#also your persona is the cutest little thing in the world heheh
weaselmcdiesel · 2 years
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@wasyago other people were drawing you so i had to as well XD thank you again! <3
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cynicalstudy · 10 months
Big shoutout to my silly lil friends on the Persona 5 Giant/Tiny server for giving me the courage to upload these headcanons! If you like g/t I’d recommend joining :D the person who has the link is @andtheyreonfire AKA Waffle!😊
So I really liked the idea of Persona 5 G/T and I actually have a lot of headcanons for Danganronpa too! I’m gonna share the ones I have for V3 in this post as a change of pace from my art content.
(Also, none of this is canon to any story. I’m also not basing it off of canon besides their personalities so! Please keep this in mind💪)
🖤Shuichi Saihara - He could go both ways! If he was a tiny, he’d definitely be super respectful and quiet. Almost to a point where you’d get nervous if you couldn’t hear him and you’d think you accidentally stepped on him by mistake. If he was a giant, he’d take very good care of tinies. He’d even put them on his hat so they could stay with him.
🩷Kaede Akamatsu - She’d be the cutest tiny or the gentlest giant. She’s so lovable as a tiny that Shuichi constantly fawns over her whenever she does something. She has one of those mini pianos (like from Spongebob hehehe) that she plays whenever possible. As a giant, she’d protect any borrowers from whatever they needed. She’d cuddle with them too to make them feel better after a long day.
💚Rantaro Amami - He’s 100% a giant, no questions asked. He’s so friendly to tinies and he protects them from everything. If you sit on his head, his hair smells like coconut or strawberry shampoo. He’ll cook lunch and feed you by hand until you’re full. His voice is loud and deep, but it’s not scary; rather, it’s very comforting. He’s super gentle when handling you, and he seems like the type to slip you into his pocket to keep you warm. I have so much to talk about regarding giant Rantaro pls someone ask PLEASE /J
💜Kokichi Oma - A very mischievous and chaotic tiny for sure. There’s an assignment due tomorrow? You’ll wake up to find mini handprints all over your paper. You’re asleep? He’ll take the opportunity to draw on your face. Little things here and there will “vanish”. If you pick him up by the back of his shirt he’ll taunt you as you reprimand him.
🩵Tsumugi Shirogane - Could go either way! I could see her absolutely fangirling over tinies and going, “you must be a borrower like in The Secret World of Arietty!” She ADORES tinies and sews little clothes for them to wear. If she was a tiny herself, she’d probably go into dollhouses and borrow the clothes from them. Maybe she’d even modify them for herself :))
🩶Kirumi Tojo - She’d probably be either or, it really depends. She’d tidy up your room as a tiny and leave lil notes around, specifying exactly what it was she cleaned. She’d help you cook like Remy from Ratatouille by sitting on your head. If she was a giant, she’d take such good care of tinies. She’d make them feel comfortable for sure.
🧡Korekiyo Shinguji - I can’t really see him as anything other than tiny. He’ll be reading books in his lab. He’d admire his classmates from afar, envious of humanity but still liking to see their behavior. He likes to sneak up on people and listen to them to continue his research. He’s on the dining room table and salt is nearby? He’ll conduct a mini seance and scare the living daylights out of Kaito.
💖Miu Iruma - She’s definitely a tiny herself. She borrows dozens of scrap metal parts and objects to create her gadgets. Kiibo holds her up to the others so she can present her latest ideas. She flies around on her lil hovercraft around campus.
💛Angie Yonaga - Tiny lil painter in your pocket kinda person. She’ll doodle all over your hand during class for sure. She loves leaving little handprints on your papers too.
❤️Maki Harukawa - A very angry tiny with all this rage, but she can’t even reach where she’s trying to get to. She’s super skilled at parkour and navigating the giant world. She’s borrowed countless weapons like toothpicks and staples to use against others. If you pick her up, she’ll try to escape any way she can. She’ll retreat to her lil borrower home at night and go out searching for things in the morning.
💙Ryoma Hoshi - Not gonna lie, I don’t really have much for Ryoma, but I feel like he’d be a tiny. He could probably ride around on his cat across campus (granted he has the cat in the first place LMAO)
🤎Gonta Gokuhara - Pretty obvious, but definitely a giant. He’s got plenty of experience with bugs and other forest creatures to know how to properly handle tinies.
🤍Kiibo - He’d be a super awkward giant for sure, but in the cutest way possible. He’s super careful with them and always does his best to make sure tinies are ok.
💜Kaito Momota - Definitely giant, he has the energy of one. He’ll find Maki and Shuichi and take them to do training with him in his room on the desk. He often forgets to be careful with tinies and tends to grab them roughly, though he always apologizes.
💚Tenko Chabashira - A giant for sure, she loves tinies/borrowers. She’s super fond of female borrowers and has little rest stations set up in her room for them. She especially adores Himiko and gushes over her any chance she gets because of how cute she is.
❤️Himiko Yumeno - She’s probably a tiny. She’ll do little magic tricks and everyone will love them. She’s got her own custom deck of miniature cards and her little staff was created from a toothpick.
And that’s all! If people want, maybe I’ll make more :D
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