#also praying mobius is in the comics god!!!!!
mobiues · 6 months
also, i need to applaud owen for being able to produce such a ... quiet representation of grief, yet the audience being able to know and feel that it is a great, tremendous grief all the same. "i mean, you think the tva is gonna miss a tired, washed-up old analyst with a heart of gold?" "christ, it's the best house on the block" "let the time pass" you were so great, owen. mobius was so great.
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stillwanderingflame · 6 months
Loki thoughts
All right, here we go, finale day is upon us. I haven't been this tense about the outcome of a character's story in years. Probably not since Winter Soldier or XMFC. Those were such great movies that had me so invested in the characters and then everything that came after soured me to the point where I've struggled to re-watch the movies. Praying that doesn't happen this time.
Dropping some guesses/predictions under the cut because it's always fun to see what I get wrong.
Based on the scenes still left from the mid-season trailer, I expect we'll see Loki trying more than once to go back in time and stop the Temporal Loom's destruction, possibly going farther and farther back until we get the scene with him and Mobius in the time theater, just after he was brought in. I'm guessing Victor tries twice more to fix the Loom but to no avail, which makes me think Loki eventually realizes he can't fix it by changing the past and has to do something more drastic. This might be where the shot of him out on the walkway without a suit might come in. Maybe he decides he has to go face the Loom and use his new powers to save the day. How exactly he does that, I'm not sure but it seems like they're teasing hints of the God of Stories storyline from the comics. Plus I keep remembering that line in s1 where Loki said "I think we're stronger than we realize."
Not a prediction but a fear that I've voiced before: I really don't want an ending where Loki is alone as the new HWR. I'm hoping they won't go in that direction, especially after the bar scene in ep 5. Just...don't have him show that kind of vulnerability and then stab him right in the weak spot. My heart can't take it.
I have no clue as to what will happen with Sylvie. Part of me thinks the writers will let her go back to her life on the branch (if Loki can restore it) because I just don't see them setting up a Sylki ending. Sylvie seems to understand the need for intervention now, but I don't think she'd be happy monitoring the flow of time, even with Loki by her side.
There's also still that shot of Ravonna in the Void. Seems unlikely that she'd be shown just to be gobbled by Alioth so maybe they're going to try and find redemption for her character.
That's all I've got. I could keep spinning ideas but this show is consuming enough of my brainpower as it is. I can't believe it's already ending. 6 episode seasons are tough after a long streak of only watching kdrama and cdramas (even if I sometimes think the latter don't justify the number of episodes). Guess I'll have to wallow in my feels and see if any new fics pop up to help me cope in the aftermath. 🥲
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