#and clear is the youngest but i cannot stress enough she’s just kinda happy to be there
blood-choke · 5 months
Feels like i just need to say something??? I don't think I've seen any IFs captures the fucking silliness of lesbian dating so fantastically (yes i call it all silly). The mess, the jealousy, the omg-are/were-you-dating my ex? The figuring out about identity part, idk I'm rambling but you just managed to capture that lesbian spirit so well, i know there's vampires and magic stuff in there but everything is so realistic! Except for one thing and I'm grateful for it, is how civil the non-femmes are with each other. Okay cause like at first I was already on competition mode like at the first time all 3 of the ROs are in the same place (i know silly especially after what has happened previously), cause I was just so used to it. But no, everyone was so civil, I was a little wary about Hana but then she hit on the MC and I was like 👁️👄👁️ wait what? And the supposed "bitching and moaning" That Hana did, man I found it to be exactly not that. It was a very respectful conversation and request and wow I wish that is how it is in real life (Ofc I can't speak for everyone's experience but that is how it is for me). Anyway awesome IF!
thank you!!!!!! i am so happy the lesbian spirit comes through 😳 and honestly that was exactly the one thing i wanted to avoid and why i chose to make most of the ROs butch (and also because i love butches. and also because i think it’s funny that Valentina completely surrounds herself with butches, even Joan and Lucky lol)
there absolutely is a kind of competitiveness that i’ve found in butch/femme spaces and butch4butch relationships are still pretty rare and looked down upon even in some lesbian circles (we’re those lesbians (derogatory)). i still wanted there to be jealousy with Valentina and Hana and that tense rivalry but i wanted to do it in a way that wouldn’t immediately pit the three butches against each other, and i wanted all of them to be open to the mc and not even think twice about her being butch too.
obviously the tension will still escalate as the story progresses especially if you’re choosing to be monogamous but honestly the girls are too old for some of that shit LOL
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