#and how one of the things that made raoul betray her was her cruel methods
@arpinlupin replied to your post “// pictured: two idiots trying to find a Specific...”:
Aside from the start of 813 and Ediths Swan Neck it is also slightly mentioned at the start of The Crystal Stopper when Gilbert and Vaucheray are fighting he says "Blood! Blood! you know very well i dont want that". The irony of the Lupin books is that they mention Lupin dosent like blood and violence in the books where Lupin murders people
​// Sorry this has been sitting in my drafts for a week but yes!! You get it. It's so interesting how Lupin says many times that he does not like violence and blood but he does in fact, do a decent amount of Violence and Blood.
I've noticed there is a slight tendency of people to take the general box™ of a trope and apply it onto the characters like a checklist (in this case, the aesthetics of the gentleman thief/phantom thief trope), which leads to a misconception that Arsène Lupin, the Gentleman Thief of Gentleman Thieves, is strictly non-violent. Which, he definitely thinks and acts like it sometimes, but also: he's a lying liar who lies. He's so good at it he even fools himself.
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