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This little man gave me a mini heart attack this morning. He's always very excited for breakfast, but always waits for me to get all of the stuff situated before the food bowl is set down. Well, today he couldn't wait and just hopped right out the door of his coop and took himself for a little stroll around the porch. I did my best to keep from spooking him and making him flutter around too much since his wings are not clipped, so I set up a little kennel trap with a trail of food for him to waddle into. We didn't really get that far though, as Jolene saw that breakfast was served and left the nest to help herself and Laszlo ran on over to get some too. Too bad he couldn't figure out how to get back inside to join her. Luckily, he wandered under the coop and was easy to swoop up from there. No more adventures for you pal, back to the porch palace you go! #whyyoulikethis #troublemaker #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #pigeonsdayout #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4sqM_JGHJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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This morning poor little Doodies wasn't interested in following me into the chicken coop for rat patrol and it was apparent that he was pretty sore. Naturally, it's Sunday. And a holiday. So off we went to spend the next four hours at the emergency hospital. Thankfully, he doesn't appear to have re-injured his leg and didn't need xrays as the vet thinks it's just a soft tissue injury. We came home with some anti-inflammatories and doc's orders to try and restrict his activity for a few days. Poor little guy isn't stoked, but nurse Wanda is on the case ❤ #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #justheartshim #bigbrother #littlesister #juveniledelinquentwithaheartofgold #Wanda #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom #StayAtHomeCatMom #fosterfail https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ68_SVJobX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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This dog is ridiculous. He had to spend some time on time out at the park because he flipped out at another dog and acted a damn fool. My main concern was he managed to wrap his leash around his neck and he kept yanking on it and making himself cough. He's my little mad man. #crazybaby #whatamigoingtodowithyou #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hesluckyhescute #doodieadventures #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CF24o8qJ8tQ/?igshid=1r1gm29g9q23y
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This asshat is supposed to be on restricted exercise for at least another 3-4 weeks. So of course he's doing shit like this every damn chance he gets to give me a heart attack 🙄 #hellbethedeathofme #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #theroadtorecovery #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4g-x1JDI0/?igshid=x314q3659ype
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Just got off the phone with the vet, looks like we have the go ahead for surgery and his appointment is July 1st. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and purchased a shirt, your help means so much to us! #ontheroadtorecovery #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hesluckyhescute #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CBmMqZep-uD/?igshid=1ldhe7erkdtel
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After making an awesome lunch and loading the dishwasher, I managed to jam a fork under my thumbnail while reaching out to roll the rack back into the washer. The purple line is how far under the nail it went. My thumb is real sad about it. #ouch #accidentprone #alwayssomethingwiththisguy https://www.instagram.com/p/CATxFP_pbgv/?igshid=k3mx119qshtz
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Lol, poor Doodies has been super bummed not being able to go outside off leash, so Migs has once again made him a little retaining wall so he can at least enjoy the porch. He really likes the little observation deck ❤ #ontheroadtorecovery #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #anythingforDuzens #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B_dNjd-J4DB/?igshid=d0lrknq5tsl2
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Lol at this poor dork right here. I gave him a kong yesterday when I left for work since he's on restricted exercise and has to stay alone in the bathroom. He clearly worked way too hard to clean it out and his poor little face is all raw. Maybe we'll have to find a different activity to keep him occupied.... #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #fruitpunchlips #hotassmess #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xXEjcpyHl/?igshid=qwwv0xwzkago
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We are on restricted activity for the next two weeks. Looks like we'll be watching a lot of movies in bed! #doctorsorders #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hesluckyhescute #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B-iJbHyJEOg/?igshid=1ezgvevmb14qn
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Dear Bubby: you're my bestest little man dog and I heart you huge time. That being said, now was a terrible time to get a $4,000 quote for surgery. Let's work on that, please. #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hesluckyhescute #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B-h-BW5pO18/?igshid=12bgkzdvmykp9
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I love this little moron so much. Doodies hurt his knee last night and I'm trying to keep him calm and comfy til his appointment tomorrow morning. Thankfully I still have some pain meds from the last time. Of course he wants to keep running around and being a spaz 🙄 #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #neverfails #nowsnotthetimeforvetbillsdog #hesluckyhescute #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fYHdDJPZy/?igshid=1nngt9yfyur80
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Taking care of a couple errands and decided to pick up a tasty ass thai tea to enjoy while I drove around. As I pull out of the parking lot and up to the stop light, I picked up the cup for my first sip and the bottom of the cup bumps my a/c knob and explodes. Two thirds of my large tea is all over my car and myself, the other third is in the street since thankfully the light was red. So now I'm sticky and my car smells amazing and I have to wear these pants until sometime tomorrow morning. Lucky for me, I just happened to be headed to the grocery store when it happened and I picked up some paper towels and cleaned up the best I could... and got a new tea from the other tea place next to the store 😂 #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hotassmess https://www.instagram.com/p/B8zZUetgUy5/?igshid=1vhlvxt0s4n3b
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Migs made Doodies this sweet ass ramp up to the bed to keep him from hurting his back again. He's clearly not sure what to think about this... #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #thecatsloveittho #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B6j_O8GJSka/?igshid=peop9w1crwk6
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Bonus update: Doodies is feeling much better and is back to being his crazy self. We still don't fully know what's wrong with his back, so we're keeping him on restricted activity until we can get some more answers. This includes crate time when we're gone, sleeping on the couch with Mommy so he won't jump on/off the bed all night and restricted access to the yard. Thankfully, Daddy made this awesome potty grass on the porch that he loves. Unfortunately, he loves to play on it, but refuses to potty on it, so I still have to take him out in the yard on his leash multiple times a day 😕 #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hesluckyhescute #lovesthisguy #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vg5jIJd0S/?igshid=1vty61sa330x4
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Poor Bubby isn't feeling well, so here we are again.... hopefully it isn't anything too serious ❤ #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #hesluckyhescute #mybestestboy #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom (at VCA Mueller Pet Medical Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hAB6apZkO/?igshid=1sn9kxa4i2xn8
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So, I have been told by multiple sources that covering my bites with clear nail polish will help them heal faster. Well, turns out I only have clear glitter polish. End result? I have bedazzled my chigger bites 😂😂😂 #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #kindahilarious #butstillitchy https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XdAKLpv8Q/?igshid=qzl5grdvfq0p
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