#also poor neil hes kinda having a mental break
Wynn: Is this shot gun alarmed?
Neil: I don't know what it's emotional state is
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pandemicwrites · 1 year
about The Matrix: Ressurections
3/5 stars... watchable. It hovers between a 20-year retrospective and the most meta, self- referencing TV since ricklantis.
Good - Good audio, cinematography, I liked how they did some of the commentary, Neil Patrick Harris, and where they went with some of the in universe things (e.g., rewriting the landline lore) 👍
Bad - breaks the fourth wall, then the fifth wall, then the sixth wall... The self-references lean into the fan service side of things too heavily in a few instances 👎
I didn't know anything about the movie before watching it, other than the general consensus was bad. The intro had me super confused lol
I think the movie is going to live or die by whether or not it can be meta enough. Like, at least the first act is a clear attempt to update the first matrix movie, Plus at a bit of meta pizzazz, which really is just updating the movie in a different way. Not only updating the story by improving the cinematography, but also by updating the content to 2022 sensibilities. Which, least according to this film, are very very meta.
The very blue glasses on the psychiatrist are a metaphor for the blue pills that keep you in the matrix... I wonder if there's going to be an anti mental health help through line
This feels like a bunch of hot takes from stoned philosophy 101 students, shooting for profound
He's eating the steak, get it? 🥩
Even if the movie is trying to have a negative view of getting help for mental health, I Wonder if it succeeds. In reality, without the matrix, if you behaved as if the matrix were real you would be crazy. Taking the blue pills, while a poor choice in the matrix universe, is a very good choice in reality. So, well the movie tries to portray taking the blue pills as bad, and Keanu Reeves throwing them down the sink is good, even if that paints getting help negatively I think There's an argument that the film itself puts it in a positive light. Maybe. Or, I'm apologizing for really, really bad writing 😆
The elevator pitch for this movie: no, it's okay that we're doing the matrix after a dozen years, we're going to be super meta about it and that'll fix everything 😜
Ah, I finally understand: they just did a complete rewrite of how getting out of the matrix works. It used to be a landline phone, and in this movie they updated it to "getting a hack." I guess they had to do something with it, since the cell phones are ubiquitous and landlines have kinda died. The other options would be writing a cell phone-less universe (umbrella academy), embracing the fact that landlines are rare, or keeping the same pre-2000 setting 📝🤔
The conversation at 55 minutes not only breaks the fourth wall, it shatters it as thoroughly as Carrie-Anne Moss and a helicopter flying through it
" Zion was stuck in a matrix of its own"... taking the concept of the matrix and generalizes it to mean " thought patterns." More philosophy 101 stuff: be mindful of how you view the world
" I don't suppose you could still fly?" He asked Neo. The ground worbles, and Keanu Reeves does the Superman thing... fails. "Yeah that's not happening " 😆 the joke is so good
The matrix seems to to be set in a much more magical world in the fourth movie compared to the first movie. A lot of sci-fi and fantasy fiction is probably on a sliding scale, if the first leaned more toward sci-fi this one leans heavily toward fantasy and soft magic systems... Like the swarm, or giving Neo a force push, or whatever bullet time means lol
Maybe, this is just an honest extension of the first movie. Like, after the first movie, bullet time, force push, and stopping fine bullets were feats that Neo had done. It would make sense that in future fights, he would use those powers. I guess resurrections takes that fact to its logical conclusion. You can only have the scene where Neo discovers it for the first time once, after all...
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writingpuddle · 4 years
“Don’t you ever get lonely?” Nicky asked, digging in his pack for a chocolate bar. To their left, the cliff dropped away precipitously, sheer granite cliffs like sentinels at the end of the world.
Neil stared at Nicky. “No,” he said.
“What, never?”
Neil looked out across the sweeping vista of mountains before them. A speck that could have been a hawk or a raven or a sparrow spun against the sky, too small and distant to judge. He’d stood in the middle of busy cities; he’d gone to school with hundreds; he’d even tried out for a track and field team once. He’d been surrounded by people, and he had been so ferociously lonely it had been like a knife in his chest.
“No,” he said, because he didn’t know how to explain—didn’t even want to, really. He’d felt more alone back in the so-called real world than he’d ever felt in the wilderness, miles from any other person. When there was no one around, there was no one to miss.
~~~The Long-Distance Hiker AU (A Bullet Point Fic)~~~
So after Neil’s mom died he kinda of ghosted around for a while and eventually ended up in a small hiking town in California
He met a bunch of thru hikers and figured, hey, my dad probably won’t find me if I’ve fucked off into the wilderness
So he starts hiking
And pretty soon he realizes it’s the best thing he could imagine
He spends all summer in the mountains and when winter rolls around he finds a temporary job in a skiing town working in a second hand gear shop
He’s an ultralighter in the most accidental sense possible
His gear is weird and cobbled together and his shoes are held together with dental floss
He sleeps under a tarp with a down blanket and a thin foam mat and he’ll eat the same shit day in day out without even registering it while he covers frankly obscene distances every single day
It basically gives Kevin an ulcer
Kevin’s an ultralighter, but in the stuck up, rich bitch way; his gear is probably worth thousands of dollars and he’ll lecture anyone who listens about ripstop nylon and is super snobby and elitist about who is a so-called “real” thru hiker (hint: anyone who doesn’t do it his way isn’t a real thru hiker)
(don’t worry he’ll get smacked around a little by people like Dan and stop being such a little bitch about it but he grew up rich so even though it might’ve been shit living with Riko he really doesn’t always take into consideration the context of how much fucking money gear costs when he’s preaching about ultralighting)
(yes I’m taking out my dislike for pretentious rich ultralighters on him, okay, but the difference is he’ll have character growth versus the people I met are probably still being preachy and self-important to this day)
Andrew’s like the exact opposite
His pack weighs like seventy pounds and he’ll pull a six-inch knife (a gross misuse of smart gear weight management) at anyone who comments
He has a completely contained single person tent that’s big enough to sit up in and a four-inch inflatable mattress
His sleeping bag is rated to like -20 even when he’s hiking in the summer
Nicky swears he once saw him pull a full-sized chocolate cake out of his backpack three days down the trail and everyone says that’s stupid and made up but secretly think its totally true
Andrew likes to hike alone but somehow he’s never more than a day away from Aaron and Nicky and when he keeps showing up near them it gets harder and harder to pretend like he doesn’t actually care about them
Nobody says anything, obviously, but Nicky gets a little teary when he starts to notice the pattern
It was Nicky’s idea; in this universe Erik got him into hiking when he was in Germany so he got the cousins into it as a bonding exercise and then it turned out it was the best family activity they had ever found
This is several years after they graduated and they’ve scrounged together enough time and money to hike the Pacific Crest Trail
Now the upperclassmen:
So Stephanie Walker is a trail angel: one of those people who lives near a long trail and provides snacks and rides and somewhere to stay and basically helps out anyone who comes by with whatever’s going on; she’s pulled a lot of people out of frankly dangerous situations and she’s not afraid of anything the trail has to offer
So Renee finds herself and her faith while living this life of meeting new hikers every day and it’s almost inevitable that she starts to hike and find solace in the wilderness
Allison is one of those Wild types: she’s done some hiking (much to her parents’ chagrin) but she’s never done a thru trail or even much overnighting before, but she’s ready to throw herself into it and doesn’t care how dirty she gets
She totally carries a tiny spa package though
The other women are very skeptical because they take pride in being free from societies expectations and make up and shaving but they come around after Allison pulls it out one time when they’re seven days into a ten day section and gives them face masks and they all have a little pedicure pampering session (so, so needed when your feet are being beaten and bruised by hard terrain all day)
She has a lot of new, expensive gear and is super touchy about people trying to help her (because a beautiful woman absolutely gets people trying to “help” all the time and it’s infuriating and condescending) but she learns to accept help from her closest friends
She was showing off near the beginning of the trail drinking with a bunch of guys and probably got too sloshed trying to act tough (alcohol hits you waaaay harder at high elevations dude, if you’re not expecting it you can get Fucked Up really fast)
It’s Seth who realizes things are getting out of control and pulls her out before the guys can do anything shitty which is how their friendship and eventually their relationship gets started
They piss everyone off with their constant breaking up and getting back together on the trail, sometimes hiking together for days and then splitting up and going to hike with other people but they find a lot of healing out there in the woods
Seth’s mom is totally dismissive and condescending of his hiking, she thinks it’s a stupid waste of time, but she thinks everything he does is a stupid waste of time so at least when he’s out there without cell service he has an excuse to not respond to her
Now Dan
Dan’s trailer trash, right
She’s got no fucking cash but she has this dream in her head to hike the PCT and she’s going to fucking well do it
Her gear is probably most similar to Neil’s except where his is a mess of weird priorities and held together by spit and twine
Hers is meticulously planned
It’s cheap, some of it’s over forty years old, but it’s hers
It’s probably the only stuff in the world that’s actually hers
She accumulated it over about four years, hitting all the second-hand gear events, saving up every penny, packing and repacking and writing everything out in great detail until David Wymack got wind of her plans at a gear event
He’s one of those guys who hiked the PCT thirty years ago back before anyone knew what it was except instead of feeling superior about that it means he knows exactly how much impact experiencing the wilderness can have for disenfranchised people
He approaches Dan and offers to sponsor her hike
She’s resistant at first; she planned this hike, she got all the stuff together, she was going to do it without anyone’s help
But he comes back and says he just wants her to write about her experiences and publish it on his website
He’ll pay her for the work, of course
And she wavers and finally caves because this will move her plans up by about two years if she can make money while she’s hiking instead of having to hoard up enough cash to take six whole months off
Her blog posts are a huge hit
She doesn’t preach about how the mountains saved her, or get too metaphorical about hiking or anything like that
She just talks about the real, raw experience of hiking
The friendships, the trials, the triumphs
The infuriating people whose mental image of the hiking community doesn’t include poor black girls who grew up in a trailer park, who say she’s an inspiration like they actually mean something else
She talks about the days that she flies up the mountains and the days that she can barely drag herself out of her tent and the day she realizes that Allison and Renee, these women she thought could not be more different from her, are the best friends she’s ever had in the world
And she’s takes fucking amazing pictures
She’s also very determined not to have a trail romance
That’s stupid and cliché
Look that guy Matt might be hot but she’s not interested
He’s clearly working through some stuff and she’s not here to be some guys savior or whatever
So Matt then
His mom helped him get sober a couple years ago and he’s been struggling with it ever since
She got him into hiking as an outlet and a healthy hobby and he took to it like a fish to water
He’s got legs for days and he doesn’t mind carrying a heavy pack, he can hike for hours without stopping
(The fact that he’s faster than her pisses Dan off a bit, but sometimes you gotta accept that you’ve got short legs and just hike your own hike, there aren’t any prizes for speed)
He relapsed again a couple months before his hike started and he and Randy weren’t even sure if he was going to be able to do it but he’s damned well going to try
So anyway
Pretty much everyone is trying to actually hike the PCT except Neil
He drives everyone bonkers
His motivation isn’t really about the trail so much as staying out in the wilderness where there are no gangsters to murder you
So he just does whatever he wants and keeps showing up at random points
He’s technically got one of the thru hiker permits but he frequently goes off on side trails not on the PCT and ends up hiding out in the woods so rangers won’t find him
He’ll just hitchhike straight through boring sections or anywhere that you pass through too many towns where he’d rather not be remembered
He keeps coming back to the PCT but it’s more like it’s a rough guideline of where to go than an actual route he’s taking
He’s got his natural colouring back because who’s dying their hair or wearing fucking contacts on the trail?
But also
Who would ever associate a runaway mafia kid with a guy with overgrown hair and a stained t-shirt who’s sitting serenely on a mountain pass in a photo on David Wymack’s website?
That’s right kids, Nathan doesn’t have a role in this one because he doesn’t find Neil
Maybe he gets killed in a shoot out or something and some other gangster steps up and takes over, and in the shuffle Neil’s just kinda forgotten
Maybe he finds out months later and he just stares at the computer in shock because he should have known, shouldn’t he? He should have felt it when his father died
He should have realized that he was free
That happens later though
Who fucking cares what Riko’s doing honestly
Kevin has somehow attached himself to Andrew and is driving him up the wall with advice to improve his hiking/base weight/distance/etc and he sees this guy (Neil) who regularly covers like thirty or forty miles a day (obscene!) and is like YES this guy is my people!
Except when he starts talking to Neil he realizes he’s this total weirdo who doesn’t even have a cook set he just eats cold food (a common enough thing among ultralighters, but not like this. Oh god, not like this)
Neil’s just sitting there gnawing on a pack of uncooked ramen like a fucking animal
And he’s not! Even! Hiking! Properly!
You’ll never finish the trail if you hike like this!
Neil just gives him a blank look
He’s got no interest on getting on some “verified” list of people who hiked the PCT, he just likes hiking
Andrew likes him
I mean obviously he despises him what the hell is with that janky ass setup but also he’s so unconventional and unapologetic how could Andrew not be into that?
They’re the kind of people who give wilderness rescue personnel grey hair, but for completely opposite reasons
Neil keeps running into them because even though he covers so much ground every day, his meandering route means he doesn’t actually move down the trail very fast
They’ll be like wait weren’t you like a week ahead of us and he’s like oh yeah I heard about this cool waterfall and took a sixty mile side trail to visit it and nearly ran into a momma bear with two cubs, it was awesome
And they all start to grow on him, and each other, almost accidentally
Look none of them are out there romanticizing the trail as some kind of magical place where the problems of the real world disappear and the people are somehow more pure and true or whatever
People are people and they bring their issues wherever they go
But there is a paring down
When your daily concerns are just mileage and shoes and food and weather, a lot of other stuff fades into the background
And well the truth is a lot of people are on those trails to work through stuff
And they find each other
Gradually, without even really noticing
They team up in June, groups of three or four with crampons and ice axes to get over the Sierra’s.
Neil was planning to just do side hikes and wait for the snow to melt—he isn’t so reckless he wants to go over the ice alone, but Kevin insists he join them and for the first time he hikes in a group with Kevin and the cousins all together.
It’s weird
He’s not used to people talking to him when he’s hiking and he frequently doesn’t respond and it’s not because he’s being rude he’s just so focussed on what he’s doing and what’s around him that he literally doesn’t hear them
And then
Nicky slips
It’s not his fault, they did nearly everything right (Kevin may be a pretentious ass, but he does know his shit) but sometimes shit just happens for no reason
And they’re at the edge of the ice sheet so Nicky’s just untying himself from the rope that links them together, he’s not even moving, and the snow beneath him shifts and he doesn’t even have time to scream before he’s hurtling down the snow below the trail towards the cliff at the bottom of the ice sheet
Neil doesn’t even hesitate
He dives after him, ice axe in one hand like a fucking gladiator and gets his arm wrapped around Nicky’s waist
He slams the ice axe into the snow and it drags behind them, and it looks like it’s not going to catch, and the edge is getting closer and closer—
Until the axe catches something, and Nicky and Neil lurch to a halt, clinging to each other, hanging off of Neil’s one arm and the axe.
Neil looks up and sees Andrew, Aaron and Kevin in various places on the slope above them, their axes dug in and long gouge marks in the snow beneath their heels, strung together by a ropeline that’s still attached to Neil’s waist
That rope is probably the only thing that slowed them down enough that Neil could stop them without ripping his arm clean off
It’s hardly a by-the-book rescue, and in fact it was pretty stupid, but they’re okay, they’re okay, that’s all that matters
That night they light a fire down by a lake and Nicky cries on Aaron’s shoulder and Andrew keeps clenching his fists because he’s never felt so helpless in his life and it was Neil that jumped, not him
He knows that he was at the far end of the line and he would’ve made it worse if he had, but doing nothing while Neil risked his life to save Nicky
They don’t really talk about it
But you kind of can’t help being friends after that
And even after they’re out of the high mountains and back on solid trails Neil keeps tabs on them
And Nicky befriends the others and without even meaning to they start to develop a sort of loose trail family vibe
They’re not hiking together all the time like some of the groups they meet, but they check on each other all the time and wait up in resupply villages and bond over firepits and shitty hot chocolate mixes and swap tips on how to keep the butt-chafing at bay
Neil sticks to the outskirts, mostly, but he starts to open up a little, in fits and spurts, tiny non-specific things that wouldn’t even register to most people but that this particular group knows means more than that
He’s slowing down, too, sometimes hiking entire days with people and covering half his usual distance even when there’s no cliffs or glaciers threatening him
He likes hiking with Andrew the most, though
Because neither of them are big talkers when they’re hiking and Andrew’s pack might be absurdly heavy but he’s got legs the size of tree trunks and endurance to match, so he might not be fast but he can outwalk half the people on the trail by sheer relentlessness
They both like to camp up high, near treeline (so Neil can set up his tarp) and in the places that it’s legal they’ll start a small fire and Andrew will loan Neil his pot so he can actually cook his fucking ramen for once and sometimes they’ll watch the Milky Way rise and share secrets under the open sky, not looking at each other so they don’t break the illusion, and sometimes they won’t say anything at all but it’s okay, because they’re saying nothing together.
It’s nice
It’s maybe more than nice
The summer draws to a close and Neil is starting to realize that he doesn’t want it to
He never wants the hiking season to end but this time it’s different
This summer has been perfect
And he knows deep in his bones that once they leave the trail things will change
The others have lives to return to, and Neil…
The trail is all he has
And if he’s barely hiking alone at all these days, well, who’s going to call him out on it?
The others like having him around because he stops them from getting too fixated on the Trail to see the trail
He still takes side trips but now sometimes people will come along and he’ll stand at the base of a canyon staring up at the glossy white walls and Dan will snap a photo for her blog and smile, because the PCT is just a line on a map, but the hike is all of them; together
He’s hiking with Andrew in September when a storm hits, this time vicious
Neil huddles under his tarp in resignation
Storms suck, he always gets wet, no matter how much he lowers the tarp, but he’s used to it; he just waits it out
But it’s just getting worse
Hail lashing at the tarp and pummelling the ground and maybe for once he regrets camping so high up
And Andrew has to shout to be heard but finally Neil realizes he’s offering to let Neil come into his tent
You’re going fucking freeze, just get in here
Neil goes
It’s weird
It’s instantly weird
The tent is not built for two people, so they’re both sitting cross legged with their heads ducked to not press against the roof
The storms probably not going to let up soon, Andrew says
Yeah, Neil says.
Andrew sighs
Lie down, he says, and Neil does, and Andrew lies down next to him, shoulder to shoulder
It barely works, only because neither of them are very big people
Neil’s pack is outside wrapped in his tarp and all he has is his damp down blanket but he’s not cold anymore, not with Andrew bundled up in his ridiculous sleeping bag right next to him
The storm rages for nearly two days and what passes between them in that tent, nobody knows
If they’re barely ever seen apart after it, well. You only see people so often on the trail. It could easily be a coincidence
And if Neil doesn’t even set his tarp up on rainy nights anymore, well. They never camp near other people anyway, so who’s to know?
In early October the snow blows in, blocking the route to the finish.
They drift around a resupply village for almost two weeks, waiting for the trail to reopen, but finally even Kevin accepts that it isn’t going to
After all of that, none of them are going to finish the trail
It’s a disappointment—of course it is. For most of them, the end of their trip is now a nondescript exit into a village, no fanfare, no closure; they didn’t even know they were done for days
Still, it’s not so bad
They’re all together
Allison suggests Vegas, but they all laugh it down; they wouldn’t even know how right now, bearded and hairy and ravenous as they are
They go to South Carolina instead
It’s not really even discussed that they’ll stay together, they just all go; Allison hosts them at her resort and they laugh at the incongruous weirdness of seeing each other in real clothes, and it’s different, but it’s also okay
They stay for another two weeks, and they don’t hike another fucking inch
We should try the Continental Divide Trail sometime, Dan says
Her blog is so popular now that she’s got sponsorships from more than just Wymack waiting for her
She could make a career out of hiking and blogging and doing gear reviews and it’s a dream she’d never even realized she wanted until she had it
And if she accidentally fucked up and ended up with a hot trail boyfriend? Well, nobody’s perfect
And he has a great butt
(she has photos of it on her blog, from when they jumped into a glacier lake naked back in August)
Everyone is jealous
How about that trek in Iceland? Matt suggests
Or the whats-it-called in New Zealand, Allison says
Oh, I bet there’s some good ones in Europe! Nicky says. You guys can all meet Erik!
And it’s going to be different, but it’s not going away, and Neil feels calm in a way he never has at the end of a hiking season before
Eventually everyone has to start making plans to return to their lives, and jobs, and Neil sneaks out to the back of the house to sit in crisp fall air and watch leaves spiral down out of the trees
Andrew follows him
They sit together, watching the moon rise over the hills, and when Andrew asks Neil to come home, Neil says yes
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neverendingparable · 5 years
Send 💞 for a awkward kiss // written for that only once previously mentioned AU where Stellan is an intergalatic officer trying and failing to catch the time-and-space criminal Neil de Grammont
The intergalactic prisons were his least favorite place inthe entire Universe. They were as sad as they were dreary, as dreary as theywere disturbing and Stellan hated every corner of the stuffy, foul scented jailcomplex. 
This one was particulary nasty.
It was loud too, prisoners yelling, begging, and cursing outguards who gruffly reprimanded them with harsh words or tasers if they got toorowdy.
Honestly, he couldn’t understand why his bosses couldn’tjust send a vehicle in to deliver the newest captive to the better, more securesister system a few galaxies away.
This needs to be apriority! He insisted to a bored guard, who gave Stellan’s capture astoic look like he couldn’t care less.
A newcomer perhaps, who didn’t understand the severity ofthe situation.
Either way it was infuriating - not only was he bringing ina dangerous and intelligent criminal who could easily pick his wayout of a cell block blind if someone wasn’t constantly watching, but everyone’shabits of blowing off the arrest was also undermining Stellan’s hard efforts oftrying to capture the infamous Cornelius de Grammont for these past few months.
During their little cat-and-mouse chase, Stellan became morefamiliar with the pirate’s tactics than he would’ve liked. They were exceedinglycunning - but apparently, as Neil lacked the intimidating vibes of bigger and moresenselessly violent prisoners here, the guards didn’t seem to care much,despite the crimes pinned to his name.
Sure he could just travel on, but it would take far too manyhours to get Neil to the other galaxy. And he was tired, which is why he didn’ttrust himself to fly alone with the pirate. (Not to mention after listening tothe smart-ass ceaselessly mock him the entire flight over, he was ready to dosomething drastic to get him to shut up. All in all, he was tired, pissed, andon edge. Something Neil would use for his advantage)
“I need the strongest cell you have free. We’re goingto be flying in the morning again and I need to put him somewhere safe until then.”Stellan insisted.
The guard grunted and half heartedly turned to check whatplaces were still free. His bored nonchalance and the feeling of Neil smirkingbeside him grated on Stellan’s nerves, but he bit his tongue.
“Floor C Cell 5G.” The guard muttered and slid theofficer a bundle of keys. He then picked up his comic book again and made aneffort to ignore the duo.
“Is it secure enough?” Stellan tried again, andgot another grunt as a reply.
“That sure sounds promising,” Neil taunted, thesmirk unwavering on his face.
“Shut up and get moving.” Stellan jabbed him hard in the sidewith his gun, ushering his captive off to the nearby elevators.
Of all the shittyprison complexes I have to be stuck in, he thought bitterly as they rode upto Floor C in silence.
Well no matter.  What’s important is that I finally have him. Let’s hope this shitty place can secure him for afew hours while I get some sleep…..
A creeping dread had crawled up Stellan’s spine and itsettled there comfortably when they entered the cell block Neil was supposed tostay in.
The protections were good, recently upgraded by the GalacticFederal Agencies to enhance security in the cells. The only problem was thatStellan had already placed Neil behind these models once and the pirate got outin under an hour, halfway to another galaxy before Stellan was notified. And hehad just been gone for a cup of coffee then.
He cursed angrily to himself, much to Neil’s amusement, butbefore he could make another comment on Stel’s inevitable failures, the officerhad shoved him in and handcuffed to the set of chains waiting there.
“Ouuch. Hey!”Neil complained, and there was a hint of aggravation in his voice, obviouslytired of being pushed and shoved around.
Stellan couldn’t care less at this point. He was annoyedhimself that he’d have to play babysitter and then risk flying on sleepdeprivation just to get this nuisance to a proper cell.
He sat down on the hard metal stool opposite of the cell sohe could watch Neil. The pirate shifted around, trying to get comfortable inhis terribly uncomfortable position. 
Fortunately, he didn’t attempt furtherconversation with Stellan for the time being. Perhaps he felt insulted after beingtossed around like a cheap toy. Not that Stel cared, any minute spentwithout hearing that smug mockery is a minute he could spend in peace.
The time passed by slowly, punctuated with occasionalscreams or bangs from inmates nearby. As far as Stellan was aware, this wasn’ta torture prison, but its inhabitants were incredibly unstable. Prisoners hadto be chained up to avoid hurting themselves or guards. It felt more like acliché mental hospital than a federal jail.
Another reason it was so out of place to be here. Neilwasn’t insane - unstable, yes, but not crazy. Stellan had caught him for shortperiods of time often enough to have sometimes found a high dosis of toxic substancesin his bloodstream.
These were the flipsides to Neil’s smug facades. SidesStellan liked even less than his I-know-things-you-don’tsmirks. Sometimes he seemed exhausted with the world, so bitter and Stellanwould wonder if there was some truth to his story.
He didn’t put it past Neil to come up with a heart wrenchingbackstory just to evoke pity in the people who meant to capture him, but therewere moments when it seemed too real to be a facade.
For the sake of his own sanity, Stellan chose to mark Neilas an extremely good liar and call it done. Maybe he had loved his partner-in-crime, Phobos. Maybe there was more to thewhole story than the police knew - but it wasn’t Stellan’s business. All he hadto do - and wanted to do - was to make the galaxy safer for the innocentcivilians who lived there. And Neil was a threat to that safety, making him fitfor serving time in a cold and smelly cell.
Stellan’s mood brightened a bit when he caught hold of afellow officer via his comms, Franziska Meier, who listened to his dilemma and thenagreed to fly out early in the morning and help Stellan transport Neil off. Atleast then he could catch some shut eye. And four pairs of eyes were betterthan one. Not to mention that Franzi was quite the capable officer, severalyears older than Stellan and with twice as much experience.
The sound of quiet rustling snapped him out of his thoughtsand he looked up. Neil was still behind bars, still tied up, but he wasshifting around.
“Quiet down over there.” Stellan snapped, placinghis communicator away.
“I can’t help it, Sommers,” was the response.“You try standing here in chains, it’s fucking uncomfortable.”
“It’s nothing to what you’re going to have to enduretomorrow. Maybe if you wouldn’t have threatened the safety of millions ofinnocent people with your time-breaking shenanigans, you wouldn’t be here in anuncomfortable cell.”
Neil was quiet. When Stellan spared a glance in hisdirection, he found the blonde watching him, an unreadable expression on hisface.
“Those millions of innocent people would be deadalready if it weren’t for me.” He said.
Stellan rolled his eyes. “Suuuure. You’re just misunderstood and poor and we’re all evilmonsters for chasing the Anti-Hero™ when he’s just trying to do good.”
“No,” Neil interjected. “You’re justmorons.”
“Whatever. Save your sob stories. You’re going to getwhat you deserve.”
Why did it always come back to these conversations? Did hebelieve his lies so hard or did he consider Stellan for so dumb to actually buythem?
“I’m not lying. Go on, pull out a lie detector,Sommers. See it for yourself.”
“You’re afraid of the truth, aren’t you~?” Neilshifted and now he was smirking again, a knowing look on his face.
Stellan wished he could reach through the bars and smack thatlook right off.
“There’s no truth, you’re not a damn victim. You’re a wantedtime-and-space criminal that not only put people’s lives in danger with yourjumping around, you also broke into several top secret bases and stole confidentialinformation-”
Neil snorted.
“-and you have been associated with several Rick Sanchezs,who are hunted just as well. Not to mention your apparent partner-in-crimePhobos.”
“We’re not partners.” The shift was instant, backto that cold tone Neil took on whenever that name was mentioned.
“And yet he seemed to think so,” Stellan shotback. “You two have a history together, that much I know.”
His phone buzzed and he glanced down to see another messagefrom Franziska coming in. Idly, he replied as he continued.
“Dimensions were destroyed because of you. He enslavedpeople and wanted you to be part of his reign. Don’t try to trick me with yourlies, de Grammont. I’m not as gullible as you think.”
Stellan’s blood ran cold.
“You kinda are. Dummy.”
The voice wasn’t coming from the other side of the room anymore.Too late Stellan realized that Neil’s ‘uncomfortable’ shifting and idle babblewas once again just a distraction tactic while he picked the locks.
He could kick himself for being so careless and reached forhis gun at the same time Neil grabbed his phone away from him.
A moment of confusion ensured. Stellan refused to let goinstead of just drawing his weapon and was tugged up with Neil, who at the sametime leaned in to yank the gun away as well.
Their heads collided painfully with each other. Stellan fellforward, trying to grab hold of something and ended up with a fist full ofNeil’s shirt instead.
They tumbled to the floor in a series of curses and onceagain, their heads banged together
The world stood shock still. Stellan lay awkwardly on top ofthe taller man, a fist curled in his clothes. One of Neil’s hands rested on thesmall of his back, the other still reaching for the gun, which lay a few feetaway.
Neither moved for the longest two seconds in theMultiverse.  
Neil was the first one to move and Stellan followed suit,but he was unarmed and before he could make another lunge for the weapon, hehad gotten a hard knock to his head, making him see stars and forcing him tohis knees.
Once his vision had cleared, the comms had been smashed andNeil was gone, Stellan’s weapons along with him.
Shit, shit, shit!
He struggled to his feet and stumbled out clumsily, yellingthat there was a prisoner free and on the run.
“Shut down all routes immediately!” He shouted tothe baffled guards. But before anyone could move to action, the last glimpsesof long blonde hair disappeared into thin air.
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