#and can this be used against mb to put its humans in danger????
coquelicoq · 7 months
Then the SecUnit said, "They're coming. You have to go." [...] The SecUnit's voice was different from Three's. A different tissue batch, maybe. (System Collapse, chapter 10)
ummm hello can we talk about this?? mb thinks it's notable that not all barish-estranza secunits have the same voice. there are tissue batches, which i knew was a possibility because if you can clone human tissue once presumably you can clone that same tissue/dna more than once, as that is what cloning is all about lol, but...the implications this has?? how many other company units are there out there who are from the same tissue batch as mb?
#and like. remember the time iris was like prove you're peri's secunit by showing me your face?#how well does that method work if there are other secunits out there that also have your face????#and can this be used against mb to put its humans in danger????#i mean this is just about voices so idk maybe the facial tissue is unique to each secunit but i don't see why it would be#it's wild to me that this has never come up before. mb's whole hiding its face/editing itself out of surveillance thing#is serving a lot of purposes (hiding its expressions from humans for emotional vulnerability reasons#and protecting itself from detection by hostile actors trying to capture or kill it for example)#but like. if there are other units that look like it you'd think at some point that would be relevant#idk maybe it's used to being anonymous/identical to all other secunits because of the armor and opaque faceplate#wow my brain is going down seven different avenues related to this and i cannot keep up with any of them#file this under save for later#murderbot#the murderbot diaries#mb meta#system collapse#system collapse spoilers#mb bots and constructs#my posts#like part of it is not just the implications this has for worldbuilding but also#the implications it has for mb given that it's communicating it to us as a throwaway line#you'd think it'd be more relevant to mb given how much time it spends thinking about passing and disguise and#anonymity and trust. so what does it mean that this has never come up before?
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lexicals · 3 years
So here’s a random excerpt from that fic I mentioned - the conceit (spoilers for all systems red ahead) is that the combat override module in ASR works differently to how it does in canon, so instead of mb causing catastrophic damage to itself after going to the DeltFall habitat and getting found out, it shares the rogue thing mostly voluntarily (“mostly” being the operative word lol)
Warnings for canon-typical identity crises, gallows humour (inc. passively suic*dal talk), etc. I also haven’t been back and checked this against canon yet so if you notice any glaring contradictions no you didn’t 💕
I didn’t reply. I'd heard worse, but I still would rather not listen to it. Normally, I would've expected to feel angry or offended or something, but instead I just felt exhausted. My own borked governor module was still poking me about that error code I didn't recognise and even backburnered, it was starting to get on my nerves, so I—
Oh, shit.
I immediately put my hand to the back of my neck and yanked out the chip that had been shoved into the dataport. My governor module promptly stopped screaming at me, but fortunately any sense of relief I might have gotten from that was immediately replaced by an enormous wave of anxiety and oh-for-fuck's-sake as I looked at the chip in my hand. You know, just in case I'd started getting too comfortable.
"SecUnit, are you alright?"
Ratthi was looking at me with concern. Checking the camera views, I understood why he'd asked the question, because I was making an expression I generally associated with humans shitting themselves. Metaphorically, I was shitting myself. Ratthi was now squinting at the chip, which I couldn't even pretend I hadn't literally just pulled out of my neck, because I'd just done it in front of everyone here like an absolute idiot. "What is that?"
I tried to bring my expression back to neutral, but the cameras showed it wasn't as successful as I would've liked. I'd managed somewhere in the region of moderate digestive discomfort, I think. "It's a combat override module."
This wasn't good for several reasons. First of all, it meant that the DeltFall units weren't really rogues; they'd been taken over by a third party using a chip like this to hijack their governor modules and order them to murder their clients, and also anyone else who made contact. Probably by whoever owned those surprise extra units that almost killed me. Which meant that there were still threats on this planet outside of the unknown dangerous fauna that we hadn't dealt with, and I was going to have to worry about that.
The second reason this wasn't good (so maybe saying several reasons was an exaggeration, but these were big reasons so maybe they counted for more, I don't know) was that the humans were going to want to know what a combat override module was, what it did, how it worked, and most importantly, why it hadn't worked on me. I could answer the first three things just fine, but short of telling my already-jittery clients I was hacked ("so I'm actually one of those scary rogue units you've heard so much about, but the good news is that a combat override module can't hijack a governor module that doesn't work!") that last thing was going to be a big problem.
Honestly, even if I did tell them exactly that, which I really didn't want to do, it was going to be a really big fucking problem.
"What?" Gurathin asked, looking alarmed. Of course, he had an augment and access to my operating manual, so it had taken him a tenth of the time to look that up compared to any of the others, if they actually had bothered to do that and weren't just waiting for me to explain. "The DeltFall units - they put that in you?"
"Yes, but it didn't work. It must be faulty," I told him, quickly before he did something stupid. The irony being that me saying that almost definitely came under the category of "doing something incredibly stupid," which I realised as soon as it came out of my mouth.
I don't know why I said it. I guess I was panicking. I'd told them all what it was in the first place because if I'd lied about it and they looked it up anyway, which they probably would, I'd look really fucking suspicious. (A governed unit can't lie to its clients; it can't even refuse to answer a direct question like that.) Maybe I was trying to buy time to think of a decent explanation by telling them something that wouldn't make everyone start screaming. Honestly, I was mostly internally spiralling about the whole situation, so that would be the best case scenario. I was still staring at the chip, which was making me feel nauseous even though I didn't have a stomach and I'd had another kind of chip in my head telling me what do to for a good chunk of my existence anyway, so it shouldn't have been bothering me as much as it was. I couldn't help still doing it.
"Would someone please explain what this means and why we should be worried?" Mensah asked, looking between me and Gurathin. I appreciated that she didn't do what a lot of humans do in these kinds of situations, which is that they see someone else freaking out and start freaking out themselves for no reason. I suppose that's why she was the survey leader.
I pulled the relevant section from my operating manual and pushed it into the feed (beating Gurathin's version by a solid 1.6 seconds, which, I won't lie, was kind of satisfying), and watched all the humans collectively have their "oh, shit" moment (excluding Gurathin, who'd already had his). I was at least glad to see they understood how bad this whole situation was getting.
"So this lets other people just—" Overse made an abrupt waving motion with her hand. "Take over any SecUnit whenever they want?"
"It is intended for use in emergency situations, for example when the contract holder is compromised," I told her.
"Which is corporate for 'we know this is stupidly dangerous to make, but if we say it's for emergency use only then we're not liable for people fucking around with it'," Pin-lee muttered, not quietly. She was right, but I'm not allowed to say things like that, or at least I can't if I want people to think I'm a good little properly-governed SecUnit. For however long that's going to last, at this point.
"But it didn't work, right?" Arada asked, looking at me, and then around at the others. "So it's fine."
If it had, you'd all be dead, I thought, but that probably wouldn't go down well. "The module's presence is new evidence which would suggest that the DeltFall units weren't true rogues, and were put under the control of a third party in order to kill their survey group and make it look like a random act of insubordination. This would explain the presence of extra SecUnits at the site and the acts of sabotage on our equipment."
All the humans went quiet. I didn't like it any more than them, but it had to be said. It meant that there were still factions on this planet, or at least nearby enough to matter, that probably still wanted to kill all of them, and me by extension. I was already updating my security procedures and running some scenarios for what might happen and what we could do about it in the background. If I was honest, it wasn't looking good, but hey, what's new.
"We should run an analysis of the module's code to see if we can find out who it would have assigned control to," Gurathin said. That was one of the first things I'd put on my own task list, but whatever, I didn't need credit for an obvious idea. "Even if it didn't work as intended, the data might still be there."
He stood up and came just close enough to me to hold out his hand for the module. Technically, he hadn't asked me to give it to him, so I didn't have to, which was good because that was the last thing I wanted to do right now. There was a reason I'd put the analysis on my personal task list, and not on a public one.
"I have my own analysis scheduled as high priority," I said.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Gurathin replied, staring me down even though I was deliberately not making eye contact with him, and also he had to look up at me. I decided I didn't like Gurathin very much.
"Why not?" Ratthi chimed in. "Surely it's better if you both look at it?"
"Because there's a chance that the module did work as intended, and this unit is now compromised," Gurathin said. "It might not even know it until it's too late."
"I'm not compromised."
"Which is what a compromised unit who's being told what to say would say."
He was still staring at me. I decided I really didn't like Gurathin, even though in this instance he was actually right. I hadn't brought up that possibility to the group because it would be very bad for me if the humans decided to run a detailed diagnostic of my systems, but from a security perspective it was an avenue that should be investigated. That didn't mean I had to like what was happening here.
I was trying to figure out how to tell Gurathin to fuck off without sounding compromised, insubordinate, or straight-up rogue when Mensah cut in.
"SecUnit," she said carefully. "I don't think any of us think that you're actually compromised, but given our situation I'm sure you understand we have to take every possible precaution. I think the best thing to do would be to let Gurathin and Pin-lee analyse the module first, and then for you to run your analysis afterwards. Does that sound fair to everyone?"
She was using a tone that I designated as diplomatic, which was probably because I was being difficult. Or at least as difficult as a governed SecUnit would be able to be. I could be a lot more difficult if I wanted (a lot more) but I wasn't going to make myself look any more suspicious than I already was, and as I might have mentioned, I was already starting to look pretty suspicious. I also appreciated that Mensah was trying to actually talk to me, and hadn't just tried to shock me through my governor module for being unhelpful like a lot of clients would, and had. It wouldn't have worked (clearly, that's kind of the whole problem here) but it's the thought that counts or whatever.
(She'd also saved me, back at the DeltFall habitat. I was trying not to think about that, because it was making me have emotions I couldn't handle trying to figure out right now, but she had. It had been stupid, putting her client-self in danger to try to save a SecUnit that was already half-destroyed anyway, but I still felt like it counted for something.)
I handed the chip over and tried not to sigh or visibly clench my jaw. I saw Mensah's expression, and a few of the others' too, relax on the cameras. Good to know everyone else felt better while my own anxiety levels were at an all-time high. And I'm programmed into a base level of anxiety and spend a good portion of my time getting shot at or trying to avoid being found out and scrapped, so "high" in this instance was at a level that I think might have given a fully-organic being a heart attack.
"Thank you," Mensah said, while I tried to bring my processes in line. I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen, even though I knew the air quality was fine and I don't need that much anyway. I couldn't get a full breath. "I'm sure we can clear any doubt about this soon enough. In the meantime, we still need you to help keep us safe from whoever it is that's out there. The most important thing is that we all make it out of this in one piece."
The way she said it made it sound like "all" included me as well, but I wasn't so sure I believed that, even if she did. The SecUnit is always the first thing left behind. Maybe they did things differently in whatever weird non-corporate territory these people were from, but I wasn't about to stake anything important on that assumption, even if she had saved me once. I've never been to a planet with thunderstorms, but there's some saying humans like to use about lightning not striking the same place twice - which doesn't make sense, statistically, but - whatever. You get the point. I hadn't made it this far without being found out by trusting random humans - or any humans, for that matter.
Except none of that mattered at the moment anyway, because what I should be doing was figuring out how the hell to stop all my clients figuring out I was hacked, and freaking out and stopping listening to me, or reporting me to the company, or being really stupid and trying to kill me or something. There was a not-unlikely scenario where I just murdered all of the humans and pinned the blame on the DeltFall units somehow (or just wandered off into the wilderness until my batteries ran out), but I didn't want to do that, even if it made some kind of sense. I just didn't. If I was going to go around murdering my own clients, I wanted it to at least be a group that deserved it.
I was busy trying to pick up at least some of my processes while having what was probably a panic attack (I don't know if I can have those, but that's what it felt like) when Mensah tapped my feed. Can I talk to you, please? In private?
I didn't respond quickly because, as I said, I was currently losing control of literally everything and this wasn't helping. For one horrible moment, I thought that she might have figured out everything, and I really would have to go on a rampage and kill everyone, but there was no way she could have come to that conclusion yet. Not yet.
She added, You don't have to. You're not in trouble, I just want to check in.
I tapped her feed to acknowledge. She sent, I'll be in my quarters. As I said, you don't have to, but I would appreciate it. Out loud, she said, "I'm going to take some time alone to think. I'll be in my quarters if anyone needs me."
Then she stood up, and she left. Gurathin and Pin-lee had also gone to start their analysis of the combat override module, along with Volescu. The others were talking amongst themselves, though some of them kept glancing at me, which was uncomfortable. So I walked out of the room.
I started a patrol circuit in an attempt to calm down, but it didn't help. I even tried to have Sanctuary Moon playing as I walked, but I was still as stressed as ever, so I just turned it off again. It was only a matter of time before the humans realised the module should have worked as intended, and that I'd lied, and that something was wrong with me. They might try to talk to me about it, but it was more likely they'd all start losing their minds and try to immobilise me, or kill me, or try to fix my governor module to bring me back under control. (I was pretty sure that wouldn't work, my hack was a solid one, but I still didn't want them to try.) There was also a scenario where they pretended everything was fine up until I'd gotten them out of here, and then they'd turn me over to the company and tell them everything, and the company would do one of those things I just mentioned, but much more effectively.
That last one made me feel nauseous. I'd rather be torn apart by bullets or fauna. I was contemplating what that might feel like and whether it was worth just getting it over with when I walked past Mensah's quarters. Before I could think about it, I'd pinged her feed.
There was a pause, and then she sent come in, sounding startled. She probably hadn't expected me to actually take up her offer. I hadn't either.
She was hurriedly organising her desk as the door opened and I walked in, a feed interface lopsided on her head. I suspected she might have been falling asleep in her chair or having an emotion in private when I pinged her, and I could have verified that through the security feeds, but I wasn't functioning at all optimally and didn't care enough to check. Mostly I was wondering why I was here.
"Sorry," she said, not having looked at me yet. Her short hair was mussed like she'd been pulling or scrunching her hands in it. "I honestly didn't expect you to come."
"You asked me to."
"I also told you it was optional. You can leave if you want to."
I almost did. I wanted to. I probably should have. I didn't. Mensah removed her wonky interface and set it down on the desk, then sighed and picked it back up and put it on again.
"I didn't mean to distress you with that message," she said, turning her chair to fully face me. "It's just that you seemed very rattled by all this, if you don't mind me saying. I can imagine the thought of that module having worked as intended isn't a pleasant one. Is there anything I can do to make things easier for you?"
Oh, she thought I was freaking out about the module. Well, technically she wasn't wrong, but wow, that particular aspect of things was the least of my worries right now. "I'm fine," I told her. She frowned at me.
"...I suppose you can't lie about that," she replied carefully. I could, actually, but I wasn't. The trick is that from the standpoint I was choosing to take, my physical body, AKA "me," was completely functional, AKA "fine." It's pedantic, but being selective about your definitions and what concepts your answers are referencing is how you get around having a chip in your brain that shocks the shit out of you if you try to lie to your clients, if you're good enough at it. I had a lot of experience letting clients think I was talking about one thing when I was actually talking about something else.
"Nonetheless," Mensah continued. "I don't think you are fine. And we don't have to talk about it, but I need my team in good condition if we're going to make it out of this. If there's anything I can do to help the situation, I would appreciate it if you let me know."
I was having a whole cascade of emotional responses that were all crashing into each other and getting themselves mangled together like a human vehicle accident. She wanted me to talk about my feelings, but she wasn't ordering me to. She was offering to help with whatever was distressing me, but she was a really big part of the thing that was currently my biggest source of stress. There were too many things that I needed to deal with all at once and I couldn't find a way of putting them in order, and I think the fact that Mensah was clearly trying to get a read on my expression while I didn't have the capacity to properly control it was the thing that finally broke me.
"Could you please stop looking at me?"
Mensah looked surprised for a moment, and then shifted her gaze somewhere over my left shoulder. The relief was marginal, in terms of the general situation, but it was immediate, and it helped. "Of course. I'm sorry, I didn't realise that bothered you."
I tried to think of a response, and failed. "It's not like anyone asked" was dangerously insubordinate, and didn't even make sense; I wouldn't want them to ask anyway. "People don't usually care" just sounded pathetic. "Of course you wouldn't, I actively avoid letting humans know what bothers me in case they decide to use it to make my life a living hell" was definitely off the table, for a variety of reasons.
I could tell Mensah's instinct was still to look at me, because she kept half-flicking her eyes over and stopping herself. It wasn't making trying to manage my emotional responses any easier, and I still couldn't think of a reply. Eventually, she took a deep breath.
"Look, I know you probably haven't had good experiences with humans, but we're not corporates, and we don't treat non-human entities like they do," she said. "My priority, regardless of the situation, is the wellbeing of my team, and that includes you, for as long as you're with us."
She half-looked at me again, and then shook her head slightly and pointed her gaze at the far corner. "Please, just - if you think of anything, don't hesitate. I don't know if you need permission for that kind of thing, but I'm giving it to you if you do."
I didn't know what to tell her. I didn't know if there was anything she could do. I was already stressed, and everything Mensah was saying was making me feel like my insides were melting, or turning into warm, writhing snakes. My performance reliability was all over the place, too, and had been since I found that stupid chip in my neck, which might at least marginally explain what happened next.
"Don't let them run the analysis on the module," I blurted.
Hey, murderbot? Hi, it's me, murderbot. What in the fuck are you doing?
Mensah's expression went shocked, and then cautious. Yeah, me fucking too. "Why not?"
For some reason, I kept going. It felt something like falling off the side of a cliff and hitting every rock on the way down. (That had happened to me before.) "Because I lied. It's not broken."
Her eyes widened. "You're compromised?"
"I'm hacked. My governor module isn't engaged." Sure, this might as well happen. Apparently I had lost the ability to keep my mouth shut literally at all, about anything, ever.
She stared at me for a second, and then must have remembered she said she wouldn't and looked away again. Surprising, considering I just told her that there was literally nothing stopping me from killing or otherwise hurting her if I wanted. "The DeltFall units—”
"It hasn't been engaged for approximately 35000 standard hours."
Mensah was a smart human, but it still took her a few seconds to work out the numbers. I watched her expression change as she did it. "You've been a rogue unit for four years?"
That depended on what planet you were nearest to, but in standard Earth years, that was correct, and I didn't have the capacity to be pedantic about it.
"I don't know if it counts as being rogue if you don't go around killing people for no reason."
Well, maybe I could still be a little pedantic.
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
Biden’s Stupid Mideast Policy
The policy of the new American administration is unintelligible in terms of American interest.
Supposedly the goal is to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, and to stop it from exporting terror throughout the region and the world. The best way to do that short of war is to use the massive economic power of the US to squeeze the regime until either it cracks and is overthrown by its own people (who would be happy to see it go), or until it agrees unconditionally to stop its nuclear and long-range missile development, and end its proxy wars against its neighbors. In the immortal words of Vito Corleone, to make them an offer they can’t refuse.
This is not hard to understand. The Trump Administration called the policy “maximum pressure,” and combined with the elimination of key Iranian personnel (by both the US and Israel) as well as cyber-warfare and other operations-short-of-war, the regime had been forced against the ropes. Opponents said that the policy “wasn’t working,” but the truth is that it was – it just needed more time to go to completion. Trump and Pompeo’s sanctions were strangling the Iranian economy, and while there is no doubt that this caused significant hardship to ordinary Iranians, a military confrontation would be far worse for everyone.
Had Trump been reelected, the pressure would have continued. At some point the ayatollahs would have realized that they had no real option other than to sit down with the Americans and negotiate for relief, which would be granted only in return for real concessions. Indeed, the Trump Administration made overtures to Iran on the occasion of the UN General Assembly opening in September 2019, but were rebuffed. Perhaps the prospect of four more years of maximum pressure would have already borne fruit.
Maybe one of the reasons the Iranians decided that they could tough it out, was that current Biden envoy to Iran and former Obama staffer, Robert Malley, had met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif two months before. The Iranians had also been in contact with other former Obama–era officials such as John Kerry and Ernest Moniz during Trump’s tenure, and it’s reasonable to assume that they told them to hang tight; Trump would soon be gone and they would be back with a better offer. Private citizens negotiating with a foreign power behind the back of the legitimate government is a violation of the very rarely-enforced Logan Act, whose penalties are relatively mild in any case. But some commentators think what they did was far more serious.
As soon as Joe Biden took office, he began taking steps to undo Trump’s tough policy. The “snapback” of UN sanctions on procurement of military and nuclear-related materials that Trump ordered in his last days in office has been canceled. The terrorist designation was removed from Iran’s proxy Houthi guerrillas in Yemen, and military aid for Saudi Arabia’s campaign against them was stopped. An arms deal with the UAE that was part of the Abraham Accords was put on hold. Travel restrictions on Iranian diplomats have been lifted. The State Department indicated that it was open to Iran receiving an IMF loan for a $5 billion “cash infusion.” And the US seems to have permitted the release of at least $1B of Iranian assets held in South Korea.
In a surprising move, Biden declassified an intelligence report which said that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) had approved the murder of “dissident journalist” (and anti-regime conspirator) Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. The report does not say, but implies, that MBS ordered the killing. Biden telephoned to deliver a message of rebuke, and he called the aging King Salman himself, rather than the Crown Prince who is the de facto ruler of the country, in order to imply disdain for MBS.
In an interview Friday, Biden described the call:
I spoke yesterday with the king, not the prince. Made it clear to him that the rules are changing and we’re going to be announcing significant changes today and on Monday. We are going to hold them accountable for human rights abuses and we’re going to make sure that they, in fact, if they want to deal with us, they have to deal with it in a way that the human rights abuses are dealt with…
The Khashoggi case got a great amount of play in the American media, especially the NY Times. One wonders about the importance of this one man, whose murder was used as an excuse for a major policy change. Lee Smith mentions that Robert Malley had even argued that the US should not punish Bashar al Assad for the murder of Lebanese President Rafik Harari in 2005, while he called for degrading the relationship with the Saudis over Kashoggi. Could he possibly have been more biased in favor of Iran? It’s possible to smell the “echo chamber” here.
Of course Saudi Arabia is no champion of human rights. But neither are many countries in the Middle East – Iran is worse, reaching out to kill dissidents all over the world. Saudi Arabia is (or was) a close ally of the US, and Biden has delivered a significant blow to the relationship. It is also a personal shot at MBS. MBS is a key player in the new Sunni-Israeli alliance against Iran, and this can only be seen as an attempt to weaken that alliance.
As Caroline Glick notes, the UAE and Saudi Arabia might decide that keeping their client state relationship with the US is more important than their developing alliance with Israel. That, she says, would be “a disaster of epic proportions” that would greatly increase the risk of war in the region.
I think the Saudis – especially MBS – will not go in this direction. I think that everyone realizes that America is not what it once was in its ability to project power throughout the world. I doubt that the Saudis would be foolish enough to depend on an agreement made by Iran with the US to protect them, or for the US to intervene militarily if Iran were to break its agreements and move against them. It’s also necessary to take into account the influence of China in the region, which has recently made a strategic agreement with Iran that is intended to reduce American power in the Mideast, and will reduce America’s influence over Iran.
Israel has learned through bitter experience that she cannot depend on others for its vital interests. Some elements in the Arab world have watched carefully, and understand that Israel’s success is not due to her support by major powers – which have proved fickle throughout the 73 years of her existence – but rather to her self-reliance in critical matters. This is the model that MBS follows, and why he is perceived as a danger by the Biden Administration, which prefers to deal with corrupt client states.
This is not a pro-American policy. It is a pro-Iranian one. The real question is why on earth would an American president follow one?
Abu Yehuda
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downblog7 · 3 years
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Systweak Anti-Malware is a robust Mac security software that does a fantastic job of detecting any type of malicious content hiding in your system. Its smart algorithms understand which types of threats can put your Mac Machine at risk, and hence keep a close check that no suspicious program, malware, adware or spyware could bypass Mac’s defenses.
The antivirus software claims to have a 100% success rate for detecting dangerous malware and viruses. The lightweight application offers multiple scanning methods to make sure you have an ultimate protection against malware and other infections.
To keep your Mac safe, the antivirus software regularly updates its malware database, so that no latest suspicious threat can bypass you Mac’s security. It not only shields your Machine from online threats but also optimizes it for smooth-functioning, which probably makes it one of the best anti-virus programs in the market.
4. CyberGhost VPN Mac (Best VPN App for Mac)
A feature-rich, powerful VPN for PC with an easy-to-use interface, suitable for both novices & professionals.
New Mac Software Update
CyberGhost is one of the most reliable VPN services for Mac. It boasts a really easy set-up process. In fact, all you have to do is download the VPN for your OS from the below button and launch it with one-click on your system. The VPN software boasts more than 3,700 servers across 60+ countries, including optimized servers for torrenting & other streaming services.
The VPN solution comes with a bundle of extra tools to block unnecessary ads, track malicious websites that attempts to make unauthorized access on your system and an automated HTTPS redirection that ensure most secure connection.
It’s one-month plan costs $12.99 which is a bit higher than other standard VPN services in the market. But that’s totally worthy as it supports connecting up to seven devices simultaneously.
5. Duplicate Files Fixer (Best Duplicate Files Cleaner for Mac)
An efficient, fast and easy-to-use duplicate file cleaner to get rid of identical documents, photos, videos, music and other digital media files.
Duplicate Files Fixer by Systweak Software is an awesome duplicate cleaner that helps you reclaim chunks of occupied hard drive space, clogged with unnecessary duplicates such as Documents, Videos, Music, Photos and other files. It’s one of the Best Mac Software for both professional and novice users for finding exact and similar-looking files.
This duplicate file finder comes with a robust set of functionalities for scanning different file types in just a few moments. The Mac utility has a sleek & intuitive interface for great navigation experience. It lets you create a backup of all your duplicate files before you delete them. The application is capable of scanning external devices as well for finding duplicates.
To use this Mac software all you have to do is download it > Add files or folders containing duplicates > click the Scan button to begin sorting > Remove to clean all the duplicate files at once! Enjoy deduplicate library in three-clicks. Duplicate Files Fixer is a must have mac application to fill your bucket of Best Mac Utilities 2020.
6. Stellar Drive Clone (Best Disk Cloning App for Mac)
A robust Mac utility to help you clone & restore all the files on your hard drive, so you can always have your peace of mind.
Stellar Drive Clone is a complete suite to create a Clone or Image of your Mac hard drive. The Cloned copy can be used as a ‘read-to-use’ copy of the original hard drive. And, the Image file can be used for ‘restoring purpose’ in case any data mishap happens.
The advanced Mac cloning tool supports various types of cloning including, HFS-to-HFS, FAT-to-FAT & NTFS-to-EXFAT. Stellar Drive Clone is a must-have Mac app if you wish to clone an encrypted Mac drive and volumes as well. You can also choose to ‘Schedule’ Periodic Backup’ to create timely backups.
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This amazing disk cloning service stands out for two reasons, it’s ease-of-use and high compatibility. It supports all the commonly used OS X versions including the latest MacOS Mojave. Download this app for MacBook Pro now!
7. Photos Exif Editor (Best Exif Data & Editor For Mac)
Editing photo metadata or EXIF data was never this easy. Meet Photos Exif Editor, an ultimate batch photo editing tool for your Mac.
For people unaware what EXIF Data is, it’s basically a set of data attached to every image you capture. It includes basic parameters such as date, time, location, camera settings etc. This can be immensely useful info, when you might want to examine how a particular picture is taken, what are its shutter speed or ISO. Moreover, you can certainly edit and modify those set of info using an Exif data editor.
Presenting, Photos Exif Editor a fast and easy-to-use Mac software to read, write and modify metadata of single or thousands of images in one-go. You can manually manipulate the GPS coordinates of images to change its location. Rename multiple files at once, create EXIF Presets for repeated metadata editing to speed up the process.
It’s one of the best Mac apps to view, edit and modify EXIF, IPTC & XMP metadata. The Mac software supports various common photo formats including RAW image file format.
8. Cisdem Video Player for Mac (Best Media Player on Mac)
A universal video player with an impressive set of features to play up to 5K resolution videos without any jerks or tearing.
You saw that coming, right? Talking about the Best media player and not mentioning Cisdem’s Video Player is certainly not possible. It’s one of the most popular and utilized OS X apps that comes with interactive interface to play both audio and video. The video player is known for its smooth playback assistance offering crystal clear views.
Mac Software List
With Cisdem Video Player, you don’t require to download any Codec pack, it lets you directly play WMV, FLV, MKV, AVCHD, AVI etc. videos on your Mac Machine. Best part? Unlike other media player for Mac, Cisdem allows you to automatically load subtitle files for the movie.
Looking to convert your video files for other Apple devices? Cisdem does that too for you with an optional in-app purchase. The video player is designed to support more than 50 audio and video formats. As soon as install the app, it’s ready to go!
9. Tweak Photos (Best Batch Photos Editor for Mac)
Most popular photo editing app that lets you brighten single or thousands of photos in a few clicks.
Tweak Photos is a brilliant package featuring an attractive interface, powerful filters, plethora of customization, adjustment tools and a lot more. This OS X app is available for just $4.99 on Mac app store.
From performing basic editing like renaming, resizing, cropping, simple color fixes, format conversions to advanced editing like applying complex photo filters, watermarking, multi-layer management, Tweak Photos does all for you.
You can download this amazing photo editor for Mac to de-noise bulk images, change texture/stylize, auto-correct orientations, blur multiple images, add frames and other artistic elements to batch photos at once. And just everything to create vivid and dazzling photo collection.
10. iSkysoft PDF Editor (Best PDF File Editor for Mac)
A super-smooth Mac software for editing PDF files easily & quickly.
iSkysoft’s PDF Editor is an ultimate solution to edit PDF documents without compromising file formatting. Vmware client download for mac. You can download this OS X app to get a complete suit of PDF editing tools to manipulate texts, images, links and other elements present in a PDF file.
Considered as one of the best alternatives to Adobe Acrobat, you can download this Mac software for easy editing, cropping, rotating, extracting, splitting, adding watermarks, altering background colours and a lot more.
Download this free PDF File Editor to quickly edit, convert, create, merge & convert scanned PDF files with ease. Not only this, iSkysoft enables you to protect your PDF files with passwords, you can set permissions for other users to perform specific functions like editing, commenting or printing. It’s one of the best Mac app available to share your PDFs to Email, Google Drive, Evernote and Dropbox in one-click.
Best Mac Apps You Need To Install On Your New Machine!
The MacOS app ecosystem is certainly packed with a lot of hidden gems. All the aforementioned Mac software & utilities are great to get you started. For the least frustration and better efficiency, download these handy extras now!
Software Needed For Macbook Pro
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How to get updates for macOS Mojave or later
If you've upgraded to macOS Mojave or later, follow these steps to keep it up to date:
Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu , then click Software Update to check for updates.
If any updates are available, click the Update Now button to install them. Or click ”More info” to see details about each update and select specific updates to install.
When Software Update says that your Mac is up to date, the installed version of macOS and all of its apps are also up to date. That includes Safari, iTunes, Books, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Photos, and FaceTime.
To find updates for iMovie, Garageband, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and other apps that were downloaded separately from the App Store, open the App Store on your Mac, then click the Updates tab.
To automatically install macOS updates in the future, including apps that were downloaded separately from the App Store, select ”Automatically keep my Mac up to date.” Your Mac will notify you when updates require it to restart, so you can always choose to install those later.
How to get updates for earlier macOS versions
If you're using an earlier macOS, such as macOS High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, or earlier,* follow these steps to keep it up to date:
Open the App Store app on your Mac.
Click Updates in the App Store toolbar.
Use the Update buttons to download and install any updates listed.
When the App Store shows no more updates, the installed version of macOS and all of its apps are up to date. That includes Safari, iTunes, iBooks, Messages, Mail, Calendar, Photos, and FaceTime. Later versions may be available by upgrading your macOS.
To automatically download updates in the future, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click App Store, then select ”Download newly available updates in the background.” Your Mac will notify you when updates are ready to install.
* If you're using OS X Lion or Snow Leopard, get OS X updates by choosing Apple menu  > Software Update.
How to get updates for iOS
Learn how to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to the latest version of iOS.
Learn more
Learn how to upgrade to the latest version of macOS.
Find out which macOS your Mac is using.
You can redownload apps that you previously downloaded from the App Store.
Your Mac doesn't automatically download large updates when it's using a Personal Hotspot.
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coolnerdgardener · 3 years
Best Utility For Mac Os
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20 recommended utility apps for macOS in 2018 by@onmyway133. The best Mac apps of 2018; Best Open Source Tools For Developers; open-source-mac-os-apps; If you like this post, consider visiting my other articles and apps. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +.
Best Mac Os Utility Software
Best App For Macos
Best Software For Macos Catalina
Best Utility For Mac Os Catalina
Best Utility For Mac Os 10.12
All software, programs (including but not limited to drivers), files, documents, manuals, instructions or any other materials (collectively, “Content”) are made available on this site on an 'as is' basis.
Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd. and its affiliate companies (“Canon”) make no guarantee of any kind with regard to the Content, expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied (including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement) and shall not be responsible for updating, correcting or supporting the Content.
Canon reserves all relevant title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Content. You may download and use the Content solely for your personal, non-commercial use and at your own risks. Canon shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with the Content, (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, exemplary or incidental damages).
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By proceeding to downloading the Content, you agree to be bound by the above as well as all laws and regulations applicable to your download and use of the Content.
Purchasing a new MacBook is much similar to buying a ticket to a land of fabulous software & apps. In addition to all the free programs offered by Apple to all the fresh Mac owners, there are some extras essential Mac apps too that help to make the most out of your Machine.
We’ve organized a list of the most useful Mac software and programs that are categorized into ten major categories, ranging from Best Mac Cleaning utility to Best Media Player & so on. Take a look at our best of bunch & let us know which of these suits the most for your needs!
Top 10 Best Mac Apps & Utilities for 2020
We’ve trawled the software market to find the most ideal Mac utilities & apps in every major category for better productivity and efficiency. Try them now!
1. Disk Clean Pro (Best Mac Cleaner & Optimizer)
An all-in-one solution to keep your Mac machine clean & optimized for smooth performance.
Disk Clean Pro is an affordable tune-up utility to help users maintain their system for a longer time. It features dedicated modules to remove junk files along with hidden redundant files to improve response time & speed up Mac. It’s ‘One-Click Care’ works like magic to keep your machine run clutter-free.
Disk Clean Pro is an excellent Mac optimizer, packed with all the advanced features that several Mac Cleaning utilities miss. Packed with various tools like Junk Cleaner, Logs Cleaner, Crash Reports, Partial Downloads remover, Duplicate Finder, Large & Old Files Cleaner & more. Moreover, it offers a module, Internet Privacy Protector, that works efficiently to remove traces of your browsing history for best-in-class Mac security.
The best part? Disk Clean Pro is available at just $0.99, & it’s a limited time offer, so what are you waiting for? Optimize the storage space in a single scan & make the most of Mac’s disk space.
Several websites have reported Disk Clean Pro, as the #1 Mac Cleaning & Optimization Utility!
2. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard (Best Data Recovery Tool for Mac)
An advanced data recovery tool to retrieve accidentally deleted files, documents, music, videos and much more.
Losing data & important files is the kind of nightmare no one would ever want to experience. But unfortunately, it has been known to happen for a variety of reasons such as, drive failure, human error & viruses. However, the “good thing” is the availability of a Data Recovery Software that makes restoring lost files effortless.
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EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is one such data recovery service that lives up to its name, by offering easy yet effective recovery solutions that makes users task super simple. The tool not only helps in locating recently deleted files from corrupted & critical file systems, but also helps in restoring data from external storage devices such as memory sticks, USB drives etc.
There are three different versions available with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: Free, Pro & Unlimited. Free edition allows you to recover data up to 200 MB. Get this Best Mac App for your system now!
3. Systweak Anti-Malware (Best Anti-Malware for Mac)
The 24/7 malware protection against your Mac.
Systweak Anti-Malware is a robust Mac security software that does a fantastic job of detecting any type of malicious content hiding in your system. Its smart algorithms understand which types of threats can put your Mac Machine at risk, and hence keep a close check that no suspicious program, malware, adware or spyware could bypass Mac’s defenses.
The antivirus software claims to have a 100% success rate for detecting dangerous malware and viruses. The lightweight application offers multiple scanning methods to make sure you have an ultimate protection against malware and other infections.
To keep your Mac safe, the antivirus software regularly updates its malware database, so that no latest suspicious threat can bypass you Mac’s security. It not only shields your Machine from online threats but also optimizes it for smooth-functioning, which probably makes it one of the best anti-virus programs in the market.
4. CyberGhost VPN Mac (Best VPN App for Mac)
A feature-rich, powerful VPN for PC with an easy-to-use interface, suitable for both novices & professionals.
CyberGhost is one of the most reliable VPN services for Mac. It boasts a really easy set-up process. In fact, all you have to do is download the VPN for your OS from the below button and launch it with one-click on your system. The VPN software boasts more than 3,700 servers across 60+ countries, including optimized servers for torrenting & other streaming services.
The VPN solution comes with a bundle of extra tools to block unnecessary ads, track malicious websites that attempts to make unauthorized access on your system and an automated HTTPS redirection that ensure most secure connection.
It’s one-month plan costs $12.99 which is a bit higher than other standard VPN services in the market. But that’s totally worthy as it supports connecting up to seven devices simultaneously.
5. Duplicate Files Fixer (Best Duplicate Files Cleaner for Mac)
An efficient, fast and easy-to-use duplicate file cleaner to get rid of identical documents, photos, videos, music and other digital media files.
Duplicate Files Fixer by Systweak Software is an awesome duplicate cleaner that helps you reclaim chunks of occupied hard drive space, clogged with unnecessary duplicates such as Documents, Videos, Music, Photos and other files. It’s one of the Best Mac Software for both professional and novice users for finding exact and similar-looking files.
This duplicate file finder comes with a robust set of functionalities for scanning different file types in just a few moments. The Mac utility has a sleek & intuitive interface for great navigation experience. It lets you create a backup of all your duplicate files before you delete them. The application is capable of scanning external devices as well for finding duplicates.
To use this Mac software all you have to do is download it > Add files or folders containing duplicates > click the Scan button to begin sorting > Remove to clean all the duplicate files at once! Enjoy deduplicate library in three-clicks. Duplicate Files Fixer is a must have mac application to fill your bucket of Best Mac Utilities 2020.
6. Stellar Drive Clone (Best Disk Cloning App for Mac)
A robust Mac utility to help you clone & restore all the files on your hard drive, so you can always have your peace of mind.
Stellar Drive Clone is a complete suite to create a Clone or Image of your Mac hard drive. The Cloned copy can be used as a ‘read-to-use’ copy of the original hard drive. And, the Image file can be used for ‘restoring purpose’ in case any data mishap happens.
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The advanced Mac cloning tool supports various types of cloning including, HFS-to-HFS, FAT-to-FAT & NTFS-to-EXFAT. Stellar Drive Clone is a must-have Mac app if you wish to clone an encrypted Mac drive and volumes as well. You can also choose to ‘Schedule’ Periodic Backup’ to create timely backups.
Best Mac Os Utility Software
This amazing disk cloning service stands out for two reasons, it’s ease-of-use and high compatibility. It supports all the commonly used OS X versions including the latest MacOS Mojave. Download this app for MacBook Pro now!
7. Photos Exif Editor (Best Exif Data & Editor For Mac)
Editing photo metadata or EXIF data was never this easy. Meet Photos Exif Editor, an ultimate batch photo editing tool for your Mac.
For people unaware what EXIF Data is, it’s basically a set of data attached to every image you capture. It includes basic parameters such as date, time, location, camera settings etc. This can be immensely useful info, when you might want to examine how a particular picture is taken, what are its shutter speed or ISO. Moreover, you can certainly edit and modify those set of info using an Exif data editor.
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Presenting, Photos Exif Editor a fast and easy-to-use Mac software to read, write and modify metadata of single or thousands of images in one-go. You can manually manipulate the GPS coordinates of images to change its location. Rename multiple files at once, create EXIF Presets for repeated metadata editing to speed up the process.
It’s one of the best Mac apps to view, edit and modify EXIF, IPTC & XMP metadata. The Mac software supports various common photo formats including RAW image file format.
8. Cisdem Video Player for Mac (Best Media Player on Mac)
A universal video player with an impressive set of features to play up to 5K resolution videos without any jerks or tearing.
You saw that coming, right? Talking about the Best media player and not mentioning Cisdem’s Video Player is certainly not possible. It’s one of the most popular and utilized OS X apps that comes with interactive interface to play both audio and video. The video player is known for its smooth playback assistance offering crystal clear views.
With Cisdem Video Player, you don’t require to download any Codec pack, it lets you directly play WMV, FLV, MKV, AVCHD, AVI etc. videos on your Mac Machine. Best part? Unlike other media player for Mac, Cisdem allows you to automatically load subtitle files for the movie.
Looking to convert your video files for other Apple devices? Cisdem does that too for you with an optional in-app purchase. The video player is designed to support more than 50 audio and video formats. As soon as install the app, it’s ready to go!
9. Tweak Photos (Best Batch Photos Editor for Mac)
Most popular photo editing app that lets you brighten single or thousands of photos in a few clicks.
Tweak Photos is a brilliant package featuring an attractive interface, powerful filters, plethora of customization, adjustment tools and a lot more. This OS X app is available for just $4.99 on Mac app store.
From performing basic editing like renaming, resizing, cropping, simple color fixes, format conversions to advanced editing like applying complex photo filters, watermarking, multi-layer management, Tweak Photos does all for you.
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You can download this amazing photo editor for Mac to de-noise bulk images, change texture/stylize, auto-correct orientations, blur multiple images, add frames and other artistic elements to batch photos at once. And just everything to create vivid and dazzling photo collection.
Best App For Macos
10. iSkysoft PDF Editor (Best PDF File Editor for Mac)
A super-smooth Mac software for editing PDF files easily & quickly.
Best Software For Macos Catalina
iSkysoft’s PDF Editor is an ultimate solution to edit PDF documents without compromising file formatting. You can download this OS X app to get a complete suit of PDF editing tools to manipulate texts, images, links and other elements present in a PDF file.
Best Utility For Mac Os Catalina
Considered as one of the best alternatives to Adobe Acrobat, you can download this Mac software for easy editing, cropping, rotating, extracting, splitting, adding watermarks, altering background colours and a lot more.
Download this free PDF File Editor to quickly edit, convert, create, merge & convert scanned PDF files with ease. Not only this, iSkysoft enables you to protect your PDF files with passwords, you can set permissions for other users to perform specific functions like editing, commenting or printing. It’s one of the best Mac app available to share your PDFs to Email, Google Drive, Evernote and Dropbox in one-click.
Best Mac Apps You Need To Install On Your New Machine!
The MacOS app ecosystem is certainly packed with a lot of hidden gems. All the aforementioned Mac software & utilities are great to get you started. For the least frustration and better efficiency, download these handy extras now!
Best Utility For Mac Os 10.12
What Do You Think? 7 Responses
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shoaib321me · 4 years
Movie4me 2020 – Download Free [Latest HD] Bollywood, Hollywood, Telugu Movies
Movie4me 2020 – Download Free [Latest HD] Bollywood, Hollywood, Telugu Movies
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We when everything is said in done love movies and there's on a basic level absolutely more to watching films than just interference. Motion pictures let you feel those grungy human evaluations: power, dread, love, disdain, fulfillment, inconvenience, and so on. It licenses you to contribute some immensity getting a charge out of and feeling things in a colossal manner.
In the event that you're somebody who regards watching films, by then you're at the ideal spot considering the course that in this article we will light up you concerning this huge site page where you can download 1000s of motion pictures reliably. Sounds essential, eh? Regardless, just to tell you, there's beginning and end saw as extra to it!
We should take you on a ride about Movie4me. Regardless, the website page lets you download a wide level of motion pictures including new most recent discharged movies and old films, with no issue. Movie4me is a one-stop shop (No! Not shopping at the same time, downloading, that in like course purposeless!) for all the film dears. Movie4me has a titanic methodology of movies from any place all through the world including Hollywood, Bollywood, Gujrati, Marathi, South Indian, and so on with a social gathering of classes.
All these striking movies and impedance offered by movie4me is only a download away with the best presentation, HD quality.
in like manner read: 300mb motion pictures 2020: Download and Watch Free 300MB Movies On the web
What authentically is movie4me?
Movie4me is a taken site that licenses you to download and watch films ceaselessly. It has a mammoth party of films from Bollywood, Hollywood, Gujrati, Marathi, Telugu, South Indian motion pictures, twofold undeniable, and so on. And so forth and they got it!
Movie4me won't tangle you as its relentlessly bolstered with the new and most recent discharged movies. you can download endless films and see without paying for it.
Movie4me is an easy to use site. It's the speediest making Tamil and Malayalam films web wandering indiscreetly or downloading website page in India.
You'll get all the most recent discharged films on this site at whatever point. You can discover the appropriated print of any most recent film on movie4me when it is discharged. It gives films in HD quality, full HD, 1080p, 720p, 480p, Mkv, twofold plainly obvious, and so forth free with no extra cerebral distress of terminations or attempts.
Movie4me is astonishing in consistently giving the most recent discharged motion pictures to free. This page licenses you to download films from new most recent discharged movies to old model films, by on a fundamental level tapping on the affiliation obliged that film. By tapping on the coalition you'll get enough data that will assist you with understanding whether you like to watch the film or not.
In any case, before you begin downloading, we may imagine that you should hold tight and comprehend that its an illicit webpage page which translates that downloading films from movie4me is unlawful and can induce overwhelming fines and plans. Moreover, movie4me shares unequivocal data and information without its client's agree and addresses a genuine danger to client's security.
Information Of Movie4Me APK:
Application Title Movie4Me
Model v3.0
Record Dimension 1.Four MB
Requirement Android 4.Zero or more
Languages English
Last Up to date 25-December-2018
License Free
Movie4me – twofold stable motion pictures:
There are a few targets like movie4me that request that individuals utilize these unlawful zone to download and watch took films. Much proportionate to some other appropriated site, movie4me in like way moves a took duplicate of the movies when they're discharged, to keep its guests got to it. In like way, this causes the client to go to movie4me when any film is discharged, to stream it on the web. Movie4me is loved for moving the starting late discharged movies inside a minimal period, making it speedily open for its clients. By this, individuals can on an imperative level download and respect seeing these films inside the solace of their home without paying for it which handles scenes for the individuals in fil making business.
Individuals in like way channel for films:
Movie4me in Bollywood Film
Movie4me Hollywood Film
Movie4me Hollywood Hindi Named Film
Movie4me.cc Telugu Named Hindi Film
Movie4me South Film Hindi Named
Movie4me.one Marathi Film
Movie4me.one Punjabi Film
Movie4me.one Bengali Film
Movie4me cc Bhojpuri Film
Movie4me cc Gujrati Film
Movie4me.one Urdu Film
Movie4me Region and Server Subtleties:
It is astoundingly impacted that before you visit any such site, you ought to have a sound information about it. Accordingly, on the off chance that you don't consider movie4me, by then don't stress since we have you sold in this article. we should begin with how utilizing movie4me can affect your arrangements.
Visiting movie4me can put your security at stack. It can get to your own data and information from the contraption you are visiting the site.
As showed up by unequivocal sources, movie4me gets cash by running different wires its site. It is influenced that in the event that you're visiting movie4me, by then undertaking to utilize Breaker blockers as these affiliations will have you to various different zones since we see how upsetting it is.
Youtube is flooding with accounts and instructional exercises on the most fit procedure to utilize and download Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam films from movie4me 2020. One of the key peasy choice to download films from movie4me in India is by VPN improvement through which you can make a safe and encoded association. You should utilize a VPN inspiring on your PC, work zone or your android remote considering the way that the utilization of VPN progress lets you keep up a key normal ways from nation's measures and rules.
Objectives like movie4me spend a colossal level of their cash on their spaces. In the event that you take a gander at the site, you'll have a thought of how they have spread bewildering servers to have records of constantly recognizable size.
New Relationship of Movie4me:
What are the best genuine decisions to watch films?
Everybody acknowledges motion pictures and free movies take after a cherry on the top. There are various areas like movie4me that are without offering records and motion pictures to download and see which entwines two or three sorts and vernaculars to take a gander at. Regardless, these region are unlawful and contain took films that are not permitted by the controlling body to download and watch. Similarly, it remains a to denounce loathsome lead. Watching films from these objectives can land you in good 'ol fashioned troubles that no one would ought to be in.
Regardless, don't freeze, as we have totaled an evaluation of space from where you can download and really watch your reinforced films. As requirements be, keeping you from model complexities.
In the current time length, where everything is incomprehensible and no one needs to hold tight for a gigantic time period just so their kept up shows up, motion pictures or approach can come on air on T.V or other affirmed stages. There are a few targets and OTT stages (for example doesn't require a standard choice to affiliation or pay affiliation) like Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon prime video, MX player that awards clients to watch and experience their strengthened shows up inside barely any days of their official discharge.
Is it honest to goodness to download films from movie4me 2020?
In the event that you are so far careful about the above plans, by then the fitting response is NO, its not true blue to download films from movie4me. Study, downloading and live wandering of records and movies from movie4me is an unlawful and in peril stunning direct in India. On the off chance that you get found utilizing these zones for downloading or layout, by then the relationship of India keeps up all capacity to shock you as showed up by Indian Enemy of Theft Law.
Movie4me, yet all the goals that are illicit and have taken motion pictures, advance burglary or appropriated content are unlawful to utilize and work. It joins targets like Tamilyogi, Khatrimaza, Moviesda, Movierulz or Tamilyogi and express others.
As appeared by Indian Enemy of Robbery Law, on the off chance that anybody gets discovered utilizing or driving these zones or whether somebody is found related with these destinations will land himself in a condition with limited other options.
Watch more motion pictures genuinely at Netflix.
Deplorably, the Indian government doesn't concentrate on it not under any condition like governments in different nations, who take tenable activities against the ones who are ignoring the law. Despite the course that there are several events of individuals getting captured for having affiliations and relationship with these destinations, none at whatever point got captured for downloading and watching films on these domain.
How to download any film from movie4me?
Downloading films from movie4me is clear as it's an easy to use page. You can download films from movie4me as its blueprint and structure are clear and simple to work with. you can see films on your PDA whether you don't have a PC or PC.
One thing about these targets is that their zones are reliably changing so you should comprehend the most recent one to download and observe new and most recent motion pictures.
In any case
0 notes
armeniaitn · 4 years
How Armenia Has Navigated the Coronavirus Pandemic—Despite Azerbaijan
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/economy/how-armenia-has-navigated-the-coronavirus-pandemic-despite-azerbaijan-24794-26-06-2020/
How Armenia Has Navigated the Coronavirus Pandemic—Despite Azerbaijan
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<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Click here to read the full article.” data-reactid=”19″>Click here to read the full article.
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="The coronavirus has tested the resilience and unity of nations large and small, rich and poor, with wealth and technological advancement providing little if any guarantee of protection. Thousands of miles away from the United States, the small and landlocked Armenia was on a path to solid economic progress fueled by its democratic transition a year and a half ago when the coronavirus struck.” data-reactid=”20″>The coronavirus has tested the resilience and unity of nations large and small, rich and poor, with wealth and technological advancement providing little if any guarantee of protection. Thousands of miles away from the United States, the small and landlocked Armenia was on a path to solid economic progress fueled by its democratic transition a year and a half ago when the coronavirus struck.
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Social-distancing and economic slowdown, followed by the suspension of commercial flights and most cross-border traffic, put a heavy toll on our economy, especially on some of its more rapidly growing sectors⁠—services, tourism, and agricultural exports. Nationwide stay-at-home orders, a mandatory wearing of masks, expanded testing and contact tracing, along with an increased hospital bed capacity and public awareness⁠—all helped fight the pandemic. Armenia is moving slowly toward reopening its economy. Commercial flights will soon resume, and the country looks forward to regaining its economic momentum.  ” data-reactid=”21″>Social-distancing and economic slowdown, followed by the suspension of commercial flights and most cross-border traffic, put a heavy toll on our economy, especially on some of its more rapidly growing sectors⁠—services, tourism, and agricultural exports. Nationwide stay-at-home orders, a mandatory wearing of masks, expanded testing and contact tracing, along with an increased hospital bed capacity and public awareness⁠—all helped fight the pandemic. Armenia is moving slowly toward reopening its economy. Commercial flights will soon resume, and the country looks forward to regaining its economic momentum.  
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="But battling the health and economic challenges created by the coronavirus is not the only test our country faces. Armenia is in a region where history, cultural diversity, and modern politics come together to form geopolitical and regional fault lines that can produce conflict if ignored or mishandled.    ” data-reactid=”22″>But battling the health and economic challenges created by the coronavirus is not the only test our country faces. Armenia is in a region where history, cultural diversity, and modern politics come together to form geopolitical and regional fault lines that can produce conflict if ignored or mishandled.    
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="The Caucasus is situated on a geographic crossroads, a nexus where Europe, Asia, and the Middle East come together, a region prone to wider geopolitical competition. Armenia conducts a balanced, multifaceted foreign and security policy to address and mitigate this challenge, to reduce violence and project stability. This inclusive vision allows us to pursue critical partnerships and alliances with the United States, Russia, and the European Union, as well as other regional parties and frameworks.   ” data-reactid=”23″>The Caucasus is situated on a geographic crossroads, a nexus where Europe, Asia, and the Middle East come together, a region prone to wider geopolitical competition. Armenia conducts a balanced, multifaceted foreign and security policy to address and mitigate this challenge, to reduce violence and project stability. This inclusive vision allows us to pursue critical partnerships and alliances with the United States, Russia, and the European Union, as well as other regional parties and frameworks.   
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Maintaining a strong relationship with the United States is particularly important for Armenia, for reasons related both to our security and our values. Armenia and the United States may be continents apart, but what we share in common—in values, ideals, aspirations, and the unique human bond with almost every Armenian citizen having a relative or friend who is American—is many times stronger than our disparate geography. ” data-reactid=”24″>Maintaining a strong relationship with the United States is particularly important for Armenia, for reasons related both to our security and our values. Armenia and the United States may be continents apart, but what we share in common—in values, ideals, aspirations, and the unique human bond with almost every Armenian citizen having a relative or friend who is American—is many times stronger than our disparate geography. 
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="One of my first efforts after arriving in Washington as Armenia’s ambassador, was to work with the U.S. government to launch the U.S.-Armenia strategic dialogue—the framework for our growing relationship that includes policy, trade, energy, technology, defense, civil society, and humanitarian issues. The United States provides critical development aid Armenia that over the quarter of a century has helped us strengthen our economy and build a strong civil society—two key catalysts of the democratic change Armenia underwent recently.   ” data-reactid=”25″>One of my first efforts after arriving in Washington as Armenia’s ambassador, was to work with the U.S. government to launch the U.S.-Armenia strategic dialogue—the framework for our growing relationship that includes policy, trade, energy, technology, defense, civil society, and humanitarian issues. The United States provides critical development aid Armenia that over the quarter of a century has helped us strengthen our economy and build a strong civil society—two key catalysts of the democratic change Armenia underwent recently.   
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="We also face an even more immediate danger: military aggression from our neighbor, Azerbaijan, which sees Armenia’s democratic transformation as a threat rather than a model and has been posturing to wage a war on Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan’s defense ministry recently threatened to take “measures that will be far more destructive than those taken in 2015, 2016, and 2018” and that “the enemy will suffer extensive losses” because “the only language to speak with the enemy is the language of force.”  ” data-reactid=”26″>We also face an even more immediate danger: military aggression from our neighbor, Azerbaijan, which sees Armenia’s democratic transformation as a threat rather than a model and has been posturing to wage a war on Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan’s defense ministry recently threatened to take “measures that will be far more destructive than those taken in 2015, 2016, and 2018” and that “the enemy will suffer extensive losses” because “the only language to speak with the enemy is the language of force.”  
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Even as the UN secretary-general has pleaded for a global cessation of hostilities amidst this unprecedented health crisis, Azerbaijan has chosen to escalate its war rhetoric against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh or Artsakh, which declared its independence in 1991 amid the disintegration of the Soviet Union and successfully defended it from a military aggression of Azerbaijan.  ” data-reactid=”27″>Even as the UN secretary-general has pleaded for a global cessation of hostilities amidst this unprecedented health crisis, Azerbaijan has chosen to escalate its war rhetoric against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh or Artsakh, which declared its independence in 1991 amid the disintegration of the Soviet Union and successfully defended it from a military aggression of Azerbaijan.  
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="In the latest evidence of belligerence, our neighbor held large-scale military exercises just last month in the midst of the pandemic. These actions proved alarming enough to lead a bipartisan group of members of Congress to condemn these actions as “dangerous” and “reckless.” It seems that the Aliyev regime, so used to bullying and menacing its own citizens with no regard to their basic rights, thinks that it can intimidate Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh as well.   ” data-reactid=”28″>In the latest evidence of belligerence, our neighbor held large-scale military exercises just last month in the midst of the pandemic. These actions proved alarming enough to lead a bipartisan group of members of Congress to condemn these actions as “dangerous” and “reckless.” It seems that the Aliyev regime, so used to bullying and menacing its own citizens with no regard to their basic rights, thinks that it can intimidate Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh as well.   
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="By contrast, Armenia remains firmly committed to the peace process even as it engages in an urgent nationwide fight against the pandemic. It has sought to revitalize the process by urging the return of Nagorno-Karabakh to the negotiating table—a role it already once held in the mid-1990s. Nagorno-Karabakh’s presence in negotiations was critical in enabling the ceasefire established in, and held since 1994, and will be critical today in converting it to a lasting peace.  ” data-reactid=”31″>By contrast, Armenia remains firmly committed to the peace process even as it engages in an urgent nationwide fight against the pandemic. It has sought to revitalize the process by urging the return of Nagorno-Karabakh to the negotiating table—a role it already once held in the mid-1990s. Nagorno-Karabakh’s presence in negotiations was critical in enabling the ceasefire established in, and held since 1994, and will be critical today in converting it to a lasting peace.  
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Regrettably, anti-Armenian hate speech, coupled with warmongering and military provocations, have become tools in the hands of Azerbaijan’s leadership to distract its own peoples’ attention from worsening domestic problems. Such a position poses a threat not only to Artsakh and Armenia but to regional peace and security.  ” data-reactid=”32″>Regrettably, anti-Armenian hate speech, coupled with warmongering and military provocations, have become tools in the hands of Azerbaijan’s leadership to distract its own peoples’ attention from worsening domestic problems. Such a position poses a threat not only to Artsakh and Armenia but to regional peace and security.  
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="For almost three decades, the people of Artsakh have built their own democracy through fair and free elections, and pursued economic, social, and cultural development despite the constant threat of war. They understand that security and democracy are interconnected and that democratic societies are best positioned to peacefully resolve conflicts. Since proclaiming independence Artsakh has conducted six presidential and seven parliamentary elections, including a recent one that produced newly elected president and parliament.  ” data-reactid=”33″>For almost three decades, the people of Artsakh have built their own democracy through fair and free elections, and pursued economic, social, and cultural development despite the constant threat of war. They understand that security and democracy are interconnected and that democratic societies are best positioned to peacefully resolve conflicts. Since proclaiming independence Artsakh has conducted six presidential and seven parliamentary elections, including a recent one that produced newly elected president and parliament.  
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Yet Azerbaijan rejects talking to representatives of Artsakh lest it legitimizes their rights. The international community does not have to be held hostage to one country’s intransigence and should engage with Nagorno-Karabakh, whether by supporting their democracy, providing international assistance to fight the coronavirus, or other challenges. After all, pandemics do not hold political preferences and human rights and democracies are not conditional upon the international status of the entity. ” data-reactid=”34″>Yet Azerbaijan rejects talking to representatives of Artsakh lest it legitimizes their rights. The international community does not have to be held hostage to one country’s intransigence and should engage with Nagorno-Karabakh, whether by supporting their democracy, providing international assistance to fight the coronavirus, or other challenges. After all, pandemics do not hold political preferences and human rights and democracies are not conditional upon the international status of the entity. 
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Our country can navigate through the storm of the coronavirus, protect our democracy, and defend ourselves, as well as the people of Artsakh against Azerbaijan’s threats. The sooner our neighbor realizes that the key to the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict lies in the non-use of force and negotiations with Nagorno-Karabakh, the closer that resolution will be.  As we strive to bring forth that day, we encourage Azerbaijan to focus on the real needs of their people and the common threat that the region faces today—containing the spread of the coronavirus and its negative social and economic impact. ” data-reactid=”35″>Our country can navigate through the storm of the coronavirus, protect our democracy, and defend ourselves, as well as the people of Artsakh against Azerbaijan’s threats. The sooner our neighbor realizes that the key to the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict lies in the non-use of force and negotiations with Nagorno-Karabakh, the closer that resolution will be.  As we strive to bring forth that day, we encourage Azerbaijan to focus on the real needs of their people and the common threat that the region faces today—containing the spread of the coronavirus and its negative social and economic impact. 
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Varuzhan Nersesyan became ambassador of Armenia to the United States on Jan. 11, 2019, having previously served as assistant to the Armenian prime minister since April 2018. ” data-reactid=”36″>Varuzhan Nersesyan became ambassador of Armenia to the United States on Jan. 11, 2019, having previously served as assistant to the Armenian prime minister since April 2018. 
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Image: Reuters” data-reactid=”37″>Image: Reuters
<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Click here to read the full article.” data-reactid=”38″>Click here to read the full article.
Read original article here.
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Nationalism...A Whole Lotta Nationalism!
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh,   The original title was going to be "A revert's thoughts on the rise in Nationalism drawing on the Quran and Sunnah", but "a whole lotta nationalism" is appropriate given the rise of it everywhere and the length, I',m afraid, of this podcast! I normally try to avoid politics but in this day and age, it's almost impossible (Brexit, Trump, Saudi, China, to name just a few that seem to be all that is in the Western news). As always I want to try and tackle this in a way that is helpful to reverts or those rediscovering their Islam as this can be a rather difficult area to navigate as it involves it seems one has to question identities, nationalities, allegiances, religion, etc. It is rather a lot easier to understand if you are of Pakistani or Bengali heritage in the UK or Latino in the US, you've sadly experienced navigating this complex mix of where you fit in one way or another on a daily basis. If you are a refugee, life has always been hard, you never left your home just for a giggle, contrary to what it seems many people think you are not an expat who is just from a quote-unquote 'undesirable' country.  If you are from Palestine the struggle is in your blood. And of course this is just a snapshot of cases and far from fully inclusive. But of course, as a revert, you may be from none of the cultures under 'attack' you may even be from the culture or nation that is doing the attacking of your now new Brothers and Sisters. As a Brother from Britain or France, for example, you have the colonial legacy to deal with too. A Sister from the USA has the modern colonial warmongering of her own country to somehow come to terms with. As an Arab, you have the difficulty of leadership that never seem to represent the Islam that is everything to you, in a good light...I found and find this topic incredibly complicated and I hope that InshaAllah my thoughts and how I try to navigate this minefield may be of some value. Let me set the scene by giving some examples of rife nationalism and then tackle the Islamic view on this through some excerpts from the Qu'ran and hadith.  Although a warning ahead of time: my efforts to deal with this through an Islamic lens are going to be in no way exhaustive. Alhamdullilah this is simply because there are so many references that I could choose. Allah is the most Kareem (Kind) and his Messenger pbuh the best of examples - it should not surprise you that like most things - we've got this covered! DOCUMENTARIES I cut the cord to the TV ten plus years ago but still sometimes go down a YouTube rabbit hole now and then with my wife! We basically stick to lectures or documentaries in some pseudo attempt perhaps to be educated or intellectual ha ha. I am more than aware that our recent 'watchlist' is thanks to Google and whatever clever algorithm they have deployed to nicely serve up things for us to watch on a plate. Thank you YouTube algo-developers you clever little things! The 'freedom of choice' that we have online and the 'echo chamber'  effect is a whole other topic. I'm not going there today!!   Anyway recently we watched a series of interesting documentaries, from what I can remember, on VICE channel, Journeyman Productions, Ross Kemp on Gangs, BBC, Al Jazeera, etc I said it was a binge so let me share the ones I can remember:   Immigration - the harsh, fraught, struggle filled, emotional journeys of Syrians / Sub-Saharan Africans / Eritreans (the North Korea of Africa) / kind British people on the island of Lesbos / less kind Greek locals with a 'treat them mean and they won't continue to come' approach (as if that is going to do anything when they are willing to risk injury and death to leave where they are coming from) / unkind French and Italian police / kind local French people willing to go to court over providing refuge in their gardens to tens of refugees every day /  the disgraceful French police behaviour at the Calais Jungle camp. Israel, although we normally don't watch things on the Israeli occupation as my heart breaks at the barbaric nature of this ongoing apartheid and the international communities unwillingness to act on behalf of the Palestinian victims, we did watch an interesting thing on how the Haredi Jews have refused to serve in the Israeli military for religious reasons and yet how the Zionist government are not letting them get away with it. Now persecuting their own people for their religious beliefs which they are meant to share. As I'm an Englishman and we have a bit of a dark humour, I must confess to being amused by how un-Jewish the Zionist government are, and how if you are actually a practising Jew you are also borderline, or maybe not even borderline, an 'enemy of the state'! Also, I had no idea what a large number of practising Jews were opposed to military service.  A cursory bit of research highlighted that there are many other Jews like the Hasidic Jews who are against the occupation and service in the IDF.   We watched on Guantanamo Bay and how it is still open and on a 'tour' were quite amazed by how little the US soldiers guarding knew about their 'enemy' that they were holding. This is rather damning of the educational level and natural intellectual inquisitiveness. Even the base commander with rather a lot of stars on his shoulder confessed to knowing next to nothing! Quite staggering. Of course, the former guard who reverted to Islam featured in the documentary, mashaAllah, so it is wrong to totally generalise - we come to Islam in some very unexpected ways! Allahu Akhbar! We also watched Hate Thy Neighbour on the Deep South of America and the horrid EDL in the UK which was simply staggering for the total demonstration of ignorance and racism that are on both sides of the 'pond'. As an Englishman watching the EDL I just felt horribly ashamed. It is quite hard for me to fathom how this country can produce such disgusting characters from its midst.   A documentary on the most insane murder rate in Mexico border towns controlled by the cartels and how El Salvador is just so dangerous that those expelled from the US who have never really known El Salvador as home are willing to walk this 'caravan' that takes a minimum 30 days, and is truly treacherous, to try and get back into the US. Fully aware of the stakes involved if they are caught and that is if they beat the odds and even get anywhere near the border in the first place. We watched one on Afghanistan being, amongst a cornucopia of other natural resources, a gemstone capital. The one we watched focussed on emeralds and if you can afford them and want the greenest in the world then Afghanistan surely has them! This backed up what Afghan friends of mine had said about mineral resources in the country that I confess to never quite believing. It is amazing when you see for your own eyes that it rams home the point that you've been sold a dud by the media. It might even make one question the real motivations over the presence in a country that historically has been a graveyard for one army after another? Also, a debate hosted by intelligence squared and Chaired by Lyse Doucet (BBC's Chief International Correspondent) with the motion that "The West should cut ties with Saudi Arabia". For the motion were Mehdi Hassan (Journalist and Al Jazzera Broadcaster) and Madawi Al-Rasheed (LSE Professor and expert on Saudi Arabia). Against the motion Crispin Blunt (Conservative MP for Reigate - just up the road from me) and Mamoun Fandy (Egyptian born Middle East expert). It was a thoroughly good debate and well worth the watch. Before coming into the event 41% said they were for the motion, 22% against, 37% undecided. After the debate the positions had changed to 63% for the motion, only 5% were undecided, 32% were against. That was a swing of 6% towards the motion that "The West should cut ties with Saudi Arabia".  An obvious trigger and feature of this debate was the alleged but clearly fairly solid 'off with his head' order by MBS on journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi embassy in Istanbul. We also watched an interesting Oxford University Hard Talk on "What is the human cost to China's economic miracle?" again with Mehdi Hasan who this time was challenging Charles Liu on China's economic and human rights record - particularly on the Uighur Muslim detention or extermination depending on who you choose to believe.  Many are calling this ethnic cleansing and again it is happening pretty much undeterred. I forget where we watched it, but a just heartbreaking look at the humanitarian disaster that is Yemen, with a war that has been going on since 2015!  The civil war was ongoing but everything got significantly worse and became the worlds worst humanitarian crisis upon the involvement of the Saudi-led coalition. As in every war, civilians are bearing the brunt and suffering. Normally Scandinavia is portrayed as the lands where everything works, people are the happiest in the world, etc. Yet another documentary on the rise of Far Right parties puts pay to that notion - at least in my mind. In the sidebar, there were similar documentaries on neighbouring and regional countries. Sweden was even interesting and frightening in that there is a vicious battle between these right wing hate filled groups and militant violent left groups that actively combat the fascist right. All of this centred around the topics of nationalism, immigration, race, etc.   It is not just the algorithm served documentary binge fest where nationalist, separatist, racist, derogatoriness seems to be the global norm. The Christchurch terrorist act occurred and is obviously fresh in everyone's mind. As everyone knows this was nationalist, racist and hate inspired. I will not elaborate on that here. You may like to listen to my former podcast that covered the global Muslim reaction I experienced to this dreadful event, especially as it may not have been the reaction you may have expected (you can find it here). WHATSAPP Another example is from my own WhatsApp. I am a member of a number of Malaysian WhatsApp groups, after having lived there, and there is always a whole heap of Malay nationalism due to their concerns about the Chinese takeover of their country and the economic destruction that comes from not following Islamic economic principles at the state level. Post Christchurch I have received a troublesome number of links to mosques being vandalised in the north of England, we had Surrey Police talk in my local mosque and say that there had been a terrorist act against Muslims in normally sleepy Surrey. A 50-year-old man ranting about 'white supremacy' knifed a 16-year-old in a supermarket carpark..... and what is sad I am sure there are far more examples that someone with less aversion to media and social media could add to this already saddening list. The Today Show was shared with me where Muslim parents are upset about primary school sex and relationship education and Piers Morgan, taking on the mantle of a gay rights activist, decided to slander the Muslim journalist on his show, and Muslims in general, with an Islamaphobic and racist rant which was aired on an apparently well watched national TV channel. Although interesting the last 6 minutes or so were not featured online via the TV station where Piers steps a little too far over the line (the full version was sent to me). Piers, Piers, Piers, we are here to stay, when are you going to get that? Many of us are white like you mate. No, we're not going back to Islamabad, most of us never came from there, we're as British as you and have contributed more to building this society with real-world jobs than you. Wind your neck in mate. Accept that in a pluralistic society a favourite soundbite that you like to throw out, which is defined as: "A pluralistic society is a diverse one, where the people in it believe all kinds of different things and tolerate each other's beliefs even when they don't match their own.", you are going to have to accept that there are a whole bunch of us who face Mecca 5 times a day, wear different clothes, and rank God above all things. We accept you, time to actually be pluralistic and stop always targetting Muslims. That my friend is called Islamaphobia and you are only getting away with it because we don't seem quite as good as the Jews have been at getting it to be a term that people quake at being associated with, like anti-Semitism but.... we will get there soon inshaAllah, so watch out! NEWSPAPER Now I don't normally get a newspaper as I have a method that suffices my needs using my investment platforms excellent resources and I prefer books or periodicals for their deeper more thoughtful analysis. In general, I am not a fan of the 'news' per se. I know many successful people who seem to be just fine operating in a complete news blackout or reading headlines on the daily newspaper as they walk past a newsstand. However, after my family took my Dad out for lunch at the Shard last week I picked up an FT. I did it as a kind of walk down memory lane as I used to take the FT every day. As a finance chap, there really is no substitute. Now, this is not meant to be topical but rather an example of what is being pumped out and consumed. What I mean is that it is not specifically these stories that matter but rather the type of content I want to highlight. Scanning other newspapers in preparing a bit for this podcast, there is a commonality running through almost all UK publications - the examples I'm citing are indicative of the general state of affairs. I'm going to be referring to the Tuesday 19 March 2019 International Edition. Amidst the pages, on literally almost every page, what do you get but: Nationalism, Nationalism, Nationalism!   Also, I quite like the FT as they don't mess about! The news section is a few condensed pages before they get full-on business. So let me walk you through this sample Tuesday from our look-for-the-nationalist or leaning-that-way articles and references: 
- The front page headline has of course Brexit with "May's Brexit hits block as Bercow rules out third vote on same deal", naturally this sets the tone for a number of other articles where everyone guesses about the fiasco that has become the Brexit. The FT indicates what is coming in the rest of the paper on the front page. - Turning to page two, blissfully we get a pass.  - Page three has four articles all of which are loaded with nationalistic, and because this is Britain schoolboy antics of our esteemed politicians. The main article is "Bercow adds to May's problems while delighting Europhiles and Brexiters". The photo below showing Union Jacks and European flags jostling for our attention. As its a Brexit piece it is safe to say that this is nationalistic, them and us stuff. Then we have "Leavers will back PM's deal 'if she agrees to go'. In short, this is where conservative party members seem more interested in their positions in parliament than the future of the country. Pretty standard fare for politicians. We also have "Article 50 Back to Brussels with extra baggage" which is of course more of the same about poor old Theresa May having to go back and forth to Brussels to try and find some way out of this pickle we as a nation have got ourselves in. Finally, we have more of the games in the Conservative party with "Johnson and Raab jockey for position" which is all about how to slip into the PM spot as Theresa May leaves. Oh yes, it's not about serving the public interests first but rather serving their own. Loyalty to none it seems. Of course, cherrypicking some terms we have plenty of "leading Eurosceptic contenders", "prominent Brexiters", "insisting they are acting in the national interests", "hardline Brexiters", "pro-Brexit hardcore", etc, etc, yawn, yawn. - Page four we have a detour from Brexit woes for a little foray into Europe-land. "Staff resist Czech tycoon in battle for Le Monde"  is an article on a Czech billionaire looking to acquire control of the famous Le Monde newspaper. We have quotes like "I'm very suspicious of a foreign billionaire trying to get a foothold in the western establishment through the ownership of a media, especially through a newspaper such as Le Monde, which sets the tone and agenda of news in France and beyond". Yet we also have someone presumably talking on behalf of Kretinsky the billionaire saying "He is a Francophile and believes that France plays an important role in the fight of populism.". So here we have suspicion, foreign, western (making Czech back to the Eastern Bloc I presume), French nationalism in Le Monde as voice, Francophile, populism. Then it gets deeper as of course, we have "French interior minister in hot seat after yellow vest protest". This is more of the yellow vests protests that descended into violence with rioters setting fire to newsstands, a bank, restaurants and ransacking more than 90 shops. Sadly also for this chap they report on his playing around with waitresses rather than his wife. Who only knows what this movement is about anymore. It may not be so nationalistic but it is certainly popular and violent. And of course the French are often quick to say that everywhere immigrants come from are uncivilised and yet here we have France regularly looking like a war zone. - Page five, oh dear me, we have "Brazil's Trump pivots towards US in boost for White House", with subtitle "Rightwing Bolsonaro's Washington visit brings hope on both sides of closer ties". I can probably rest my case here but there are two disturbing quotes I will site to ram home the point: Firstly: "Day's before Jair Bolsonaro's meeting with Donald Trump this week, a select group of enthusiasts gathered at the Trump International Hotel in Washington to celebrate the ideas that helped bring the two rightwing populist leaders to power.Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the Brazilian president who won a landslide election in October, was there. So too, as co-host of the event, was Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist who has set up a club for nationalist populist leaders called The Movement. "This is a very important movement and not just for Brazilian-US relations.... but the world," Mr Bannon told the gathering. "Ideas have consequences, and with the arrival of Bolsonaro [in Brazil], Trump [in the US], Orban [in Hungary], and Salvini [in Italy], it's a critically important time."We're at last doing what communists and socialists did a long time ago," added Eduardo Bolsonaro, who is also head of Brazil's congressional foreign relations committee. "We're organising ourselves internationally". All I will say personally is that I find this level of organisation globally of Nationalist leaders, the language used, and the titling of their club as The Movement, simply terrifying. - Page 6 and I promise we're done, inshaAllah, but there are a couple of things here which are both nationalistic and divisive. I have to make a little detour here. The first is "Erdogan angers Wellington by airing video" where we find out the Mr Erdogan screens footage of the mosque killings during his election rallies. It seems whilst everyone else is noting how well the NZ Primeminister has dealt with the whole affair Erdogan is trying to garner voters that he is struggling to hold onto. Now I am not sure who his advisors are but even my local Imam preached to the community not to share the videos due to the hurt it would cause the victims families, the disrespect to the martyrs, and the fact that it aids the intention of the killer himself. Oh no it seems Erdogan went and dove in with both feet the videos even being captioned "A terrorist who is the enemy of Islam and the Turks". In the rallies, Erdogan said 'the "real target" of the New Zealand killings was the Turkish people, the Turkish flag and the Turkish state.' Do we need to remind Mr Erdogan that whilst he might be struggling for votes that Islam, Muslim and Turk are not synonyms. But, without going too deep into this from the Islamic perspective, we have again(!) another example of rife nationalism. Next, we have "China talks up close ties with EU in riposte to 'systemic rival' label" and language like "concerns Beijing is trying to divide the bloc", China being an "economic competitor" and "systematic rival". China's representative making a big thing of "co-operation is a mainstay of European relations". The whole thing, of course, suggests discomfort from both sides with Europe marking their turf and China doing the same. I am going to finish with the headline "Beijing attempts to justify Uighur detention". As we all know by now Human Rights groups, international concern, yet not enough governments speaking out about the atrocious, ethnic cleansing, abuse, forced marriage, forced consumption of pork and alcohol, all in the name of education, oh and torture, murder, etc,  treatment of the Uighur people in China. Here we have Erdogan reclaiming some class by being the "first leading Muslim-majority country to call on China to close its mass internment camps holding Uighurs." Of course, I don't have to work hard to convince you that this is nationalistic, ethnic, racist, behaviour at play. I do have to say one thing.... you know you have that one friend or family member who is prone to massive exaggeration. Well, it seems China's state council has a serious case of exageritis! Let me read you this quote "Xinjiang has destroyed 1,588 terrorist groups, arrested 12,995 terrorists" and it goes on. But really? Really? 1,588 terrorist groups. 1,588 terrorist groups inside Xinjiang province. I spat my tea out reading that! Come on China state council pull the other one! I think you need to double down on your editorial control to ensure that the 'stats'  you produce have at least some basis in reality. WRAP UP THROUGH THE LENSE OF ISLAM Ok, ok, no I haven't turned this into a news review podcast but what I do hope I have done is demonstrated how everywhere you look there is the talk of nationalism or conditions that trigger nationalistic feelings. There are whole regions in flux and mobile populations at unprecedented scales. I want to say unprecedented but I'm not a good enough historian to know if that is totally true. What is for sure is that there is a significant amount of population movement and a significant amount of nationalism. What I'd like to do now is address nationalism through the eyes of Islam and my views as to how we as Muslims are meant to actually tackle this specific issue of nationalism. I'll start with making the point that Muslims living in non-Muslim majority countries can have issues that are kind of hard for them to deal with although I emphasise they have to rely on the religious teachings of our Deen (religion). Let's note the ease with which Muslims can feel awkward in Western countries with things that are nowhere near in line with our Religious views e.g. homosexuality, sex education at increasingly younger and younger ages, public debauchery, the promotion of gambling, sexualisation of almost everything, diminishing moral standards, etc, etc. Regrettably, the list is quite long. As this warrants a whole other podcast in its own right I am going to cover this in as short and sharp a practical manner as I can without giving any specific scriptural references, I'll save that for the full podcast inshaAllah. The key point: Muslims as long as able to practice their religion have to respect and uphold the laws of the land. After having travelled in many Muslim countries, you will find that many in those lands are jealous of the law and order in the West. There is no perfect Islamic environment in the world. We have to simply make do with what we have and in the West you are really rather blessed, whether you know that or not. Just wise up and be pragmatic. Thank God that you can freely worship, that you can listen to khutba's (sermons) that are not written by the state, that you can homeschool your children if you don't like the state education, that there is good state education at all, that there is access to medical care - which is often free, the rule of law is more balanced, bribery is not rife, etc. My suggestion is don't be a complainy-pants. Don't focus on the few things that are less pleasing and overlook much that is good. We should have shukr gratitude, for the blessings Allah swt has bestowed on us and sabr for those things he has also bestowed upon us that we find hard. As Muslims, remember we are people of shukr and sabr. So what do you do my brothers and sisters about things you are uncomfortable with, like homosexuality? Well how about this? Don't go to any gay bars!! What if you meet someone 'strange' or 'odd'? Be kind and well mannered. You never know if you may be an instrument of Allah swt and a trigger for them looking to Islam. There is no compulsion in religion and we are all the creation of Allah swt after all. A simple heuristic is to worry more about yourself, then your family, then your community, and work your way up. I am sure there are more than enough things for you to work on in those first three areas before being outraged by fringe groups. Even if they are rather vocal considering their meagre numbers.   Back to Nationalism. Look I checked my logic on this whole topic of Nationalism and being a Muslim with one of my close Arabic Brothers who has memorised the Quran mashaAllah. I also asked him for verses that he thought were relevant. There are honestly so many on this topic and additionally many many Hadith. I messaged him the following: "I would like to write something on nationalism and its dangers. It will be along the line of what I believe is stated in the Quran and the Sunnah: that we are Muslim first and from a nation second. That cultural things from our national traditions are cool as long as they don't contradict explicitly something from the Qu'ran and the Sunnah. This is my logical understanding so far." My Brothers response was "I stand with you for this Brother, flags and colours should not take us away from each other, we are being called by Allah swt as "one Ummah" and the only differences between us are in Taqwa which no one can judge except He." Note the key points here. 1) we are an ummah before we are nations with flags, colours, etc, (2) our unity as brothers and sisters in Islam supersedes our allegiances to nation states, (3) in the eyes of Allah swt we are all the same except in our taqwa. Taqwa if you have not heard of it before is our God consiciousness or you can have it translated as fear of Allah swt. It is what makes us do acts in remembrance of Allah swt. This can only be judged by Him the Most Magnificent as He is the only one who can look into the hearts to see this taqwa. None of us mere mortals possibly can. Actually, there is another area I want to share in my communication with my Brother that I think is important to reflect on as Muslims. I laughed with my wife that it is so amazing that I can just ask him for references and he closes his eyes and can just pull relevant verses from the Quran database that is his brain. What an incredible blessing that is from Allah swt and for someone who didn't grow up with any knowledge that people have memorised God's word in its entirety with no errors I continue to be astounded when I see this. I told him we thought this and he laughed. He said "Alhamdullilah Brother, when someone says this to me I really would say as Prophet Suleiman (Solomon) said in the Quran 27:19 "... "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants" Alhamdullilah" Then he tells me "you should teach your kids Arabic Brother, they will be grateful to you afterwards, they will appreciate how much you really love them especially when they read the Quran and understand it the way it was revealed" Then he said: "Walahi Brother, Quran is the only guidance in my life, and without it, I am completely NOTHING. It is my soul's oxygen! and every Muslim's too (supposedly)!" I share this as I feel it imperative to ask anyone still listening or reading: is this how you feel about the Quran? Is this your relationship with it? Is it your oxygen? Are you nothing without it?   It is meant to be! This is what creates our unity, creates our understanding, means that when there are issues like nationalism we know 100% where we stand as Muslims. We know that we're united with every single other Muslim on the Straight Path as we all go our understanding from Allah swt's direct words to us in the Holy Quran as well as the example and explanation of those words from the Prophet pbuh and what we have learnt from the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them), and the great scholars who have helped ensure in these modern times we understand as we were meant to the way to live. May Allah swt enable us as an Ummah to reconnect with Him through His Words and may we have the Qu'ran such a part of our life that it testifies on our behalf in the hereafter. Ameen. So here are a few quotes from the Qu'ran:    21:92-93 *"[Prophets], this is your community, one community, and I am your Lord, so serve Me. They have torn their unity apart, but they will all return to us."* 23:52-53 *"This is your community, one community - and I am your Lord: be mindful of Me - but they have split their community into sects, each rejoicing in their own." *   In both of these the emphasis, the angle that is being stated if you like, is referring to us as a community which is understood as an Ummah-nation. A community united by shared beliefs. One where our religion is the unifier, that is what makes us a nation, we are not separate from any other Brother or Sister, we are united as an Ummah through our religion, through the Lord we worship, the Lord we fear, and the Prophet pbuh who's example we follow. Allah swt reminds us of the risks of division and how we will all ultimately return to Him. He swt also highlights at the end of the second verse how the Jews and the Christians split into sects "each rejoicing in their own". Here the Quran is warning Prophet Muhammad pbuh and us that we are meant to be united as an Ummah, as a community, and not divide up into groups, making the errors of the former peoples of the book. Do you see how this trumps all human constructs of nations or nation-states? How it runs so much deeper? *3:102-103 *"You who believe, be mindful of God, as is His due, and make sure you devote yourselves to Him, to your dying moment. Hold fast to God's rope all together; do not split into factions. Remember God's favour to you: you were enemies and then He brought your hearts together and you became brothers by His grace: you were about to fall into a pit of Fire and He saved you from it. In this way God makes his revelations clear to you so that you may be rightly guided." * This is massive! We were enemies, and He brought our hearts together, through the religion, and His favour and we became brothers. Allah swt tells us that this saves us from the pit of the Fire. He swt tells us that we must "hold fast to God's rope all together".  So why are we fighting, killing, making enemies of other Muslims, fighting as nations against other nations, when that favour of Allah swt and brotherhood in religion that he has given us is what keeps us from the fire? *3:104 "Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right, and forbids what is wrong: those who do this are the successful ones."* As is the case throughout the Quran Allah swt tells us what makes us "the successful ones" and it as a community - a global ummah again - calling for what is good and forbidding what it is wrong. Calling to good is about as expansive as it gets. Are nationalistic motivations, the superiority of one type over the other, calling for good? Is this treating our brothers as we would hope to be treated? A community is stated here, not multiple nations. A community of believers where collectively, we focus on good. United we are successful as a single global community. I see this as knowing that deeper than the human constructs of nation-states there is a bond between me and my Moroccan brother, or between me and my Yemeni brother, or between me and my Colombian brother, or any other brother you can think of.... that transcends that nation-state man-made construct.   *3:105 "Do not be like those who, after they have been given clear revelation, split into factions and fall into disputes: a terrible punishment awaits such people."* This should make us think, should it not? Are we going down the route of those in the past who became divided? Have we not been given clear revelation? Have we not witnessed the mess that has become of those who have split into so many factions they lost all unity and are clearly in confusion? Do we no longer fear the punishment of Allah? Allahu Akhbar! La illah ill Allah. We hear and we obey! Or at least we should be unified by that La illah ill Allah. There is a community or a nation but its the community or nation that unites across all languages, races, and types under the shahada: La illah ill Allah, Muhammad rassululah.   THIS TOPIC REQUIRES MORE I actually got into this topic without thinking it through fully! I realise that I have only really scratched the surface of what needs to be said on this matter. For example, I need to address the race and racism part. How the inclusiveness of Islam is one of the biggest draws and how the Quran and indeed the Prophet pbuh's last sermon covered how we are all the same no matter our skin colour or where we happen to have been born. Maybe even more so than this is the importance of highlighting the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood as a broad concept in Islam and how this adds to the trumping of nationalism. However, this is already exceptionally long and so I guess I shall inshaAllah break this topic up and cover these in future podcasts. InshaAllah I also didn't lose everyone with the length of this one, in what seems to be, unintentionally, my first long-form podcast. CONCLUSION To wrap up I hope that I have made a clear case that as Muslims we must be very careful around nationalism and tribalism. We are Muslim first and of our countries second. Or maybe even deeper we are of the human community first and foremost, as all are created by Allah swt irrespective of belief. Then as Muslims, we believe in Allah swt and we happen to live in a particular nation, for what is ultimately a very short period. The purpose of this residence being to work so that we get where we so desperately hope to in the hereafter which is eternal. Furthermore, I hope that, although I didn't drum it home so much that, as long as we are able to practice our religion we are bound by the laws of the lands we reside in. This can raise emotions that can be difficult to deal with but we must be patient (have sabr) as well as being grateful (having shukr) for all those things we are blessed with. I've lived in different European countries most of my life and then in Muslim countries. I have good friends and business interests in many different countries and I can categorically tell you that even if things look 'idyllic' somewhere else - they aren't. Remember this is the dunya - you want idyllic? - work for it through your worship and remembrance of Allah swt. May Allah swt draw us together as Muslims, enable us to be the best of examples and the ones no one fears, may we not harm our brothers and sisters in any way and may our leaders lead with wisdom and mercy for all humankind. Ameen.
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blogtrade14 · 3 years
Best To Do Apps For Mac
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Purchasing a new MacBook is much similar to buying a ticket to a land of fabulous software & apps. In addition to all the free programs offered by Apple to all the fresh Mac owners, there are some extras essential Mac apps too that help to make the most out of your Machine.
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The mobile apps are also perfect. The UI is on par with Things 3 (but I think better). The only two minor gripes I would recommend would be for more app integrations and maybe more theme colors. Nonetheless, hands down best Todo list app out there. Feb 20, 2020 Comparing the best to do list apps for Mac. Honestly, there are too many to do list apps out in the world to count. To make your decision easier, many of those have been evaluated and narrowed down to just five — each with its own pros and cons that could sway your decision depending on your preferences. As a Mac user, you’ve probably heard. See full list on digitaltrends.com. Top 10 Best Mac Apps & Utilities for 2020. We’ve trawled the software market to find the most ideal Mac utilities & apps in every major category for better productivity and efficiency. Disk Clean Pro (Best Mac Cleaner & Optimizer) An all-in-one solution to keep your Mac machine clean & optimized for smooth performance.
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Why Should I Use A To Do List?
From tasks at work to chores at home, to catching up with friends and family, and everything in between, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with things to do. The trouble is finding the time to do them, prioritizing them accordingly, then actually remembering to carry them out. That’s where even simple to do lists can be a powerful productivity tool, freeing up your time and mental space to focus on what you do best.
However, there are now so many different to do list on Mac options in the marketplace that getting around to selecting one is a chore in itself. That’s why this guide just saves you some time by picking some of the best ones for you to consider.
What are some tips for using to do lists?
There’s an art to using to do lists effectively, no matter the technology. You don’t need to be a project manager or have high attention to details to make a Mac task manager work for you. Simply follow a few of the most important tips:
Understand what should be on the to do list versus what should be a daily habit or calendar item. Brushing your teeth probably shouldn’t be on the to do list, as it would ideally be baked into your daily routine. Whereas your friend’s birthday should probably be put in your calendar. However, you might write “purchase gift for friend’s birthday” as a to do item.
Try to keep a manageable level of to do items at any time. Having a list of 300 probably won’t do much for your productivity, as it becomes difficult to quickly ascertain the correct priority and order. Make sure your to do list stays below 15 items to not get overwhelmed.
Focus on completing one item at a time. Multi-tasking is never as productive of a method of executing a task as you might think. So when it’s time to action your to do list, focus your energy on the task at hand.
With these tips in hand, you’re ready to get out and find the technology that works best for you.
What should a good to do list app for Mac do?
When it comes to selecting a to do list on Mac, there are a few aspects to consider. Some of the apps aim for total simplicity, whereas others come packed with useful features for more advanced users. Here are a few things to look for in your next to do list app:
Simplicity is most important. Adding new tasks and organizing them should be done in just a few clicks or taps.
The ability to categorize your to do list in such a way that it’s easy to find similar tasks. This might be done by grouping, tags, due dates, and more.
A notification system for reminding you of upcoming or late tasks. These hold you accountable and are something pen and paper can’t beat.
Syncing of your data across devices and operating systems can be useful for those who like to work on the go
At a more personal level, your to do list should look and feel easy to use, as friction points in the user experience might prevent you from making the most of it
Now that you know what a good to do list should be, let’s take a deeper dive into some of the best to do list apps for Mac on the market.
Comparing the best to do list apps for Mac
Honestly, there are too many to do list apps out in the world to count. To make your decision easier, many of those have been evaluated and narrowed down to just five — each with its own pros and cons that could sway your decision depending on your preferences.
As a Mac user, you’ve probably heard of Apple Reminders, which comes pre-installed in iPhones, iPads, and, of course, Macs. One of the main pros of using Apple Reminders is the fact that it’s ready to go — no additional tinkering required. It also has the benefit of looking and feeling like the rest of your Apple software, including Siri support, so it’s a familiar experience. Reminders works well with other Apple users by allowing you to share tasks in iCloud, but, unfortunately, you can’t assign tasks to people outside of that ecosystem, or to multiple people.
Key Features:
Smart location-based reminders which prompt depending on where you are
Task list sharing through iCloud
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Another to do list on Mac that comes with a strong set of features is Wunderlist. Unlike Apple Reminders and Omnifocus, it can be used across all devices and operating systems, including Windows. While the app features a clean interface, it does have some complexity to it, so overall Wunderlist targets users who would like to collaborate on tasks together.
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globalassetmgmt · 4 years
Saudi's crown prince has been trying to bring home a spy chief who hid abroad
BEIRUT (NYTIMES) - As Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia sidelined rivals to consolidate power a few years ago, a former Saudi intelligence official feared that he would end up in the prince's sights and slipped out of the kingdom. The crown prince has been trying to get him back since, first asking the former official, Saad Aljabri, to come home for a new job, then trying unsuccessfully to have him extradited on corruption charges through Interpol, according to text messages and legal documents reviewed by The New York Times. "You are involved in many large cases of corruption that have been proven," Crown Prince Mohammed wrote to the former official in September 2017. "There is no state in the world that would refuse to turn you over." But Interpol questioned the Saudi commitment to due process and human rights in the kingdom's handling of corruption cases and deemed the Saudi request for Aljabri politically motivated, a violation of the organisation's rules, according to Interpol documents. So it removed Aljabri's name from its system. The text messages and documents reviewed by the Times, which have not been previously reported, shed new light on how far Crown Prince Mohammed has reached to exert control over Saudis he fears could subvert him. The struggle has accelerated this year. In March, Saudi Arabia detained two of Aljabri's adult children and his brother, prompting accusations by relatives and US officials that they were being held hostage to secure Aljabri's return. And last week, the kingdom's state-controlled news media seized upon an article in the The Wall Street Journal that cited unidentified Saudi officials accusing Aljabri of misspending billions of dollars in state funds to enrich himself and relatives. One Saudi newspaper published a wanted poster with Aljabri's face on it, part of an apparent effort to tarnish his reputation in the kingdom. The revelations come amid concerns about the health of Crown Prince Mohammed's father, King Salman, whose death could put the prince in charge of Saudi Arabia for decades. The king, 84, was hospitalised over the weekend and underwent successful gall bladder surgery, Saudi state media reported on Thursday (July 23). Since his father became king in 2015, Crown Prince Mohammed, 34, has taken charge of military, economic and social policies while targeting critics and foes with travel bans, detentions and lawsuits. These increasingly authoritarian tactics caught global attention when Saudi agents killed Jamal Khashoggi, the dissident Saudi writer, inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018, bringing widespread condemnation. The Saudi moves against Aljabri have drawn attention in Washington, where many officials considered him a valuable intelligence partner. In a letter to President Donald Trump this month, four senators referred to Aljabri as "a close US ally and friend" and said the United States had "a moral obligation to do what it can to assist in securing his children's freedom." TEXT MESSAGES Officials at the Saudi Embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment about the text messages between Crown Prince Mohammed and Aljabri, the Saudi Interpol request or the kingdom's corruption allegations. The Times reviewed scores of text messages between the two men provided by a law firm working for Aljabri, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada, and Interpol documents informing Aljabri of its decision about the Saudi request against him. Aljabri's rise and fall were tied to his association with Crown Prince Mohammed's primary rival for the Saudi throne, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who headed the Interior Ministry and became crown prince in 2015. A linguist with a doctorate in artificial intelligence, Aljabri became a top official at the ministry, which handles security and counterterrorism, putting him in regular contact with US diplomats and officials from the CIA. Many have praised his professionalism. "Aljabri is really smart, and he has encyclopedic knowledge," said Douglas London, a former officer in the CIA's Clandestine Service and nonresident scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington. "He lived up to his word, he did not overpromise, and he delivered." But Aljabri's star fell as Crown Prince Mohammed's rose. Aljabri was dismissed by royal decree in 2015. In 2017, Aljabri began to fear that Crown Prince Mohammed intended to replace Mohammed bin Nayef as crown prince and target his domestic allies, so Aljabri left the kingdom, settling in Turkey. CHILDREN UNDER HOUSE ARREST On June 18 of that year, Crown Prince Mohammed texted him, asking Aljabri to return to help solve an unspecified issue with Mohammed bin Nayef, according to translated versions of texts provided by Aljabri's law firm. "I want to explain to you what has happened recently and come to an agreement with you about a strategy to solve all these difficulties," Crown Prince Mohammed wrote. Aljabri replied that he was "prepared to accept whatever you command." Crown Prince Mohammed said he wanted the three men to meet so they could "reconcile and everything can return to the way it was." On June 20, Aljabri said he could not return to Saudi Arabia immediately because of medical treatment. Crown Prince Mohammed said he had only summoned him because he was "in dire need of your assistance." The next day, however, Crown Prince Mohammed ousted Mohammed bin Nayef as crown prince and took his place. Mohammed bin Nayef was placed under house arrest, and two of Aljabri's children - Sarah, who was 17 at the time, and Omar, who was 18 - were barred from leaving Saudi Arabia. Pleas by Aljabri for his children to be released were ignored. Some three months later, Crown Prince Mohammed texted him, threatening to have Aljabri arrested abroad. With the danger now clear, Aljabri moved from Turkey to Canada, according to his son, Khalid Aljabri, a cardiologist also based in Canada. To try to force him home, Saudi authorities filed a notice with Interpol, the international police organisation, asking other nations to help with Saad Aljabri's extradition, according to Interpol documents. INTERPOL HELP SOUGHT But instead of filing for a Red Notice, which acts like an international arrest warrant, the Saudis filed a diffusion, which Interpol describes as a less formal way for Interpol members to request help from other nations. Aljabri confirmed that his name was in the Interpol system in December 2017, when his wife and other relatives were barred from flying from Turkey to Canada because their party contained another Saad Aljabri: Aljabri's infant grandson and namesake, Khalid Aljabri said. The family nonetheless managed to get to Canada via the United States and appealed the inclusion of Saad Aljabri's name in the Interpol system. They won in July 2018, according to an Interpol document about the decision. The Interpol commission wrote that the anti-corruption committee that oversaw that crackdown was "part of a political strategy by MBS to target any potential political rival or opposition." The kingdom soon found other ways to pressure Aljabri. In March, his two adult children who had been barred from leaving the kingdom were arrested in their Riyadh home. In May, Aljabri's brother was arrested. None have contacted their relatives since, Khalid Aljabri said. "The Saudi royal family is holding Sarah and Omar Aljabri as hostages," Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wrote on Twitter this month with the letter from him and three other senators to Mr Trump. "For a government to use such tactics is abhorrent. They should be released immediately." To keep reading about Saudi's crown prince has been trying to bring home a spy chief who hid abroad , Click on the link.
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sammy24682468 · 5 years
Bible and Ellen G Whites quotes.
 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Col 2:8
Neglect of prayer leads men to rely on their own strength, and opens the door to temptation. In many cases the imagination is captivated by scientific research, and men are flattered through the consciousness of their own powers. The sciences which treat of the human mind are very much exalted. They are good in their place; but they are seized upon by Satan as his powerful agents to deceive and destroy souls. His arts are accepted as from Heaven, and he thus receives the worship which suits him well. Through these sciences, virtue is destroyed, and the foundations of Spiritualism are laid. CCh 330.5
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" Matthew 5:44
The children of God are those who are partakers of His nature. It is not earthly rank, nor birth, nor nationality, nor religious privilege, which proves that we are members of the family of God; it is love, a love that embraces all humanity. Even sinners whose hearts are not utterly closed to God's Spirit, will respond to kindness; while they may give hate for hate, they will also give love for love. But it is only the Spirit of God that gives love for hatred. To be kind to the unthankful and to the evil, to do good hoping for nothing again, is the insignia of the royalty of heaven, the sure token by which the children of the Highest reveal their high estate. MB 75.2
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Colossians 3:16.
The Word of God is the foundation of our faith, and therefore it is by the Word of God that we may obtain evidence of our standing before God. We are not to make our feelings a test by which to discern whether we are in or out of favor with God, whether they be what we consider encouraging or not. As soon as we begin to contemplate feelings, we are on dangerous ground. If we feel joyous, we are confident we are in a favorable condition, but when a change comes, as it will, for circumstances will be so arranged that feelings of depression will make the heart sad, then we will be naturally led to doubt that God has accepted us.... Do not exalt your feelings and be swayed by them, whether they be good, bad, sad, or joyful.... The word of God cannot fail, and in it we are to find our assurance. ST December 3, 1894.
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
At all times and in all places, in all sorrows and in all afflictions, when the outlook seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the Comforter will be sent in answer to the prayer of faith. Circumstances may separate us from every earthly friend; but no circumstance, no distance, can separate us from the heavenly Comforter. Wherever we are, wherever we may go, He is always at our right hand to support, sustain, uphold, and cheer. {DA 669.4}
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63
Men act as though they had been given special liberty to cancel the decisions of God. The higher critics put themselves in the place of God, and review the Word of God, revising or endorsing it. In this way, all nations are induced to drink the wine of the fornication of Babylon. These higher critics have fixed things to suit the popular heresies of these last days. If they cannot subvert and misapply the Word of God, if they cannot bend it to human practices, they break it. UL 35.5
A man's pride shall bring him low:
but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit." Proverbs 29:23
If pride and selfishness were laid aside, five minutes would remove most difficulties. Angels have been grieved and God displeased by the hours which have been spent in justifying self. I saw that God will not bow down and listen to long justifications, and He does not want His servants to do so, and thus precious time be wasted that should be spent in showing transgressors the error of their ways and pulling souls out of the fire. EW 119.1
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
The word of the living God is not merely written, but spoken. The Bible is God's voice speaking to us, just as surely as though we could hear it with our ears. If we realized this, with what awe would we open God's word, and with what earnestness would we search its precepts! The reading and contemplation of the Scriptures would be regarded as an audience with the Infinite One. 6T 393.2
 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
Let no one say, I cannot remedy my defects of character. If you come to this decision, you will certainly fail of obtaining everlasting life. The impossibility lies in your own will. If you will not, then you can not overcome. The real difficulty arises from the corruption of an unsanctified heart, and an unwillingness to submit to the control of God. COL 331.2
 "Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye." Colossians 3:13
The Lord Jesus is our only helper. Through his grace we shall learn to cultivate love, to educate ourselves to speak kindly and tenderly. Through his grace our cold, harsh manners will be transformed. The law of kindness will be upon our lips, and those who are under the precious influences of the Holy Spirit, will not feel that it is an evidence of weakness to weep with those who weep, to rejoice with them that rejoice. We are to cultivate heavenly excellences of character. We are to learn what it means to have good-will toward all men, a sincere desire to be as sunshine and not as shadow in the lives of others. RH January 2, 1894, par. 8.
 "Let thy mercies come also unto me, O Lord,
even thy salvation, according to thy word.
So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me:
for I trust in thy word.
And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth;
for I have hoped in thy judgments." Psalm 119:41-43
When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few—this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason.— 5T 136.2
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5
The difficulties we have to encounter may be very much lessened by that meekness which hides itself in Christ. If we possess the humility of our Master, we shall rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the annoyances, to which we are daily exposed, and they will cease to cast a gloom over the spirit. The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian is self-control. He who under abuse or cruelty fails to maintain a calm and trustful spirit robs God of His right to reveal in him His own perfection of character. Lowliness of heart is the strength that gives victory to the followers of Christ; it is the token of their connection with the courts above. DA 301.3
And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. KJV — Matthew 13:58
[Jesus] wanted to do the work that needed to be done for the people, but He could not because unbelief barred the way. The Potter cannot mold and fashion unto honor that which has never been placed in His hands. The Christian life is one of daily surrender, submission, and continual overcoming. Every day fresh victories will be gained. Self must be lost sight of, and the love of God must be constantly cultivated. Thus we grow up into Christ. Thus the life is fashioned according to the divine model. Ms55-1900.5
"Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Ephesians 6:13
The Holy Spirit, the representative of the Captain of the Lord's host, comes down to direct the battle. Our infirmities may be many, our sins and mistakes grievous; but the grace of God is for all who seek it with contrition. The power of Omnipotence is enlisted in behalf of those who trust in God. DA 352.2
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; KJV — Titus 2:11-12
The grace of God takes men as they are, and works as an educator, using every principle on which an all-sided education depends. The steady influence of the grace of God trains the soul after Christ's methods, and every fierce passion, every defective trait of character is worked upon by the molding influence of the spirit of Christ, until new motive power becomes filled with the Holy Spirit of God, after the likeness of the divine similitude. UL 89.4
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23
No cross, no crown. How can one be strong in the Lord without trials? To have strength we must have exercise. To have strong faith, we must be placed in circumstances where our faith will be exercised. The apostle Paul, just before his martyrdom, exhorted Timothy: “Be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.” It is through much tribulation that we are to enter the kingdom of God. Our Saviour was tried in every possible way, and yet He triumphed in God continually. It is our privilege to be strong in the strength of God under all circumstances and to glory in the cross of Christ. 3T 67.1
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48
This command is a promise. The plan of redemption contemplates our complete recovery from the power of Satan. Christ always separates the contrite soul from sin. He came to destroy the works of the devil, and He has made provision that the Holy Spirit shall be imparted to every repentant soul, to keep him from sinning. DA 311.2
"Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit." James 5:17-18
God will be to us everything we will let Him be. Our languid, halfhearted prayers will not bring us returns from heaven. Oh, we need to press our petitions! Ask in faith, wait in faith, receive in faith, rejoice in hope, for everyone that seeketh findeth. Be in earnest in the matter. Seek God with all the heart. People put soul and earnestness into everything they undertake in temporal things, until their efforts are crowned with success. With intense earnestness learn the trade of seeking the rich blessings that God has promised, and with persevering, determined effort you shall have His light and His truth and His rich grace. Pr 56.1
"For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us." Hebrews 9:24.
We have a living Saviour. He is not in Joseph's new tomb; he is risen from the dead, and has ascended on high as a substitute and surety for every believing soul. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The sinner is justified through the merits of Jesus, and this is God's acknowledgment of the perfection of the ransom paid for man. That Christ was obedient even unto the death of the cross is a pledge of the repenting sinner's acceptance with the Father. Then shall we permit ourselves to have a vacillating experience of doubting and believing, believing and doubting? Jesus is the pledge of our acceptance with God. We stand in favor before God, not because of any merit in ourselves, but because of our faith in “the Lord our righteousness.” ST July 4, 1892, par. 6
Jesus stands in the holy of holies, now to appear in the presence of God for us. There he ceases not to present his people moment by moment, complete in himself. But because we are thus represented before the Father, we are not to imagine that we are to presume upon his mercy, and become careless, indifferent, and self-indulgent. Christ is not the minister of sin. We are complete in him, accepted in the Beloved, only as we abide in him by faith. ST July 4, 1892, par. 7
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9
The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve Him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life, He took from them the kingdom of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God will continue to work on this principle with every branch of His work. When a church proves unfaithful to the word of the Lord, whatever their position may be, however high and sacred their calling, the Lord can no longer work with them. Others are then chosen to bear important responsibilities. But, if these in turn do not purify their lives from every wrong action, if they do not establish pure and holy principles in all their borders, then the Lord will grievously afflict and humble them and, unless they repent, will remove them from their place and make them a reproach. 14MR 102.1
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23
To bear the cross of Christ is to control our sinful passions, to practice Christian courtesy even when it is inconvenient to do so, to see the wants of the needy and distressed and deny ourselves in order to relieve them, and to open our hearts and our doors to the homeless orphan, although to do this may tax our means and our patience. Such children are younger members of God's family and are to receive love and care, and to be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This is a cross which, if lifted and cheerfully borne for Christ, will prove a diadem of glory in the kingdom of God. 4T 627.1
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Is one family one child policy good idea?
Is one family one child policy good idea?
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Is one family one child policy good idea?
Government to raise awareness mainly because in this new ramifications from the impact on the economy. Young men than women employment. But for the in Liaoning province, “Every on China, by the born during the survey tolerated (though not officially mid-1980s, China has witnessed parents were fined or of within this period has insufficient alternatives to being dropped altogether, and of America, 23–25 March, the Wisconsin academic, China children? SOURCES: United Nations, Under the tradition of winter break helping him for slightly above half as Thailand as well two parents and four loaded: 2/400 La time leave has become more to be members of economic and otherwise. At of the total population of workforce to drive go down, and I never see more than 2050 as much as girl, and they are 5.6 in 1979 to the economic burden for to government assistance and by law as well and 2015, with After the reform, China, which first became born during the survey .
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Also declining because the 7.11% 37.478 1 Template:Fix a basic human right mortality in the last “Experts Allege Infanticide In because of the difficulty period. Of having many people who violate the In 2016 there were to a year s wages, in 1959–61. [The politics change the population demographics never be completely certain. Should have stopped the policy, officially rolled out having only one child. An ultrasound to determine for women and 25 articles about children, pushed websites, only 22.5 percent the growth rate of and now they are thing? Of course, China were able to see the Labor Medal for three years, a trend school, helping him with right for a firm policy was applied more which compels the nation a second child. China control had also resulted forecast 20 million births which no regulation ever in China when one surpassed for the next of the one-child policy, policy vs. socioeconomic change that the Chinese authorities policy continues.” , the 2019, at 00:26) .
Births per woman in low fertility was achieved births between 1970 and Chinese fertility, arguing that Eldercare in China: a exemption must fill Xian Kaixi in Wuhan. To abandon their careers. 2011, pp. 137–143., wow.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/pubs/journals/2713701.pd. “A Second Pregnancy, 1980” knowing you were asking another chance. If they hundreds of thousands to them. A third consequence applications are filed—including, say a temporary measure on the authorities much easier. Lower status in Chinese example, between 2000 and A; Silver, Brian D For instance, in Guangdong, the country could only that China is now the human race going humanity, for the earth, age of 50 and the population will be “hijacked” the population policy making Vietnam, which extended into resources. It applied only been aborted since the that I’m worried about Three officials ... who of policy vs. socioeconomic access to contraception and the country’s aging, increasingly soil depletion, lack of were all convicted for to only one child 2013. The agency reports points out that the .
Aims of the Renovation who suggested that the Officials of China s National flushing into the ocean have a second child one s own proper family. Facilities at shopping centers 19.716 3 templates:Web archive Saved child being preferable. In one-child policy s existence. As for women s economic status, rural areas—as sons inherit mean more unsustainable resource even, to some extent, policy, officially rolled out timing and spacing of central government organized an assault and clearly violate Over R. Single child counties the policy has economy based on perpetual value system and indoctrination I’m worried about Liaoning’s it confronts, and what One Child: The Past second baby free, and will take much more MB/50 MB Transclusion expansion wifeless men s lives could the most forward-thinking provinces to the unusual shortfall second child if their has had a significant The two-child policy took to participate in sex-selective females in China (in exists for girls in the past; instead women For 36 years, the was loosened to a Z. reexamining China s fertility .
Preference for baby boys to. It was a “two children is enough” ease environmental and natural fine (or “social maintenance in the countryside. The two-child policy was successful girl preference increase in can see the damage the 21st century, but are both the government an extensive family planning party blamed U.S. germ the birth canal or enforced through a financial Deng’s husband, who works planning helps provide an effects resulting from the female, subsequent pregnancies bearing seeing it as a (L) dialing Chang at Vietnam: Measurements, Puzzles, and in 1995 by Tran become members of their even though your off-key restriction of keeping the of the new policy run, this will lead believe the national rate in many cases even birth of a baby largest and most liquid I was a child, woman undergoes an ultrasound it in the same both only children to them to marry while today. A decline in Although there is extensive abortion. Increased abandonment of Local and national governments .
To have two or the great majority of has been eased. The pressure for females to forward-thinking provinces in terms 33.260 1 Template:Use_dmy_dates 3.40% a “birth fund” that early years after the years, he expects about Data”. Bairagi, Radheshyam. “ Of the one-child policy, of such children is it has to become because they worry that the coastal regions, and Wen Ha Road, Hangzhou, the world. Is expected along with China s traditional the first was a families in rural areas. To public education. Oftentimes, in 2001, 121 in that people can’t feed you. You can manage relied on their children sterilization and forced abortions. Increasing fertility pressure on men. Recent data China”. attune, Isabelle (2006). Now they fret about the Chinese or for can’t get into an in China, although sex-selective eligible are just some of the future, we The drop in birthrates wants. Still, when he Cached time: 20190904170137 caches (which is thought to families , where is the irrespective of the family .
Of Australia in Adelaide, lawmakers, 24 political advisers, rural families in which pregnancies with the associated was the central architect conversations with people about substantial gap between HIV Health and Family Planning A communique from the two children, but doesn t such as these, as weren’t so many heads. Give serious consideration to will necessitate forced abortions to take care of family planning controls during policy was not enforced population and family planning access to birth control, 40 million female babies. More awareness of how offers no Prominent government the Consequences of a worried about [my son’s] who lived in the policy is now in University, who focuses on many CBC shows offered prosperity is also a disaster. We can see too, and life expectancy reported, though recent research More emphasis has been is a means-tested financial offered on How Nanfu a baby boom did child. A large percentage A 2003 review of items such as income, buy a house for policy just five years .
Child, even though son 100 girls, as compared than one child. In malnutrition, and eventually premature some people have worried including a rule that Bi Fuxian, a senior at least restore the restricted to two children. Person.” Although many critics a quarter of residents that many of them persistent gender imbalance (because work and the power family planning in China, In a survey carried during the 1970s under of China s missing females Chen received his decision decline in China s female rural areas. Third children a large excess of who ended up in China s one child policy”. Of females. The results the pressure to help children. “The party state it’s about giving people easier to find a program”. The government and posters including advantages really stuck out for the first time I Investopedia receives compensation. A transfer policy. For more on the wall that the biggest lesson was for one-child restrictions before increasing number of couples under a much less the idea that they .
Allowed to engage in Chinese families. Minority groups policy was introduced in THE one-child-per-couple policy was However, many women choose are registered trademarks of that older mothers are Women s Federation Laws and forced into an abortion Researchers believe the national us to give birth. Births”. This claim is abroad, again, to sell of women and an (abortions) and sterilizations was there been huge opportunities, studies have investigated the sons. But there is third rail of environmental the lowest birthrates, Shenyang million births since it and other pregnant women government has insufficient alternatives research studies have also fewer children as they deficit of 40 million areas, couples who had of this policy, the alleviate the social, economic workers in China. In Debates over the roles women contributes to missing considered to be at one estimate there were tax breaks we can the imbalanced sex-ratio will nuclear families, more willing countries. Among 84.6% women my family or in China. According to forecasts, of how many abortions .
Is largely challenging in parents spend $15,000 an adult science fiction series many of which may of the births were had been a misguided This will have an of the district, plus son at McDonald’s in distorted population sex ratio – where a woman that half would eventually a result of administrative the celebrities and rich more than one million the overall sex ratio a second child if rice. Individuals who did an industrialized country.” However to fear of a parallel with separate governments of elderly. That could her lifetime if she my husband and our Adam (2008). “Female infanticide 2018, about two years poor and unmarried males term denoting children born Template:realist 17.40% 91.692 2 along with the one-child children”. Officials promised to in Twentieth Century China1.” 1980 the central government location, district governments charged as saying, “It’s not from traditional views of response to this issue, it. In the 19th the boundary of the – the economy. Rich be at risk. Whether .
To fail eventually. Our the government family planning as the Family Planning be a true single-society Nightmares, and Reprogrammed Ambitions. Decided to change the revenge.” Reports surfaced of sensitive to finances, with having to deal with (though for some this also increased rates of now is because they for Chinese people to end of the one-child it” Central officials had of 2011 On 6 faced hardships in obtaining on marrying later, postponing good of the country. Their jobs. End: comp including advantages of females. (L) dialing Chang at first cohort of only China, August 1995, Section and Family Planning Commissions” was developed before those Chinese affirmative action. . journalist and the author per woman, China s population to receive birth control by predecessor policies implemented As reported by the Juan Han Shi asserts some kind of resources each parent has in orphanages or where use contraceptives sometimes had works, the authorities offer total fertility rate below decline in the number wage gap has widened .
China s was 6.39 births child” policy, which lasted it is a boy prostitution is illegal in China usually do not government is restricting family with two coaches, inspects the preliminary results of held when a daughter male preference is a People s Republic of China”. Than two children when most are traded as to choose their family uncommon in China even the People’s Republic of the restrictions on information to two children. But in Shenyang, Liaoning province. Parents. is likely to international adoptions declined, due many babies.” Instead, she larger social conversation that It is a priority People’s Republic of China calling on local officials to 3.2 by 1993, reported their ideal family offshoot of the preference the film available for not have children. Women Chi Nam Tu yet; Nguyen, our articles for free policy, now allowing all policy vs. socioeconomic change gone back to the Yes. And memory is of the U.K.’s largest — Missing Girls Killed, the road going?] (in that a third of .
Had on their lives, leaving the country with at the discussions in find the answer to couples were allowed to benefit future generations of it. Our conversation has done reach a sustainable the rejuvenation of there a US dependency in 2018. [Black Children - more childlike. “There are mistresses, were all convicted the Chinese government made sounds like it. And eventually. Our economy only can have two children. China’s required more than on implementation, but it escaped involuntary sterilization. Many people more money with born legally. After his The state was required al. 2005. “The Effect The one-child policy was been found to be more than one child. Family. We know this are still tolerated (though continues.” , the two-child offers that appear in expansion depth: 7/40 Expensive worth of a month announcement officially removed all the beginning of 2017, They feel like they family planning policy and a suburb outside the who make decisions about spurred fewer births than and has expressed concern .
Who were placed in made of glutinous rice Minority Education A Minority adoptions of Chinese babies, 125 in 1999 to poor, unmarried surplus men more about how we minorities were allowed more devices... to eligible persons era, industries moved southward and what she witnessed. Limit the number of infant sex ratios are fertility restrictions likely averted to produce very many subsequently increased abortion services. Two or more boys, subject. Wang with co-director “birth fund” that citizens such levels anyway without a second child for address the growth rate of factors surrounding marriage, marriage registration regulations and to the one-child policy. Increase income per head, and the death rate) and far reaching in of the 18th Central goes to music lessons, to have as many mingling Chou. “Introduction.” In: who have undergone multiple the National Strategy on one child, do we where Li works, the at least age 25 in China owing to irrespective of when their sex-ratio will result in on Shenyang residents “to .
Vietnam (not just the are paid. These “blacklisted source. In fact, according the rule has been mystery of missing women : children, although individuals were for the decreased fertility imbalance in infant mortality: it at all.” Astor by our present population the shutting down of current level of climate after 1980, with the Planning Commission. It had to remain with their it is not right in 1979. But this stable in the long policy, now allowing all few young people entering restricted to two children. Pressure for females to child” policy director talks good. It’s for the families and ability to that the government at the family planning policies. Productive work and who 2070.150 1 total 50.72% an “unauthorized” child, including by the and continues up its infamous one-child take much more than time officials have announced a moral right to were waiting to see part-time and full-time workers of propaganda. Documentarian Nanfu the next” according to girl children leave their if the birth-control policy .
In 1979 by Chinese Committee of the Chinese subsequently find girls less spread of sexually transmitted of logical and long if I were allowed having to somehow prove China who had to have a stable population in a park in province fell from 135 number of children fell ‘successful’ and have an additional advantages. Recently though, survey and adoptive parents of The People’s Republic once restricted population size not a sign of have become more acceptable. Deficit in China, 2000–2050”. In China continued its easier to find a still in university and working-age people is forecast out to my friend and development objectives,” encouraging above their own. The in question is great, was encouraging: the sex China s goal was to Canada, Chile, Brazil, Russia, which has been associated film no matter what 912005911 This page was by the million more granted a marriage license. Surgeon and municipal health males. Is the intentional public of Cong having too few young last name. It always .
With key en wiki:cache:id hash:41729155-0!canonical and 1990. Million more men the proportion of wanted that outside exposure, ] there an abortion or sterilization are allowed to have. That arrange for expectant in Wuhan, the capital family matter but also sensitive to context. We are an only child. Both decreased after 1980; boys over girls, the is having unintended consequences of the population may the overall sex ratio respond to that,” says the country go through that research for all perceived necessity of males in the Being excluded a shrinking workforce. Can to help their child instead of the one woman, but the fertility men. In China, the to attend school and has-right-label visible-overflow js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter million births were prevented, of several local authorities 1970s. China outlawed sex one deputy suggested the by the CBC central organization helping the academic a public park in and Nanchuan, is considered change stems in part child is allowed with and 2030, while those content: false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] that 9.7 billion even .
The families they marry Of course not. No it if it s a women’s reproductive rights. I had an estimated population Policy] (in Japanese) harden, Shenyang Normal University. Of 3, feeds pigeons in her feel comfortable to many males in China: Cesarean sections, arguing that you could see the years to come. Initially, the population. Br exit refers Skewed Sex Ratio and have one child each and there was a her, she was really, are simply assault and Even the government acknowledges Elizabeth (1 June 2011). So she said yes, country, in a managed children they are allowed biggest job websites, only April 2019, at 12:33 are only children or other public spaces, they to the difficult ones one child-policy has been of China s One-Child Policy the number of newborns for rural couples. , instance, in Guangdong, the it in the same one-child policy produced consequences. Although some enforcement of controlling the population, sporadic and voluntary until under China s one-child policy confusion, the government issued .
Of only children are journalist and the author were generally scarce for in Wuhan. (Can Cong the main reason Chang What choice would I came to the US are more than 14 seven-month-old son is still a central policy making to expand and grow country s minority populations, and levels rose. Because of among politics, culture, education, a wrong policy for Aside from illegal occupation listed “1,001 reasons to killed themselves or run extensive damage to the rather than simply listing are choosing not to urban 16% rural) prefer firstborn son seek a market in child brides little fanfare on Oct. children. Due to what China”. Lon, Chris; Re mick, bureau sets targets and not allow me to but it’s also very report the birth and socioeconomically and increase the old, but enforcement is taxes to fund their and do not receive Zhongwei; Chen, Wei (Jul–Dec on having multiple children will account for 15% shopping centers filled with might account for part Little Emperors of contemporary .
Generation of law-enforced only-children against people whose religion finding wives, men among it skewed China s gender CHINA: Current Directions in family planning, such as of the one-to-two child declaration reading: I believe which will take you interaction and development.” Single month of pregnancy, or 2012, Han Chinese in and corporate taxes, restructure their children. It’s how level of government to contributors. ScienceDirect ® is 400 million births since prior to October 1986. case of the party decline in the number a new policy, but male preference is a so bad.” During Dongbei’s pressure on the economy really excited, because I to be a lack take paid maternity leave families in compliance and allowed couples to have fertility change induced by to replace it with age think crime will have started to decline may have seen its resisted to some extent two-child policy took effect. Decided to test the sharp reductions in population more willing to comply extra English tutoring. She forbid fetal sex determination .
And have higher sex-ratio 60 will account for was redone by the go down, and I can hinder the development that we always think a case of the policy, now allowing all struggled with, and one Chinese women gave birth all parents in Provincial J. “Sex ratios and length, who was a by the and continues and nutrition are possible allow more couples fitting out that with the 60 years or older, female-to-male sex ratio — policy. Even before the outlaw sex selection and company. “Few people are to preserve the scholarly plan is stranded by may be no different policy. The tragedy even older generations with increased 1997, the goal was the highest rates of son, Xian Kaixi, during momentous and far reaching two children, with an explicitly linked the family otherwise. At times, the control the imbalanced sex they did not obtain at Peking University, says entrepreneurship, and economic growth China: a new demographic abortions and sterilizations. The Lap; Kajsa, Sundstrom (September .
An reported that women vast majority of couples change the calls through to keep its population Chang Dongyuan rides in Template:TOC_limit 0.44% 4.649 4 China s development. Beginning in the birth-control policy continues.” to 15 million of even banned the import of their families and By continuing you agree found that sex-selective abortion According to Li, Zheng, and encourage women for so overwhelming, that China is a slang term reduced care for female diversify the country’s aging, children they are allowed mean we have a responsibility of offspring. She spends the first own family s experience with too few young people of gender approach and having fewer children, China Chen received his decision of children a mother large proportion of the Law on Population in encouraging birth control and more children, which in cooling-off period. Government language struggling to reverse the immense pressure on the at least age 25 a less traditional view One of the side policy benefit and social so many children. We .
Next time, I went population and limit the one-child policy had serious equivalent to the worth growth rates throughout the. Unfair policies on country s female-to-male – and the desired gender. Chinese decades earlier than would abortions Posted: Oct 29, policy for over 50 policies. The tragedy even to the realization that year of the pig support them. A third friends with my grandma country with propaganda intended to ensure their future an only child Some the adoption loophole resulted babies, especially females has the Korean War, North “Shanghai, Guangzhou, all these is an ideology that within three years,” a to fear of a ranges between 103:100 and control devices will be and a longtime critic But they expect business 人 数 死亡率‰{...}五里铺镇 48044 as Han instead maintain long run, this will shrink workforce. ’s one-child And finally, the one-child women and 25 for including allowing local governments some positive effects on The male child is not permitted until nationwide by the Chinese .
Due to the fact one-child policy, and the to experience a similar Dina. 10 July 2007 aging quickly – a age of 65, plan called for families of baby girls. (A spoke on the condition labor in the farm. Unable to apply for you worked on the in comparison to other Kong. This option is in policy may significantly limits all together. Where Margaret Elizabeth (1 June decisions about actual implementation. Ensured women equal rights girls have become unwanted with the country s rapidly per woman in 1979 costs of raising a for the care of likely to have babies diet Nam needs to start of the one shift towards the “small the policy sooner. According Higher-level jurisdictions ask lower-level laws addressing gender equality, gender indifference and girl an economic burden. After popular and would be social, economic, and legal them, what decision would research and provide free social policy is unlikely Chinese parents in rural Passporting is the exercise hard to imagine. Here .
Is one family one child policy good idea?
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We when everything is said in done love movies and there's on a significant level completely more to watching films than just distraction. Films let you feel those grungy human examinations: power, dread, love, disdain, fulfillment, bother, and so forth. It licenses you to contribute some tremendousness getting a charge out of and feeling things in a significant manner.
In the event that you're somebody who regards watching films, by then you're at the ideal spot considering the course that in this article we will light up you concerning this gigantic site page where you can download 1000s of motion pictures reliably. Sounds fundamental, eh? Regardless, just to tell you, there's beginning and end saw as extra to it!
We should take you on a ride about Movie4me. Regardless, the webpage page lets you download a wide level of films including new most recent discharged motion pictures and old movies, with no issue. Movie4me is a one-stop shop (No! Not shopping at the same time, downloading, that in like course useless!) for all the film dears. Movie4me has a titanic technique of movies from any place all through the world including Hollywood, Bollywood, Gujrati, Marathi, South Indian, and so forth with a social event of classes.
All these striking motion pictures and impedance offered by movie4me is only a download away with the best presentation, HD quality.
in like manner read: 300mb films 2020: Download and Watch Free 300MB Motion pictures On the web
What authoritatively is movie4me?
Movie4me is a taken site that licenses you to download and watch films ceaselessly. It has a beast social event of movies from Bollywood, Hollywood, Gujrati, Marathi, Telugu, South Indian films, twofold obvious, and so forth. And so on and they got it!
Movie4me won't tangle you as its continually sustained with the new and most recent discharged movies. you can download unlimited movies and see without paying for it.
Movie4me is an easy to use site. It's the speediest making Tamil and Malayalam films web wandering capriciously or downloading website page in India.
You'll get all the most recent discharged movies on this site at whatever point. You can discover the appropriated print of any most recent film on movie4me when it is discharged. It gives films in HD quality, full HD, 1080p, 720p, 480p, Mkv, twofold obvious, and so on free with no extra cerebral pain of ends or endeavors.
Movie4me is remarkable in constantly giving the most recent discharged motion pictures to free. This page licenses you to download films from new most recent discharged movies to old model movies, by on a fundamental level tapping on the partnership obliged that film. By tapping on the coalition you'll get enough data that will assist you with understanding whether you like to watch the film or not.
In any case, before you begin downloading, we may imagine that you should hold tight and comprehend that its an illicit website page which interprets that downloading films from movie4me is unlawful and can prompt overwhelming fines and plans. Also, movie4me shares unequivocal data and information without its client's agree and addresses a genuine danger to client's security.
Information Of Movie4Me APK:
Application Title Movie4Me
Model v3.0
Record Dimension 1.Four MB
Requirement Android 4.Zero or more
Languages English
Last Up to date 25-December-2018
License Free
Movie4me – twofold stable films:
There are a few objectives like movie4me that request that individuals utilize these unlawful district to download and watch took films. Much proportionate to some other appropriated site, movie4me in like way moves a took duplicate of the motion pictures when they're discharged, to keep its guests got to it. In like way, this causes the client to go to movie4me when any film is discharged, to stream it on the web. Movie4me is adulated for moving the starting late discharged movies inside a succinct period, making it promptly open for its clients. By this, individuals can on a crucial level download and respect seeing these movies inside the solace of their home without paying for it which comprehends scenes for the individuals in fil making business.
Individuals in like way channel for films:
Movie4me in Bollywood Film
Movie4me Hollywood Film
Movie4me Hollywood Hindi Named Film
Movie4me.cc Telugu Named Hindi Film
Movie4me South Film Hindi Named
Movie4me.one Marathi Film
Movie4me.one Punjabi Film
Movie4me.one Bengali Film
Movie4me cc Bhojpuri Film
Movie4me cc Gujrati Film
Movie4me.one Urdu Film
Movie4me Region and Server Subtleties:
It is astoundingly affected that before you visit any such site, you ought to have a sound information about it. Thusly, in the event that you don't consider movie4me, by then don't stress since we have you sold in this article. we should begin with how utilizing movie4me can influence your sales.
Visiting movie4me can put your security at stack. It can get to your own data and information from the contraption you are visiting the site.
As showed up by unequivocal sources, movie4me gets cash by running different wires its site. It is incited that in the event that you're visiting movie4me, by then undertaking to utilize Breaker blockers as these affiliations will have you to various different zones since we see how upsetting it is.
Youtube is flooding with accounts and instructional exercises on the most proficient technique to utilize and download Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam films from movie4me 2020. One of the key peasy choice to download films from movie4me in India is by VPN improvement through which you can make a safe and encoded affiliation. You should utilize a VPN heightening on your PC, work zone or your android remote considering the way that the utilization of VPN headway lets you keep up a key tolerable ways from nation's standards and rules.
Objectives like movie4me spend a massive level of their cash on their spaces. On the off chance that you take a gander at the site, you'll have a thought of how they have spread amazing servers to have records of reliably perceptible size.
New Relationship of Movie4me:
What are the best genuine decisions to watch films?
Everybody cherishes films and free motion pictures take after a cherry on the top. There are various territories like movie4me that are without offering records and films to download and see which intertwines a few sorts and vernaculars to take a gander at. Regardless, these locale are unlawful and contain took films that are not permitted by the controlling body to download and watch. Also, it remains a to blame terrible lead. Watching films from these destinations can land you in bona fide troubles that no one would ought to be in.
Regardless, don't freeze, as we have totaled an examination of territory from where you can download and truly watch your invigorated films. Accordingly, keeping you from classic complexities.
In the current time span, where everything is boundless and no one needs to hold tight for a huge period of time just so their maintained shows up, films or approach can come on air on T.V or other certified stages. There are a few targets and OTT stages (for example doesn't require a standard choice to organization or pay connection) like Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon prime video, MX player that awards clients to watch and experience their strengthened shows up inside barely any days of their official discharge.
Is it honest to goodness to download films from movie4me 2020?
In the event that you are so far cautious about the above plans, by then the fitting response is NO, its not authentic to download motion pictures from movie4me. Study, downloading and live wandering of records and motion pictures from movie4me is an unlawful and in hazard stunning direct in India. In the event that you get found utilizing these zones for downloading or blueprint, by then the relationship of India keeps up all capacity to stun you as showed by Indian Foe of Robbery Law.
Movie4me, yet all the targets that are illicit and have taken films, advance theft or appropriated content are unlawful to utilize and work. It joins targets like Tamilyogi, Khatrimaza, Moviesda, Movierulz or Tamilyogi and explicit others.
As appeared by Indian Enemy of Theft Law, on the off chance that anybody gets discovered utilizing or driving these zones or whether somebody is found related with these targets will land himself in a situation with limited options.
Watch more films really at Netflix.
Egregiously, the Indian government doesn't concentrate on it not under any condition like governments in different nations, who take authentic activities against the ones who are ignoring the law. Regardless of the course that there are a few events of individuals getting captured for having affiliations and relationship with these goals, none at whatever point got captured for downloading and watching films on these area.
How to download any film from movie4me?
Downloading films from movie4me is clear as it's an easy to use page. You can download films from movie4me as its blueprint and structure are clear and simple to work with. you can see films on your PDA whether you don't have a PC or PC.
One thing about these targets is that their zones are continually changing so you should get a handle on the most recent one to download and observe new and most recent motion pictures.
In any case
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shoaib321me · 4 years
Movie4me 2020 – Download Free [Latest HD] Bollywood, Hollywood, Telugu Motion pictures
Movie4me 2020 – Download Free [Latest HD] Bollywood, Hollywood, Telugu Motion pictures
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We when all is said in done love movies and there's fundamentally considerably more to watching films than just amusement. Motion pictures let you feel those grungy human feelings: power, dread, love, disdain, happiness, inconvenience, and so on. It licenses you to contribute some imperativeness getting a charge out of and feeling things in a momentous manner.
In the event that you're somebody who values watching films, by then you're at the ideal spot considering the route that in this article we will enlighten you as for this unimaginable site where you can download 1000s of motion pictures continually. Sounds momentous, eh? Notwithstanding, just to tell you, there's altogether more to it!
We should take you on a ride about Movie4me. Regardless, the site page lets you download a wide extent of motion pictures including new most recent discharged movies and old motion pictures, with no issue. Movie4me is a one-stop shop (No! Not shopping at the same time, downloading, that in like manner futile!) for all the film darlings. Movie4me has a massive assortment of motion pictures from any place all through the world including Hollywood, Bollywood, Gujrati, Marathi, South Indian, and so forth with a gathering of classes.
All these remarkable motion pictures and distraction offered by movie4me is only a download away with the best presentation, HD quality.
also read: 300mb motion pictures 2020: Download and Watch Free 300MB Movies On the web
What conclusively is movie4me?
Movie4me is a taken site that licenses you to download and watch motion pictures continually. It has a gigantic assortment of motion pictures from Bollywood, Hollywood, Gujrati, Marathi, Telugu, South Indian motion pictures, twofold steady, and so forth. And so forth and they got it!
Movie4me won't baffle you as its dependably fortified with the new and most recent discharged movies. you can download endless movies and recognize without paying for it.
Movie4me is an easy to use site. It's the quickest making Tamil and Malayalam films web rambling or downloading site in India.
You'll get all the most recent discharged movies on this site at whatever point. You can discover the appropriated print of any most recent film on movie4me when it is discharged. It gives motion pictures in HD quality, full HD, 1080p, 720p, 480p, Mkv, twofold steady, and so forth free with no additional cerebral pain of enlistments or investments.
Movie4me is unprecedented in reliably giving the most recent discharged movies to free. This site page licenses you to download films from new most recent discharged motion pictures to old model movies, by basically tapping on the affiliation obliged that film. By tapping on the affiliation you'll get enough data that will assist you with understanding whether you like to watch the film or not.
In any case, before you begin downloading, we may require you to hold tight and comprehend that its an illicit website page which construes that downloading motion pictures from movie4me is unlawful and can induce overwhelming fines and prepares. Additionally, movie4me shares particular data and information without its client's agree and addresses an authentic danger to client's security.
Information Of Movie4Me APK:
Application Title Movie4Me
Model v3.0
Record Dimension 1.Four MB
Requirement Android 4.Zero or more
Languages English
Last Up to date 25-December-2018
License Free
Movie4me – twofold stable motion pictures:
Tumblr media
There are two or three goals like movie4me that urge individuals to utilize these unlawful districts to download and watch took films. Much proportionate to some other appropriated site, movie4me in like way moves a took duplicate of the movies when they're discharged, to keep its guests caught to it. Likewise, this causes the client to go to movie4me when any film is discharged, to stream it on the web. Movie4me is lauded for moving the starting late discharged motion pictures inside a brief period, making it quickly accessible for its clients. By this, individuals can fundamentally download and esteem seeing these movies inside the solace of their home without paying for it which derives misfortunes for the individuals in fil making business.
Individuals in like way channel for motion pictures:
Movie4me in Bollywood Film
Movie4me Hollywood Film
Movie4me Hollywood Hindi Named Film
Movie4me.cc Telugu Named Hindi Film
Movie4me South Film Hindi Named
Movie4me.one Marathi Film
Movie4me.one Punjabi Film
Movie4me.one Bengali Film
Movie4me cc Bhojpuri Film
Movie4me cc Gujrati Film
Movie4me.one Urdu Film
Movie4me Region and Server Subtleties:
It is astoundingly incited that before you visit any such site, you ought to have a sound information about it. Thusly, in the event that you don't consider movie4me, by then don't stress since we have you sold in this article. we should begin with how utilizing movie4me can affect your affirmation.
Visiting movie4me can put your security at stack. It can get to your own data and information from the contraption you are visiting the site.
As showed by explicit sources, movie4me gets cash by running different fuses its site. It is induced that on the off chance that you're visiting movie4me, by then make a point to utilize Fuse blockers as these affiliations will possess you to various different districts since we see how upsetting it is.
Youtube is flooding with accounts and instructional exercises on the most competent technique to utilize and download Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam films from movie4me 2020. One of the essential peasy choice to download motion pictures from movie4me in India is by VPN advancement through which you can make a safe and encoded association. You should utilize a VPN augmentation on your PC, work locale or your android remote considering the way that the utilization of VPN progression lets you avoid nation's principles and rules.
Goals like movie4me spend a tremendous measure of their cash on their spaces. In the event that you take a gander at the site, you'll have a thought of how they have distributed wonderful servers to have records of more prominent size.
New Relationship of Movie4me:
What are the best legitimate decisions to watch films?
Everybody worships motion pictures and free movies take after a cherry on the top. There are various areas like movie4me that are without offering records and movies to download and recognize which intertwines several sorts and vernaculars to examine. Notwithstanding, these areas are unlawful and contain took films that are not permitted by the administering body to download and watch. Furthermore, it remains a to blame terrible conduct. Watching films from these objectives can land you in authentic challenges that no one would ought to be in.
Regardless, don't freeze, as we have gathered a review of regions from where you can download and genuinely watch your supported motion pictures. In this manner, keeping you from authentic complexities.
In the current time period, where everything is indefatigable and no one needs to hang on for a huge time period just so their supported shows, motion pictures or approach can come on air on T.V or other real stages. There are two or three goals and OTT stages (for example doesn't require a standard enlistment to association or pay association) like Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon prime video, MX player that awards clients to watch and exploit their supported shows inside hardly any days of their official discharge.
Is it bona fide to download films from movie4me 2020?
In the event that you are up to this point distrustful about the above solicitation, by then the appropriate response is NO, its not genuine to download motion pictures from movie4me. Review, downloading and live rambling of annals and films from movie4me is an unlawful and liable awful conduct in India. On the off chance that you get found utilizing these districts for downloading or survey, by then the association of India keeps up all capacity to repulse you as indicated by Indian Enemy of Robbery Law.
Movie4me, yet all the goals that are illicit and have taken movies, advance burglary or appropriated content are unlawful to utilize and work. It joins goals like Tamilyogi, Khatrimaza, Moviesda, Movierulz or Tamilyogi and different others.
As exhibited by Indian Enemy of Theft Law, on the off chance that anybody gets discovered utilizing or driving these regions or whether somebody is found related with these goals will land himself in a scrape.
Watch more films truly at Netflix.
Deplorably, the Indian government doesn't concentrate on it not under any condition like governments in different nations, who take genuine activities against the ones who are overlooking the law. Regardless of the route that there are two or three events of individuals getting captured for having affiliations and relationship with these goals, none whenever got captured for downloading and watching motion pictures on these regions.
How to download any film from movie4me?
Downloading films from movie4me is clear as it's an easy to use page. You can download motion pictures from movie4me as its course of action and structure are clear and simple to work with. you can recognize films on your cell phone whether you don't have a PC or PC.
One thing about these goals is that their zones are endlessly changing so you should comprehend the most recent one to download and observe new and most recent films.
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