#also is desast stalking ren?
sweetieangel300 · 3 years
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Kento vs Ren
Its actually a one-sided fight, Ren is just blocking Kento and not really fighting like he used to.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Minific idea: Desat appears to Ren again... with the other Swordsmen still with him (plus one optional Ise)
I’ll probably won’t include Ise in this one. Sorry about that!
Also, spoilers, this is going to get pretty wild 😂
Also also: Ren is a poor flustered gay ninja gremlin
“Ugh, it’s that guy again...” Ren groaned in annoyance when he saw a certain Megid from out of the corner of his eye. How long was he going to keep trying to tempt him?
“What guy?” Touma asked, following Ren’s gaze to see Desast, not-so-subtly observing them from a distance behind an alleyway. “Is he still stalking you? I thought he’d get scared off after you came back with us.”
“Like hell if I know why,” he complained. “I wish he’d stop already, he’s giving me the hives...” He shuddered. “He won’t even let me eat out in peace anymore...”
Touma, Kento and Rintaro shared a look between each other, then wicked smiles started to form on their faces. Ren noticed this and began to tense. “Why are you guys smiling like that...?” he asked nervously.
Kento put his arm around Ren’s waist, then pressed a kiss onto his hair. “Just play along, okay? Act all flustered and everything,” the older man whispered into his ear.
Ren had no need to act flustered, not when he actually was quite flustered by Kento’s sudden actions. “Wh-What?” he stuttered, uncharacteristically embarrassed. “Kento-kun, what’s going on...?”
“You’re so cute, Ren,” Kento said, more audible this time, “I just want to eat you up, you’re so adorable.”
Ren’s cheeks flushed red as Kento gently stroked his face. “E-Eh?” He couldn’t help but lean into the touch more. Kento seemed pleased by his reaction, smirking impishly.
(Can anyone blame him? He’s always held a torch for Kento, but this was beyond anything he’d dreamt of...)
“Hey, no fair, Kento,” Rintaro went to Ren’s other side, hugging him sideways. “Don’t hog the cute ninja gremlin! I want him too!”
Ren’s heart pounded in his chest as his mind whirled in confusion. “I... What? Rintaro?” he asked incredulously. 
“Oh, don’t act so modest, Ren,” Rintaro said, smiling at him sweetly. “You’re very pretty, don’t you know?” 
Ren gaped at him. “P-Pretty? I- I wouldn’t...” he stammered. His head spun dizzily as Rintaro chuckled, the sound going right down his spine and causing gooseflesh to erupt all over. 
Kento flirting with him was one thing, but Rintaro? Sure, Rintaro was an admirable swordsman, and maybe a little attractive, but...
And then Touma stepped right into his personal space, which meant Ren was trapped between his three very attractive, older teammates. Ren’s blush returned, full-force as Touma put a finger under his chin and tilted his head up. “Not you too...” groaned Ren, having had enough of their mischief.
Touma merely smirked at him with a hot, but playful glint in his eyes. “Maybe we should take you home and have some fun with you... I’m sure Mei wouldn’t mind if we brought you along tonight...”
“W-What?!” Ren squeaked, steam practically bursting out of his ears in his embarrassment. He felt his knees going weak and had it not been for Kento and Rintaro practically cuddling him, he’d have already collapsed.
Ren wondered what his life had come to. He hadn’t even wanted anything to do with Touma when they first met, how could he be the one doing him in like this?
Suddenly Touma’s intense look faded as he looked over Ren’s shoulder. “Oh, looks like it worked! He’s gone!”
Ren, however, was in the middle of a crisis as all the teasing got to him and then some. Metaphorical error messages popped up all over his head: Cannot compute, cannot compute, Akamichi Ren.exe has stopped working. 
“Ah... perhaps our plan worked too well...” Rintaro said, chuckling nervously.
“Ren? Are you alright?” Kento questioned, looking sincerely worried. However this did not do Ren’s poor little gay heart any favors.
The last thing Ren heard before he blacked out was the three of them calling out his name as he passed out in their arms.
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