#also sorry for the shite quality i edited a lot of these on my phone in the dead of night
daddyplasmius · 2 years
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FOtPoD spoilers but there's absolutely no context
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nicskoyoga · 6 years
That girl needs therapy...
I’m excited to embark on a new journey, with a therapist I’m expecting to spend quite a lot of time with. Because I really want to? I guess so, yeah. Sick to death of experiencing my own let-downs. :(
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Who cares? No-one REALLY 
... not enough to get up off their arse and find out exactly what needs to be done. 
Only those who’ve had to walk the path themselves can empathize completely. And actually I don’t know if I know anyone who has been through it all, and would be available to hold my hand. Why? Cos that’s not their vocation, and they’re not my mother, lover or dearest friend. 
Gratitude without showing it
So completely grateful for the advice I’ve been given though....
Don’t get me wrong. It’s just so difficult to take advice though isn’t it? 
Some people just learn in different ways. Some of us have to have our hand held, and...
Why? Because we’re a different kind of addict to our problems. 
We’re the kind that hasn’t got the get-go to behold true deep reliable faith in ourselves. We gotta see it, have it agreed, and confirmed 1million times over, cos...
We’re too damn stuck to be able unspell ourselves from our own stupid miseries.
Heck I’m still I’m happy I’m me though!!! Wouldn’t wanna be the lot of ya, ha ha ha ha. 
That’s probably my worst personality trait failing showing bright and true as it is there for ya for free, go on, hate on me. But ... I do believe I think I’m better, and yet I know I’m bloody useless too. And you’re amazing and better than me in too many shameful ways (yawn. but yet AWFUL!!!!) 
So yeah... I know stuff. I’ve experienced changes. I could do with just a little bit more
Now... I know I’m getting all ahead of myself; already getting so super excited that I may be able to really enjoy my life deeply soon when,
I’ve had literally 1 session of therapy so obviously the help hasn’t yet begun really.... And yet, 
I do believe a change is on the horizon.
This year has been pretty damn challenging in terms of managing (or not) my mental health problems. BUT it’s getting easier, I feel less sick, literally feel like good food is edible again. I have less headaches and anxiety attacks and my depressive states are gradually reducing.
Why do I tell this story?
Imagining that few to no people will read me. Because it’s me truthfully now. It’s what I am happy to help explain, and share. 
God I try to let people know,
but it’s so damn depressing I don’t want to burden, 
I just want to explain a little... 
so they can understand;
why I am unable to tell them what is good with my life 
and why I don’t want to join in anymore, 
why I don’t want to actively live my life... 
Because things aren’t in place in my life, 
and every time I try to get on track, I get a knockback again before long, in the shape of stupid, F**king, ever-reappearing mental health shite.
Can you tell I’m a little bit angry about it? 
I’m hugely ashamed about it, 
...that I keep letting myself and others down, but not quite enough to pull my finger out, hey. Yep ... loser, and knows it. The ramblings of a suicidal you’d think? Nope I can’t even be bothered to think my life is worth ending, I’d rather suffer in knowing it’s wasted.
I used to, and still kind of do believe that 
therapy is only really worthy of those who are suicidal. (WRONG)
Any of you who have ever encountered the questions by a health professional asking you if you are suicidal or have ever had suicical thoughts may know what I mean. 
I mean... why are you asking me like it’s a determinator of how awful my life is, are you telling me to
get to that point before I’m ready to get help? Heck what the hell! 
Obviously I know it’s about a duty of care. But my god, there’s gotta be some truth in giving those who are waiving the white flag at the grim reaper a red flag up to the top of the “that girl needs therapy” list
Money health talks
Do you know I managed to fail a health assessment for Employment Support Allowance, I was going to challenge it, yet I read the report and the statements were true. 
And yet here I am 6 months later. Same situ, off job seekers.  Struggling to keep working. I may as well take another bloody corporate job, at least I get better pay and better hours, cos my extra time and space right now doesn’t appear to be doing the trick
Sack me again, let me drain the corporations and get closer to that more important suicidal feelin’, yeah!!?
That trick I thought I had up my sleeve of becoming a yoga teacher would help me end of. 
NOPE. Girl still needs therapy. 
Of course I don’t have a clear strategy, I’ve been too poorly to address the essentials. Shame on me. 
So where’s my support? My family find ways to help me hugely but it’s not easy, it’s not without discomfort and it’s certainly doesn’t feel like taking liberties living in luxury.  It’s not possible for me to drain my parents retirement on which they’re living.
 The system isn’t supporting me, and I am struggling to support myself. It’s sick. 
So now a motivation for me to earn money is for me to afford my therapy. How nuts is that. 
I choose a better present and a future as my priority. I’m offered to pay less but as a professional in a similar field I don’t wish to exploit this generosity. It’s empowering to know it’s possible, yet whilst I set my priorities on my basic needs and this, 
How  dare I lower her rates to charity level, that’s not on. Not unless I’ve succumbed to the addictions of life, materialism, capitalism, being unable to be in solitude or celebrate at low - zero expense
... then that’s my problem as far as I am concerned and should it happen, then I’ll be happy to say I’m sorry I am asking to take advantage of your generosity.
Money talks
My belief is that our economic balance is total trash, 
Equality in life is at the essence of my beliefs,
Hence why I fall victim to believing that you are entitled to earn what your clients earn, if they value you, they will share the value of their time with you for the value of your time. 
What they fail to see more often than not, is that the value of my time is not the time in which they have me in a room, or the spare minutes around or messages exchanged. Working as a yoga instructor, or fitness instructor is so poorly valued, 
We spend so much time if we are doing a good proper job in keeping things afloat. 
IE let’s example a building contractor. Why do you pay them so much? Well of course they have to go and 
source the materials and put a premium on them no doubt, 
and they have to do the plans 
and my god may they have to market themselves? 
Or pay for tools (no I don’t just need mats) 
Let’s talk about my laptop which I wouldn’t have got honestly unless for work, 
for the phone which is on it’s arse which needs replacing to enable me to pitch for more work, 
what about the photo and video editing software, mic, camera etc that would all help me to keep going along this track so I can create content and stuff. 
God I’ve even got to pay for word processor these days, 
my insurances. 
Do you know what I’d 100% ditch my car if it wasn’t for work so 
How much do you spend on your car cos you’re income allows? 
RANT OVER(ish) ... at the fear of sounding like a self-entitled arsehole, ha. But you see where I am going with this. These are not just set up costs, they’re business costs which will need attention over time, for an exchange of services = business 
Even if it’s not a tangible asset, it’s a lifestyle choice like a car that actually you might walk away with lifelong lifestyle value against rather than depreciating bullshit.
There is business costs you wouldn’t consider, and you have lifestyle expectations that you demand of your employment, so because you think that it’s a choice or privilege for someone to pursue their vocation and it’s their responsibility or problem, and nothing of your concern that they have not found the way to achieve their income or funding without asking for reasonable rates of pay that reflect your own salaried hourly rate.  Where do you expect business funding to come from? - Those who advantage from the business!
That’s why it’s so hard
Conflicting with this I also believe that yoga should not have this prestige image, or something of aspirational, it should be accessible to the masses ... god it’s within us so let me teach you how to practice yourself for free
My words are coming to an end. Terrible ramblings, I don’t have the patience right now to produce some quality content to share, hence why I don’t mind no-one it reading now. But maybe in time to come it may be seen and understood as a backstory. Shedding whatever lights I felt at the time, maybe changed, hopefully understood in the future with less conflict.
I would like to end this by offering my deepest apologies for my untruths, lies, letdowns, and would like to offer my deepest gratitude to those who read, who help, and who have the heart to care without judgement that this girl who needs therapy may always but has faith she will be absolutely amazing soon.
Almost THE END
And the last depressive note, just because hey, I am, and why not after being vocal on it. 
Sleeping tablets.. I’ve had over my dose tonight, again. and look at the energy exuding from me. 
Tomorrow no doubt I’ll be wiped and find my day tiresome needing naps or if I was in a office I’d be sitting pretending to do some mundane tasks extremely slowly (very rewarding). 
So well done, thanks for the help there NHS / Benefits system. Sort the shit out. 
Time out. 
And next up... when is it ok to start telling people I am letting them down because I am too depressed and anxious? 
.............................................THE END
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