#and being soooooo silly and fun and loose
lefthandedhotch · 10 months
hiiiiii linnnn🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i luv uuuuuu so muchhh🥰🥰🥰 it's been a lil bit since ive sent you an ask 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so im back!!!!!! with such a silly college!hotch ask inspired by this tweet i saw🤭🤭🤭 and also this CUUUUUTE piece from @ddejavvu <33333 just thinking about college!hotch <333 he's soooooo sweet and silly and a lil bit smug i luv him sm🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞
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you're at a frat party, having already had a couple of drinks when you find a cat!!!!! he's a cute furry little guy, swiping at a balled up paper towel by the stairs🥰🐈‍⬛ you're a bit tipsy when you coo and scoop him up, so the little bit of alcohol in your system is shielding you from his little claws as he tries to wiggle away akdmskdkkskf but after some pets and kisses and sweet words, he seems to understand you're no threat and settles in your arms enjoying the love you're giving him, both of you getting very comfortable on the hard stairs of this sticky, musty and loud frat house🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰 you're lost in dishing out kisses and murmurs to the kitty cat you've found that you dont realize someone's trying to get your attention until the cat starts to wiggle away towards his owner☹️☹️☹️ a very handsome guy with floppy black hair and a very smug grin on his lips as the cat brushes up against his leg🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 you frown (ignoring all the butterflies you're getting from his smug grin🥰🤭🙄) at him as he says "sorry, i didnt mean to interupt, just wanted to make sure he was alright🤭" you sigh and tell him that he was Very alright and so were you until he came over to claim his cat back🙄🤚 he snorts as he scoops up the furry guy and scoots next to you on the steps and offers you access to petting the cat again <3 normally, if some random guy you didnt know stuck himself next to you, sort of trapping you between himself and the wall, you'd get out as fast as you could, but with this guy (who tells you his name is aaron, you tell him it's a nice name, making him blush🤭) you dont get any outright reasons to not trust him so you of courseeeee pet his cat to your heart's content and soak up all of the purrs he's giving off <333 you and aaron chat a little bit and talk about uni stuff professors you two have in common and the cat of course <3 he tells you that he found him earlier that year digging around in the frat's trash cans (you're in awe that he's a part of this fraternity because you always imagined frat bros were total jerks and he's very much not hehehehe) and from there, the cat became their unofficial mascot🤭🤭🤭🤭 he definitely uses the cat as a reason to ask you out and you tease "i might take back what i said about frat guys, i cant believe you're using this cat as a wingman😔💔" you two get a good chuckle out of that and aaron's wingman runs off at the sight of a slice of pepproni falling to the floor (aaron grumbles "he acts as if we never feed him🙄🤔" and when you laugh, he looks soooooo proud of himself, silly smug grin on his lips again🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭) a couple desperately trying to find an unoccupied room squishes past you and aaron up the stairs and when he leans over to let them by, he's pressed soooooo close to you and it makes your heart all fluttery and crazy and the alcohol you drank earlier spurs you on to lean up and kiss him💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 he pulls away and makes a silly stupid comment about giving his cat an extra serving of food tomorrow before you two kiss and kiss and kiss again <333333 EEK college!hotch and his wingman kitty🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
hehehehehe hiiiiiiiiiiiiii jess-jess 🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞🥹🥹🥹✨✨✨💗💗💗💗💗 i luv YOU! sooooooo much!!!!!! hehehe welcome baaaaaaaack 🥰 i’ve missed my jess thoughts and cutie aaron asks sm!!!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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you were most definitely Not looking forward to this silly frat party that your friend was dragging you to because the person she has a crush on was supposed to be there but as soon as you see the cute lil kitty slinking his way around the party you’re soooooo happy to be there 🥰🥰🥰😌😌😌😌 hehehe AND even though you’re Irritated that your new little friend was so rudely stolen away from you, the very handsome arms leading up to a handsome torso with a VERY handsome head attached makes your heart pitter patter like crazy and makes you even happier to be there too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ aaron was Very Very irritated to learn that his frat brothers were throwing a party because he has some big papers to be working on for his difficult law classes but once they got a couple of beers into him he was all loosey goosey and ready to Partayyyyyyyy! hehehehehe he notices you pretty early on into the night when he’s playing beer pong and spots you across the dirty sticky living room 🤭 but after he’s done with the game he looks around and he can’t find you :((((( and he’s really worried you left before he could even talk to you :((((( and he can’t find his cat either 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 but!!!!! then he finds you both Together!!!!!!!! and seeing you press sooooooo many kissies to his lil kitty’s head and coo some sweet words to him makes aaron’s heart get all skippy and stuttery in a way he’s never felt before 🥺 and after some silly sweet (tipsyyyyyyy) flirting when you lean up and press a sweet soft lil kiss to his lips he literally can’t stop grinning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially when he hears your cute laugh when he jokes about the cat getting an extra treat for being the very best wingman ever and then he gets giggly extra kiss kiss kisses from you too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 when your friend comes to find you so you guys can head home, you and aaron are soooooo sad to see each other go :( you can’t help but feel like you guys have such a connection already :( but!!!!! before you can slip away from him, aaron somehow produces a pen out of thin air and you write your number (and a lil heart hehehe) on the back of his hand so tomorrow when hes more sober and thinking about you, he has your number so he can call you!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and sure enough when your phone rings the next day you can’t help but squeal thinking about talking to him and his cute face and his cute kitty again 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🤧🤧🤧🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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wordsbymae · 1 year
hiiiii i’m new here but i love your writing and your characters!! especially, and predictably, alwyn, BOY do i read all his stuff over and over just foaming at the mouth 💖💖💖 thinking about him has my brain firing on all synapses and ik you’ve already kind of covered this but it still got me thinking about reader eventually leaning into the dirty nicknames and treatment because she knows it’s his way of showing love, and she’s just so desperate for validation she’ll do whatever it takes for the positive attention, plus being surrounded by rowdy outlaws for so long would slowly wear down her noble reservations, not to the point where she’s any more comforted by being rammed into out in the open, but when it’s just her and alwyn she lets loose a little bit, crying out for him and agreeing whenever he calls her his little whore, as long as shes his, and he’s just ecstatic that she’s so into it, grinning and silly and love-drunk the whole session, the happiest he’d ever been and thinking she was too, at least until he catches reader by herself, with tears plopping onto the pages of a pure-hearted romantic scene in her book, or sadly singing and dancing the way she imagined she would on her wedding day, mourning what could have been, and it just wrecks him to see her silently suffering, to the point where he goes out of his way to listen in on things cheesy things couples say before stripping them clean of all their valuables, even skimming through and stealing a couple lines from the books he stole for her (if he can even read idk if not dw lol), doing his damndest to restrain himself and be a bit softer with her and switch from his go-to “compliments” to the flowery language that’s so foreign on his tongue but is instantly overshadowed by the heightened warmth and whimpers from you, all in all putting in that extra effort so he can love you the way that would make you happiest, and reader’s heart just SOARS and she falls for him all the more and alwyn adores the positive feedback which encourages him to do it more and they just go back and forth and oh my GOD i’m obsessed sorry here take my brainrot—
Hi!!!! Welcome!! It's so nice to talk to you!
I wanna say thank you so much for all of this ^^^^^^^^^^ It made me so happy and I'm so grateful!!!!!!!
Anyway moving on!!!
Oh boy! I never thought Alwyn would become my most popular oc, especially since I thought what I wrote was not very relatable, so it makes me so happy to see everyone loving him! Fun fact I stole his name from a character out of a book I was reading at the time. I kinda had a crush on the character soooooo..........
You are spot on!!!! The reader is so so desperate to be loved and seen as attractive she is willing to throw all her self-respect out the window. It would take some time to feel somewhat comfortable with him calling her vulgar words. I still think she would hate being called a heifer and a whore, but I think she allows some others. He loves calling her sweet cheeks, his pretty little slut and yeah while she absolutely hates being called his little whore she sees how much he loves it and in an attempt to not rock the boat she lets him. But not in public!!!! She has and will slap him if he calls her that in public. And pretty little heifer is a massive no-no, even though he fucking loves calling her that!!!!!! She still sees it as a dig or backhanded compliment about her looks or size.
She used to yelp and blush and hide away when he slapped her ass or squeezed it, in the early days he would do that and worse in front of his men. After days of him and his men laughing at her beet red or adorable yelps after being slapped and squeezed, Alwyn makes the mistake of surprising her from behind and squeezing her tits. The reader is livid and Alwyn sleeps outside for a whole week. He never does that shit in public again, but he will do it behind closed doors. He acts like a teenage boy sometimes. Reader bends over and grabs her hips and pretends to rut into her from behind. He gets her to sit on his lap during dinner and smirks when she complains about his dagger sheath.
Oh yeah! She wants to be reminded daily she's his, that she's someone, that someone wants her. And his just this stupid man acting like a fuckhead. He's so fucked out and happy he doesn't notice anything, how she cringes when he calls her his little whore, or how she keeps grabbing his hand to hold it when he fucks her from behind, desperate to feel like he loves, cares and respects her.
YES!!!!!!!!! She loves reading romance books and will stay up way past midnight reading and swooning and crying. She gets upset the most during proposals, courting scenes and sex scenes. The men are so caring and romantic and actually gentle with their women. Reader never got any of that, she was never courted, wasn't proposed to and sex with Alwyn is all grunts and moans and dirty words. There aren't any gentle touches or soft confessions.
And the dancing?????? YES!!!!!!!!! She was told as a kid that she should never marry someone if she hasn't danced with them first. And she has never danced with anyone. Expect her father and other male relatives. She's never been asked and never had a man hold her tight in such a sweet embrace. She gets really really sad one night when the bandits have a party. Some of them start to ask each other to dance, and she looks at Alwyn with such hope. Instead, he just laughs at the others and tells her why dance when you can just fuck each other, not realising he's just broken her heart.
Omg!!! What an idea. He is so desperate to be romantic, something he's never been, he's making notes and obsessing over it like he would a heist. Yeah, he can read! His father was a knight so he was expected to follow in his footsteps!
The reader would get such a shock when he starts being romantic. at first, she's scared that it's just a cruel joke. He's gonna tear it down and mock her and her wanting of true love. But as the days pass, he is more heartfelt and gentle with her and she just swoons over him.
He starts writing her letters, asks to meet her in secluded areas for a picnic and no sex, and gives her gentle touches when he walks past, barely touching her hand. The reader feels as though he's courting her and she fucking loves it. It makes her so happy to feel as though he is trying to get her attention and prove himself. And Alwyn is so happy cause shes actually talking to him now not just replying to what he's saying.
Then comes another party, couples start to dance and the reader is left sitting alone, for her this is normal until Alwyn comes into sight holding out his hand and asking for the pleasure of her company. They dance all night and the reader is laughing and giggles. And Alwyn is just in awe at her.
Thank you so much for sending that in and I loved it! Feel free to send whatever you want in!!!!!!!!
Lots of love,
mae xx
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Slashers / Horror Villains as: Animated (Children’s) Movie Villain Songs
+ A Nightmare Before Christmas 
First of all, its mostly Disney. Second of all, I hope you know that this was a struggle for me. 
Also, note, Bubba will be the only Leatherface in this post and Billy and Stu will be the only Ghostfaces. There is Norma Bates though, so sort of a consolation. 
There are links to videos on YouTube ^^
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher / Ghostface: Playing With the Big Boy’s Now (Hotep and Huy, Prince of Egypt) 
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Well... they’re part of the ‘big boys’, now! They are part of the Slashers group that, uh, ‘inspired them’. Imagine instead of Egyptian Gods, they’re chanting Slasher names. 
[HUY] Pick up your silly twig, boy [HOTEP & HUY] You're playing with the big boys now! Ha ha ha ha!
[EGYPTIAN PRIESTS] By the power of Ra Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket Anubis, Anukis Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet... 
Chop Top and Nubbins + Bubba Sawyer / Leatherface: Kidnap Mr Sandy Claws (Lock, Shock and Barrel, Nightmare Before Christmas) 
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I mean... they aren't Drayton’s minions, but they are like this XD 
I say that we take a cannon, aim it at his door And then knock three times And when he answers Sandy Claws will be no more
Yes you're so stupid, think now If we blow him up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then Jack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Sandy Claws Tie him in a bag
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: In The Dark Of The Night (Rasputin, Anastasia)
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Mystical man? Check! ‘Betrayal’ (As far as he sees it)? Check. Made them pay? Check; I think Nica, Sarah and all the other families he destroys throughout the franchise can attest to that. And ‘One little girl got away’? Well Andy isn’t a girl, but yeah. Check. 
I was once the most mystical man in all Russia When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake My curse made each of them pay But one little girl got away Little Anya, beware Rasputin's awake
Drayton Sawyer: Don’t Fall In Love (Forte, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas) 
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Its such a crochety, unessessarily rude way of describing relationships to someone! I mean, I understand completely and resonate deeply with the desire to be alone and not be responsible for anyone else, but- come on! Beast doesn't share your view! Let it go! 
Its just like Drayton’s reaction to Bubba having a crush. Super cool video too! 
As soon as your heart rules your head Your life is not your own It's hell when someone's always there It's bliss to be alone
And love of any kind is bad A dog, a child, a cat They take up so much precious time Now, where's the sense in that?
Freddy Krueger: No More Mr Nice Guy (Rothbart, Swan Princess) 
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A man with an uncomfortable relationship with the main female character pretending to be normal and not homicidal for a while before unlocking more power and letting there inner bad guy loose and taking great pleasure in it? Sounds familiar. They also have a similar vocabulary- except of course Rothbart is rated G. 
I'll become that nasty, naughty, dirty, spiteful Wicked, wayward, way-delightful Bad guy I was born to be
Lyin' loathesome, never-tender Indiscreet repeat offender No more Mr Nice Guy That's not me 
Inkubus: The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind (Professor Rattigan, The Greatest Mouse Detective)
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‘Inkubus’ is literally a movie about him listing all his crimes over the centuries and messing with the police force because he has a bone to pick with a detective. Sounds pretty similar to me! Listen to the song! ^^
Now comes the real tour de force Tricky and wicked, of course! My earlier crimes were fine for their times But now that I'm at it again An even grimmer plot has been simmering In my great criminal brain! 
Jason Voorhees: Despicable Me (About Gru, Despicable Me) 
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I... this is all I could think of!! But the more I listen to it and read the lyrics... it f i t s Jason so well! XD Please just let this slide; I know Gru isn't really a villain but he is at the start!! Let me have this. 
Why ask why? Better yet "Why not?" Why are you marking x on that spot? Why use a blow torch isn't that hot? Why use a chainsaw? Is that all you got? Why do you like seeing people in shock? But my question to you is "Why not?" Why go to the bank and stand in line Just use a freeze gun it saves me time. I'm havin' a bad, bad day It's about time that I get my way Steam rollin' whatever I see, Huh, despicable me I'm havin' a bad, bad day If you take it personal that's okay Watch, this is so fun to see Huh, despicable me
Jennifer Check: Trust In Me (Kaa, The Jungle Book) 
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She’s a succubus demon. Tempting boys into a safe-feeling, docile state so she she can strike is her thing. 
Will cease to resist Just relax Be at rest Like a bird In a nest
Trust in me Just in me Shut your eyes And trust in me
Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone: Savages (Governor Ratcliffe and the Colonizer’s parts, Pocahontas) 
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Obviously, because of the (Inaccurate) historical relevance of both movies (Different time’s, same terrible prejudice,) and also because there is definitely a very cult-ish feel about both Governor Ratcliffe’s song and Buckman’s leadership. How easily they’re able to gather support from their people for the most horrible reasons. How horrifying it is to audiences and historians. 
They're only good when dead They're vermin, as I said And worse
They're savages! Savages!
Barely even human
Savages! Savages!
Drive them from our shore! They're not like you and me Which means they must be evil We must sound the drums of war!
Michael Myers: The Gospel Truth II (Muses about Hades, Hercules)
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In a Disney movie, Michael would have others sing his song about him as he goes about his silent, determined walking XD 
If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up It's Hades 'Cause he had an evil plan He ran the underworld But thought the dead were dull and uncouth He was as mean as he was ruthless And that's the gospel truth He had a plan to shake things up And that's the gospel truth
Midnight Man: Oogie Boogie’s Song (Oogie Boogie, Nightmare Before Christmas)
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A song about a “Gamblin’ Boogie Man” is perfect for the Midnight Man! He and Oogie could be pals. 
Woah! The sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess When lives are on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine
Norma Bates: Mother Knows Best Reprise (Mother Gothel, Tangled)
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Norma is soooooo so so so unbelievably manipulative towards Norman (And Dylan. It just works better on Norman) and this song absolutely presents that. She can go from sweet, loving mother to spiteful, heinous bitch in two seconds if Norman or Dylan don't do what or react the way she wants them to. 
Likes you? Please, Rapunzel, that's demented
This is why you never should have left! Dear, this whole romance that you've invented, Just proves you're too naive to be here Why would he like you? Come on now, really! Look at you, you think that he's impressed? Don't be a dummy Come with mummy
Pamela Voorhees: My Lullaby (Zira, The Lion King 2)
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In a opposite approach to a villainous mother to Norma, we have Pam, who was heartbroken by the camp councillors letting her son die and vowed to get revenge. She didn't know she was teaching Jason to be the Crystal Lake killer like Zira did, but she did, and the whole song does have her kind of feel to it also. 
Sleep, my little Kovu Let your dreams take wing One day when you're big and strong You will be a kingI've been exiled, persecuted Left alone with no defense When I think of what that brute did I get a little tense But I dream a dream so pretty That I don't feel so depressed 'Cause it soothes my inner kitty And it helps me get some rest
Patrick Bateman: Cruella De Vil (Arthur, 101 Dalmations) 
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Never before was there a song that described audiences reaction to watching Patrick living in his daily life and hearing his thoughts better then this one. 
Cruella De Vil Cruella De Vil If she doesn't scare you No evil thing will To see her is to Take a sudden chill Cruella, Cruella De Vil
The curl of her lips The ice in her stare All innocent children Had better beware She's like a spider waiting For the kill Look out for Cruella De Vil
Pennywise (Both): You’re Only Second Rate (Jafar, Return of Jafar)
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Mostly for the video and Jafar’s energy in this scene actually XD So many transformations, so many tasteless puns! I was going to give this to Freddy but its the closest thing to Penny I could think of. 
Go ahead and zap me with the big surprise Snap me in a trap, cut me down to size I'll make a great escape It's just a piece of cake You're only second rate You know your hocus-pocus isn't tough enough And your mumbo-jumbo doesn't measure up Let me pontificate upon your sorry state You're only second rate
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: Hellfire (Judge Claude Frollo, Hunchback of Notre Dame) 
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A nasty filthy man who think’s he’s in the right despite being the biggest creep and monster ever? Mhm. 
*Note: I honestly didn't notice the deformed baby, Quasimodo/Thomas link until the day after I wrote this. Don't know how I feel about it. I mean, Hoyt is actually nice, in his way, to Thomas so the connection isn't totally there but onwards:
Beata Maria You know I am a righteous man Of my virtue I am justly proud
Beata Maria You know I'm so much purer than The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd 
End of Post! 🌼
(Bonus’ under the cut) 
I did think of other connections which I obviously didnt landed on but still have merit! Here! 
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher: ‘Gaston’ was considered, but that would have just been a joke XD I don’t think Stu is quite as obsessed with Billy as LeFou is with Gaston. 
Chucky: Friends on the Other Side. Obviously! That link was actually what inspired me to make this post. In The Dark of Night fits to a T though. 
Freddy Krueger: You’re Only Second Rate! Ah, its perfectttt. But No More Mr Nice Guy fits better. If I ever do a Slashers as Disney Villains post, he’ll be Jafar for sure. Or Hades. Or Scar. Or Oogie. Probably Hades. You know what? Without the gore and blood and explicit sexual references, Freddy could be a Disney Villain himself. Its not like Disney hasn't towed the line before with perverted villains. >_> (Jafar and Frollo) 
Jason and Pamela Voorhees: Mother Knows Best! Of course. 
Jennifer Check: Love is For Peasants (Barbie Island Princess) Because Jennifer thinks like this: 
Men? <<< Literally anything else. 
Patrick Bateman: How Can I Refuse? (From Barbie Princess and the Pauper) XD If Patrick were a kids movie villain, he would totally join the ranks of corrupted usurpers pretending to be trustworthy royal advisory staff. Also ‘Let It Die’, that little interruption part of another song that O’Hare sings in the Lorax and ‘How Bad Can I be?’. 
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jyushi-thoughts · 3 years
HEYYYY SO.. ITS BEEN A WHILE HUH! I realize that~ I mean its been suuuuper ages since I answered any asks! 
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I kinda wanted to say somethin!! Just cuz I love you guys a whoooole lot and you’ve supported me so much the last few years (5 YEARS OH MY GOSH). 
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I don’t wanna say the blog is Done really, cuz that sounds so final right? I’ll still be here! And I’ll still post art once in a while whenever I feel like it, and I’ll especially shitpost a TON about the dub when it’s out!
 But I think its pretty clear the blog’s days of being super active are left in the past. And thats totally okay!!! Man look at all the comics and asks and animations... its been SUCH a good long run! I’m proud of myself for sticking with it for so long, and I’ve gotten so much experience writing comics and making games and I met such cool new friends! 
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Um I guess even though this isnt really a goodbye, I wanted to say this sooner than later. THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH. For ALL that are still here or dropped off through the past or anyone really!!! Thank you so much for letting me make you laugh, or just smile a bit, or at least that exhale thing you do through your nose when something’s kinda funny. ANY of that. It means the world to me that I reached so many people, including a few that apparently dont even LIKE Osomatsusan, but still liked my take on Jyushimatsu’s character!  Even though none of my responses were ever very serious, and my doodles were kinda sloppy, it made me feel so much more confident as a writer, and it let me just cut loose and have fun! 
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I’ve said it a buncha times but ever since seeing ep 9 of the show something clicked in my brain... Seeing Jyushimatsu cheer up a girl who thought it was all over, and helping her be active and laugh at silly things again, that meant SO much to me at a bad time in my life. I started this blog to keep those jyushi-thoughts in my head and I ended up being able to share it with over a THOUSAND of you guys!!! That’s incredible for real... Towards the end, my Jyushi became less and less like the character in the anime, and more of my own character. By now he’s COMPLETELY different. It was really fun to go through! 
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Soooo to explain why I haven’t been super active for a while, I’ve been really immersed in a personal project of mine called Rocket Chip. It’s a RPGmaker game I’ve been working on, and the writing style is gonna directly branch off from how I’ve written this blog! When I finish, please promise to look at it ok? If you loved my Jyushi here, I think you’ll also come to like a little Robot I’ve created named Chip! He has a twitter page here~ 
HOO BOY uhh you dont have to read all that haha but if you did i guess you love me even more than I thought? oh boy.. uuuuuhhh yea its like.. no irony and no sarcasm this has legit been really important to me and makes my heart happy. I’m so happy I got to do this silly thing! 
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i guess all else I can think to say is thank you again a billion quillion times!!!! And I hope you guys still love my other stuff and any other adventures that may come on Jyushithoughts! REMEMBER TO HUSTLE MUSCLE EVERYONE!!! 
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gorgxoxus · 3 years
rank blaines solos babe
Ok I just remembered I have definitely posted this before but I had 50 followers or something so here it is again.
Ranking all Blaine solos:
1. All you need is love:
Firstly, this is the Blaine solo I listen to the most and honestly one of my favourite Glee songs. Add to the fact it’s such a big exciting number and he’s proposing to Kurt - this great song comes alive.
2. It’s time
This is another Blaine solo I listen to all the time and this one is also paired with a very fun and meaningful scene. This song tells a story as well as being sung very well and personally it’s one of my faves.
3. Bills, bills, bills
This is my favourite Warblers number (what a controversial opinion!!) It’s fun to listen to and watch and that’s all I want.
4. My dark side
This is sooo angsty and kinda random but it just sounds soooooo good. It also perfectly explains Blaine’s mental space at this time in the show - personally I would love Kurt listening to Blaine sing this song (but not in the canon time of their early breakup).
5. Hopelessly devoted to you
This one Blaine solo that has creeped up the list. I don’t necessarily agree with Blaine singing this song after cheating on Kurt (often people cheat because they are not devoted to their partner anymore).
Anyway, this song sounds great and I love the loose choreography of it - to make it character and emotion driven.
6. Cough Syrup
This is the quintessential Blaine number, probably after Teenage Dream. I wish we got a Klaine conversation after Blaine sung this song, because Kurt was there watching and then they did nothing with that. It did not reach its potential in canon with Blaine’s story but it still sounds amazing (id definitely prefer listening to the studio version over watching Karofsky try to commit suicide).
7. Somewhere only we know
I’m so very glad this number exists and even though I find the song a little awkward, it is a masterpiece. It honestly sounds great and together with Blaine singing to Kurt with the Warblers and even the Furt hug it goes into top tier. Love, love it.
8. Everybody wants to rule the world
Ok I just have an infinity for pop and season 4. I love watching the scene that accompanies this song.
9. Against all odds (take a look at me now)
This song is actually quite awkward to watch and starts the classic debate of ‘he was singing this for Sam’ and ‘he was singing this for Kurt.’ If people are interested, I’m in the boat that he was singing this song for Kurt and looked at Sam during the number because he’s the one who had been through the season 4 break up with him in Lima. It does sound amazing and I’d prefer to listen to the studio version than watch the scene.
10. When I get you alone
It took me forever to finally watch the scene with this song but I finally did a few months ago. It is actually quite hilarious if you push through all the awkward. Also when listening to the song, it sounds really good.
11. Don’t stop me now
This is a song that I don’t often listen to or watch the scene in the episode, but when I do it does sound AMAZING. Blaine does this song very well and Darren said he did the scene with a bad cold, so congrats to him to own the choir room while so sick.
12. Beauty school drop out
I love Blaine’s outfit and the recreation of the Grease scene. It also sounds great, highlights how well Blaine can morph his voice to fit different genres because it sounds so different to HDTY which was in the previous episode. (Even though from my theatre experience you cannot see the audience when you are on the stage the eye contact between Kurt and Blaine gives me all the feels).
13. Last Friday night
With my hatred for season 3, I have not watched the scene in ages but the song does sound great and of course Blaine sang Katy Perry to try to find his place in the New Directions. (Also we get a bit of fun Klaine, so no complaints there).
14. Misery
I love the scene in 2x16 with this song but I don’t rate it as a song to casually listen to.
15. Silly love songs
I will always wish this was a Klaine duet, and I actually don’t rate this as a song to listen to the studio recording. I love the flirty Blaine, the scene with the New Directions and the Warblers and it fits very well with the episode. It’s actually one of the few Warblers songs that makes sense in the context of Glee.
16. I’m not going to teach your boyfriend how to dance with you
This song is not one of my personal favourites and the scene is destroyed by Jesse and Finn singing.
17. Teenage dream
I know it’s a crime to have this song so low on this list, but personally I don’t like how the song sounds, or the original Katy Perry song. The fact it’s such a big moment for Kurt and is the introduction of Blaine is the reason it’s not lower than it already is.
18. You’re my best friend
This song is so strange to watch, but it actually sounds really good. The way it was shot with the puppets and my general distaste for ‘The Puppet Episode’ is why it’s down to low.
19. It’s not unusual
Idk not a vibe and not something I would choose to listen to.
20. Piano man
It’s not bad, I just don’t care for the song and the scene is kinda a snore.
21. Teenage dream (acoustic)
I find the whole scene soo awkward and cringe, plus in my humble opinion I don’t like the way it sounds. (I know I’m committing crimes by saying this). This also goes back to my point when I wrote about original ‘Teenage Dream’ - I’m just generally not a fan of the song.
22. Wanna be starting something
A very repetitive song and often a scene I skip over when I watch ‘Micheal.’
23. Fighter
A lot of people love this song, but I don’t like the way it sounds or how it’s shot. Plus, I don’t like the whole episode of ‘Big Brother.’
24. It’s not right but its okay
I don’t understand why personal relationship feuds have to become a public spectacle in the Glee Club. The only way I can enjoy this song is if I take it out of the context of Glee, because otherwise it’s too dramatic and not something I’d ever agree on (airing private relationship matters to a group of people). It is kinda funny when everyone is singing about being cheated on, because most of them had both been cheated on and cheated on someone else.
25. Raise your glass
Not a fan of the Warblers version of Raise Your Glass. I like the choreography but not the way it sounds.
26. Something’s coming
I have a personal distaste for this song. If Blaine did not want to be Tony for the production, why sing a Tony song??? I find that really annoying but I blame the writers more than Blaine for that (but I do not like the context of the song at all and don’t listen to the song).
27. All of me
I don’t like the scene and unfortunately I don’t like the way Blaine sounds when he sings this song. There are better things I could be doing with my life over listening to Blaine sing ‘All of me’. (Maybe my personal distaste for this song comes from not liking the original).
28. Hey soul sister
Another song where I don’t like the original and think the performance of it on Glee just fell flat.
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palettepainter · 5 years
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Name: Chloe  Nicknames: Blue  Gender: Female  Occupation: Angel in training/keeper of heavens hound  Demon type/species: Angel of Generosity Likes: French culture, doves, feathers, harp music, dogs, cats and birds, her brother, Nathanial, having a little adventure, the colour blue  Dislikes: being seen as a 'damsel in distress', being babied (unless its from Jokey), thunder, strict rules, knifes and any kind of sharp object Died in: 2012 Former life: Chloe had always been seen as the golden child of the family, she followed the rules, had good grades, was polite - the perfect package! Herself and her fraternal twin Jokey where very close as children, Jokey often encouraged her to be a tad rebellious and Chloe, although hesitant to break rules, eagerly ends up enjoying these adventures with her brother. After her brother is kicked out onto the street Chloe is devastated and alone, her parents thought he was a bad influence on Chloe as well as being a highly troublesome boy. Her parents send Chloe away to France to a private school for girls where she was educated in higher tier math and science. Chloe, being raised in a small town in the country side even though her family tree does have some French heritage, is wondered by French culture but is heavily outlasted by the more aristocratic girls at the school. Herself and Jokey keep in contact view letters and calls over the phone, until she learns of her brothers shocking death. Her grades begin to crumble and the pressure to become a independent, smart young lady like her parents want her to be is too much for her in the state she's in. Chloe committed suicide by taking a knife to her throat, she has a scare there to this day, hence why she often wears anything to cover her neck. Powers: Generosity - always willing to lend a hand and shower her loved ones with gifts, singing and playing various instruments, speaking French, taking care of heavens hound that guards the gates to the kingdom (I haven't given the dog that guards heaven a name yet, any name suggestions are welcome) General bio: Very calm and level headed compared to her brother Jokey, Chloe is the younger twin (by 10 minutes) and is much less energetic then her zany brother. She adores French culture as her fashion style may suggest, but she's very open minded to other fashion styles and cultures. Also unlike her brother, Chloe leans towards the more French side of the family tree - Jokey and Chole have family heritage within their family tree, but Chloe seems to have taken much more after their French ancestors. She has a slight French accent and, when particularly excited or angry, she'll sometimes speak in French. Due to her strict uprising Chloe hates being called a damsel in distress and loathes being babied (unless its by Jokey or particularly close friends), she is much more likely to loose her temper with someone unlike Jokey. Although she sometimes struggles to stand up for herself she will have no diddly darn trouble of punching someone's lights out if they mess with her family - however, being a lady, Chloe must as least try and resolve things civilly before she starts throwing punches - she learnt marshal arts when she went away to France. Like her brother she is very accepting of people within the LGBT community and Jokey will allow her to do his nails and braid his hair if he's feeling more feminine (yes Jokey does have hair under his hat). Chloe's hobbies include singing and playing music as well as taking care of the heaven hound that guards the gates to the kingdom - she's very reliable but she possibly worries a little too much. Due to the way she died Chloe is scared SHITLESS OF KNIFES and any other sharp weapon like object. Because of her deep phobia of knifes Chloe has been trained to more rather avoid getting hurt by an attack and basic combat fighting. Relationships: Her relationship with her parents gradually began to fall apart after her brothers death, she hardly spoke to them when she was at the private school for girls and after a while she just stopped talking to them all together. She's unsure how to feel about her parents, she has a whirlpool of different emotions about them, so when the topic of them is brought up she often becomes hostile and lashes out. Is very close to her brother Jokey, but gets slightly annoyed when Jokey brings up that he's the oldest, he's only older by 10 minutes! Jokey is one of the only people that can baby her and call her silly nicknames, its all in good sibling fun. Jokey teaches Chloe to be a little adventurous every now and then, and Chloe often enjoys these adventures! Life at the private school for girls was soooooo boring! Jokey is kinda surprised and shocked when he finds his little innocent sweet baby sister sky diving off a cloud and play fighting with heavens hound - which could easily swallow Chloe is one god damn bite! Chloe gets very excited when she does something daring and possibly dangerous, and Jokey often stands there silently screaming and sweating. They get along well and its rare that the two fight, Chloe has no trouble standing up for her brother and vise versa. Adores Willem, loves his pretty blue hair and gorgeous blue wings, Willem is trying to teach Chloe how to relax and not worry so much, Chloe is not sure how to relax so to speak since her parents didn't approve of her or Jokey being lazy, so she sorta just sits there stiff as a plank of wood mentally worrying if she's relaxing right. However if Willem EVER hurt her brothers heart Chloe has promised Willem that she will forcefully rip of tail and shove it down his throat, Willem was...pretty terrified at the time, but Chloe's learnt that Willem is (far too lazy to cheat on her brother) far too loyal to cheat on her brother. Is gal pals with Claire, the two geek out over books, stress out over stupid things and play music together. Chloe often gives Claire French themed hairstyles which Claire ends up loving! Chloe also educates Claire on more modern day technology since Claire is stupidly oblivious to everything modern, Chloe and Claire often bond over learning how to play the harp - the two are pretty bad and clutzy right now, but they have fun! Chloe loves all types of creatures, she is very fond of doves, dogs and cats! She's an animal lover. She spoils the ever loving crap out of Yin and Yang! She excitedly gives them a ball of yarn and watches them play with it, allows the two of them to curl up under her wings and they allow her to pet them.  Has a honking crush on Nathanial and is 110% completely clueless on how to go about it. She gets all flustered and red faced when she's asked about, mostly from Willem who's picked up on the looks she gives him. She finds Nathanial to be very interesting, his temper more so then anything, when she was little she was never allowed to express such levels of rage in her household - and his control over fire is so fascinating! Also she's obsessed with his gorgeous golden wings (and may want to snuggle under one of them because they look so soft). She has yet to figure out how to go about expressing her affections for him, she knows Nathanial doesn't like overly girly things so she assumes he wouldn't like the stereotypical roses and chocolates thing - for now she simply tries to hang out with him as much as she can to try and get closer to him, she finds his company a nice presence and his temper brings her even more thrill to her life! How exciting!! Nathanial - @cosmic-artzz Jokey/Willem/Heaven hound/Yin/Yang - me
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steeltypeloverbecca · 6 years
Golden Sun feelings
Lately I’ve been watching videos discussing Golden Sun/ listening to the soundtrack and I’ve been wanting to replay it for years but unfortunately I loaned it to a friend a long time ago and they seemed to have lost it at some point, so my current choice would probably be an emulator. Except that I want to throw what little money I have at the series as I remember liking the series a lot and want to bring back financial hope that Nintendo/Camelot would try to revive this series. As well while the first two games were praised and sold okay for their time and Dark Dawn sold a little less than. So I don’t think they sold the numbers Nintendo needed making this series heavily neglected with a dedicated fanbase that is still wanting more (I mean especially after that Dark Dawn left soooooo many loose ends).
Unlike other things I may have obsessed over in high school that I said were super underrated and deserve more love Golden Sun actually does deserve that more love. It’s a game that pushed the GBA to it’s limits with its graphics, soundtrack. and game play. Okay sure the story of the Golden Sun games are not the best as I feel even the weakest of some modern JRPGs have stronger stories but it is very much serviceable with the first two being fairly open ended to the point where there are very little points of no return and you can skip some events outright and it wouldn’t hurt your progress through the games story. However the real appeal in the games would be the dungeon puzzles and battle as both require you to use various magic or as the games call it psynergy to solve them but with the battles there is a lot of freedom with customizing your party for battle as each character has a set of weapons that they can equip and there’s the djinn system which can allow you to mess around with your party’s classes as well as thy psynergy everyone can learn depending on which djinni you equip. Oh and like other RPGs the djinni are used for summoning fucking gods ... and a meteor for tons of damage even if it temporarily lowers your stats.
And the setting of the world isn’t just some stock whitey European fantasy world like so many others all right your party is pretty white but don’t worry the third game does somewhat rectify this with half of your team being various flavors of Asian coding (Like two of the characters are south east Asian coded, one is more Mongolian coded, while one is Japanese coded) but the rest of the fantasy world you end up saving has a large variety of settings that resemble fantasy places of east Asia, south east Asia, the middle east, sub Sahara Africa, India, Aboriginal Australia, the Americas and even fucking Antarctica making this one of the most diverse fantasy worlds I’ve run into. And did I mention that soundtrack like holy shit if you ever play this game play it with the sound on because the soundtrack is fucking amazing like some of Matoi Sakuraba’s best pre-Zestiria work. Hell even if you don’t have the game listen to the soundtrack because it is so good! And it’s not just the world but the dungeons come in many fun varieties like there’s this one where you need to go up the outside to get an item before going inside the dungeon itself or the one where you are using a healing spell to activate traps and the like a literal fucking healing spell that just heals you for the rest of the game outside of this one dungeon and then there’s the one where you’re grabbing a big ass bird’s kidney stones.
Okay enough gushing as it does have its flaws like the story, the dialogue heavy first chapter of each game. I honestly can’t tell you much about any of the characters outside of Isaac is different from Matthew because he has silly looking boob plates, Mia had a job before she joined the party, Sheba was worshiped as a god, and Piers is probably immortal with my gay ass admitting that he has nice thighs. Dark Dawn being really flawed even if it does have the nice addition of adding the weapon skill upgrade system and that cool easter egg from the north american commercial for the first game (which by the way has absolutely nothing to do with the game but still looks pretty cool). Hell one of the biggest flaws is the main character of Dark Dawn isn’t really the hero of the game’s story but that title goes to a character that you meet like halfway through the game, and before you meet her the main character is just kind of bumming around going on various fetch quests. With the puzzles and battles honestly being way too easy. Dark dawn is just really the weakest of the games that kind of came as a result of most of the original team leaving right after the second game and the series being on hiatus for almost a decade. I wouldn’t say it’s awful but I feel that it failed to live up to the previous two games and the baggage from those games caused major set backs for newcomers. Plus the development hell that it suffered through it kind of is a miracle that Dark Dawn is even out.
So now Golden Sun is at the point again where no one has heard from it for almost a decade and people are starting to lose faith that Golden Sun 4 will never come out. However with the Switch being early in its lifespan I think there is a glimmer of hope for Golden Sun to return. But I do feel that it needs to return through a reboot of the first two games hell maybe combine the two into one game like it was originally planned, though Isaac and Felix being silent protagonists would have to be scrapped as it would be just jarring for someone who talks in one part of the game suddenly ends up being completely silent in the other game. Heck I think it would be cool to push the switch’s graphical capabilities like the original GBA versions did for their respective systems, like give some tweaks to the story and characters give the game styleized character models and hell why not some voice acting as I think Laura Bailey would totally nail Jenna and/or Sheba, Robbie Daymond would make a good Isaac, and either Matthew Mercer or Yuri Lowenthal could work as Felix. But then goes the issue of the fact that Nintendo reboots tend to not sell as well as the original even if its something the franchise really needs to hook in new gamers for a Golden Sun 4 and that remake needs to about four times as much as the just under 2 million copies that the original games each sold. So I feel that Nintendo and Camelot when dealing with Golden Sun should first give the reboot of the first two games whether they be one or two games, a remake or updated rerelease of Dark Dawn, a few spin off games still dealing with the world of Weyard then give us Golden Sun 4 and after that they can do what they wish with it like make spiritual successors, or make it like a Final Fantasy or Tales series where everything after 4 could be unrelated to the main 4 games. However I have no idea on how to ensure that the first part of this idea, the reboot, would rake in the 10 million plus copies it needs to not kill Golden Sun. Maybe updated graphics and voice acting would work maybe it won’t. Though in anycase I do encourage buying the first two games on the Wii U virtual console and I’m pretty sure you can get Dark Dawn for cheap as DS games are still selling as they still work for the 3DS. And if you like the games enough I encourage trying to bring in support ... or ask for Isaac to be playable for the new Smash.
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hereisisa · 7 years
Do you know what exactly happened with YNB lately, what did she do? I heard she and Shatner targeted one of Swen, but since I'm blocked I can't see her tweets and I was hoping you'd know it?
A journalist I follow on twitter asked YNB why she blocked SQ fans and the hell break loose. She did it cause she’s working on a piece on, not to start a war. It was an honest question. The journalist is still writing the piece. I can’t wait.
YNB first blocked her and then proceeded to rant against her for 1 hour, spreading lies and whatever it was convenient for her to “prove” she was being attacked (with one gentle question on twitter. LOL!).
All she got was one question. And she took her frustrations out on this journalist for 1 hour.
She probably realised she was acting like a psycho so she decided to “prove” once again why the Swan Queen fandom is soooooo bad and awful and show why gay teenagers need to be made fun of.
She searched for her own name and found some UNTAGGED tweets of SQ fans talking about her. One girl made a silly poll on “who’s worse between Shatner, YNB and Leanne Aguilera”. NO ONE was tagged (that’s why I say YNB searched for her own name on twitter).
She screencapped the tweet and exposed a gay teenager to her timeline made by million followers. Millions who obviously proceeded to harass the kid.But that’s not enough. She tagged Shatner in her tweet so he could “help her” tweeting to his followers.
In a matter of 5 minutes the girl’s mentions were filled with hate by YNB and Shatner’s followers for…what? For saying (in a silly poll) that YNB, Shatner and Leanne are awful to us.
That’s a recap of what’s happened.
Later on Leanne was made aware of what’s going on and decided to take part to the party.Here their first tweets: YNB screencapped a fan’s tweet and made fun of her and Shatner + Leanne replied starting from this:
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Don’t let the “gentle” words fool you. These 3 are openly makingfun of a teenager by screencapping her untagged tweet and showing it to theirmillions of followers, inviting them to join them. And it’s dangerous, you know? Someday one of them will target the wrong teenager, someone who’s depressed and has bigger problems than a tv show but who’ll feel the harassment of millions as the last straw and bad things could happen. It will be on them.
IF, and let’s pray it will never happen, a teenager they targeted decides to taketheir life cause they can’t take the harassment of their followers(millions), what will YVETTE NICOLE BROWN, LEANNE AGUILERA ANDWILLIAM SHATNER do?
It’s happened in the past. It’s happened in the Swan Queen fandom years ago. A girl whohad troubles at home and came here online to have fun and find a distraction andprojected her feelings on Emma and Regina took her life cause she was bulliedhere too. By people who told her she was delusional, who laughed at her, whotold her “what you like is not canon and that’s why it means nothing”. You’renot allowed to send questions to our interviews, you’re not allowed to tweetabout it, you don’t matter. But this time THEY willbe responsible. Targetedharassment can end very badly. And those 3 are irresponsible cretins for not realizing we’re notall adults and strong and willing to laugh about each other and each other’ships. Someone can get hurt and I’m pretty sure, unfortunately, it will not bethem.
And what’seven worse is that those 3 “celebrities” of dubious talents are doing all thisover….a ship. Everything started cause a group of LGBT fans was constantlyexcluded, made fun of, hurt by those 3 because they liked something different.
They’re bullies.That’s the word. 
My suggestion is to avoid interacting with those 3. Leanne is an idiot, Shatner is an homophobic mysoginist who was paid to promote Sean (hate SQ is a consequence) and YNB needs to find a different outlet to relieve her frustrations.
Block them and ignore them. Karma works. Recently Leanne tried to support the lesbian couple of “Supergirl”, to chat with the fans as she does with CSers, and she got rejected by a whole fandom cause Swan Queen fans are also Supergirl fans, so… ;) She can’t hate on a group of lesbians and like another. It’s likely the same persons.
But I’m digressing…You asked me what’s happened and what’s happened is that YNB is gonna be the panelist at SDCC and she needs an excuse to avoid Emma+Regina mentions or questions related to anything gay. She needed to create another drama and get herself a good excuse for excluding us once again.
I assume the 10 Swan Queen fans who still watch the show will be brokenhearted.
EDIT: I’ve been just provided screencaps of what’s happened and I’ll add them to this post.
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missjackil · 7 years
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One Year.... One year ago this month, I was introduced to these AMAZING gentlemen, and life has never been the same! I don’t recall the exact day it happened, but I do know it was March, 2016, 
This is how it started... It was a very cold, snowy winter here in NJ last year, so my life long friend Dawn, my daughter Sarah, and I started binge watching different series on Netflix. Dawn first suggested this show Supernatural, which I had only heard of in passing a few times over the years, but she had watched since the beginning. She said I would love it, the brothers  are hot, they hunt monsters and demons, delve a lot into Religion, which is a big interest of mine, I even have a degree in Theology, and am legally ordained. I checked the title on Netflix and saw it had 10 seasons available, and I said  “Nah, that’s a pretty big commitment, I dont think I could stay interested in a show that long” then Dawn informed me, that it was still on the air and in season 11. Not my cup of tea, so I declined. She next suggested Nurse Jackie, which was really good, but so easy to burn through. I got the next pick and picked House MD which had been mine, and my daughter Sarah’s favorite series to date.  This was a longer series than Nurse Jackie, 8 seasons instead of 7, and hour long episodes, as opposed to half hour. This took almost 2 months to get through. While watching this series again, I would keep commenting how much I loved the bromance between House and Wilson, to wish Dawn would always reply “The you will LOVE Sam and Dean!!” So since she had next pick, I agreed to give Supernatural a try.  And this is what happened... *CRASH BOOM BANG  <heavy flop>* “Wooooaaah easy tiger” “Dean?” Yeah, these boys are freakin adorable, and Im gonna love this bromance. I thought Dean was hot, and Sam was cute. Too young for me to think he was hot (me being 49 at the time) but I felt like the monsters and a lot of the horror was pretty lame, and sometimes even cheesy, though I did enjoy the chemistry the boys had with each other, and found Sam’s psychic visions to be an interesting element, I didn’t think I would stay interested for very long.  For a while, we were only watching 2-3 episodes at a time, a couple times a week when Dawn would come over. Near the end of S1 I told her I didn’t think I wanted to continue. She asked me to PLEASE give it to the end of season 2 and if I still didnt like it, we could find something else. As promised, I did become more interested in S2. The humor was funnier, the acting got better, and the bromance was hotter, and the emotional moments were even more heart breaking. The first episode that left a really big impression on me was Born Under a Bad Sign. Until then, I knew Sam had psychic powers, and his father was worried he would turn dark, and left it on Dean’s shoulders to save him or kill him (good idea John, what the hell) and this episode was probably showing Sam go bad. I didnt want that, I liked the boys and I wanted to like both of them and not have to start thinking of Sam as evil, but he was soooooo creepy in that episode! I was so afraid he was going to rape Jo, fortunately he didn’t, but that “My daddy shot your daddy in the heeeaad” thing gave me the willies! I was so uncomfortable with this “Dark Sam” I thought maybe I couldnt continue. Dawn didnt want me to stop just yet, but didnt want to give me spoilers, she told me “Don’t worry, Sam and Dean are the GOOD guys and Sam is a REALLY good guy” so I continued. When it was discovered that Sam was possessed, I found that very interesting, I didn’t think the boys would ever succumb to the evil things, just kick their asses all the time, though I assumed theyd have their own asses kicked sometimes, I never thought the show would allow the heroes to really suffer.... boy was I wrong huh??  I recall my first noticing that Sam was hot and built like a truck, in Heart, and it was also the first time I really cried. I remember telling Dawn, I will watch it when she comes over but Im watching it on my own too, because now Im much more interested, but I also said “it’s kind of a bummer knowing the boys wont die, that will take away from the suspense and emotional moments when it’s feared they might die, and I remember her giving me this look... she said “trust me, you know nothing”. She was right ... All Hell Breaks Loose 1 & 2 had me sobbing! When Sam dies in Dean’s arms and Dean sobs into his neck, I dont think Ive ever seen such intense, realistic  grief on a TV show. And then Dean goes and sells his soul for Sam!! This turned what I thought was a “My brother is my best friend” love into a “Id willingly spend eternity in fire and torment, to have one more year with my brother” love. That was a big turning point for me. I new Id watch it till the end and couldnt wait for those long days off when I could just binge all day long.  Then Season 4 happened... I dont know when exactly it happened, or which episode it was, but somewhere early in S4, I discovered the most amazing thing. I woke up one day and realized I am madly in love with Sam Winchester! And to top it off, I was hopelessly addicted and obsessed with SPN! I wont give a rundown of how each season hit me, but its been a crazy, emotional, tragically painful, beautful roller coaster that I have no intentions to ever get off of. By the time I got to S9 and started seeing the episodes dwindle away, I didnt want to finish too fast, yet I wanted to keep binging, so thats when I decided to start rewatching. ration out the newer episodes so I dont finish too fast, and binge the ones Ive already seen, and Ive done that continiously since then, and that was in May. By the end of June, I had watched everything on Netflix and purchased all of S11 On Demand and just kept finishing and starting over, rinse, repeat.  What I have learned... I mean no disrespect to Dean, I love him... but, if he ever says “As long as Im around, nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you” ... just RUN!! He said this to Sam in S1 and things just unraveled fast for poor Sam. I dont think there are many bad things LEFT that haven't happened to Sam, and we still have at least 2 more seasons to go!!!  To me, Sam is the most beautiful, kind, selfless, brave character ever. Yet, he can be a little selfish on occasion, but if you needed any of the duct tape and safety pins that hold him together, he wouldnt think twice about giivng them to you. He is scared fairly often, but it’s never stopped him from facing any big bad monster life could hand him.Season 10 was definitely not his most attractive season (that hair?? WHAT??) and if you piss him off, he can viciously sting with his words at the very least, or be brutally lethal with his hands when need be. He is a full on nerd, but not the least bit pretentious about it. He doesnt think he is better than anyone, and maybe even not as good as most. He is brilliant, but wont ever make you feel stupid. He is the sweetest, kindest gentleman you’ll ever meet, but 100% badass as well. But most of all. he loves Dean with everything in his life. He will never leave him (again) for anyone. If he ever finds a significant other, they will have to accept him and Dean as One person. Package deal and thats it.  To me, Dean is a rock. He rarely ever changes, This isn’t a bad thing. This compliments Sam, who is ever changing. Dean doesn’t live inside his head. He expresses his feelings more physically than with words, though he isnt one to mince words if you need to hear it. He’s emotional, not afraid to cry, but maybe afraid of who he allows to see it. He’s not perfect, he has made a lot of poor choices for himself and for Sam as well, but never with any ill intent (other than when influenced by a Supernatural force) He is a sweetheart, who unfortunately carries too much baggage. In Regarding Dean I feel like I met the REAL Dean that is lost under decades of pain, lossm and never ending violence. He can piss me off big time, but I forgive him because Sam does, and the most important thing in his world is Sam. There is nothing he wouldnt do, nor lines he wouldnt cross for Sam, and I believe he would give Sam anything in his power if Sam would simply ask.  What I think of the side characters  Cas, Crowley, Rowena, Bobby, etc.. all good characters who bring a lot of interest to the show, but none are strong enough characters to have their own storylines apart from Sam and Dean. Their side stories arent very interesting. I would watch a show that was only Sam and Dean (which is what I prefer) but I wouldnt watch a show that was only Cas or Crowley or whomever. They should support Sam and Dean and thats it, in my opinion.
What I have learned about the Fandom... Supernatural is the Holy Reaches of Heaven to them and they are Religions. Separate groups of individuals, expressing their love for the show and the characters in different ways. Some SPN religions are open and accepting, and some are vicious and hateful. Everyone gets different things from different parts of the series, but some of these religions, think their thoughts are the best and only True Canon even when sometimes, their thoughts are not canon at all. There are some fun, silly, kind loving fans in the SPN Family, and I have met a few, but Ive also seen some unnecessarily hatefull, mean spirited individuals who I cant consider family. SPN belongs to me, and it belongs to you. Take from it what you take from it... blog your blogs, go meta crazy, ship your ships, and write the shit out of fan fic... but please dont belittle and berate those who think differently. It is a ficitonal show, no one is going to go to Hell or be arrested for their views on it. If you don’t like it, dont watch it, but let those who do still love it, like myself, enjoy it while they can. Don’t go trying to hurt our feelings with “It should end!!” because someday it will, we know this, but we want it to live on for as long as J2 are happy to do it, and even then, it’s gonna hurt like the death of a loved one to see it go, so try to be more considerate okay? If you stayed to read ALL of this, You are precious to me :) and thank you!
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gorgxoxus · 4 years
@spaceorphan18 ranked all Blaine solos recently so I thought I’d add some descriptions to my old ranking and post it here.
Ranking all Blaine solos:
(This is my personal opinion)
1. All you need is love:
Firstly, this is the Blaine solo I listen to the most and honestly one of my favourite Glee songs. Add to the fact it’s such a big exciting number and he’s proposing to Kurt - this great song comes alive.
2. It’s time
This is another Blaine solo I listen to all the time and this one is also paired with a very fun and meaningful scene. This song tells a story as well as being sung very well and personally it’s one of my faves.
3. Bills, bills, bills
This is my favourite Warblers number (what a controversial opinion!!) It’s fun to listen to and watch and that’s all I want.
4. My dark side
This is sooo angsty and kinda random but it just sounds soooooo good. It also perfectly explains Blaine’s mental space at this time in the show - personally I would love Kurt listening to Blaine sing this song (but not in the canon time of their early breakup).
5. Hopelessly devoted to you
This one Blaine solo that has creeped up the list. I don’t necessarily agree with Blaine singing this song after cheating on Kurt (often people cheat because they are not devoted to their partner anymore).
Anyway, this song sounds great and I love the loose choreography of it - to make it character and emotion driven.
6. Cough Syrup
This is the quintessential Blaine number, probably after Teenage Dream. I wish we got a Klaine conversation after Blaine sung this song, because Kurt was there watching and then they did nothing with that. It did not reach its potential in canon with Blaine’s story but it still sounds amazing (id definitely prefer listening to the studio version over watching Karofsky try to commit suicide).
7. Somewhere only we know
I’m so very glad this number exists and even though I find the song a little awkward, it is a masterpiece. It honestly sounds great and together with Blaine singing to Kurt with the Warblers and even the Furt hug it goes into top tier. Love, love it.
8. Everybody wants to rule the world
Ok I just have an infinity for pop and season 4. I love watching the scene that accompanies this song.
9. Against all odds (take a look at me now)
This song is actually quite awkward to watch and starts the classic debate of ‘he was singing this for Sam’ and ‘he was singing this for Kurt.’ If people are interested, I’m in the boat that he was singing this song for Kurt and looked at Sam during the number because he’s the one who had been through the season 4 break up with him in Lima. It does sound amazing and I’d prefer to listen to the studio version than watch the scene.
10. When I get you alone
It took me forever to finally watch the scene with this song but I finally did a few months ago. It is actually quite hilarious if you push through all the awkward. Also when listening to the song, it sounds really good.
11. Don’t stop me now
This is a song that I don’t often listen to or watch the scene in the episode, but when I do it does sound AMAZING. Blaine does this song very well and Darren said he did the scene with a bad cold, so congrats to him to own the choir room while so sick.
12. Beauty school drop out
I love Blaine’s outfit and the recreation of the Grease scene. It also sounds great, highlights how well Blaine can morph his voice to fit different genres because it sounds so different to HDTY which was in the previous episode. (Even though from my theatre experience you cannot see the audience when you are on the stage the eye contact between Kurt and Blaine gives me all the feels).
13. Last Friday night
With my hatred for season 3, I have not watched the scene in ages but the song does sound great and of course Blaine sang Katy Perry to try to find his place in the New Directions. (Also we get a bit of fun Klaine, so no complaints there).
14. Misery
I love the scene in 2x16 with this song but I don’t rate it as a song to casually listen to.
15. Silly love songs
I will always wish this was a Klaine duet, and I actually don’t rate this as a song to listen to the studio recording. I love the flirty Blaine, the scene with the New Directions and the Warblers and it fits very well with the episode. It’s actually one of the few Warblers songs that makes sense in the context of Glee.
16. I’m not going to teach your boyfriend how to dance with you
This song is not one of my personal favourites and the scene is destroyed by Jesse and Finn fighting.
17. Teenage dream
I know it’s a crime to have this song so low on this list, but personally I don’t like how the song sounds, or the original Katy Perry song. The fact it’s such a big moment for Kurt and is the introduction of Blaine is the reason it’s not lower than it already is.
18. You’re my best friend
This song is so strange to watch, but it actually sounds really good. The way it was shot with the puppets and my general distaste for ‘The Puppet Episode’ is why it’s down to low.
19. It’s not unusual
Idk not a vibe and not something I would choose to listen to.
20. Piano man
It’s not bad, I just don’t care for the song and the scene is kinda a snore.
21. Teenage dream (acoustic)
I find the whole scene soo awkward and cringe, plus in my humble opinion I don’t like the way it sounds. (I know I’m committing crimes by saying this). This also goes back to my point when I wrote about original ‘Teenage Dream’ - I’m just generally not a fan of the song.
22. Wanna be starting something
A very repetitive song and often a scene I skip over when I watch ‘Micheal.’
23. Fighter
A lot of people love this song, but I don’t like the way it sounds or how it’s shot. Plus, I don’t like the whole episode of ‘Big Brother.’
24. It’s not right but its okay
I don’t understand why personal relationship feuds have to become a public spectacle in the Glee Club. The only way I can enjoy this song is if I take it out of the context of Glee, because otherwise it’s too dramatic and not something I’d ever agree on (airing private relationship matters to a group of people). It is kinda funny when everyone is singing about being cheated on, because most of them had both been cheated on and cheated on someone else.
25. Raise your glass
Not a fan of the Warblers version of Raise Your Glass. I like the choreography but not the way it sounds.
26. Something’s coming
I have a personal distaste for this song. If Blaine did not want to be Tony for the production, why sing a Tony song??? I find that really annoying but I blame the writers more than Blaine for that (but I do not like the context of the song at all and don’t listen to the song).
27. All of me
I don’t like the scene and unfortunately I don’t like the way Blaine sounds when he sings this song. There are better things I could be doing with my life over listening to Blaine sing ‘All of me’. (Maybe my personal distaste for this song comes from not liking the original).
28. Hey soul sister
Another song where I don’t like the original and think the performance of it on Glee just flat.
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