#and attack on titan and hetalia for glorifying bad shit
she-toadmask · 4 years
Honestly it is hilarious seeing Coley make a short fandom video about Hetalia returning and the comments being like ‘the bad people are gone who do very bad things it’s just the chill people now it’s fine’
And then going over to Tumblr where it’s just like ‘Hi yeah Hetalia is about WWII Germany and Axis Powers you realize what that is right’
It’s just hilarious to me
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full-metal-furies · 4 years
can i ask which anime?
Pretty Much All Of Them
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purbleinactive · 5 years
new dni cause i fucking lost my old one
▹ trumed/terf/gender critical/nonbinary skeptics/bullshit like that ▹ anti anti/pro ship/neutral (you support glorified abuse/incest/pedo shit, fiction or not) ▹ interact with/are -@/kiki/the/deceiver -@/kagerou/soda/project -@/kano/shin/kano/shin/kano/shin -people in general who are openly nasty ▹ pedophilies/maps/nomaps/lolicons/shotacons/etc ▹ you won’t tag q*eer (idc if you reclaim it and shit go wild pls just tag it) ▹ you ship/make fanfics of/etc real fucking people ▹ you say slurs you cant reclaim/try to reclaim slurs for other people ▹ use the terms trap/reverse trap ▹ you are anti kin ▹ youre a self proclaimed p*ycho/yandere/sociopath or you say you have “multiple personalities” ▹ you support -hetalia -attack on titan -boyfriend to death -sanders sides -camp camp -other generally bad shit ▹ anti polyamory ▹ pewdiepiss+people who interact with him supporter ▹ mineta/teruteru apologist/stan ▹ have/interact with nsfw/ddlg/etc accs ▹ over age 25 ▹ you believe in reverse oppression (reverse racism, heterophobia, cisphobia, etc) ▹ you think pronouns = gender ▹ aphobic ▹ you donate to ao3
▹ im an inclusionist ▹ as a kano kin stop making me fuck my goddamn siblings i swear to GOD if you think me x any of my siblings makes for a good ship im PERSONALLY going to break into your FUCKING house and i’m going to fill it with fucking Superglue. the entire goddamn thing itll be like a goddamn aquarium except intead of water? its fucking superglue. ▹ i really do not give a shit what you identify as as long as youre not hurting anyone
▹ mentions of suicide/self harm (tag with #suicide / #self harm or #sh) ▹  images of wasps (tag with #wasps) ▹ audio of upset/angry yelling (tag with #yelling, #nsft or #tdl) ▹ the phrase "l*ttle g*rl" (tag with #nsft or #tdl. not the actual term*) ▹ q*eer (tag as #q word, #q*eer, just not the actual term*) ▹ irl needles/syringes (tag with #needles or #syringes) ▹ irl injuries** (tag with #injuries)
*when a blacklisted post shows up on my dash it shows me what tag on it was blacklisted, so if you blacklist the term i need tagged as the term itself that sort of defeats the purpose of tagging it at all for me **minor shit's fine, i more mean just really nasty shit with lots of blood
▹ #nsft and #tdl are both catchalls. what you tag shit with isnt really important i just stuck examples there for clarity
[continue to abt]
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akingsfool · 3 years
i mean, i, like, understand now that a lot of people in japan aren't actually educated about japan's really violent imperial history, and most stuff is technically benign, but i still don't watch it, which is partly bc of the family boycott on japanese goods (in response to some korea-japan trade embargoes) and partly because i'm not big on watching shows in general. except for attack on titan, which is full of nazi bullshit and also so much shit glorifying the atrocities commited against koreans. and also except for hetalia axis powers, for.... obvious reasons. but yeah they did a lot of bad stuff, including massacres and cultural genocide. colonization might not be the right word for what they did, though, i was writing in a rush. but yeah, they also kidnapped korean women and young girls to be r*ped as sex slaves for the japanese imperial army during ww2, and japan refuses to acknowledge it, even cutting ties with cities that build monuments to the comfort women. over 90% of comfort women, some of which were young as 12 or 13, did not survive the war. during ww2 they also massacred the entire city of nanking in china, raping up to 80 000 women. they didn't even free the women at the end of ww2 or when they left the axis powers, they were freed by douglas macarthur in 1946. during their militant occupation, girls were beaten for attending school, as it was outlawed. this may have included my grandmother. one day, when she went to class, half of the classmates that had been there the day before were dead, although i'm not sure which war that was (timelines are a bit fuzzy.) the impact of their authoritarian rule also had an impact on the democracy of south korea, which meant that it wasn't a liberal demoracy until the late eighties, and many university students were tear-gassed or shot with rubber bullets for protesting police brutality. (fun fact: my parents were there! my aunt actually had to get surgery after she was shot with a rubber bullet) -huffie
I had no idea about that, thank you so much for telling me
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