#and belongs to Nathan Pyle
disgustingplants · 1 year
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Apparently your Nathan Pyle post is mostly made up lies? Like he made one post in 2017, but is anti-Trump, pro BLM and MeToo etc. There's something really off about digging into someone's past to try and find stuff to fuck with their reputation. Also, it's possible to separate creation from creator. We don't need to be more careful about what we reblog, we need to be more careful about believing random tumblr posts.
So the link that I posted stated one fact about Pyle, easily verifiable.  No lies. 
And this is the last time I’m going to address it because I’m getting super sick of dealing with it. 
The post has, as of my writing this, almost 38,000 notes/comments.  Most of them are angry screeds decrying “callout culture”.  It’s a whole lot of manufactured rage and holier-than-though copypasta saying the same things over and over:
“it was TWO WHOLE YEARS AGO”  “here’s a bunch of progressive stuff he’s done that negates it”“you’re just being petty/trivial”“Why can’t you separate the artist from the art?  It doesn’t really matter”
The thing about shitting all over the so-called “call out culture” of the post is that it takes an immense amount of privilege.  And as with most hand-wringing over call out culture, it reserves the benefit of the doubt for the privileged.  Seeing a pattern?  
People who are DAILY watching men make decisions about their bodies, men who will NEVER have to deal with the ramifications of the laws they are enacting, say that they find it unsettling that Pyle supported the March for Life, a group that believes that we should not be allowed to make decisions about our own bodies once we become pregnant.  A group that would deny us basic human rights.  
Suddenly our hesitancy means we’re just a bunch of bitches with an ax to grind.  Why can’t we just IGNORE that he was fairly recently vocally supportive of a movement that aims to deny us bodily autonomy?  I mean, REALLY.  Apparently we’re all just being a big bunch of hypocrite babies because we can’t enjoy his comics knowing he doesn’t think we are capable of making decisions about our own bodies
In the comments of the post, he’s already gotten the full throated support of so many. A fake fucking comic someone made in response to his anti abortion views that CLEARLY SAYS "altered from Nathan Pyle" at the bottom has been used in the comments to exonerate him by people who can't read. He’s got a whole redemption narrative, though he’s never actually addressed his original statement.  In fact, his followup was strangely careful not to mention it at all even though it was the very thing that seemed to make him think a statement of any kind was required.  He gets the benefit of the doubt.  He gets thousands of people DEMANDING he be treated with kindness and common decency.  
We who have skin in the game get death threats and name calling.  Don’t we deserve an outpouring of understanding and compassion? The reproductive rights debate isn’t just a fun thought experiment to pass the time for us.  What’s happening in states all over the US is that we’re seeing our rights to our bodies and lives being strategically written out of existence.  But we don’t get a pass.  We’re just being hysterical over nothing, if the comments on the post are to be believed.
Simply questioning whether or not we personally want to continue to support a man who doesn’t support our rights as human beings has somehow made us worthy of the faux outrage and pearl clutching that is going on.   
That’s by design.  It’s a tactic meant to silence the vulnerable and uphold the status quo via gaslighting and shouting us down.  
I never said Pyle should be canceled.  As I said in my last post about this, I simply shared information.  And the reason I shared it is precisely BECAUSE he’s so otherwise progressive.   And everything he’s done to earn the golden ally card y’all are so HAPPY to hand out to him doesn’t negate the fact that he hasn’t clarified his views.  And now all we’re left with is the fact that very recently, he openly supported the movement that’s turning us into chattel before our very eyes.  
So no, it’s not digging something up to slander him.   People can use the information available to make their own decisions about if and how they support him.  But when it comes to believing my body belongs to me, I can’t separate content from creator. Asking me to do so just proves that you are privileged enough that you can afford to treat the issue so casually.  
YOU need to be more careful.   To read the whole article.  To listen to vulnerable voices.  And not to get carried away because mobs with torches and pitchforks told you to be angry at vulnerable groups asking for respect. I know it’s fun to act like you’re above it all, but all it really shows is how little you think of our humanity.
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sasstablook · 5 years
voidpunk feels, let’s go
quote, OG voidpunk @arotaro​: “I don’t have a voidsona because I don’t have much of a sense of self”
what is voidpunk? 1 2
a history of voidpunk
alright, the rest of it is under the cut!
cw: discussion of “scary” mental disorders, self harm mention, dysphoria talk, anorexia mention, violence mention, some mentions of sex, abuse discussion
so to start out with, these are my Official Diagnoses: C-PTSD, bipolar-1, and fibromyalgia. I am not against self-diagnosis, but I tend not to self-diagnose myself, for fear of using the wrong term and it coming back to bite me in the ass. that being said, I'm pretty certain (especially in regards to my bipolar disorder) that there's something else going on here that the professionals are missing. I'll only be discussing my symptoms from here on out, not my disorders as a whole.
my main symptoms I experience that make me "not human" are:
intrusive thoughts and impulsiveness
paranoia and psychosis
body, social, and mind dysphoria
memory loss and executive dysfunction
disorganized speech and being nonverbal
ambivalence and black+white thinking
I started with a very long list, and I tried to group related symptoms together. so...
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I'm going to refrain from inputting sources and various denotative definitions, speaking only on my personal experiences.
1. intrusive thoughts and impulsiveness
a lot of "normal" people get random unwanted thoughts. like that little voice that says "throw your phone in the river" when walking across a bridge. these aren't necessarily intrusive. the main thing that separates these two experiences is intensity. my personal pattern of intrusive thoughts includes a lot of violence. for fear of stigma, I won't go into further detail. but often times, these intrusive thoughts develop into impulses. these are things I do without thinking them through. I don't think about consequences, I just act. my brain tells me to... let's say, scream. like blood curdling, someone's getting murdered, scream. I just do it.
my brain tells me to hurt myself. I don't know why. I do it without further questioning or examination. not even to just get my brain to shut up, necessarily. there are some persistent intrusive thoughts that never get acted on. but some of them do lead to action, even if they're the least persistent of the bunch
2. paranoia and psychosis
these aren't necessarily linked in the way intrusive thoughts and impulsiveness are, being that one can exist without the other (impulsiveness is always caused by an intrusive thought). but they very often go hand in hand, with paranoid thinking leading to psychotic symptoms. example: I am paranoid that my roommates are talking about me in the other room; I then begin to hear voices-- which may or may not belong to my roommates-- whispering unintelligibly
3. body, social, and mind dysphoria
dysphoria is something a lot of trans folk can relate to. but my dysphoria isn't exclusively tied to my gender. my dysphoria is invariably linked to my dissociation and depersonalization experience. this ties into my inability to connect with human beings.
I experience body dysphoria in that I despise basic bodily functions and necessities to keep the body alive. this includes consuming food stuffs, which ties into my experiences with disordered eating (y'all remember when I was anorexic? yeah, the thoughts haven't went away, but I'm doing better with my actions now). also can humans just... not... with the bathroom thing. like is it absolutely necessary to piss and shit all the goddamn time.
I experience social dysphoria in the way I am perceived by others. this mostly ties into my gender. no matter what I do, I am always read as a girl. but even so, I struggle to be read as masculine in that I don't necessarily *want* to be read as masculine. because men are just flat out awful. and this isn't exclusive to cis men. I don't *want* to be associated with men. because if men are bad.... and I'm a man... then I must be bad, right?
which leads us to mind dysphoria and the same line of thinking in regards to my masculinity. I am at war with myself on exactly how I would like to be perceived by others. my feelings on The Way Men Are and my feelings on my own identity as a man do not coexist peacefully
4. memory loss and executive dysfunction
memory problems are a symptom of all three of my Official Diagnoses, so it's no surprise I struggle with short and long term memory. if the event occurred even last month, I probably won't remember it. I struggle to recall basic details about people I've known for years, including age and last names. so you can imagine what it's like when I meet someone new!
as far as executive dysfunction goes? I just... don't remember. I don't remember how to do the most basic things. I've had to have loved ones walk me through the steps of preparing a bowl of cereal before. no, I'm not joking
5. disorganized speech and being nonverbal
I love language. I'm a poet. language is my thing. I got a perfect 36 on the English portion of my ACT, dammit
but as time goes on, I'm losing my command of the English language. I use the wrong word in the middle of sentences. sometimes the word isn't even related to the word I meant to use, though I can't think of any specific examples right now. sometimes it's just straight up word salads, which make sense to me, but not to those around me.
sometimes my brain's language center just... gives up. during those times, I may utter one or two word sentences. I might just make noises. I might use gestures or ASL. I might text full sentences or just a couple words at a time. or I could just become completely and utterly silent, not even attempting to communicate. I don't understand this
6. hypo/hyperactivity
note: I chose the suffix "-activity" rather than "-sexuality" because this isn't just limited to my problems in bed, though that's a large part of it.
this is something that I've only become aware of after others have pointed it out to me. there are days where I move too slow for their comfort. and it isn't always related to my pain either. I can be having a good physical day and still move like a sloth. on the other hand, there are days when I'm bouncing off the walls
I also fluctuate between hypo/hypersexual. there are days when I am sex repulsed. there are days when all I want to do is fuck
7. ambivalence and black+white thinking
I live in such a state of contradiction. I don't know how to feel about people, concepts, what have you. in order to cope with this, my brain often sorts others into 2 categories: perfect and evil.
sometimes, someone who was perfect yesterday can be put in the evil category the next day (I'm currently experiencing this with a lover of mine). I don't see gray areas. I'm incapable of processing gray. which is odd, considering I'm on the gray-ace spectrum
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all of these combined tend to cause certain thoughts, feelings, and actions in other people.
"that's not normal"
"that's weird"
"you're crazy"
"you're broken"
"what's wrong with you?"
"we're putting you here for your own safety"
"this will fix you"
sure, help me out a little. give me some medication, some therapy. but... "fix" me? what about me needs to be "fixed"? why do I need to be "fixed"? namely, why won't you listen when I tell you what I need in order to cope with my brain's battle against me? I don't need crisis intervention. I don't need an institution. I just need medication for my chemical imbalances and therapy to learn how to live with my brain. when you talk about "fixing" me... it's like the only reason you care is because I'm not a "productive" member of society. it's like you want to "fix" me for your benefit. does that make sense to anyone else but me? this comes back around to the disorganized speech and communication, I'm really not sure I'm getting across my thoughts effectively here.
people hurt me... I feel like they do this because they think I'm a villain. I feel like they hurt me to protect themselves. even if I go out of my way to shield them from the way I am inside, it might not be enough to help them feel safe around me
I'm scary.
for so long, I've been in love with aliens, and cryptids, and monsters, among other inhuman creatures. I relate to them. I feel so disconnected with my humanity, that these beings bring me comfort
and now, I'm not the only one
bonus: actual notes from my notepad that I took in an attempt to gather my thoughts
my voidpunk: aliens, cryptids, slasher horror, cyborgs/androids, uncanny valley, Homestuck, primal, cannibal, afterlife, demons, liminal spaces, occult, FNAF, psychedelics, Undertale, dandelions, hoarding, Twilight vampires, parasites, X-Men, we're all made of star stuff, death and decay, bugs and creepy crawlies, succubus/incubus, god complex, yandere simulator, fae, transparent, Nathan W. Pyle comics, the world is quiet here, Lemony Snicket, escapism, fernweh, unconventional beauty
things that make me voidpunk: sleep paralysis, hurting others, an urge to kill, impulsive violence, using sex to get what I want, hyper/hyposexuality, xenogenders, microlabels, neopronouns, dissociation, an inability to connect and relate to other humans, lack of "common sense", "men are trash", inability to distinguish between My Reality and Real Reality, I Don't Remember Anything, psychosis, can't pick up on subtlety, unsure how to socialize properly, I'm Scary, ambivalence, inability to make concrete decisions, self medicating, Out Of Control, how do I move properly, broken executive functioning, disorganized speech, paranoia, I despise basic bodily functions like eating and bathroom, what do you mean you can't read my mind, google: how to communicate effectively, black and white thinking
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mongoose232323 · 5 years
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Lawn Belongings Transfer
Nathan W. Pyle
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