#also that is BRUTAL i'm sorry
sergle · 7 months
Regarding corsets, I was in a car accident in 2019 and while I'm doing okay now, sometimes doing repetitive tasks like dishes and laundry where it's a lot of use of my lower back muscles, causes my lower back to spasm so painfully that I have to lay down flat on my back until the muscles relax. Do corsets minimize that sort of thing? Do you have any recommendations by chance?
OH MAN. well our back pains are in different Genres, but it's similar in the sense that, yeah, those specific tasks, the ones where you Lean Over Slightly, are brutal. I definitely find that wearing a corset for tasks like that gives me reinforcement. The pressure helps, and the corset boning makes me adapt the way I move, forcing me into a better posture if I need to lean over or whatever. I did WANT a corset specifically though, not JUST for back support but also bc I've always wanted a corset lol. If you want one purely for practical purposes, you should try a back brace first. It won't snatch you, but wearing it while you do stuff around the house might still help.
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reiikobun · 2 months
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as a ppg fan, i don't ship the girls with the rowdyruff boys. these boys are gross and are the type of kids even if they grow up they would not get a relationship even if we use the "enemies to lovers" trope excuse. also it's overrated and they're too young!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from that i think the rowdyruff boys would do stupid trends on the internet to piss off the girls
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incorrect-web-novels · 8 months
Not to fan the discourse flames, especially since this is mainly a web novel occurrence, but certain people who hate Jiang Cheng purely on moral grounds are really strange to me when you consider what Wei Wuxian did to Wen Chao. "He (allegedly) killed innocent demonic cultivators." "He's ungrateful." "He's homophobic." "He's manipulative and abusive." Okay, but, like, Wen Chao literally ate parts of himself out of madness. Wang Lingjiao bit his penis off. Like or dislike any character you want without apology, but we're well past morality policing rn tbh. It's okay if they're a little fucked up
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captainhysunstuff · 9 months
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A reactionary comic about rereading a fic that I recently recommended that was way darker than I remembered, lol. I still love it for how they pretty much drive each other crazy, but that word choice and the consent issues... *cringes* At least there are valid warnings beforehand, and the first fic was pretty PG. Sorry. *laughs sheepishly*
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cactusdying · 3 months
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guys i'm going to be real i dobn't think i expected this kind of direction for the lore update
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toasteaa · 2 days
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Yeah I think I'm pretty unwell about Eclair today -
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zoroara · 6 months
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December Belphegor Redraw 22 of 31!  
Buon Compleanno Belphegor~ As for his birthday I absolutely needed to get one of him as a kid. I had ruminated about doing the panel just before this with him and Rasiel, but well. He would've been made I made him share~ Maybe next year Rasiel, maybe next year. Speaking of this though I find the portrayals of how this went down, in Varia arc Vs Future arc very interesting. Because they're incredibly different in how they're described, in Varia arc Rasiel's murder is described as something Bel did Haphazardly, done without organization likely very sudden stabbing Rasiel to death. But then future arc clarifies from the both of them, that this could have been seen to be leading up from a mile away, and only if their parents genuinely were so neglectful to not pay any mind to this, or in fact encouraged this, that this would have ended up happening. I just find it very interesting how different it is and with the addition of how easily Bel clarifies it, I wonder how it lead to the conclusion that it was haphazard at all, or if it was even as simple as stabbing Rasiel to 'death'. Because it seems like Bel likely just has his idealized version that keeps getting broken down the more he was forced or corrected, you must wonder JUST how much of this is a lie how much MORE of it is to his favour? In the presence of his brother he had to be honest that they had always fought, and while Rasiel makes them move on quickly from this, he does state that Bel is "only saying things that benefit him" and "That he better not forget the face that didn't lose to him" to which Bel has no rebuttal against. What likely happened with the additional knowledge that Rasiel then says that day he was essentially poisoned with medicine, that Bel seeing an opportunity to finally end Rasiel then stabbed him violently very simple to figure. But even still there was likely much more of a struggle than Bel probably wants to admit if it was not considered a flat out loss for Rasiel now that he was proven to be alive to the point Bel didn't bother arguing that point. Bel may have been wounded himself and in his haste to solve that, may have been the small opening of chance for Rasiel to survive that Byakuran needed to manipulate so that Rasiel could survive in the future timeline. (just don't fucking ask me how that works because I don't see how he could affect something so far back. Maybe Byakuran just fucking lied to Rasiel and used other powers as "proof" to convince Rasiel that his survival was actually his doing.)
The Image I redrew is under the cut, just to keep the post small.
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Not related to the whole murder(funny sentence I know), but it is said that Bel hides his eyes to prevent like a fucking political incident, but like. HE WAS WEARING HIS HAIR LIKE THIS SINCE BEFORE THIS I THINK PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY REALIZE MORE SINCE HE KEPT IT THAT WAY.
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totally normal night at the stardrop saloon
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i think they are best friends and drinking buddies, actually. i think they understand eachother better than they understand themselves
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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The Evil Within & Favourite Bosses: Laura | The Keeper | Haunted Joseph | The Shade | The Amalgam
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 4 months
i think solaris has nearly gotten herself 'fired' for a myriad of different reasons- with plenty of her personal offenses being what zor would consider severely insubordinate. but i think the stupidest thing she was almost nearly punished for was getting into a vicious debate with the doctor because they had the gall to assume dark chocolate was better than milk
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konakoro · 5 months
It's been long enough, are we good with saying Bioshock Infinite has decent gameplay and an absolutely terrible story
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arklay · 6 months
tagged by @faerune & @leviiackrman to do this uquiz for some ocs – thank you so much lovelies, i know i've been super inactive so i've missed a lot of things but i appreciate it! ♡
tagging: @avallachs @brujah @calenhads @chosolos @dameayliins @envergothash @leopardmuffinxo @maxthetruman @nocticulas @nokstella @pinkfey @risingsh0t @shellibisshe @swordcoasts @voerman @wrymbloods & anyone else who would like to do it, i have no idea who has or hasn't already! ♡
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— the giver.
your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. people walk by and take, but no one ever leaves. you're constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. you'd give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can't say no?
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— yearning.
the pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. you're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish were or had as opposed to what you do. it's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead
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— the taker.
your expectations are ones you can barely meet. you compare yourself to others, but with a hypocritical light. you'll never find what you're looking for if you're laying down half of what you receive. it stings to be given less than expectations you've set, but if they were more reasonable, do you think even then you'd be happy?
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fayevalcntine · 7 months
Any time I think about how some fans insist on Claudia's rape being important and how other fans just go against it because Bruce is used as a comparison to Lestat (in a scene that blatantly hints at Louis also being sexually assaulted by him) I get so angry.
None of these discussions take into consideration how the placement of Claudia's rape also makes it seem as if the assault itself "fixes" her. Bruce found her because she was careless with her kills and didn't hide the bodies well. She objects to his advances just as he hands her a book on how ladies should "behave" properly, and in return gets her leg twisted before being raped. After that scene, it's so clearly visible how she tries to hide more. She stores a victim's body in the wall of a university library where she reads, as opposed to previously having left them on the desks where they would be found. Even her wardrobe is completely changed by the time she comes back into Louis' life: she wears a longer coat and hat which are presumably from a male victim. The final scene is the only time we ever see her with overalls that aren't in a more feminine color, not to mention the oversized coat again.
Even her first lines towards Lestat? "I wasn't right in my head. I am now." Again, coming directly after being raped which likely jump-started her codependency towards Louis at this point, because she tried to roam about on her own and ended up getting hurt in the process. One could technically say that it's a brutally honest portrayal of how Black girls will always be punished for displaying any kind of behavior that isn't approved of, except for one blatant difference: the fact that her emotional instability/outbursts seem to be completely gone by the time she comes back to Rue Royale. The next episode is where we see Claudia in almost complete polarity as to how she behaved before Bruce: she's only ever loving, nurturing, and seemingly wiser even beyond her human years. She has apparently fully put her issues with Louis behind her and doesn't even judge him for bringing their abuser back into the house.
The way that the previous episode is structured, with the utter lack of information on what Claudia was reading or researching before her assault, how she may have viewed her parents as some time went on, makes it appear as though her being raped is what "fixes" her emotional instability that we saw when she left Rue Royale. Even if you have seemingly no issue with the insertion of her being raped, that doesn't make the narrative timeline any better in its apparent message that all Claudia "needed" in order to mature from her rightful hatred towards both of her parents is being assaulted and made aware of how she, as a teenage vampire, can never go around the world on her own. It's also even more offensive in how the only time we ever see it being discussed again in length, is in a scene where Lestat belittles her being raped. It further makes the assault itself look like a neat little plot-point that was put in last minute without considering how Claudia would be affected by it in the long run. I don't need Claudia to talk extensively about her experience, but the way the writers and narrative in turn handles it isn't any better for me.
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lunar-years · 7 months
I am also very curious about when the switch happened from Capitol Academy students being mentors to former victors being mentors. Did they wait until every district had at least one Victor? Or was that something that didn't happen until Snow had gained sufficient influence to enact it, if not become President himself?
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cactusdying · 6 months
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redraw of that thing i drew. Yeah
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One time I went on a bit of a ramble about Agnes and her coffee shop sort-of-boyfriend and the post broke containment
And this one comment was like "I don't know what this is but it sounds adorable please tell me they worked out and had a happy relationship and the Power of Love triumphed"
Friends, I must admit that I just didn't have the heart to respond
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