#also love how they think Kaz is gonna make him pay the most vengeful sould he had ever encountered
lady-a-stuff · 1 year
IT PAINS me that Van Eck made Wylan BELIEVED all the hate and mockery and disregard he received from his father were okay, something people would do because of who he is
"I treat you no more harshly than the world will."
but then he meet the dregs, the crows and NO ONE treat him harshly because he can't read, joke's on you Van Eck
And it REALLY pains me that Wylan has a logical brain so how would he not believe that the logic voice of his father IT WASN'T RIGHT?
but it was his logic that haunted Wylan—that practical, irrefutable voice that spoke in Wylan’s head whenever he thought about attempting something new, or trying to learn to read again.
He only knew the biased logic of his father and based on that the world was constructed
And so the first thought Wylan has when he discovers that his father locked his mother in an asylum is THAT WAS HIS FAULT AAAAAAAAAGH I hate Van Eck
“You don’t understand. It was me. I caused this. He wanted a new wife. He wanted an heir. A real heir, not a moron who can barely spell his own name."
But Wylan HAS a logical brain, so when Jesper points out that parents aren't supposed to be like Van Eck and gives him and Mr. Fahey as an example Wylan CAN SEE THE TRUE 😭😭 also he had already talked with the crew about his condition and no one treated him badly because of it, he has other point of view about that, other's than his father's so he can beat what his father made him believe and I'm crying now
Anyways, hurts me when people are led to believe the bad things other people do to them are justified
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