#also they aren't on my ao3 so good luck finding them :P
canadiankakashi · 1 year
Writing fluffy fics my beloathed </3
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metukika · 7 months
hi!!!! i just found your ao3 account and your writing is AMAZING, i love your style!! which means i trust that you read quality stuff, so would you mind recommending some mp100 fics? the more the merrier, and especially if they contain terumob :) thank u !!! <3
ahh thank you so much! im not as open about my writing on social media so im super happy u like it! i've read... every fic mp known to man, but here are some that are my favorites,
All Things Preternatural. - a no powers au case fic, but there is terumob eventually :p also let me warn u that i am a big fan of the long fics ehehe
Even on your own, you are not alone - its like a twist on the canon where teru and mob are closer so things turn out differently, and for the better. very cute!
Issho - if you aren't reading isshoverse what the hell are u doin
Old Habits Die Hard - this is like one of the newest iconic trmb fics... its a post canon where they meet again after like not seeing each other since high school? lots of angst but its teru pov so it's to be expected!
Picture me Better - a continuation of sorts of ohdh (the last fic) from mobs pov. if u liked ohbdh ull like this one shot
MOM - we're entering not trmb territory, and unfinished territory lol. this one's about the kageyama parents, and the mom's pregnancy while having mob. it also has teru's mom as a major charcter!
rainspeak - case fic, found family, hurt/comfort in real time!! intense go read
Carried on the Prevailing Wind - ongoing but i like it so far! a lot of premob teru. eventual trmb, or so its tagged lol
The Child God - an au where dimple finds little mob instead of reigen, and the latter plus teru wanna investigate. that's what i remember at least hehe at this point its been a while since i read these fics.
A Picture's Worth - teru learning to live life, using a hello kitty brand camera. me too teru
Needed - a teru and reigen fic, mostly. there's also teru and mob stuff :) tho its not romantic. post canon hurt comfort eventual found family! fun fact after shouting out this fic on my insta i met the author and forced th-- i mean.. gratefully received two gift fics from them! Teru finds a cat! for my birthday and Dimple and Teru’s Air Conditioning and Heating Company which was inspired by this comic i made.
Hell & You - a like fake dating/pretending/coping fic, but its mutually unrequited between teru and shou, and ends up with trmb and rtshou good luck
In Case Of Emergency - slow to update but i love it heheh. case fic. good amount of reigen and teru... honestly this was the one i was searching so ill stop now. read all of these.
i aint reading all that back and checking the links so!!! sorry, but please enjoy!
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mcalhenwrites · 6 months
Some personal stuff! (Good, mainly?)
We signed the lease, will be moving in about a month to another state. This means I'll be busy packing! But I'm still going to be writing in-between, especially since... I started packing this summer, slowly, and it's fortunate bc my health is atrocious. I have had an ovarian cyst issue for years now, and this one isn't bleeding out and hasn't for months. It just sits there and makes more organs and my back and hip ache really badly from the pressure. Hopefully I can take care of that when I get settled in. I might post my wishlist when I'm settled in, but I also think that since it's am*zon, like... hopefully people can find the same items on another site if they wish and send them via that. :D Always an option! But yeah, going to write. Will be posting stuff on AO3 sometimes? (I cannot guarantee this.) I could really use some word-of-mouth help when the time comes, since this is my income until my health is addressed, and even then... I'm not sure what's going to happen. I have to find out if I have Sjogren's, bc it runs in my family and I have the symptoms, and if I have that, it could be pretty impactful alongside fibro and a handful of other issues. I don't want to go on disability, I don't want to have my entire life flipped invasively upside down to most likely be rejected anyway. I'm hoping I can help my roommate out with more than just cooking and cleaning when my health allows, though. So selling my books and maybe having something like p*treon might help! In the meantime, just knowing what people might be able to say about my writing helps me know my strong points. If I do have any weak points, I do accept criticism! I want to get better. :) Seriously, it'll be good for me to get out of this house while it falls apart and breaks with no repairs, and mostly? I'm getting away from family. Finally. HUGE SHOUT OUT TO MY ROOMMATE! They are covering so many of my costs and giving me the chance to get my life in order. I gotta work hard and do my best. I know it won't be all sunshine and rainbows leaving my current environment for a new and better one, that there will be stresses and I will have episodes and forget I'm not home... I've heard that happens, esp with trauma and abuse? But I bet it's easier when you aren't IN the abusive environment to deal with that... Anyway, yeah! Mostly good. Minus the health shit. Going to do some writing and laundry and packing now. Then I'll relax with some video games or smth... or more writing... I'm not doing NaNo officially this year. Don't know if it can happen, so I'm just going to finish Seasons side stories, Rascal side stories, and work on Name the Frogs and The Dragons' Cosmos! Sending good luck to everyone, sorry I'll be pretty scarce but hopefully things settle down by Jan after the holidays :D (And I'm wishing you well, I know some people are having a hard time right now for various reasons, and I know world-wise, things are fucking rougher than ever. Take care and do what you can, though. Sending good vibes.)
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Hey mittens! I have a new friend on tumblr who is struggling. She wants to be a writer but her fics aren't being seen. She's frustrated. She wants to give up. I've given her the best advice I can give. I'm a small blog but I keep writing all the time. Trying to give her advice, but not sure what else I can do. She's in her mid twenties, lives at home, doesn't have a job or a car but desperately wants to. She's stuck and needs help. What else can I do and what advice would you give? Thank you!
Tumblr media
Heck, I have no idea. D:
Write good? >.>
(haaaaa three hours after I started typing this, with the intent of replying privately, I’ve officially invested too much time in it not to post it… under a cut for length, and because I have officially run out of mental energy and real-world time for dealing with it for today…)
I mean, I see advice all the time on how to get seen/noticed around here, and half the advice conflicts with the other half. It’s hard to even guess what worked for anyone sometimes.
There’s networks she could join (I have no idea how networks work, and I’ve been here nine years, so someone who actually uses networks would probably be better to ask about how to do that, but I do know that the point of them is for a group of people to see/reblog member works, so that might help her get noticed).
There’s also things like Profound Bond and Writers of Destiel. These are discord groups, but they both have a tumblr presence (especially @profoundnet which she could look into.) They run challenges, have a really vibrant community over on discord with hundreds of members, and regularly reblog member works on tumblr.
Plus, making friends, working with beta readers or other writing partners will help find new friends and followers who will help spread her works, too. Volunteering to beta read when a “bigger” writer puts out a call can also help– not only in building friendships with other authors but also gaining experience with writing as well as editing.
Interacting with other authors on tumblr, reblogging their work and commenting– even if it’s just “OH GOSH I LOVE THIS” kind of stuff– ESPECIALLY with other “smaller writers” and thereby spreading the word around about each other’s writing will help grow up a community around all of you.
None of us started out popular, you know? And “popularity” is definitely a relevant term. When I started writing fic, I lucked into a situation that I attempted to recreate with the Christmas collaboration thingy I ran, but ouch that proved to be way more work than I really had the time or energy for. I’d be happy to help others run that type of collab and offer advice, but heck if I’ll ever do one myself again. :P
A lot of fic challenges are a good way for new writers to get noticed, too. There’s a TON of challenges out there. Now, something like the DCBB or one of the other larger and more established challenges might not be the easiest place for a newbie writer to cut their teeth. There is A LOT that goes into challenges that newbies are just not prepared for (rules, deadlines, etc., because knowing how to write, edit, and post on a concrete deadline where others are relying on you to know what you’re doing without needing an undue amount of help from the mods isn’t something you want to learn on the fly in a high-pressure situation like that… there’s an assumption when signing up for something like the DCBB or the Pinefest that in doing so, a writer is CERTAIN that their skills– including TIME MANAGEMENT and the ability to collaborate with an artist and follow all the rules (YES, ALL OF THE RULES) and meet every deadline– are up to the task.
So, that said, I’d highly recommend some of the other smaller, more laid-back fandom challenges. There’s new ones popping up all the time, and a lot of them are geared toward specific types of fic (canon fic, certain tropes, etc.), so there’s a built-in audience for their work. Not to mention that in smaller challenges there’s actually more room for exposure, and not having your work drowned in a flood of hundreds of other long works, potentially many of them by already established authors, coming out in the same time period. Readers are literally spoiled for choice in those situations, and an “untested” author posting a 20k+ fic might fall by the wayside while “guaranteed thing” authors works get more attention, you know? Readers have a limited amount of time they can commit to reading, and with SO many choices available, are actually more likely go for the “tried and true” author they’re already familiar with before investing in an unknown author. Profound Bond is just starting the @casdeanflipfest, for example, with a smaller wordcount minimum, and therefore a more reasonable length work for readers to take a risk on an author they’re not familiar with. I might not have time, as a reader, to invest in every 60k fic that crosses my dash, but I will drop everything to read a 5k fic for half an hour, you know?
There’s also event-specific tags that offer opportunities to be seen by a wider audience. For example, for the last few days, the DCBB folks have been encouraging folks to tag Valentine’s Day themed works #dcvday. This is a very laid-back and casual way to put your works out to an audience who’s looking for exactly that type of thing, you know? Other situation-specific tags like this happen frequently (like Dean’s birthday fic, or the Destiel Anniversary fic, or holiday fic, for example).
There’s also fic collections. For example, right now the @destieltropecollection is collecting fics for this year’s lists: http://destieltropecollection.tumblr.com/post/182800717844/destieltropecollection-destiel-trope-collection. If you have fic that fits into any of these tropes, fill out the form and submit them to be added to the masterpost. They’ll be posted in May, a different trope’s list each day. People looking for that specific trope will have a handy list, and you can reach a whole new audience that way. :)
Take writing prompts, if that’s something you’re comfortable doing. People with cute lil fic ideas will LOVE you for fleshing out their ideas and turning them into something beautiful. Or GIVE writing prompts to other authors who accept them. You never know what sort of creative collaboration that might spark. If you have a fic idea based on someone’s post, by all means TALK TO THAT PERSON! Express your excitement about their idea, ask if it’s okay to turn their little headcanon or writing prompt into a longer fic, and I can almost guarantee that the original poster will be THRILLED.
Take fan art as writing prompts, as well! As much as authors Die Of Squee if an artist is inspired to draw something from one of our fics, ARTISTS ARE EQUALLY FILLED WITH SQUEE if you’re inspired to write fic based on their art. Just, if you do this, please please PLEASE actually communicate privately with the author or artist in question before you do anything with it. Make it clear you’re writing out of love for their thing, and not in a selfish grab for attention, you know? Otherwise it feels a little too much like stealing. It’s a fine line, but it’s all a matter of perception to everyone involved. That communication and collaboration is key.
That said, I think 99% of it all is pure luck. But because of that first challenge I did, the next fic I posted was (miraculously!) reviewed by destielfanfic, which I don’t think is the sort of exposure most authors get on their first long fic… This was also early 2015, when there was a sort of Boom Market for fic, and I don’t even think the atmosphere for fandom is still exactly the same, you know? It feels a lot more decentralized, and a lot of the “big writers” from back then have left the fandom entirely, or else don’t write much at all anymore.
But fandom is a cyclical thing like that. People come and go, popularity rises and falls. I think my best advice is to develop friendships with people who are in that same general region of that arc as you are, you know? Build a community, support each other.
I see bitter posts all the time about how “popular” people don’t want to support newcomers, and “elite cliques” of folks are conspiring to hold on to their popularity by keeping others down, and that’s just bullshit. The little group of people I generally hang in tumblr circles with have been my friends for years, at this point. Most of us are kinda stunned that we’re all still around, you know? We all showed up around the same time, and went through these sorts of struggles together. We’re still here, and most of us recognize that we’re only considered “popular” at all by attrition. We survived while other folks rage-quit the show or the fandom. I know that’s not a particularly encouraging-sounding bit of advice, but that’s literally how the vast majority of us got recognized. We just… didn’t quit.
I was blogging on this dumb site for four years before anyone really started to notice me. (and I still know that the perception of my personal popularity FAR outweighs my actual popularity, you know? I’m not one of the elite 1% of writers around here, and I know it, and I’m perfectly fine with that. I don’t post long fic serially, and that shows in my total hit counts on AO3. Serial posting artificially inflates hit counts, and keeps works at the top of the results page week after week, and I’d personally just rather post a complete fic to stand on its own. But that’s a dilemma for another post.) Then again, I started out mostly reading meta and squealing about the show, occasionally commenting, asking questions, or adding my thoughts to posts. I learned the lay of the land, so to speak (who was receptive to these sorts of additions and conversations starting on their posts and who wasn’t, and the social conventions surrounding it all), while lurking and not even really trying to get noticed. I made friends with people before I ever started writing fic.
(but I also have a background in original fiction writing, so I already knew quite a lot about author culture in general, and had a lot of experience writing myself before I started to write fic, which likely helped me personally quite a bit. I was able to jump into writing chat groups and had a bit of writing cred even before I published a single fic, because I’d been writing original novels and had already cultivated a group of “Professional Author Friends,” participated in writing critique groups (which comprise Alpha and Beta Reading in fanfic writing circles), and therefore knew how those social circles functioned, you know? I mean, some of the authors from my “Professional Author Friends” circle, who I’ve been friendly with for more than a decade now, have gone on to Big Things in Publishing. And clearly I never did… aah health crises that knocked me off that train. But I realized I’m happier writing fic, without all the pressures that come from professional publishing, so I still consider it a personal win. But I was able to take a lot of that knowledge and experience with networking and building communities with me and transfer it to fandom, so I know my experience is not everyone’s experience.)
I think the main key thing is to create that sort of community. A lot of new writers go directly to the perceived “most popular” authors in fandom, as if they somehow held the key to understanding how to become more popular, or expecting the “popular” bloggers to “pay it forward” and give them a hand up (whether it be through asking questions or reblogging their fic posts, beta reading for them or whatever it may be). But even there, there’s a limit to pretty much everyone’s time, in a real-life sort of fashion. The more popular or widespread an author’s works become, the more up and coming writers will also see their work, and I get how people want to hitch themselves to that, you know?
Not to mention, most of us are entirely baffled by being thought of as popular writers. And again, I’m still sort of on the fringe of that kind of Big Fandom Popularity myself, and still kinda baffled as to how I got here.
But we’re all just people, with limited amounts of time to engage with other people, and a limited number of spoons in our respective drawers for social engagement. I do TRY to do what I can, but between beta reading for my already-established writing buddies (which I still only have limited time for, I AM SO SORRY ELMIE I SEE THE THINGS AND WANT TO READ THE THINGS BUT I CAAAAAAAN’T AND I’M MAD ABOUT IT OKAY?!), and still want to engage with current canon and write and read meta about it, and still want to actually write my own fic, not to mention helping to run the Pinefest (even though Cass does the bulk of the behind the scenes work, I take on a lot of the day to day general upkeep of it all) and still have to engage with reality and my human family that I live with and like… pay my bills and cook dinner and all that boring shit, not to mention coping with those chronic illnesses that knocked me off the Professional Paid Writer train in the first place… it’s not easy to balance out, you know?
It’s not so much a function of “I got mine, so screw you.” I just needed to make that clear, since I’ve seen that sentiment bandied about recently (again), and it’s just insulting. I think the main takeaway here is that Fandom is a Baffling Ordeal, and the key to winning in any way is to build up a community around yourself. If you want to achieve success as a writer, push yourself to write better. Find people you trust to beta read for you. And maybe most importantly, never “promote” your own work with negativity.
I see way too many writers who add notes to their work like, “ugh this is probably terrible.” Just… never do that. Have confidence in yourself, love your own writing, or at least present it with enthusiasm, if you ever expect anyone else to take that risk and read your words, you know?
So really? It boils down to perseverance, networking, and putting in the work to become the best writer you can, with no small portion of sheer luck. There’s no secret magical formula to success, aside from building a community that makes you happy. I’ve discovered that people are really attracted to happiness and positive energy, you know?
Heck I’m worn out just from spending five hours on this post now, in between Real Life Adulting I needed to take care of for an hour. I hope it all makes sense, but I’m gonna go surf my dash for a while and hopefully recover enough brain power to do the rest of the stuff I need to today D:
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ladriened · 7 years
Can you hook a lady up with some good fics, heavy on the Ladrien that aren't overly sexual? I'm sure they're out there but I've missed them!
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. i forgot about htis ask it’s been sitting here for n i n e t e e n days i feel like an awful person;;; nonny im so sorry!!!! here’s a list just for you!!!! 
from my ladrien series can i put on my clothes first? there are a handful of makeouts, but there are some other fics that aren’t! sticky notes, two worlds, never obvious, sure, if you must...!, how can you be jealous of yourself?, good enough, the official adrien agreste fanclub™, not so secret anymore, and photographs are all fairly angsty/friendshippy/fluffy ladrien! 
now for fics that aren’t my own.... 
a snow white drabble by @chatstronaut | rating: k+ | wc: 2.8k | pair: ladrien | snow white au
it’s a snow white au!!!!!!! i’ve recced this before but it’s such a cute ladrien fic featuring prince adrien (and im weak) and it’s just fucking adorable i l o v e it. 
squares, triangles and other shapes by @sadrien | rating: t | wc: 17k | pair: ladrien & marichat primarily | fake dating au
fake dating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tea’s staos is funny and lighthearted and adorable and includes ladrien and marichat!!! so and fake dating!!!! what’s not to love tbh. 
the space between us by @chassecroise | rating: t | wc: 35k | pair: adrienette, ladynoir, ladrien, marichat | post reveal au 
priya’s fic which is pretty much just dubbed as “space” is such a post reveal gift tbh. it does feature the rest of the square but i included it bc the ladrien in it is pure perfection!!!!!!! so adorable and fluffly and fun. 
perfect little satellites by cinnamonbookworm on ao3 | rating: t | wc: 2k | pair: ladrien 
god, a classic. i have this downloaded on my nook. THE SKY METAPHORS WILL GET YOU. its literaly so fucking cute like i wanna die. except its also sad bc they talk about his MOM AND OH MY GOd. heart clutching good man. 
boom, clap (the sound of my heart) by @chassecroise | rating: t | wc: 4k | pair: ladrien, adrienette, 
ok this is a REAL CLASSIC. a post-jackady one shot featuring an identiy reveal and its SO CUTE AND FUNNY AND WONDERFUL and uses the marichat night visits trope too and it’s just adorable. a must read for ladrien tbh. 
the luck truck by @mraculous | rating: t | wc: 4k | pair: ladrien | no powers/university au 
SO EMMA HASN’T UPDATED BUT THAT’S OKAY BC THESE CHAPTERS HERE ARE GOLD. featuring adrien falling over his feet for a girl he doesn’t even really know aka my lifeblood? and the food truck piece is so cute and interesting and fun props 2 emma man. 
i hope you find some of these good friend!!!!!! so sososo osos sorry that this took me 20 years my ap exam was hella not fun. so. yeah. hopefully this is helpful :p 
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