#also valaena is totally the favorite child
itsladyliv · 6 months
Valaena’s mother is beautiful. In every song Valaena hears of a pretty princess and a just Queen, she thinks of her mother. Her favourite days are the days her mother makes it in time to read to her for bed, or when she braids her hair or brushes her locks. You’re my own dear girl, Alicent whispers to her, like it’s a secret. My dearest love. — bury my heart next to yours CHAPTER 1 by @fkevin073
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moonflower91 · 2 years
Aemond with his children headcanons
This is all hcs about my OC Saerah and her twin Aemond Targaryen's children :D
At first, although he loved his children and wanted more of them after holding them the first time, Aemond didn't know what to do with them
He didn't know how to be silly or what level of roughhousing was acceptable, he didn't know his kids adored him and even took his punishments with a level of love, rather than outright hate.
This is due to Viserys' failures. His own father never played with his younger children, never tossed them up in the air, or playfully pinned them down to tickle their sides. And when Viserys was well enough to dole out punishment, none of Alicent's children (especially after Saerah was sent away), felt it was for good reason.
But slowly, after a few weeks, he began to know and learn his babies' temperament. Aerys was a tiny scoundrel, quiet as he was. But he would be sweet to his mother, reaching for her hair and balling it in his tiny hands before trying to chew on it. But with Aemond, he reached most for his eye patch, and when Aemond finally had it with the babe's constant grabbing, he revealed the sapphire and the damned child smiled! And Aemond learned the boy liked to chew the leather of the patch as much as he liked to chew his mother's hair.
But Maera...Maera was Aemond's favorite person. She was sweet, and gentle, always easy to sooth despite the fact she screamed twice as much as her younger brother. She was second to talk, but the first to learn how to walk, and she'd walked for him. Him, the second son, the last choice, the dragonless, the monster who'd somehow stolen a dragon from a grieving girl. But Maera found him worthy to reach for, tiny, fat little fists reaching for him, relying on him to catch her if she lost her balance. And when Maera eventually grew old enough to wed a man, Aemond found it hard to let her do. Literally, he'd tightened his arm around hers once they'd reached the end of the aisle to her intended.
Saerah, damn her, had cackled about it for more than a year.
His elder two children never claimed an egg until they were much older, and even then, only one egg hatched. His boy Aerys did not ever get a dragon, and Aemond had Vhagar saddled for two as soon as his twins were old enough to know to hang on tight. But Aerys felt too ashamed to ride with him after he reached his thirteenth year. Aemond missed his son beside him, but never pushed to bring him back atop Vhagar.
Saerah and Aemond both wanted more children after they first saw their twins. Saerah planned for five more, Aemond for four. They ended up with five children in total.
He also thought it was improper for Saerah to nurse their children. Their own mother and half-sister attained nurses, and Saerah was a princess with much better things to do than feed her children like a cow.
But Saerah refused. Her mentor, Lady Tyrell, had nursed her younger children and said it was far more enjoyable than custom described. It did hurt, those first few feeds, and sometimes her nipples were raw and sore and aching for a soothing balm, she still chose to feed her children herself. "Why?!" Saerah had asked, aghast. "There is some kind of...happiness to be found in giving your babe the nourishment it needs."
It took Saerah a while to wrap her mind around it, and even asked her midwives what it was like to breast feed and decided at their birth to nurse them herself. Aemond could not understand it, and avoided being around during feedings until their second child was born when he got curious.
It was only after their forth that he got used to the idea.
Aemond and Saerah's children are named: Maera, Aerys, Valaena, Aemon, and Rhaemond. It is Aemon who inherited the brown locks of his grandmother, but the rest had the silver hair of their parents.
Their forth child, a boy named Aemon, was the child that Aemond understood the best. Their third, a girl named Valaena, was much like her aunt Helaena. She did not enjoy touching, she did not do well in crowds. She lived more in her books about Old Valyria than in reality. Aemond loved her so dearly, and was more protective of her than any one else, but it was Aemon he knew best. Aemon who was more like him than any of his children.
And while Aemond did not play with them as much as Saerah did, Aemond loved and protected them, and spent more time with them than Viserys ever did with him. And by all accounts, his children named him a good papa.
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PS: I also just want to make it clear, I am in no way bashing mamas or daddies who feed their babies formula! A fed babe is the best babe. And I know for sure a certain bond forms regardless of what baby eats (formula or breast) I just believe that if you feed a newborn, a bond forms regardless of what you feed them. Cause you're providing them what they need, and that's a beautiful thing
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i have read so many many aemond/rhaenyra’s daughter fics and yours just works the best because of so many many reasons.
1. valaena actually has a personality that doesn’t revolve around being aemond’s love interest so kudos to your for actually inventing a new character & giving her so much depth.
2. aemond is not this soft little boy who just acts like a poor puppy in love but he is fierce, obsessed, possessive, murderous, violent, vengeful & only lets valaena access to his true heart so it doesn’t feel like you’re reading about a character that is different from f&b it totally feels so true to his f&b personality.
3. valaena has deep bonds with people who aren’t aemond. jace her elder brother, her protector, the person she trusts & loves unconditionally, the best person she’s ever known & her soulmate. lucerys the other half of her soul, they understand each other in a way no one else can. her mother who she will never stop fighting for. (hate in fics when they make rhaenyra’s daughter switch sides to support aegon’ cause because no child of rhaenyra’s would do that). her mother who she would gladly die for. daemon who she’s so similar to. and i love that you didn’t villanize daemon because he’s not just a hero or this dark villain he’s a complex character who will do unspeakable things for his family & his favorite child is definitely valaena. he loves her so much that he even slowly starts to accept aemond because he knows that her husband makes his little girl happy.
4. valaena and aemond the darker daemyra. repeating their patterns but with so much more intensity. they are gods amongs mortals. they burn together or don’t burn at all (the reference hehehe) they will engulf each other in their flames but they also keep each other warm with those same flames. and the sex ooh oof.
just wanted to say that your fic is so beyond beyond excellent & i hope you become a really successful author because i have read your fic at least 6 times by now & have enjoyed it every single time. the whole fandom worships you.
Hi bestie I don’t even know how to say thank you bc this is so thorough and nice I’m blushing at my desk rn
It was super important to me for Valaena to be real and flawed!! We need more women unapologetically flawed and I’m so glad you liked it🥹 and the bonds!! Can’t believe she loves aemond if you don’t see all the factors that come together to contribute to that love!!! Like her family and the tension and push and pull within a dysfunctional family that does love each other but is caught in the trap of generational trauma
AND LET AEMOND BE MURDEROUS!! I don’t want him better I want him sluttier
In conclusion thank you I literally read this like six times bc I am a sucker for feedback and it means a lot to me that you took the time to write this all out🥹 may your pillows always be cold and your crops always watered
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