#and especially racules
sonia-kate · 11 months
Me, throwing out all the theories about "Racules' real deal" I had as for now, because after latest episode everything changed and a new theory emerged
So just like every week
Shogods, I love this show and especially I love Racules
This time, we had more Hastie brothers as kids. We learned that Gira's idea about what a king should be, that he expressed from the very first episode, was what his older brother told him back in the day. That's so adorable, yet Racules called it just a child's fantasy, with his voice breaking
It feels to me, like Racules used to believe all that but a "crash with the reality" happened that made him the way he is now. Something that disencouraged him from chasing that dream, that made him bitter and ruthless. That "world is cruel so I too must be cruel to face it"? Or "people use each other so I should use them before they use me"?
Could it all lead back to Wrath of God? Or maybe Racules used to be a benevolent ruler until something happened at the end of his spin-off? Although, his deal with Kaguragi was made 15 years ago so I guess it would be the former but the spin-off will either drag it to the surface for the audience to see or just add another layer to it
There us also yet another part worth to mention. It's how after Gira gave his typical Evil King speech, Racules called him a monster. What's worth to note, that at the end of their duel, back in episode 8, when Gira was hugging now detransformed Gerojim, Racules said that he knew that Gira was the enemy of the people and was working with Bugnarok. Now, both of those were caught on camera so there's no telling how genuine those statements are or whether they're just PR. But if Racules was genuinely convinced that Gira's very being is a threat to the world, that would explain why he was so determinated to have him killed during early episodes
Of course, we need to acknowledge that Kaguragi, with his sister's help, slayed in this episode. Ironic, Racules kept Suzume to have a leverage on Kaguragi, but in the end it was what allowed Kaguragi to strip him of his power insert Palpatine saying "Ironic" gif
That being said, yet another ship for Racules goes down. First Kaguragi and Racules don't scheme together because "they are like that" but because Suzume is involved. Then, it's revealed that Racules never felt bad about killing Vedalia and turned himself to set a trap for Bugnarok. Now, Suzume's feeling were indeed just an act and she stabbed him right in the back
Of course, all of those made for cool plot points, I guess the story they set in motion was much better than any ship could be, but it's still quite sad (Hopefully Gira will regain enough memories to rekindle an ounce of brotherly love, I just want for someone to care for him, come on)
That being said, Racules' relationship with Suzume is still quite a mystery. They've been locked up together in that castle for 15 years, being each other's only mutuals available. Even if they have no romantic feeling towards each other, Racules still let her go all over him back in episode 15. Boshimar didn't seem to be bothered at all that Suzume walks freely around the castle and his only complaint was her sitting on the throne, and she still silenced him soon enough. Sure, it could have been a coincidence, and Suzume could have been only trying to save her brother from being arrested, but her directly sitting on the throne, having Kaguragi impersonate a beetle that took his line of sight to the necessary level and her waving her feet, bringing attention to the space right next to the secret button. All of it suggests that she knew that it was there. And now, could it be that she was sneaking around the castle in the stealth mode like Kaguragi and kurokos were and she found it, or maybe she managed to get it out of Racules himself? I guess we'll have to wait and see
That being said, the ending of the episode implies that the theories that the Bugnarok have infiltrated Shugoddom have been correct and now, using the fact that Racules has just been beaten and lost the crown, they decided to unleash what they've been planning and swiftly take over Shogoddom. Whether Racules was aware of the whoke deal or not remains a mystery for now, but I guess it's clear that the Bugnarok didn't reveal their presence to him before and even if he knew, they didn't know that he did
Preview for the next episode, suggests that episode 20 will be the end of another arc, that all kingdoms will unite, that the movie's coronation will be indeed a real thing and that the first 20 episodes of the show are basically a pilot supposed to explain how the status quo has been reached and how our team has been formed. If my speculations from before will turn out to be correct, this will start the middle arc of the season with more chill atmosphere, with Gira being a king of Shugoddom and having a peace among the nations (human ones, at least)
This won't last long, of course, because then The Real Threat will be revealed, with whoever was behing Wrath of God coming back (my money is still on Corsus Hastie, possibly in cahoots with Kamejim. If Racules found out about his father's being responsible for this, could this be the "clash with reality" that changed him? Also, the trip to the Underworld that every Shugoddom ruler has to go through, as the movie states?), and us entering the final arc, with, hopefully, Racules re-entering the game to stir the plot
Speaking of Racules, the lack of him in the preview has me both worried and intrigued. I wonder what happened to him after Kamejim's "warm welcome" and what will be of him once Shugoddom is taked back by the team
EDIT: there he is! 😍
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egophiliac · 1 year
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I haven't managed to do more than just doodles lately, but I made myself sit down and draw some Himeno because she is incredible
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t-u-i-t-c · 17 days
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Final Live Tour 2024
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aqua-tan · 11 months
Since Racules' hair keeps getting longer, can production please do something fun with it? Like, braid it, put some ribbons and/or pearls in it, or just tie it up in some complicated hairstyle?
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kstaki · 12 days
Honestly…I expect to cry a lot today but I didn’t cry too much. Although surprised surprised who able to hold back their tears 😭 well the cast. (I still cry a bit at certain scene)
Anyway I probably ramble first (although I think people might have watch it live so it better you watch it instead I just say stuff that stand out for me)
The last show was just full of surprises I swear.
First show was just asking questions to four of them then they have a little story Kamejin, Desnarak and Gerojim. Song: Kaguragi Himeno & Jeramie.
Anyway Gerojim & Kuroda were the aide for Osaka they appear for 18 & 19 (first & third show)
Second show were the aide AND IT WAS AMAZING I LOVE IT.
Especially when they were handing over the OhgerCalibur to their Kings (I CRIED IT WAS BEAUTIFUL) I want to see again…for the story. Best version for the story.
They were also ask questions & they each have their turns to say thanks to their Kings. Duga short of tease Racules but ultimately turns to Gira. Then Racules & Kaguragi were fighting against who Suzume will choose. Then Suzume tease it to be Kaguragi who thought he won only to add in Racules. (He fell to the ground flat in defeat but accepted both of them) But the moment each Aide & Suzume say their thanks ahhhh it tearful.
The extra was a scene where they were trying to decide the position for the seating for the submit. It was hilarious because all of them but Gerojim & Kuroda were fighting on it. (Both of them save the day by quietly choosing the position)
Song: Rita Yanma Gira
Also for Iko Marina & Boshimar to be in audience in second show ahhhhh. (I was sitting nearby Boshimar so could see him) Racules call out to him at the end while Rita did for Iko Marina. Then when she was leaving I managed to wave at her since she took the exit where I was. Ahhh she had a Moffun with her that she use to wave back to us heh. Even saw Matsumoto up close when he was in the hallway not sure why but he was escorted by the staff.
Third show was the best
While Jeramie was doing his narration to end the story usually the King plus Racules step aside to do like a game almost like Janken it cute…
They were sort of comforting Gira though Rita & Racules stand out. Since Rita sort of roughly grab his shoulder and gave squeeze? I think while Racules just pat his head.
Act 2 start they did their usual dance then add in their suit actors and then went down stage to walk around to greet everyone. Later the rest of them appear out from one entrances to greet everyone. Himeno & Rita did a heart!
They had like some question asked. The cast had to watch themselves they had to refer themselves as character not themselves 😂 then Gira did his Midori screen again 😂
The concert was all their songs so each took turn to perform.
Also the best part I love it.
They had message from their Suit actors ( their partner in the show) then Producer Omori-San! Who I swear use a lot of King-Ohger references even say since he left Toei he couldn’t be there so this was message instead.
Thennnn they had extra guests appearance namely Minato-Sensei & Kamihoriuchi-San who gave flower to Jeramie. Along with the aides and Suzume gave flowers to their respective Kings. Kanzaki-San(Kuroda-San actor (not voice)) was there to give to Kaguragi while Suzume gave to Racules. (Kanzaki-San apparently did bear hug to Kaguragi)
They were all wearing the black FLT shirt.
So while they were giving their final message only Racules, Jeramie (especially), Kaguragi, Himeno & Gira (a bit) were having issue trying to say it. Yanma & Rita were too professional…
So yeah.
Honestly I don’t know what to feel I should be sad it really end but I don’t know what to feel…maybe because I still got some more Kingohger stuff to go to?
Oh some sides notes five carefully selected performances from Shizuoka to Fukuoka will be released exclusively on TTFC (I think Fukuoka one would be Rittan one hopefully)
Then if I remember correctly 20th tmr onward Racules & Suzume’s costume will appear at the exhibition? (I went earlier and it was really just too small the last part was jam packed since there a video that people want to watch might say about it later?)
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asknarashikari · 3 months
So assuming that Gira doesn't know of any execution orders that Racules made as King, how was Gira informed of those orders and how did the rest of the Kingohgers react?
Douga- or maybe some other government official- probably informed him. as part of the official transfer/transition of power from Racles to Gira. So it likely would've occurred right as Gira formally ascended to the throne (and therefore, without the knowledge that he currently has of Racles' true motivations).
I think Gira would try to keep it all hush-hush, destroy the evidence of such orders and have everyone act as though they didn't exist. Officially they never existed, and unofficially those orders will be overruled with his own orders to not follow them. Gira would also have to personally vet the people working for him and ferret out anyone who would possibly still be loyal to Racles (aka, people who could carry out those orders in spite of him rescinding them).
They just barely averted sparking a war between the nations with Racles' attempts to power-grab, but if it was known that Racles basically had a hit-list of people to eliminate, the tensions could rise again. Especially if the people concerned aren't just citizens of Shugoddam- the other monarchs would be obliged to protect their citizens, and Rita in particular may prosecute Shugoddam in the interest of justice.
If he decides to bring it up with the other monarchs in the interest of transparency/honesty, I think it would be wise if he sought Rita's advice first.
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melotuzu · 5 months
taisei making me cry this episode especially jfc. i wish i could talk about gira, racules, and the constant tool motif because that is so much to unpack but uehuheuhehe...feelings...
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alexoreality · 9 months
I'm just saying that Gira and Lucky as brothers would be so adorable??
-gira at first would be cold as a front to Lucky, he's scared that it would just be another Racules situation all over again and Lucky being king makes it worse
-Lucky would definitely accept it with ease, especially when he's lost his father already- their father. He hasn't had brotherly moments with Gira ever since their separation im childhood yet but he believes that he's luxky to be his older brother
-Lucky protecting Gira??
-Why do I think Lucky would know how to make Rainbow Jururira? And that Gira's tastebuds only prefer Lucky's specific recipe?
-rainbow jururira is the one to reconnect them i don't make the rules
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choco-bloop · 11 months
Kingohger Episode 19 Moments
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Jeremy and yanma have made up and I believe they might be the most dangerous duo outside of battle because that 2000 year old hybrid + the guy who learnt how to hack the shugods. yeah if ur on their badside have fun.
also like how they explore a bit into consequences of actions, especially revenge since because the two of them got back at Racules, Rita can't imprison him which now leaves him at large to the team.
also speaking of Racules lets welcome him to the Kingohger moment drawings !
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sonia-kate · 6 months
Ok, I got a thought with all those theories* that Gira was specifically raised and imbued with power as a new tool for Dugded (since Dugded says that he can release real Gira or sth along those lines). Hell, maybe it wasn't even something the previous king came up with himself but maybe Dugded specifically requested that
Anyway, even if it's not exactly the case, we can assume that because of his "gift", his fate doesn't bode well, because he would be most likely used as a tool by either side
So, Racules, being good older brother, wanted to spare Gira such fate and decided to hide him. BUT because Gira was crusial for Dugded's plans, or even simply desired, Dugded got furious and as a punishment he unleashed the Wrath of God
Now, Racules would obviously feel responsible for that. Hell, that would explain his attitude change, why he's so grumpy now, why he considers his previous ideals as child's dream. He wanted to protect everyone, especially the people around him, the ones he cared about the most - his younger brother. But by doing so, he doomed countless people on the whole world
That's why current Racules doesn't believe that it's possible to protect everyone. That's why he claims people are tools and that it's justified to sacrifice a few people to save the rest
Hell, maybe that's why he was insisting on killing Gira back in the first part, even if he still cares about him. Because he didn't want to risk a catastrophe like that to happen again, now that Gira has resurfaced again
*have a link and another one
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zarahjoyce · 1 year
kingohger fic: compeer
"It's not that Yanma-kun is bad bad," Shiokara sniffs, swirling the tea inside the cup and watching it with some sort of fascination. "It's just that sometimes he gets so stressed with running N'Kosopa and dealing with Racules that the only way he can relax is if he finds a way to annoy the Ishabana queen. You know?"
Sebastian sets the tea kettle down and sighs. "I suppose that's something he has in common with my queen. She rarely rests from having to tend to the kingdom's medical needs, especially after a Bugnarak attack. But mention N'Kosopa's President and suddenly she's full of vigor - all while plotting all sorts of revenge against him."
if you think your job's bad, at least you're not working for either of these two idiots
Does this fic make sense? No. Did I have fun writing it? HELL YEAH
ao3 link!
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t-u-i-t-c · 13 days
okay, i liked the vs kyoryuger more than vs donbrothers actually
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valiantlyelegantwizard · 11 months
I am being very normal about that flashback scene….
Especially that sad look on Racules’ face when he remembers that day…
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mofffun · 5 months
always been suspicious that prev!Blue actually went into hiding at Corsus's order as a failsafe and weapon R&D. I'm not immune to a good redblue and how I hc them as prev kaguracs, but as time went on I know the chances of prev!Blue debuting in TV is low as more of Yanma's past fall into place.
I am excited to see flashback of Yanma and Racules though, per the last arc, King-Ohger is just putting our fanfic ideas on screen (affectionate). And it seems like we're gonna get some team gokkan again if it's just them swinging toy hammers at each other!
and if ep45 preview confirm it's another focus cycle i'd be so happy Gokkan get a redeem episode. I have come to appreciate ep38 and its message about not making assumptions of Rita and their steel resolve, but I still want to see Rita as King of Gokkan than just the chief justice. What is their connection the land of Gokkan and its culture? Or are they so "everyone equal before the law" they do not prioritize Gokkanites? Especially if Racules is making the round this time, I hope they draw on parallels of them being "I am the nation" (though that seem inapplicable now after Racules's reveal huh haha). Yeah but mostly wishful thinking. Not sure if we have time for that. Hmmm but if last time the girls got the silly episodes, this time Yanma kicks off with a silly one so the pattern is reversed?
Hilbil is gonna die tomorrow… righ? It's hard to tell. Third time's the charm but, you know, Yanma Gast isn't exactly exuding confidence that he will win a fistfight (sorry Prez, your running gag is funny). It'll be a good morale boost. Though, I'm concerned if it's gonna be the Glodi fight next week if it's Himeno? Sounds a little soon since they might still need grunts.
Among team ace flag, I'd say Kamejim goes with Jeramie and Minnogan Rita? There isn't a strong personal vendetta between the five. Strongest being Kamejim instigated the human-bugnarok war and backstabbed Deathnarok - unless the crew blatantly lied about MNG and Gerojim when they share the same VA. Rita fought Kamejim in ep27 but connects to MNG in ep38 and 39, but I see that pair more in "strongest warrior (tank)" on both sides than anything personal. Minnogan would probably be another group effort and maybe Kaguragi gets a showdown with the scheme master on the other side.
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asknarashikari · 5 months
and here i thought racules was going to die... also...
it turns out the senpais have the right idea to protect houtaro based on the latest episodes lol
Eh, I always knew Racles was gonna live, no matter how much I wanted the opposite to happen. I saw the pretty shitty relative redemption arc coming from a mile away... so of course he did it all for the greater good.
Honestly, I don't really know what to feel about it. I suppose it explains a lot of his actions, though not really excuse them. And he does go out of his way to admit that he isn't exactly a good person in all of this... I think it all feels very Itachi, but with Gira actually playing the part of the good guy he hoped/anticipated him to be.
(Yeah, Racles is basically just pulled an Itachi with a brother who was actually heroic and not an emo edgelord who had to have a talk-no-jutsu beaten into him)
I guess it was done better than what the Kurama parents or George or especially Buffabutt got. And they're actually putting him on trial for the shit he's done, which is already a damn sight better than most of the crappy relatives/friends have gone through.
I don't see them actually sentencing him to death, but I do hope they at least give him a bit of hell over it all. And I do hope that if he gets something coming to him the fandom isn't going to throw a fit over it, or at least admit he's crappy enough to deserve it a little.
Eh... sometimes I yearn for the days when abusive asshats got the literal axe (though I hear that guy is also being redeemed too... eww)
As for Gotchard... Yeah my parent friend instincts went up a notch after last ep... I mean it's not surprising that they'd go after Houtaro but Houtaro's protective streak can turn dangerous real quick...
Though at least Rinne's a Rider now too (this ep explicitly takes place after the movie) so at least, once she manages to get her strength back (aka when she has her formal in-show debut) he has someone to watch his back. And it looks like Spanner's due for his formal Rider debut as well... hopefully he does it by not being antagonistic to Houtaro.
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People have been giving you crap for not liking Kingohger, and trust me I don't agree with you, but I am at least glad you're still watching it and giving it a shot. You even praised a cliffhanger! So, be honest: Do you think it'll be crap (in your opinion) beginning to end, or do you think this is just a weak opening introduction arc or what? Also, do you think that, regardless of the series's quality, that doing non-set-in-Tokyo series will be a good step forward for plot diversity?
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Going to assume these anons are all from you as well based on the wording (and if not I apologize to you and those anons but for sake of convenience I'm going to lump them all together).
Honestly overall I wouldn't exactly care that much people disagree with me about the show since I've spent enough time online to deal with people disagreeing with me about media (hell Faiz is in my top 5 and people still treat that show like the plague), but because Certain People I Won't Name wanted to start a massive argument over it and seem convinced that they can bully me into changing my mind for some reason I feel compelled to keep my rebuttals up.
I didn't go in WANTING to hate it, I've never gone into a show expecting or wanting to hate it beyond maybe Saber and even that I gave it a fair shot. I made my post about it to keep the running joke going (which I planned to do anyways regardless of quality) and when asked I made my points very clear, and at the point of the writing the first 3 episodes all have the very same reaction from me: the CG is ugly and genuinely distracting, the cinematography and general production of the show is very bad and makes a lot of basic mistakes that Sentai has never really struggled with before (seriously how hard is it to make sure the lights on the actors match the lighting of the environment?) because they're putting the fancy new tech first, the writing ranges from being decent (I do like Gira's gimmick of just pretending to be a moron want to overthrow Racules as a despot but so far little is done with it) to bland (Yanma and Himeno end up being pretty one-note despite attempts to add a new layer to them, Bugnarok and Racules are 1980's JRPG levels of generic BBEG) and even decently written/acted scenes are ruined by terrible editing or throwing in LOLRANDUM wacky and zany shit to them (DUDE HACKING BATTLE LOL) that takes me out of it.
If it weren't for the excessive flashy CG and cool new projection theater stage tech being front and center it'd be a painfully average Sentai show that is exactly why Sentai has been flopping in ratings and sales since Gokaiger, nothing new is being done and there isn't anything to hook a viewer, and the toys are kinda boring looking too. Especially after the moldbreaking psycopathy of Zenkaiger and Donbrothers, that we've gone right back to the same shit as always rather than keep pushing the envelope in the areas that actually matter is the problem. I don't even want to say someone didn't "get" Donbros (although based on some of the arguments people keep raising to me they really didn't) or blame it on sensory overload like my initial post, definitely a bad choice in hindsight but I was self aware about that, but this obsessive defense really makes just no sense to me at all.
I don't set out to make myself as the true objective arbiter of taste despite the jokes I make, and you shouldn't treat my words as such. I'm just some goofy (insert gender here) dork on the Internet who has some modicum of attention on themselves. Jokes(tm) aside I don't put myself above or below anyone else, I've been an avid fan of tokusatsu for ages and gotten particularly deep into it, deeper than the average person for sure, but I don't use that to build a pedestal for myself. You like Kingohger? Good, I'm glad you find something in it I don't. I won't attack or insult you for liking something I don't or enjoying something that from an objective standpoint is not good content, excluding maybe Ghost but even then you do you weirdo. But I've made my point and will continue to make my point until the show ends or I give up, and no outside force will change that.
Basically, what I'm trying to say about my opinion is:
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And to get back to your point, I don't WANT the show to be shit beginning to end and I really hope it isn't, but based on opening perception and knowing who's behind the scenes I have low hopes for the show improving. Knowing me I end up just watching the entire show out of spite at some point but I really am going in each week hoping each episode is the one that changes my mind. Hell, I stuck with Kyuranger longer than most and that ended up getting pretty good when Houou showed up so maybe whenever SixOhger drops the show gets that kick it needs but as it stands now I couldn't say. As for the alternate setting offering plot diversity, see it's too early to make a judgement but I don't really see it. The different kingdoms are all so drastic from one another and the bizarro Final Fantasy-eques schizotech levels put the show in a weird place where paradoxically the setting itself doesn't really matter much, if the show were confined in one specific kingdom or at least had each kingdom separated into different plot arcs I could see it - which it may end up doing who knows - but the approach it seems to be going for seems to make it irrelevant. Even then, Adult Concerns will eventually rear their ugly head and the show will go through some shift to where the unique setting is dispensed with to end up with the same 8-9 filming locations we always end up in, again with Kyuranger that set itself up as a cool spacefaring action-opera and then we park our asses on Earth 4 episodes in and spend nearly the entire show there and the few times we DO go offworld after we just end up at the same quarry and stream we always go to.
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