#also realized I haven’t used purple much in my art lately so ofc I have to exploit the giant neon billboard outside Matt’s apartment
seancefemme · 2 years
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saint & soldier
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spokelseskladden · 3 years
So here’s a random ask that I’m curious about as somebody who loves to splash color all over her stuff; what kind of color palettes do you prefer? Pastelly, muted, bright, neon, etc. Are there some specific colors you like to use a lot? I tend to gravitate towards vivid blue/purple/pink/turquoise myself a lot, which I’ve dubbed ”galaxy colors” or something lmao
(Also feel you on that stress part; I’m working on my final project, but I found the topic late so I have little tome to finish it. Plus I still haven’t gotten an answer to an important application, to which I need a decision on soon if I wish to graduate this spring :T)
aaah i really like to use any colour lmao, depends on what feel i’m going for with the art! If i want it to be more soft looking I’ll usually go for more pastels and lighter brushes, but more often than not i like to use a few select vibrant colours along with some that are more subdued. I’ve been trying to pick colours based on value (as well as how they go together ofc)  cause my bf is colourblind so I’ve been more aware of creating distinct contrasts lately. It’s pretty time consuming so I often forget about it (and i’ll usually be super annoyed when i realize that there’s like. NO CONTRAST AT ALL between a character and the background when I’m pretty much done with whatever i’m doing) On the colourwheel I usually favour warmer tones like reds, oranges and yellows, and for some reason i rarely use green? Idk why, it’s one of my favourite colours, but I’m just. more fond of red i guess. Idk why lol. But yeah I’ve noticed that you use a lot of galaxy colours, it’s super pretty and cool! 
aaah yeah that sounds super stressful my dude, and I feel ya. I have to finish another paper by monday and I’ve barely even begun. We got it at the same time as the last paper and I’m just. so over it all. But when that’s turned in I have one more assignment and then I’m finally free to be a human again god i can’t wait 
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