sword with a hook at the base.
"How are you going to do any damage with a sword that dull?" Ray asked, looking at the weapon his sidekick was holding. "I told you to bring only the best weapons."
"Best offensive weapons." Henry corrected him.
"And this isn't just any sword, it's a hachiwari."
"Okay? It just looks like a bad katana."
"It's more than that."
"A sword that dull is totally useless, kid!"
"Only if cutting and stabbing are it's only uses." Henry replied, his tails fluffed out in annoyance. 
"That's what you use a sword for."
"didn't you bring a bow and arrows?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"Then by using that you're not expecting your enemies to be wearing any metal! The arrows will just bounce right off them! With a hachiwari, it's made specifically to tear off armor-"
"Sounds a little creepy to me." 
"So you can make them an easier target for things like arrows! Who doesn't wear something underneath their armor? That's just bad planning."
"I do that sometimes!"
"That's weird."
"You're weird." 
The two stopped, Henry put the hachiwari in a holster on his back and instead took out intricate red and silver gauntlets.  Ray curled his tail as if ready to sting and put his claws in front of him defensively as he grabbed a battle axe. 
"Keep watch for anything." Ray whispered.
They were out there for quite a while, looking around for something, anything to indicate that mizain the bold was coming. After what felt like hours, they heard a rustle in the bushes. Henry noticed something nearby.
"Captain man, it's just a deer."
Ray stood wide-eyed and held his battle axe closer to himself and held out a claw in front of Henry. 
"Stay back, kid."
"That's not a deer anymore."
They watched as what they thought was a deer's antlers seemingly melted off, as their ears decayed away and new, taller ones at the top of their head grew in their place, it's front hooves slowly seemed to melt off  and handlike paws appeared underneath, it's back hooves elongated into large bird's feet. The rest of it's body looked like it was rotting, shrinking a little and turning a dark brown with small spots, it's snout elongated and wings sprouted in a process that looked so painful it was hard to watch.
Henry seemed to recognize this transformation after a while, it had been hit by one of the enchanted arrows, and it had become a marrashi.
"Surprised, are you?" An unnerving voice called out to them. 
Henry and ray turned to see one of these creatures, clad in heavy metal armor and blue paint on it's face. Behind it stood what looked like an army of creatures of the same species.
"Who are you?" Ray shouted, brandishing the large axe.
"The name's mizain. I'm here for swellview." They replied.
"If you want swellview, you'll have to get through us first."
Mizain grinned and drew a broadsword. "That won't be an issue."
The crowd behind mizain all drew their weapons. The marrashi grinned. "Get 'em, boys!"
The army charged foward, Henry's ears flattened and he hissed as he charged back and punched an attacker right in the snout. They snarled and swung their sword. Henry blocked it. 
He ran around to the back using hyper motility and climbed onto them and jumped off their head as a booster, tossing several shurikens at enemies below. 
He landed on another marrashi and slammed their head into the ground before getting hit in the stomach by a mace-wielding enemy. Henry hissed in pain and tried to deflect the mace, but it was no use. He almost took a blow to the head, but the opponent's weapon was knocked out of their hand. Henry quickly glanced behind him to see ray with a longbow, quickly winking before returning to the fight.
Henry ran and quickly grabbed the mace and finished off the attacker before heading off to another, the rush he got from all intense fights kicking in. He slammed the mace into the head of an approaching attacker. Then into the wings of another particularly determined one. They punched him in the neck. 
Henry gasped for air and hit them with the mace again. And again. And again. Henry just barely missed getting stabbed with a sword and dropped the mace, mizain swooping down and grabbing the weapon. 
Henry wrestled the attacker to the ground and punched with the gauntlets until they gave up. 
"Who's next?" He growled, drawing his sword.
Five attackers answered to that call, each swooping in with their swords. 
Henry's tails drooped as his eyes widened. "Oh no." 
He took the hachiwari in his other hand and ended up in quite the sword fight. He could barely hold them off.
"It's over, kid danger!" One bellowed before getting knocked several feet in the air by a familiar blue battle axe. 
Ray had arrived to help out his sidekick. together, the two were knocking marrashis off their wretched evil feet.
Henry was about knock out a particularly vicious one, but he noticed something about it. It looked familiar. Too familiar. Henry's grip softened as something came back to him. 
"What's wrong, kid?" Mizain taunted, his lips curled into a devilish smile. "Was this someone you knew?" 
Henry's heroic fighting high melted into shock. Henry looked up at the leader. "You..." he whispered.
The shock ignited into a raging fire of anger and vengeance. This fire consumed him as he activated the claws on his gauntlets.
"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KILLED MY SISTER!" Henry screamed and charged at mizain, tackling him and ripping off his helmet and stabbing and slashing him anywhere he could, watching the blood spurt out like it were a firework show. 
Once mizain was for sure dead, Henry switched to his kitsune form and sunk his jaws into the neck of another attacker, the need to bring justice morphing into bloodlust. 
He went back and forth between every remaining member of mizain's dark army, switching between humanoid and kitsune forms, mauling any one unfortunate enough to catch his eyes. 
"DON'T YOU DARE THINK YOU'RE GETTING OUT ALIVE!" Henry screamed as he snapped the neck of an attacker, the remaining fleeing.
"Come back, I'm not done with you yet!" A kid danger drenched in marrashi blood shouted, running after one of them. 
Suddenly, ray picked him up off the ground and pulled him close, holding him back from doing any more damage. 
"Henry, stop! You've gone hysterical!" Ray shouted as Henry struggled to get out of Ray's grip, but to no avail.
Henry squirmed and kicked and hissed, screaming to be let out and about how he wanted all of them dead. Ray kept him close, making sure he didn't get out again no matter what. After a while, Henry calmed down. 
Henry slowly came back to his senses, taking deep breaths. His eyes, however, were closed.
"Good, good. It's okay, Henry. I'm here. Mizain's gone. Nothing can attack you anymore." Ray said, looking down to make sure he's okay.
Henry's eyes slowly opened, he saw the damage he caused. Marrashis across the ground for what seemed like miles, dead. 
His ears dropped to the sides of his head, similar to that of a sad puppy. Then, he cried. Silently, but ray could clearly hear his sniffing. 
Ray was shocked. He'd never seen anyone cry like that before, tears were streaming down Henry's face so fast it looked like a waterfall.  He slowly put Henry down.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
All ray got back was Henry's hysterical babbling. 
"Do... do you want to go back to the man cave?" Ray asked.
Henry nodded.
"Here, you can ride on my back." Ray said, helping Henry on.
The whole walk back, he kept checking on henry, and he didn't know what to do. Just minutes ago he watched Henry shred through countless enemies like a murder machine, and now he sat sobbing hysterically in his blood-soaked armor.
He could only wonder what had happened to send Henry into such a state.
Once they got to Charlotte, even she couldn't help Henry. He just had his face buried in his gauntlets, tears dripping down. 
Once they got back to the man cave, they sat Henry down on the couch. 
Ray took off his armor plates, revealing scuffed chainmail. 
"Henry, Henry..." ray began, drying Henry's tears with a finger. "Speak to us, Henry."
Henry sniffled. "I... killed them back there..." 
"They were our enemies, it happens..."
"No, ray! You don't understand! I killed them! There were like, a thousand or more! I don't even know how many I got..." Henry sobbed. "I'm a terrible person..."
"No, you're not..." Charlotte said, unsure of what else to say. "What do you remember?"
Henry looked up at her. 
"It's just us here." Ray gently reminded him.
"I... I was fighting... and I saw this one try to attack me.. I was going to... I was going to hit back." Henry began.
"and?" Ray asked, putting his hand on Henry's shoulder.
"It was... it was Piper."
Ray's eyes widened. "What do you mean it was Piper?"
"When... I was eight, Piper got hit by some cursed arrow that killed her... and she came back as a ghost person... but that's what her body turned in to." Henry explained through sobs as he hid his face in his tail. "I realized mizain killed her... and I don't remember what happened next. All I know is ray was holding me off the ground and all the marrashis were dead, and something told me I did it... I'm a murderer, ray! A crybaby and a murderer! Why would captain man want a sidekick who's a murderer?" 
Ray didn't know what else to do besides hug Henry close and try to comfort him. Henry buried his face in Ray's shoulder and cried even more. 
"It's okay, they were enemies out to destroy swellview. If anything, you saved us..." he said, hugging Henry tightly back.
Once Henry calmed down, he went off to go take a shower. Charlotte had to go, and ray sat alone in the man cave.
 He didn't know what to make of it. All he knew was he wished he could have done more, and maybe Piper wasn't the brat he thought she was.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 7 years
I need you to know
“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God,” she fussed while running from launderette to bedroom with clean sheets. Not that they would stay that way long once he got here. The house work was just a ruse anyway. She had more nervous energy than she knew what to do with. “Maybe I’ll work out,” she thought and burst out. Yeah, unlikely, she’d leave that to him.
They had only been apart for 10 days. It was kind of a tiny time-out compared to the way they had courted. A few months in the same country, but not city. A few days under the California sky. A meet up in New York here and there. They were both always moving. It felt like forever though, because they’d been joined at the hip for more than a week when they had gone to his hometown.
That trip was a total trip. He always talked in circles and it took him forever to get out a sentence in his super low down drawl. Except during sex. She was distracting herself. She needed a Xanax.
“So, I was thinking, um, about us, um, maybe taking a trip. Um, I mean, if you are free. I, um, have to be in Manchester and I was going to stay with my mum, so maybe, um, if you are free, like I said, you can come?” she remembered how he looked at her hopefully while shrugging like it was no big deal. He couldn’t feign nonchalance at all. She liked how much he cared, about everything. It reminded her of Rieder.
So she found herself on a plane with people whose names she had heard slip from his mouth familiarly and got off into a chilly overcast day before ducking into an SUV that fit all of them. She was so nervous on the way, as the scenery changed from urban to country she found herself biting her lip and singing dully under her breath.
“What’s that your humming?” He whispered to her.
“Just some old song,” she dodged as his breath ghosted over her shoulder. Her reactions to him were why she was making this journey. He made her shiver then laugh loudly in the space of a few minutes frequently. He laughed at her jokes, not just at how goofy she was. He genuinely thought she was witty. So, even though she was sure she was not the girl you took home to mom, to many topless shoots and cigarettes, she’d walk into his mother’s brick house and share tea in her back garden. Anything to pop the dimples.
And the trip had been a success. His mum, as he called her, had liked her. Even requested that they grab lunch alone. And she’d lost her mind and agreed to spending time with the older lady, and lady she was, without him as a buffer. And it was lovely. His mother was open and gave her no strong worded or veiled warnings and their conversation flowed. Her smiled was so similar to his that it evoked wide gins throughout the village that afternoon, some on her own face.
But after that, they both had obligations. They had been facetiming, but she missed him. She missed his boots kicked off by her door for her to fall over, missed fresh squeezed juices he tried to like half finished in her fridge, missed the dent in the pillow onethe right side of the bed, the creases on his dimpled cheeks and puffy eyes, missed missing sleep.
She checked the clock, any minute now, if his flight was on time and traffic was good. So, unlikely, maybe she should eat something. When was the last time she ate something? It had been a bit, maybe dinner yesterday. Her cigarette habit had picked up while he was gone. He’d be disappointed, slyly. She sighed.
Opening the fridge was a joke. How as she considered an adult?  She laughed out loud at herself. There was a stash of takeout containers, half eaten cheese and wine. She searched for her phone to call uber eats. It would have to do, and she’d get him that dish he raved about last time when they ate in bed after painting each other with markers and took her favorite pictures ever. Those polaroids were better that her whole Dior ad. Real attraction was hard to simulate she guessed. She smiled at her lockscreen. Pictures of pictures were so platonic, a representation of a representation, of him. She forgot all of her intentions when a pic popped through of the security door downstairs.
She ran through the door, leaving it wide open, to the elevator. The ding was a starting gun and she felt more than saw him as he swept her up. Her thighs notched into the dips in his hips and she was happy for the soft surface of her couch beneath her moments later. She was thankful again moments later for the forethought she had shown in wearing a dress when he didn’t even bother to tease aside her underwear, dragging them across where she was already wet and warm. The click, click, click of his zipper resounded in her ears and the pop when he pushed in could have come from that silly lollipop song.
His exhale mirrored hers and their movements slowed. “Hi,” he goofed at her and popped open smiling eyes.
“Hello,” she giggled back at him, his eyes closing again at the quaking of her stomach and its companion clench lower down. She leaned up and inhaled his breath before fitting her lips between his. Their first kiss had been chaste and sweet, this one was too, in opposition to the subterranean rock below their waists.
He pulled back again and the light from the window made his eyes shine like mint leaves, translucent and soft. His strokes had lengthened considerably but his gaze held for some time and she was loath to look away though her eyes ached to fall closed. Finally his smile faded and the pensive look he wore distracted her from the groan of the couch springs and the slap of his hips meeting hers.
“lover, ca va?” she smoothed his brow with a bitten thumb and strained her neck to kiss it.
He just shook his head and buried his face in the notch of her neck before ghosting his hands from her waist down to tilt her pelvis at a sharper angle. Her concerns were replaced by sighs and she thought she may cry from the drag of his foreskin inside of her. The new depth he was able to achieve with the axis he had her on was polarizing and her earth tilted.
When her breathing had evened and the feathered fringes that framed her eyes were no longer entwined tightly in pleasure, she looked up at him.
“I miss you,” he stated.
“Me too, but you are with me now?” she puzzled.
“No, um, I mean, I did, but that was the song you were humming the other day, right?”
She cast her mind back to that day, when she met his mother, “So it was,” she confirmed, kissing him again and rocking her hips up. He hadn’t finished.
He groaned above her, “Wait!”
“Wait?” she arched her brow and clenched.
He shook his head and chuckled at himself and rocked with her, kissing the tip of her nose, “No, ahhh……But, that’s really distracting, so yeah, um, Please!  Um,wait.” He caught his breath. “I listened to it again when I realized. It made me, made me think. I wanna see you more……be near you as often as I can. And I need you to know, that I care, and I miss you.”
She wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry, so she did neither. Instead she thanked him for expressing her feelings along with his own without words.
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