#although ofc my mental health has probably played more than its part
pineappleciders · 1 year
heyy first of all its me the fucked up dream anon (now going by dream anon how original) second of all ive decided im going to learn about south park purely through your work so can i get some tweek (ive latched onto that boy) and whoever else you want (probably the main boys) with a reader (all platonic ofc) who's got that #anxiety? thanks even if you dont do it <33
🌌🌟/dream anon
main 4 + tweek with a reader who has anxiety; platonic headcanons
A/N: haii :3 i apologize if this like, distorts your vision of the characters or something. i am so glad you are being converted to the religion of tweek!!!!!!
TRIGGER WARNING: anxiety disorders, light mental health topics, paranoia, panic/anxiety attacks, death mention on kennys part
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stan marsh
i think stan has a normal amount of anxiety. like he's so regular. he's your average joe
like he gets anxious over tests, and giving speeches, and over wendy. other than that he doesn't experience it to the extent of a disorder
so it might be a little difficult for him to imagine getting anxious over simple things like ordering food and stuff like that
he'll try his best to listen though, although he'll probably try to kinda reason with you, esp if you're feeling paranoid or something
"dude, i checked twice, it's locked. relax, man."
he'll try to distract you, by playing games and watching stuff, and just generally kinda trying to be funny to take your mind off of things
if you're having a panic/anxiety attack, he kinda panics too at first, before quickly pulling you away and asking what's wrong. he is sweating very hard
if you're unresponsive, he tries to stay calm but is honestly considering calling an ambulance. like he thinks you're having a stroke
"shit, a panic attack? uh, okay, errr.... take deep breaths, okay? in.. and out. in.. and out. okay, that's good.."
he looks up grounding techniques on his phone and relays them to you until you calm down and catch your breath. he like sends you images off of google of the 5 senses technique randomly and says he figured you'd need it someday
he tries to keep your anxiety in mind, and might slip up sometimes, but for the most part he tries to be careful with his words and actions as to not worry you. he shows his care in subtle ways!!
kyle broflovski
he tries to kinda. logic it out a bit. like if you're feeling insecure he tells you how unrealistic it is for someone to think about one random passerby's appearance forever
he does feel bad though. he doesn't completely understand, but whenever he's feeling insecure he tends to get really anxious about people at school
he usually gets anxious whenever he's doing something wrong or sneaking out. like he's actually sweating and shitting his pants thinking about what his mom will do to him if she finds out
he'll encourage you to order food for yourself, to get yourself out there more, and if you succeed he'll pat your shoulder and smile a lil
if you don't want to, he might dramatically sigh but he'll do it anyways. cuz he knows how hard it is
i do think he'd get a little anxious about asking workers for help and stuff, but he'll be the bigger person... he supposes... smh my head...
when you have an panic attack for the first time, he's like really confused and gets super concerned that you're having a heart attack, and pulls his phone out to dial your parents or 911
"i'm here for you dude! listen- hey, listen to me. it's okay. can- can you-"
he tries to talk to you to de-escalate it, but he gives up and has his hand on your back, while looking up what the fuck to do
'friend havign panjc atgack what to do'
if you're okay with it, he probably talks to your parents about it. he doesn't really trust himself to be able to always calm you down, so he encourages getting outside/professional help
he does try though, and he'll always be there for you in different ways!! like when you need help with something or just need company to distract you, he's at ur door with his xbox 360
eric cartman
you can tell that eric gets a little uncomfortable if you're freaking out or feeling anxious. whether it's because he actually feels bad or just doesn't know how to handle your emotions, you'll never know
but either way, he'll probably just like. sit next to you like "dude, what's up with you?" or in other cases he'll sneakily slip out of the room unseen
he does try to be kinda logical about it, but that's solely because he physically can't speak words of comfort.
"i mean, dude, be seriously. nobody cares about you that much to notice." you speak such kind words eric!!
he doesn't really like it when things get serious, so he'll generally try to transition the situation into something more casual. like he'll try to ease your (his) mood by getting snacks and playing games together, or even begging his mom to take you both to KFC
if you have a panic attack, all of his alarms are blaring and his brain is screaming flight!!!!! flight!!!! run the fuck away!!!!
and he probably tries to, but when you notice him and call his name he physically deflates
he awkwardly turns around and slowly strolls over. "Y/N... heeeeeeey... what's up... duuude..." you can hear the strain in his voice
if it gets to be too much, as in you won't stop hyperventilating or can't breathe, he'll probably alert an adult or take you to the nurse or something. he tells himself it's because he doesn't want to be a suspect of your death
if ur having trouble ordering food he'll gladly take ur place and make a scene to get all eyes on him. "erm excuthe me they athed for no pickleth🤓"
other than when you're voicing your anxiety, he probably treats you the same. i don't really think he'd take advantage of your anxiety unless you were like. butters or heidi or something and he was really trying to get you to do something for him or just trying to. stick himself in your mind. because he's a narcissist and he loves that!!
kenny mccormick
he doesn't relate necessarily, but he definitely understands.
he lives a lot of his life in fear of his next death, and is constantly praying it be quick and painless
kenny is more of a reserved fella, but not really shy or anxious. so if you're having trouble speaking up or ordering something he'll step up and do it gladly!!
i think he'd be pretty decent at comforting. like he'll pat his hand on your back and speak assuring, muffled words
"mm, mmph mmph mmmph! mmph mph mph mmmfmf mmf mph mph mmph!" (aww, it'll be okay. i'll walk you every step of the way, buddy!)
he tries to take your emotions into consideration more, and grabs your hand and squeezes it sometimes if you need a boost of confidence. sometimes he forgets your anxiety and says something rude and feels really bad about it
when you're having a panic attack, he's honestly really scared and expects you to start foaming at the mouth or something
he'll hesitate, but he'll pat your back and try to help you with grounding techniques. the 5-4-3-2-1 in particular is his favorite, and he'll tell you how to do it in like a rlly sweet and calming voice
he's still spooked though, and gets you a water bottle and like a washcloth. he's incredibly thankful you aren't dying or anything
kenny is very good at comforting! sometimes all it takes is a simple moment of eye contact and seeing his eyes crinkle that gives you a surge of calmness you didn't know you needed
tweek tweak
tweek is no outsider to anxiety and stress. he's literally a living beehive with all that damn vibrating
to anyone else, it would seem like tweek had a severe anxiety disorder, or even ADHD. but it turns out it's just a result of his crippling meth addiction and caffiene overdoses
he tries to think about what craigs taught him, about grounding techniques and how to handle a panic attack, and tries to apply those for you
he's shakily take your hand and wrap you in a blanket, making you hot cocoa and helping you slowly come back to your senses
"okay, okay, what are 5 things you can touch? or- no- AGH! was it 5 things you see- hear? no, ACK! i can't remember!"
most of the time if you're feeling on-edge about something, his main goal will be to just listen to you talk and validate your feelings. he doesn't really make it a point to give you advice or try to be logical, unless you directly ask for it
he's great at listening!!! he also doesn't trust his own advice enough to say it to someone else.
he really tries to think hard about what comforts him when he's anxious, and so he tries to use the tactics for you. for instance, he tries to help you get into a hobby like painting to have a bit more control over yourself
hc that tweek loves to draw with crayons so he'll make little drawings of you and him as stick figures being all happy and give them to you. as a treat
overall he is very attentive, and cares a lot. he tries his very best to be there for you, and a lot of the time that results in you two just hanging out or gaming together, so you can both get your mind off of things for a while. it makes him happy to be able to be there for someone else like craig was for him
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royalcordelia · 3 years
Hi Tessa! 💛 First of all, I wanted to say you’re one of my fave writers in this fandom, I love your fics so much and I’m so grateful for you! Thank you so much for everything you do ☺️💛
Secondly I wanted to ask, have you ever experienced burnt out from reading or writing fics? And if so how did you know you were experiencing it, and how did you handle it? I’m asking bc I’ve been reading a lot of Shirbert fics these last months, out of my fave ships they have the most IC fics, they have really helped in keeping me sane and making me feel better, so fic reading became a form of every day self-care to me, but recently my dear old friend anxiety (ofc lol) has been making me overthink everything a lot, and wonder if I had been reading too many fics, if I should stop or if I was burnt out, you get the idea 😅 and has also been making me struggle to focus on what I’m reading sometimes. As in, if I’m focusing on the fic alone, I can really enjoy it, but if I lose focus for any reason, anxiety pops up right away and I just spiral and can’t focus like before. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced burnt out from a piece of media before, I still love everything AWAE/AOGG related dearly, but precisely because I haven’t experienced it before, I can’t tell for sure if it’s burnt out or just my anxiety playing with me. I’ve also struggled a lot with insomnia lately, as a result of anxiety too, so I guess tiredness could be a third option… Thanks a lot in advance, and sorry if this ask is very weird 😣 Hope you’re well, healthy and safe 🙏🏻
Hi friend! First off, thank you for sharing your struggles with me. 💛 It sounds like you've been having a really tough time, but I hope you know that your experiences are probably more shared than you think. Hopefully when I post this, others can share their own advice.
(I'm going to preface this with the fact that although I do have a degree in psychology, one of the best things anyone can do for themselves is find a certified, licensed counselor that you trust. But I understand that mental health services are not always as accessible as they should be, so I'll offer the best advice I can.)
I think burnout from media absolutely does exist, and for most people, it's when the hyperfixation runs its course. I wouldn't doubt things like anxiety and insomnia can speed along that process. As @hecksinki  once told me, ending a hyperfixation can make you feel unhappy and a little bit unsatisfied because nothing has that same effect that you're used to. I also think that burnout happens so no reason at all, either. it just happens. So if you're experiencing burnout, please know that you've done nothing wrong. It's just part of the natural course of liking media. For one reason or another, you might be leaving the "honeymoon" phase, and that's perfectly normal and okay.
You might need something new for your (what I call) "calming-time" before the Anne fics will have the same effect that they once did. The best advice I can offer you is to find things that still make you happy and still have the capacity to calm you down, and hold onto them. The things that make you happy can change with your circumstances, so I like have an arsenals of things ready.
For me, I bookmark every single fic I've ever enjoyed, so that if I feel like I need a break from a fandom, I can bounce back to another fandom for a day or two. I also try to make sure I have things that relax me in every sphere of my life. For instance, if I'm not in the right mindset to read fic (sometimes even I'm too anxious to focus on reading), I have a card game app on my phone, I have Stardew Valley on my switch, I have coloring pages I've printed out, a scrapbook, arts & crafts, etc. Even comic books can be helpful reading when you need something to take your mind off of anxiety, but you're having trouble focusing. It may even be a good time to start new media. You can ask recommendations from people who know you well, something like: "I need something new to watch/read, I'd like it to be kinda like xyz, but don't want it to have xyz. Do you have any recommendations?"
But overall, to the very best of your ability, try to be easy on yourself. And by that I mean, some things are not worth the effort of worrying over them (obviously, with anxiety I know sometimes you can't help it). If you think you're reading too much fic and it might do you better to stop, try it! See how you feel. If you think you need to go back to fanfic to help distract and calm you, then don't talk yourself out of it. Again, find the thing that makes you happy and cling to it. You hurt no one by leaving fic for a while, but you also don't hurt anyone by reading a lot of it. It might take some trial and error, but I'm hopeful you can discover a handful of things that can work as Plan B and Plan C whenever fic reading is tough.
I really hope this helps! Your feelings and experiences are valid, and my hope for you is that you can find some sleep and peace. If you, or anyone, needs help finding mental health resources in your area, you can always DM me and we can work through it together.
I think it's appropriate to end this message the way I've been ending my fics lately—If no one has told you that you're loved and valued as a person and a member of this world, then I love you very much. I'm so glad you're here. You aren't your struggles, and one day, things will get better. I promise :)
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
wuthering heights or stormlight archive? granada or fgo holmes? tamino or fiona apple?
The SOUNDDDDDD the ongoing SOUNDDDDD of delight and disbelief... I just let out... you know me 🥺🤲🏽 and so expertly used that to hit me right where it was bound to hurt 👊🏽😔 I’m in absolute awe bestie bravo 🤭👏🏽😳💓💝
Ok for WH vs Stormlight: STORMLIGHT!!!!! First of all more content, second of all its ongoing and looking forward to consuming future installments makes life more bearable! At this point in time, we’re only 4 (main) books deep, and it’s projected to be 10! 👀 and then each book has year long gaps between it and the rest and is 1000+ pages apiece, and Sanderson keeps coming up w/ unplanned novellas... like even if The Stormlight Archive were not attached to the greater Cosmere, it is so deliciously vast!! 🍴 Endlessly entertaining in comparison to Wuthering Heights, which I love for very different reasons. Sometimes I think abt how old I’ll be when Stormlight ends and I’m like @_@ insane and dizzying to think about how long it’ll be part of my life... how I will grow and regress as it gets incrementally more and more complete and complex...... 😖!!
Also! It’s fantasy, and not only that but high fantasy, which is probably the first genre I ever fell in love with. That’s partly why the art ppl make for this series is more vibrant and a bit more abundant, I think, (at least when you’re casually scrolling the internet) and Stormlight has a lot more sentimental value attached to it for me than Wuthering Heights does, since it was rec’d to me by a friend and the character development + depictions of mental health in this series has rlly gotten to me at several points... and will probably continue to do so for the indefinite future whsjwnw not to mention how Sanderson established that these characters are indeed of color! And that Kaladin could/would totally look desi! Likeeee I am weak and predictable that means a crazy amount to me (both Stormlight and Wuthering Heights are written by white ppl, and that the fact that some if not all the characters in them are of color is, for various reasons, misunderstood or overlooked by readers is one of the most vexing and unfortunate things abt both books/conversations surrounding them, so it’s very fitting that u pitted them together tbh! 👀)
The Holmes q... you are soooo evil I love u! THIS IS SO... My two favorite Holmeses and ur making me choose... 🥺🤭😖💔🤕 !! gonna say FGO Holmes because he was what kickstarted my interest in Holmes related anything-at-all and I enjoy how he’s true to canon in the best ways, like his priorities and mischief and personality, but his role in the story of FGO and the setting of FGO are more thrilling and creative than his role in and the setting of Doyle’s original stories! I have more bones to pick w/ canon Holmes than FGO Holmes, which means I have more bones to pick with Granada, since it’s such an overall faithful adaptation. Also sometimes I get paranoid abt coming off as an angl*phile or smth for being such a fan of Holmes (😑) but as I’ve said a few times before, no part of British history holds anyyy special charm for me, and I think it’s very unfortunate sometimes how people romanticize the settings of British classics! Like I’m also not one of those ppl who’s obsessed w the concept of a “Victorian dandy,” or whatever... that the anime character I’ve taken such a strong unshakeable shine to is based off of one is incidental 😭😔 !! (It influences some of his more endearing or funny behavior and mannerisms but it’s not like. Integral to his character that he is one imo) This is my long winded way of saying that the way FGO plays fast and loose w/ ACD canon is right up my alley and makes it easier to express appreciation for Holmes as a character without accidentally sounding like I’m also fawning over the settings + aesthetics + symbols he was originally attached to and meant to stand for that I find insufferable. Jeremy Brett did an incredible job but... FGO Holmes is my flexible, spindly 2D doll and I’d love him just as much even w/o the existence of ACD canon, while a large part of Granada’s charm is how good of an adaptation it is (although it stands wonderfully on its own too)
THIS TAMINO VS APPLE Q... the way every prompt gets eviler... crying and screaming !!! The Universal Diabolical Genius strikes again!! 😠🥺🤫
Oh my god Tamino’s voice is so haunting and I adore how he works with The Firka (an orchestra of mostly Iraqi and Syrian refugees) + in so doing deliberately draws on musical traditions from his cultures to enhance his music... but Fiona Apple’s lyrics are truly so genius and charming.... and the ENERGY!! In general I prefer when music excites rather than soothes me, which is not mutually exclusive ofc, but Tamino is what I listen to when I want to feel out of touch, as a treat, and Fiona Apple is... god I can’t even explain it, it’s almost never the wrong time for Apple. Between the two, ideally I’d just choose death? Like these are legit my all time favorite 2 artists but I am at metaphorical gunpoint here and trying not to be a spoilsport so I will say....
Fiona Apple 😔 her discography is currently much larger!! And I listen to her more nowadays 😖 forgive me Tamino 💔
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