#amell x cullen
chibichibisha · 1 year
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Mages and their non mage-friendly love interests 👌
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kitigai · 1 year
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hexxalite-hecate · 1 year
a compendium of  s o m e o n e  looking super cute
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Amaranthe Amell, Warden Commander, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Chancellor of the Ferelden crown, maybe-long-lost-crush-of-a-certain-templar, accidental Inquisitor
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ostagarfortress · 10 months
This past Cullen x Amell, Inquisitor!Amell, lovers-to-enemies-to-something AU that I'm not writing is living rent free in my head again and it's making me feral
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halfbloodsnowy · 1 year
Penance Ch. 7: Excerpt
Full Fic -> Penance: AO3
Rating: Explicit | Pairings: Amell/Cullen, Amell/OC | Dark Romance
Chapter 7: Friends
The constant headache he had thinking of Ruvena lessened somewhat, and his mind drifted back to Amell.
He chewed on his lip, thinking of what he’d say when he saw her again.
His heart skipped a beat.
I’m going to see her again.
After so many years, how could the mere thought of her still make him burn?
She was trapped in his mind, forever, he hoped once they met again he might be able to move on. It was unhealthy how he still dreamt of her, he knew that, but he couldn’t help it.
He closed his eyes and imagined what she might be like now. It seemed impossible to envision her differently than he remembered.
She was still the apprentice in his mind. The sweet, smiling girl that had taken his foolish heart with the sound of her voice.
And the demons twisted that love into something horrible.
His skin prickled, and he frowned.
There was a knock at his door.
“Enter,” he said, grateful for the distraction.
Leoric opened the door, letter in hand, “I’ve just read the letter! He married, uh…” Leoric looked at the letter again, “Lady Shayna, now Teyrna Cousland.”
Cullen’s stomach flipped and he felt ill, “M-married Lady Shayna?” he repeated stupidly.
“Yes,” said Leoric. “You know who that is?”
“I, no,” he lied. “You didn’t have to come tell me this.”
“Well, you asked, and I couldn't remember, so,” Leoric winced, popping his hip. “I’ll leave you be, Knight-Captain.”
“Thank you.”
Leoric closed the door, and Cullen felt queasy. Reaching for the stale water on his desk, he chugged it in one go.
Married to the Teyrn.
This complicated things.
How could he waltz in, and take a Teyrn’s wife? The Order dictated he could, by all rights, but the Teyrn was second only to the King of Ferelden and it was no secret King Alistair despised the Templar Order.
King Alistair had also seen him at his worst, crying in a cell.
Had he slipped and mentioned the demon to them? It was so long ago, and he couldn’t remember. That time felt like a nightmare, covered in tarp and buried under sand.
If he were caught trying to kidnap Teyrn Cousland’s wife, there would be scandal and he doubted King Alistair would side with him. Especially if he remembered the insanity he was babbling on about all those years ago.
Cullen shook the thoughts from his head. It was too big a problem for him to figure out now.
He’d think of something, he usually did, because what he knew for certain was that he had to see her again. No matter the cost.
And he only had two months to prepare.
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knuttydraws · 23 days
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I don't know where all my free time went recenty and I'm not drawing as often as I would like to, but at least I managed to take part in our annual (ex)Templars themed exchange! This regency inspired piece is a gift for our lovely @charmcity-jess 💖 Captain Ruherford and miss Solona Amell in a stare-down contest with absolutely ZERO feelings involved! 🤭
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schwarznummer2 · 20 days
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Cornelia* trying to distract Cullen
(pre DAO)
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
*crashes into the room out of breath and a crazed look in my eyes*
“you are so difficult, i’m trying to tell you something!”
“tell me what? what could you possibly tell me that would change this?”
“i love you!”
Who were the first characters that came to mind for this prompt and how? I must know everything, I beseech you!
don’t hurt yourself nonnie!! 🤣
But I immediately saw this and it came down to an internal vote of Anders or Cullen!!!
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The day seemed more frazzled than normal.
Talking to Iron Bull, meeting Josephine, breaking up whatever spat between Cassandra and—-
Or….wait! Was your meeting with Josephine today or tomorrow??
Noticing a letter that had King Alistair’s insignia on it, you felt your heart sink as you realized you were late for a meeting with him too.
Andraste preserve me, you thought as you snatched it and started to run for the door.
In your haste, you threw the door open and came to face the surprised face of Commander Cullen Rutherford. He seemed more nervous than usual? The slightest tinge of pink to his cheeks and under his eyes
“Inquisitor, you’re up early! Uhm, I—needed to speak with you—erm, about—.”
“Make it quick, Commander. I’m late for a meeting and who knows what else on this forsaken day!”
You hastily walked past him through the hall with the curly-haired man trailing behind you.
“Right, yes, as I was saying, I mean—-you and I, or rather I have started to—.”
There was a small sigh of frustration and the slightest eyeroll from you as he stumbled over his words.
Cullen could see the determined look on your face, no sign of listening on your part.
There was a deep sigh on Cullen’s end before he spoke.
“You are so difficult, I’m trying to tell you something.”
Throwing your hands up in exasperation, your voice was raised a few octaves.
“Tell me what, Cullen? What could you possibly tell me that would change this?”
You immediately regretted the biting tone in your voice as he flinched just the tiniest at your words.
“…I love you.”
It became so quiet in the hallways you swore a needle could drop.
Oh. Oh.
“Cullen, I—.”
“You don’t have to…say anything right now, but I had to tell you.”
There was no possible way you could leave him like this. Yes, the guilt was starting to eat at you but it was more than that.
Being thrown to each other’s side to work against Corypheus brought about more than just a professional dynamic. Late nights, travels, countless pouring over documents and physical training, you and the Commander were past being platonic.
Seeing a human side to Cullen was endearing to you, and there was a soft element that started to cultivate over all this time.
You grabbed the inside of his wrist, much to Cullen’s surprise, and pulled him close to hear your whisper.
“No, I mean it. I do apologize for my outburst.”
There was a glimmer of hope in his warm eyes as you tried to reassure him.
“We’ll talk later. I swear it, Cullen.”
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pinayelf · 10 months
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stylization/coloring experiment w my fave ship dynamic ❤️ feat the magic girls and their knights
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konigs-left-pec · 12 days
Guys, I really need some filthy fem!mage x Cullen fics. Preferably where he uses his abilities to silence her o m g
Link me your faves, babes ❤️
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laniardraws · 1 year
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Continuation of this
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chibichibisha · 9 months
When did my Amell x Cullen fic draft turn into an original series? Idk but I have been obsessed over it all this summer and I think I'm close to starting writing it seriously dndkd
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kitigai · 1 year
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Cullen x warden Amell  ♥  
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agender-expression · 5 months
Recently finished Cullenmance and I have a hunch that this man still had a thing for Mage Warden Amell/Surana (I know if he romanced in DA:I, he will get over her but still)
Like Come On why only Human/Elf race restriction romance for him and why their dialogues are feel so right when inqy is a Mage.
When I saw Weisshaupt in DA:D trailer I fucking excited for my dear grey wardens who still finding a cure for The calling. If Warden Amell/Surana and Cullen finally met each other. Their tramatized parting and several years of yearning wouldn't be in vain.
I still live for Cullen/Warden crumbs so let me delulu.
I re-check tapestry and this is a world state of female mage warden with no one romanced...Cullen is so hopeless romantic for her I die.
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fangirlforthewin · 2 years
Dragon Age Fanfic Recommendation
Not too long ago, I had asked for some fic recommendations from you all (which I am ALWAYS accepting), and I thought I'd put in one place all the fanfics I've been recommended in case anyone else is interested and wanted to see them all in one place.
Cullen x Inquisitor
In Waking Dreams by AParisianShakespearean (AO3) or on Tumblr - Completed 100/100 Chapters. Summary: The love story between Inquisitor Lydia Trevelyan and her Commander. As the Inquisition begins and unravels, so do their own personal struggles, issues, torrid pasts, and feelings for one another. Sprinklings of other characters here and there. Slightly diverges from canon. Rated E for later chapters.
The Lion and the Halla by Samdancer (AO3) / Derpyfangirl (Tumblr) - Ongoing Summary: Cullen Rutherford has never had much luck with mages. Mages tended to view him with distrust or outright hatred for being a former Templar. And then he meets Helia- the Dalish mage who is the Herald of Andraste. As their relationship evolves, Cullen finds that not only does he have to command the Inquisition's army, but has to contend with jealous Elven apostates, lyrium withdrawal, murder games, and so much more! WHy did he let Cassandra talk him into this?
The Silver Lining by Decim (AO3) - Completed 64/64 Chapters Summary: Canon friendly re-imagining of templar-sided DA:I. POV Cullen and Elsa Trevelyan — a noble girl with a secret who is more familiar with the Game than with combat. Gradual build with a lot of character development, fleshing out of game events, and between-the-scenes detail.
Lay it on Me by Reindrops (AO3) / iamanavenger (Tumblr) - Ongoing Summary: Everyone thinks being the Inquisitor is all glory and honor. No one talks about how it's just surviving, trying to save who you can, and not letting yourself get caught up in the grief of those you couldn't. A darker story of all the hardships our Inquisitor deals with as a Circle Mage, who was not conditioned to be fighting for her life and making life and death decisions.
Alistair x Warden
In Good times and in Bad by PookatheCat (AO3) - Completed 101/101 Chapters Summary: Alistair's POV of the events during the Fifth Blight and his love for the Cousland Warden. The story follows the game with lots of extras.
Come Together by Charlatron (AO3) - Completed 1/1 Chapters Summary: So, I always hated that the only way a female Cousland could get her happy ever after with King Alistair was to let him sleep with another woman. This is my smutty way of making said affair just a little easier to swallow.
Shit Flavored Candy by ACatNamedCrowley (AO3) - Completed 1/1 Chapters Summary: Alistair and Morrigan uncomfortable, barely consensual, archdemon old god baby-making catastrophe.
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halfbloodsnowy · 2 years
Chapter 13: Freedom and Betrayal
More on: Archive of Our Own
9:29 DRAGON - The Circle Tower in Ferelden
Kena felt jittery, her brain still buzzing after the Harrowing. She stared at the floor on her way to speak to Irving, the mottled green of the carpet's fibers forming strange patterns that helped calm her mind.
She was thinking about Jowan, what he had said about his Harrowing being continuously postponed made her worry, especially now that she had been put through it before him. It didn't make sense why they were waiting so long. Jowan was a damn good mage, stronger than the other apprentices their age. Why weren't they testing him? She was afraid Jowan was right, and that Irving really was going to force him through the rite of tranquility.
The thought sickened her.
Jowan had seemed so afraid at the thought of tranquility, and who wouldn't? To lose everything about yourself, your emotions, your personality, some of the apprentices thought it was worse than death.
Her heart broke for him, and though Kena knew she was being utterly selfish, the thing that petrified her most was losing his friendship.
She didn't think she could bear seeing the emotionless husk of Jowan daily, knowing he'd never laugh again, never tell her one of his stupid jokes or hug her when she was down. Kena took a deep breath, she was starting to panic. Panicking wouldn't help Jowan.
The sudden clink of armor startled her, and she stopped in her tracks.
"K-Kena!" Cullen called, standing awkwardly to her right, by the wall.
Why is he just waiting here? How strange.
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"I… um, how are you?" he added dumbly, his arms dropping to his sides like a chastised school boy.
"I'm good, is there something you needed Cullen?" asked Kena, and she looked around to make sure no one was watching. She just awoke to another rumor being repeated about Cullen's supposed infatuation with her, and she didn't want to fuel more. 
"Wh-what?" he seemed confused, before shaking his head and awkwardly rubbing the side of his temple and laughing nervously. "Oh, um, right. No, no nothing, I'm just… uh, glad to see your Harrowing went smoothly," he stuttered.
"Oh," said Kena, faking cheer, "thank you!"
"Th-they picked me, as the templar to strike the killing blow if… if you became an abomination," he was speaking quickly, as if he had to get it off his chest before it crushed him. "It's nothing personal, I swear!" 
They what?!
"Oh," Kena's heart was racing, she was scared. She'd already made it through, but knowing he would have killed her was a dizzying revelation.
Everyone knew that the mages who didn't pass their Harrowing quietly disappeared, and yes, some of the others theorized death, but she hadn't realized they were killed in the very Circle Tower she called home.
Her blood ran cold remembering the few apprentices who were just suddenly gone, and now she knew, killed by the templars that claimed to be protecting them.
Templars like Cullen.
It was so heartless that it frightened her. She also felt very dumb saying "oh" over and over, but she wasn't exactly sure what else to say. He was a templar, it was his duty to kill abominations, and the Harrowing had turned out to be a test to see if she'd become one.
No wonder it was so secret.
"I… uh, I'm just glad you're all right. You know," Cullen continued.
But she was too distracted by her racing thoughts to hear the relief in his voice, "I… you'd have really killed me?" she blurted out.
That was the dumbest thing to ask! Maker, why am I like this?
"I would've felt terrible about it…" he said.
She wasn't even sure why she asked, and she regretted it. The idea that the templars had been watching them, everyday, knowing that they'd be tasked with killing them at any moment. How could Cullen confess to such a thing? She'd be ashamed to admit it, even if it was necessary. It just seemed so pointless to say out loud.
Why did he have to say anything at all?
She felt sick, and nervous, and so much worse than before. What if she had failed? She'd be dead and gone, and no one would know where. Struck down by the templar she thought most understood their plight.
A templar everyone said cared about her in a way he really shouldn't. And perhaps it was because she'd started to think of him in the same way that she found his revelation all the more upsetting. Her skin prickled, and she grabbed her own arm for comfort.
"--but… I serve the chantry, and the Maker, and I will do as I am commanded," he continued, and he seemed to be pleading with her to understand, but his voice sounded muffled, like she was listening to him from under water.
She forced a smile, but something had shifted in her view of the Circle. Of him, and she wasn't happy.
"Well, thank you, I shouldn't distract you from your duties--" she started, desperate to get away.
"Oh, you're not distracting!" he blurted out, "I mean, you are, but…well you're not…" he pinched his brow, his face a shade of red she'd never seen before, and he seemed very frustrated with himself, "I mean, you can talk to me anytime if you want."
Kena's urge to flee the uncomfortable conversation was unbearable, and she was blushing furiously. Could she please stop? She hated how easily her emotions bled out onto her skin. On full display for the world to see.
For him to see.
He seemed so desperate to keep talking, but it was clear their conversation had come to its end, "Uh… uh, yes. Maybe we can talk another time."
"I, of course, thank you Cullen," she mumbled, "good day."
"Good day, Amell," he said after her, but she was already hastening away.
She suddenly hated very much how he said her name.
9:36 - DRAGON - Aeonar
Her whole body ached like she'd been beaten by a battalion of templars and her head was pounding.
For a moment, Kena thought she was back at Kinloch Hold. What strange memories and dreams she'd been having! Like watching the most mundane parts of her life play out all over again.
A fierce gust of wind jolted her awake, and she was suddenly very aware of how freezing cold the stone floor was beneath her. So she sat up, and just barely glimpsed a blur of light hastening out of the front door.
The sound of impossibly loud thumps punching through the air reverberated into her bones. There was a roar, and it looked like a high dragon soaring into the sky.
The sky? The sky!
The beautiful, cloudy gray expanse just outside of Aeonar's door seemed to reach for her, pull her forward.
And a dragon?
Her eyes were like saucers, and she felt her heart battering against her ribcage. She couldn't fathom how much strength it must've taken for the creature to move so quickly.
"A dragon?" she whispered aloud. It was all she could truly understand in the moment, and then she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
It was the elf, the one from the night before, and her memories began to return. He seemed different now. Less strange.
She laughed.
"I hope this is real," she muttered aloud again, feeling very stupid, but her mind was quickly catching up and she felt blood flowing into her limbs again.
"I hope so too," he murmured in response, and she realized that she very much enjoyed the sound of his voice. It was so different from the gruff templars, and from Lily, and from herself.
She decided at that moment that she quite enjoyed different . She wanted to forget everything that had happened, and being around the same old, same old wouldn't help with that.
"Lily!" Jowan screamed, popping up like a puppet.
The familiarity of his voice forced a sick feeling into her belly, he reminded her too much of the Circle, of better days that only served to remind her how awful her present was.
"Maker's mercy!" Lily groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "I've never… was that the fade…"
Amell watched, quietly, as Jowan turned to Lily and began to sob, "You're ok!"
Lily's eyes welled up and she covered her mouth, "Jowan…"
Jowan reached out to her, placing a hand on her face, and when she didn't pull away, he wrapped her in his arms, "Maker I'm so sorry, I'm sorry Lily… forgive me…"
"Jowan," Lily cried again, and buried her face into his shoulder. They held each other, sobbing uncontrollably, and Amell felt awkward. As if she was watching something very private.
She looked away.
"This is real," she whispered to the elf, and she tasted bile, "Jowan always sounded like a trapped mouse when he cried, the demons could never quite get that right."
"Are you alrig--" the elf began, but she suddenly felt her toes again, and she jumped to her feet.
Outside, I must get outside…
It was an instinct, an urge so great she couldn't control it. It felt like she was watching herself from far away. She was pretty sure she shoved the elf out of the way as she bolted for the outside, slamming her arm against the wicket gate in her haste, and skidding to a stop on the rough ground.
She looked up, shielding her eyes from the blinding, sunless sky.
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It was gray, filled with clouds, but it was beautiful. Bright, so much brighter than she could remember any sky and she screamed in animalistic glee at the pain in her eyes. The pain was real, so it felt good, and she tried to keep them open.
"YES!" she screamed, kicking and punching into the open air in excitement. She knew full well she probably looked very stupid, but she didn't care.
She was free.
Free, I'm fucking free!
The cold air bit at her skin, the breeze so fresh she felt her lungs purging the filth of Aeonar with every exhale. She laughed, uncontrollably, wildly. She was brimming with energy, and she suddenly found herself rolling amongst the wildflowers, scraping her skin against the rocks and hungrily inhaling the musty stench of mud.
"Are you alright?!" called the elf.
Was he talking to her? She didn't care either way. The ecstasy of freedom was fueling her delirium. She was literally crackling with so much energy she couldn't contain it. The grass around her singed at the whips of electricity snapping off her.
This has to be real!
Kena rolled onto her back in the tallest grass, breathing hard, and the magic quieted, dissipating into static in the air.
Freedom, real, undeniable freedom. She closed her eyes, enjoying the winter air, and the gentle breeze caressing her skin. The goosebumps on her arms pinched painfully. Her body was terrified and in love with the vast openness of the world.
She wanted to fall into the sky.
There was a crunching near her head, and she opened her eyes to see the elf man staring down at her. He had a small, kind smile on his face, though just enough of the wolfishness remained to give her pause.
She felt her cheeks turning pink, he was handsome, so painfully handsome and strange. Was this really something she wanted to waste her time thinking about fresh out of prison?
Already back to being naive and stupid eh?
He offered a hand, and Kena reminded herself not to trust someone just because they seemed kind and handsome. She'd already suffered enough for that brand of stupidity.
So she steeled herself, and rose to her feet on her own, "I'm fine, thank you," she said, colder than she intended.
"Of course," he said, and awkwardly withdrew his hand. He leaned his weight against his staff, drawing in and releasing a long and exhausted breath.
"Are you alright?" he asked again, "What happened last night… it was rough."
His voice was deep, but he sounded nervous, and the way he was looking at her… he seemed like he was studying her for something. He looked at her the way the enchanters looked at the stupid puzzles they obsessed over in the Circle.
What did he really want? 
"Kena Amell?" he said, and she realized she had gone and disappeared into her own mind again.
"What? Oh, yes, yes," she closed her eyes and basked in a fleeting ray of sun for a moment, before the clouds sealed it away once more. "I'm fine, and thank you, for…" she shuddered, opening her eyes to meet his, "saving me from the demon."
She figured he deserved that much, but she didn't feel ready to think deeply about what had happened in the nightmare. As far as she was concerned, it was the past and she was ready to forget it ever happened.
"I didn't," said Galel, and she was confused.
"But… then who?" she suddenly had a memory of a strange laugh, and an old woman's voice. But it was hazy, far away.
Galel raised an eyebrow, "You can't remember?"
Her brain was starting to hurt, and she just wanted to roll in the grass again, "No, I…" she bit her lip, unwilling to waste energy on speculation, "I don't, not really."
He forced a tired smile, "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. We're alive, and I'm glad you made it."
Kena smiled awkwardly at him, his eyes were iridescent, deep brown and unlike any she'd ever seen before. 
Why are you like this Kena?!
But despite her supreme disappointment in herself for once again falling into the pits of fantasy, she found that staring into the unknown was comforting. Perhaps it meant change, something different than the nightmare she'd been thrust into.
"I'm glad you made it too," she mumbled, before looking over her shoulder at the Aeonar's quiet entrance. "Do you think they'll get done hugging anytime soon?
He followed her gaze, and chuckled.
"Let's hope so."
He felt nervous around her. Why was he nervous? There was an energy that buzzed off of her skin that seeped under his own in a way he had never felt from another mage before.
The feeling unsettled him.
"I should go check on them," said Galel, looking into the Aeonar's front doors. They had been magicked shut, but now lay comically open. Their magic lock stood no chance against the power in his blood.
He felt the sting of the cut on his hand, and tucked it under his cloak. He wasn't sure how Kena would feel about his use of blood magic, and he thought it better not to agitate her right now.
"What happened to the templars? And the abominations? You'd think they'd have torn us all apart as we slept…" she said, her voice was crackly, weak, but her spirit was strong. He could feel it, shaking the veil around him.
She was right of course, and Galel suddenly realized that it was strange no templar had woken yet, or come after them. What had happened to the rest of the prison's inhabitants?
But his speculation was cut short at the appearance of Jowan and Lily.
He heard Amell suck in a breath.
Jowan met Kena's gaze, and his face erupted into a smile.
"Kena!" he called, running over to her. But she stepped back at his approach, and Galel could now clearly see the hatred in her eyes.
Betrayal is the dagger that cuts deepest…
Jowan slowed to a stop a few feet from her, and his smile drooped, "I'm sorry, I--"
"Let's get out of here," Amell snapped, turning her back on Jowan and hobbling down Aeonar's stone path.
Galel could sense Jowan's pain at the rejection, his friend's Adam's apple shook in his skin and he seemed on the verge of tears.
Lily and Galel exchanged concerned glances, and Jowan stared forlornly after Kena.
"Jowan?" Lily murmured, and he inhaled, quickly forcing a smile at her and blinking away the red in his eyes. He then faced Galel, and the two friends exchanged awkward looks.
"I'm glad you got out of there," said Jowan, but his voice betrayed his pain.
Galel patted him on the back. He felt for his friend, he knew how hard and how desperately he had wanted to save them. So he could only imagine Jowan's pain at the rejection from Amell. The woman he claimed was like a sister to him.
But Galel knew that intentions only mattered to gods. Not to the mortals who suffered.
"We should follow her, she's too weak to be on her own," said Lily, uncertainty in her voice.
Jowan signaled his agreement, and they all quietly followed Amell.
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