#and also Miguel o'hara's tight butt in that suit
daisynik7 Β· 1 year
my mind is racing after watching across the spider-verse, that was the best movie I've seen all year, probably in a while actually
and yes miguel o'hara, goddamn
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nouearth Β· 10 months
hiii! happy 500 followers!!🀩 your fics are so 😊😏🌠 πŸ‘¬πŸ˜(don't let the sandwich tragedy haunt you forever dudee πŸ˜”and enjoy that breakfast!)
anw hehe- dirty thoughts ask-
a somewhat long miguel o'hara dirty thoughts cause yes, topdom male readers are winning with the sub bottom miguel content BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BOTTOMS Y'KNOWW- (all things mentioned are consensual ofc! and i have a weird fixation of his suit being holographic cause all the lewd possibilities???)
first of all....him just going off and saying the most unhinged, perverted and dirtiest shit in spanish to you? both in and out of sex, oh my god.
i think about quickies with miguel being quite common....his suit is holographic so most of the time he could just leave the part of the suit covering his huge cock <33
example, as time passes you get used to him calling you to his office while he's work, everytime you get there he's fully suited up-save for his exposed cock.....miguel just really needs you to get on your knees and let him fuck your mouth nice and rough, but he always managed to convince you to stay and cockwarm him, in the long run it might become free use as you mindlessly suck on his cock nonstop while he works....
or maybe, if you were a spiderman yourself, he'd bring you to patrols with him. miguel would always get horny seeing you in such a tight suit...9 times out of 10 he's leading you to an alleway to pin you against the wall with his bulge pressing against your butt, always tearing apart your suit with his talons and absolutely destroying you....eventually he decides to make you a suit that's holographic like his for easy access. (the others got tired of miguel glaring at whoever happens to glance at you almost naked even though it was his fault..)
i also think miguel would be into some predator or prey, or roleplaying....(totally thinking about a/b/o dynamics with him but i'm not sure about your comfort on that....or cnc? hmm...)
angry or stressed sex with miguel is really....exhilirating, to say the least.
it all happened so fast-you'd greet miguel at the door as soon as he got home-not expecting for him to pin you against said door to devour your lips in a rough make-out session....and now here you are, unable to move due to his venom, reaching your high for the fourth time as miguel fills you up with his third load, his hands finding yours to pull you back against his cock.
in times like this, even he can't speak properly anymore, degrading and or praising words transition between english and spanish, he's too caught up in his rage on not being able to catch miles, and with everything else piling up-he just needs both of you to go crazy for a while <3
but if he were to get angry cause of jealousy? its not exhilirating anymore its....feral.
maybe he hadn't been at home as much, or hasn't even called you to his office due to how busy he actually is, so maybe you thought riling him up on purpose with the help of hobie was a good idea, but alas, you have to learn the hard way it seems.
now you're tied up on the bed with the courtesy of miguel's own web, miguel having already sunk his fangs into your neck and injecting you with his venom, his handprints on your ass still stinging from the impact, rendering you helpless as he holds up your head whilst fucking your mouth with a scowl, but you were happy at the thought of finally getting a taste of his cum again but miguel had other plans....
miguel pulls out of your mouth with no warning, instead, he gets up and goes behind you, jerking his cock off to completion as he cums all over your body, making sure to pull you towards him and shoot some on your face.
you whine at him for not filling you up, but you get startled by the sudden hologram screen appearing in front of you, a nervous hobie on the screen, you don't even get the opportunity to question what was happening as miguel pulls you by the hair-showing off your cum covered body as miguel finally thrusts into you, a gasp leaving you at the sheer force of it.
"the next time you ever think about making me jealous, i hope you think long and hard about this moment." miguel growls, the talons on his otherhand on your waist digging into you...
let's just say that hobie was both scarred, and turned on by that, he never imagined getting a live video of miguel claiming you while covered in his cum...(he even got to see it from almost every angle with how miguel prepared the cameras...) <333
thank you, thank you, anon! (also, i try not to but that sandwich haunts me. i made such a good spread for it, smh.)
wait, you're so big-brained because i literally have never thought about his holo-graphic suit until now, LOL. i need to rewatch it asap because... your thoughts got me kinda...
idk why, but there's always something so hot about a man being covered up, yet also exposed at the same time. like... the image of his cock free from his zipper is a delight and makes my mouth-water, sometimes more than thinking about him bare.
i'm a complete sucker for spidey!reader and miguel and him crafting a suit of his own for you is lowkey wholesome... until you realize it's for his own benefit. UGH.
and don't worry, anon. i'm completely fine with a/b/o (not really informed tho) so the predator and prey dynamics is.... INTRIGUING. and i NEED a story about that.
oh my god, and hobie?!?! i love him so much and can only imagine how unusual it would be to see him so flustered upon seeing you like that. :((( it's such a major different to how he usually portrays himself, that it becomes endearing (and a part of you likes to be humiliated like this too).
thank you, anon, for making me want to write miguel even more now. <333 keep on sharing, i absolutely do not mind!
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