#amore libero free love
giallofever2 · 2 years
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mabellonghetti · 5 months
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Laura Gemser in Amore libero - Free Love (dir. Pier Ludovico Pavoni - 1974).
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robertoperodi · 2 years
Libero di chiedere vita - Free to ask for life
Libero di chiedere vita – Free to ask for life
Libero di chiedere vita,nel deserto affollato di tanti che chiedono cure, di tanti che hanno bisogno di parola, di tanti che hanno bisogno di ritrovarsi.Perché il deserto mi spoglia,delle mie sicurezze, dei miei ragionamenti, delle mie conquiste, dei miei amori;e mi renderò conto solo della mia miseria, che è dove non sei Tu. (more…)
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Amore libero - Free Love (1974)
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dolcementefemmia · 5 days
Faccio tutto ciò che posso
perché il mio amore
non ti disturbi,
ti guardo di nascosto,
ti sorrido quando non mi vedi.
Poso il mio sguardo
e la mia anima ovunque
vorrei posare i miei baci:
sui tuoi capelli,
sulla tua fronte,
sui tuoi occhi,
sulle tue labbra,
ovunque le carezze
abbiano libero accesso. 
I do everything I can
Why my love
Don't bother,
I'm secretly looking at you,
I smile at you when you don't see me.
I put my gaze
And my soul everywhere
I would like to pose my kisses:
On your hair,
On your forehead,
On your eyes,
On your lips,
Everywhere the caresses
Have free access.
Victor Hugo
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passione-e-follia · 7 months
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Faccio tutto ciò che posso perché il mio amore non ti disturbi, ti guardo di nascosto, ti sorrido quando non mi vedi. Poso il mio sguardo e la mia anima ovunque vorrei posare i miei baci: sui tuoi capelli, sulla tua fronte, sui tuoi occhi, sulle tue labbra, ovunque le carezze abbiano libero accesso. V.H.
I do everything I can so that my love won't disturb you, I look at you secretly, I smile at you when you don't see me. I lay my gaze and my soul everywhere, I would like to place my kisses on your hair, on your forehead, on your eyes, on your lips, wherever the caresses have free access.
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lunamagicablu · 1 year
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Che tu sia un re o un primo ministro, che tu sia un falco predatore o un timido passero, che tu sia libero di amore mistico o un pio eremita, finché non avrai conosciuto te stesso sarai solo un presuntuoso. proverbio cinese ********************** Whether you are a king or a prime minister, whether you are a marauding falcon or a shy sparrow, whether you are free with mystical love or a pious hermit, until you know yourself you will only be conceited. Chinese proverb
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blueeyescleo · 9 months
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Mi amado Hombre:
A ti también te libero del cuento donde siempre tienes que ser el príncipe, el valiente o el rescatador, y por supuesto, el príncipe encantador.
Te libero del cuento donde buscas, rescatas, y amas solo a una princesa..
¡Qué tal que a quien amas es a la bruja,
al dragón, a la campesina, a la que se rescata sola, a la que no vive en el castillo, a la que no es la más bella más que para tus ojos!
Te libero del cuento donde tienes que ser de un color: el azul.
Qué absurda manera de encasillarte habiendo un mundo de colores, sabores y oportunidades para ti. Vístete del color que quieras rojo, amarillo, negro, arcoiris ¡El que tu quieras!
Te libero del cuento donde siempre eres fuerte, el más valiente, el más guapo y el que por supuesto ya posee un castillo.
El que tiene tesoros y riquezas, o por lo menos alguna herencia.
¡A ti también te han dañado y te han impuesto estereotipos de valentía, posesión y fortaleza!
Te libero del cuento donde jamás se te permite llorar, donde la confusión, el caos y la derrota no existe, donde te has dado cuenta que tu papá no es un Rey.
¿Qué tal si no quieres ser el héroe?
Quizá se te antoja ser el villano, el que no puede, el que renuncia a todo, el que es salvado, y el que no quiere tener princesa o un cuento de: “Se casaron y fueron felices por siempre.”
Te libero del cuento donde siempre hay mil batallas, monstruos, dragones, oscuridad, y con ello la consigna de que para todo se tiene que luchar, que todo es guerra y competencia.
¡Qué cansado debe ser tener que ser caballero en guerra por la eternidad!
Te libero del cuento, del hechizo, y del amor mágico e impuesto, para que mejor construyas tu mundo a tu manera, como tú elijas, y desde tu propia identidad.
Nosotras ya salimos del cuento y te esperamos en este lado, en la vida real donde tu puedes ser TÚ, y yo puedo ser YO… sin tanto cuento.
~Autor desconocido
My beloved Man:
I also release you from the story where you always have to be the prince, the brave or the rescuer, and of course, the charming prince.
I release you from the story where you search, rescue, and love only a princess..
What if you love the witch,
to the dragon, to the peasant, to the one who rescues herself, to the one who does not live in the castle, to the one who is not the most beautiful except for your eyes!
I release you from the story where you have to be one color: blue.
What an absurd way to pigeonhole yourself, having a world of colors, flavors, and opportunities for you. Dress in the color you want red, yellow, black, rainbow The one you want!
I release you from the story where you are always strong, the bravest, the most handsome, and the one who, of course, already owns a castle.
The one who has treasures and riches, or at least some inheritance.
You, too, have been harmed and stereotyped about bravery, possession, and strength!
I release you from the story where you are never allowed to cry, where confusion, chaos, and defeat do not exist, where you have realized that your dad is not a king.
What if you don't want to be the hero?
Maybe you fancy being the villain, the one who can't, the one who gives up everything, the one who is saved, and the one who doesn't want to have a princess or a story of: "They got married and were happily ever after."
I free you from the story where there are always a thousand battles, monsters, dragons, darkness, and with it the slogan that you have to fight for everything, that everything is war and competition.
How exhausting it must be to have to be a knight at war for eternity!
I free you from the story, from the spell, and from magical and imposed love, so that you can better build your world in your own way, as you choose, and from your own identity.
We are already out of the story and we are waiting for you on this side, in real life where you can be YOU, and I can be ME... without so much story.
~Author unknown
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alchimilla · 8 months
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A Million Times*
«C'era una volta un gatto, un po' speciale.
Nel corso dei secoli era morto e rinato più di un milione di volte.
Era stato allevato da generazioni di uomini verso cui, però, non aveva provato che indifferenza.
Non amò mai nessuno, nel corso di tutte le sue esistenze.
E non temeva la morte.
A un certo punto, decise anche di non vivere più con nessun essere umano, e diventare un libero gatto randagio.
Un giorno, peró, incontrò una bella gatta bianca, di cui si innamoró perdutamente, e vissero insieme felici e contenti, con i loro gattini.
Passarono gli anni, e la sua candida compagna, ormai vecchia, un giorno si sdraió a terra, e non si risveglió più.
Lui, disperato, pianse per più di un milione di volte, e poi, si sdraió a terra, accanto a lei, e non si risveglió più.
La seguì.
E questa volta, non rinacque più, perché aveva finalmente incontrato il suo vero amore, e avrebbe vissuto per sempre con lei, nell’eternità della morte.»
<<Once upon a time there was a cat, a bit special.
Over the centuries he had died and been reborn more than a million times.
He had been raised by generations of men towards whom, however, he had felt nothing but indifference. He never loved anyone in all his existences.
And he didn't fear death.
At one point, he also decided not to live with any human anymore, and become a free alley cat.
One day, however, he met a beautiful white cat, with whom he fell madly in love, and they lived together happily ever after, with their kittens.
Years went by, and his candid companion, now old, one day lay down on the ground, and never woke up again.
Desperate, he cried more than a million times, and then he lay down on the ground next to her and never woke up again.
He followed her.
And this time, he was never reborn again, for he had finally met his true love, and would live with her forever, in the eternity of death.>>
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venustraur · 2 years
🇺🇲 : hey!! I created this account for fun to post icons, headers and wallpaper gyaru, feel free to make any requests!! With love, mari !
🇯🇵 : おい!!アイコンやヘッダー、壁紙のギャルを投稿するのが趣味で作ったアカウントですので、リクエストはお気軽にどうぞ!!愛を込めて、マリ!
🇰🇷 : 야!! 아이콘, 헤더, 배경화면 갸루를 올리기 위해 이 계정을 만들었습니다. 언제든지 요청하세요!! 사랑으로, 마리!
🇨🇳 : 嘿!!我创建这个帐户是为了发布图标、标题和壁纸 gyaru,请随时提出任何要求!带着爱,玛丽!
🇪🇸 : ¡¡Oye!! ¡Creé esta cuenta por diversión para publicar íconos, encabezados y fondos de pantalla gyaru, siéntete libre de hacer cualquier solicitud! ¡ Con amor Mari!
🇧🇷 : Ei!! Criei essa conta por diversão para postar icons, headers e wallpaper gyaru, fique a vontade para fazer qualquer pedido!! Com amor, Mari!
🇩🇪 : Hey!! Ich habe dieses Konto zum Spaß erstellt, um Symbole, Header und Wallpaper Gyaru zu posten, fühlen Sie sich frei, Anfragen zu stellen!! In Liebe, Mari!
🇮🇹 : Hey!! Ho creato questo account per divertirmi a postare icone, intestazioni e sfondi gyaru, sentiti libero di fare qualsiasi richiesta!! Con affetto, mari!
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vulpecuia · 12 days
Verum quia naturalis amor diuturnam esse derisionem non patitur, sed, ut sol estivus qui disiectis nebulis matutinis oriens luculenter irradiat, derisione omissa, lucem correctionis effundere mavult, ad dirumpendum vincula ignorantie regum atque principum talium, ad ostendendum genus humanum liberum a iugo ipsorum, cum Propheta sanctissimo me me subsequenter hortabor subsequentia subassummens: «Dirumpamus» videlicet «vincula eorum, et proiciamus a nobis iugum ipsorum» […]. Nam per hoc quod romanum Imperium de iure fuisse monstrabitur, non solum ab oculis regum et principum, qui gubernacula publica sibi usurpant, hoc ipsum de romano populo mendaciter extimantes, ignorantie nebula eluetur, sed mortales omnes esse se liberos a iugo sic usurpantium recognoscent. But since natural love does not allow scorn to last long, preferring (like the summer sun which as it rises disperses the morning clouds and shines forth radiantly) to cast scorn aside and to pour forth the light of correction, I too then, in order to break the chains of ignorance of kings and princes such as these, and to show that the human race is free of their yoke, shall take heart along with the most holy prophet, by making my own the words of his which follow: ‘Let us burst their chains, and cast their yoke from us’ […] For showing that the Roman empire is founded on right will not only disperse the fog of ignorance from the eyes of kings and princes who usurp control of public affairs for themselves, falsely believing the Roman people to have done the same thing, but it will make all men understand that they are free of the yoke of usurpers of this kind. Convivio Book iii, Chapter xv, Monarchia II, i 5-6, Dante
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title777 · 13 days
Laura Gemser
to watch:
Amore libero - Free Love 1974
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Emanuelle nera 1975
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Emanuelle nera: Orient reportage 1976
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Eva nera 1976
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Velluto nero 1976
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Emanuelle in America 1977
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Voto di castità 1977
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Suor Emanuelle 1977
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Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne? 1977
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Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali 1977
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La via della prostituzione 1978
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I mavri Emmanouella 1980
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Le notti erotiche dei morti viventi 1980
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Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps 1981
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the Bushido Blade 1981
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Violenza in un carcere femminile 1982
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La belva dalla calda pelle 1982
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Blade Violent - I violenti 1983
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Endgame - Bronx lotta finale 1983
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L'alcova 1985
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Amore libero - Free Love (1974)
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jazz-envision-781 · 1 year
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English ♥ Spanish
I am Your Ancestor!
I asked you not to judge me for my actions yesterday.
Respect and honor my existence.
Understand, I did only what I could, what I was allowed to do.
And if you had been at that moment, at that moment?
Do you know what you would have done?
I ask you to accept me and love me as I was.
Remember, you carry a part of me in you.
Do you really love yourself?
So give me love and understanding.
Someday you will be in my place and you will be the ANCESTOR OF SOMEONE ELSE
You will feel the same as me at this moment.
Illuminate your genealogy, your tree.
Thank me from your heart.
And the light will reach each one of the members of your clan… My clan.
Bless me and the following generations will be blessed!!!
I appreciate, honor, release, and consciously take action and work on myself to clean my lineage!!
Excellent time to free me and change my story!!!
Have a nice day!!!
¡Soy tu antepasado!
Te pedí que no me juzgaras por mis acciones de ayer.
Respeta y honra mi existencia.
Entiende, solo hice lo que pude, lo que me permitieron hacer.
¿Y si hubieras estado en ese momento, en ese momento?
¿Sabes lo que hubieras hecho?
Te pido que me aceptes y me ames tal como era.
Recuerda, llevas una parte de mí en ti.
¿Realmente te amas a ti mismo?
Así que dame amor y comprensión.
Algún día estarás en mi lugar y serás el ANTEPASADO DE ALGUIEN MÁS
Sentirás lo mismo que yo en este momento.
Ilumina tu genealogía, tu árbol.
Agradéceme de corazón.
Y la luz llegará a cada uno de los miembros de tu clan… Mi clan.
¡¡¡Bendíceme y serán bendecidas las siguientes generaciones!!!
¡Aprecio, honro, libero y conscientemente tomo acción y trabajo en mí mismo para limpiar mi linaje!
Excelente momento para liberarme y cambiar mi historia!!!
¡¡¡Que tengas un lindo día!!!
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lunamagicablu · 5 months
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La mela, il frutto sacro alla Grande Dea Madre e simboleggiante tutti i doni da lei dispensati all’umanità, riassume in sé molti significati simbolici: amore, conoscenza, morte e immortalità.
Nelle varie mitologie e in molte leggende, infatti, la mela appare sovente come un frutto dell’Altro Mondo, donato agli uomini da divinità o da esseri fatati.
Secondo la tradizione cristiana, la mela era il frutto dell’Albero della Vita e della conoscenza del bene e del male, e causò la cacciata di Adamo ed Eva dal Giardino dell’Eden. In realtà, andando oltre il racconto che tutti conosciamo, potremmo considerare la decisione di mangiare il frutto proibito come un atto di libero arbitrio; Dio mise la Conoscenza a loro disposizione, ma tale libertà di scelta pose fine inevitabilmente a quella vita idilliaca, innocente e “paradisiaca” che i due avevano condotto prima di avere accesso al sapere.
Nei miti greci erano mele i frutti d’oro che crescevano nel Giardino delle Esperidi e donavano l’eterna giovinezza, ed era una mela d’oro quella che Paride donò alla dea più bella, Afrodite.
La dea nordica Idhunn donava mele alle altre divinità, garantendo loro immortalità ed eterna giovinezza, e del resto le mele erano il cibo sacro anche per i Tuatha Dé Danann, gli Déi dell’antica Irlanda. La mela era sacra ad Avalon, il cui nome significa appunto “Isola delle mele”, ed era anche il frutto che cresceva nel Giardino della Regina delle Fate.
Sempre secondo la tradizione celtica, il frutto del melo era utilizzato anche a scopo divinatorio, veniva mangiato prima di interrogare gli oracoli e serviva a mettere in comunicazione con l’altro mondo. E ancora, in quanto simbolo d’immortalità, la mela era di fondamentale importanza in alcuni momenti dell’anno venendo offerta agli spiriti dei trapassati in occasione della festività di Samhain, o posta sulle tombe per nutrire lo spirito dei defunti.
Per quanto riguarda l’amore, infine, la mela era sacra alla dea Afrodite ed era simbolo di perfezione, sensualità e fecondità. Nell’antica Grecia, per esempio, gli sposi durante la cerimonia erano soliti mangiare insieme una mela che, si pensava, avrebbe favorito la fertilità della coppia.
In molte culture offrire o gettare una mela ad una persona era considerata una vera e propria dichiarazione d’amore e tutt’ora le mele sono usate per incantesimi e rituali volti a trovare l’anima gemella o a rinforzare l’amore di una coppia.
In conclusione, come abbiamo visto la mela racchiude molteplici significati simboleggiando la conoscenza, l’immortalità e l’amore, ma forse non tutti sanno che questo frutto nasconde al suo interno un simbolo sacro: tagliandola orizzontalmente si vedrà al centro una stella a cinque punte inscritta in un cerchio, un pentalfa.
Il pentalfa, teorizzato da Pitagora e considerato un simbolo sacro per le sue valenze mistiche, esoteriche, matematiche e filosofiche, ci riporta ad un’ideale di perfezione e bellezza e ci ricorda il legame costante e indissolubile tra Dio e l’uomo, tra il tutto ed una sua parte, in una infinita sequenza di ripetizioni.
Tutto questo, in una mela... Federica Di Mascio ****************************** The apple, the fruit sacred to the Great Mother Goddess and symbolizing all the gifts she bestowed on humanity, summarizes many symbolic meanings: love, knowledge, death and immortality.
In various mythologies and many legends, in fact, the apple often appears as a fruit from the Other World, given to men by divinities or fairy beings.
According to Christian tradition, the apple was the fruit of the Tree of Life and the knowledge of good and evil, and caused the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. In reality, going beyond the story we all know, we could consider the decision to eat the forbidden fruit as an act of free will; God made Knowledge available to them, but this freedom of choice inevitably put an end to that idyllic, innocent and "paradisiacal" life that the two had led before having access to knowledge.
In Greek myths, the golden fruits that grew in the Garden of the Hesperides and gave eternal youth were apples, and it was a golden apple that Paris gave to the most beautiful goddess, Aphrodite.
The Nordic goddess Idhunn gave apples to other deities, guaranteeing them immortality and eternal youth, and apples were also the sacred food for the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Gods of ancient Ireland. The apple was sacred to Avalon, whose name means "Island of Apples", and was also the fruit that grew in the Garden of the Fairy Queen.
Again according to Celtic tradition, the fruit of the apple tree was also used for divinatory purposes, it was eaten before questioning the oracles and was used to communicate with the other world. And again, as a symbol of immortality, the apple was of fundamental importance at certain times of the year, being offered to the spirits of the deceased on the occasion of the Samhain holiday, or placed on tombs to nourish the spirit of the deceased.
Finally, as regards love, the apple was sacred to the goddess Aphrodite and was a symbol of perfection, sensuality and fertility. In ancient Greece, for example, the spouses used to eat an apple together during the ceremony which, it was thought, would promote the couple's fertility.
In many cultures, offering or throwing an apple to a person was considered a true declaration of love and apples are still used for spells and rituals aimed at finding a soul mate or strengthening the love of a couple.
In conclusion, as we have seen, the apple contains multiple meanings, symbolizing knowledge, immortality and love, but perhaps not everyone knows that this fruit hides a sacred symbol inside it: cutting it horizontally you will see a five-pointed star in the center inscribed in a circle, a pentalpha.
The pentalpha, theorized by Pythagoras and considered a sacred symbol for its mystical, esoteric, mathematical and philosophical values, takes us back to an ideal of perfection and beauty and reminds us of the constant and indissoluble bond between God and man, between all and part of it, in an infinite sequence of repetitions.
All this, in an apple... Federica Di Mascio 
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esseci · 3 years
Per caso,
Scegliere? .
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