#am i PROJECTING a lil bit maybe because i'm on my period and didn't sleep last night??? yeah! maybe!! hgfdfghgfghkl
robotsandramblings · 11 months
Bad Batch + napping headcanons
(i'm sure this has been discussed many times before, it's nothing new rly, but i wanted to get my thoughts out bc i was rambling on about this in the tags of another post lmao)
this got so long wtf??? so, short version here, full version under the readmore :P
Crosshair -- frequent, instant, power naps in the daytime
(often has trouble sleeping due to enhanced night vision)
Hunter -- "close my eyes and try to relax" type 'napping'
(also has trouble sleeping, sometimes, due to enhanced senses)
(also, y'know when your friends/relatives can tell you're PMSing because of your particular/unusual emotional & physical symptoms? the boys can tell when "it's time" for Hunter to have a proper nap in much the same way lmao)
(cue an unspoken group effort to give him quiet time)
Tech -- can power nap but hates taking naps; often ends up falling asleep in the middle of doing stuff while "resting his eyes"
Wrecker -- can nap anywhere&time, but his naps are long and deep and he's hard to wake up sometimes
Echo -- can't nap (and even if he could, he wouldn't); but will "shut his eyes and try to relax" nap, if need be
bonus #1: Rex -- can only nap if he's physically in contact with someone he trusts
bonus #2: Gregor -- unintentionally "fake" naps, ie. looks so relaxed that people think he's asleep but he's actually awake and just has his eyes closed; prefers to be touching or cuddling someone when 'napping', doesn't matter who lol
((detailed version below!))
as i said in another post, i believe Crosshair has perfected the art of the instant power nap in the daytime
as part of his dna tampering, the kaminoans gave Crosshair excellent night vision
however since he wasn't born naturally with it, it still bothers him at night when he's trying to sleep. hence daytime power napping.
Hunter also has some degree of night vision; coupled with his enhanced senses and related headaches, he also has trouble sleeping sometimes.
like, i figure by now, he's taught himself how to tune out most distractions so he can sleep. but he still struggles, esp in unfamiliar/new areas (unlike their bunk room on Kamino or on the Marauder, where i'm sure he has no problem falling asleep, even when the boys are all still up and talking)
anyways, i think that Hunter struggles to take proper naps. he usually does the "close my eyes and relax" type of 'napping'
but when Hunter does need a nap? like really truly needs a proper sleepytime nap? the boys know it. oh boy do they ever.
it's like when a friend/relative realizes you're PMSing because you're overly/unusually emotional or cranky hgfghgfdfghjkl
that's what over-tired Hunter is like - he just gets a very specific way emotionally (i'm thinking shorter temper, thinner patience, clipped tone of voice; on the flip side, if he sees something that makes him sad, his eyes will immediately glisten with tears, and he's ultra quiet and reserved the whole day)...
...and the boys have learned to recognize all the mental and physical signs, in Hunter's body language and tone of voice and reactions to things
and once they internally realize "ahhh it's Hunter Naptime," there's an immediate unspoken group effort to go into Naptime Mode: collect supplies (blankets, water, snacks, outerspace-Advil), leave Hunter the hell alone, and make as little noise as possible for the next few hours.
like, Hunter literally does not have to ask them for quiet time anymore, they already know. (sometimes even before Hunter himself does!)
on that note, Hunter himself does usually recognize his own physical warning signs. like, he feels fatigued in a specific way, or his eyes or head aches in a particular way that's only from overtiredness.
like Crosshair, Tech can power nap anywhere at anytime. he just choses not to because he hates napping - he'd rather be working on something
so it usually ends up being that Tech falls asleep in the middle of something while he was just "resting his eyes for a minute"
Wrecker, as we've basically already seen, can and will nap anywhere at anytime.
but not quick power naps - he tends to fall into a deep and long nap, and it can be hard to wake him up
like if he falls asleep whilst on you in any way, you're screwed bc you ain't movin' for a while lol
Echo can't nap; and even if he could, he wouldn't. mostly bc he likes to be alert and/or ready at all times. but even when he's at ease, he's just not a napper.
when rest is needed, he's like more like Hunter, preferring the "close my eyes and try to relax" type of 'napping'
and hey, how about a couple fun bonuses? :P
Rex can only nap if he's physically in contact with someone he trusts (back-to-back sitting upright or laying down, lean on shoulder, using their stomach/thigh/leg as a pillow, etc.)
Gregor has unintentionally perfected the art of "fake napping." similar to Hunter and Echo, he can't fall asleep during a nap, but he will shut his eyes and relax. however, unlike the others, he's very calm and relaxed when he 'naps', so much that it always looks like he's sleeping.
(Gregor hears a lot of gossip and shit this way; people always assume he's really asleep, so they talk about whatever around him, but he's actually hearing everything lol)
Gregor also prefers to be physically in contact with someone when he 'naps'. even more than Rex. if Gregor can wrap himself around a limb or do a full body cuddle up, he will!! and it doesn't matter who lol
(for Rex it's a feeling of safety thing; for Gregor it's just because he's naturally a 'touchy-feely' type person)
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