#also lmaooo i didn't think an actual confessor would respond to my post but thanks ig
stuckinakillingjar · 2 years
https://stuckinakillingjar.tumblr.com/post/688788536371085312/oh-my-god-people-on-naruto-general-opinions-are I'm the one who posts most of the choIno confessions, expect the ones calling Ino a th*t or wh*r*. And I do try to get creative, I post many other ships to, but the mod hardly ever uploads them, I can send a message about another ship, and then send one about ChoIno afterwards and the choIno will get posted in like a week but the other will get posted after a couple of months. I think the mod just favors confessions about team 7 and team ten ships.
well that's interesting... idk how the mod picks the posts to upload, if they do it chronologically or after whatever they like best or think will get people to talk. i don't really keep up with the blogs anymore because i decided to not give a fuck, so i don't really know if this issue has been adressed or not.
maybe they don't go through everything chronologically but pick at random, but if it's ONLY your choino confessions that are getting posted there's definitely something fishy about that. i wouldn't really know why though, since i barely met anyone who actually ships choino (no front anon). maybe they just try to bring diversity into the ships that are being posted so it's not just anti nh/ss or sns??
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